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Observations from the Nimbus 6 pressure modulator radiometer (PMR) have been used to estimate monthly mean planetary wave fluxes of heat and momentum in the stratosphere and mesosphere. While the eddy heat fluxes play an important role in the mean meridional circulation of the winter stratosphere they are shown to be less important in the upper mesosphere. Incorporation of the observed momentum fluxes into the Oxford two-dimensional circulation model has shown that they are incapable of providing the momentum transport necessary to balance the zonal flow accelerations induced by the mean meridional motion. Other unspecified transfer processes represented by Rayleigh frictional damping of the zonal fow are shown to dominate. In contrast the observed fluxes in the stratosphere achieve the necessary redistribution of momentum. Moreover their interannual variability profoundly influences the stratospheric circulation, as demonstrated in the model by the use of two different annual sets of observed momentum fluxes. The desirability of calculating the planetary wave behaviour within the model is indicated.  相似文献   

Meterological rocket soundings, launched between 1969–74 at six locations representative of low, middle, and high altitudes, are employed with the use of the statistical theory of diffusion, to determine the zonal and meridional component of eddy diffusivity between 30 and 55 km as a function of season, latitude, and altitude. A comparison is also made between annually-averaged eddy diffusivities above and below 30 km.It is shown that the zonal component of eddy diffusivity is approximately three to five times as large as the meridional component, in most cases. Both components of eddy diffusivity vary greatly with season, latitude, and altitude. Highest eddy diffusivities, found in the vicinity of the winter westerly jet, are approximately one order of magnitude higher than those present during the summer. Tropical eddy diffusivities, however, remain relatively small throughout the year. Annually, a minimum is indicated near 25 km between maximums located at the stratopause and tropopause.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown the importance of the diffuse solar field in the photochemistry of atmospheric active species, the solar zenith angle being an effective parameter. In view of the diurnal and seasonal variability of this single quantity, in this paper estimates are presented of the daily-integrated values of the photodissociation coefficient of ozone throughout the year, for a purely molecular atmosphere in the absence of scattering and when the effects of molecular scattering are included, and for an absorbing-scattering turbid atmosphere characterized by two different aerosol loads. Also, different values of the ground albedo have been taken into account.Results are shown for a latitude of 45oN. The seasonal dependence is strong at altitudes below 20 km and less marked above 20 km. For an albedoA=0.3, the inclusion of molecular scattering increases the daily-integrated photodissociation coefficients approximately by 20% and 40% at 15 km and by 15% and 22% at 30 km, at the winter and summer solstice respectively. The presence of a heavy aerosol load modifies these results by a further factor which is approximately –5% and 10% at 15 km at the winter and summer solstice respectively, and is approximately constant at 8% throughout the year at 30 km.  相似文献   

Meteorological rocket soundings, launched between 1968–74 at six locations representative of low, middle, and high latitudes in the northern hemisphere, are employed to determine the vertical, meridional and off-diagonal components of the eddy diffusivity in the northern hemispheric statosphere and lower mesosphere.It is shown that the distribution of the vertical and meridional components of the eddy diffusivity are similar in the northern hemisphere, although the magnitude of the former is 107 smaller than that of the latter; the magnitude of the off-diagonal eddy diffusivity is about 103 smaller than that of the meridional eddy diffusivity. In the troposphere, a maximum eddy diffusivity occurs in the mid-latitude at about 7 km above the mean sea level for both the summer and winter seasons. In the stratosphere, a maximum eddy diffusivity occurs in the mid-latitude at about 33 km in the winter, but no maximum in the summer.Paper presented at the World Meterological Organization Technical Conference on Global Observations of Atmospheric Pollution Relative to Climate, Boulder, Colorado, 20–24 August 1979.  相似文献   

Powerful VHF radars are capable of almost continuously monitoring the threedimensional velocity vector and the distribution of turbulence in the middle atmosphere, i.e. the stratosphere and mesosphere. Methods of radar investigations of the middle atmosphere are outlined and the basic parameters, mean and fluctuating velocities as well as reflectivity and persistency of atmospheric structures, are defined. Results of radar investigations are described which show that the tropopause level as well as a criterion on the stability of the lower stratosphere can be deduced. Besides mean wind velocities, VHF radars can measure instantaneous velocities due to acoustic gravity waves. The interaction of gravity waves with the background wind is discussed, and it is shown that cumulus convection is an effective source of gravity waves in the lower stratosphere. The vertical microstructure of the stratosphere, manifesting itself in thin stratified sheets in which temperature steps occur, is investigated by applying knowledge from investigations of the oceanic thermocline. Possible origins, like shear generation and lateral convection of the microstructure of the stratosphere, are discussed. Observations of gravity waves in the mesosphere are reviewed and their connection with turbulence structures is pointed out. Finally, some open questions which could be answered by further VHF radar investigations are summarized.  相似文献   

Diurnal variations in the vertical ozone density distribution have been calculated for the height range 40–150 km by extending our existing computer programs. The steady-state profiles were first calculated for fifteen constituents in the original program and three additional constituents (CH4, CO and CO2); the result was used as the initial condition for the time-dependent solution. The profile of the eddy diffusion coefficient used in this study was determined by comparing the model profile with the observations for CH4, whose density distribution is verysenstive to the eddy diffusion coefficient The effects of hydrogen and nitrogen compounds on the ozone density are discussed somewhat quantitatively; they reduce the ozone density mainly in the mesosphere and stratosphere, respectively. Special attention is given to the large depression of the ozone density at around 70–85 km, which has been obtained in many theoretical models but has neither been explained nor definitely confirmed by observations. Our time-dependent model indicates that the depression develops at night by the effect of hydrogen-oxygen and nitrogen-oxygen reactions and of eddy diffusion transports. The latter effect also produces an increase of the ozone density after midnight at some heights in the depression region.  相似文献   

利用1958~2001年共44年的ECMWF资料及参数化方法,计算了对流层顶上、下3 km气层间的臭氧含量及其吸收太阳辐射加热率的时空分布.结果表明: (1) 臭氧分布的空间梯度从赤道指向两极,而加热率则是分别由高纬和低纬指向副热带,这样的经向梯度可能是驱动对流层顶结构变化的一种重要因素;两者空间分布的季节变化显著,但其对应关系并不完全一致,1月和4月的空间结构与7月和10月的相反,随季节调整具有突变现象;东亚及青藏高原是季节变化相对稳定的区域.(2) 在热带对流层顶控制区加热率与臭氧含量呈正相关,而极地对流层顶控制区各季节有所不同,还与太阳赤纬变化相关联;各纬度间加热率季节变化的位相和变率都存在差异,但南半球相对较为一致,最大距平为±2×10-4 K·d-1,北半球则较复杂,最大正距平为4×1010-4 K·d-1;两半球的季节周期位相趋于相反.(3) 除赤道外,臭氧距平的季节变化位相超前于加热率距平2~3月,并且发生在季节变化的调整期;最大距平出现在南极的8月大于0.4 DU,3~4月则小于-0.2 DU,而北极为±0.2 DU.(4) 臭氧含量和加热率的年际与年代际演变关系对应一致,并具有多尺度的结构特征;但两半球及赤道的时空演变差异明显,30° S~30° N间副热带控制区的加热率变幅剧烈,最大距平为±2.5×10-4 K·d-1,高纬和两极的变幅在不同演变期各不相同;臭氧的变幅结构与之相反,北极的最大距平分别大于0.25 DU和小于-0.35 DU.(5) 20世纪70年代以前及70年代中期,两半球的正负距平具有相反的演变结构,而90年代是负距平演变最剧烈的时期.  相似文献   

Coherency spectra derived from time series of stratospheric quantities indicate oscillations in the frequency range below 0.5 d–1 which are correlated on a global scale. Satellite observations of total ozone and stratospheric radiance (BUV and SIRS, Nimbus4, April–November 1970) have been used to derive phase relationships of such oscillations. As an example, an oscillation of total ozone with a period of 7.5 d and zonal wave number zero is analyzed in detail. The basic assumption is made and tested, that the oscillation reflects stratospheric planetary waves as obtained from Laplace's tidal equations. The observed latitudinal phase shifts for the total ozone oscillation are in good agreement with theoretical predictions. It is concluded from the observations of ozone and radiance that mainly divergence effects related to global-scale waves are responsible for the 7.5 d oscillations of total ozone at high and middle latitudes and at the equator whereas in the latitude range 10°S–20°S predominantly temperature effects are important. Meridional wind amplitudes of some 10 cm/s are sufficient to explain the high and mid-latitude ozone oscillations. At low latitudes vertical wind amplitudes of about 0.2 mm/s corresponding to height changes of the ozone layer of roughly ±20 m are obtained.  相似文献   

The stratosphere–mesosphere response to the major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) in the winter of 2003/2004 has been studied. The UKMO (UK Meteorological Office) data set was used to examine the features of the large-scale thermodynamic anomalies present in the stratosphere of the Northern Hemisphere. The vertical and latitudinal structure of the genuine anomalies, emphasized by removing the UKMO climatology, has been investigated as well. The features of the stratospheric anomalies have been related to the mesospheric ones in measured neutral winds from radars and temperatures from meteor radars (90 km). It was found that the stratospheric warming spread to the lower mesosphere, while cooling occurred in the upper mesosphere, a feature that may be related to the large vertical scales of the stationary planetary waves (SPWs). It was shown also that the beginning of the eastward wind deceleration in the stratosphere–mesosphere system coincided with the maximum amplification of the SPW1 accompanied by short-lived bursts of waves 2 and 3.  相似文献   

The effects of increased photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), UV radiation (UVR), and nutrient supply on photosynthetic activity, pigment content, C:N ratio and biomass yield were studied in tank cultivated Gracilaria conferta (Rhodophyta). Electron transport rate (ETR) and biliprotein content were higher under high nutrient supply (HNS), obtained from fishpond effluents, compared to low nutrient supply (LNS), in contrast to mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) dynamic. The high MAA content in LNS-algae could be explained by higher UVR penetration in the thallus and by the competition for the use of nutrients with other processes. Effective quantum yield decreased after short-term exposure to high irradiance whereas full recovery in shade was produced only under slightly heat shock. UVA radiation provoked an additional decrease in photosynthesis under high water temperature. UVB radiation reversed UVA’s negative effect mainly with HNS. Results support that nutrient-sufficiency help G. conferta to resist environmental changes as short-term temperature increase.  相似文献   

《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2003,65(11-13):1235-1243
The aim of the present paper is to study the solar response in the vertical structure of ozone and temperature over the Indian tropical region and a search for any mutual relationship between their solar coefficients on a decadal scale in the lower stratosphere. For the purpose, the data obtained by ozonesonde and Umkehr methods for the lower stratospheric ozone and that of the total ozone amount from Dobson spectrophotometer during the period 1979–2001 have been analyzed. These data are analyzed using the multi-functional regression model, which takes into account most of the known natural and anthropogenic signals. The NCEP- and MSU-satellite data for the temperature over this region have been used. Results indicate an in-phase correlation of around 0.5 between ozone and solar flux (F10.7) in the vertical structure over the equatorial station, Trivandrum (8.3°N) but no significant correlation over Pune (18.3°N). The solar components of ozone and temperature indicate an in-phase but poor correlation in the lower stratospheric altitudes over both stations. However, when total ozone content data is analyzed, it indicates a very high correlation (⩾0.9) between the solar components of ozone and temperature. The solar trend in the vertical distribution of ozone is found to be of the order of 5–25% per 100 units of F10.7 solar flux for Trivandrum but it is relatively smaller (1.6–15.2%) over Pune. The solar dependence of temperature is found to be quite significant for the entire Indian tropical region with not much latitudinal variation.  相似文献   

two-dimensional time dependent model of the stratosphere incorporating the major interactions between radiative-photochemical and dynamical processes is described. The main prognostic equations considered are the thermodynamic equation and the general conservation equation for the minor chemical constituents representing the odd oxygen (O x =O+('D)+O3), odd hydrogen (HO x =HO+HO2), N2O, odd nitrogen (NO x =NO+NO2+HNO3), CF2Cl2, CFCl3 and odd chlorine (Cl x =Cl+ClO+HCl). The zonal wind and mean meridional circulations are determined diagnostically by the integration of the thermal wind equation and the stream function equation in the meridional plane espectively. The large scale eddy processes are parameterized in terms of zonal mean quantities using the generalized diffusion formulation on a sloping surface. The radiative heating and cooling and the hotochemical sources and sinks are incorporated in a form which allows for the major interactions among the minor trace constituents, temperature and mean circulation.Two integrations consisting of natural stratosphere and a stratosphere contaminated by the chlorofluoromethanes through lower boundary fluxes are carried out for 23 model years by changing the declination of the sun every day and using 6-hour time step. The model simulations of temperature, mean circulation, ozone, HO x , N2O and NO x in the meridional plane for the normal stratosphere, show satisfactory agreement with the available observations. Based on the results of second integration it is found that the injection of chlorofluoromethanes in the atmosphere at the estimated current production rates can lead to significant changes in the meridional distribution of ozone, temperature and NO x in the middle and upper stratosphere. The results also indicate that the percentage total ozone depletion increases from tropics to high latitudes and from summer to winter high latitudes. Also discussed are the results of additional experiments incorporating the reaction of HO2 with NO and the reactions involving ClNO3.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of ozone are studied by taking into consideration both photochemical and dynamical processes. Assuming that the seasonal variations of total ozone amounts are linear combinations of photochemical equilibrium variations and those due to atmospheric motions, the observed variations of the total ozone amount seem reasonably to be explained.The concept mentioned above implies that the time scale of ozone might be rather short in the lower stratosphere. The order of the half restoration time was estimated to be 10 to 102 days in the lower stratosphere. Thus the estimated time scale of ozone must be somewhat longer than that of the temperature in the lower stratosphere, of which variation usually shows its maximum in the midwinter in middle latitudes, while that of ozone shows its maximum in the late winter or early spring. As the maximum values of both quantities would appear in the early summer without air motions, the similarity in the phase differences of temperature and ozone suggests the validity of the concept of this paper.  相似文献   

Summary By investigating the quasi-regular variations in ionospheric absorption along three distant radio paths with approximately one and the same equivalent frequency during the winters 1983/84 and 1984/85, an attempt is made to study the stratospheric-mesospheric relations at typical geographic mid latitudes. It is shown that the quasi-regular oscillations of ionospheric absorption, investigated in this paper, reach maximum development in each time series at one and the same time. This means, that if they are provoked by an external source when it starts acting, a spectrum of frequencies is generated rather than a definite fixed frequency. By studying the variation of the instantaneous amplitudes of the quasi-regular oscillations in ionospheric absorption with time, their connection with the amplification of the quasi-stationary planetary waves in the stratosphere with a zonal wave number 2 during the winter periods under investigation is shown.
Резюме Иссле?rt;овaнuем квaзuре улярных вaрuaцuŭ в uоносферном nо лощенuu в mрех nросmрaнсmвенно оm?rt;aленных рa?rt;uо-mрaссaх с nрuблuзumельно о?rt;ноŭ u mоŭ же эквuвaленmноŭ чaсmовоŭ зuмоŭ 1983/84 u 1984/85 . ?rt;елaеmся nоnыmкa uзучumь сmрamосферно-мезос ферные связu в munuчных сре?rt;ных щuроmaх. Покaзaно, чmо рaссмоmренные в рaбоmе квaзuре улярные колебaнuя в uоносферном nо лощенuu ?rt;осmu aюm мaксuмaльно о рaзвumuя в кaж?rt;ом временном ря?rt;у в о?rt;но u mо же время. Эmо ознaчaеm, чmо, еслu онu возбуж?rt;ены внещнuм uсmочнuком, mо nрu е о включенuu енерuруюmся не о?rt;нa чaсmоma, a целыŭ сnекmр чaсmоm. Изученuем временных uзмененuŭ м новенных aмnлumу?rt; квaзuре улярных колебaнuŭ в uоносфермон nо лощенuu зa uссле?rt;овaнные зuмнuе nерuо?rt;ы nокaзaнa uх связь с квaзu-сmaцuонaрнымu nлaнеmaрнымu колебaнuямu в сmрamосфере с зонaльным волновымu чuслом 2.

The effect of long-term (11-year solar cycle) solar UV variability on stratospheric chemical and thermal structure has been studied using a time-dependent one-dimensional model. Previous studies have suggested substantial variations in local and total ozone, and in stratospheric thermal structure from solar minimum to solar maximum. It is shown here that significant variations also occur in some of the trace constituents. Members of the HO x family and N2O exhibit the largest variations, and these changes, if detected, may provide additional means of verifying the presence of solar UV variability and its effects. Some of the species show large phase differences with the assumed solar flux variation. The role of chemical and transport time constants on the time variations of the trace species is examined. Comparisons with reported ozone and temperature data show reasonable agreement for the period 1960 to 1972.  相似文献   

江苏及邻近地区地震电磁辐射异常与地震关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对这20多年来江苏及其邻区的地震前的电磁波观测资料进行了整理,对出现的异常信息和地震的对应关系进行了统计分析,分析结果表明,电磁波异常信息与地震三要素有一定的对应关系,并对电磁波的性质从电磁波产生的机制和传播方式两个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The doses of gamma radiation, concentrations of radium isotopes in water and sediments, radon concentration and concentration of alpha potential energy of radon decay products in the copper ore mine and in the mining region in the vicinity of Lubin town in Poland are presented. These data served as a basis for the assessment of radiological hazard to the mine workers and general public. The results of this assessment indicate that radiological hazard in the region does not differ substantially from typical values associated with natural radiation background. The calculated average annual effective dose for copper miners is 1.48 mSv. In general, copper ore mines can be regarded as radiologically safe workplaces.  相似文献   

天然电磁辐射测深技术工作机理在本刊做过介绍,本文以实际观测为依据,对本项探测技术的工作机理做了验证叙述.对本项探测的技术特点加以归纳,并提出目前的一些局限.  相似文献   

青藏高原地区分布的湖泊数量众多、面积较大、分布范围广泛.受制于恶劣的自然条件,对该地区湖泊的光学吸收特性以及光合有效辐射衰减系数(Kd(PAR))的研究鲜有成果.本文依据2014和2015年间采集的13个典型高海拔、湖泊面积较大的湖库的现场实测数据和实验室测定数据,分析了采样湖库各个采样点的Kd(PAR)特征以及有色可溶性有机物(CDOM)、藻类颗粒物吸收及非色素颗粒物吸收特性,计算并分析了Kd(PAR)与透明度以及光学活性物质的关系.研究结果表明:青藏高原地区各湖库平均各项颗粒物吸收系数均较低,总颗粒物吸收系数在400~700 nm波段内不超过0.14 m~(-1)、CDOM吸收系数在355 nm波长处最高,为1.23 m~(-1)、最低接近于0、藻类颗粒物吸收特性不明显;实验数据完整的巴木错、格仁错和班公错的主导吸收组分各异,其中巴木错为CDOM吸收主导,格仁错与班公错为非色素颗粒物吸收主导;青藏高原采样湖泊总体Kd(PAR)平均值较小,仅为0.26 m~(-1),样点最大值出现在可鲁克湖(1.17 m~(-1)),最小值出现在普莫雍错(0.10 m~(-1));在采样湖泊中Kd(PAR)与透明度呈显著相关;Kd(PAR)与CDOM的相关性最强,叶绿素a浓度次之,与总悬浮颗粒物浓度的相关性最不显著.  相似文献   

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