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研究表明,地震波穿过构造活动相对稳定地区时,能量衰减不明显且具有高Q值;而穿过构造活动地区时,能量会发生强烈衰减且具有低Q值。本文利用Sato模型对依舒断裂带北段萝北-通河地区15个数字化地震台站记录到的266条M_L≥2.0地震尾波Q_c值进行了分析和研究,发现黑龙江萝北、通河附近地区Q_c值具有明显的复杂性和差异性,且萝北地区Q_c值远低于通河地区Q_c值,其原因一方面与区域构造活动有关,另一方面与区域地壳构造复杂、地下介质破碎、区域应力不断变化有关。本文还讨论了萝北、通河附近地区Q值随着频率变化的关系及Q_0值空间分布特征,有效地分析了该区域介质状态的变化过程,对萝北地区地震活动性的研究和预测有指导意义。  相似文献   

马力  雷湘鄂  孙和平 《地震学报》2010,32(6):670-679
采用Aki和Chouet的地震尾波单次散射模型,从IRIS台网下载昆明台记录到的200km范围内182次地震事件共546条宽频带观测资料.根据震中距的大小和地震分布的成丛性,在昆明台附近划分6个小区块,并计算了各区块对应散射椭球体内的尾波Qc值.计算得到这些散射椭球体内介质品质因子Q0在40—55之间,频率相关系数η在0.96—1.06之间.表明该地区是以低Q高η值为特征的构造活跃区.  相似文献   

根据单次散射(Aki)模型,利用2003年至今山东台网记录的26次2.9级以上地震的数字化地震波,研究并探讨了胶东半岛及两侧海域平均尾波Q值,在1~18Hz的频率域范围内,Q值与频率的依赖关系为:胶东北部海域Qc=(313士42),f^(0.653±0.145),胶东内陆Qc=(319±88)f^(0.649±0.145),黄海海域Qc=(259±60)f^(0.757±0.277),与国内其他区域尾波Q值研究结果相比,本区域Qc为高值、对频率低依赖性区域。可能与本研究区内构造活动弱、地震活动水平低有关。  相似文献   

浙江及邻区尾波Q值研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
基于单次散射(Aki)模型,利用2000年至今浙江及安徽台网记录的37次ML3.0以上地震的数字地震波资料,计算了浙江及邻近省区平均尾波Q值,并拟合了Q值对频率的依赖关系数据。结果为:Q(f)=212±33.5f0.62±0.11,与国内其它区域相比,本区域为Q值高值、对频率低依赖性区域。认为本研究区内构造活动弱,地震活动水平低。本文就Q值对频率、尾波窗长等的依赖性特征及影响Q值计算的噪声水平、滤波器、数据采样等因素进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

基于Aki单次散射模型,利用江苏数字地震台网记录的地震数字波形资料开展了江苏地区尾波Q值特征研究。结果表明,江苏地区总体上属于高Q值地区,但不同地区存在明显差异,总体呈现出南高北低的特点。本文对台站相对较密、地质构造特点明显、尾波Q0计算结果较为集中的四个区域分区进行了研究,获得了江苏四个区域的Q值与频率的特征关系。苏南至长江口和茅山断裂带附近为江苏的高Q值地区,苏中至沿岸为低Q值地区,苏北连云港及附近处于Q值中等水平地区。对照江苏四个Q值不同分区的构造及地震活动分析,Q值、地壳运动和地震活动性之间存在一定的相关关系。  相似文献   

基于Aki单次散射模型,利用江苏数字地震台网记录的地震数字波形资料开展了江苏地区尾波Q值特征研究。结果表明,江苏地区总体上属于高Q值地区,但不同地区存在明显差异,总体呈现出南高北低的特点。本文对台站相对密,地质构造特点明显、尾波Q0计算结果较为集中的四个区域分区进行了研究,获得了江苏四个区域的Q值与频率的特征关系。苏南至长江口和茅山断裂带附近为江苏的高Q值地区,苏中至沿岸为江苏的低Q值地区,苏北连云港及附近处于Q值中等水平地区。对照江苏四个Q值不同分区的构造及地震活动分析,Q值、地壳运动和地震活动性之间存在一定的相关关系。  相似文献   

利用云鹏水电站周边5个数字地震台站记录到的2000年1月至2008年12月间的108个地震的数字波形资料,采用Aki单次散射模型,计算了各台站周围423条地震记录的尾波Q0值。结果显示:云鹏水电站地区尾波的Qc值与频率的关系为Qc(f)=90.2f0.94。该地区的Q0值比云南其它构造活动强烈地区的要高,因此属于中等构造活动地区。云鹏水电站蓄水后弥勒台记录到的108个地震的尾波Q0值及分频Qc值有所下降,但下降幅度不大,表明水库蓄水对库区及其附近区域地下介质性质有所影响,但影响的程度有限。  相似文献   

粤西地区的地震尾波Q值和尾波衰减特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁劳  林美 《华南地震》1989,9(2):1-13
根据Aki的尾波理论,利用短周期仪器记录的地震资料,用两种方法估测了粤西地区的尾波Q值,得到了如下结果;Q_0值为260—370,频率相关系数η值为0.0—0.2。阳江地区的Q_0值较低,其它地区大致相同.Q_0值的分布与地质构造和地震活动有较好的相关性. 研究了粤西地区的尾波衰减特征,得到尾波衰减率K为1.88—3.18,K值与Q值的分布彼此有较好的对应性。以上结果可为地震烈度衰减和地震危险性分析等方面的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

利用小江断裂带及邻区10个数字地震台记录到的地震波形资料,采用Aki单次散射模型,计算了各台站半径60km范围内地震尾波Qc值,分别拟合得到10个台站的尾波Qc和η值,并用10个台站的平均结果得出了小江断裂带及邻区尾波Qc值与频率的关系。结果表明,小江断裂带及邻区总体上属低值Qc区;尾波Qc值空间差异较大,小江断裂带中段为低Qc值,明显低于北段和南段的Qc值。研究了尾波Qc值在时间上的变化与中强地震的关系。  相似文献   

本文利用Sato单次散射模型,研究1999年至2007年辽宁海城-岫岩地区尾波Q值随时间的变化情况及1999年岫岩5.4级地震和2000年5.1级两次中强地震发生阶段该地区的尾波Q值变化。计算结果表明:该区在地震活跃阶段,Qc值随时间变化起伏较大,平均值相对较高,在岫岩5.4级主震前有短时升高现象,之后Qc值并没有明显的降低,直到强余震序列结束之后Qc值逐步降低,趋于平稳,通过对比该区在地震活跃阶段与平静阶段的Qc值变化,可以为未来该区的强震预测提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This article summarizes work on multiple scattering based on models of media with randomly distributed scatterers. The scatterers are isotropic and statistically uniform. Measuring distance in terms of mean-free pathL s and time in terms of the mean-free timesL s/V, whereV is the velocity of scattered waves, we have more convenient dimensionless distance and time. It can be shown that after the dimensionless time equals 0.65 energy contributed from multiple scattering becomes predominant. Thus the later coda reflects the effect of multiple scattering rather than single scattering. Treating the seismic record, including starting and tail parts, as a whole, the diffusion theory predicts that at a dense distribution of scatterers and a small distance between source and receiver, codas reflect mainly intrinsicQ i. Of course, this conclusion is coincident with the presumption of the diffusion theory,Q s>Q i. However, from a new integral equation of multiple scattering, which deals with the scattered waves and primary waves separately, the conclusion is similar but clearer. This article quotes the new expression for coda energy in two-dimensional space. It shows that if the receiver is close to the source, the coda decay reflects only intrinsicQ i, then as the distance increases, effects of scatteringQ s, are involved in the decay feature. The theoretical plots of coda decay show that it seems in most cases in the earthQ i should not be smaller than one tenth ofQ s.Project Sponsored by the Joint Earthquake Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

基于Sato模型,采用2016年3月至2018年6月内蒙古东北部及临近地区发生的526次地震事件,挑选M_L≥2.0、记录清晰且信噪比较高的102次地震事件,拟合得到内蒙古东北部地区尾波Q值,得到Q_C(f)=(64.74±29.09)f(0.8925±0.0765);Q值与依赖指数η成反比,且该区北部Q值偏高,南部Q值偏低,可能与地质构造及地震活动性有关。  相似文献   

The seismic quality factor (Q c) and the attenuation coefficient (δ) in the earth’s crust in southwest (SW) Anatolia are estimated by using the coda wave method based on the decrease of coda wave amplitude by time on the seismogram. The quality factor Q o, the value of Q c at 1 Hz, and its frequency dependency η are determined from this method depending on the attenuation properties of scattered coda waves. δ is determined from the observations of amplitude variations of seismic waves. In applying the coda wave method, firstly, a type curve representing the average pattern of the individual coda decay curves for 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, 12.0, and 24.0 Hz values was estimated. Secondly, lateral variation of coda Q and the attenuation coefficients for three main tectonic patterns are estimated. The shape of the type curve is controlled by the scattering and attenuation in the crustal volume sampled by the coda waves. The Q o and η values vary from 30 to 180 and from 0.55 to 1.25, respectively for SW Anatolia. In SW Anatolia, coda Qf relation is described by and δ = 0.008 km−1. These results are expected to help in understanding the degree of tectonic complexity of the crust in SW Anatolia.  相似文献   

Attenuation of coda waves in the Northeastern Region of India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coda wave attenuation quality factor Qc is estimated in the northeastern region of India using 45 local earthquakes recorded by regional seismic network. The quality factor Qc was estimated using the single backscattering model modified by Sato (J Phys Earth 25:27–41, 1977), in the frequency range 1–18 Hz. The attenuation and frequency dependence for different paths and the correlation of the results with geotectonics of the region are described in this paper. A total of 3,890 Qc measurements covering 187 varying paths are made for different lapse time window of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 s in coda wave. The magnitudes of the analyzed events range from 1.2 to 3.9 and focal depths range between 7 and 38 km. The source–receiver distances of the selected events range between 16 and 270 km. For 30-s duration, the mean values of the estimated Qc vary from 50 ± 12 (at 1 Hz) to 2,078 ± 211(at 18 Hz) for the Arunachal Himalaya, 49 ± 14 (at 1 Hz) to 2,466 ± 197 (at 18 Hz) for the Indo-Burman, and 45 ± 13 (at 1 Hz) to 2,069 ± 198 (at 18 Hz) for Shillong group of earthquakes. It is observed that Qc increases with frequency portraying an average attenuation relation for the region. Moreover, the pattern of Qc − 1 with frequency is analogous to the estimates obtained in other tectonic areas in the world, except with the observation that the Qc − 1 is much higher at 1 Hz for the northeastern region. The Qc − 1 is about 10 − 1.8 at 1 Hz and decreases to about 10 − 3.6 at 18 Hz indicating clear frequency dependence. Pertaining to the spatial distribution of Qc values, Mikir Hills and western part of Shillong Plateau are characterized by lower attenuation.  相似文献   

Based on the single scattering model of coda power spectrum analysis, digital waveform data of 50 events recorded by the real-time processing system of the Chengdu telemetry network are analyzed to estimate the Q c values of earth medium beneath the Chengdu telemetry network for several specified frequencies. It is found that the Q c shows the frequency dependency in the form of Q c = Q 0 f n in the range of 1.0 to 20.0Hz. Estimated Q 0 ranges from 60.83 to 178.05, and n is found to be 0.713 to 1.159. The average value of Q 0 and n are 117 and 0.978 respectively. This result indicates the strong frequency dependency of the attenuation of coda waves beneath the Chengdu telemetry network. Comparing with the results obtained in other regions of the world, it is found that Q 0 −1 value and its change with frequency are similar to those in regions with strong tectonic activity. This subject is supported by the Ministry of Personnel, China for partly sponsoring.  相似文献   

Based on the waveform data of 5,076 local earthquakes recorded at 25 stations in Xinjiang during the period from 2009 to 2014 and the observation reports provided by the Xinjiang Digital Seismic Network,a data set of 19,140 attenuation factors t*is obtained by fitting the high-frequency attenuation of S-wave spectra with a genetic algorithm. The spatial distribution of Q_S is determined by inverting the t*data with seismic tomography. The results show that the average Q0 in eastern Tianshan is 520,and there is a significant correlation between the Q_S value distribution or attenuation characteristics it disclosed and the surface structure of the study area. The Q_S value is lower in the intersection area of the mountain basin which is located on the north and south sides of the Tianshan Mountains,and the high Q_S distribution is more concentrated inside the Tianshan orogenic belt. The M≥6. 0 earthquakes have been basically located in the Low-Q_S region since 1900. 24 high heat flow points in eastern Tianshan are located at the north and south of Tianshan Mountains where low Q_S exists,indicating a negative correlation. In addition,there is a positive correlation between the velocity structure and the attenuation structure in the study area,which reflects the consistency of the 2-D attenuation structure with the velocity structure and the two-dimensional density structure.  相似文献   

李金  周龙泉  王慧琳  向元 《中国地震》2017,33(2):229-238
利用天山中东段地区25个数字地震台站记录到的2009~2014年底5076个近震波形资料以及新疆地震台网提供的观测报告,采用遗传算法对S波位移谱的高频衰减进行拟合,得到19140条衰减算子t~*数据。根据这些t*数据,反演得到该区地壳Q_s值分布。结果表明,天山中东段地区平均Q_0值为520,其Q_s值分布及其所揭示的衰减变化特征与研究区的地表构造明显相关。天山南北两侧的山区盆地交汇部位Q_s值较低,而高Q_s值较为集中地分布于天山造山带内部。1900年以来天山中东段地区6级以上强震大多位于低Q_s值区域,该区24个高热流点也大多位于上述天山南北两侧的低Q_s值区域,热流值与衰减值呈负相关;此外,研究区的速度结构与衰减结构也呈一定的正相关,反映了二维衰减结构特征与速度结构、二维密度结构的一致性。  相似文献   

To detect any temporal change in coda-Q associated with an earthquake of M 6.2, digitized data from analog magnetic records of microearthquakes for a small confined region just around its hypocenter have been processed, with special attention to measuring errors. The M 6.2 earthquake took place at the Misasa town, Tottori Prefecture, in southwest Japan with preceding anomalous seismicity changes. TheQ values were elevated 20% around three years before the M 6.2 event for frequencies of 5 to 20 Hz, and tended to decrease around two years before. Data with high quality show undulated temporal variation with a period of 5–6 years before the earthquake, which is correlated with the regional seismic activity. There is a possibility that the observedQ change stands for precursory effect of the medium-scale earthquake. The aftershock sequence also shows an undulated temporal variation ofQ with a period of 150 days for around 10Hz, correlating also with the seismic activity. The fracturing processes by numerous microearthquakes may be responsible for the attenuation property of randomly scattered seismic waves.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to improve our knowledge of the attenuation structure in the Southern Apennines using a new amplitude ratio tomography method (Phillips et al., Geophys Res Lett 32(21):L21301, 2005) applied on both direct and coda envelope measurements derived from 150 events recorded by 47 stations of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia National Seismic Network (Rete Sismica Nazionale Centralizzata). The two-dimensional (2-D) analysis allows us to take into account lateral crustal variations and heterogeneities of this region. Using the same event and station distribution, we also applied a simple 1-D methodology, and the performance of the 1-D and 2-D path assumptions is tested by comparing the average interstation variance for the path-corrected amplitudes using coda and direct waves. In general, coda measurement results are more stable than using direct waves when the same methodology is applied. Using the 2-D approach, we observe more stable results for both waves. However, the improvement is quite small, probably because the crustal heterogeneity is weak. This means that, for this region, the 1-D path assumption is a good approximation of the attenuation characteristics of the region. A comparison between Q tomography images obtained using direct and coda amplitudes shows similar results, consistent with the geology of the region. In fact, we observe low Q along the Apennine chain toward the Tyrrhenian Sea and higher values to the east, in correspondence with the Gargano zone that is related to the Apulia Carbonate Platform. Finally, we compared our results with the coda Q values proposed by Bianco et al. (Geophys J Int 150:10–22, 2002) for the same region. The good agreement validates our results as the authors used a completely independent methodology.  相似文献   

We have collected 432 vertical component records from 45 stations of new CENC (China Earthquake Network Center) in Chinese mainland and adjacent regions. These records were used to calculate Q0 (Q at 1Hz) and η values of Lg coda from each station by the stack spectral ratio (SSR) method. Then the tomography method was applied to obtaining lateral variation of Q0 and η values in Chinese mainland and adjacent regions. The result indicates that Q0 value varies between 150 and 600 in the studied areas. Yunnan, southwest Sichuan, and northwest Myanmar show the lowest Q0 value (Q0〈240) and the crust of these regions is characterized by complicated crack and strong hydrothermal activity. The highest Q0 value (Qo〉510) exists in the border of southern Mongolia, Alxa and Ordos block. The η value varies between 0.45 and 0.75 in Chinese mainland and its adjacent regions.  相似文献   

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