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南北地震带北段近期强震趋势研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震后,南北地震带可能进入新一轮的强震活跃期.从汶川8.0级地震以来ML≥5.0地震活动空间分布特征来看,近期南北地震带北段与中、南段存在较大差异.由南北地震带强震前孕震区中强地震活动特征,并结合当前5级地震活动情况,认为应同时关注南北地震带中、南段和北段的强震危险性.甘东南地区出现的4级地震空区被2011年2月23日迭部-岷县交界ML4.4地震打破后,2011年11月1日空区周边又发生了青川Ms5.4地震,表明该空区及周边地区的地震活动增强.类比1990年共和7.0级地震前的空区演化过程,认为甘东南地区存在发生7级地震的可能.结合对甘东南地区主要大型断裂7级地震复发周期的综合分析认为,需关注南北带北段毛毛山断裂和金强河断裂、香山-天景山断裂东段、黄河断裂灵武段、西秦岭北缘断裂、六盘山-宝鸡断裂和东昆仑断裂东段玛沁-玛曲段发生7级地震的可能. 相似文献
综合活动构造与重要活动断裂带的历史及现今强震震源区或破裂分布等资料,南北地震带北段存在长期缺少Ms≥7.0地震的破裂空段.为了考察这些空段的地震危险性,首先采用Burgers体黏弹介质模型,计算周围有记载以来的历史强震在空段引起的库仑应力动态演化;其次结合背景地震发生率,采用Dieterich模型分析历史强震对空段地震活动的影响,讨论了空段所在区域的地震发生概率.结果显示,南北地震带北段强震破裂空段的地震危险性程度自高到低依次是:东昆仑活动断裂带东段的若尔盖—九寨沟段、六盘山断裂带中南段空段、香山—天景山段裂中南段同心空段、天祝—大靖空段、西秦岭北缘断裂带中西段、西秦岭北缘断裂带东段.该结果可为南北地震带北段的地震危险性估计提供参考. 相似文献
对1990年以来南北地震带南段发生的Ms5.0以上地震和北段发生的慨4.5以上地震的迁移现象进行分析。结果表明,在南北地震带南、北段发生的中强地震具有呼应现象,且呈现一定规律,即大致以30°N线为基线对称分布。通过对震源机制的对比分析,发现南段和北段的地震类型不一致,可能与不同的地质构造和作用力有关。 相似文献
时间-震级可预报模式在南北地震带分段危险性评估中的应用 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
为了定量评估南北地震带不同段落的长期地震危险性,引入了时间-震级可预报模式。在详细地震复发行为的基础上,沿南北地震带划分了39个震源区。利用其中27个震源的多轮回复发资料初步建立起时间-震级可预报统计模型。计算结果表明,不同震源的地震复发表现出较好的时间可预报行为以及相对较弱的震级可预报行为。以时间可预报模型为基础,对所有震源区未来地震的复发概率进行了估算,同时,用震级可预报模型对未来地震的震级作 相似文献
南北地震带地震活动分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
在综合分析有关南北地震带研究成果的基础上重点分析了南北地震带活动特征;根据该带地震活动特点和规律提出了南北地震带目前处于新的活动期;预测了今后发生强震的潜在危险区(段)为南北地震带的中北段。 相似文献
南北地震带北段及其两侧断层现今活动性 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
分析了南北地震带北段及其两侧跨断层流动形变资料,研究了各断裂带的活动水平、动态过程及其与强震的关系。结果表明,南北地震带北段及其两侧现今断层平均垂直活动速率为0.19mm/a,断层活动处于第四纪以来较低水平;区域断层活动增强是强震发生的重要标志之一;强震前断层异常活动存在由外围向震中迁移的特征;南西华山-六盘山断裂带为近年可能发生强烈地震的地区。 相似文献
利用1991—2015年GPS数据,研究南北地震带北段现今地壳水平速度场特征,根据区域地壳主应变率、面膨胀率及最大剪应变率的空间变化以及小震分布特征,对研究区主要断层的活动性及地震危险性进行综合分析。结果表明:①区域主应变率和最大剪应变高值区分布在海原断裂弧形构造带附近,香山—天景山断裂和六盘山断裂中南段应变率较低,结合历史地震及离逝时间,认为其可能处于孕震晚期;②海原断裂现今左旋走滑速率为(4±0.5)mm/a,香山—天景山断裂、烟筒山断裂和牛首山断裂活动性较弱,总体显示为逆冲兼走滑的性质;③震源深度剖面显示老虎山断裂、海原断裂南东段小震分布较密集而均匀,海原断裂北西段小震较少,香山—天景山东南段存在一个小震稀疏段,断层可能已经闭锁,未来应重点关注。 相似文献
采用中国地震局陆态网络数据,解算并对比南北地震带北段速度场、速度投影、基线时间序列。对比发现:①各点速度矢量呈顺时针旋转;②相对于鄂尔多斯块体,2011-2015年银川地堑各站(银川、盐池、中卫、海原等)沿NNW方向扩张;③祁连断裂表现为左旋剪切和逆冲挤压,2013年起闭锁加强;海原断裂表现为稳定的左旋和逆冲,2013年起剪切加速;六盘山断裂表现为持续并放缓的逆冲和较弱的右旋;西秦岭北缘断裂带西段呈高速且放缓的逆冲以及高速但低应变累积的左旋,东段保持高速稳定的左旋和持续逆冲。 相似文献
Migration of strong earthquakes (M≥ 7.0) along the North-South Seismic Belt of China since 1500 AD shows three patterns: Approximately equal time and distance interval migration from N to S, varied patterns of migration from S to N and grouped strong earthquake activity in a certain period over the entire seismic belt. Analysis of strong earthquakes in the past hundred years shows that the seismicity on the North-South Seismic Belt is also associated with strong earthquake activities on the South Asia Seismic Belt which extends from Myanmar to Sumatra, Indonesia. Strong earthquakes on the former belt often lag several months or years behind the quakes occurring on the later belt. So, after the occurrence of the December 26, 2004 Ms8.7 great earthquake off the western coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, the possibility of occurrence of strong earthquakes on the North-South Seismic Belt of China cannot be ignored. The abovementioned migration characteristics of strong earthquakes are related to the northeastward collision and subduction of the India Plate as well as the interaction between the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau and the stable and hard Ordos and Alashan Massifs at its northeastern margin. 相似文献
南北地震带南段大震活动频繁。已有的研究结果表明,大震近场范围场点的地震危险性与地震破裂面产状及其尺度密切相关。因此,在南北地震带南段需要考虑潜在震源三维特征进行地震危险性分析和地震区划研究。本文在充分搜集大震发震构造资料的基础上,在南北地震带南段构建了考虑震源尺度和产状的潜在震源模型,改进了地震危险性概率分析方法,进而对该地区进行地震区划研究。结果表明,考虑潜在震源三维特征的地震危险性分析结果可以有效地反映南北地震带南段发震构造的产状和尺寸特征,提高地震区划结果的合理性。 相似文献
以南北地震带北段长时间、 连续并有多次震例记录的流体观测资料为研究对象, 使用Molchan图表法对其与周边地震的关系进行了检验和分析, 计算了时间占有率、 预测效能和概率增益等参数。 结果表明, 南北地震带北段各台项的预测效能差别较大。 整体看来, 甘东南地区的观测资料检验效果较好, 表现为概率增益较大; 青海东部地区的多个测项预测效能检验结果较好, 但概率增益较小; 宁夏北部贺兰山东麓断裂附近两台项的报准率差别不大, 但概率增益、 时间占有率等却都不同。 此外, 从前兆资料变化时间上看, 短期异常和长期异常都较多, 中期异常较少。 相似文献
基于CAP方法,使用地震波形资料,计算得到了2009年1月~2017年8月期间南北地震带及周边区域466个3.5级以上地震震源机制解。在补充收集1976年1月~2017年8月GCMT公布的259个4.5级以上地震震源机制解的基础上,分析了南北地震带地震震源机制解和应力特征。震源机制空间分布显示,不同断裂带、块体间表现出不同的震源机制空间分布特征,该特征与南北地震带不同段落活动构造性质基本吻合。作为青藏高原东边界的南北地震带,由于动力环境复杂,其内部P轴方向具有明显的差异性。这种差异主要表现为:南北地震带北段P轴呈NE向分布;龙门山断裂带及周边除NE段P轴取向为NW—NNW向外,其他地段P轴近EW向;川滇菱形块体内部P轴呈NNW向,而其西边界以西呈NNE向,东边界以东呈NW向,应力方向转换带的与川滇菱形块体边界基本一致。整体而言,南北地震带及近邻P轴方向由北到南发生了顺时针转动。 相似文献
In this paper, using the 1999 ~ 2007 GPS velocity field data, and by choosing the optimal block model, we obtained the deformation models applicable to the boundary zones of major blocks and the slip rates of block boundary faults on the mid-southern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt. The results show that: on the Longmenshan fault zone, the tensional and compressive slip rate is small on the Baoxing-Wenchuan segment, about 0. 5 ~ 1.8mm·a^-1, and the rate is relatively significant on the segment of the Wenchuan--Maoxian, as 1.8 ~3.8mm·a^-1; on the Xianshuihe fault belt, there is a certain difference in spatial distribution between the tensional slip rag.e and strike-slip rate: the tensional slip rate ( 8. lmm~a-1) is bigger than the sinistral strike-slip rate ( 4.8mm·a^-1) at the north of the Luhuo region; the tension and compression slip rate is basically the same as the strike-slip rate at Luhuo-Dawu; the Dawu-Kangding section presents a trend of decreased strike-slip rate and increased tensional slip rate; the Kangding-ghimian segment shows a strike-slip nature; the strike-slip rate is significantly greater than the tension/compression rate on the Xiaojiang fault zone; the slip rate on the Red River fault zone shows obvious spatial segmentation, the slip rate is smaller in its northwest part, but with a certain amount of tensional/compression component, 4. 7mm·a^-1 on the Jingdong segment. The segment east of Jingdong ( western Gejiu) is mainly of strike-slip, with a slip rate of 4. 5mm·a^-1. 相似文献
南北地震带作为中国大陆地应力场一级分区的边界,其构造应力场的研究对理解大陆强震机理、构造变形和地震应力的相互作用具有重要意义.本文收集南北地震带1970—2014年的震源机制解819条,按照全球应力图的分类标准对震源机制解进行分类,发现其空间分布特征与地质构造活动性质比较吻合.P轴水平投影指示了活动块体的运动方向,T轴水平投影在川滇块体及邻近地区空间差异特征最为突出,存在顺时针旋转的趋势.南北地震带的最大水平主应力方向具有明显的分区特征,北段为NE向走滑类型的应力状态,中段为NEE—EW—NWW向的逆冲类型,南段为SE—SSE—NS—NNE向走滑和正断类型,在川滇块体的北部和西边界应力状态为EW—SE—SSE的正断层类型,表明来自印度板块的NNE或NE向的水平挤压应力和青藏高原物质东向滑移沿大型走滑断裂带向SE向平移的复合作用控制了南北地震带的岩石圈应力场.川滇块体西边界正断层类型应力状态范围与高分辨率地震学观测得到的中下地壳低速带范围基本吻合,青藏高原向东扩张的塑性物质流与横向边界(丽江—小金河断裂带)的弱化易于应变能的释放,在局部地区使NS向拉张的正断层向EW向拉张正断层转变.反演得到的应力状态基本上与各种类型地震的破裂方式比较吻合,也进一步验证反演结果的可靠性,可为地球动力学过程的模拟和活动断层滑动性质的厘定提供参考. 相似文献
Crustal velocity,density structure,and seismogenic environment in the southern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt,China 下载免费PDF全文
The southern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt in China is a critical region for earthquake preparedness and risk reduction efforts. However, limited by the low density of seismic stations and the use of single-parameter physical structural models, the deep tectonic features and seismogenic environment in this area remain controversial. Thus, a comprehensive analysis based on high-resolution crustal structures and multiple physical parameters is required. In this study, we applied the ambient noise tomography method to obtain the three-dimensional (3D) crustal S-wave velocity structure using continuous waveform data from 112 permanent stations and 350 densely distributed temporary stations in the southern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt. Then, we obtained the high-resolution 3D density structure through wavenumber-domain 3D gravity imaging constrained by the velocity structure. The low-velocity and low-density anomalies in the upper crust of the study area were mainly distributed in the Sichuan Basin and around Dali and Simao, while the high-velocity and high-density anomalies were primarily distributed in the Panxi region, corresponding to the surface geological features. Two prominent low-velocity and low-density anomalies were observed in the middle and lower crust: one to the west of the Songpan-Garzê block and Sichuan-Yunnan diamond-shaped block, and the other near the Anninghe-Xiaojiang fault. Combined with the spatial distribution of seismic events in the study area, we found that previous earthquakes predominantly occurred in the transition zones between high and low anomaly regions and in the low-velocity and low-density zones in the upper crust. In contrast, moderate-to-strong earthquakes mainly occurred within the transition zones between high and low anomaly regions and close to the high-velocity and high-density regions, often with low-velocity and low-density layers below their hypocenters. Fluids play a critical role in the seismogenic process by reducing fault strength and destabilizing the stress state, which may be a triggering factor for earthquakes in the study area. Additionally, the upwelling of molten materials from the mantle may lead to energy accumulation and stress concentration, providing an important seismogenic background for moderate-to-strong earthquakes in this area. 相似文献
In order to estimate the recurrence intervals for large earthquakes occurring in eastern Anatolia, this region enclosed within
the coordinates of 36∘–42∘N, 35∘–45∘E has been separated into nine seismogenic sources on the basis of certain seismological and geomorphological criteria, and
a regional time- and magnitude-predictable model has been applied for these sources. This model implies that the magnitude
of the preceding main shock which is the largest earthquake during a seismic excitation in a seismogenic source governs the
time of occurrence and the magnitude of the expected main shock in this source. The data belonging to both the instrumental
period (MS≥ 5.5) until 2003 and the historical period (I0≥ 9.0 corresponding to MS≥ 7.0) before 1900 have been used in the analysis. The interevent time between successive main shocks with magnitude equal
to or larger than a certain minimum magnitude threshold were considered in each of the nine source regions within the study
area. These interevent times as well as the magnitudes of the main shocks have been used to determine the following relations:
fwawhere Tt is the interevent time measured in years, Mmin is the surface wave magnitude of the smallest main shock considered, Mp is the magnitude of the preceding main shock, Mf is magnitude of the following main shock, and M0 is the released seismic moment per year in each source. Multiple correlation coefficient and standard deviation have been
computed as 0.50 and 0.28, respectively for the first relation. The corresponding values for the second relation are 0.64
and 0.32, respectively. It was found that the magnitude of the following main shock Mf does not depend on the preceding interevent time Tt. This case is an interesting property for earthquake prediction since it provides the ability to predict the time of occurrence
of the next strong earthquake. On the other hand, a strong negative dependence of Mf on Mp was found. This result indicates that a large main shock is followed by a smaller magnitude one and vice versa. On the basis
of the first one of the relations above and taking into account the occurrence time and magnitude of the last main shock,
the probabilities of occurrence P(Δ t) of main shocks in each seismogenic source of the east Anatolia during the next 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years for earthquakes
with magnitudes equal 6.0 and 7.0 were determined. The second of these relations has been used to estimate the magnitude of
the expected main shock. According to the time- and magnitude-predictable model, it is expected that a strong and a large
earthquake can occur in seismogenic Source 2 (Erzincan) with the highest probabilities of P10 = 66% (Mf = 6.9 and Tt = 12 years) and P10 = 44% (Mf = 7.3 and Tt = 24 years) during the future decade, respectively. 相似文献
In view of the correlation between tectonic activity and seismicity, the strong earthquake risk in the North-South Seismic Belt aroused wide concern after the 2014 Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquake. Using the seismic catalog of the China Earthquake Networks Center, the Benioff strain ratio in the North-South Seismic Belt is calculated in 30 days before and after the March 21, 2008 and February 12, 2014 Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquakes. Results show that in a year after the 2008 Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquake, M 〉 5. 0 earthquakes all occurred near the high strain ratio area or the junction between the low and high strain ratio areas, the activity of strong earthquakes obviously coincides with the high strain ratio area, which indicates that these areas have a higher stress level. The Yutian earthquakes promoted the release of small earthquakes in the high stress areas. This research is of certain indicating significance to the study of subsequent strong earthquakes of this region. 相似文献