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Chemical compositions of precipitation samples collected from a remote and high elevation site (Nam Co Station, 30°46.44??N, 90°59.31??E, 4730?m?a.s.l.) in central Tibetan Plateau (TP, hereafter) from August 2005 to August 2009 are investigated. During the study period, Ca2+ and HCO 3 - have the highest concentrations among ions and are the dominant cation and anion in precipitation, taking 27.46?% and 30.84?% to the total ions respectively. Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) analyses reveal that crustal aerosol inputs significantly contributed to the loading of Ca2+, Mg2+, SO 4 2- and HCO 3 - in precipitation, while lake salt plays a major source of K+ and Cl-. Seasonal variations of ionic wet deposition fluxes show high values during monsoon seasons due to large precipitation amount. Among the cations, annual Ca2+ flux is the largest (86.26?eq hm?2), Na+ and NH 4 + fluxes are following. Among anions, HCO 3 - has the highest flux (98.66?eq hm?2) while that of NO 3 - is the lowest. Annual wet deposition of nitrogen has varied considerably with the average value of 0.70?kg?ha?1 a?1 at Nam Co Station. About 80?% of total nitrogen flux occurs during the monsoon seasons when precipitation is concentrated, in which NH 4 + and NO 3 - contributed to 61?% and 39?% of the total nitrogen deposition. Thus, our ionic concentrations and wet deposition fluxes in precipitation can provide a useful dataset to assess atmospheric environment and its impacts on ecosystem in the inland TP.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main experimental results of surface ozone concentrations measured at a rural area in Northern Spain from February 2000 to December 2005. Daily and seasonal variation of ozone has been analysed. The peak concentration levels are obtained in the afternoon, mean value around 88 μg m−3, with extreme average values of 59 μg m−3 in January and 113 μg m−3 in July. Small differences are found in the mean and median of the ozone levels from April to August, when spring and summer maxima are observed. Despite the great inter-annual ozone variability obtained, most air quality indicators showed a positive trend. Further analysis of the monthly mean ozone concentrations of the main percentiles have also been performed using a harmonic model. The upward trend was 6.2 ± 1.7 μg m−3 for the 98th percentile. To interpret the main features of the annual cycle and describe the ozone peaks, the influence of meteorological factors is studied. In summer, ozone production is governed by local processes, air temperature being the major controlling factor. However, the origin of the spring maximum is not so well identified.  相似文献   

Using daily precipitation data spanning 1960–2005 from 51 meteorological stations in Xinjiang province, China, spatial and temporal changes in consecutive maximum wet days in the year, summer, and winter were investigated. Fifteen precipitation extreme indices, which reflect the attributes of consecutive maximum wet days, were defined, and the modified Mann–Kendall test was applied to detect the tendencies, and changes in the indices were evaluated through linear regression with the F test. Results showed that: (1) two consecutive wet days occurred most frequently in the year and summer, and the fractional contributions and precipitation intensities decreased as the duration increased; in winter, one wet day had the maximum possibility, fractional contributions decreased and intensities increased as the duration increased. (2) The possibility of consecutive wet days which had short durations reduced, while those of long durations increased; annual fractional contributions of short durations decreased, while those of long durations increased; summer and winter fractional contribution of all durations decreased first and then increased; the intensities of all durations increased. (3) The wet tendency was identified in Xinjiang; the wet trend in Southern Xinjiang was more significant than Northern Xinjiang in summer, while in winter the wet tendency in Northern Xinjiang was more pronounced.  相似文献   

Changes in precipitation exert an enormous impact on human life, and it is of vital importance to study regular patterns of meteorological and hydrological events. In order to explore the changing spatial and temporal patterns of precipitation amounts, precipitation extremes and precipitation concentration in Jiangxi province in southeast China between 1960 and 2008, several precipitation indices series were analysed using the Mann–Kendall test in this study. Our results indicate remarkable differences among the stations with negative and positive precipitation trends at the annual, seasonal and monthly scales, significant increasing trends are mainly found during January, August, winter and summer, while significant decreasing trends mostly are observed during October and autumn. For precipitation extremes, most precipitation indices suggest that both the intensity and the days of extreme precipitation are increasing; the mean precipitation amount, especially, on a wet day shows a significant positive trend. When it comes to precipitation concentration, the monthly rainfall heterogeneity shows an insignificant downward trend, while the contribution of the days with greatest rainfall displays an insignificant upward trend. Furthermore, the long-range persistence is detected for changing process of precipitation amount, extreme precipitation and precipitation concentration using the Rescaled Range Analysis.  相似文献   

The spatial–temporal variability of the precipitation extremes defined by eight precipitation indices based on daily precipitation dataset was analyzed using the linear regression method and the Mann–Kendall test. The results indicate that increasing trends in the precipitation amount, rainy days, and the intensity of the extreme precipitation were identified at above 70 % of the total rain stations considered in this study, with more than 30 % of them were significant, while most stations show notable decreasing trend in the annual maximum consecutive no-rain days. Significantly increasing trends of the precipitation extremes are observed mainly in the northern Xinjiang and the north of the southern Xinjiang. Most extreme precipitation indices show a potential regime shift starting from the middle of 1980s. The magnitude of the trends is compatible with their pattern of spatial stability. The generally increasing trends in precipitation extremes are found in this study.  相似文献   

Based on the property of entropy, a new index Q was defined to measure the temporal concentration property of summertime daily rainfall in China, based on daily precipitation data collected at 553 observation stations in China during 1961–2010. Furthermore, changes in the temporal concentration property of summer precipitation in China were investigated. The results indicate that the regions with larger Q values were located in most parts of Northwest China and the north of the Yellow River, where daily precipitation tended to become temporally concentrated during the study period. On the contrary, smaller Q values were found in eastern Tibetan Plateau, southeastern Northwest China, and most parts of Southwest and South China. The most obvious increasing trend of Q index was found in South China and most parts of Southwest China, where precipitation showed a temporal concentration trend. However, a decreasing trend of Q index was found in Northwest China, the Tibetan Plateau, and the north of the Huaihe River. Variations of the Q index and the summer rainfall total during 1961–2010 in China both exhibited an increasing trend, implying larger temporal variability in rainfall attributes. It is illustrated that the summer precipitation in general became more temporally concentrated with more intense rainfall events and wetter days.  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal and diurnal variations in the vertical component of the atmospheric electric field, air temperature, relative humidity and horizontal wind speed were studied using the surface data for the two periods (1936–40) and (1962–66) recorded at the tropical urban station, Colaba, Bombay (18°51N, 72°49E, 11 m ASL), located on the west coast of India.The atmospheric electric field during the latter period (1962–66) is significantly higher (up to 42.3%) than the earlier period (1936–40). This has been attributed to the enhanced particulate concentrations in the atmosphere. The increase noticed in the atmospheric electric field is a maximum during winter and minimum during the monsoon. The atmospheric electric field exhibited a marked semi-diurnal oscillation with peaks at 0900 LST and 2200 LST during winter, premonsoon and post-monsoon seasons of both the periods. During the monsoon season the double oscillation is not marked.The variations noticed in the surface air temperature and the relative humidity are in agreement with those observed in the atmospheric electric field. The horizontal wind speed showed a decrease which has been attributed to the surface roughness resulting from urbanization.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

A new method for calculating evaporation is proposed, using the Penman–Monteith (P-M) model with remote sensing. This paper achieved the effective estimation to daily evapotranspiration in the Ziya river catchment by using the P-M model based on MODIS remote sensing leaf area index and respectively estimated plant transpiration and soil evaporation by using coefficient of soil evaporation. This model divided catchment into seven different sub-regions which are prairie, meadow, grass, shrub, broad-leaved forest, cultivated vegetation, and coniferous forest through thoroughly considering the vegetation diversity. Furthermore, optimizing and calibrating parameters based on each sub-region and analyzing spatio-temporal variation rules of the model main parameters which are coefficient of soil evaporation f and maximum stomatal conductance g sx . The results indicate that f and g sx calibrated by model are basically consistent with measured data and have obvious spatio-temporal distribution characteristics. The monthly average evapotranspiration value of simulation is 37.96 mm/mon which is close to the measured value with 33.66 mm/mon and the relative error of simulation results in each subregion are within 11 %, which illustrates that simulated values and measured values fit well and the precision of model is high. In addition, plant transpiration and soil evaporation account for about 84.64 and 15.36 % respectively in total evapotranspiration, which means the difference between values of them is large. What is more, this model can effectively estimate the green water resources in basin and provide effective technological support for water resources estimation.  相似文献   

We have studied long-term changes in tropospheric NO2 over South India using ground-based observations, and GOME and OMI satellite data. We have found that unlike urban regions, the region between Eastern and Western Ghat mountain ranges experiences statistically significant decreasing trend. There are few ground-based observatories to verify satellite based trends for rural regions. However, using a past study and recent measurements we show a statistically significant decrease in NOX and O3 mixing ratio over a rural location (Gadanki; 13.48° N, 79.18° E) in South India. In the ground-based records of surface NOX, the concentration during 2010–11 is found to be lower by 0.9 ppbv which is nearly 60 % of the values observed during 1994–95. Small but statistically significant decrease in noon-time peak ozone concentration is also observed. Noon-time peak ozone concentration has decreased from 34?±?13 ppbv during 1993–96 to 30?±?15 ppbv during 2010–11. NOX mixing ratios are very low over Gadanki. In spite of low NOX values (0.5 to 2 ppbv during 2010–11), ozone mixing ratios are not significantly low compared to many cities with high NOX. The monthly mean ozone mixing ratio varies from 9 ppbv to 37 ppbv with high values during Spring and low values during late Summer. Using a box-model, we show that presence of VOCs is also very important in addition to NOX in determining ozone levels in rural environment and to explain its seasonal cycle.  相似文献   

Based on daily precipitation records at 75 meteorological stations in Hunan Province, central south China, the spatial and temporal variability of precipitation indices is analyzed during 1961–2010. For precipitation extremes, most of precipitation indices suggest that both the amount and the intensity of extreme precipitation are increasing, especially the mean precipitation amount on a wet day, showing a significant positive trend. Meanwhile, both of the monthly rainfall heterogeneity and the contribution of the days with the greatest rainfall show an upward trend. When it comes to rainfall erosivity, most of this province is characterized by high values of annual rainfall erosivity. Although the directions of trends in annual rainfall erosivity at most stations are upward, only 6 of the 75 stations have significant trends. Furthermore, the spatial and temporal variation of dryness/wetness has been assessed by the standardized precipitation index (SPI). The principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the SPI series computed on 24-month time scales. The results demonstrated a noticeable spatial variability with three subregions characterized by different trends: a remarkable wet tendency prevails in the central and southern areas, while the northern areas are dominated by a remarkable dry tendency.  相似文献   

Homogeneous time series of atmospheric precipitation with corrected systematic errors of measurements at 100 stations in Russia for the period of 1936–2000 are obtained. Combined effects are considered of all kinds of systematic errors of standard network precipitation-measuring instruments (the raingauge with the Nifer shield and the Tret’yakov raingauge) on the measured precipitation totals. Comparative analysis is carried out of the measured and corrected long-term mean characteristics of precipitation amounts (annual totals, warm and cold season totals, and different types of precipitation). On the basis of the obtained archives of precipitation homogeneous time series, linear trends are estimated for the period under consideration with estimation of their statistical significance. Schematic charts are plotted and analyzed of time changes in the annual precipitation amounts and in the amounts of different types of precipitation.  相似文献   

Using the data from the Chernobyl meteorological station for 2000–2010 and the wavelet analysis, the seasonal variations are analyzed of the average daily wind speed, wind gusts, wind speed variability, and instability coefficient (the ratio of the maximum wind speed to the average wind speed for each measurement). It is revealed that all parameters have pronounced seasonal variations, and the positions of seasonal maximum and minimum values of all variables under study are shifted relative to each other. The mean values of the shift between the seasonal variations of maximum and the average wind speed amount to 60–70 days, and those of the shift between the average speed and the instability coefficient, to about 145 days. The mentioned peculiarities of the display of seasonal variations are explained by atmospheric turbulent conditions. Proposed is a model that interprets the variability of the parameters under consideration as the statistics of separate eddies in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The University of Oklahoma’s Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) was used to examine the impacts of varying mean soil moisture and model resolution on the magnitude and frequency of precipitation events in the U.S. Central Plains and to determine whether modeled soil moisture and precipitation fields exhibit scale invariance using the statistical moments. It was found that high soil moisture resulted in greater precipitation amounts and a higher frequency of events, suggesting the occurrence of a positive soil moisture–precipitation feedback. The scaling analysis performed on cumulative precipitation determined that these fields did not exhibit signs of self-similarity and, therefore, statistical properties cannot be predicted at other resolutions. The scaling properties of soil moisture were highly variable in time which has important implications for the use of remotely sensed data, as scaling properties from 1 day cannot necessarily be applied to subsequent days.  相似文献   

In this study, the trends and periodicity in climate extremes are examined in Hunan Province over the period 1960–2013 on the basis of 27 extreme climate indices calculated from daily temperature and precipitation records at 89 meteorological stations. The results show that in the whole province, temperature extremes exhibit a warming trend with more than 50% stations being statistically significant for 7 out of 16 temperature indices, and the nighttime temperature increases faster than the daytime temperature at the annual scale. The changes in most extreme temperature indices show strongly coherent spatial patterns. Moreover, the change rates of almost all temperature indices in north Hunan are greater than those of other regions. However, the statistically significant changes in indices of extreme precipitation are observed at fewer stations than in extreme temperature indices, forming less spatially coherent patterns. Positive trends in indices of extreme precipitation show that the amount and intensity of extreme precipitation events are generally increasing in both annual and seasonal scales, whereas the significant downward trend in consecutive wet days indicates that the precipitation becomes more even over the study period. Analysis of changes in probability distributions of extreme indices for 1960–1986 and 1987–2013 also demonstrates a remarkable shift toward warmer condition and increasing tendency in the amount and intensity of extreme precipitation during the past decades. The variations in extreme climate indices exhibit inconstant frequencies in the wavelet power spectrum. Among the 16 temperature indices, 2 of them show significant 1-year periodic oscillation and 7 of them exhibit significant 4-year cycle during some certain periods. However, significant periodic oscillations can be found in all of the precipitation indices. Wet-day precipitation and three absolute precipitation indices show significant 1-year cycle and other seven provide significant power at the 4-year period, which are mainly found during 1970–1980 and after 1992.  相似文献   

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