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七月的内蒙古到处是一片绿,绿色的草丛,绿色的树木,绿色的麦田……绿的可爱,绿的温馨。蓝蓝的天空,偶尔有几片白云,在流动,云朵,像雪白的棉花堆一样,时而堆集,时而分散,看上去是那样的悠闲,那样的自然,真让人陶醉。进入了丘陵地带,这里有村庄、有麦田,还有黄黄的油菜地,一条一条地分散在绿色的田野里,远远地看上去真是美极了。草原的路是笔直的,视线很好,一眼顺路望的很远。路的两旁大多都是草原,部分草原上近年来有些沙化,一丛一丛的野苜蓿,顽强地在那守护着,在沙化严重的地带里显得尤  相似文献   

Urban growth and shrinkage constitute the overall pattern of growing urbanization across the globe.Studies on urban vacant land(UVL)are few,and have proved to be mainly rudimentary and subjective.This paper first presents the definition of UVL based on bibliometric analysis.Typology,morphology,proximate causes,and the multiple functions of UVL are then analyzed at parcel,transect,city,and national levels based on an international review.Results show that UVL can be categorized by land cover,land usage,and land ownership.Worldwide,UVL has been widespread and extensive.For example,the occurrence probabilities of UVL in the cases of Guangzhou and New York are 8.46%-8.88%and 3.17%-5.08%,respectively.The average vacancy rate of residential land amounts to 11.48%in 65 U.S.cities.Generally,UVL shows fragmentation and irregular shape,and significant spatial differences exist at parcel,transect,city,and national levels.Proximate causes,such as excessive land division,irregularly shaped land parcels,decreases in resident population,deindustrialization,land speculation,insufficient investment,and environmental concerns,can all result in UVL.Currently,UVL has become a gray area of social,economic,and ecological space.However,it can also be considered a potential resource for enhancing urban sustainability.Policy implications to promote urban sustainability using monitoring,control,and differential revitalization of UVL are presented.  相似文献   

很早就有进入玛瑙湖的打算. 一直想找机会,看一看长河落日圆,大漠孤烟直的塞外风光,或者闲暇时接一接地气,捡一捡石头,朝拜心中祈盼已久的玛瑙湖,这一切对我来说真的是一种莫大的消遣和受用. 然而,每当听说我要进湖时,几位石商朋友总是笑着摇头对我说,“还是别去了,现在什么也没有了,石头都被人捡完了.不去后悔一阵子,去了后悔一辈子……”然而,无论朋友怎样劝,我还是坚持一定要去,因为我和他们的追求不一样,心境也不大一样.  相似文献   

泥石流一般发育在岩性强度低、岩性较为破碎的地区,由于岩性差,岩体较为破碎,它易形成泥石流的物源,配合一定的地形条件和气象条件,造成泥石流发生.硬质岩区由于其强度高,不容易发生崩塌、滑坡等,形成泥石流物源.本文通过一个硬质岩区发生的泥石流调查表明:在硬质岩区,由于不合理的人类活动,造成降雨水时,水从高处经过硬质岩崩塌坡积物向下流动时,由于在高比降情况下,水的侵蚀能力强,坡形陡,硬质岩崩塌坡积物容易垮塌为其提供了物源.它的发生频率高,对下游危害大,因此,在这种地区进行工程活动时,必须对这种现象引起高度的重视.  相似文献   

司马迁《史记》没记清民间传说说不清鹿邑县志写不清老子,姓李,名耳,字伯阳,春秋末期人,出生于鹿邑县,在洛阳担任周朝守藏史。他是世界公认的大哲学家,是百姓津津乐道的智慧老人。2500年前,他在函谷关留下《老子》(后称《道德经》)五千言,骑青牛悠悠西去,从此了无踪迹,不知所终……从此,洛阳城中少了一个旷世高人,文化宝库多了一道千  相似文献   

同里隶属江苏省吴江市,位于太湖之滨,京杭大运河畔,紧依上海、苏州、杭州中国南方三大著名城市,距苏州市18公里,距上海80公里,面积33公顷,被五个湖泊环抱。同里风景优美,镇外四面环水,镇内由15条河流纵横分割为7个小岛,全镇由49座  相似文献   

来到辽西的人,谁能不为白狼山所心动?山的前面还是山。古老的燕山山脉提起精神,从河北平原北侧的潮白河谷启程,越过努鲁儿虎山,向着蔚蓝的渤海湾,一口气跋涉了600余公里,历苍茫而雄浑,聚烟霞而秀气,在辽西建昌县城东5公里处,惊讶于原野的广袤,仰天一声长叹,白狼山拔地而  相似文献   

遵化,头枕燕山,身偎滦水,北倚长城,西眺北京,南临津唐,东通辽沈,素有"畿东第一城"之称。遵化,自古便以"风水宝地"而被世人所称道。"万里河山有燕塞,千年风气自荆轲",充分展示了这里诱人的风貌。  相似文献   

溪口镇,位于浙江省奉化市西北,距宁波市区22公里。溪口以剡溪之水而得名。剡溪源头,主流出于剡界岭,由新昌入奉化境,称“剡源”。沿溪风光优美,剡源九曲为古代旅游胜地。九曲公棠以下称“剡溪”,由西向东流过全镇,至东端,有武岭头与溪南山阻隔成口,“溪口”之名由此而来。又以武岭横亘镇东,以山名命地,故也称“武岭”。溪口风景名胜区位于浙江省宁波市西南20公里,为首批国家4A级旅游区,依山傍水,风光旖旎。  相似文献   

乞力马扎罗山(Kilimanjaro),是非洲最高的山脉,位于坦桑尼亚东北部,邻近肯尼亚,是一个火山丘,最高峰5892米,面积756平方公里,素有“非洲屋脊”之称。  相似文献   

基于社会水循环概念的水资源管理理论探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在剖析目前水资源管理定义之缺陷的基础上,引入社会水循环概念,提出了水资源管理的定义:水资源管理是以构建良性社会水循环、实现水资源可持续利用为目的,政府有关部门依据水法调控社会水循环各循环要素所实施的行政管理。并依据社会水循环的概念框架,简要阐述了水资源管理的主要内容。  相似文献   

虚拟水视角下吉林省西部玉米耕作方式优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦丽杰  靳英华  常永智  张辉 《地理研究》2012,31(8):1456-1464
虚拟水研究是粮食安全与水资源安全的重要研究领域,目前的研究主要集中在宏观、中观层次上,微观层次研究甚少。为了探讨虚拟水微观层次的研究方法,本研究于2005~2007年在吉林省西部开展了玉米不同耕作方式下虚拟水变化的大田试验。通过分析6种耕作方式(65cm垄台、65cm垄沟、43cm垄台、43cm垄沟、98cm双行垄台、130cm三行垄台)之间单位质量玉米虚拟水含量的差异,及不同耕作方式对单位质量玉米虚拟水含量稳定性的影响,确定适合吉林省西部的最优玉米种植模式,以实现水资源高效利用,为解决水资源紧缺问题提供新思路。经过三年的大田试验,认为98cm双行垄台的耕作方式最佳,不仅虚拟水消耗量小,而且波动也较小,特别是在极端干旱年份其单位质量玉米虚拟水含量最低,建议本地区玉米种植方式应从65cm垄台种植改为98cm双行垄台种植。  相似文献   

Based on the field-survey prototype hydrology data in typical years,the effect dur-ing the running periods of different dispatch modes of the Three Gorges Reservoir on the water regimes in Dongting Lake area is comparatively analyzed.The results are shown as follows.(1) The influence periods are from 25 May to 10 June,from 1 July to 31 August,from 15 September to 31 October and from December to the next April,among which the influence of the water-supplement dispatch in the dry season is not very sensitive.(2) During the period under the pre-discharge dispatch,the runoff volume slightly increases as well as both the average water level and the highest water level rise in the usual year.While in the wet and dry years,the average increase in the runoff volume is 40.25×108 m3 and the average rises of the average water level and the highest water level are both 1.06 m.(3) As for the flood-storage dispatch,the flood volume increases slightly,in the dry and wet years,the flood volume,the average water level and the highest water level averagely reduce by 444.02×108 m3,2.64 m and 1.42 m respectively.(4) Under the water-storage dispatch,the runoff volume slightly in-creases and the water level heightens in a sort in the usual year.And in the dry and wet years,the average decreases in the runoff volume,the average water level and the highest water levels are respectively 185.27×108 m3,3.13 m and 2.14 m.(5) During the period under the water-supplement dispatch,the runoff volume,the average water level and the highest water levels averagely decline by 337.7×108 m3,1.89 m and 2.39 m respectively in the usual and wet years.However,in the dry year,the runoff volume increases as well as the average and highest water levels slightly go up.  相似文献   

黄淮海平原典型区域的水问题和水管理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文简要介绍了黄淮海平原典型区域的水问题及其变化规律。沧州—衡水地区的水问题主要有 :水资源严重匮乏、深层地下水严重超采以及风暴潮影响严重。文中估算了该区的缺水损失 ,并建立了漏斗中心水位埋深与地下水超采的经验关系。黄河三角洲地区的水问题主要有 :水资源尚嫌不足、黄河断流影响大以及地下水超采有所发展。文中提出了黄河断流的开源对策。安阳地区的水问题主要有 :水资源不足与地下水位下降速率加剧。文中亦建立了该区地下水水位与地下水超采量的经验关系。此外 ,本文还预测了各典型区引黄、引江灌溉的发展前景 ,2 0 1 0水平年外流域调水可望占可供水量的 32 %以上。  相似文献   

西北干旱区水资源问题研究思考   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
 气候变化与水资源问题是各国政府部门、学术界和社会公众普遍关注的焦点,也是西北干旱区实现跨越式发展的重要瓶颈之一。在分析前人研究成果基础之上,指出制约西北干旱区社会经济发展和生态安全的关键因素和气候变化对西北干旱区水资源的影响;进而分析西北干旱区气候变化与水资源研究中的热点和难点问题;最后基于西北干旱区水资源研究的重要性和迫切性提出目前亟待解决的研究任务与核心内容,主要包括3个方面:(1)气候变化对西北干旱区水资源形成、转化及未来趋势的影响;(2)气候变化对西北干旱区水循环过程的影响;(3)气候变化对西北干旱区水资源安全的影响。  相似文献   

21世纪黄河水资源可持续利用对策研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
作为我国西北和华北重要水源的黄河,如何在新世纪搞好水资源可持续利用,是社会各界十分关注的问题,文章在对黄河水资源基本特性分析的基础上,研究了水资源开发利用现状与21世纪面临的问题,最后有针对性地提出了3点对策,即以可持续战略为原则,实施统一调度;建立节水型体系;加强水资源的管理等。  相似文献   

提高水资源利用效率,缓解用水压力,是解决京津冀缺水问题的有效措施,对各行业用水效率历史状况的全局把握有助于未来政策的调整.论文比较了京津冀三地的万元GDP用水量、万元工业增加值用水量、管网漏损率、人均日生活用水量、污水处理率、作物水分利用效率共6项指标组成的综合用水效率,分析了 2002-2017年京津冀用水效率的Ma...  相似文献   

The operation of large-scale reservoirs have modified water and sediment transport processes, resulting in adjustments to the river topography and water levels. The polynomial fitting method was applied to analyze the variation characteristics of water levels under different water discharge values in the Jingjiang reach of the Yangtze River from 1991–2016. The segregation variable method was used to estimate the contributions of the varied riverbed evaluation, the downstream-controlled water level, and the comprehensive roughness on the altered water level at an identical flow. We find that low water levels in the Jingjiang reach of the Yangtze River from 1991–2016 are characterized by a significant downward trend, which has intensified since 2009. Riverbed scouring has been the dominate factor causing the reduced low water level while increased roughness alleviated this reduction. From 1991–2016, there was first a decrease followed by an increase in the high water level. The variation characteristic in terms of the "high flood discharge at a high water level" before 2003 transformed into a "middle flood discharge at a high water level" since 2009. The increased comprehensive roughness was the main reason for the increased high water level, where river scouring alleviated this rise. For navigation conditions and flood control, intensified riverbed scouring of the sandy reaches downstream from dams enhanced the effects that the downstream water level has on the upstream water level. This has led to an insufficient water depth in the reaches below the dams, which should receive immediate attention. The alteredvariation characteristics of the high water level have also increased the flood pressure in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

黄河干流河道水量自然补损分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李春晖  杨志峰 《地理学报》2003,58(4):527-533
根据水量平衡原理建立干流区间河道水量平衡关系,得到干流河道水量自然补损计算方程。利用1956~1979年干流区间自产天然径流量与区间河道上下游控制站天然径流量、区间降水量系列之间的线性相关性,延长得到黄河流域1951~1998年龙羊峡以下6个干流区间逐月自产天然径流量,并计算分析各干流区间的干流河道自然补损水量。结果表明:多年平均河口镇-龙门干流区间和三门峡-花园口干流区间河道水量补充大于损失,其余区间干流河道水量为损失大于补充。总体上,龙羊峡以下区间干流河道净自然损失水量多年平均为35.43×108 m3,而且呈增大趋势,20世纪90年代达到最高,平均为44.16×108 m3/年。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the problems and consequences associated with water use in the Russian and Chinese parts of the Amur river basin. Taking into consideration the set of indicators involving the water withdrawal, the utilization of source water, the volumes of recirculated and repeated-consecutive water supply, the volumes of waste waters, the capacity of pollution control facilities, etc., an outline is given of the present status of water use in the national parts of the basin. The future amounts of water consumption are forecasted, and it is shown how it will increase in the Russian as well as the Chinese parts. An analysis of the spatiotemporal dynamics of water-use indicators revealed the differently directed tendencies in the water-use pattern in the Russian and Chinese parts of the Amur river basin, and the existence of quantitative disproportions caused by a different degree of development and a different intensity of economic growth. In the Russian part of the basin, the amounts of water used have stabilized in recent years after a decrease, whereas they are increasing steadily in the Chinese and Russian parts where the highest proportion of water is used to meet agricultural and production needs, respectively. It is shown that water use, the density of the water-economy structure and the discharges of pollutants in the Chinese part of the basin are larger by factors of several tens than those in the Russian part. The manufacture of water-intensive industrial products and the load of agriculture on water resources also differ by factors of several tens. The indicator of population size is used to characterize the degree of development of the basin’s territory. For the Russian part of the basin the study revealed a dependence of water consumption on the population size and on the volumes of water-intensive products in the production facilities with a low coefficient of recirculated water use. This dependence can also be extended to the Chinese part where circulated water supplies are being used only moderately.  相似文献   

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