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“5·12”汶川特大地震灾害特点及其防灾启示 总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5
本文介绍了"5·12"汶川特大地震发生的构造背景、震源与余震分布特点,认为该地震是青藏高原巴颜喀拉块体东向运动并与四川盆地相互长期作用的结果,地震主要能量释放在长330km、宽52km、深20km的块体(震源体)内,能量释放时间长达100多秒.地震在震源体内释放的能量极其不均匀,地面运动在震中区也具有强烈的时间、空间不均匀性.高烈度区沿震源体分布,烈度分布具有明显异常特征.地震造成的人员死亡90%以上位于烈度Ⅸ度以上地区.居民建筑、学校和医院等建筑物遭受严重破坏,交通、水利等生命线也遭受重大破坏.地震引发的崩塌、滑坡和泥石流灾害十分严重.巨大的地震灾害暴露出防震减灾管理、地震科学研究、防震减灾技术研发应用,以及防震减灾宣传等方面的严重不足. 震主要能量释放在长330kin、宽52kin、深20kin的块体(震源体)内,能量释放时间长达100多秒.地震在震源体内释放的能量极其不均匀,地面运动在震中区也具有强烈的时间、空间不均匀性.高烈度区沿震源体分布,烈度分布具有明显异常特征.地震造成的人员死亡90%以上位于烈度Ⅸ度以上地区.居民建筑、学校和医院等建筑物遭受严重破坏,交通、水利等生命线也遭受重大破坏.地震 发的崩塌、滑坡和泥石流灾害十分严重.巨大的地震灾害暴露出防震减灾管理、地震科学研究、防震减灾技术研发应用,以及防震减灾宣传等方面的严重不足. 震主要能量释放在长330kin、宽52kin、深20k 相似文献
The aftershock activity of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan Ms8.0 Earthquake Sequence shows an obvious segmented feature. Most of the large aftershocks were distributed in the north and south parts of the aftershock zone. Thrusting was dominant with a small amount of strike-slip component in the south part. The aftershock activity decayed gradually, presenting the sequence features of a mainshock-aftershock pattern. The north part was the ending area of the maiushock fracture where strike-slipping was dominant, showing an obvious swarm feature. Therefore it became the major area for large aftershocks. The modulation of the earth tide on aftershock activity is remarkable; most large aftershocks occur during the period of flood and neap tide. The time period around 16:00 was the dominant occurring time for large aftershocks. The p-value, a parameter of modified Omori formula, increases gradually with time, and reaches about 1 at the end. Based on previous study, the sequence patterns, magnitude of maximum aftershock, as well as the duration of aftershock activity has been discussed. The primary results also show that the magnitude difference between the maiushockand the maximum aftershock is proportional to the rupture size of the maiushock for huge earthquakes of about Ms8.0. This means that when the magnitudes of the earthquakes are nearly the same, large rupture size corresponds to sufficient energy release. 相似文献
The fast processing, seismic damage data extraction and loss evaluation from RS imagery acquired immediately after a destructive earthquake occurs, are important means for compen-sating the insufficiency of seismic damage information from ground-based investigations and provide an important basis for emergency command and rescue. The paper introduces the method of emergency seismic damage assessment using remote sensing data and its application to the great Wenchuan earthquake of magnitude 8.0 occurring in southwest Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008. The practical effectiveness of the method is also evaluated in the paper. 相似文献
The focal mechanism solutions of the Wenchuan earthquake(MS8.0) of May 12,2008 and some of its aftershocks occurring up to December 10,2008 are determined with lower semisphere of equal-projection and first motion sign data of P waves from regional and distant stations.The focal mechanism solutions of the MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake are:Nodal planeⅠ:strike 5°,dip angle 48°,slip angle 39°; Nodal planeⅡ:strike 247°,dip angle 62°,slip angle 131°; P axis azimuth 309°,plunge 8°,T axis azimuth 208°,plunge 54°,B axis azimuth 44°,plunge 35°.Combining geological tectonics and spatial distribution of aftershocks,nodal plane II can be identified as a seismogenic fault.According to focal mechanism solutions,the fault activity that triggered the huge earthquake is reverse thrusting.The main rupture surface is S67° W,basically identical to the fault strike on which the earthquake occurred.The main compression stress P axis is N51°W,which is basically the same as the direction of the regional tectonic stress field.According to the results of focal mechanism solutions of aftershocks,the aftershocks occurring in the southern and northern sections of the Longmenshan fault zone have predominant orientations and are obviously different.For the main shock and the early aftershocks occurring on the southern section of the Longmenshan fault,the rupturing is mainly characterized by reverse-dip slip with some strike-slip,and over time,the aftershocks migrated towards the northern section.The rupturing in the source is mainly characterized by strike-slip with some reverse-dip slips.The stress field is controlled by the main shock stress field in the southern section of the Longmenshan tectonic zone,while it is controlled by the main shock stress field and regional stress field in the northern section of the Longmenshan tectonic zone. 相似文献
汶川地震桥梁震害分析及抗震设计启示 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
汶川地震中公路桥梁破坏严重,且破坏形式在破裂面南、北两端出现显著的差异。本文从震源机制、断层运动方式和桥梁本身特点等角度,分析了产生这一差异的原因。分析结果表明,断层南端由于释放能量巨大,断层逆冲作用显著,结构在竖向和水平向地震力作用下出现强度破坏;而断层北端右旋走滑作用显著,结构在剧烈的地面错动中出现位移型破坏。在此基础上,本文对强震区的桥梁抗震设计提出了相应的改进措施。 相似文献
SHAN Bin XIONG Xiong ZHENG Yong & DIAO FaQi Key Laboratory of Dynamical Geodesy 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2009,(5)
On May 12,2008,a magnitude 7.9 earthquake ruptured the Longmenshan fault system in Sichuan Province,China,collapsing buildings and killing tens of thousands people.As predicted,aftershocks may last for at least one year,and moreover,large aftershocks are likely to occur.Therefore,it is critical to outline the areas with potential aftershocks before reconstruction and resettling people as to avoid future disasters.It is demonstrated that the redistribution of stress induced by an earthquake should trigger su... 相似文献
This paper presents the damage in the meizoseismal region of the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China, and the seismic intensifies determined according to "the Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale", and discusses briefly the types of earthquake-generating faults and some features of seismic damage. 相似文献
汶川大地震曲线梁桥震害及破坏机理分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以汶川大地震中严重破坏的回澜立交桥为例,基于数值模拟手段并结合现场震害调查,分析了回澜立交桥的地震破坏机理。数值分析表明,地震时设有支座的最矮的1号桥墩支座发生滑移破坏,以致刚度较大(次矮)的2号刚构桥墩承受很大的地震惯性力,2号墩首先发生弯曲屈服,此后随延性发展因抗剪能力不足最终发生剪切破坏直至倒塌损毁,呈现典型的弯剪破坏特征。现场震害调查发现,回澜立交桥震害集中于抗弯刚度较大的刚构墩上,而其余桥墩震害相对较轻,主要表现为混凝土保护层的脱落、混凝土开裂以及墩顶支座的滑移破坏等。数值分析结果与震害调查呈现出较好的一致性。 相似文献
为了推进防震减灾事业的发展,本文介绍一本反映内陆地震活动的学术刊物《内陆地震》。总结该刊的诞生背景、主要内容以及研究成果等以了解天山地震学术研究的进展。通过学科领域统计的国内外论文收录以及通过逐年(近十年)统计的论文、简报、信息收录情况都从不同角度反映了《内陆地震》的成长。 相似文献