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Compressibility behaviour of lime-treated marine clay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The necessity to tap natural marine resources from the ocean beds represents a considerable challenge for the construction of offshore structures on weak marine deposits. The use of lime to improve the behaviour of soft clays is not new. The present investigation examines lime-induced changes in the compressibility of marine clay. The test results indicate a reduction of 1/2 to 1/3 in the compressibility of the soil system within 30 to 45 days of treatment. The formation of various cementation compounds due to soil–lime reactions improves the soil characteristics with time. The results encourage the application of lime column and lime injection techniques to improve the engineering behaviour of soft marine clayey deposits. However, one has to be cautious in applying the lime technique to marine clays that contain sodium sulfate.  相似文献   


In the coastal area, nearshore and offshore structures have been or will be built in marine soft clay deposits that have experienced long-term cyclic loads. Therefore, the mechanical behavior of marine clay after long-term cyclic loading needs to be investigated. In this research, a series of monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests were carried out to investigate the postcyclic mechanical behavior of the marine soft clay. The postcyclic water pore pressure, shear strength and secant stiffness are discussed by comparing the results with the standard monotonic test (without cyclic loading). It is very interesting that the postcyclic behavior of marine soft clay specimen is similar to the behavior of overconsolidated specimen, that is, the specimen shows apparent overconsolidation behavior after long-term cyclic loading. Then relationship between the overconsolidation ratio and the apparent overconsolidation ratio is established on the basis of the theory of equivalent overconsolidation. Finally, a validation formula is proposed which can predict the postcyclic undrained shear strength of marine soft clay.  相似文献   


Marine soft clay with a high salt concentration is widely distributed in coastal areas. In this study, cement-based composites consisting of cement, silica fume, plant ash and NaOH were used as a substitute for ordinary Portland cement, and the effect of salt (sodium chloride) on the strength development of clay was investigated by unconfined compressive strength (UCS) testing and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). With the addition of sodium chloride (NaCl), the amount of cementitious materials decreased, and the salt (sodium chloride) was considered to consume the cement-based composites. The consumption effect could be quantitatively evaluated by the consumption index of salt (CIS) and the clay-water/cement ratio hypothesis. The relationship between the CIS and curing period and an UCS prediction model of clay stabilized with cement-based composites with different salt contents and curing times were established. The CIS gradually decreased with increasing curing time and cement-based composites content. The accuracy of the prediction model was evaluated by a comparative analysis between the measured strengths and predicted strengths; the deviation was mostly within 10%. SEM analyses were employed to describe the changes in the microstructure of the specimens and the influencing mechanism of salt on clay stabilized with cement-based composites.  相似文献   

Marine clay deposits are encountered in the coastal regions of the world. They are soft in consistency with low shear strength and are highly compressible. The properties of these deposits are complex and diverse, and they mainly depend on the minerals present and microstructural arrangement of constituent particles. In the present investigation, the physico-chemical properties of the sediment samples obtained from marine deposits of east and west metropolitan coastal cities of India are discussed, and the test results obtained are compared with the synthetic samples such as bentonite and kaolinite. Mineralogical and fabric studies were carried out using scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction techniques. Several consolidation and strength tests were carried out to study the engineering behaviour of these deposits. The strength and compressibility (Cc) values of these deposits varies from 27 to 45 kN/m2 and 0.37 to 0.81 respectively. XRD studies confirm the presence of highly compressible clay minerals such as smectite, vermiculite, chlorite and traces of the low swelling mineral, kaolinite. The fabric studies indicate that the constituent particles were arranged in an open network, or flocculated structure resulting in a high void ratio.  相似文献   


Under seismic loading, the soil layer is subjected to multidirectional cyclic shear stress with different amplitudes and frequencies because of the coupling of multiple shear waves and the soil element within a slope or behind a retaining wall is subjected to initial static shear stress before subjected to cyclic loading. Due to the complexity of seismic loading propagation, a phase difference exists between the initial static shear stress and cyclic shear stress. To investigate the influence of the phase difference and initial static shear stress on cyclic shear strain, cyclic modulus, and cyclic strength, a series of laboratory tests are performed on Wenzhou marine soft clay by multi-directional simple shear system, which can simulate the actual state better by controlling the horizontal cyclic stress in the x and y directions simultaneously. As the phase difference varies from 0° to 90°, the dynamic shear modulus increases and cyclic strain accumulation decreases with an increasing number of cycles. The shear strain increases with the initial shear stress.  相似文献   


Evaluation of the strength of cement-treated clay with a broad range of mix ratios and curing periods was conducted using unconfined compression tests (UCTs). The influence of cement content, total water content, and curing period on the unconfined compressive strength of cemented clay are investigated. It is found that, at constant total water content, higher cement content results in higher unconfined compressive strength, while the total water content has an opposite effect. A power function can be used to correlate the unconfined compressive strength with the cement content or the total water content. For a fixed mix ratio, the unconfined compressive strength of cement-stabilized clay increases with the curing period, the effect of which can be characterized by a semi-log formula. Also, a strength-prediction model that considers both mix ratios and curing periods for cement-admixed marine clay is developed and validated; the model can capture the effect of clay type by considering the plastic index of untreated soils. It is also proved that the proposed framework for strength development is also applicable for other cement types.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a series of monotonic and cyclic triaxial shear tests carried out to study the influence of the strain effect and load cycles on the undrained shear strength of a cemented marine clay from the East coast of India. The undrained shear strength of Indian coastal marine clay has been established from a detailed shear testing carried out in three phases. Undisturbed soil samples taken out from the seabed were used in the test. In the first part, a comprehensive monotonic shear testing has been carried out under both stress-controlled and strain rate-controlled conditions. In the second phase on identical soil specimen, undrained cyclic shear tests were carried out at various cyclic stress ratios (CSR) and these stress levels are chosen in such a way so that no failure occurred during testing. In the final phase post cyclic monotonic shear testing was conducted to qualitatively evaluate the damage caused by cyclic loading. The monotonic shear test results bring out the influence of cementation that can be detected by the stress-controlled test. The cyclic stress results are analysed in terms of CSR. Further, the results are correlated in terms of stress path.  相似文献   

An angle exists between the initial static shear stress and cyclic shear stress when embankment and retaining walls are subjected to cyclic loadings. To investigate the influence of this angle on the dynamic properties of marine soft clay, tests were performed on Wenzhou soft clay. When the angle was varied from 0° to 90°, the shear strain and excess pore pressure decreased as θ increased while increased as θ increased from 120° to 180°. Shear strain developed more rapidly when θ was 120°, 150°, or 180° than that when θ was 0°, 30°, or 60°. These results indicate that the number of cycles to failure at the larger angles was greater than at the smaller angles. When θ was 90°, the strain in the x-axis direction increased as the number of cycles increased. The development of the excess pore pressure associated with specimen failure was different for different cyclic shear stress ratios and shearing angles. The effect of θ on the strain and excess pore pressure increased as the cyclic shear stress ratio increased.  相似文献   


Soil solidification technology can create an artificial hard shell on a soft soil surface but the type and proportion of the curing agent, the construction technology, and the strengthening depth have large influences on the strengthening effect and engineering cost. This study introduces a new technology of soil solidification whereby an artificial hard shell layer is used as a new method to improve the soft ground. For the in-situ solidification technology, the soil and curing agent are mixed well by using a strong stirring machine so that the soil is strengthened rapidly and forms a hard crust. We introduce the key technology of the in-situ soil solidification method and determine the in-situ crust carrying capacity. The indoor experiment on the curing agent proportions is validated with field tests and a vane shear test, static penetration test, and plate loading test are used to evaluate the reinforcement effect. The experimental results show that the in-situ curing technology of dredged fill processing markedly reduced the reinforcement depth range of the soil water content, improved the physical and mechanical indices, and increased the bearing capacity and strength of the artificial hard shell layer, thereby fully meeting the requirements for the bearing capacity of construction machinery.  相似文献   

Vanadium is one of the most significant trace elements in heavy fuel oils. While most previous studies emphasize its effects on the high-temperature corrosion of power-plant materials, the understanding of the basic combustion characteristics influenced by the vanadium content in fuel oils is still rather limited. The influences of the controlling factors, such as water-to-oil ratio, amount of emulsifying agent, and content of vanadium pentoxide on the burning characteristics of marine heavy No.6 fuel oil are thus investigated in this experimental study by using a suspended droplet approach. It is shown that the ignition delay, degree of micro-explosion, burning time, and flame length are affected by those factors to various extents. Increase of the water-to-oil ratio might enhance the micro-explosion phenomenon while the addition of an appropriate amount of the emulsifying agent Span-80 promotes the homogeneity of micro-water-droplets over their oil base, leading to alterations of the heated droplet characteristics of the emulsions. However, the existence of V2O5 in a fuel oil would result in deterioration of burning quality.  相似文献   

Degraded fuel oils are generally used in marine power plants for economic purposes, so as to reduce operating expenses. These marine fuel oils commonly contain various oxides or sulfide compounds of metallic elements in the fuel ash, and affect the combustion and emission characteristics of marine power plants to different extents. Moreover, marine power plants are more often operated in a highly humid environment. As a result the emission and burning process may also be altered by the various humidity level of the inlet air. The effects of potassium sulfide in marine diesel on the combustion and emission characteristics of marine furnaces under varying levels of relative humidity of inlet air were experimentally investigated in this study. A cylindrical industrial furnace made of AISI 316 stainless steel, and an automatic oil-fired burner were used for the emission characteristics measurements and observation. A mechanically homogenizing machine was used to stir potassium sulfide (K2SO4) powder and marine diesel with a preset K2SO4 concentration. The relative humidity of the inlet air and temperature were adjusted to their assigned values by a large-size air conditioner before being pumped into the burner. The marine diesel oil mixture was atomized by the inlet air consequently ignited by an electrode and then burned within the horizontal furnace. There were eight rectangular slots cut in the upper portion of the furnace wall so that the probes of a gas analyzer and a thermocouple could be inserted into radial positions in the cylindrical furnace. The concentrations of gas emission and burning gas temperature and the combustion efficiency were analyzed. The experimental results show that the burning gas temperature, carbon dioxide emission and combustion efficiency decreased when the concentrations of excess air and oxygen emission increased with the addition of potassium sulfide in the marine diesel fuel. This is primarily attributed to the fact that the sulfide of an alkali compound such as K2SO4 may suppress the oxidation reaction process, leading to inferior combustion characteristics.  相似文献   

Marine power plants are frequently operated under varying atmospheric air temperature and humidity conditions. The effects of inlet air temperatures and humidity of marine furnaces such as incinerators and boilers thus attract much research interest. An industrial furnace incorporated with an automatic burner was employed to experimentally investigate the influences of the inlet air temperature and humidity on the emission characteristics. The inlet air humidity and temperature were adjusted using an air-conditioning machine to preset values before being admitted into the burner. ASTM No. 2D diesel oil was atomized, mixed with the inlet air and burned inside the industrial furnace. Eight small rectangular slots were cut on the upper side of the furnace to allow gas analyzer and thermocouple probes to be inserted into the furnace center to measure the axial variations in the gas temperature, burning efficiency and burning gas compositions such as NOx, SO2, CO. The experimental results show that the O2 and NOx emission concentrations decreased while the CO2 emission concentration and burning efficiency increased with either increasing inlet air humidity or temperature.  相似文献   


This paper presents a novel elasto-viscoplastic constitutive formulation based on the isotache concepts and the Nishihara model. Incorporating a novel viscoelastic body to include the delay elastic deformation of marine soft clays under the external load, the proposed model is used to evaluate the theories of consolidation-creep coupling, strain rate dependency and stress relaxation of saturated marine soft clays, and hence, the methodology used to determine the parameters of the model is discussed. Ningbo marine soft clay is selected as an example to interpret the determination of the model parameters on a field scale. A series of conventional oedometer tests are conducted as well. Eventually, we utilize the model to simulate several kinds of rheological tests, including one-dimensional (1-D) long-term compression tests on Ningbo marine soft clays, 1-D constant rate of strain (CRS) tests on Batiscan clays and 1-D stress relaxation tests on Hong Kong marine deposits. These findings indicate good agreement between the computational and experimental results, suggesting the given model can provide reliable forecasts for the rheological characteristics of marine soft clays.  相似文献   

An essential component of ecosystem-based approaches in coastal zone management and the emerging field of marine planning are partnerships and collaborations between a range of multi-sector organisations and individuals. Ensuring that partnerships are effective is a priority for those responsible for planning and management in coastal and marine environments. Current partnership evaluation approaches, however, tend to view effectiveness as the cumulative end result of a set of variables acting in a linear process at a specific point in time. Given that governance and participation are acknowledged as non-linear and multifaceted processes, more reflective and nuanced approaches that take account of the dynamic, multidimensional and geographically embedded nature of the collaborative process are needed. This paper proposes a new framework for partnership evaluation based on policy narratives and indicators, and demonstrates the potential of the approach using three case studies of partnerships focused upon marine nature-based tourism. The insights from this research have direct relevance to the agencies and organisations responsible for delivering integrated coastal management, including marine spatial planning.  相似文献   

Diesel engines provide the major power sources for marine transportation and contribute to the prosperity of the worldwide economy. However, the emissions from diesel engines also seriously threaten the environment and are considered one of the major sources of air pollution. The pollutants emitted from marine vessels are confirmed to cause the ecological environmental problems such as the ozone layer destruction, enhancement of the greenhouse effect, and acid rain, etc. Marine diesel engine emissions such as particulate matter and black smoke carry carcinogen components that significantly impact the health of human beings. Investigations on reducing pollutants, in particular particulate matter and nitrogen oxides are critical to human health, welfare and continued prosperity. The addition of an oxygenating agent into fuel oil is one of the possible approaches for reducing this problem because of the obvious fuel oil constituent influences on engine emission characteristics. Ethylene glycol monoacetate was found to be a promising candidate primarily due to its low poison and oxygen-rich composition properties. In this experimental study ethylene glycol monoacetate was mixed with diesel fuel in various proportions to prepare oxygenated diesel fuel. A four-cylinder diesel engine was used to test the engine performance and emission characteristics. The influences of ethylene glycol monoacetate ration to diesel oil, inlet air temperature and humidity parameters on the engine’s speed and torque were considered. The experimental results show that an increase in the inlet air temperature caused an increase in brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide emission, and exhaust gas temperature, while decreasing the excess air, oxygen and nitrogen oxide emission concentrations. Increasing the inlet air humidity increased the carbon monoxide concentration while the decreased excess air, oxygen and nitrogen oxide emission concentrations. In addition, increasing ethylene glycol monoacetate ratio in the diesel fuel caused an increase in the BSFC while the excess air and oxygen emission concentrations decreased.  相似文献   

The global community's ability to assess the environmental effects of marine scientific research (MSR) as required by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea's (UNCLOS) marine environment provisions (MEP) is limited, as shown by experimental activities that intentionally manipulate the marine environment. Such work enhances knowledge of the ocean, but it may also have significant environmental effects. This growing use of the ocean as a laboratory has global scientific, environmental, legal and policy implications. Examined here is the relationship between the MSR and the MEP provisions of UNCLOS. International, science-driven guidelines are proposed.  相似文献   

应用X射线衍射(XRD)方法对南海北部西侧海域315个表层沉积物<2μm的粘土组分进行分析.结果表明,本研究区粘土矿物有伊利石、绿泥石、蒙脱石和高岭石,其组合特征在不同区域表现出明显的差异.根据粘土矿物的空间分布特征以及研究区的海底地形特征,研究区大致可以分为3个不同区块:A区是珠江口外的大陆架区域;B区是海南岛以东陆架陆坡区域;C区为西沙海槽至西沙群岛附近区域.根据研究区表层粘土矿物分布特征、周围河流供给的主要粘土成分以及洋流搬运作用,发现A区高岭石(平均含量为19%)主要来自珠江,伊利石与绿泥石(平均含量分别为53%和18%)主要由台湾的河流提供,有珠江物质的混合,蒙脱石含量较低(平均含量为10%).B区的高岭石(平均含量为13%)主要由海南岛的河流提供,蒙脱石(平均含量为16%)主要由吕宋岛的河流提供,B区东部的伊利石和绿泥石来自台湾的河流,B区西部伊利石和绿泥石主要来自红河、越南中部河流,海南岛物源亦有贡献.C区高岭石含量较低(平均含量为12%),越南中部河流和红河为C区蒙脱石(平均含量为14%)的主要物源区,C区东部伊利石和绿泥石来自台湾的河流,C区西部伊利石和绿泥石主要来自红河、越南中部河流.  相似文献   

Degraded diesel oils are commonly used in marine power plants to conform to the demands of shipowners for fuel economy. The burning of these marine fuel oils, which frequently contain various extents of oxides of iron, silicon, calcium, vanadium and potassium, such as Na2SO4, Fe2O3, SiO2, CaO, V2O5, etc., are susceptible to form much more complex compounds of either gaseous or solid phases. The release of these emissions to the environment may cause atmospheric pollution and a health hazard to human beings. Emulsification of a fuel oil with water to produce a micro-water-particles-dispersed-in-oil (W/O) emulsion has been considered as one of the promising techniques to improve combustion characteristics of low-grade marine oils and in turn effectively help to reduce the release of air pollutants. Marine fuel oil A, which approximates ASTM No. 2D oil was used as the test oil and the surfactant Span 80 was used to promote the affinity and integrating force between the components of the emulsion. An emulsifying/homogenizing machine was employed to stir the emulsion mixture of the marine oil, distilled water, surfactant Span 80 and sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) powder of 300 ppm. The mechanically blended emulsion mixture was injected, atomized and burned in an oil-fired furnace using an automatic burner. Burning gas composition, burning efficiency and gas temperature were measured and analyzed. Compared to neat marine diesel oil, W/O emulsions had higher combustion efficiencies, higher concentrations of O2 and SO2, while gas temperatures were lowered and CO and NOx production was reduced. The addition of sodium sulfate decreased combustion efficiency and NOx concentration and increased O2, CO, and SO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Physical modelling and similitude of marine structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review paper is aimed at providing information on and at explaining the appropriate use of models in the design of marine structures. Emphasis is placed on the derivation of scaling laws and on limitations of accuracy. Similitude, dimensional analysis and the use of governing equations in model experiment scaling are explained before addressing the modelling of some common ocean engineering tests.  相似文献   

The ecologically and socio-economically important marine ecosystems of Europe are facing severe threats from a variety of human impacts. To mitigate and potentially reverse some of these impacts, the European Union (EU) has mandated the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in order to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) in EU waters by 2020. The primary initiative for achieving GES is the implementation of coherent networks of marine protected areas (MPAs). Marine reserves are an important type of MPA in which no extraction is allowed, but their usefulness depends upon a number of ecological, management, and political factors. This paper provides a synthesis of the ecological effects of existing European marine reserves and the factors (social and ecological) underlying their effectiveness. Results show that existing European marine reserves foster significant positive increases in key biological variables (density, biomass, body size, and species richness) compared with areas receiving less protection, a pattern mirrored by marine reserves around the globe. For marine reserves to achieve their ecological and social goals, however, they must be designed, managed, and enforced properly. In addition, identifying whether protected areas are ecologically connected as a network, as well as where new MPAs should be established according to the MSFD, requires information on the connectivity of populations across large areas. The adoption of the MSFD demonstrates willingness to achieve the long-term protection of Europe's marine ecosystems, but whether the political will (local, regional, and continent wide) is strong enough to see its mandates through remains to be seen. Although the MSFD does not explicitly require marine reserves, an important step towards the protection of Europe's marine ecosystems is the establishment of marine reserves within wider-use MPAs as connected networks across large spatial scales.  相似文献   

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