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Rhian H. Jones 《Meteoritics & planetary science》1994,29(2):151a-151
分析了1800 ~1995 年的日长年均值( △ L O D Y) 观测资料表明:日长( △ L O D Y) 的十年波动明显大于观测噪声水平。用小波变换方法分析了△ L O D Y 观测资料, 表明△ L O D Y 的十年尺度的周期为60a ( 年) 和30a( 年) , 所对应的振幅为1 ms 和0 .5ms 左右。文中采用国际地球自转服务中心提供的( E O P C0497 的日长( △ L O D C0497) 序列以及由美国国家环境预测中心和美国国家大气研究中心( N C E P/ N C A R) 利用全球气象资料归算的大气角动量( A A M) 序列进行低通滤波分析, 日长和大气角动量在十年尺度上的波动不一致, 大气角动量只影响到日长短于年际以上时间尺度的变化。文中用理论近似来计算核幔电磁耦合力矩的轴向分量, 它与天文观测△ L O D 资料推出的力矩量级相当, 核幔电磁耦合假说可作为△ L O D 的十年尺度波动的可能机制 相似文献
A66是位于球状星团M4红巨星支最底部(近亚巨星支顶部)的一颗红星.按其在C-M图上的位置,A66可能是星团成员.目前尚无自行或视线速度的测定.发现A66为一小变幅的新变星,周期约一天, v波段的总变幅约0.05等.但是,如果自行或视线速度测定证实为其成员星,那么变光的原因也许不是脉动.因为按照熊氏理论,这样低光度的红星其脉动周期不可能长于0.1天.对于A66这样的周期和变幅,又很难想像变光原因是黑子星的自转或EW型双星的交食.或者,A66不是星团成员. 相似文献
A survey for dwarf galaxies (Sculptor-type dwarfs) was carried out in the M81/M82 group of galaxies in an area of about 195 sq. degrees by means of Tautenburg 52-in. Schmidt plates. Eight new faint dwarf galaxies were discovered. Coordinates, linear and absolute dimensions as well as finding charts are given. Results of the photometry will be published in a second article. 相似文献
In this paper, we construct a time series known as the Group Sunspot Number. The Group Sunspot Number is designed to be more internally self-consistent (i.e., less dependent upon seeing the tiniest spots) and less noisy than the Wolf Sunspot Number. It uses the number of sunspot groups observed, rather than groups and individual sunspots. Daily, monthly, and yearly means are derived from 1610 to the present. The Group Sunspot Numbers use 65941 observations from 117 observers active before 1874 that were not used by Wolf in constructing his time series. Hence, we have calculated daily values of solar activity on 111358 days for 1610–1995, compared to 66168 days for the Wolf Sunspot Numbers. The Group Sunspot Numbers also have estimates of their random and systematic errors tabulated. The generation and preliminary analysis of the Group Sunspot Numbers allow us to make several conclusions: (1) Solar activity before 1882 is lower than generally assumed and consequently solar activity in the last few decades is higher than it has been for several centuries. (2) There was a solar activity peak in 1801 and not 1805 so there is no long anomalous cycle of 17 years as reported in the Wolf Sunspot Numbers. The longest cycle now lasts no more than 15 years. (3) The Wolf Sunspot Numbers have many inhomogeneities in them arising from observer noise and this noise affects the daily, monthly, and yearly means. The Group Sunspot Numbers also have observer noise, but it is considerably less than the noise in the Wolf Sunspot Numbers. The Group Sunspot Number is designed to be similar to the Wolf Sunspot Number, but, even if both indices had perfect inputs, some differences are expected, primarily in the daily values. 相似文献
Group Sunspot Numbers: A New Solar Activity Reconstruction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, we construct a time series known as the Group Sunspot Number. The Group Sunspot Number is designed to be more internally self-consistent (i.e., less dependent upon seeing the tiniest spots) and less noisy than the Wolf Sunspot Number. It uses the number of sunspot groups observed, rather than groups and individual sunspots. Daily, monthly, and yearly means are derived from 1610 to the present. The Group Sunspot Numbers use 65941 observations from 117 observers active before 1874 that were not used by Wolf in constructing his time series. Hence, we have calculated daily values of solar activity on 111358 days for 1610–1995, compared to 66168 days for the Wolf Sunspot Numbers. The Group Sunspot Numbers also have estimates of their random and systematic errors tabulated. The generation and preliminary analysis of the Group Sunspot Numbers allow us to make several conclusions: (1) Solar activity before 1882 is lower than generally assumed and consequently solar activity in the last few decades is higher than it has been for several centuries. (2) There was a solar activity peak in 1801 and not 1805 so there is no long anomalous cycle of 17 years as reported in the Wolf Sunspot Numbers. The longest cycle now lasts no more than 15 years. (3) The Wolf Sunspot Numbers have many inhomogeneities in them arising from observer noise and this noise affects the daily, monthly, and yearly means. The Group Sunspot Numbers also have observer noise, but it is considerably less than the noise in the Wolf Sunspot Numbers. The Group Sunspot Number is designed to be similar to the Wolf Sunspot Number, but, even if both indices had perfect inputs, some differences are expected, primarily in the daily values. 相似文献
Smith C.W. Ness N.F. Burlaga L.F. Skoug R.M. McComas D.J. Zurbuchen T.H. Gloeckler G. Haggerty D.K. Gold R.E. Desai M.I. Mason G.M. Mazur J.E. Dwyer J.R. Popecki M.A. Möbius E. Cohen C.M.S. Leske R.A. 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):227-252
We present ACE observations for the six-day period encompassing the Bastille Day 2000 solar activity. A high level of transient
activity at 1 AU, including ICME-driven shocks, magnetic clouds, shock-accelerated energetic particle populations, and solar
energetic ions and electrons, are described. We present thermal ion composition signatures for ICMEs and magnetic clouds from
which we derive electron temperatures at the source of the disturbances and we describe additional enhancements in some ion
species that are clearly related to the transient source. We describe shock acceleration of 0.3–2.0 MeV nucl−1 protons and minor ions and the relative inability of some of the shocks to accelerate significant energetic ion populations
near 1 AU. We report the characteristics of < 20 MeV nucl−1 solar energetic ions and < 0.32 MeV electrons and attempt to relate the release of energetic electrons to particular source
regions. 相似文献
F. Brngen V. E. Karachentseva R. Schmidt G. M. Richter W. Thnert 《Astronomische Nachrichten》1982,303(5):287-292
We present a list of 39 dwarf galaxies of the M 81/82 group. Three different methods are applied to determine their apparent integral magnitude: digital processing, equidensitometry, and calculation according to the formulae of FISHER and TULLY . The plates used were obtained with the Tautenburg Schmidt telescope. For a distance of the group of 3.5 Mpc the absolute magnitudes of the dwarf galaxies investigated are -15m < M < -9m. 相似文献