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为揭示岩溶湿地表层水体二氧化碳分压(pCO2)的时空分布规律及其扩散通量,以我国最大的岩溶湿地贵州威宁草海为研究对象,分别于2019年7月(丰水期)和12月(枯水期)通过网格布点法,系统采集草海表层湿地水体,测定水样理化指标和离子组成,利用PHREEQCI软件计算水体pCO2,并基于Cole提出的气体扩散模型估算水-气界面二氧化碳(CO2)的扩散通量.结果表明:草海湿地表层水体丰水期pCO2的变化范围为0.44~645.65μatm,平均值为(55.94±124.73)μatm;枯水期变化范围为35.48~707.95μatm,平均值为(310.46±173.54)μatm;丰水期水体整体pCO2低于枯水期,空间上两期水体均呈现东部区域及河流入湖口处pCO2较高,而中西部区域pCO2欠饱和的特征.水-气界面CO2的扩散通量在丰水期变化范围为-43.27~27.16 mmol/(m2·d),平均值(-34.49±12.93)mmol/(m2·d),枯水期变化范围为-33.36~28.15 mmol/(m2·d),平均值(-8.02±15.85)mmol/(m2·d),与其他岩溶湖库相比,水生植物丰富的草海在两个极端水文期CO2扩散通量相对较低,总体表现为大气CO2的汇.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to assess if Lake Apopka (FL, USA) was autotrophic or heterotrophic based on the partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide (pCO2) in the surface water and to evaluate factors that influence the long-term changes in pCO2. Monthly average pH, alkalinity and other limnological variables collected between 1987 and 2006 were used to estimate dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), pCO2 and CO2 flux between surface water and atmosphere. Results indicated that average pCO2 in the surface water was 196 μatm, well below the atmospheric pCO2. Direct measurements of DIC concentration on three sampling dates in 2009 also supported pCO2 undersaturation in Lake Apopka. Supersaturation in CO2 occurred in this lake in only 13% of the samples from the 20-year record. The surface-water pCO2 was inversely related to Chl a concentrations. Average annual CO2 flux was 28.2 g C m−2 year−1 from the atmosphere to the lake water and correlated significantly with Chl a concentration, indicating that biological carbon sequestration led to the low dissolved CO2 concentration. Low pCO2 and high invasion rates of atmospheric CO2 in Lake Apopka indicated persistent autotrophy. High rates of nutrient loading and primary production, a high buffering capacity, a lack of allochthonous loading of organic matter, and the dominance of a planktivorous–benthivorous fish food web have supported long-term net autotrophy in this shallow subtropical eutrophic lake. Our results also showed that lake restoration by the means of nutrient reduction resulted in significantly lower total phosphorus (TP) and Chl a concentrations, and higher pCO2.  相似文献   

This paper considers the contributions of epigenic karst processes as a major element of the carbon cycle and a significant agent of landscape evolution. Geochemical models developed from monitoring data and water samples are used to estimate the variation and magnitude of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) flux in karst landscapes at several scales, from local to global. At the local scale, the Cumberland River watershed of southeast Kentucky, these geochemical models are also used to evaluate the potential role of sulfur in the production of DIC and to compute an estimated rate of landscape erosion. Geochemical modeling using ionic species and modeled discharge reveal a variable rate of DIC flux driven by large fluctuations in calcite saturation and discharge. Ratios of reaction products and principal component analyses (PCA) suggest that some bedrock dissolution may be driven by the oxidation of reduced sulfur derived from brines entrained into the karst aquifers. Over the 3730 km2 of carbonate exposure in the Cumberland River, 25.8–62.4 Gg/yr of carbon dioxide (CO2) is conveyed from the atmosphere through the dissolution of carbonate. At the global scale, this translates to 123–296 Tg/yr of CO2 delivered by karst processes into the aqueous system. The bedrock portion of DIC equates to a flux of 32.6 ± 2.6 m3 – 35.2 ± 2.8 m3 of bedrock during the period of study of which 29% was dolomite. This translates to a landscape erosion rate of 13.1–17.9 mm/ka in the 3.45–4.32 km2 of carbonate exposure in the studied watershed. Based upon 16+ km of cave survey data spanning a vertical range of 72 to 75 m above base level, this suggests that cave development in the watershed spans the Plio‐Pleistocene. Using the modeled erosion rates, the ages of cave levels, 4.03–5.71, 3.08–4.56, 1.57–2.43, 1.01–1.67, 0.45–0.91, and < 0.45 Ma, are in good agreement with regional studies of Plio‐Pleistocene landscape evolution in the Appalachian Lowland Plateaus. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

秋季太湖水下光场结构及其对水生态系统的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
水生态系统中光能的分配很大程度上决定了水生态系统的结构和功能,利用2007年11-12月太湖水体光学特性和组分浓度数据,对秋季太湖水下光场结构特征和水体组分光竞争能力的表征光学量(漫衰减系数、平均余弦)和影响因素(吸收系数比重)进行了分析研究.结果表明,秋季太湖水下辐照度呈现单峰分布,最高值为583nm左右:根据Kd可将黄质和非色素物质主导程度的强弱分为弱、较强、强三个等级;Kd(PAR)平均值为4.61±1.54m-1,水体真光层厚度平均值为1.11±0.35m;太湖水下光场的光能主要分布在青光和黄绿光波长范围内,约占总能量的60%,蓝光和红光波长范围内的能量约占30%,这样的光谱结构有利于铜绿微囊藻和斜生栅藻的生长.  相似文献   

Surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), temperature, salinity and chlorophyll a (Chl a) at grid stations were measured in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS; 32–37°N to 120–125°E) during four cruises conducted in March 2005 (winter), April 2006 (spring), May 2005 (late spring), and July 2001 (summer). Factors influencing pCO2 spatial and seasonal variations are explored.Surface seawater pCO2 during winter was oversaturated with respect to the atmosphere in the entire study area (380–606 μatm), primarily due to the complete mixing of the water column in winter which brought CO2-enriched bottom water to the surface. However, during spring, surface pCO2 in the central SYS was undersaturated relative to the atmosphere with a low range between 274 and 408 μatm. The net CO2 sink in the central SYS was mainly due to the consumption of CO2 by the strong phytoplankton activity and to the weak water stratification, whereas surface pCO2 in the nearshore area was oversaturated for the atmosphere owing to vertical mixing and terrestrial inputs. During summer, surface pCO2 varied between 125 and 599 μatm over the entire sampling area. In the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Diluted Water (CDW) area, surface pCO2 was undersaturated because of the nutrient inputs via the Changjiang, triggering strong phytoplankton activity, whereas surface pCO2 was oversaturated in other areas. We conclude that the nearshore area behaves as a source of atmospheric CO2 during the entire investigated periods owing to vertical mixing and terrestrial inputs as well as upwelling, whereas the central region generally shifts from a source of CO2 in March to a sink in the remaining time of the investigation.  相似文献   

不同生态系统CO2通量和浓度特征分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用1993~1994年日本国家农业环境研究所与中国科学院沙漠研究所合作在内蒙古奈曼地区实测的7种不同生态系统(沙丘、轻度放牧草原、中度放牧草原、重度放牧草原、无放牧草原、玉米田和大豆田)的净辐射、土壤热通量、两个高度的CO2浓度、温度、湿度和风速等资料,采用空气动力学方法,计算了CO2通量及其与环境和人为干扰因子的关系,并分析了不同下垫面的光合作用特征. 结果表明:各种下垫面CO2通量的共同特点是:在白天,CO2通量和梯度的输送方向是从大气向植被,在中午(11~13时)输送达到负的最大值; 在夜间,CO2通量和梯度输送方向与白天相反,是从植被向大气,在早晨(3~5时)达到正的最大值. 植被覆盖率及生物量不同的下垫面光合作用强度有明显差异,天气状况对光合作用也有一定影响.  相似文献   

Measurements of the production and consumption of organic material have been a focus of aquatic science for more than 80 years. Over the last century, a variety of approaches have been developed and employed for measuring rates of gross primary production (Pg), respiration (R), and net ecosystem production (Pn = Pg − R) within aquatic ecosystems. Here, we reconsider the range of approaches and applications for ecosystem metabolism measurements, and suggest ways by which such studies can continue to contribute to aquatic ecology. This paper reviews past and contemporary studies of aquatic ecosystem-level metabolism to identify their role in understanding and managing aquatic systems. We identify four broad research objectives that have motivated ecosystem metabolism studies: (1) quantifying magnitude and variability of metabolic rates for cross-system comparison, (2) estimating organic matter transfer between adjacent systems or subsystems, (3) measuring ecosystem-scale responses to perturbation, both natural and anthropogenic, and (4) quantifying and calibrating models of biogeochemical processes and trophic networks. The magnitudes of whole-system gross primary production, respiration and net ecosystem production rates vary among aquatic environments and are partly constrained by the chosen methodology. We argue that measurements of ecosystem metabolism should be a vital component of routine monitoring at larger scales in the aquatic environment using existing flexible, precise, and durable sensor technologies. Current and future aquatic ecosystem studies will benefit from application of new methods for metabolism measurements, which facilitate integration of process measurements and calibration of models for addressing fundamental questions involving ecosystem-scale processes.  相似文献   

Response of aquatic plants to abiotic factors: a review   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This review aims to determine how environmental characteristics of aquatic habitats rule species occurrence, life-history traits and community dynamics among aquatic plants, and if these particular adaptations and responses fit in with general predictions relating to abiotic factors and plant communities. The way key abiotic factors in aquatic habitats affect (1) plant life (recruitment, growth, and reproduction) and dispersal, and (2) the dynamics of plant communities is discussed. Many factors related to plant nutrition are rather similar in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats (e.g. light, temperature, substrate nutrient content, CO2 availability) or differ markedly in intensity (e.g. light), variations (e.g. temperature) or in their effective importance for plant growth (e.g. nutrient content in substrate and water). Water movements (water-table fluctuations or flow velocity) have particularly drastic consequences on plants because of the density of water leading to strong mechanical strains on plant tissues, and because dewatering leads to catastrophic habitat modifications for aquatic plants devoid of cuticle and support tissues. Several abiotic factors that affect aquatic plants, such as substrate anoxia, inorganic carbon availability or temperature, may be modified by global change. This in turn may amplify competitive processes, and lead ultimately to the dominance of phytoplankton and floating species. Conserving the diversity of aquatic plants will rely on their ability to adapt to new ecological conditions or escape through migration.  相似文献   

Limnologists have greatly advanced the understanding of indicators of phosphorus(P)-eutrophy in surface waters. Biotic variables such as macro-invertebrates, fish, zooplankton, benthic algae, and diatoms are extensively used for bio-assessment of eutrophy. New concepts highlight the importance of bed-sediment based “response” variables predicting functional shifts during eutrophication. A cross analysis of studies reveals that alkaline phosphatase(ALP), which serves as a proxy of P-deficiency, a...  相似文献   

Procambarus clarkii is currently recorded from 16 European territories. On top of being a vector of crayfish plague, which is responsible for large-scale disappearance of native crayfish species, it causes severe impacts on diverse aquatic ecosystems, due to its rapid life cycle, dispersal capacities, burrowing activities and high population densities. The species has even been recently discovered in caves. This invasive crayfish is a polytrophic keystone species that can exert multiple pressures on ecosystems. Most studies deal with the decline of macrophytes and predation on several species (amphibians, molluscs, and macroinvertebrates), highlighting how this biodiversity loss leads to unbalanced food chains. At a management level, the species is considered as (a) a devastating digger of the water drainage systems in southern and central Europe, (b) an agricultural pest in Mediterranean territories, consuming, for example, young rice plants, and (c) a threat to the restoration of water bodies in north-western Europe. Indeed, among the high-risk species, P. clarkii consistently attained the highest risk rating. Its negative impacts on ecosystem services were evaluated. These may include the loss of provisioning services such as reductions in valued edible native species of regulatory and supporting services, inducing wide changes in ecological communities and increased costs to agriculture and water management. Finally, cultural services may be lost. The species fulfils the criteria of the Article 4(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament (species widely spread in Europe and impossible to eradicate in a cost-effective manner) and has been included in the “Union List”. Particularly, awareness of the ornamental trade through the internet must be reinforced within the European Community and import and trade regulations should be imposed to reduce the availability of this high-risk species.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a group of compounds that have complex chemical structures and multiple interactions with their surrounding materials. More than one trillion tons of DOM are stocked in the world’s aquatic ecosystems. DOM is a very important part of aquatic ecosystem productivity and plays a crucial role in global carbon cycling. DOM has rich environmental behaviors and effects such as influencing the bioavailability of contaminants, serving as an important inducer of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and protecting aquatic organisms from the harm of dangerous ultraviolet radiation. There have been many systematic studies on the composition, structure, and sources of DOM because such studies are much easier to conduct than studies on the environmental behaviors and effects of DOM. Due to many factors, the research systems of DOM’s environmental behaviors and effects are still being developed and have become a hotspot of environmental science. This review paper focuses on some critical progress, problems, and trends of DOM’s environmental behaviors and effects in aquatic ecosystems, including mutual exchange mechanisms between DOM and particulate organic matter (POM) with influencing factors, photochemical behaviors of DOM especially inducing ROS, binding interactions between DOM and anthropogenic organic contaminants (AOC), interactions between DOM and microorganisms, effects of DOM on pollutants’ bioavailability, ecotoxicity, and ecological risks. Hopefully, this paper will contribute to a more systematic understanding of the DOM environmental behaviors and effects and to promoting further relevant studies.  相似文献   

The alpine tundra on Changbai Mountain was formed as a left-over ‘island’ in higher elevations after the glacier retrieved from the mid-latitude of Northern Hemisphere to the Arctic during the fourth ice age. The alpine tundra on Changbai Mountain also represents the best-reserved tundra ecosystems and the highest biodiversity in northeast Eurasia. This paper examines the quantity of carbon assimilation, litters, respiration rate of soil, and storage of organic carbon within the alpine tundra ecosystems on Changbai Mountain. The annual net storage of organic carbon was 2092 t/a, the total storage of organic carbon was 33457 t, the annual net storage of organic carbon in soil was 1054 t/a, the total organic carbon storage was 316203 t, and the annual respiration rate of soil was 92.9% and was 0.52 times more than that of the Arctic. The tundra-soil ecosystems in alpine Changbai Mountain had 456081 t of carbon storage, of which, organic carbon accounted for 76.7% whereas the mineral carbon accounted for 23.3%.  相似文献   

We compare the series of daily-average values of the surface air pressure for De Bilt and Lugano meteorological stations with subtracted linear trends and seasonal harmonics, as well as the series of the flux of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) at Jungfraujoch station with subtracted moving average over 200 days. Using the method of superposed epochs, we show that the Forbush decreases at both stations are accompanied by increased pressure. Spectral analysis allows us to conclude that the analyzed series are characterized by nonzero coherence in almost the entire frequency range: from 0.02 day?1 day up to the Nyquist frequency of 0.5 day?1. Using changes in the GCR flux as a probing signal, we obtain amplitude-frequency characteristics of the pressure reaction. For both stations, these characteristics are in qualitative agreement with each other and indicate that the atmospheric response can be described by a second-order linear dynamic system that has wide resonance with a maximum at a frequency of 0.15 day?1.  相似文献   

浅水水体存在着强烈的底栖—浮游生境耦合作用,耦合的结果决定着水生态系统关键特征.在缺少大型水生植物的浅水系统中,底栖藻类和浮游藻类对光照和营养盐的竞争是底栖—浮游生境耦合最为重要的生态过程之一,但该过程受到杂食性鱼类的影响.本文以浅水水体的底栖—浮游生境耦合作用为切入点,综述了杂食性鱼类对浅水水体底栖—浮游生境耦合作用...  相似文献   

We present an integrated study of subsurface and surficial karst landforms to unravel the uplift history of karst landscape in a tectonically-active area. To this end, we apply a multidisciplinary approach by combining cave geomorphology and Th/U dating of speleothems with remote sensing plus geophysical imaging of surface landforms. We use as an example Mt. Menikio in northern Greece where four caves share well-defined epiphreatic/shallow phreatic characteristics that are related to the distribution of surface and buried doline fields and provide evidence for three distinct water table stillstands (e.g. expressed as cave levels) now lying at ~130 m, ~800 m and ~1600 m a.m.s.l. Our dating constraints delimit the age of the lower water table stillstand prior to 77 ka ago and imply a maximum rate of relative base level drop of 0.45 mma-1, which is consistent with relative tectonic uplift rate estimates along currently active normal faults. We interpret the elevation of the higher water table stillstands to reflect earlier phases of uplift related to the regional tectonic events associated with the development of the North Anatolian Fault and the Northern Aegean area. Our analysis shows that the combined study of epiphreatic/shallow phreatic caves and surficial karst landforms together, is a robust way to investigate the uplift history of a karst landscape in a tectonically-active setting. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A soil-water flux sensor was developed, which determines the flux value from the difference between downstream and upstream temperatures at some distances from an artificial heat source. It can detect flux values ranging from several mm hr.−1 to as small as 0.01 mm hr.−1. Design and calibration of the sensor are described.

The sensor was applied to the field studies of transfer processes in a surface soil, including rainwater infiltration, upward soil-water flow during evapotranspiration, and their effects on the water table level. Cl accumulation in the surface soil is discussed on the basis of upward water flux and Cl content observed.  相似文献   

CO2 concentrations at depths of 15,30, and 50 cm were determined over a one-year period in six karst soils in the Malay peninsula. Evidence suggests that the highest single CO2 value (MAXCO2, per cent) recorded at each site/depth provides the best estimate of conditions during groundwater recharge events. Soil depth (cm) and bulk density (BDEN) are the best predictors of MAXCO2, with the equation loglo(MAXCO2) = 1·146 (BDEN) + 0·00698 (DEPTH) - 1·227 accounting for 86 per cent of the variation. This equation is used to model MAXCO2 at seven, more remote sites. Soil throughflow patterns and groundwater recharge points are estimated from slope pantometer and soil depth surveys in order to assess the CO2 concentration with which soil waters ultimately equilibrate before entering the limestone. Limestone weathering seems to be predominantly of the open system type, the overall mean MAXCO2 of 1·65 per cent corresponding with a weathering potential of 167 ppm CaCO3. Weathering potentials vary markedly, ranging from 62–82 ppm on rocky hilltops to more than 280 ppm on certain tower karst footslopes in Selangor and the Kinta Valley and on moderate hillslopes developed in impure limestones in the Boundary Range.  相似文献   

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