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We present a numerical model of the main phase (370?C335 Ma) of the Variscan orogeny in the central part of the Bohemian Massif. The crustal deformation in our model is driven by radiogenic heating in the felsic lower crust, the lateral contraction of the Moldanubian domain due to convergence with the Saxothuringian plate (in the early stage of orogeny), and the indentation of the Brunovistulian basement into the weakened orogenic root (in the late stage). Our model explains the main geological events inferred from the geological record in the Moldanubian domain: formation of the orogenic plateau and onset of sedimentation at about 345 Ma, rapid exhumation of the orogenic lower crust at about 340 Ma and subsurface flow of crustal material (?? 335 Ma and later). The results of our modeling suggest that delamination of the lithosphere, often invoked to explain the high temperature metamorphism in the orogenic lower crust of the Bohemian Massif, is not the only physical mechanism which can transfer a sufficient amount of heat to the crust to trigger its overturn.  相似文献   

The Early Paleozoic tectono-thermal event was a significant orogenic activity during the Phanerozoic era,which had a profound impact on the early crust of the South China Block(SCB) and established the foundation for later tectonic activity.The Wuyi-Yunkai orogenic belt in Southeastern China was extensively exposed to Early Paleozoic magmatism,the genetic mechanism of which remains controversial.To shed light on this issue,detailed petrological,geochemical,and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic studies wer...  相似文献   

Abstract   Small-volume plutons of Early to Late Cretaceous ages are widely distributed in the Yamizo Mountains, central Japan. These plutons consist predominantly of granitoids, classified into hornblende gabbro, quartz diorite, hornblende–biotite granodiorite and coarse-grained biotite granite. The quartz diorite (52–64 wt% of SiO2) is characterized by a high Sr content (606–769 p.p.m.) associated with a low Y (13–27 p.p.m.) and heavy rare earth element content (Yb content of 1.19–2.13 p.p.m.). On the Sr/Y versus Y diagram, this rock type mainly plots in the adakite and Archean high-Al tonalite, trondhjemite and granodiorite (TTG) field. Together with its initial Sr isotopic ratios, which range from 0.7038 to 0.7046, these data suggest that quartz diorite originated as slab melts. However, geochemical calculations assuming either eclogite or garnet amphibolite as the source material do not support this suggestion. Instead, the chemical compositions of quartz diorite are better explained by the fractional crystallization of hornblende, plagioclase and biotite from a primitive, basaltic melt in a magma chamber. In this case, the formation of the associated hornblende gabbro can also be explained by the accumulation of hornblende and plagioclase. Adakitic rocks of Early Cretaceous ages have also been reported in the Tamba Belt of the inner zone of southwest Japan, located ca 500 km west of the Yamizo Mountains. These rocks can be correlated to the adakitic rocks in the Yamizo Mountains based on the geology, petrography, geochemistry and radiometric ages. Therefore, we propose the possibility that the Early Cretaceous adakitic rocks in the inner zone of southwest Japan were produced by fractional crystallization from basaltic arc magmas generated by a partial melting of metasomatized wedge mantle peridotite.  相似文献   

The present study aims at understanding the seismotectonic province of the Shillong Plateau (SP) by identifying the potential seismic source zones within a radius of 500 km from the centre of the SP. From existing literature and earthquake (EQ) data, the seismotectonic region is found to vary in terms of seismicity, tectonic features, geology, thickness of overburden, rupture characteristics and rate of movement. Thus, entire 500-km-radius seismotectonic region is divided into four seismic source zones: namely (1) the Shillong Plateau–Assam Valley Zone (SP-AVZ), (2) the Indo-Burma Ranges Zone (IBRZ), (3) the Bengal Basin Zone (BBZ) and (4) the Eastern Himalaya Zone (EHZ). EQ catalogues for each source zone is analysed for completeness of magnitude and time. Seismic parameter b estimated using a maximum likelihood method is found to be 0.91 ± 0.03, 0.94 ± 0.02, 0.80 ± 0.03 and 0.89 ± 0.03 for the SP-AVZ, IBRZ, BBZ and EHZ, respectively. In addition, the maximum likelihood method is used to estimate the mean annual activity rate, maximum possible magnitude (m max), return period and probability of exceedance for the four zones. The b values estimated suggest that the BBZ is seismically more active; however, the rate of occurrence of EQs is highest in the IBRZ. Findings from this study are an indication of the relative contribution from each of the four seismic source zones towards a seismic hazard of the SP.  相似文献   

The late Paleozoic postcollisional granitoids, mafic-ultramafic complexes, and volcanic rocks are extensively distributed around the Junggar Basin; they are generally characterized by positive εNd(t) values, implying that the magmas were mantle-derived and contaminated with crustal materials to some extents. The emplacement of mantle-derived magmas and their differentiates in the upper crust is the expression of deep geological processes at shallow level, while much more mantle-derived magmas were underplated in the lower crust and the region near the crust-mantle boundary, being component part of basement of the Junggar Basin. The postcollisional mafic-ultramafic complexes would not be generated by re-melting of residual oceanic crust, which was considered as the basement of the Junggar Basin, unless very high degrees of partial melting occurred. Even if old continental crust had been present before collision, it would have been strongly modified by the mantle-derived magma underplating. This interpretation is compatible with the existing geophysical data. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos. 4900031 and 49272103)  相似文献   

SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age, geochemical and Nd isotopic data are reported for the Neoproterozoic Guandaoshan pluton in the Yanbian region, SW Sichuan. This pluton is of typical I-type granite and emplaced at (857±13) Ma. Geochemical and Nd isotopic characters suggest that the pluton was generated by partial melting of pre-existing, young (late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic) low-K tholeiitic protolith within an intraplate anorogenic setting. The Guandaoshan pluton probably records the earliest magmatism induced by the proposed ca. 860-750 Ma mantle superplume beneath the supercontinent Rodinia.  相似文献   


SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age, geochemical and Nd isotopic data are reported for the Neo-proterozoic Guandaoshan pluton in the Yanbian region, SW Sichuan. This pluton is of typical I-type granite and emplaced at (857 ± 13) Ma. Geochemical and Nd isotopic characters suggest that the pluton was generated by partial melting of pre-existing, young (late Mesoproterozoic to early Neo-proterozoic) low-K tholeiitic protolith within an intraplate anorogenic setting. The Guandaoshan pluton probably records the earliest magmatism induced by the proposed ca. 860–750 Ma mantle superplume beneath the supercontinent Rodinia.


SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age, geochemical and Nd isotopic data are reported for the Neo-proterozoic Guandaoshan pluton in the Yanbian region, SW Sichuan. This pluton is of typical I-type granite and emplaced at (857 ± 13) Ma. Geochemical and Nd isotopic characters suggest that the pluton was generated by partial melting of pre-existing, young (late Mesoproterozoic to early Neo-proterozoic) low-K tholeiitic protolith within an intraplate anorogenic setting. The Guandaoshan pluton probably records the earliest magmatism induced by the proposed ca. 860–750 Ma mantle superplume beneath the supercontinent Rodinia.  相似文献   

Magmatism in Kachchh, in the northwestern Deccan continental flood basalt province, is represented not only by typical tholeiitic flows and dikes, but also plug-like bodies, in Mesozoic sandstone, of alkali basalt, basanite, melanephelinite and nephelinite, containing mantle nodules. They form the base of the local Deccan stratigraphy and their volcanological context was poorly understood. Based on new and published field, petrographic and geochemical data, we identify this suite as an eroded monogenetic volcanic field. The plugs are shallow-level intrusions (necks, sills, dikes, sheets, laccoliths); one of them is known to have fed a lava flow. We have found local peperites reflecting mingling between magmas and soft sediment, and the remains of a pyroclastic vent composed of non-bedded lapilli tuff breccia, injected by mafic alkalic dikes. The lapilli tuff matrix contains basaltic fragments, glass shards, and detrital quartz and microcline, with secondary zeolites, and there are abundant lithic blocks of mafic alkalic rocks. We interpret this deposit as a maar-diatreme, formed due to phreatomagmatic explosions and associated wall rock fragmentation and collapse. This is one of few known hydrovolcanic vents in the Deccan Traps. The central Kachchh monogenetic volcanic field has >30 individual structures exposed over an area of ∼1,800 km2 and possibly many more if compositionally identical igneous intrusions in northern Kachchh are proven by future dating work to be contemporaneous. The central Kachchh monogenetic volcanic field implies low-degree mantle melting and limited, periodic magma supply. Regional directed extension was absent or at best insignificant during its formation, in contrast to the contemporaneous significant directed extension and vigorous mantle melting under the main area of the Deccan flood basalts. The central Kachchh field demonstrates regional-scale volcanological, compositional, and tectonic variability within flood basalt provinces, and adds the Deccan Traps to the list of such provinces containing monogenetic- and/or hydrovolcanism, namely the Karoo-Ferrar and Emeishan flood basalts, and plateau basalts in Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Patagonia.  相似文献   

New K-Ar dating and major- and trace-element analyses from the U ak-Selendi-Emet (USE) area constrain the timing of changes in the nature of volcanism in the Miocene in western Turkey. The data reveal a change from dominantly calc-alkaline and silicic in the Early Miocene to largely alkaline and more mafic volcanism in the Middle Miocene. This probably reflects a decreasing amount of crustal contamination with time, a result of extensional tectonics. High levels of various incompatible elements (including K) in the more mafic members, suggest an enriched subcontinental lithospheric source region for the Middle Miocene USE lavas. Highly variable Nb/Y, Ti/Y and Th/Nb ratios suggest a lithospheric mantle heterogeneously enriched by two processes: (1) enrichment by subduction-related processes producing high Th/Nb but low Nb/Y and Ti/Y; and (2) enrichment by small degree melts of depleted upper mantle producing low Th/Nb but high Nb/Y and Ti/Y. Both of these enrichment processes have variably contributed to Middle Miocene K-rich lavas in the USE area. The mechanism which initiated the melting of the enriched lithosphere is considered to be extension which produced decompression melting. Comparisons with the nearby Kula lavas reveals that by the Pliocene to Quaternary, volcanism, although still enriched in incompatible elements, had become sodic. It seems likely that continued extension up to this time thinned the lithosphere to such an extent that asthenospheric melts were produced which ascended and mixed with previously enriched lithosphere.  相似文献   

西秦岭温泉岩体的磁组构特征及其侵位机制意义   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
结合岩石磁学、磁化率各向异性度与区域构造分析了西秦岭温泉岩体的侵位机制及意义.温泉岩体的样品的平均磁化率km值总体很大,岩石磁学表明对于磁化率较低的样品,顺磁性矿物(如黑云母等)对磁化率的贡献较大,而少量铁磁性矿物(如磁铁矿等)可能作为剩磁载体.对于磁化率较高的样品,其主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿;花岗岩样品的校正磁化率各向异性度PJ总体小于1.2,显示了岩体为流动磁组构的特征,磁化率椭球体形态参数T总体大于0,扁率E总体大于1,以压扁椭球体为主;岩体的磁面理同磁线理相比更为发育,样品的磁面理普遍表现出围绕岩体边界分布的特点,且倾角较陡;而在岩体内部磁线理与磁面理分布相对散乱,定向性差,这一特征说明温泉岩体的磁组构主要由侵位时的侧向挤压作用形成的;虽然岩体的磁组构特征总体显示了N-NEE和SW向的挤压作用,但岩体侵位时由商丹缝合带闭合所产生的垂直于缝合带方向的挤压作用已相对较弱.本文认为,温泉岩体侵位时是一种弱挤压环境,或者是一种相对稳定的环境甚至可能是一种相对引张的背景,这与温泉岩体形成于后碰撞环境,秦岭造山带已演化至后碰撞拆沉作用发生的伸展阶段所反映的区域构造背景是一致的.  相似文献   

The strongly peraluminous granites (SPGs) of Eastern Nanling Range (ENR) are a characteristic of all bearing highly aluminous minerals, such as muscovite±AI-rich biotite±tourmaline±garnet, and lack of cordierite. In respect of petrography, geochemistry, Nd isotope, and single grain zircon U-Pb dating, the representative granite bodies of them are studied. The research shows that these granites were emplaced in two stages, namely 228-225 Ma BP and J2-3 159-156 Ma BP, belonging to Indosinian and early Yanshanian periods, respectively, and they have low εNd(t) values (-10.6--11.1), high A/CNK, Rb/Sr ratios and tDM values (1887-1817 Ma), and REE's tetrad effect (TE1,3=1.13-1.34). In comparison with related geology, petrology and chronology of granites in adjacent regions, it is suggested that Indosinian SPGs of ENR formed in the circumstance of post-collisional extension 20 Ma after the major collision of Indosinian Movement (258-243 Ma BP) in Indo-China Peninsula, and early Yanshanian SPGs formed in the  相似文献   

Petrochemical studies of granitoid rocks from the eastern part of Kumaun region suggest that the leading edge of India represents an active arc during Late Paleoproterozoic times. It has been observed that melt generation for granodiorite rocks from the eastern Almora Nappe and Chhiplakot klippe along with the Askot klippe was caused through a subduction‐related process involving hydrous partial melting of a Paleoproterozoic amphibole‐ and/or garnet‐bearing mafic source with the involvement of sediments from the subduction zone. The medium‐ to high‐K basic rocks, common in subduction‐related magmatic arcs, can also explain the generation of the high‐K granodiorites of the Chhiplakot klippe. The augen gneisses from the eastern Almora nappe and Chhiplakot klippe along with the Askot klippe further show geochemical similarity with the associated granodiorites, suggesting there is a genetic linkage with one another.  相似文献   

The Kitakami Massif of the Tohoku district, Northeast Japan, consists mainly of the South Kitakami Belt (Silurian–Cretaceous forearc shallow-marine sediments, granitoids, and forearc ophiolite) and the North Kitakami Belt (a Jurassic accretionary complex). The Nedamo Belt (a Carboniferous accretionary complex) occurs as a small unit between those two belts. An accretionary unit in the Nedamo Belt is lithologically divided into the Early Carboniferous Tsunatori Unit and the age-unknown Takinosawa Unit. In order to constrain the accretionary age of the Takinosawa Unit, detrital zircon U–Pb dating was conducted. The new data revealed that the youngest cluster ages from sandstone and tuffaceous rock are 257–248 Ma and 288–281 Ma, respectively. The Early Triassic depositional age of the sandstone may correspond to a period of intense magmatic activity in the eastern margin of the paleo-Asian continent. A 30–40 my interval between the youngest cluster ages of the sandstone and the tuffaceous rock can be explained by the absence of syn-sedimentary zircon in the tuffaceous rock. The new detrital zircon data suggest that the Takinosawa Unit can be distinguished as an Early Triassic accretionary complex distinct from the Early Carboniferous Tsunatori Unit. This recognition establishes a long-duration northeastward younging polarity of accretionary units, from the Carboniferous to Early Cretaceous, in the northern Kitakami Massif. Lithological features and detrital zircon spectra suggest that the Early Triassic Takinosawa Unit in the Nedamo Belt is comparable with the Hisone and Shingai units in the Kurosegawa Belt in Shikoku. The existence of this Early Triassic accretionary complex strongly supports a pre-Jurassic geotectonic correlation and similarity between Southwest and Northeast Japan.  相似文献   

The Proterozoic Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB), southern India preserves a distinct high-grade terrain that is interpreted to have been situated adjacent to Madagascar and Sri Lanka during Gondwana assembly. As such, it has become a major focus for testing models of supercontinent amalgamation and dispersal. The lithounits of KKB have remarkable petrological similarities to the Highland Complex (HC) of Sri Lanka and south-central Madagascar. However, there is no well-constrained petrogenetic model for the KKB that fits explicitly within a supercontinent reconstruction model. We present here results from our on-going studies on the origin and evolution of K-rich (potassic, where K2O/Na2O > 1) gneisses of KKB in relation to Proterozoic supercontinent events. Our results show, in a major departure from earlier metasedimentary origin, that potassic gneisses are metamorphosed granitoids. The metagranitoid samples display high K2O contents and low Al2O3/(FeO + MgO + TiO2) values. They are moderate to strongly peraluminous (ASI values ranging from 1.05 to 1.47) rocks showing mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical characteristics distinctive of the high-K calc-alkaline suites. Typical of igneous suites, the high-K metagranites show minor variation in chemical compositions with most oxides showing negative correlation with SiO2. Geochemistry illustrates distinctive features of arc-related magmas with LILE (K, Rb, and Th) and LREE enriched patterns and considerable depletion of HSFE (Nb, Zr, and Ti). The high-K metagranites are further characterized by strong negative anomalies of Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0.10–0.44) and Sr, suggesting melting in plagioclase stability field and retention of plagioclase in the residual phase. Petrogenetic discrimination for granitoids, using major and trace elements demonstrates that the high-K metagranites of the KKB formed by partial melting of igneous source in lower- to middle-crust levels. Overall the geochemical features are supportive of origin in relation to a convergent margin setting, possibly in a continental magmatic arc system, which can be connected to the amalgamation and dispersal of continental fragments in a supercontinent event. This study, therefore, provides a lead towards more robust comparisons between the Proterozoic supercontinent events and processes.  相似文献   

The Queershan composite granitic pluton is located in the north of the late Paleozoic Yidun arc collision-orogenic belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau. The main rock types are coarse-grained porphyritic alkalic-monzonite granite with minor fine-grained porphyritic monzogranite and granodiorite distributed in the eastern and southwestern regions. Here we report their zircon U-Pb ages and geo- chemical data. The intrusive contact relations indicate that granodiorite was formed earlier than the alkalic-monzonite granite(105.9±1.3 Ma) and monzogranite(102.6±1.1 Ma). These suggest that the Queershan composite granitic pluton was formed through three-stage magmatic events. The alkalic-monzonite granite(105.9±1.3 Ma) and monzogranite(102.6±1.1 Ma) are characterized by high SiO2(73.5%–77.7%), K2O+Na2O(6.9%–8.5%), Ga/Al ratios(2.6–3.4) and low Al2O3(11.8%–14.5%), CaO(0.25%–1.5%), MgO(0.18%–0.69%), negative Ba, Sr and Eu anomalies, showing A-type granite affinities. The granodiorite exhibits lower SiO2, P2O5 and K2O+Na2O contents, but higher Al2O3, CaO and MgO contents than alkalic-monzonite granite and monzogranite, showing I-type granite affinity. 176Hf/177 Hf ratios of the alkalic-monzonite granite and the monzogranite are 0.282692–0.282749 and 0.282685–0.282765, respectively, and with similar ?Hf(t) values(?0.56 to 1.43 and ?0.87 to 1.90 respectively). They also present similar TDM2 model ages(1.04–1.22 and 1.07–1.2 Ga respectively), indicating they may be sourced from a similar rock source, mostly like Kangding Complex. The homogeneity of the Hf isotopic compositions and the absence of the MMEs demonstrate that little depleted mantle materials have contributed to the source. We propose that the Mesoproterozoic crust materials of the Yangtze Craton exist beneath the Yidun arc terrane and support it was a dismembered part of the Yangtze Craton. The A-type granites of Queershan composite granitic pluton are most probably related to the closure of the Bangong-Nujiang Tethys ocean.  相似文献   

Meta-igneous mafic and ultramafic rocks, which constitute about 60% of the granulitic xenoliths enclosed in the Neogene alkali basalts of the Bournac pipe (French Massif Central) have well preserved magmatic trends of element variations. The meta-igneous suite was probably derived from at least two different parental magmas and it may be a part of a gabbroic complex which resembles mafic bodies associated with anorthosites. The xenoliths are also very similar to many other granulitic xenoliths and to meta-igneous mafic granulitic massifs. This indicates that the gabbroic intrusions may be widespread in the lower crust and the close association of gabbroic rocks with meta-sedimentary granulites suggests a model for the composition of the lower continental crust.  相似文献   

In this study the predictability of northeast monsoon (Oct–Nov–Dec) rainfall over peninsular India by eight general circulation model (GCM) outputs was analyzed. These GCM outputs (forecasts for the whole season issued in September) were compared with high-resolution observed gridded rainfall data obtained from the India Meteorological Department for the period 1982–2010. Rainfall, interannual variability (IAV), correlation coefficients, and index of agreement were examined for the outputs of eight GCMs and compared with observation. It was found that the models are able to reproduce rainfall and IAV to different extents. The predictive power of GCMs was also judged by determining the signal-to-noise ratio and the external error variance; it was noted that the predictive power of the models was usually very low. To examine dominant modes of interannual variability, empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis was also conducted. EOF analysis of the models revealed they were capable of representing the observed precipitation variability to some extent. The teleconnection between the sea surface temperature (SST) and northeast monsoon rainfall was also investigated and results suggest that during OND the SST over the equatorial Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, the central Pacific Ocean (over Nino3 region), and the north and south Atlantic Ocean enhances northeast monsoon rainfall. This observed phenomenon is only predicted by the CCM3v6 model.  相似文献   

The eastern part of the North China Craton suffered significant lithospheric thinning since the Mesozoic,and petrogenesis of the Dagushan adakitic diorite porphyries provides an excellent opportunity to investigate the lithospheric thinning mechanism and geodynamic setting.The zircon LA-ICP-MS U–Pb geochronology reveals that the representative Dagushan adakitic porphyry was formed at 120.5 ± 0.5 Ma.The Dagushan diorite porphyries are characterized by the relatively high contents of SiO2(64.25–65...  相似文献   

<正>The Northern Orogenic Belt(NOB, also known as the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, CAOB) is the world’s largest Phanerozoic accretionary orogenic belt and records geological processes involved in the development and evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean from the Neoproterozoic through the early Paleozoic to the Late Paleozoic. The NOB thus provides an ideal natural laboratory for geologists to study Phanerozoic continental dynamics and mineralization.  相似文献   

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