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COSMIC大气掩星与SABER/TIMED探测温度数据比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用2009年1月-2011年12月共3年的COSMIC大气掩星观测数据与SABER/TIMED探测数据开展15~60 km大气温度数据的比较分析研究,计算COSMIC与SABER/TIMED探测温度的绝对偏差(TSABER-TCOSMIC),并统计其平均温度偏差和标准偏差,分析温度偏差随高度、纬度和季节的分布特征,为COSMIC大气掩星与SABER/TIMED探测数据的应用提供更多的参考依据.结果表明:COSMIC与SABER/TIMED数据所反映的温度随高度的变化特征是一致的,数据的大体趋势吻合较好.全球范围的平均温度偏差在38 km左右接近于0 K,在38 km以上,平均温度偏差表现为负的系统性偏差,且随着高度逐渐增大,在38 km以下,平均温度偏差表现为正的系统性偏差,在23 km左右存在极大值,约为2.7 K.COSMIC与SABER/TIMED温度偏差的分布存在着随纬度和季节的变化特征,35 km以下,平均温度偏差在高纬地区和冬季较小,低纬地区和夏季较大,35 km以上,平均温度偏差在高纬地区和冬季较大,低纬地区和夏季较小.温度偏差的标准偏差在低纬地区和夏季较小,高纬地区和冬季较大.纬圈平均的温度偏差在南北半球的分布基本呈对称结构.  相似文献   

用AE-D卫星近地点上观测的n(He)估算湍流层顶高度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文分析了AE D极轨卫星近地点的变化及其相应的大气膨胀和密度分布情况. 在高度相同情况下, 中低纬区热层底部的大气密度比高纬区大, 卫星受阻也就更大, 从而卫星近地点的高度在中低纬区比高纬区要低、白天比夜间低. 采用近地点上的n(He)观测资料, 根据大气数密度在低层内均匀混合和高层内扩散分离的不同垂直分布特征, 粗略地估算出湍流层顶的高度Zt及其变化. 高纬区内Zt高低与纬度几乎无关, 但对磁暴的响应十分明显. 中低纬区内, Zt随纬度减小而增大; 白天地区Zt大于夜间, 而与磁暴的关系不大.  相似文献   

本文利用TIMED卫星搭载的SABER探测仪对全球中间层顶信息进行了研究,包括中间层顶的高度、温度及其季节和纬度变化,并对双中间层顶现象进行了分析.中间层顶的温度约在160~180K之间变化,高度在85~100km内变化,温度和高度都是冬季高夏季低,有着较为一致的变化趋势.中间层顶高纬呈现显著年变化,而低纬和赤道呈现弱的半年变化,南北半球的中间层顶信息有着不对称性.高纬地区的双中间层顶现象十分显著,中间层顶一般会从100km附近迅速降低至85km附近.根据长时间范围内平均的结果显示,北半球的双中间层顶现象在20°N—30°N的中纬范围开始发生,证实了北半球双中间层顶现象不再仅限于极区和中高纬地区.而南半球则仍是在50°S才显著发生双中间层顶现象.我们统计了中高纬地区夏季所有的单个观测剖面并且与当年冬季的平均背景剖面相比较,数据显示,较低的夏季第二中间层顶高度绝大多数比冬季中间层顶低12~16km.  相似文献   

不同太阳活动及地磁条件下的电导率分布变化   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
电离层电导率在不同的太阳活动和地磁条件下会发生变化. 本文通过中性大气经验模式NRLMSISE_00(Neutral Atmosphere Empirical Model_2000,简称NRLMSISE_00)和电离层经验模式IRI_2001(International Reference Ionosphere_2001,简称IRI_2001)计算电离层的电子、离子碰撞频率以及电导率,并简要讨论了120 km和300 km高度上的电导率在不同季节、不同太阳活动和地磁指数下的经纬分布. 结果显示,电导率的分布与日照密切相关,且随太阳活动的变化而变化. 磁暴时电导率随地磁活动的变化相对于随太阳活动的变化要小,在120?km高度,磁暴期间电导率在低纬地区和高纬地区发生不同变化,且Pedersen电导率和Hall电导率变化趋势相反,向两极靠近,电导率变化幅度略有增长;在300?km高度上,磁暴对低纬地区和高纬地区电导率的影响要比120?km处大,Pedersen电导率和Hall电导率变化趋势相同,且越向两极靠近电导率的变化幅度越大.  相似文献   

本文利用1991年11月至1997年8月期间美国WINDII/UARS获得的风场测量数据对东亚上空纬向风进行考察. 研究结果给出了位于120°E 子午圈中90~120 km之间平均纬向风的典型结构及其季节特征,与在武汉开展流星雷达探测结果进行比较的结果说明卫星测量分析结果在对季节特征的描述方面与地基测量有相当好的一致性;较好的一致性还表现在与过去从HRDI/UARS数据中得到的月平均纬向风. 这些说明卫星探测结果有相当好的代表性. 与国际标准大气CIRA-86月平均纬向风开展比较的结果显示,从100 km高度开始这两种卫星数据分析结果都与CIRA-86结果表现出严重偏离,例如在赤道和低纬度地区某些高度,CIRA-86纬向风在全年的大部分时段中表现出与卫星数据分析结果风向不一致. 分析结果还显示WINDII纬向风和HRDI纬向风分析结果之间表现出一个幅度约20 m·s-1的系统偏差,考虑到本文分析过程中采用了通过归并36天测量数据来消除周日变化影响的方案,同时参考其他研究工作中对MLT纬向风周日潮幅度的描述,两种卫星数据分析结果之间的系统偏差可能部分来自大气潮汐的影响.  相似文献   

地磁场水平梯度及高空地磁场的计算与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以2000.0年中国地区的实测数据为例,首先利用5阶Taylor多项式方法建立了各分量的地磁模型,接着对模型中各分量的纬度和经度进行微分,计算得到各分量的水平梯度值,并绘制了相应分量沿南北方向和东西方向的水平梯度分布图,最后通过Zmuda多项式方法,基于地面模型值以及水平梯度值计算了高空(100 km)的各分量磁场值,并分析了水平梯度分布规律以及各分量随垂直高度的变化.结果表明:地磁场北向分量X、垂直分量Z、总强度F和磁倾角Ⅰ分量的水平梯度主要随纬度变化,其中X、Z和F分量随纬度减少而梯度降低,东向分量y和磁偏角D分量的水平梯度不仅随纬度变化,而且随经度变化,F分量的南北向梯度值在我国中心地区最大.在垂直方向,X、Z和F分量的强度分别随高度的上升而近似线性减小,在100 km高度处,强度变化平均值分别为-4.629 nT/km、-15.368 nT/ km和-16.226 nT/km,y分量强度随高度上升而呈近似线性增加,其平均变化值为0.166 nT/km,而D和Ⅰ分量基本不发生变化.  相似文献   

电离层极风的EISCAT-VHF雷达观测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
极风现象从理论上提出已20多年了,实验上一直没有充分地证实这种现象的存在,以及它的形成区域位于高纬顶部电离层中.我们利用欧洲非相干散射协会(EISCAT)的VHF雷达(在挪威Tromsφ),对H+离子极风进行了首次实验研究,结果表明,实验期间观测到H+离子在顶部电离层中的运动速度始终向上,且随高度的增加而增大,从而证实在高纬顶部电离层中确实存在着一个永久向上的H+离子流,即H+离子极风,其速度在1000km 高度上达到1km/s,其通量在此高度上接近于饱和,达到1012ms(-1),而温度小于0.26eV.在我们的探测高度上仍未发展成超声速极风.  相似文献   

中国东部西南低空急流日变化特征及其机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用Final Global Data Assimilation System (FNL) 6小时再分析数据集分析了西南低空急流的日变化特征及其影响因子,结果表明:西南低空急流具有明显的日变化特征,在夜间和早晨(02LST,08LST)中国东南大部分地区急流发生频率较高,而在白天和傍晚(14LST,20LST)低空急流发生频率较低.经向地转风分量在一天内基本保持稳定,经向非地转分量在02LST最强,占实际风场强度50%以上,而在14LST和20LST,经向风场近似满足地转平衡.对风场非定常性、风速在流动方向上的非均匀性、流线弯曲和大气斜压性产生的地转偏差的分析结果表明,经向非地转风的日变化主要是由局地变压、水平风场涡度、垂直运动和温度梯度的日变化产生,副热带高压强度和位置的变化、青藏高原大地形加热效应和昼夜间海陆热力性质差异是造成经向非地转风夜间加强的重要原因.在中国东部地区,风速在流动方向的非均匀性虽然有利于非地转风的产生,但其没有明显的日变化,不是经向非地转风在夜间加强的主要原因.  相似文献   

通过求解中性大气Navier Stokes动量方程建立了一个时变的三维风场理论模式,利用目前新版的中性大气模式NRLMSISE 00及国际电离层参考模式IRI2000作为输入参数给出热层风场. 基于该模式,计算得到中等太阳活动年磁静日风场的变化形态及其受电场和离子曳力的影响. 同时,将Navier Stokes动量方程作不同形式的简化,并利用简化模式与本文的模式计算结果的对比,分析中性大气Navier Stokes动量方程中黏性项以及非线性项(U·Δ)U的作用. 结果表明,本文所建立伪三维风场模式给出的结果更为合理,而简化模式在某些地区尤其在低纬和赤道区不适用,黏性项及非线性项的作用不可忽略. 本文所建立的风场模式将对研究电离层动力学过程、电离层与热层的耦合过程以及空间天气学研究都有着重要意义.  相似文献   

太阳活动高年上电离层中O+-H+离子过渡高度的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文用日本电离层探测卫星ISS-b的资料,假设F2层峰顶以上电离层中各类离子随高度呈扩散平衡分布,得到了太阳活动高年(1978年8月-1979年8月)确定顶外电离层电子密度剖面形状的一个重要参数,即O+-H+离子过渡高度hT的一些变化特征.指出hT的日变化特性主要受电离层中O+离子的产生与复合作用的控制.太阳活动高年在不同纬度和所有经度区域,平均说来日间hT为大约1500-2500km变化,而夜间位于800-1400km,冬夜甚至接近中性氢、氧原子的化学平衡高度.过渡高度也表现出明显的纬度关系,在接近±20°的磁赤道地区,hT基本上不随纬度变化;但在大于±30°磁纬区域hT随纬度很快增加.义中还就hT随时间和地磁(或地理)纬度变化的机制作了简要讨论.  相似文献   

Nimbus 7 LIMS geopotential height data are utilized to infer the rotational wind distribution in the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere and lower mesosphere during a period of substantial wave-mean flow interaction in January, 1979. Rotational winds are derived from the application of a successive relaxation numerical procedure which incorporates the spherical polar coordinate iterative algorithm ofPaegle andTomlinson (1975) for the nondivergent nonlinear balance equation. Optimum convergence of the numerical solutions is found to occur when under-relaxation is utilized. The LIMS height analyses were also latitudinally smoothed and constrained to obey the ellipticity criterion for spherical coordinates. The balanced winds are compared with geostrophically derived values and within situ radiosonde reports for 100 mb to 10 mb over Berlin.From a localized perspective, the Berlin-LIMS comparison indicates that radiosonde and balanced wind vectors exhibit somewhat closer agreement in direction than is associated with the geostrophic estimates. However, substantial quantitative differences between radiosonde, balanced, and geostrophic wind speeds are also evident, suggesting that caution should be exercised in the local application of derived winds, as for example in the quantitative interpretation of trajectories derived from satellite height analyses during periods of enhanced stratospheric wave activity.On a longitudinally averaged basis, balanced zonal-mean wind speeds are typically 20% weaker than geostrophic values in polar latitudes, and as much as 50% weaker in tropical and midlatitude regions. Meridional balanced wind velocities, at a given longitude, are generally within ±10% of geostrophic values. Although these alterations in horizontal wind components result in only modest differences between balanced and geostrophic meridional eddy heat fluxes, a more substantial change appears in the meridional eddy momentum flux analysis. The corresponding patterns of Eliassen-Palm flux divergence are found to be somewhat more (less) intense for the balanced wind case in the stratosphere (lower mesosphere) in polar latitudes.  相似文献   

With the exception of intermittency and waves, a brief review of the observed and modeled mean structure of the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) is presented. The effect of gentle slopes on strong and weak wind NBL was investigated here using a one-dimensional model, with a simple correction term to account for the slope effects, identical to the one used by Brost and Wyngaard (1978). The study indicates that the wind profiles, temperature profiles and surface layer turbulence characteristics are extremely sensitive to the imposed geostrophic wind when small slopes are present especially for light winds. This is due to the complex interaction between the buoyancy driven slope flow and the imposed geostrophic wind that in turn influence the shear generation of turbulence. Finally, the current issues in the modeling of weak wind boundary layer are discussed.  相似文献   

斜压大气中热带气旋运动特征的动力分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
从绝热、无摩擦、无环境场作用条件下的原始方程组出发,讨论了热带气旋的动力平衡特征,并分别导出了正、斜压大气中综合描述热带气旋中心强度变化的物理量(dI/dt)及其动力平衡关系式,进而分析了正、斜压大气中的热带气旋强度变化及移动的特征.结果表明:热带气旋的定常运动具有"相当地转风平衡”的特征,其等"压能”线和等位涡线均与流线重合;"β涡旋对”及由高(低)层水平风正(负)垂直切变产生的"切变涡旋对”之间的"通风气流”均使热带气旋的强度减弱,高(低)层涡度的负(正)垂直平流则增强热带气旋的强度;热带气旋的中心有向极、向高(低)层涡度垂直平流的梯(升)度方向移动的趋势,垂直运动及高、低层水平风速垂直切变的非对称结构对热带气旋的移动有影响;"γ效应”则是"通风气流”牵引热带气旋移动的动力机制之一.  相似文献   


The diagnostics of large scale geostrophy in a stratified atmosphere are revisited in pressure coordinates using a full Coriolis force. This formulation of geostrophy includes the horizontal and vertical projections of the planetary rotation vector, is valid for shallow and deep atmospheres, accounts for the spherical geometry of the atmosphere, is not singular at the equator, and provides partial information about vertical velocities. The new expressions, although an improvement over the standard approach, are still only estimates because of the terms that are being neglected and because of the uncertainties in the observational data. The magnitudes of the errors are discussed. The accuracy of the standard hydrostatic approximation in the geostrophic regime is gauged and an alternative approach is discussed. The standard hydrostatic approximation predicts much smaller wind shears than those derived from the primitive equations. The observations are a set of global temperature maps of the upper Jovian troposphere at pressures, between 100 and 400 mbar, obtained from mid-infrared observations in June, 1996. Maps of the large-scale thermal winds show higher concentration of longitudinal structures and vertical velocities along two particular zonal bands at latitudes near 15°N and 15°S. Observational criteria are proposed to validate the standard versus the new diagnostic as well as the possible geostrophic regime of Jupiter's zonal jets.  相似文献   

This paper describes the first ever mesospheric wind observations from Halley, Antarctica, over a full year. The recent implementation of an Imaging Doppler Interferometer at Halley is providing a new, high quality and continuous dataset to investigate the dynamics of the Antarctic mesosphere. The mean winds show clear seasonal variations, with reversals in both zonal and meridional components near the equinoxes. The dominant tidal modes have periods of 12 h and 24 h but with significant variations in amplitude during the year. Waves with longer periods are also apparent at certain times of year. The seasonal variations and amplitudes of the winds and tides are compared with other high-latitude sites in the southern and northern hemispheres. It is found that the overall pattern of winds at Halley is broadly similar to that seen at similar geographic latitudes, but with noticeable differences which may be related to it being a southern hemisphere site.  相似文献   

给出了大气三维涡旋运动基本态所满足的简洁的偏微分方程. 大气涡旋运动存在低压辐合上升和高压辐散下沉的基本状况,基本态的三维速度场可以用流函数和对流速度势分解,且具有螺旋结构. 当Reynolds数Re→∞时,涡旋运动就化为地转风,涡旋运动近似就化为地转风近似.  相似文献   

The magnetosphere–ionosphere–thermosphere system at high latitudes is strongly coupled via electric fields, particle precipitation, plasma and neutral outflows, and field-aligned currents. Although the climatology of the coupled system is fairly well established, our understanding of the variability of the disturbed state (weather) is rudimentary. This variability is associated with magnetic storms and substorms, nonlinear processes that operate over a range of spatial scales, time delays, and feedback mechanisms between the different domains. The variability and resultant structure of the ionosphere can appear in the form of propagating plasma patches and polar wind jets, pulsing ion and neutral polar winds, auroral and boundary blobs, and ionization channels associated with polar cap arcs, discrete auroral arcs, and storm-enhanced densities (SEDs). The variability and structure of the thermosphere can appear in the form of propagating atmospheric holes, neutral gas fountains, neutral density patches, and transient neutral jets. In addition, during periods of enhanced plasma convection, the neutral winds can become supersonic in relatively narrow regions of the polar cap. The spatial structure in the ionosphere–thermosphere system not only affects the local environment, but the cumulative effect of multiple structures may affect the global circulation and energy balance. A focused topical review of recent results in our modeling the variability and structure of the high-latitude ionosphere–thermosphere system is presented. This review was given at the Greenland Space Science Symposium (May 2007).  相似文献   

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