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Comparisons are made between observations of spatial variations in the thermal emission from Venus obtained with ground-based telescopes and those from spacecraft. In particular, we concentrate on measurements of solar-related structure at low and mid-latitudes, limb-darkening, and on the high-contrast polar structure. We conclude that (1) the solar-related emission is predominantly wavenumber 2, although it contains a significant diurnal component; (2) the relative amplitudes of the semidiurnal and diurnal components vary with latitude; (3) thermally excited temperature waves or, alternatively, solar-driven vertical motions of the cloud top are better able to account for the magnitude of the solar-locked emission than brightness temperature contrasts resulting from variations in aerosol microphysical properties; (4) the equatorial limb-darkening shows the top of the main cloud to be diffuse and approximately uniformly mixed with the gas; (5) polar collars are persistent at least for several months but disappear on occasion; and (6) collars have been observed at both poles simultaneously, but whether simultaneous appearance is the exception or the rule is still in question.  相似文献   

Lake-geological studies in China have reported that there were much higher lake levels and much fresher water than today at the last glacial maximum (LGM) in western China. A compilation of lake data in this study showed LGM conditions much drier than today in eastern China but somewhat wetter in western China. These E–W differential patterns of climate conditions were completely different from the modern dry-wet conditions with a N–S differential distribution. In this study palaeoclimate simulations by an AGCM coupled with land surface process model were used to explore the possible mechanisms of LGM climate in China. The results confirmed that the dry conditions in eastern China resulted from less summer precipitation due to the Pacific Subtropical High occupying eastern China and the decline in the summer monsoon. The wet conditions in western China were produced by a decrease in evaporation due to a low temperature on land surface at the LGM and increase in precipitation. Two experiments of the palaeoclimate simulations with different land surface of modern and palaeo-vegetations have been designed to test the discrepancies of simulated LGM climate with in precipitation and P–E fields. The results suggested that the feedback from the Asian land surface within the climate system would amplify and modify external forcing, leading to marked climate changes in China.  相似文献   

Large differences between the properties of the known sample of cataclysmic variable stars (CVs) and the predictions of the theory of binary star evolution have long been recognized. However, because all existing CV samples suffer from strong selection effects, observational biases must be taken into account before it is possible to tell whether there is an inconsistency. In order to address this problem, we have modelled the impact of selection effects on observed CV samples using a Monte Carlo approach. By simulating the selection criteria of the Palomar–Green (PG) Survey, we show that selection effects cannot reconcile the predictions of standard CV evolution theory with the observed sample. More generally, we illustrate the effect of the biases that are introduced by magnitude limits, selection cuts in U − B and restrictions in Galactic latitude.  相似文献   

On 13 August 1970, a sounding rocket carrying a high voltage electron accelerator and several electron detectors was launched from Wallops Island, Virginia. 16 msec long, 70 mA pulses were injected into the magnetosphere at pitch angles near 90°. In each pulse the electron energy was modulated between 35 and 43 keV. The electrons were trapped in the Earth's magnetic field and bounced between the northern and southern conjugate points with a period of ~0.65 sec and drifted eastward with a gradient-curvature drift velocity of ~765 m/sec. For about 90 seconds the rocket intercepted the returning echoes. Careful study of the rocket trajectory has allowed a partial space-time picture of an echo to be constructed. The bounce time and drift velocity observations are consistent with predictions based on internal magnetic field models with no electric fields. The flux has the spatial variations predicted by atmospheric scattering models at the southern conjugate point but is about a factor of 10 too low. After some injections delayed echoes are observed, apparently 40 keV electrons whose bounce time has been increased by ~75 msec, but with no change in their bounce averaged drift velocity. Study of detector response during gun pulses revealed three unexplained features: (1) a field aligned upward moving flux after downward injections; (2) a downward moving, time dependent, flux after injections at some upward pitch angles; (3) a lack of altitude (or atmospheric density) dependence on observed count rates.  相似文献   

We present a new catalogue of variable stars compiled from the data taken for the University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search. From 2004 October to 2007 May, 25 target fields were each observed for one to four months, resulting in ∼87 000 high-precision light curves with 1600–4400 data points. We have extracted a total of 850 variable light curves, 659 of which do not have a counterpart in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars, the New Suspected Variables catalogue or the All Sky Automated Survey southern variable star catalogue. The catalogue is detailed here, and includes 142 Algol-type eclipsing binaries, 23 β Lyrae-type eclipsing binaries, 218 contact eclipsing binaries, 53 RR Lyrae stars, 26 Cepheid stars, 13 rotationally variable active stars, 153 uncategorized pulsating stars with periods <10 d, including δ Scuti stars, and 222 long period variables with variability on time-scales of >10 d. As a general application of variable stars discovered by extrasolar planet transit search projects, we discuss several astrophysical problems which could benefit from carefully selected samples of bright variables. These include (i) the quest for contact binaries with the smallest mass ratio, which could be used to test theories of binary mergers; (ii) detached eclipsing binaries with pre-main-sequence components, which are important test objects for calibrating stellar evolutionary models and (iii) RR Lyrae-type pulsating stars exhibiting the Blazhko effect, which is one of the last great mysteries of pulsating star research.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of a solar limb flare in the X-ray and ultraviolet regions of the spectrum are presented. Temporal and spectral X-ray observations were obtained for the 25–300 keV range while temporal, spectral, and spatial X-ray observations were obtained for the 30–0.3 keV range. The ultraviolet observations were images with a 10 spatial resolution in the lines of O v (T e 2.5 × 105 K) and Fe xxi (T e 1.1 × 107 K). The hard X-ray and O v data indicate that the impulsive phase began in the photosphere or chromosphere and continued for several minutes as material was ejected into the corona. Impulsive excitation was observed up to 30 000 km above the solar surface at specific points in the flare loop. The Fe xxi observations indicate a preheating before the impulsive phase and showed the formation of hot post-flare loops. This later formation was confirmed by soft X-ray observations. These observations provide limitations for current flare models and will provide the data needed for initial conditions in modeling the concurrent coronal transient.  相似文献   

A. Hood  U. Anzer 《Solar physics》1987,111(2):333-346
The MHD stability of force-free, cylindrical arcades is investigated, including the stabilising effect of photospheric line tying. It is found that a wide variety of fields are stable. This suggests that either a departure from a force free equilibrium or suppression of line tying is necessary if a two-ribbon flare is to be triggered. It is postulated that in both circumstances, the existence of an active region filament is an essential preflare requirement for a two-ribbon flare.  相似文献   

L. Ben Jaffel  Y.J. Kim 《Icarus》2007,190(2):504-527
This study uses the adding-doubling radiative transfer method in which we take into account the curvature effect of the planetary atmosphere in order to test the sensitivity of the jovian Ly-α emission line in relation to H column density, eddy diffusion coefficient, frequency redistribution function for photon scattering, temperature vertical profile, and an added hot atomic H layer on the top of the atmosphere. We also focus here on developing new diagnostic tools that will help us to obtain more confidently the underlying thermospheric structure of Jupiter. First, using the brightness distribution for specific wavelength bands as proposed by Ben Jaffel et al. [Ben Jaffel, L., Magnan, C., Vidal-Madjar, A., 1988. Astron. Astrophys. 204, 319-326], we show that the spatial thickness of the atomic H layer above the homopause level can be measured directly as the separation between the vertical positions of respectively the line core and line wing optical limbs. This thickness also constrains the [H] column and the value KH of the eddy diffusion coefficient at the homopause level at the disc location under consideration. We also propose to refine the value of KH and [H], respectively, at a specific planetary latitude, using the Q ratio of the limb peak brightness to the intensity from other regions over the planetary disc. Finally, the relationship between the disc brightness distribution from specific wavelength bands of the emission line and the temperature gradient in the thermosphere is demonstrated, thus providing an accurate tool to access this key information from high resolution observations. Quick, preliminary comparisons with some existing HTS/STIS data show the H layer thickness at auroral latitudes (∼1700 km) is much smaller than at equatorial latitudes (∼3900 km). These results strongly support the existence of a gradient in both H density and KH versus latitude, with higher values of KH at high latitudes and higher values of the H density at the equatorial regions. Such a small H layer thickness at auroral latitudes is consistent with a high mixing in the atmosphere that brings the hydrocarbons upwards, reducing consequently the column of hydrogen that scatters photons. These preliminary results show the strength of the proposed approach and open new horizons to use strong resonant emission lines at high resolution as a diagnostic for the state and structure of planetary upper atmospheres.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(10-11):1225-1242
Infrared spectra of Jupiter and Saturn have been recorded with the two spectrometers of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) in 1995–1998, in the 2.3–180 μm range. Both the grating modes (R=150–2000) and the Fabry-Pérot modes (R=8000–30,000) of the two instruments were used. The main results of these observations are (1) the detection of water vapour in the deep troposphere of Saturn; (2) the detection of new hydrocarbons (CH3C2H, C4H2, C6H6, CH3) in Saturn’s stratosphere; (3) the detection of water vapour and carbon dioxide in the stratospheres of Jupiter and Saturn; (4) a new determination of the D/H ratio from the detection of HD rotational lines. The origin of the external oxygen source on Jupiter and Saturn (also found in the other giant planets and Titan in comparable amounts) may be either interplanetary (micrometeoritic flux) or local (rings and/or satellites). The D/H determination in Jupiter, comparable to Saturn’s result, is in agreement with the recent measurement by the Galileo probe (Mahaffy, P.R., Donahue, T.M., Atreya, S.K., Owen, T.C., Niemann, H.B., 1998. Galileo probe measurements of D/H and 3He/4He in Jupiters atmosphere. Space Science Rev. 84 251–263); the D/H values on Uranus and Neptune are significantly higher, as expected from current models of planetary formation.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two H4–5 meteorite showers have been reported to have fallen at one month intervals in the Guenie-Gao area, but eyewitness accounts are imprecise. Though subtle mineralogical differences are found between stones with different 21Ne content, these differences are insufficient to confirm that two meteorite falls had occurred.  相似文献   

We have studied data from the Galileo spacecraft's three remote sensing instruments (Solid-State Imager (SSI), Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS), and Photopolarimeter-Radiometer (PPR)) covering the Zamama-Thor region of Io's antijovian hemisphere, and produced a geomorphological map of this region. This is the third of three regional maps we are producing from the Galileo spacecraft data. Our goal is to assess the variety of volcanic and tectonic materials and their interrelationships on Io using planetary mapping techniques, supplemented with all available Galileo remote sensing data. Based on the Galileo data analysis and our mapping, we have determined that the most recent geologic activity in the Zamama-Thor region has been dominated by two sites of large-scale volcanic surface changes. The Zamama Eruptive Center is a site of both explosive and effusive eruptions, which emanate from two relatively steep edifices (Zamama Tholi A and B) that appear to be built by both silicate and sulfur volcanism. A ∼100-km long flow field formed sometime after the 1979 Voyager flybys, which appears to be a site of promethean-style compound flows, flow-front SO2 plumes, and adjacent sulfur flows. Larger, possibly stealthy, plumes have on at least one occasion during the Galileo mission tapped a source that probably includes S and/or Cl to produce a red pyroclastic deposit from the same vent from which silicate lavas were erupted. The Thor Eruptive Center, which may have been active prior to Voyager, became active again during the Galileo mission between May and August 2001. A pillanian-style eruption at Thor included the tallest plume observed to date on Io (at least 500 km high) and new dark lava flows. The plume produced a central dark pyroclastic deposit (probably silicate-rich) and an outlying white diffuse ring that is SO2-rich. Mapping shows that several of the new dark lava flows around the plume vent have reoccupied sites of earlier flows. Unlike most of the other pillanian eruptions observed during the Galileo mission, the 2001 Thor eruption did not produce a large red ring deposit, indicating a relative lack of S and/or Cl gases interacting with the magma during that eruption. Between these two eruptive centers are two paterae, Thomagata and Reshef. Thomagata Patera is located on a large shield-like mesa and shows no signs of activity. In contrast, Reshef Patera is located on a large, irregular mesa that is apparently undergoing degradation through erosion (perhaps from SO2-sapping or chemical decomposition of sulfur-rich material) from multiple secondary volcanic centers.  相似文献   

The reliability of modelling the far-infrared continuum to  13CO  J = 1 → 0  spectral line ratios applied to the Orion clouds (see previous paper in the series) on the scales of several parsecs (i.e. ∼7 pc) is tested by applying the models to simulated data. The two-component models are found to give the dust–gas temperature difference,  Δ T   , to within 1 or 2 K. However, other parameters like the column density per velocity interval and the gas density can be wrong by an order of magnitude or more. In particular, the density can be systematically underestimated by an order of magnitude or more. The overall mass of the clouds is estimated correctly to within a few per cent.
These results may permit us to reliably constrain estimates of the Orion clouds' physical parameters, based on the real observations of the far-infrared continuum and  13CO  J = 1 → 0  spectral line. Nevertheless, other systematics must be treated first. These include the effects of background/foreground subtraction, effects of the H  i component of the interstellar medium, and others. These will be discussed in a future paper.  相似文献   

Throughout months of extremely low solar activity during the recent extended solar-cycle minimum, structural evolution continued to be observed from the Sun through the solar wind and to the Earth. In 2008, the presence of long-lived and large low-latitude coronal holes meant that geospace was periodically impacted by high-speed streams, even though solar irradiance, activity, and interplanetary magnetic fields had reached levels as low as, or lower than, observed in past minima. This time period, which includes the first Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI 1: Carrington Rotation (CR) 2068), illustrates the effects of fast solar-wind streams on the Earth in an otherwise quiet heliosphere. By the end of 2008, sunspots and solar irradiance had reached their lowest levels for this minimum (e.g., WHI 2: CR 2078), and continued solar magnetic-flux evolution had led to a flattening of the heliospheric current sheet and the decay of the low-latitude coronal holes and associated Earth-intersecting high-speed solar-wind streams. As the new solar cycle slowly began, solar-wind and geospace observables stayed low or continued to decline, reaching very low levels by June??C?July 2009. At this point (e.g., WHI 3: CR 2085) the Sun?CEarth system, taken as a whole, was at its quietest. In this article we present an overview of observations that span the period 2008??C?2009, with highlighted discussion of CRs 2068, 2078, and 2085. We show side-by-side observables from the Sun??s interior through its surface and atmosphere, through the solar wind and heliosphere and to the Earth??s space environment and upper atmosphere, and reference detailed studies of these various regimes within this topical issue and elsewhere.  相似文献   

We present results of petrographic, mineralogical, and chemical investigations of three Chelyabinsk meteorite fragments. Three distinct lithologies were identified: light S3 LL5, dark S4–S5 LL5 material, and opaque fine-grained former impact melt. Olivine–spinel thermometry revealed an equilibration temperature of 703 ± 23 °C for the light lithology. All plagioclase seems to be secondary, showing neither shock-induced fractures nor sulfide-metal veinlets. Feldspathic glass can be observed showing features of extensive melting and, in the dark lithology, as maskelynite, lacking melt features and retaining grain boundaries of former plagioclase. Olivine of the dark lithology shows planar deformation features. Impact melt is dominated by Mg-rich olivine and resembles whole-rock melt. Melt veins (<2 mm) are connected to narrower veinlets. Melt vein textures are similar to pegmatite textures showing chilled margins, a zone of inward-grown elongated crystals and central vugs, suggesting crystallization from supercooled melt. Sulfide-metal droplets indicate liquid immiscibility of both silicate and sulfide as well as sulfide and metal melts. Impact melting may have been an important factor for differentiation of primitive planetary bodies. Graphite associated with micrometer-sized melt inclusions in primary olivine was detected by Raman mapping. Carbon isotopic studies of graphite could be applied to test a possible presolar origin.  相似文献   

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