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世界乡村转型历程与可持续发展展望   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
基于对国内外文献梳理总结,根据世界银行数据,从乡村人口、就业、粮食产量、公共服务角度,系统解析了半个多世纪以来世界乡村转型发展的历程,揭示了世界发展由乡村社会逐步向城市社会转型、由农业经济向非农经济转型、发展效率与公共服务质量逐渐提升的演化特征。研究指出,全球化、工业化、城市化进程中乡村地区人口持续、快速减少,加剧了乡村发展的不稳定性和脆弱性,导致乡村衰退,严重影响到乡村经济社会发展的可持续性。为此,强调全球城市化进程中亟需高度重视乡村衰退问题,要积极推进村镇化,形成村镇化与城市化“双轮驱动”的城乡地域发展格局;要制定科学的规划来指导乡村转型与可持续发展,有序实施异地搬迁,鼓励和引导民众“自下而上”的主观能动性,构建乡村发展与农户的利益联结机制;要科学把控乡村转型发展过程,识别并培育打造乡村振兴极,不断提升乡村地域系统应对外界发展、环境变化与挑战的弹性。  相似文献   

乡村转型发展与重构是解决乡村衰落的重要抓手,乡村振兴是国家破解新时代“三农”问题的重大战略部署。论文通过对现有乡村发展相关文献的梳理与分析,从研究范式、演进过程、机理探析和路径探索等4个方面总结了国内乡村转型发展与重构的研究现状及展望。发现乡村转型发展与重构研究具有多学科交叉的研究视角、多元融合的研究内容、综合多样的研究方法与手段。未来需重视不同类型村域转型发展与重构中乡土文化的研究,加强欠发达区不同类型村域转型发展与重构的实证研究,深化多学科理论与方法的综合研究,优化不同发展模式下乡村转型发展与重构的路径。  相似文献   

乡村地区的旅游发展带来乡村社会空间的快速变迁与重构。对此,现有研究主要侧重空间生产过程的分析,而空间生产与权力关系之间的联系尚未充分理论化。论文以丹霞山青湖塘村为例,借助领域化理论,分析了多元主体的领域化行为所引发的乡村旅游社区社会空间变迁,总结了其中交织的权力—空间关系及社会空间变迁机制。结果发现:乡村旅游社区社会空间变迁是一个持续的领域化过程,是由“领域的社会组织”与“社会的领域组织”之间的交互作用所引致的,在这个过程中,无论是自上而下的管控权力还是自下而上的抵制权力,只有通过领域建构实现空间化才能实现真正的控制,权力关系正是在空间化中实现了生产与再生产。基于此,论文对旅游地社会空间变迁中的“权力—空间关系”进行了初步理论化,并讨论了领域化分析对于旅游社区产权制度实践、旅游地空间治理等问题所具有的启示意义。  相似文献   

黄淮海地区乡村发展格局与类型   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:18  
李裕瑞  刘彦随  龙花楼 《地理研究》2011,30(9):1637-1647
以黄淮海地区为例,评价分析了该区2000-2008年乡村发展水平及其时空格局,并利用自组织特征映射(SOFM)人工神经网络聚类算法划分了区域乡村发展类型。结果表明:(1)研究时段内全区乡村发展水平明显提升,乡村综合发展指数年均增长7.71%;(2)县域乡村发展格局无明显变化,但乡村综合发展水平的区域差异仍在增大,乡村综...  相似文献   

农旅融合发展作为当前推进乡村建设的重要引擎,为实现乡村振兴,促进新型乡村社会关系下的旅游产业差异化、合作化、创新化发展,基于传统的乡村熟人社会关系特征,梳理乡村社会关系转型要素构架,构建农旅融合视角下亲缘、地缘、业缘、志缘、外缘关系综合作用的新型乡村社会关系“五缘增上”机理模型。通过实地调研、深度访谈,结合GIS空间分析陈界村农旅融合发展中的社会关系特征,总结得出:乡村社会的五缘关系相互支撑、相互渗透、相互反馈,亲缘关系趋向功利化,但仍占主导地位,非亲缘关系正呈现不断增强的趋势。最终,从乡村五缘互补发展路径、乡村人才凝聚振兴路径、利益联合共同信任路径三方面提出发展意见,助推乡村振兴,为乡村旅游产业发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

人口老龄化对乡村发展影响研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
人口老龄化是人类发展进程中一个重要的人口现象,研究人口老龄化对乡村发展的影响并探讨相应对策具有重要意义。本文首先分析了乡村人口老龄化特征及原因,随后从生产、生活、生态三个视角梳理了人口老龄化对乡村生产要素投入、农业生产、社会保障、乡村治理、消费结构、土地利用变化和生态空间等方面影响的研究进展。在此基础上提出今后应结合产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕的乡村振兴战略总体要求,从生态环境—经济发展—社会发展三个维度开展乡村人口老龄化的影响与适应相关研究,重点研究方向有:①基于人口流动视角的乡村人口老龄化对生态系统服务价值的影响;②乡村人口老龄化空间差异及其对农业现代化的影响;③应对人口老龄化的乡村振兴路径。  相似文献   

Academics and development organizations approach fieldwork with somewhat different motivations, constraints and challenges. In many instances, fieldwork might be improved if greater collaboration occurred between these two parties. Rural communities are also important yet frequently taken for granted partners in the research process that deserve greater respect. This paper explores and describes the real and imagined impediments to greater collaboration between academics, development organizations and rural communities. The findings are based on 18 years of working with rural communities in Africa, both as a development practitioner and academic researcher. This reflection makes three contributions to the broader literature on fieldwork. First, it explicitly links two ongoing discussions, one on relationships with institutional partners, the other on interactions with rural communities. Second, it articulates the concerns of development organizations in their partnerships with academic researchers, a perspective rarely heard in a literature dominated by academic voices. Third, while feminist scholarship on fieldwork methods often wrestles with issues of positionality and engagement at the scale of the individual researcher, this reflection is aimed at the broader scale of the professional (academic and practitioner) communities involved in development praxis and scholarship.  相似文献   

土地利用转型与乡村转型发展耦合研究进展及展望   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:14  
龙花楼  戈大专  王介勇 《地理学报》2019,74(12):2546-2559
城乡转型发展进程中,土地利用转型与乡村转型发展是乡村地域系统演变的重要特征,系统开展土地利用转型与乡村转型发展的耦合过程及互动机理研究有利于揭示乡村演变的内在规律。土地利用转型研究为深化乡村地理学研究提供了一个全新的视角。深入开展土地利用转型与乡村转型发展耦合研究可为因地制宜制定乡村发展战略,适时调控乡村土地利用政策提供参考。当前,针对土地利用转型与乡村转型发展耦合研究的理论体系、技术方法、内在机理等尚缺乏系统的建构,基于耦合研究优化乡村转型重构的路径仍显不足。为此,本文在系统梳理土地利用转型与乡村转型发展耦合研究进展的基础上,从耦合理论分析框架、“格局—过程”耦合和梯度分异导向的耦合三个层面提出针对性的研究展望,以期丰富乡村地理学研究内容。  相似文献   

黄淮海地区乡村人—地—业协调发展格局与机制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
程明洋  刘彦随  蒋宁 《地理学报》2019,74(8):1576-1589
乡村在社会中占有重要地位,但乡村衰败目前已成为世界性问题,因此,乡村振兴需破解乡村病问题。现有乡村研究主要关注乡村单一系统、乡村转型或乡村特定问题的研究,对乡村系统自身、乡村各子系统之间关系及其驱动乡村发展逻辑的研究则显匮乏。基于黄淮海地区县域数据,选取乡村人—地—业3个子系统,利用耦合协调度模型刻画了乡村内部系统耦合协调度的空间格局,并对人—地—业驱动乡村发展的内在逻辑进行了探讨。结果发现:① 黄淮海地区大部分县域乡村人—地—业发展处于高水平耦合阶段,在空间格局上形成了4条明显的高值轴带,且乡村系统发展水平呈逐年上升趋势。② 黄淮海地区乡村耦合协调水平整体较高,但大部分处于勉强协调或初级协调阶段,耦合协调水平较高的县域主要集中在经济较发达地区。③ 黄淮海地区乡村耦合协同关系可分为低协调水平—土地发展领先型、中协调水平—人口发展领先型和高协调水平—人业发展引领型3种类型,其中产业在黄淮海地区乡村协调发展中至关重要。④ 乡村人—地—业的协调发展可有效激活“四力”,为乡村可持续发展奠定了基础。本研究为理解乡村系统自身、破解乡村问题及实现乡村可持续发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

Agriculture remains one of the dominant activities in rural areas across the European Union (EU), not least in respect of land use and its impact on landscapes. The Agenda 2000 reform of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) introduced rural development as an integrated part of agricultural policy. The present study focuses on the second pillar of CAP. Multifunctional farming, more than any other rural activity, has a role to play in integrating the natural environment with the cultural landscape and socio-economic development. The question of how multifunctional agriculture can facilitate sustainable rural development is addressed in terms of mechanisms and inherent possibilities. Results from a case study in Östergötland in Sweden are discussed in relation to five other European case studies. Some main findings are that Pillar 2 has made it possible for rural inhabitants to continue living in rural areas and that the policies are effective in identifying and supporting new opportunities for farm diversification. The traditional agricultural landscape can be seen as a key component in various diversification activities in rural areas, contributing to economic as well as social and environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

Chen  Fahu  Wu  Shaohong  Cui  Peng  Cai  Yunlong  Zhang  Yili  Yin  Yunhe  Liu  Guobin  Ouyang  Zhu  Ma  Wei  Yang  Linsheng  Wu  Duo  Lei  Jiaqiang  Zhang  Guoyou  Zou  Xueyong  Chen  Xiaoqing  Tan  Minghong  Wang  Xunming  Bao  Anming  Cheng  Weixin  Dang  Xiaohu  Wei  Binggan  Wang  Guoliang  Wang  Wuyi  Zhang  Xingquan  Liu  Xiaochen  Li  Shengyu 《地理学报(英文版)》2021,31(1):3-45
Physical geography is a basic research subject of natural sciences.Its research object is the natural environment which is closely related to human living and development,and China's natural environment is complex and diverse.According to national needs and regional development,physical geographers have achieved remarkable achievements in applied basis and applied research,which also has substantially contributed to the planning of national economic growth and social development,the protection of macro ecosystems and resources,and sustainable regional development.This study summarized the practice and application of physical geography in China over the past 70 years in the following fields:regional differences in natural environments and physical regionalization;land use and land cover changes;natural hazards and risk reduction;process and prevention of desertification;upgrading of medium-and low-yield fields in the Huang-Huai-Hai region;engineering construction in permafrost areas; geochemical element anomalies and the prevention and control of endemic diseases;positioning and observation of hysical geographical elements;and identification of geospatial differentiation and geographical detectors. Furthermore, we have proposed the future direction of applied research in the field of physical geography.  相似文献   

以"苏南-陕北"样带为案例区,评价分析了该区2000~2005年、2005~2008年乡村转型发展态势,并揭示了样带乡村转型发展的地域空间格局。结果表明:(1)2000~2005年期间,样带各县乡村发展度普遍较低但转型度普遍较高,低水平的乡村发展度与较高转型度造成样带各县不同程度的城乡不协调发展;2005~2008年期间,样带乡村系统普遍较快发展,各地城乡系统间的差异化发展局面得到初步改善;(2)"苏南-陕北"样带乡村转型发展呈现显著的地带性演变特征,各地转型发展的特征与结果同其所处的区位条件、经济基础、发展模式、政策要求等基本属性相匹配;(3)基于样带乡村转型发展评价结果,将样带划分为8个乡村转型发展地域类型区,各类型区之间因区位条件和资源禀赋的差异而选择不同乡村转型发展模式,并由此驱动资源环境和城乡经济系统的差异性变化。  相似文献   

Detrended canonical coreespondence analysis (DCCA) was used to examine the relationships between diatom species distributions and environmental variables from 62 drainage lakes in the Adirondack region, New York (USA). The contribution of lakewater pH, Alm (monomeric Al), NH4, maximum depth, Mg, and DOC (dissolved organic carbon) were statistically significant in explaining the patterns of variation in the diatom species composition. Twenty-three and sixteen diatom taxa were identified as potential indicator species for pH and Alm, respectively (i.e. a taxon with a strong statistical relationship to the environmental variable of interest, a well defined optimum, and a narrow tolerance to the variable of interest). Using weighted-averaging regression and calibration, predictive models were developed to infer lakewater pH (r 2=0.91), Alm (r 2=0.83), DOC (dissolved organic carbon) (r 2=0.64), and ANC (acid neutralizing capacity; r 2=0.90). These variables are of key importance in understanding watershed acidification processes. These predictive models have been used in the PIRLA-II (Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification-II) project to answer policy-related questions concerning acidification, recovery, and fisheries loss.  相似文献   

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