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走滑断裂带中挤压阶区内部剪切构造初探   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宋方敏  俞维贤 《地震地质》1998,20(4):56-348
野外地质调查和航片立体镜下解译发现,小江断裂带北段蒙姑和东支大营盘两个挤压阶区内部发育有剪切构造,它们在地表主要表现为断裂槽地、断层陡坎、地裂缝等。挤压阶区内部剪切构造和拉张阶区内部剪切构造一样,是阶区形成后,随着走滑断裂的进一步活动而形成的新生性构造  相似文献   

根据对调查资料,航卫片判译和已有文献的综合分析,研究了西秦岭北缘断裂东段和海原断裂南段的走滑转换,变形及其与陇山地块的相互作用。XQLF以几何学结构复杂和多期活动为特征,主带各段呈左阶斜列。HYF南段的陇县-宝鸡断裂由4条断层组成70km的宽带,中更新世以来表现为左旋增滑运动。  相似文献   

阐述了通过走滑活动断裂断错冲沟形成变形角研究冲沟形成年代,进而探讨断裂活动特征的方法。并以天桥沟-黄羊川断裂东段为例,对变形角大小和冲沟形成年代及冲沟水平断错距之间的关系进行了探讨,结果表明它们之间关系密切。最后论述了变形角用于走滑活动断裂研究的可能性及意义。  相似文献   

陈文彬  徐锡伟 《地震地质》2006,28(2):319-324
阿拉善地块南缘发育了由5条走向近EW、向西收敛、向东撒开的断裂组成的断裂束,每条断裂长度一般>100km,控制第四纪盆地呈EW向长条状展布,卫片上线性影像清晰,晚第四纪以来表现出左旋走滑活动的特点。断裂束西段的金塔南山断裂与阿尔金断裂带东段的宽滩山段趋于交会,并与文殊山构造隆起之间构成构造转换关系。分析认为金塔南山断裂以及整个阿拉善南缘断裂束是阿尔金断裂左旋运动的东延部分,断裂束在平面上“帚状”的、向东撒开的构造样式有利于走滑运动量的分解、消减和吸收,符合走滑断裂末端的构造特点。阿拉善南缘断裂束的左旋走滑活动有可能是阿尔金断裂带进一步向东扩展的结果,其时代可能发生于早更新世末—中更新世初  相似文献   

海原8.5级大震区地壳结构探测研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对西吉-中卫剖面深地震测深资料进行处理和解释,得到了海原8.5级大震区的壳幔速度结构和深部构造,结果表明,震区南北两侧壳内存在着明显的速度结构差异,南侧呈高,低速相间的结构特征,北侧为正的速度梯度层,在震区的下方存在着M面断裂或构造异常带。  相似文献   

在高分辨率SPOT卫星数字影像和大比例尺航片处理、断错地貌制图、野外核实与位移测量基础上, 利用宇宙成因核素(10Be, 26Al)、碳十四(14C)和热释光(TL)等多种测年手段, 厘定了各断错地貌面的形成年龄, 得到了阿尔金断裂带不同段落全新世左旋走滑速率: 阿克赛以西的中、西段左旋走滑速率可达(17.5±2) mm/a, 肃北-石包城段为(11±3.5) mm/a左右, 疏勒河口段减少到(4.8±1) mm/a左右, 东端宽滩山段仅约(2.2±0.2) mm/a, 左旋走滑速率突变点位于阿尔金断裂带中东段存在分支活动逆断层向南东扩展的肃北、石包城和疏勒河等三联点上. 矢量分析表明, 三联点东、西两侧左旋滑动速率的减少量转换成了阿尔金断裂带中东段南盘北西向活动逆断层上的地壳缩短和上盘推覆体抬升, 形成了党河南山、大雪山、祁连山等条块山地. 因此, 青藏高原北部物质向东挤出的速率和幅度是有限的, 符合“叠瓦状逆冲转换——有限挤出模型”.  相似文献   

林吉焱  段永红 《地震学报》2016,38(2):179-187
基于甘肃省夏河县—陕西省靖边县剖面的8次人工地震初至波数据, 利用有限差分走时方法反演得到了沿该剖面长约650 km的上部地壳速度结构和结晶基底的深度分布. 反演结果显示: 海原构造区西侧的西秦岭—祁连山褶皱区上部地壳的横向非均匀性明显, 基底深度从1 km到5 km不等, 反映了褶皱区改造变形强烈的构造特征; 其东侧的鄂尔多斯盆地基底深度约为5—6 km, 其速度均匀、 稳定, 上地壳呈弱速度梯度特征; 海原构造区及海原弧形断裂带附近上部地壳的破坏变形最严重, 区内横向高低速相间分布. 综上可知, 海原构造区东西两侧上地壳结构的显著差异揭示了其结构复杂性的成因及其与地震活动性的关系.   相似文献   

海原断裂带内第三纪老龙湾拉分盆地的地质特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
在海原断裂带内部发现一个第三纪拉分盆地 ,命名为老龙湾拉分盆地。根据卫片解译结果和野外地质调查 ,对该盆地内的地层沉积序列、地层分布、相关断裂等特征进行了研究。结果表明 ,老龙湾拉分盆地发育于海原断裂内的最大斜列部位 ,盆地沉积受边界断裂控制 ;盆地内部沉积了巨砾岩、杂砾岩及紫红色 -灰绿色泥岩、桔红色角砾岩等地层 ,最大沉积厚度约 4 6 0 0m。老龙湾盆地内部地层不整合于不同的外围地层之上 ,根据对盆地内部沉积序列及外围第三系的区域对比 ,认为盆地沉积开始于中新世中期。由以上特征确定老龙湾盆地为海原断裂带内的第三纪拉分盆地。它为青藏高原东北缘第三纪的走滑断层活动的研究提供了地质证据  相似文献   

海原断裂带中东段地貌差异及其成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈涛  张会平  王伟涛 《地震地质》2014,36(2):449-463
以定量化地形因子为切入点的构造地貌学方法已成为活动构造研究的有效手段,被广泛用于定性或半定量解析地貌对新构造运动的响应及其演化过程。针对海原断裂带中东段现今地貌差异,以SRTM 90m分辨率DEM为基础,利用ArcGIS软件和Matlab程序脚本,提取了海原断裂带中东段高程、坡度、地形起伏、地形侵蚀以及河流陡峭系数等地形因子。从空间分布上看,上述各项地形因子沿断裂走向均呈现 “西高东低”的整体分布特征。西段海拔高、坡度陡、起伏大、侵蚀强、抬升快,中段和东段海拔低、坡度缓、起伏小、侵蚀弱、抬升慢,此外,在断裂带的东南尾端呈略微增加趋势,达到小范围内的峰值。在此基础上,通过对比分析地形因子与年降水量、基岩岩性,初步探讨了构造与降水、岩性等因素对地形地貌的控制作用,认为不同降水条件对地貌后期改造起显著作用,基岩岩性与现今地貌之间并无显著关系,该区域地貌类型主要受构造抬升差异所控制。沿断裂带走向上的现今地貌差异表明,西段处于相对快速的构造隆升和强挤压造山构造背景,中段由于受到黄河下切及河流冲积作用影响,地貌参数记录的抬升特征并不显著,而东段则反映出大型断裂带尾端挤压调整效应。  相似文献   

邹谨敞  邵顺妹 《地震研究》1997,20(2):236-243
利用光学和电子显微镜研究了海原断裂带西段断层泥的粒径分布,5微米至1厘米的粒径段,断层泥具有自相似特征,断层面的粘滑摩擦的特征位移参数可由分维上限(约1厘米)确定。同时用分形理论分析了断层泥粒度分重量百分比的分形结构特征,探讨了粒度成分分维值与断层运动特征的关系。  相似文献   

利用断层滑动资料反演构造应力张量从而确定出海原、六盘山断裂带至银川断陷的第四纪两期构造应力场 :早更新世末期以前 ,为北东—南西挤压型构造应力场 ,由此造成该地区断裂活动主要以逆断为主 ;早更新世末期至中更新世以后 ,构造应力场发生了调整 ,主压应力方向由早期的北东—南西改变为北东东—南西西 ,应力结构由挤压型转变为走滑型 ,并导致断裂活动由早期的逆断为主变为走滑为主 ,这种应力场格局一直持续至今。研究区现代构造应力场可划分为 :海原断裂带走滑应力区、六盘山逆断 -走滑混合应力区和银川断陷拉张应力区  相似文献   

系统收集了中国大陆走滑活动断裂带上障碍体(阶区)与地震破裂的资料,探讨了障碍体止裂尺度与地震破裂的关系及其分段意义。统计分析表明,走滑活动断裂带上地震的震级与障碍体的阶距、阶距与次级段长度具有较好的线性关系。障碍体的阶距可以作为判定地震破裂止裂尺度的极重要标志,是进行破裂分段的前提和基础。  相似文献   

Located at the bend of the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Haiyuan fault zone is a boundary fault of the stable Alashan block, the stable Ordos block and the active Tibet block, and is the most significant fault zone for the tectonic deformation and strong earthquake activity. In 1920, a M8.5 earthquake occurred in the eastern segment of the fault, causing a surface rupture zone of about 240km. After that, the segment has been in a state of calmness in seismic activity, and no destructive earthquakes of magnitude 6 or above have occurred. Determining the current activity of the Haiyuan fault zone is very important and necessary for the analysis and assessment of its future seismic hazard. To study activity of the Haiyuan fault zone, the degree of fault coupling and the future seismic hazard, domestic and foreign scholars have carried out a lot of research using geology methods and GPS geodetic techniques, but these methods have certain limitations. The geology method is a traditional classical method of fault activity research, but dislocation measurement can only be performed on a local good fault outcrop. There are a limited number of field measurement points and the observation results are not equally limited depending on the sampling location and sampling method. The distribution of GPS stations is sparse, especially in the near-fault area, there is almost no GPS data. Therefore, the spatial resolution of the deformation field features obtained by GPS is low, and there are certain limitations in the kinematic parameter inversion using this method. In this study, we obtain the average InSAR line-of-sight deformation field from the Maomaoshan section to the mid-1920s earthquake rupture segment of the Haiyuan earthquake in the period from 2003 to 2010 based on the PSInSAR technique. The results show that there are obvious differences between the slip rates of the two walls of the fault in the north and the south, which are consistent with the motion characteristics of left-lateral strike-slip in the Haiyuan fault zone. Through the analysis of the high-density cross-fault deformation rate profile of the Laohushan segment, it is determined that the creep length is about 19km. Based on the two-dimensional arctangent model, the fault depth and deep slip rate of different locations in the Haiyuan fault zone are obtained. The results show that the slip rate and the locking depth of the LHS segment change significantly from west to east, and the slip rate decreases from west to east, decreasing from 7.6mm/a in the west to 4.5mm/a in the easternmost. The western part of the LHS segment and the middle part are in a locked state. The western part has a locking depth of 4.2~4.4km, and the middle part has a deeper locking depth of 6.9km, while the eastern part is less than 1km, that is, the shallow surface is creeping, and the creep rate is 4.5~4.8mm/a. On the whole, the 1920 earthquake's rupture segment of the Haiyuan fault zone is in a locked state, and both the slip rate and the locking depth are gradually increased from west to east. The slip rate is increased from 3.2mm/a in the western segment to 5.4mm/a in the eastern segment, and the locking depth is increased from 4.8km in the western segment to 7.5km in the eastern segment. The results of this study refine the understanding of the slip rate and the locking depth of the different segments of the Haiyuan fault zone, and provide reference information for the investigation of the strain accumulation state and regional seismic hazard assessment of different sections of the fault zone.  相似文献   

海原活动断裂的地壳脱气作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据实验结果讨论了1920年海原8.5级大震发震断裂的气体构造地球化学作用。海原活动断裂带上的脱气以地壳脱气作用为主,脱气作用产物来源于上中地壳,脱气作用的弹度与断层应力状态运动特点密切相关。不同元素所反映的脱气深度范围及特征有所不同,氡对浅部断层活动及拉张区脱气作用较为灵敏,汞、氦能反映较深地壳内的脱气作用,氢的异常则与断层的逆中、推覆作用及断面上岩水作用密切相关。  相似文献   

海原断裂高湾子地点三维探槽的开挖与古地震研究   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
对海原断裂高湾子地点进行大比例尺地质地貌填图和三维探槽开挖,揭示出7次古地震事件,除1920年地震外,它们的年龄分别为距今(10004±3196),(6689±169),(6120±505),(4208±577),(2763±372)和(1005±465)a;重复间隔分别为(3315±3200),(561±532),(1920±766),(1425±686),(1578±595)和(980±465)a。事件Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ,Ⅶ的水平位移量分别为(5.6±2.3),(1.5±1.1),(1.5±1.1),(2±1)和(7±0.5)m。显示出重复间隔时间的分段性和特征行为的分级性。两次类似1920年强度的地震间隔期间,有3次位移量为1~2m的地震发生  相似文献   

The Tan-Lu fault zone is the largest active tectonic zone in eastern China, with a complex history of formation and evolution, and it has a very important control effect on the regional structure, magmatic activity, the formation and distribution of mineral resources and modern seismic activity in eastern China. Xinyi City has a very important position as a segmental node in the Shandong and Suwan sections of the Tan-Lu fault zone. Predecessors have conducted research on the spatial distribution, occurrence and activity characteristics of the shallow crustal faults in the Suqian section of the Tan-Lu belt, and have obtained some new scientific understandings and results. However, due to different research objectives or limitations of research methods, previous researches have either focused on the deep crustal structure, or targeted on the Suqian section or other regions. However, the structural style and deep-shallow structural association characteristics of Xinyi section of Tan-Lu belt have not been well illustrated, nor its activity and spatial distribution have been systematically studied. In order to investigate the shallow crustal structure features, the fault activities, the spatial distribution and the relationship between deep and shallow structures of the Xinyi section of the Tan-Lu Fault, we used a method combining mid-deep/shallow seismic reflection exploration and first-break wave imaging. Firstly, a mid-deep seismic reflection profile with a length of 33km and a coverage number greater than 30 was completed in the south of Xinyi City. At the same time, using the first arrival wave on the common shot record, the tomographic study of the shallow crust structure was carried out. Secondly, three shallow seismic reflection profiles and one refraction tomography profile with high resolution across faults were presented. The results show that the Xinyi section of Tan-Lu fault zone is a fault zone composed of five concealed main faults, with a structural pattern of “two grabens sandwiched by a barrier”. The five main faults reveal more clearly the structural style of “one base between two cuts” of the Tan-Lu fault zone. From west to east, the distribution is as follows: on the west side, there are two high-angle faults, F4 and F3, with a slot-shaped fault block falling in the middle, forming the western graben. In the middle, F3 and F2, two normal faults with opposite dip directions, are bounded and the middle discontinuity disk rises relatively to form a barrier. On the east side, F2 and F1, two conjugate high-angle faults, constitute the eastern graben. The mid-deep and shallow seismic reflection profiles indicate that the main faults of the Xinyi section of Tan-Lu fault zone have a consistent upper-lower relationship and obvious Quaternary activities, which play a significant role in controlling the characteristics of graben-barrier structure and thickness of Cenozoic strata. The shape of the reflective interface of the stratum and the characteristics of the shallow part of the fault revealed by shallow seismic reflection profiles are clear. The Mohe-Lingcheng Fault, Xinyi-Xindian Fault, Malingshan-Chonggangshan Fault and Shanzuokou-Sihong Fault not only broke the top surface of the bedrock, but also are hidden active faults since Quaternary, especially the Malingshan-Chonggangshan Fault which shows strong activity characteristics of Holocene. The results of this paper provide a seismological basis for an in-depth understanding of the deep dynamics process of Xinyi City and its surrounding areas, and for studying the deep-shallow tectonic association and its activity in the the Xinyi section of the Tan-Lu Fault.  相似文献   

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