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Sn-polymetallic ores at Dachang,Guangxi Autonomous Region,China,are hosted in Middle-Upper Devonian reef limestones,siliceous rocks,banded and lenticular limestones,etc.Two types of orebodies can be distinguished according to their telations to the bedding:one is distributed along the bedding and the.other cuts across the bedding.Sn and sulfide orebodies associated with K-feldspare are mostly characterized by laminated ore structure. Microscopic examinations of K-feldspar-bearing rocks,in conjunction with X-ray diffraction,chemical composiion and cathodoluminescence data for K-feldspars,as well as their telations to mineralization,the authors consider that the K-feldspare are of authigenic origin,subordinate to the epigenetic stage of diagenesis,They resulted from the reaction of mixed,deep-seated,circulating underground hot waters rich in K,Al and Si with argillaceous carbonates during the Indo nesian orogenic movement.It is suggested more attention should be paid to the effect of authigenic K-feldspars on Sn mineralization.In the meantime the event related to circulating underground hot waters should also be taken into account so as to provide new clues to blind ore prospecting.  相似文献   

Trace elements in cassiterite,including Ta,W,Fe,Mn,Ti,Zr,V,Sc,Si,Al,In,Ga,Ge,Be,Bi,Ag,Sb,As,Cu,Pb,Zn,Co and REE,have been studied by many workers (Shan Zhenhua etal.,1998;Huang Zhou Tianren et al.,1987;Wu Qingsheng et al.,1988;Hu Zening,1988,Li Zhong-qing 1988 Mingzhei et al.,1988;Wang Lihua et al.,1988;Liu Kanghuai,1990).Up to now,however,most of the previous studies are concerned with trace-element variations in cassiterites of different occurrences and colors from different types of ore deposits,Data concerning the modes of occurrence of these trace elements are rare,except for the contention that Nb-Ta,Fe^2 -Mn-Fe^3 and W-Fe^3 may substitute isomorphously for Sn as pointed out by Zhou Tianren et al.(1987) and Moller et al.(1988).In this paper we are concerned with the compositional characteristics as well as the modes of occurrence of trace elements in cassiterites from quartz veins and greisens in the Dupangling tin field,Guangxi,based on multivariate statistical analyses.Tin mineralization in the Dupangling area is found associated with the medium-to fine-grained protolithionite-albite granite(γ5^2b) and its outer contacts.Cassiterite occurs,with wolframite,both in quartz veins in the contact and in greisens within the granite.^1) Spatially,greisens become dominant over quartz veins in the contact andin greisens with the granite.^1)Spatialy,gresens become dominant over quartz veins in going from the contact to the interior of the granite and with increasing depth.The greisens are of various shapes.The vein-shaped and the sheet-shaped greisens at the top of the granie are rich in quartz and the chambered greiens always constitute rich ores and contain abundant topaz or mica.Genetically,Sn,W mineralizations associated with the protolithionite-albite granite(γ5^2b) are considered to have been formed from fluid melt derived from the ore-forming magma responsible for the granite(γ5^2b).  相似文献   

The Yinshan deposit,one of the large-scale Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag polymetallic deposits,may be named a middle-low temperature subvolcanic hydrothermal deposit and referred to as the “transitional deposit“linking mineralization of the epithermal and porphyry coppertypes.In this paper,the characteristics and structures of ore zoning are briefly described.On the basis of the dynamics of ore-forming processes and applying computer numerical simulation technique,the mechanism of ore zoning is discussed and a concealed igneous body controlling ore deposition at depth of the Yinshan mine is predicted.  相似文献   

Thallium in Low Temperature Ore Deposits,China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
is paper deals with thallium in typical low-temperature deposits of Au,Tl,As,Sb and Hg in South China with respect to its mode of occurrence,minerals and geochemical correlations with many other coexisting major and trace elements,Criteria are proposed for identifying independent thallium deposits and thallium-bearing deposits and the Nanhnu realgar deposit is classified for the first time as an independent thallium deposit,Tl,F.Cl.I and B are suggested as indicators for low-temperature mineralization with examples furnished for their applications.  相似文献   

The Yindongzi-Daxigou strata-bound barite-siderite,silver-polymetallic deposits discovered in the Qinling orogen are hosted within flysch facies in a deep-water fault-controlled basin on the passive northern margin of the Qinling microplate.The orebodies occur in a series of hydrothermal depositonal rocks.Mineralization zoning is characterized by Fe-Ba←Ba-Cu←Pb-Ab→Cu-Ag→Pb→Au.This is obviously a gradational transition mineralization from ventproximal mineralization to more distal mineralization.In this gradational transition between Chefanggou and Yindongzi,vent-proximal mineralization consists of silver-polymetallic orebodies(Pb-Ag),which is the center of hydrothermal mineralization.The Chefanggou Ba-Cu ore district in the west and the Yindongzi Cu-Ag ore district in the east represent vent lateral mineralization.Distal mineralization in the west is represented by the Daxigou Fe-Ba ore district while distal mineralization in te east is represented by the Pb ore district.Thick massive,laminated barren albite chert and jasperite,sometimes with minor silver-ploymetallic mineralization of commercial importance,and pyritization in rocks feature more distal mineralization.Geochemical anomalies of Au-As associations are found in ankerite phyllite and muddy sandstone.Actually,Au deposits are dominantly controlled by the late brittle-ductile shear zone.  相似文献   

The Jiujiang-Ruichang area in northwestern Jiangxi extends along the western part of the minerogenic belt of the middle-lower Yangtze Valley in a terrain of sediments ranging from Ordovician to Triassic in age with NEE-folda,and NW-compressive,NNW-tensile and NEE-compressive-shearing faults as the major structures .Igneous rocks are mostly intermediate-acid epizonal intrusive bodies.Typical copper mineralizations in this area include the skarn-type and stratiform Cu-bearing pyrite-type deposits at Wushan and the porphyry and breccia-pipe type copper-molybdenum deposits at Chengmenshan.Silurian strata,with a great thickness and an average copper content of 51 ppm,are considered to be the source bed of copper mineralization,as is evidenced,among other things,by the presence of an envelope which is notably impoverished in Cu aroud most of the deposits.Magmatic rocks which intruded into the Silurian strata often have relatively high alkali contents and K2O/Na2O ratios ,with extensive potash alteration.Magmatic rocks in the area are of co-melting type or mixed type.The magma assimilated a large quanity of country rocks while ascending.They are characterized by high REE contents,absence of Eu anomalies and high LREE/HREE ratios.Ancient lead and strontium isotopes were detected in feldspar megaphenocrysts from the granodiorite porphyry.Hydrothermal convective circulation systems of magmatic water of magmatic water and supergenic water was extensively developed in the magmatic and country rocks,in which copper,potassium and other ore-forming components were extracted from the country rocks and concentrated through heating,boiling and evaporating.When the ore-forming fluids found their way into the skarn zone or the unconformity between the Wutong Formation and the Huanglong Formation,ore precipitation would have occurred as a result of changing media,If the concentration of KCl exceeded 9%,copper and other ore-forming components might have been deposited in magmatic rocks,forming the porphyry-type ore deposits.  相似文献   

Statistical data on major,trace and rare-earth elements in wolframite from the quartz vein-and greisen-type tin deposits in the Dupangling orefield reveal(1)The components in wolframite can be divided into two relatively independent groups:the WO3-Nb-Ta-Sc-REE group,in which WO3 is negatively correlated with the others and the FeO-MnO-Sn group,in which MnO is negatively corre-lated with the other two;(2)In general ,REE fractionation is not significant,reflected mainly by the separation of Eu from other REE‘s.LREE and HREE increase or decrease simultaneously ,with HREE being more variable;(3)Nb,Ta,Sc,REE substitute for W, and Sn may enter into wolframite lattice accompanied by Fe-Mn substitution;(4)In contrast to wolframite in quartz veins,which is poor in REE,Nb,Ta and has high δEu values and LREE/HREE and Nb/Ta ratios,wolframite in greisen is rich in REE, Nb,Ta,Sc and has low δEu values and LREE/HREE and Nb/Ta ratios ;and (5)The contents and ratios of trace elements and REE parti-tioning parameters of wolframite can be used as guide for prospecting.  相似文献   

Two principal hydrothermal events have been recognized ,which resulted in the tin-bearing skarns at Red-A-ven ,Northwest Dartmoor.Tin was enriched during both the early (occurring as tin-bearing andradite) and late hydrothermal events (mainly as malayaite stannite and cassiterite,accompanied by boron silicates and minor tungsten).Thermometric measurements of fluid inclusions in diopside,garnet,malayaite,tourmaline-quartz and axinite were carried out,suggesting that the early skarns were formed at the temperature above 600℃and the salinities ranging from 10 to 20 wt.% NaCl eq.while the late skarns at the temperatures of 350-460℃ and the salinities ranging from 30 to 50wt.% NaCl eq.The estimated minimum depths are 2856m(850 bar) for the early event and 2526m(185 bar) for the late event.The birefringence of the andradite might be related with the superimposition of late hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

The multivariate information conprehensive processing technique is especially important at present to the digital mineral prospecting. However, the GIS-based weights of evidence have provided us with powerful tool for the quantitative assessment of mineral resource potential. In this paper, the mineralization model is established, based on the achievements made by previous researchers, to mend such deficiencies ad few references on ore fields in Yujiacun, Yunnan Province and the shortage of quantitative prediction and assessment of mineral resources. In addition, the weights of evidence are used to make a systematic quantitative prediction and assessment of mineral resources there, so that 2 mineral prospecting target areas of grade Ⅰ and 8 mineral prospecting target areas of grade Ⅱ are delineated, providing the further mineral resource exploration with the basis for the selection of mineral deposits.  相似文献   

Geochemical data of altered wall rocks are important for the metallogenic prognosis of hydrothermal gold deposits. Indicator elements of altered wall rocks such as K, Al, As, Sb, and Hg have been successfully used to assess gold anomalies in lithogeochemical survey. However, such researches have rarely been done in stream sediment survey for the exploration of gold from various landscapes. On the basis of the geochemical analysis of altered wall rocks of gold deposits in the cold desert areas of Gansu (甘肃) Province in Northwest China, it is found that the combination of Al, K, and Sn could serve as an important indicator of hydrothermal gold deposits and can be used to evaluate the metallogenic prospective of gold anomalies in stream sediments. More studies performed in the cold grassland areas and the moderate-low relief mountainous areas showed that, both weak and strong geochemical anomalies can be extracted, if strictly abiding by the ways of calculation and addition of the binary values of the indicator elements with equal weight, and this provides the sound delineation of metallogenic perspective areas.  相似文献   

The paleohydrogeologic condition and the tectonic stress field during the mineralization ep-och of the Au(Cu) ore fluid in the bordering orogenic belt of Simao-Nanping basin reveal that the com-plicated paleohydrodynamic condition during the Devonian-Carboniferous period in the northern Ailao-shan was favorable for the pre-enrichment of the mineral elements, and that the migration and the dis-tribution of the groundwater were controlled by the tectonic stress field and driven by temperatured and hydraulic gradients during the Yanshan-Himalayan movement epoch.Therefore,the determination of the low-pressure zone of the maximum principal stress is effective for the location of the Au deposits (ore spots).  相似文献   

The Lianhuashan tungsten deposit occurs in the volcanic terrain in the coastal area of Southeast China,where rhyolite,quartz porphyry and granite consitute a complee magmatic series.The orebodies are located in the endo-and exo-contacts between the quartz porphyry and the metasandstone of the Xiaoping coal measues.Hongenization temperatures of melt inclusions in zircon and quartz are 1100℃and 1050℃ for rhyolite,1000℃ and 860℃for quartz porphyry,and 950-1000℃and 820℃ for granite,respectively,demonstrating that the rockforming temperatures dropped successively from the eruptive to the intrusive rocks and that the homogenization temperatures of melt inclusions in zircon are 50-180℃higher than those in quartz.Homogenization temperatures of gas-liquid inclusions in quartz are 230-520℃(mostly 230-270℃)for quartz porphyry,200-450℃(mostly 200-360℃)for ore-bearing quartz veins,150-210℃for granite 170-200℃ for the vein quartz in it.Quartz from the quartz porphyry and from the ore-earing quartz veins show similar characteristics in inclusion type and homogenization temperature,indicating that intergranular solutions must have been formed upon cooling of magma and that ore-forming solutions for the tungstem mineralization were evolved mainly from ore-bearing intergranular solutions in the quartz porphyry.  相似文献   

云南个旧风流山矿段位于老卡岩体西侧,老厂矿田的南部,风流山Sn-Cu多金属矿段属于蚀变花岗岩型矿化,矿化发生于花岗岩内蚀变带,矿体受断裂和裂隙控制。运用格里戈良分带指数法对风流山34矿段第5勘探线剖面样品进行蚀变矿化分析和原生晕研究,探究其深部矿体赋存状况。(1)矿体原生晕分带清晰,原生晕展布形态与矿体空间分布相似。(2)由各断面的分带指数,得到矿体原生晕轴向分带序列为(由前缘至尾部):Mo-Sn-Bi-Ag-As-Cu-W-Co-F-Pb-Zn-Sb-B-U-Ta。(3)以风流山34矿段第5勘探线剖面分带指数为基础,选取(Mo×Bi×Zn)D/(U×B×Sb)D和(Mo+Bi+Zn)D/(U+B+Sb)D作为构建深部矿体定量评价模型的指标。根据比值的曲线变化规律,推测该矿段深部可能存在盲矿体。  相似文献   

The Mesoproterozoic Kunyang rift, which is located on the western margin of the Yangtze platform and the southern section of the Kangdian axis, is a rare massive Precambrian iron-copper polymetallic mineralization zone in China. The Mesoproterozoic Wulu (Wuding-Lufeng) basin in the middle of the rift is an elliptic basin controlled by a ring fracture system. Moreover, volcanic activities in the basin display zonation of an outer ring, a middle ring and an inner ring with carbonatitic volcanic rocks and sub-volcanic dykes discovered in the outer and middle rings. The Sm-Nd isochron ages have been determined for the outer-ring carbonatitic lavas (1685 Ma) and basaltic porphyrite of the radiating dyke swarm (1645 Ma) and the Rb-Sr isochron ages for the out-ring carbonatitic lavas (893 Ma) and the middle-ring dykes (1048 Ma). In combination of the U-Pb concordant ages of zircon (1743 Ma) in trachy-andesite of the corresponding period and stratum (1569 Ma) of the Etouchang Formation, as well as the Rb-Sr iso  相似文献   

The Upper-Middle Proterozoic epimetamorphic rock series in northern Guangxi is a suite of volcanic-terrigenous clastic formations transforming in facies from mobile to stable, which is similar to Eparchean normal argillo-arenaceous sediments both in petrochemistry and in REE geochemistry.The Upper-Middle Proterozoic Suberathem in northern Guangxi is characterized by primordial enrichment of As and Sb, significant depletion in Sr and Hg, bimodal or polymodal distribution of Au and other ore-forming elements, and high variation coefficients and strong mobilities of Sn,Cu,Ni,Au,Ag,As and Sb.The trace element association is characterized by the predominance of siderophile and chalcophile elements occurring in the Middle Proterozoic and that of lithophile ele-ments occurring in the Upper Proterozoic .It is suggested that in northern Guangxi is developed a series of ore-bearing formations with the Sibao Group as the protogenous basement and the Danzhou Group and Lower Sinian series as the derivative cap strata.  相似文献   

Tungsten Enrichment in the South China—type Massive Sulphide Deposits   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tungsten is a characteristic element of the South China-type massive sulphide deposits that were formed on the continental crust.The high contents of tungsten in these deposits are attributed to the pri-mary enrichment of this element in the basement sequences of the region,providing an indication of the tungsten-enrichment in the continental crust.Tungsten in thd basement sequences was mobilized and trans-ported to the massive sulphides by a combination of different geological processes such as terrigenous sedimentation,submarine hydrothermal deposition and magmatic hydrothermal superimposition.  相似文献   

Quartz was studied with respect to its silicon isotopic composition and cathodoluminescence in micro-fine disseminated gold deposits in SW Guizhou and NW Guangxi.The results showed that quartz in wall rocks.ores and that in association with hydrothermal silicification are distinctive in silicon isotopes and cathodoluminescence characters.Quartz in association with primary silicification is non-luminescent while that in wall rocks and associated with secondary silicification exhibits striking luminescence.Based on the dynamic fractionation of silicon isotopes,it is suggested that the mineralization was accompanied by rapid transport of aprimary siliceous fluid along the major deep fault system into subordinate faults before ore components deposited in favorable strata via penetration and metasomatism.Therefore,a deep origin is implicit for gold deposits of this type.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the high-K,potassic dike rocks in two types of gold ore fields at Linglong and Dayigezhuang,Northwest Jiaodong.The rocks can be divided into three types.i.e.,(1) lamprophyre,(2) andesite porphyrite,and (3) dacite porphyrite,based on their geological occurrence and space-time relationship with gold mineralization.These rocks were the products of early,synchronous and late mineralization.respectively,Element geochemistry shows that variations in chemical composition of major oxides follow the general rules of magmatic fractional crystallization.The fractional crystallization of mineral phases of augite in the early stage(namely in the lamprophyre stage)and hornblende and plagioclase in the late stge(namely from the andesite-porphyrite to dacite porphyrite stage)controlled the magma evolution.The rocks are enriched in alkili and have higher K2O and lower TiO2 contents,as well as strongly enriched in large ion lithophile elements such as Ba,Sr and Rb,and LREE but strongly depleted in transition elements such as Cr and Ni,Rb is depleted relative to Sr and Ba,and Rb/Sr ratios are low.Volatile constituents are abundant.These characteristics indicate that the initial magma originated from the metamorphic subduction ocean-crust that had been intensively contaminated by crustal materials,and retrogressive metamorphism is characterized by low-degree partial melting during back-arc spreading,Varying degrees of partial melting and different emplacement enviornments may be the main causes for the evolution of the rocks and mineralization in different degrees in the two gold ore fields at Linglong and Dayigezhuang,Shandong.  相似文献   

The Tongling ore district is one of the most economically important ore areas in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, eastern China. It contains hundreds of polymetallic copper–gold deposits and occurrences. Those deposits are mainly clustered(from west to east) within the Tongguanshan, Shizishan, Xinqiao, Fenghuangshan, and Shatanjiao orefields. Until recently, the majority of these deposits were thought to be skarn-or porphyry–skarn-type deposits; however there have been recent discoveries of numerous vein-type Au, Ag, and Pb-Zn deposits that do not fall into either of these categories. This indicates that there is some uncertainty over this classification. Here, we present the results of several systematic geological studies of representative deposits in the Tongling ore district. From investigation of the ore-controlling structures, lithology of the host rock, mineral assemblages, and the characteristics of the mineralization and alteration within these deposits, three genetic types of deposits(skarn-, porphyry-, and vein-type deposits) have been identified. The spatial and temporal relationships between the orebodies and Yanshanian intrusions combined with the sources of the ore-forming fluids and metals, as well as the geodynamic setting of this ore district, indicate that all three deposit types are genetically related each other and constitute a magmatic–hydrothermal system. This study outlines a model that relates the polymetallic copper–gold porphyry-, skarn-, and vein-type deposits within the Tongling ore district. This model provides a theoretical basis to guide exploration for deep-seated and concealed porphyry-type Cu(–Mo, –Au) deposits as well as shallow vein-type Au, Ag, and Pb–Zn deposits in this area and elsewhere.  相似文献   

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