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A better understanding of biological systems can only be gained if we understand what processes are important and how they operate to determine the distribution of organisms. Coastal orientation and depth can influence environmental conditions, including the degree of water motion and availability of light, which in turn may influence the horizontal and vertical patterns of organism distribution. Here, we used a mixed‐model design to examine the effects of coastal orientation and depth on the structure of benthic assemblages by comparing the abundance and distribution of macroalgae and invertebrates in shallow and deep waters on the opposing coasts of São Miguel. Generally, coastal orientation had little influence on the distribution of most taxa. In contrast, significant differences were generally associated with depth, although patterns were spatially variable at the scale of locations. This study suggests that depth, and processes operating at the scale of location, but not at the scale of the coast, have an important influence on these assemblages, and that failure to recognise such a scale of variability may hamper our ability to better understand the processes that structure these communities.  相似文献   

AstudyonbenthiccommunitystructureinwestoftheTaiwanStraitandneartheTaiwanShoals¥WuQiquan;JiangJinxiang;XuHuizhou;CaiErxiandLin...  相似文献   

渤海底栖桡足类群落结构的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
渤海1998年9月航次的调查结果.小型底栖生物总平均丰度为(8688±5097)个/m2,底栖桡足类居第2位,平均丰度为(663±569)个/m2,占总数量的76%.根据77种底栖桡足类丰度所做的聚类和标序分析将渤海20个站位划分为4个组合.根据11种环境因子数据所做的聚类和主成分分析将研究海域划分为两个生境、4个亚区.对研究海域进行的分区与自然分区是基本一致的.支配研究海域底栖桡足类群落结构的主要环境因子是水深和沉积物粒度.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that patterns of benthic community structure are functionally linked to estuarine processes and physical characteristics of the benthos. To assess these linkages for coarse-sediment shorelines, we used a spatially nested sampling design to quantify patterns of distribution and abundance of both macroinfauna and macroepibiota. We examined replicate beach segments within a site (∼1 km), sites within areas of relatively uniform salinity and temperature (∼10 km), and areas (∼100 km) in the two major basins of Puget Sound, Washington. Because slight variations in physical characteristics of a beach can lead to significant alterations in biota, we minimized confounding physical influences by working only in the predominant shoreline habitat type in Puget Sound, a mixture of sand, pebbles and cobbles. Species richness decreased steadily from north to south along gradients of declining wave energy, increasing temperature and decreasing salinity. A few taxa were confined to the South Basin, but many more were found in the North. Most of the variability in population abundance was captured at the smaller spatial scales. Physical conditions tend to become increasingly different with distance among sites. Communities became more different from north to south as species intolerant of more estuarine conditions dropped out. There was significant spatial autocorrelation among populations on neighboring beach segments for 73 of the 172 species sampled. Populations of these benthic species may be connected via dispersal on scales of at least km in Puget Sound. Our results strengthen prior conclusions about the strong linkages between the biota and physical patterns and processes in estuaries. It is important for monitoring and impact-detection studies to account for natural variation of physical gradients across the sampling scales used. Nested, replicated sampling designs can facilitate the detection of environmental change at spatial scales ranging from global (e.g., warming or El Niño), to regional (e.g., estuary-wide changes in salinity patterns), to local (e.g., from development at a site).  相似文献   

现有研究对全新世以来浮游植物群落结构在黄海的时空变化还缺乏深入认识,针对这一问题,本研究分析了C02和N05岩心中的生物标志物,并结合已发表岩心生物标志物数据,重建黄海全新世以来浮游植物群落结构的时空变化。在早全新世,长链烯酮相对比例(A/∑PB)和菜子甾醇相对比例(B/∑PB)低,甲藻甾醇相对比例(D/∑PB)高。较高的陆源有机质指标(TMBR')值说明黄海浮游植物群落结构主要受陆源营养盐输入控制。在中全新世,A/∑PB升高,B/∑PB和D/∑PB减小,是由于高温高盐的黄海暖流入侵有利于颗石藻生长。在空间分布上,以ZY3、ZY2、ZY1和YE-2 4个站位组成的35.5°N断面区域烯酮相对比例大幅升高,西部站位C02与东部N05烯酮比例小幅上升,这是由于黄海暖流主轴流经35.5°N断面,该区域主要受黄海暖流控制,而其他区域仍受陆源营养盐输入控制。从早全新世到中全新世,B/∑PB(D/∑PB)高值相继出现在N05(C02)和C02(N05)区域,这是由于2个站位的控制因素不同,可能与黄海暖流主轴摆动和陆源物质的搬运有关。在晚全新世,A/∑PB继续升高,B/∑PB和D/∑PB减小。晚全新世东亚冬季季风增强使黄海环流体系加强,黄海暖流对颗石藻的影响进一步扩大。甲藻甾醇与菜子甾醇的相对比例(D/B)升高,可能是由于东亚冬季季风增强,使含有更多氮元素的大气物质沉降到黄海,有利于甲藻对硅藻的竞争。  相似文献   

Rapa (27°36′ S, 144°20′ W) is a small (~40 km2) volcanic island isolated in the Southern Austral Archipelago, where direct anthropogenic stressors are extremely limited. Here, we present the results of the first quantitative survey of coral community structure across habitats and depths around the island. Despite its geographical isolation in the depauperate South Central Pacific, its small size and unfavourable environmental conditions (competition with macroalgae, low sea surface temperatures, reduced reef accretion), the diversity of scleractinian corals at Rapa is particularly high (112 species from 32 genera, including 37 species of Acropora) in comparison to other French Polynesian islands and subtropical Pacific locations. Our results indicate that the abundance (>100 colonies per 10 m2 recorded at nine of the 17 sampling stations) and cover (>40% at four stations) of corals are relatively high for a marginal reef location. Strong spatial heterogeneity was found, with high variation in diversity, abundance, cover and community composition among stations. Variation in community composition was related to habitat types, with distinct assemblages among fringing reefs within bays, reef formations at bay entrances, and those on the submerged platform surrounding the island. On the platform, a depth gradient was detected, with generic richness, abundance and cover generally greater at deeper stations (18–20 m depth) compared with medium‐depth (10–12 m) and shallow (1–3 m) stations. A gradient was also recorded along bays, with increasing coral diversity and abundance from the bay heads to the bay entrances. The coral community at Rapa was characterized by the presence of several taxa not found in other French Polynesian archipelagos and the rarity of others that are common and abundant in the Society and the Tuamotu islands. Another distinctive feature of reef communities at Rapa is the high cover and dominance of macroalgae, particularly in the shallower parts of the surrounding platform, which probably explains the lower densities of coral colonies recorded there. These characteristics of the diversity and biogeographical composition of coral assemblages at Rapa provide considerable ecological grounds for its conservation.  相似文献   

舟山岩相潮间带动物群落结构的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文应用数理统计方法研究了舟山海区岩岸潮间带中26个测站的春季动物群落结构。根据26个站的位置分为近岸区、近外海区和外海区3个区域。各站均以软体动物和甲壳动物为群落主要组成成分,群落种类组成数从近岸到外海呈增长趋势,且优势种亦从低盐种类向高盐种类演替。近岸区群落主要优势种为短滨螺Littorina brevicula、粗糙滨螺L.scabra、僧帽牡蛎Ostrea cucullata、白脊藤壶Balanus albicostatus等;近外海区为短滨螺、粒结节滨螺Nodilittorinaexigua、僧帽牡蛎、鳞笠藤壶Tetraclita squamosa squamosa、白脊藤壶等;外海区为粒结节滨螺,疣荔枝螺Purpura clavigera、条纹隔贻贝Septifer virgatus、日本笠藤壶T.japonica及藻类等。但群落个体密度和生物量从近岸到外海呈减少趋势。从近岸到外海,群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H和Pielou均匀度J均增加,而McNaughton优势度D减少。群落结构从近岸到外海渐趋复杂。但整体上,舟山海区岩岸春季动物群落结构是比较简单的(绝大多数断面H值小于2.50,J值小于0.5。而D值大于0.6)。近外海区的群落结构比较相似于外海区的群落。根据平均聚类分析,这26个群落可以分为三个生态类型,即隐蔽性岩岸群落,半隐蔽性岩岸群落及开敞性岩岸群落。  相似文献   

本研究基于2013年夏季“大洋一号”船大洋第30航次西南印度洋海区科学考察走航线路,对西南印度洋21°S到38°S海域表层浮游动物群落进行连续采样调查,研究了该海域表层中型浮游动物群落结构和物种多样性及空间分布格局。结果显示,研究海域表层中型浮游动物群落组成包括:桡足类、磷虾类、端足类、十足类、介形类、毛颚动物、被囊类、异足类、翼足类、刺胞动物及多毛类等11大类,总计50属69种;优势类群为桡足类(69%)和磷虾类(27%)。多样性指数随经度和纬度的变化特征:H′、D多样性指数及J均匀度指数随纬度的升高均呈下降趋势;在经度梯度上,几种多样性指数也大致呈现出东高西低的趋势。聚类分析表明,研究区可大致以36°S附近为界划分为南部和北部两大类群,分别以北部桡足类(平均粒径小),南部磷虾类(平均粒径大)Euphausia属为优势群落。群落相似性结果反映出,南部类群与南极克罗克海峡和南极长城湾水域群落,北部类群与西北印度洋海域群落的联通性不高。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Forthe lastm ore than 20 a,ow ing to the develop-m ent of observation and experim ent technologies form arine m icroorganism s,m arine biologistshave discov-ered m any m icroorganism s w hich are difficult to beobserved by com m on m icroscope before. T hus, thecognition to the m arine phytoplankton com m unitiesand the structure of food chains has achieved im por-tantprogress.E specially,w ith the developm entand ap-plication of epifluorescence m icroscopy and flow cy-tom etry…  相似文献   

The effects of the freshwater discharge of the Oued Sebou River on the macroinfauna, was studied on the sandy beach of Mehdia through the analysis of the abiotic parameters and of the macrozoobenthos. In autumn 2002 and spring 2003, three beach sites, each with two transects, localized at 50, 3500 and 5720 m from the river mouth respectively, were studied. Positive correlations were recorded for beach slope and pH whereas negative ones were obtained for organic matter content and salinity at increasing distances from the river mouth. Significant differences between beach sites and seasons occurred for median grain size, organic matter content and pH. For each beach site, mean macroinfauna abundance varied between 30 and 100 ind.·m−2 and in spring there was a significant correlation between this parameter and the increasing distance from the river mouth. No significant correlation was instead found between species richness and the increasing distance, although the farthest beach site from the mouth had the highest number of species during both seasons. The results indicated the importance of organic matter content and salinity for the macrofaunal abundance whereas the diversity indices were more affected by beach slope and grain size. The results showed that there was no clear spatial trend in compound indices of the macrofauna across the sampled sites and the influence of the river discharge of Sebou River did not seem to be significant and consistent on the macrobenthos of this mesotidal shore. Comparison with microtidal shores revealed the influence of the tidal excursion and swell characteristics on the response of the benthic structures of sandy beaches to discharges of freshwater.  相似文献   

Seamounts are subsurface mountains in the ocean. Examination of the abundance and distribution of Archaea in seamount ecosystems may provide a better understanding of their ecological functions. Most studies of marine archaeal assemblages in seamount area have focused on hydrothermal vents or ferromanganese crusts. We investigated the archaeal communities from a seamount of the Mariana Volcanic Arc, in the tropical western Pacific Ocean by using high-throughput sequencing. Thaumarchaeota was dominant in the sediments of all sample stations. Community diversity and species richness were greatest at stations near the top of the seamount, and lowest at the deepest station. One sample station on the steep southeast slope that faced the Yap-Mariana trench had a unique composition of Archaea. In summary, depth has an important influence on archaeal community structure, and the geographic properties and sediment characteristics may explain the unique distribution patterns of Archaea in this seamount. This study provides a foundation for future research on Archaea in seamounts.  相似文献   

Ten exposed sandy sites covering a range from reflective to dissipative beaches were sampled in south-central Chile to evaluate: (1) spatial changes in species richness, abundance and biomass of the intertidal macroinfauna in response to changes in mean grain size, beach face slope and beach type, and (2) spatial changes in abundance, biomass and body sizes of the most abundant species in response to changes in the physical factors. The number of species, abundance and biomass per beach in general decreased with increasing particle size and beach face slope (steeper beaches) and increased from reflective to dissipative conditions. The best fit for number of species was with Dean's parameter, a measure of beach type, whereas for abundance and biomass the best fits were found with particle size. The isopod Excirolana braziliensis and the anomuran Emerita analoga increased in abundance and biomass towards dissipative conditions, whereas Excirolana hirsuticauda showed the opposite trend in biomass and was significantly larger in beaches with steeper profiles. It is concluded that responses to changes in beach type are more pronounced at community level than within species populations.  相似文献   

The assemblage structure and spatial distribution patterns of macrobenthic communities according to environmental conditions were analysed through five samplings carried out at 14 intertidal soft sediment stations in the Oualidia lagoon (NW Morocco). A total of 89 macrobenthic taxa were collected, amounting to 55.188 specimens. Molluscs, polychaetes and arthropods were the most species‐rich groups. The snail Peringia ulvae was the most dominant species, especially abundant in the mid‐ and upper lagoon sections (nearly 64% of the total specimens gathered), followed by the mollusc Scrobicularia plana (10%). Diversity values were generally low (<3 bit) pointing out the high dominance by few species. Multivariate analyses clearly distinguished three distinct macrobenthic assemblages, successively distributed from lagoon inlets towards inner parts. Nevertheless, each assemblage was found in particular habitat types and had a specific species composition in response to different environmental characteristics. (a) The Scolelepis fuliginosa community occupied sandy substrates at the lower section of the lagoon with stronger marine influence and, (b) the P. ulvae community lived in sandy‐muddy substrates, including two sub‐communities dominated, respectively, by Cerastoderma edule, S. plana and Tritia pfeffeiri inhabiting the middle section and S. plana the upper section. The combination of salinity, temperature, pH and silt content was identified as the major environmental variable subset with the highest correlation with the observed macrofaunal patterns and silt fraction as the single best correlated variable. The results demonstrated significant spatial differences in macrobenthic assemblage structure and composition along environmental gradients in spite of the absence of direct freshwater river inflow.  相似文献   

Sea urchins are important ecosystem engineers in subtidal ecosystems worldwide, providing biogenic structure and altering nutrient dynamics through intensive grazing and drift algal capture. The current work evaluates red urchin (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) density on fixed transects through time, individual displacement, and urchin‐associated benthic community composition using a field‐based approach at multiple depths (in and outside of the macroalgal zone) and replicated across sites in the San Juan Archipelago, Washington. Urchins exhibited no large‐scale, temporal or directional changes in density among depths. Furthermore, 87% of individual urchins observed in repeated small‐scale surveys over 3 weeks exhibited no change in position. Individual displacement was negatively correlated to drift algal capture. Evidence of sedentary behavior from the displacement surveys was supported by the sessile and mobile community composition in areas directly under versus adjacent to (control) urchins. The benthos under urchins had a higher percentage of bare space, crustose coralline algae, and increased density of snails, crabs and shrimp relative to associated control plots. Abundance of mobile organisms associating with urchins increased relative to control plots at the deepest survey depth (30 m), indicating a greater strength of interaction with distance from macroalgal production. This work presents evidence of food availability‐related behavior in red urchins and indicates that even when sedentary, urchins have a strong influence on ecosystem structure through increasing availability of shelter and macroalgal detritus to the benthos.  相似文献   

山东半岛东端以岩基海岸为主,而浅海多为岩礁底质,适宜大型藻类生长。为探究该海域的大型藻类群落结构特征,于2018年11月(秋)、2019年2月(冬)、5月(春)和8月(夏)对山东荣成马山里海域的3个典型生境(草床区、天然礁区和泥沙区)中的大型藻类进行了调查。结果显示:3种生境共鉴定出大型藻类23种,其中红藻门15属15种,褐藻门3属4种,绿藻门3属4种。物种数最高值出现在天然礁区(22种),最低值出现在泥沙区(12种)。生物量最高值为春季草床区(1 567.44±21.29) g·m-2、最低值为秋季的泥沙区(594.45±107.06) g·m-2。大型藻类优势种在不同生境、不同季节不同:草床生境为小珊瑚藻(Corallina pilulifera),在4个季节中均占绝对优势;礁区为绿藻向红藻、褐藻变化;泥沙区为从红藻到褐藻变化。Pielow均匀度指数的最高值在3个生境中相近且均出现在冬季;多样性指数最高值、最低值分别出现在礁区与泥沙区; Margalef丰富度指数的最高值出现在秋季的礁区,而最低值出现在夏季的泥沙区;聚类与排序结果表明,大...  相似文献   

As one of the important microzooplankton in marine pelagic habitats, tintinnids are classified as neritic genera,oceanic genera and cosmopolitan genera. Until now, we know little about the interaction between neritic and oceanic genera in continental shelves. Low species richness area was found in the mixing area between neritic and oceanic genera in the East China Sea. In this study, we investigated the spatial distribution of tintinnid community throughout the entire Bohai Sea in May(spring) of 2014 to find out:(1) whether the tintinnid assembalges differed in the three major bays bordering this shallow inland sea;(2) whether there was low species richness area in the Bohai Sea. Three genera and 11 species attributed to neritic and cosmopolitan taxa were reported from this region. Tintinnid abundance averaged(81±216) ind./L(0–1 234 ind./L). Tintinnid community differed within the three major bays, with each characterized by different tintinnid taxa. Referring to the average abundance of three bays, tintinnids were most abundant in the Laizhou Bay((328±445) ind./L), and least abundant in the Liaodong Bay((34±57) ind./L). A low species richness area occurred in the central Bohai Sea(20–40 m isobaths), in some stations of which no tintinnid was recorded. Our study demonstrates that tintinnid community varied greatly over small spatial scales, and low species richness area was found in the mixing area between neritic and oceanic genera within this inland sea.  相似文献   

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