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Using a model that couples wind flow with the motion of sand particles under different atmospheric stability intensities,
this paper studied the effects of atmospheric stability on the trajectory and velocity of sand particles in the saltation
layer, and the duration before a steady state was achieved. The vertical velocity, horizontal distance, and the maximum height
of saltating sand particles increased with increasingly negative stability intensity under unstable conditions. The wind–sand
flow reached equilibrium more quickly with increasingly negative stability intensity under unstable conditions, but reached
equilibrium more slowly with increasing stability intensity under stable conditions. 相似文献
Natural Hazards - Barriers, which are normally used as highway safety instruments, cause adverse sand deposition damage to pavements along desert highways. To select a suitable barrier type for... 相似文献
流滑型崩岸是冲积河流河岸常见的一种崩塌形式,其发展速度快、破坏力强;该类崩岸主要取决于水流的直接冲刷,河岸崩退过程中水面与岸顶高差较小.依据此类崩岸的特征,基于水流冲刷分析,在基础层面上初步探讨并建立了流滑型崩岸的河岸侧蚀模式.结合水槽试验与土工离心模拟试验,对该模式进行了分析研究,初步率定了模式中的河岸侧蚀系数,计算... 相似文献
Two proposed quartz fibrous filters with dissimilar solid volume fractions and thicknesses are investigated for their efficiency in removing soot aerosol particles from air. Soot particles are sourced from a candle burning in a chamber, and the tests involve 1.5 h of continuous loading of particles at three different flow rates: 4.5, 8.15 and 9.55 l/min. The fractional efficiency, morphology and pressure drop of both clean and loaded filters are studied using a scanning mobility particle sizer, scanning electron microscope and differential pressure gauge. Both filters have relatively similar levels of efficiency 93% for particle size (100–400 nm) at the lowest flow rate. At higher flow rates, the re-entrainment process effects the filtration efficiency of both filters. At the higher flow rate of 8.15 l/min, the filter with a higher solid volume fraction and thickness shows a higher pressure drop and an efficiency level of 95%. Increasing the flow rate to 9.55 l/min helps to pass the particles with diameters larger than 100 nm through two filters. This phenomenon decreases the fractional efficiency of both filters during the loading time. 相似文献
The trap efficiency of a catcher in wind erosion measurements plays a significant role, and in many cases suspension trap
efficiencies at high wind velocities are still unknown. The sediment trap efficiency generally changes with particles size
and with wind speed. In this study, the efficiency of Vaseline Slide (VS) and Modified Wilson and Cooke (MWAC) catchers were
determined with different sand particle sizes (<50, <75, 50–75, 200–400, and 400–500 μm) at a fixed wind speed (13.3 ms −1) and with different soil textures at different wind velocities (10.3, 12.3, and 14.3 ms −1) in the wind tunnel of the International Center for Eremology (ICE), Ghent University, Belgium. The traps were placed at
different heights (4, 6.5, 13, 20, 120, and 192 cm for VS and 1.5, 3, 5, 8, 11, and 30 cm for MWAC) to catch saltating and
suspended sediments in a 12-m long, 1.2-m wide and 3.2-m high working section of the wind tunnel. In the sand particle experiments,
the efficiency of the VS catcher was 92% for particles smaller than 50 μm and decreased with increasing particles size, falling
to 2.2% for 400–500 μm particle size at 13.4 ms −1. However, the MWAC’s efficiency was 0% for particles smaller than 50 μm and increased with increasing particle size to 69.5%
at 400–500 μm. In the experiments with different soil textures, the efficiency of each catcher significantly changed with
soil and with wind speed. It also considerably varied with the catchers: for instance, for sand (S), the MWAC efficiency was
very high (67.4, 113.4, and 90.5% at 10.3, 12.3, and 14.4 ms −1, respectively) while the efficiency of VS was relatively very low (5.2, 4.4, and 1.9% at 10.3, 12.3, and 14.4 ms −1, respectively). Results indicated that the efficiency depends critically on the particle size, type of catcher, and wind
speed, and these could be helpful to increase the robustness of wind erosion measurements. 相似文献
本文给出了走向条带开采条带煤柱抗滑稳定性分析的力学模型。提出了确定条带煤柱稳定性主要影响因素的敏感性分析法。通过峰峰矿务局九龙口矿的条采实例。介绍了走向条带煤柱抗滑稳定性分析的方法与步骤。 相似文献
Photodegradation of chrysene, benzo (a) pyrene and benzo (g, h, i) perylene in natural water of the Yellow River was studied using simulation sunlight. The effects of particulates on the photodegradation were explored. Several results arose from this study. (1) The photodegradation of PAHs can be fitted with first-order kinetics when no particulate exists in water system, and the first-order constant increases with decreasing of initial concentration of PAHs. The photodegradation rates of the three PAHs are related to their molecule absorption spectrum. (2) The existence of loess exerts two kinds of effects on the photodegradation of PAHs, including the inner filter effects and the photosensitizing effects of humic substance in loess. These two contrary effects lead to the difference of net effects among different contents of loess. When the loess contents are 0.1 and 5.0 g/L, the existence of loess stimulates the photodegradation of chrysene, benzo (a) pyrene. When the loess content is 5.0 g/L, the existence of loess stimulates the photodegradation of benzo (g, h, i) perylene. In addition, the photodegradation of PAHs can be fitted with the second-order kinetics when there is loess in the water system. (3) The soluble humic substances in loess can accelerate the photodegradation of PAHs while the in soluble part cannot. (4) Since the soluble humic substances in the suspended solids of the river have been dissolved in water, 相似文献
The effect of increase in relative humidity on the angular variation of scattered light intensity distribution function and on asymmetry factor has been studied theoretically for three sizes of particles which are representative of urban aerosols. The increase in relative humidity causes change in physical properties of the particles, like radius ( r) and complex refractive index ( n?ik). The study is based on these changes in physical characteristics. It has been found that there are almost negligible changes in the function i at low humidities (≤40%) for all the three aerosol sizes studied, which may be due to insignificant changes in the physical properties. At higher values, however, the physical parameters as well as the function i show significant changes. The changes in i are systematic for the particle very small compared to the wavelength of incident radiation but for the particles comparable or larger it is not so. The asymmetry factor changes with the increase in relative humidity, for smaller particle it increases and for two larger particles changes are of fluctuative nature. 相似文献
Demolition of old buildings to create space for new development resulted in the near surface soil (topsoil) to be mixed with particles derived mostly from concrete wastes. This condition could affect the infiltration capacity and surface runoff, therefore, storm-water management of the area. This paper presents results of study on the effect of concrete waste particles on the hydraulic properties and infiltration capacity of the topsoil. Laboratory tests were performed to compare the hydraulic properties of the topsoil and the mixture of topsoil and concrete particles. Laboratory infiltration column test was performed on the mixture to evaluate its infiltration capacity. Results from the laboratory tests indicated that the presence of particles from concrete waste decreased the water-holding capacity and permeability, thereby the infiltration capacity of the ground surface. The results were supported by numerical analysis performed using the same material and boundary conditions as the column test. Parametric study was performed on both the topsoil and the mixture to extend the results of infiltration test to different materials under different ranges of rainfall intensity. The parametric study showed that the presence of concrete particles increased the run-off and the effect increased as the rainfall intensity increased. Therefore, the increase in runoff coefficient should be considered for the storm-water management when the near surface soil is mixed with concrete waste. 相似文献
Calcareous sand, a special type of sand commonly used for the construction of coastal engineering in tropical coasts, is usually required to be strengthened due to its poor engineering mechanical properties. Microbially induced carbonate precipitation has been proved to be a promising method for this purpose. A higher cementation level generally leads to a greater strength enhancement, but tends to cause brittle failure of bio-cemented calcareous sand, which in turn brings great potential risks for the coastal engineering. Therefore, the shear behaviour, especially the brittle behaviour, of bio-cemented calcareous sand needs to be understood properly, and taking some measures to improve its brittle behaviour is also necessary. In this regard, a series of triaxial compression tests were conducted to study the shear behaviour of bio-cemented calcareous sand with various cementation levels, and the waste rubber particles are used to improve the brittle behaviour of bio-cemented calcareous sand. The test results show that the shear strength of bio-cemented calcareous sand increases with the increase in cementation level, and the brittle behaviour is significant gradually. The waste rubber particles contribute to improve the brittle behaviour of bio-cemented calcareous sand, reducing the dilation of bio-cemented calcareous sand and slowing the changes in dilatancy with the increment of stress. 相似文献
Coal cleaning performance can be evaluated by a simple index called the efficiency index. The effect of operating parameters on the efficiency index has been qualitatively discussed. Maximization of the efficiency index implies process optimization and a method is indicated to optimize the process variables for maximization of the efficiency index. 相似文献
This paper examines the possibility of using the energy spectra of accelerated solar cosmic-ray ions and features formed by Coulomb losses to study the solar plasma (the power-law index S for the scattering turbulence, particle number density N, and temperature T of the background medium). For an individual solar flare, Coulomb losses can be manifest to different degrees in the spectra of different ions, providing a means to determine S. A comparison of theoretical spectra for H, He, C, O, and Fe ions with observed spectra for the prolonged solar flare of October 20, 1995 yields S≈3, N≈5×10 9 cm ?3, and T≈10 6 K, assuming that the characteristic time scale over which these particles gain energy is about a second. 相似文献
Natural Hazards - Sanitary landfills have advantages in low investment, large treatment volume, and strong adaptability, which is now the main treatment for municipal solid waste in China. However,... 相似文献
A locking section is a conceptual model employed to analyze large-scale rock slides, of which the role was commonly found governing the mechanism of such mass movements. The physical experimental study presented herein is designed to study the failure mechanism of the locking section by measuring its basic characteristics. Dataset on the magnitude of the energy release, stress state, and displacement near and within the locking section are obtained by acoustic emission sensor, strain gauge, and micrometer gauge. The study captured the continued stress and energy accumulation at the locking section under increasing loads and the final brittle shear failure, which depicts the comprehensive deformation and failure processes occurred at the locking section. The concurrence of the locking section failure is the abrupt intensive energy release that results in the occurrence of the high-speed rock sliding. In conclusion, the experiment aims at investigating the initiation mechanism of large-scale rock slides governed by a locking section. 相似文献
The efficiency of a facility to remove non-point source pollution is likely to fluctuate according to conditions such as facility type and rainfall events; therefore, it is required to use a proper method to estimate removal efficiency. This study was conducted to estimate the efficiency of a facility with vegetative filter strips to remove pollutants by using methods previously used for the estimation of removal efficiency and compensate for weaknesses of the known methods. Other ways were presented to estimate an efficiency by which rainfall events were classified according to meteorological condition and amount of rainfall. Rainfall of frequency and summation of load as rainfall of frequency, where the frequencies per rainfall class were considered in efficiency ratio and summation of loads, respectively, seemed to have higher removal efficiencies than those estimated with the previous methods. Although it rained at the basin site, often in small quantity (below 10 mm), the rainfall events of below 10 mm were less frequent, during the monitored rainfall events, which accordingly resulted in low removal efficiencies. However, if the frequencies per rainfall class were considered, overall removal efficiencies of VFS might be increased because the removal efficiencies of the rainfall class under 10?mm was higher than other rainfall classes. Therefore, it is desirable to take into account such factors as effects of rainfall when it comes to measuring the removal efficiency of a non-point source pollutant of a factor, because those facilities are likely to be influenced by meteorological conditions including rainfall characteristics. 相似文献
Generation, migration, and distribution of H + and OH ? have remarkable influence on heavy metal removal from soil during electrokinetic remediation. A series of experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of electrode configuration and voltage on pH distribution and heavy metal migration, based on the preliminary exploratory experiments. In the first phase, three soil samples were used to observe the effect of electrode configuration on pH distribution. Then, three more soil samples were used to explore the effect of voltage on ion migration. Finally, three other soil samples were used to explore the effect of electrode configuration (i.e. angle CAC) on pH distribution and heavy metal migration. The results showed that the soil was divided into acid, base, and pH-jump zones and that heavy metals migrated under low pH conditions and were deposited at the pH-jump zone. Heavy metal distribution was fairly consistent with pH distribution. Under the optimal condition of $ \angle $ CAC 60º and voltage 2.33 V/cm, 4.22 mg copper and 0.51 mg zinc migrated from acid zone and deposited in pH-jump zone with 6.44 kJ energy consumption. 相似文献
The nature of efficiency formulae is discussed, and a recommendation is made that a formula of the general type: technical efficiency = amount recovered/amount recoverable be used in that such an expression, when suitably interpreted, can satisfy all the requirements for a statement of technical efficiency.Such formulae are inadequate expressions for use as objective functions in optimization work. A suitable objective function must include economic factors, and entirely adequate expressions do not appear to exist at present (or at least have not been found in the literature). There is considerable scope for research into suitable formulae.An example is given of the use of maximising technical efficiency in connection with inherently inefficient separations. 相似文献
The efficiency of a blast depends very widely on three groups of parameters: rock mass, blast geometrical parameters and energy distribution in space (borehole bottom, column energy) and time (delays between holes and rows). According to the expected results from a blast, there are several definitions for the term efficiency. The criterion for the block size reduction in the muck pile is often considered as important, because generally it has a great influence on the efficiency of all the operations after the blast. In this paper, a new parameter for the assessment of the blast efficiency is proposed, based on the relative comparison of area delimited by the Rosin-Rammler curves of the in situ rock mass and of the muck pile. This parameter is then compared to others previously established, namely the fragmentation index (Aler et al. 1996) and the surface energy ratio (Hamdi et al. 2001). 相似文献