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面向对象集成空间数据库管理系统的设计与实现 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
新一代地理信息系统要求矢量、影像和DEM数据集成化管理。本提出了一种基于面向对象思想的矢量、影像和DEM三库集成的空间数据模型,讨论了集成化空间数据库系统的实现方式。该空间数据库管理系统已作为GIS软件GeoStar的核心,被用于中国的空间数据基础设施建设,管理国家级、省级和市级的多数据源、多比例尺的空间数据,被认为是一种高效可行的方案。 相似文献
面向对象的多媒体空间数据库系统设计 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
给出了一个多媒体空间数据模型,采用面向对象的技术将多媒体数据与空间数据有机地集成一体具有数据管理方便昴数据操作高效的特点,并给出了基于模型的系统的实现过程。 相似文献
基于Geodatabase的面向对象空间数据库设计 总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14
在Arc/Info中,支持空间数据库的数据模型经历了C AD模型、C overage模型和G eodatabase模型。文章通过讨论新一代的数据模型———G eodatabase及其G eodatabase数据库的结构体系和数据组织方式,实现了面向对象的空间数据库的设计。 相似文献
艾玲洲 《测绘与空间地理信息》2011,34(5):109-112
随着全球环境的进一步恶化,各国政府越来越重视环境资源问题。我国已经投入大量人力物力完成了各类工程项目和相关的研究工作,积累了大量的环境资源数据,如何科学有效地利用这些数据,是我们面临的现实问题。空间数据库是在数据库技术基础上发展起来的。利用多源空间数据库进行存储与管理,正逐步应用到城市规划、土地管理等领域。本文阐述了多... 相似文献
面向对象的语义数据模型及其在空间数据库中的应用 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
传统的数据库模型适合于表示数字字母数据,难以处理复杂的空间数据。面向对象的语义数据模型克服了传统数据模型的许多不足,越来越多地应用于计算机科学各个领域。本文先描述了面向对象的语义数据模型,然后介绍了建立于这种模型基础上的空间数据库实验系统spobase。 相似文献
面向对象的空间数据模型 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
从面向对象的基本概念出发,着重讨论了面向对象的空间数据模型的设计方法,完整地定义了空间数据模型中可能涉及的几种抽象数据类型,并介绍了一个面向对象的建模工具-对象联系图。 相似文献
空间数据库管理系统的概念与发展趋势 总被引:53,自引:5,他引:53
空间数据库管理系统是 GIS的核心 ,每一次空间数据库管理系统的技术变革都带来 GIS软件技术的革命。本文阐述了空间数据库管理系统的一些基本概念及发展历程 ,之后结合新一代 GIS软件 Geo Star,介绍了矢量、影像、DEM和属性数据一体化管理的数据模型及实现方法 相似文献
网格(Grid)是新型高效的分布式计算和资源管理基础设施。分析了空间数据基础设施(Spatial Data In-frastructure,SDI)与网格技术的集成需求,扩展了传统SDI层次体系,提出一种新的SDI—基于网格虚拟组织的SDI(Virtual Organization SDI,VOSDI)。VOSDI突破原有SDI以明确的地区或地域分类分层组织的方式,通过VO对地理上分布的人员、资料及空间信息进行有效组织和整合,具有灵活高效的特性。对VOSDI的功能、特性进行探讨后,进一步提出VOSDI的概念模型,并指出VOSDI实施中可能存在的问题。 相似文献
GeoStar is the registered trademark of GIS software made by WTUSM in China. By means of the GeoStar, multi-scale images, DEMs, graphics and attributes integrated in very large seamless databases can be created, and the multi-dimensional dynamic visualization and information extraction are also available. This paper describes the fundamental characteristics of such huge integrated databases, for instance, the data models, database structures and the spatial index strategies. At last, the typical applications of GeoStar for a few pilot projects like the Shanghai CyberCity and the Guangdong provincial spatial data infrastructure (SDI) are illustrated and several concluding remarks are stressed. 相似文献
GeoStar is the registered trademark of GIS software made by WTUSM in China.By means of the GeoStar,multi-scale images,DEMs,graphics and attributes integrated in very large seamless databases can be created,and the multi-dimensional dynamic visualization and information extraction are also available.This paper describes the fundamental characteristics of such huge integrated databases,for instance,the data models,database structures and the spatial index strategies.At last,the typical applications of GeoStar for a few pilot projects like the Shanghai CyberCity and the Guangdong provincial spatial data infrastructure (SDI) are illustrated and several concluding remarks are stressed. 相似文献
Ali Mansourian Alex Lubida Petter Pilesjö Ehsan Abdolmajidi Monica Lassi 《地球空间信息科学学报》2013,16(2-3):97-110
There exist major challenges in accelerating the spatial data infrastructure (SDI) planning process in the developing countries as well as advocating for politicians to support the development of SDI, due to the high complexity of SDI, lack of knowledge and experience, and limited insight in the benefits. To address these challenges, a methodology for SDI planning in Tanzania, based on the system dynamics technique and the communities of practice concept, was adopted and applied within a community consisting of experts from stakeholder organizations. The groups gathered to develop an SDI plan, while they shared their knowledge and discussed their ideas that helped their understanding of SDI. By running the system dynamics model, the development of SDI over time could be simulated that gave the planning community an insight about the future effects of today’s plans and decisions. Finally, an optimum model could be developed by refinements and improvements done with the consensus of the SDI stakeholders. This model included the components and policies that are essential for a successful SDI implementation in Tanzania and can be used as a basis for SDI planning and help to gain political support. Lessons learnt from this research were promising regarding the usability of the methodology for SDI planning in comparable countries. 相似文献
从面向对象的基本概念出发,着重讨论了面向对象的空间数据模型的设计方法,完整地定义了空间数据模型中可能涉及的几种抽象数据类型,并介绍了一个面向对象的建模工具——对象联系图。 相似文献
Serena Coetzee Martijn Odijk Bastiaan van Loenen Janette Storm Jantien Stoter 《International Journal of Digital Earth》2020,13(3):355-373
ABSTRACTNational spatial data infrastructures are key to achieving the Digital Earth vision. In many cases, national datasets are integrated from local datasets created and maintained by municipalities. Examples are address, building and topographic information. Integration of local datasets may result in a dataset satisfying the needs of users of national datasets, but is it productive for those who create and maintain the data? This article presents a stakeholder analysis of the Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen (BAG), a collection of base information about addresses and buildings in the Netherlands. The information is captured and maintained by municipalities and integrated into a national base register by Kadaster, the Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency of the Netherlands. The stakeholder analysis identifies organisations involved in the BAG governance framework, describes their interests, rights, ownerships and responsibilities in the BAG, and maps the relationships between them. Analysis results indicate that Kadaster and the municipalities have the highest relative importance in the governance framework of the BAG. The study reveals challenges of setting up a governance framework that maintains the delicate balance between the interests of all stakeholders. The results provide guidance for SDI role players setting up governance frameworks for national or global datasets. 相似文献
《International Journal of Digital Earth》2013,6(4):315-325
Abstract After the set-up of a spatial data infrastructure (SDI) and a national information infrastructure (NII) in many countries, the provision of geo-services became one of the most important and attractive tasks. With the integration of global positioning system (GPS), geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS), we can, in principle, answer any geo-spatial related question: when and where what object has which changes? An intelligent geo-service agent could provide end-users with the most necessary information in the shortest time and at the lowest cost. Unfortunately there is still a long way to go to achieve such goals. The central component in such geo-services is the integration of the spatial information system with a computing grid via wire- and wireless communication networks. This paper will mainly discuss the grid technology and its integration with spatial information technology, expounding potential problems and possible resolutions. A novel categorising of information grids in the context of geo-spatial information is proposed: generalised and specialised spatial information grids. 相似文献
空间数据挖掘与GIS集成及应用研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
阐明空间数据挖掘与GIS集成的优越性,分析空间数据挖掘与关系数据库系统的区别,介绍面向对象技术对空间数据挖掘和空间数据挖掘的常用算法.在此基础上介绍地理信息系统与空间数据挖掘工具及应用。 相似文献
In this paper a review on current research on 3DCM is presented, and an alternative approach by integrating the concepts and techniques of object-oriented method and Computer Aided Design (CAD) is suggested. Through the approach urban spatial entities as objects are extracted, which are represented with primary 3D elements (node, edge, face and body) and their combinations. In the light of the concept of object, the method supports the multiple representation of Level of Details (LOD). More importantly, topological relationships between objects are described so that 3D topological operations can be implemented. 相似文献