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Fourier transform summation of Legendre series and D-functions   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The relation between D- and d-functions, spherical harmonic functions and Legendre functions is reviewed. Dmatrices and irreducible representations of the rotation group O(3) and SU(2) group are briefly reviewed. Two new recursive methods for calculations of D-matrices are presented. Legendre functions are evaluated as part of this scheme. Vector spherical harmonics in the form af generalized spherical harmonics are also included as well as derivatives of the spherical harmonics. The special dmatrices evaluated for argument equal to/2 offer a simple method of calculating the Fourier coefficients of Legendre functions, derivatives of Legendre functions and vector spherical harmonics. Summation of a Legendre series or a full synthesis on the unit sphere of a field can then be performed by transforming the spherical harmonic coefficients to Fourier coefficients and making the summation by an inverse FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). The procedure is general and can also be applied to evaluate derivatives of a field and components of vector and tensor fields.  相似文献   

全张量重力梯度数据的谱表示方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在文献「1」的基础上,进一步研究全张量重力梯度数据的全局和局部分量的广义球谐谱表示和轨道根数据表示,并给出了广义球谐函数与球谐函数这间的关系,从理论上得到了全张量重力梯度数据的描述方法和由全张量重力梯度网格数据恢复全球重力位谱系数的基本公式,本文对全张量重力梯度数据的谱表示和谱分析所做的工作,对由重力梯度张量的部分分量恢复全球重力位普系数有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Computations of Fourier coefficients and related integrals of the associated Legendre functions with a new method along with their application to spherical harmonics analysis and synthesis are presented. The method incorporates a stable three-step recursion equation that can be processed separately for each colatitudinal Fourier wavenumber. Recursion equations for the zonal and sectorial modes are derived in explicit single-term formulas to provide accurate initial condition. Stable computations of the Fourier coefficients as well as the integrals needed for the projection of Legendre functions are demonstrated for the ultra-high degree of 10,800 corresponding to the resolution of one arcmin. Fourier coefficients, computed in double precision, are found to be accurate to 15 significant digits, indicating that the normalized error is close to the machine round-off error. The orthonormality, evaluated with Fourier coefficients and related integrals, is shown to be accurate to O(10?15) for degrees and orders up to 10,800. The Legendre function of degree 10,800 and order 5,000, synthesized from Fourier coefficients, is accurate to the machine round-off error. Further extension of the method to even higher degrees seems to be realizable without significant deterioration of accuracy. The Fourier series is applied to the projection of Legendre functions to the high-resolution global relief data of the National Geophysical Data Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the spherical harmonic degree variance (power spectrum) of global relief data is discussed.  相似文献   

This research represents a continuation of the investigation carried out in the paper of Petrovskaya and Vershkov (J Geod 84(3):165–178, 2010) where conventional spherical harmonic series are constructed for arbitrary order derivatives of the Earth gravitational potential in the terrestrial reference frame. The problem of converting the potential derivatives of the first and second orders into geopotential models is studied. Two kinds of basic equations for solving this problem are derived. The equations of the first kind represent new non-singular non-orthogonal series for the geopotential derivatives, which are constructed by means of transforming the intermediate expressions for these derivatives from the above-mentioned paper. In contrast to the spherical harmonic expansions, these alternative series directly depend on the geopotential coefficients ${\bar{{C}}_{n,m}}$ and ${\bar{{S}}_{n,m}}$ . Each term of the series for the first-order derivatives is represented by a sum of these coefficients, which are multiplied by linear combinations of at most two spherical harmonics. For the second-order derivatives, the geopotential coefficients are multiplied by linear combinations of at most three spherical harmonics. As compared to existing non-singular expressions for the geopotential derivatives, the new expressions have a more simple structure. They depend only on the conventional spherical harmonics and do not depend on the first- and second-order derivatives of the associated Legendre functions. The basic equations of the second kind are inferred from the linear equations, constructed in the cited paper, which express the coefficients of the spherical harmonic series for the first- and second-order derivatives in terms of the geopotential coefficients. These equations are converted into recurrent relations from which the coefficients ${\bar{{C}}_{n,m}}$ and ${\bar{{S}}_{n,m}}$ are determined on the basis of the spherical harmonic coefficients of each derivative. The latter coefficients can be estimated from the values of the geopotential derivatives by the quadrature formulas or the least-squares approach. The new expressions of two kinds can be applied for spherical harmonic synthesis and analysis. In particular, they might be incorporated in geopotential modeling on the basis of the orbit data from the CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE missions, and the gradiometry data from the GOCE mission.  相似文献   

The Meissl scheme for the geodetic ellipsoid   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We present a variant of the Meissl scheme to relate surface spherical harmonic coefficients of the disturbing potential of the Earth’s gravity field on the surface of the geodetic ellipsoid to surface spherical harmonic coefficients of its first- and second-order normal derivatives on the same or any other ellipsoid. It extends the original (spherical) Meissl scheme, which only holds for harmonic coefficients computed from geodetic data on a sphere. In our scheme, a vector of solid spherical harmonic coefficients of one quantity is transformed into spherical harmonic coefficients of another quantity by pre-multiplication with a transformation matrix. This matrix is diagonal for transformations between spheres, but block-diagonal for transformations involving the ellipsoid. The computation of the transformation matrix involves an inversion if the original coefficients are defined on the ellipsoid. This inversion can be performed accurately and efficiently (i.e., without regularisation) for transformation among different gravity field quantities on the same ellipsoid, due to diagonal dominance of the matrices. However, transformations from the ellipsoid to another surface can only be performed accurately and efficiently for coefficients up to degree and order 520 due to numerical instabilities in the inversion.  相似文献   

To apply the least squares method for the interpolation of harmonic functions is a common practice in Geodesy. Since the method of least squares can be applied only to overdetermined problem, the interpolation problem which is always under-determined, is often reduced to an overdetermined form by truncating a series of spherical harmonics. When the data points are the knots of a regular grid it is easy to see that the estimated harmonic coefficients converge to the correct theoretical values, but when the observation density is not constant a significant bias is introduced. The result is obtained by assuming that the number of observations tends to infinity with points sampled from a given distribution. Under the same conditions it is shown that quadrature and “collocation-like” formulas displays a statistically consistent behaviour.  相似文献   

 The Cartesian moments of the mass density of a gravitating body and the spherical harmonic coefficients of its gravitational field are related in a peculiar way. In particular, the products of inertia can be expressed by the spherical harmonic coefficients of the gravitational potential as was derived by MacCullagh for a rigid body. Here the MacCullagh formulae are extended to a deformable body which is restricted to radial symmetry in order to apply the Love–Shida hypothesis. The mass conservation law allows a representation of the incremental mass density by the respective excitation function. A representation of an arbitrary Cartesian monome is always possible by sums of solid spherical harmonics multiplied by powers of the radius. Introducing these representations into the definition of the Cartesian moments, an extension of the MacCullagh formulae is obtained. In particular, for excitation functions with a vanishing harmonic coefficient of degree zero, the (diagonal) incremental moments of inertia also can be represented by the excitation coefficients. Four types of excitation functions are considered, namely: (1) tidal excitation; (2) loading potential; (3) centrifugal potential; and (4) transverse surface stress. One application of the results could be model computation of the length-of-day variations and polar motion, which depend on the moments of inertia. Received: 27 July 1999 / Accepted: 24 May 2000  相似文献   

The derivatives of the Earth gravitational potential are considered in the global Cartesian Earth-fixed reference frame. Spherical harmonic series are constructed for the potential derivatives of the first and second orders on the basis of a general expression of Cunningham (Celest Mech 2:207–216, 1970) for arbitrary order derivatives of a spherical harmonic. A common structure of the series for the potential and its first- and second-order derivatives allows to develop a general procedure for constructing similar series for the potential derivatives of arbitrary orders. The coefficients of the derivatives are defined by means of recurrence relations in which a coefficient of a certain order derivative is a linear function of two coefficients of a preceding order derivative. The coefficients of the second-order derivatives are also presented as explicit functions of three coefficients of the potential. On the basis of the geopotential model EGM2008, the spherical harmonic coefficients are calculated for the first-, second-, and some third-order derivatives of the disturbing potential T, representing the full potential V, after eliminating from it the zero- and first-degree harmonics. The coefficients of two lowest degrees in the series for the derivatives of T are presented. The corresponding degree variances are estimated. The obtained results can be applied for solving various problems of satellite geodesy and celestial mechanics.  相似文献   

The formulas for the determination of the coefficients of the spherical harmonic expansion of the disturbing potential of the earth are defined for data given on a sphere. In order to determine the spherical harmonic coefficients, the gravity anomalies have to be analytically downward continued from the earth's surface to a sphere—at least to the ellipsoid. The goal of this paper is to continue the gravity anomalies from the earth's surface downward to the ellipsoid using recent elevation models. The basic method for the downward continuation is the gradient solution (theg 1 term). The terrain correction has also been computed because of the role it can play as a correction term when calculating harmonic coefficients from surface gravity data. Theg 1 term and the terrain correction were expanded into the spherical harmonics up to180 th order. The corrections (theg 1 term and the terrain correction) have the order of about 2% of theRMS value of degree variance of the disturbing potential per degree. The influences of theg 1 term and the terrain correction on the geoid take the order of 1 meter (RMS value of corrections of the geoid undulation) and on the deflections of the vertical is of the order 0.1″ (RMS value of correction of the deflections of the vertical).  相似文献   

In order to accelerate the spherical harmonic synthesis and/or analysis of arbitrary function on the unit sphere, we developed a pair of procedures to transform between a truncated spherical harmonic expansion and the corresponding two-dimensional Fourier series. First, we obtained an analytic expression of the sine/cosine series coefficient of the \(4 \pi \) fully normalized associated Legendre function in terms of the rectangle values of the Wigner d function. Then, we elaborated the existing method to transform the coefficients of the surface spherical harmonic expansion to those of the double Fourier series so as to be capable with arbitrary high degree and order. Next, we created a new method to transform inversely a given double Fourier series to the corresponding surface spherical harmonic expansion. The key of the new method is a couple of new recurrence formulas to compute the inverse transformation coefficients: a decreasing-order, fixed-degree, and fixed-wavenumber three-term formula for general terms, and an increasing-degree-and-order and fixed-wavenumber two-term formula for diagonal terms. Meanwhile, the two seed values are analytically prepared. Both of the forward and inverse transformation procedures are confirmed to be sufficiently accurate and applicable to an extremely high degree/order/wavenumber as \(2^{30}\,{\approx }\,10^9\). The developed procedures will be useful not only in the synthesis and analysis of the spherical harmonic expansion of arbitrary high degree and order, but also in the evaluation of the derivatives and integrals of the spherical harmonic expansion.  相似文献   

The availability of high-resolution global digital elevation data sets has raised a growing interest in the feasibility of obtaining their spherical harmonic representation at matching resolution, and from there in the modelling of induced gravity perturbations. We have therefore estimated spherical Bouguer and Airy isostatic anomalies whose spherical harmonic models are derived from the Earth’s topography harmonic expansion. These spherical anomalies differ from the classical planar ones and may be used in the context of new applications. We succeeded in meeting a number of challenges to build spherical harmonic models with no theoretical limitation on the resolution. A specific algorithm was developed to enable the computation of associated Legendre functions to any degree and order. It was successfully tested up to degree 32,400. All analyses and syntheses were performed, in 64 bits arithmetic and with semi-empirical control of the significant terms to prevent from calculus underflows and overflows, according to IEEE limitations, also in preserving the speed of a specific regular grid processing scheme. Finally, the continuation from the reference ellipsoid’s surface to the Earth’s surface was performed by high-order Taylor expansion with all grids of required partial derivatives being computed in parallel. The main application was the production of a 1′ × 1′ equiangular global Bouguer anomaly grid which was computed by spherical harmonic analysis of the Earth’s topography–bathymetry ETOPO1 data set up to degree and order 10,800, taking into account the precise boundaries and densities of major lakes and inner seas, with their own altitude, polar caps with bedrock information, and land areas below sea level. The harmonic coefficients for each entity were derived by analyzing the corresponding ETOPO1 part, and free surface data when required, at one arc minute resolution. The following approximations were made: the land, ocean and ice cap gravity spherical harmonic coefficients were computed up to the third degree of the altitude, and the harmonics of the other, smaller parts up to the second degree. Their sum constitutes what we call ETOPG1, the Earth’s TOPography derived Gravity model at 1′ resolution (half-wavelength). The EGM2008 gravity field model and ETOPG1 were then used to rigorously compute 1′ × 1′ point values of surface gravity anomalies and disturbances, respectively, worldwide, at the real Earth’s surface, i.e. at the lower limit of the atmosphere. The disturbance grid is the most interesting product of this study and can be used in various contexts. The surface gravity anomaly grid is an accurate product associated with EGM2008 and ETOPO1, but its gravity information contents are those of EGM2008. Our method was validated by comparison with a direct numerical integration approach applied to a test area in Morocco–South of Spain (Kuhn, private communication 2011) and the agreement was satisfactory. Finally isostatic corrections according to the Airy model, but in spherical geometry, with harmonic coefficients derived from the sets of the ETOPO1 different parts, were computed with a uniform depth of compensation of 30?km. The new world Bouguer and isostatic gravity maps and grids here produced will be made available through the Commission for the Geological Map of the World. Since gravity values are those of the EGM2008 model, geophysical interpretation from these products should not be done for spatial scales below 5 arc minutes (half-wavelength).  相似文献   

The effects of the deviations of sea surface topography from the geoid are estimated for terrestrial geoid computations as obtained from Stokes' formula. The results are based on an equal-area expansion of Lisitzin's sea surface topography data in a spherical harmonic series. It is realized that those data affect mainly the harmonics of degree n≤10. Consequently, in geoids obtained from combination solutions (where low harmonics are dominated by harmonics as obtained from differential orbit improvement) the sea surface topography effects are relatively small.  相似文献   

If satellite range-rate information is given continuously on an extra terrestrial sphere (S), the spherical harmonic coefficients of the gravitational potential of the Earth can be determined by direct integration of the data. An exact solution is given in the case when circular satellite orbits crosses S in all directions. A simpler acquisition of the data is achieved when the observations are restricted to polar satellite orbits. However, in this case the solutions become more complex due to attenuation. A solution to order sin Δ, where Δ is the separation angle of the two satellites, is given for the zonal harmonics. For tesseral hamonics a zero-order solution is derived. Corrections are given for observations out of S. Finally, the along track configuration of the satellite pair is compared with a radially designed satellite system (one above the other). The former is found most favourable for the recovery of geopotential coefficients.  相似文献   

The classical integral formula for determining the indirect effect in connection with the Stokes–Helmert method is related to a planar approximation of the sea level. A strict integral formula, as well as some approximations to it, are derived. It is concluded that the cap- size truncated integral formulas will suffer from the omission of some long-wavelength contributions, of the order of 50 cm in high mountains for the classical formula. This long-wavelength information can be represented by a set of spherical harmonic coefficients of the topography to, say, degree and order 360. Hence, for practical use, a combination of the classical formula and a set of spherical harmonics is recommended. Received: 10 March 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

一类球谐函数与三角函数乘积积分的计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴星  张传定 《测绘科学》2004,29(6):54-57
本文根据球谐函数的跨次递推公式和三角函数的性质,详细推导了在重力梯度调和分析中出现的一类球谐函数积分的跨次递推公式和递推初始值的计算公式。数值试验表明,球谐函数跨次递推算法具有快速、稳定的优点。该类积分的跨次递推实现,为卫星重力梯度调和分析奠定了算法基础。  相似文献   

Comparisons between high-degree models of the Earth’s topographic and gravitational potential may give insight into the quality and resolution of the source data sets, provide feedback on the modelling techniques and help to better understand the gravity field composition. Degree correlations (cross-correlation coefficients) or reduction rates (quantifying the amount of topographic signal contained in the gravitational potential) are indicators used in a number of contemporary studies. However, depending on the modelling techniques and underlying levels of approximation, the correlation at high degrees may vary significantly, as do the conclusions drawn. The present paper addresses this problem by attempting to provide a guide on global correlation measures with particular emphasis on approximation effects and variants of topographic potential modelling. We investigate and discuss the impact of different effects (e.g., truncation of series expansions of the topographic potential, mass compression, ellipsoidal versus spherical approximation, ellipsoidal harmonic coefficient versus spherical harmonic coefficient (SHC) representation) on correlation measures. Our study demonstrates that the correlation coefficients are realistic only when the model’s harmonic coefficients of a given degree are largely independent of the coefficients of other degrees, permitting degree-wise evaluations. This is the case, e.g., when both models are represented in terms of SHCs and spherical approximation (i.e. spherical arrangement of field-generating masses). Alternatively, a representation in ellipsoidal harmonics can be combined with ellipsoidal approximation. The usual ellipsoidal approximation level (i.e. ellipsoidal mass arrangement) is shown to bias correlation coefficients when SHCs are used. Importantly, gravity models from the International Centre for Global Earth Models (ICGEM) are inherently based on this approximation level. A transformation is presented that enables a transformation of ICGEM geopotential models from ellipsoidal to spherical approximation. The transformation is applied to generate a spherical transform of EGM2008 (sphEGM2008) that can meaningfully be correlated degree-wise with the topographic potential. We exploit this new technique and compare a number of models of topographic potential constituents (e.g., potential implied by land topography, ocean water masses) based on the Earth2014 global relief model and a mass-layer forward modelling technique with sphEGM2008. Different to previous findings, our results show very significant short-scale correlation between Earth’s gravitational potential and the potential generated by Earth’s land topography (correlation +0.92, and 60% of EGM2008 signals are delivered through the forward modelling). Our tests reveal that the potential generated by Earth’s oceans water masses is largely unrelated to the geopotential at short scales, suggesting that altimetry-derived gravity and/or bathymetric data sets are significantly underpowered at 5 arc-min scales. We further decompose the topographic potential into the Bouguer shell and terrain correction and show that they are responsible for about 20 and 25% of EGM2008 short-scale signals, respectively. As a general conclusion, the paper shows the importance of using compatible models in topographic/gravitational potential comparisons and recommends the use of SHCs together with spherical approximation or EHCs with ellipsoidal approximation in order to avoid biases in the correlation measures.  相似文献   

Spherical harmonic representation of the geopotential suffers from convergence problems in both the mathematical and numerical senses; it also is not suitable for use with the terrestrial gravity data, which is distributed very unevenly over the surface of the earth. Of the alternative mathematical models, the simple density layer offers the most mathematical and computational simplicity and avoids the problems associated with spherical harmonics. In practice low order spherical harmonic models have been combined with a density layer for a complete model of the geopotential. Results from satellite data alone and from combinations of satellite and gravity measurements have been published already; improved models will be obtained as new data become available. Presented to the Twelfth Special Projects Branch Astrodynamics Conference, Goddard Spaceflight Center, Greenbelt, Md. 20771, USA, 26–27 October 1970.  相似文献   

 Two numerical techniques are used in recent regional high-frequency geoid computations in Canada: discrete numerical integration and fast Fourier transform. These two techniques have been tested for their numerical accuracy using a synthetic gravity field. The synthetic field was generated by artificially extending the EGM96 spherical harmonic coefficients to degree 2160, which is commensurate with the regular 5 geographical grid used in Canada. This field was used to generate self-consistent sets of synthetic gravity anomalies and synthetic geoid heights with different degree variance spectra, which were used as control on the numerical geoid computation techniques. Both the discrete integration and the fast Fourier transform were applied within a 6 spherical cap centered at each computation point. The effect of the gravity data outside the spherical cap was computed using the spheroidal Molodenskij approach. Comparisons of these geoid solutions with the synthetic geoid heights over western Canada indicate that the high-frequency geoid can be computed with an accuracy of approximately 1 cm using the modified Stokes technique, with discrete numerical integration giving a slightly, though not significantly, better result than fast Fourier transform. Received: 2 November 1999 / Accepted: 11 July 2000  相似文献   

卫星重力径向梯度数据的最小二乘配置调和分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
吴星  张传定  刘晓刚 《测绘学报》2010,39(5):471-477
本文深入研究了利用卫星重力梯度径向分量确定地球引力场位系数的最小二乘配置(LSC)调和分析方法。首先论述了最小二乘配置法的原理,推导了扰动引力梯度观测量与球谐系数之间的协方差和自协方差矩阵,在扰动引力梯度观测数据为等经差规则网格数据的情况下,引力位与扰动引力梯度之间的协方差矩阵具有分块Toeplitz循环阵的结构,有效的利用FFT变换技术将其降阶;研究利用截断奇异值分解法(TSVD)解决协方差阵的病态性问题;最后得到了引力梯度径向分量的最小二乘配置调和分析的完整计算公式。模拟试算结果表明,基于TSVD的最小二乘配置调和分析方法,能够以较高的精度还原全球重力场,验证了本文算法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

An algorithm for the determination of the spherical harmonic coefficients of the terrestrial gravitational field representation from the analysis of a kinematic orbit solution of a low earth orbiting GPS-tracked satellite is presented and examined. A gain in accuracy is expected since the kinematic orbit of a LEO satellite can nowadays be determined with very high precision, in the range of a few centimeters. In particular, advantage is taken of Newton's Law of Motion, which balances the acceleration vector with respect to an inertial frame of reference (IRF) and the gradient of the gravitational potential. By means of triple differences, and in particular higher-order differences (seven-point scheme, nine-point scheme), based upon Newton's interpolation formula, the local acceleration vector is estimated from relative GPS position time series. The gradient of the gravitational potential is conventionally given in a body-fixed frame of reference (BRF) where it is nearly time independent or stationary. Accordingly, the gradient of the gravitational potential has to be transformed from spherical BRF to Cartesian IRF. Such a transformation is possible by differentiating the gravitational potential, given as a spherical harmonics series expansion, with respect to Cartesian coordinates by means of the chain rule, and expressing zero- and first-order Ferrer's associated Legendre functions in terms of Cartesian coordinates. Subsequently, the BRF Cartesian coordinates are transformed into IRF Cartesian coordinates by means of the polar motion matrix, the precession–nutation matrices and the Greenwich sidereal time angle (GAST). In such a way a spherical harmonic representation of the terrestrial gravitational field intensity with respect to an IRF is achieved. Numerical tests of a resulting Gauss–Markov model document not only the quality and the high resolution of such a space gravity spectroscopy, but also the problems resulting from noise amplification in the acceleration determination process.  相似文献   

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