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崔明月 《地质与勘探》2021,57(5):1173-1181
元素硫从含硫天然气中析出沉降会影响流体流动,常规的水平井产量预测模型无法用于高含硫气藏水平井非稳态产量预测。本文基于非稳态椭圆流理论,耦合基质内的椭圆流动和裂缝内的非达西流动,考虑元素硫沉积及缝间干扰效应的影响,建立了适用于酸化水平井与酸压水平井的非稳态产量预测模型。分析了硫沉积对渗透率、孔隙度的影响,计算了不同裂缝参数对产能的影响,该模型适用于变井底流压生产条件。计算结果表明:科学准确的元素硫溶解度模型能较好地预测高含硫气藏水平井产量。酸压改造后缝间干扰现象会降低气井产能,且随着时间逐渐增强。硫沉积会降低储层渗透率和孔隙度,使得产量下降。增大裂缝导流能力,增加裂缝半长或者裂缝数量都能有效提高水平井产量,与裂缝导流能力相比,裂缝半长和裂缝数量对产量的影响更大。  相似文献   

赵振峰 《地质与勘探》2022,58(3):686-695
多段多簇水平井压裂技术作为页岩油藏的重要开发手段已经得到了广泛认同,压后关井能充分发挥渗吸的作用,提高单井压后产量,但目前压裂液渗吸作用区域一直是困扰油藏工程师的重要难题。本文以陇东页岩油藏多段压裂井为研究对象,基于物质平衡原理,利用渗流力学和岩石力学理论,建立了压裂施工过程中和压后关井过程中流体压力扩散数学模型,研究了压力扩散和压裂液波及体积随时间的变化关系。结果表明:压裂液波及体积随关井时间的增加逐渐增加,但增加的幅度会逐渐降低。储层渗透率越小,孔隙度越大,压裂施工时间越长,关井阶段井底压力越高,地层能量越高。该结果可为页岩油藏最佳关井时间的确定提供理论支持。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel methodology to model semi-steady state horizontal well flow performance in an anisotropic reservoir taking into account flow in the near-well region for an arbitrary well trajectory. It is based on an analytical productivity model describing coupled axial reservoir flow and radial well inflow. In order to apply this model in an anisotropic reservoir, the permeability field relative to the radial direction perpendicular to the well trajectory and the axial direction along the well trajectory must first be determined. A classical space transformation is used in concert with rotational transforms to obtain a virtual isotropic model. The transformation preserves the volumes and pressures. It is not a novel concept, but different from previous approaches in the sense that it is only applied in the near-well domain to formulate an equally isotropic media. As a result, the use of this virtual isotropic model requires the Dietz shape factor for an ellipse, transformed from the original cylindrical near-well domain. The Dietz shape factors are determined numerically in this research. The semi-steady state well/near-well model is implemented in a numerical simulator incorporating formation anisotropy and wellbore hydraulics. The specific productivity index along the well trajectory is generated using the virtual configuration. Numerical results for different anisotropy ratios and also incorporating frictional losses in the well are presented. Furthermore, the well/near-well model is applied in coupling with streamline reservoir model for a water flooding case. This appears to be the first coupling of a well hydraulics model and a streamline simulator. It presents the application of the well/near-well model in integrated reservoir simulation in an efficient and accurate manner. The results demonstrate that the coupling approach with a streamline reservoir model and the well/near-well is of great potential for advanced well simulation efficiently.  相似文献   

页岩储层裂隙渗透率模型和试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宏学  刘卫群  朱立 《岩土力学》2015,36(3):719-729
页岩储层的裂隙渗透率是评价页岩气开采的重要参数,基于裂隙法向刚度的概念,考虑页岩储层变形过程中裂隙系统和基质系统之间的相互作用以及页岩气解吸引起的体应变,提出了与有效应力相关的页岩储层的渗透率模型。然后分别分析了页岩气藏在单轴应变和常体积条件下的渗透率模型,分析表明,单轴应变和常体积条件下(3个方向的总应变都为0)的裂隙渗透率模型完全一致。采用脉冲衰减渗透率仪测试了煤系页岩的裂隙渗透率,当有效应力从0.7 MPa增加到14.5 MPa时,渗透率从41.81×10-17 m2降到5.43×10-17 m2。为了阐述渗透率模型的有效性,利用煤系页岩的渗透率数据对有效应力-渗透率模型进行拟合。结果表明,当裂隙的法向刚度、张开度和煤系页岩的初始渗透率分别为57 922.5 MPa/m、0.000 17 m和50.15×10-17 m2时,有效应力-渗透率模型和煤系页岩的渗透率拟合程度较好。然后利用现场渗透率数据对该模型进行拟合,结果表明,当裂隙的法向刚度和张开度的关系符合反比例函数时,拟合程度非常好。该渗透率模型适合于单轴应变、常体积和常围压条件,可用于描述页岩气开采过程中页岩储层裂隙渗透率随孔隙压力的变化规律。同时,该渗透率模型和P&M模型以及S&D模型进行了比较,结果表明,该渗透率模型的拟合结果与S&D模型基本一致,但与P&M模型存在一定的差别。  相似文献   

汪国庆 《地质与勘探》2019,55(5):1336-1342
随着美国页岩气的开发成功,页岩气在我国油气资源里占比越来越重。在实际开发过程中,由于分段射孔位置选择不当,或井筒出现套变异常段,或受限于工艺、材料、工具等作业多方的诸多因素影响,部分页岩气水平井改造效果欠佳。为促使这类页岩气水平井重获高产,实现良好的经济效益,行之有效的手段是采取重复压裂工艺。页岩气重复压裂主要面临水平段长、级数多、施工规模大、液体效率低等困难,工艺成功的关键在于精确封堵低压区、低产区,在未改造区域和未完全改造区域开启新的裂缝。通过微地震监测技术可以准确分析分析新开启裂缝的扩展区域,缝长、缝宽等参数,进而可以实时优化调整排量、砂量、暂堵材料投送时机、暂堵材料用量等施工参数。在重复压裂中应用微地震监测技术,可有效提高重复压裂的效率,增加整个水平段均匀改造程度,压后产量是重复压裂之前产量的4~5倍,这对页岩气水平井老井高效开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为解决威远-长宁地区泥页岩地层井壁失稳、井眼清洁等问题,通过试验优选出适用于高密度油基钻井液体系使用的乳化剂、有机土和降滤失剂等处理剂;通过正交试验设计确定出一种适用于威远-长宁地区页岩气长短水平井使用的高密度油基钻井液体系。其最终配方比例为:5%主乳化剂+2.0%辅乳化剂+2.0%润湿剂+5%降滤失剂+2%有机土+3%CaO、油水比80∶20(25%CaCl2水溶液)。对其性能进行评价,结果表明该体系可加重密度至2.2 g/cm3,加重后性能稳定,可抗水污染达9%,抗岩屑污染至18%,具有较好的抗污染性能,页岩回收率95.11%,抑制性能好,乳化性能稳定。现场应用表明:高密度油基钻井液满足威204H378井页岩气水平井钻井施工需求,全井性能良好,无井漏,井径规则,测井未见异常,顺利完钻。  相似文献   

低渗透页岩气藏中,气体渗流时会受滑脱效应的影响。建立了考虑滑脱效应的气、水两相页岩气藏渗流数学模型,并建立了理想地质模型,采用数值模拟方法,研究了水力压裂的不同裂缝参数对水平井产能的影响。模拟结果表明:裂缝条数、长度和间距是影响页岩气井产能的重要参数,而裂缝宽度和渗透率对产能的影响相对较弱;页岩气井的产能随着裂缝条数和裂缝长度的增加而增大;水平井的水平段长度及裂缝条数一定时,可通过增大裂缝间距来减少裂缝间的相互干扰。  相似文献   

The multi-stage fracturing in horizontal well is a common technique for shale gas reservoir exploitation, in which cluster spacing governs the fracturing performance. Undersized cluster spacing might make the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV), activated by the respective hydraulic fracture, excessively overlap with each other, while oversized cluster spacing might leave a large unstimulated volume between neighboring hydraulic fractures; in either case, fracturing would be inefficient. Previous design of cluster spacing has failed to maximize the SRV due to the absence of a dynamic SRV evaluation model. A numerical model of SRV evaluation in shale reservoir was established by integrating four main modules, including fracture propagation, reservoir pressure distribution, formation stress distribution, and natural fracture failure criterion. Then, a method to optimize cluster spacing was developed with the goal of maximizing SRV. In order to validate this method, it was applied in Fuling shale gas reservoir in Southwest China to determine the optimal cluster spacing. The sensitivity of key parameters on the optimal cluster spacing has been analyzed. This research proposed a compelling cluster spacing optimization method, which could reduce the uncertainty in cluster spacing design, and provides some new insights on the optimal design of multi-stage fracturing in horizontal shale gas well.  相似文献   

新的页岩气多级压裂水平井产能预测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张晨招 《地下水》2018,(5):121-125
压裂水平井是快速高效开发页岩气储层和致密储层气藏的方法,而多级压裂水平井裂缝形态的复杂性是决定页岩气产能预测成败的关键技术的指标。目前能够经济、快速地获得页岩气藏压裂水平井产能的方法很少。基于此,采用裂缝形态为"主裂缝与网络裂缝的综合"这种情况,建立页岩气三孔线性流数学模型并求得拉式空间下产量解析解,得到新的页岩气井产量典型曲线,该曲线包括裂缝线性流、过渡流、基质线性流、边界流四个流动阶段。根据我国页岩气藏的地质特点,建立了新的页岩气多级压裂水平产能预测模型,其中裂缝线性流为主裂缝与裂缝网络系统的共同作用,通过对比新模型与双孔线性流模型典型曲线,发现二者的流动阶段一致,但三孔线性流模型较双孔模型产量高,说明主裂缝一定程度上增大了页岩气井产量,在压裂施工设计时,应尽可能压开主裂缝,同时诱导更多裂缝网络的形成。三孔线性流模型的建立为该类型裂缝形态页岩气多级压裂水平井提供了产能预测和分析模型。  相似文献   

孙凯  刘化伟  明鑫  乐守群 《探矿工程》2022,49(2):104-109
自201井区是中石油部署在自贡市荣县地区的重点页岩气勘探开发区域,根据该井区的钻井工程实践,水平段工程难点主要有坍塌掉块严重、井壁稳定性差、轨迹控制困难、优质储层钻遇率低、起下钻阻卡频繁等高风险井下故障,严重制约了安全高效施工。针对上述难题,研选无扶螺杆优化钻具组合,降低下部钻具组合的刚性和摩阻;同时,研制了可塑性变形粒子和刚性封堵材料的封堵剂复配配方,在提高密度的基础上,强化了油基钻井液对井壁的支撑性及封堵性,确保了水平段安全高效钻进。实现了自201井区页岩气水平井正常完钻,并且与前期完钻井相比,本轮施工节约钻井周期34.12%,优质储层钻遇率100%,为该区块安全高效作业提供了参考,为增储上产奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为研究页岩气藏开发过程中介质变形和滑脱效应对微裂缝表观渗透率动态变化的影响规律,分析有效应力和多孔介质结构参数等对气体渗流影响机制,采用光滑平板模型,结合分形及气体微观渗流理论,建立了介质变形和滑脱效应耦合作用下的微裂缝表观渗透率动态模型,并对模型进行可靠性验证和参数敏感性分析。研究表明,页岩气藏降压开采过程中受介质变形和滑脱效应“一负一正”耦合影响,微裂缝表观渗透率呈先减小后增大趋势,且临界压力值约为5 MPa;不同有效应力状态下,由于介质变形和滑脱效应耦合机制的差异性,导致表观渗透率变化规律不同,从微观作用机制角度对实验中不同加载条件下页岩应力敏感性的差异做出了理论解释;微裂缝最大开度越小,表观渗透率曲线“凹槽”越深,同时微裂缝孔隙度及开度分形维数越高、迂曲度分形维数越低,表观渗透率值越大。  相似文献   

Horizontal well combined with volume fracturing technology has been extensively employed in the development of tight gas reservoirs. The disordered distribution of the induced and natural fractures in the reservoirs leads to the existence of the anomalous diffusion, so the conventional Darcy law has some limitations in describing the fluid flow under this circumstance. This paper introduces the fractional Darcy law to take into account the effect of the anomalous diffusion and then extends the conventional model of the multi-stage fractured horizontal (MSFH) well with the presence of the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV). The generated point source model for dual-porosity composite system includes the fractional calculus and its solution in Laplace space is derived. The superposition principle and the numerical discrete method are applied to obtain the solution for the MSFH well with SRV. Stehfest inversion method is used to transform the pseudo-pressure and production rate from Laplace space to real space. Type curves for pseudo-pressure and production rate are presented and analyzed. The influence of the relevant parameters on pseudo-pressure behavior and production rate decline is discussed in detail. The proposed model enriches the flow models of the MSFH well with SRV and can be used to more accurately interpret and forecast the transient pressure and transient rate.  相似文献   

“延安国家级陆相页岩气示范区”已钻水平井存在机械钻速低、钻井周期较长等问题,直接影响陆相页岩气的低成本、高效勘探开发。提高机械钻速是缩短钻井周期、降低钻井成本的重要手段,也是优快钻井的直接体现。在分析了延安陆相页岩地层岩石力学特性的基础上,开展了优选钻头、优化钻井机械参数和水力参数等3个方面的研究,以增强钻头对地层的适应性、提升井眼清洁能力和提高机械钻速。最终形成了适合陆相页岩气水平井的钻井关键技术,并在示范区3口水平井进行了成功应用,钻井周期缩短11 d,水平段机械钻速提高120.08%,实现了陆相页岩气水平井的优快钻井,具有较好的推广价值。  相似文献   

在研究分析水力压裂对储层岩石力学特性参数影响的基础上,提出一种压力储层应力场分布模拟计算方法。通过建立水平井储层原地应力场模型和水力压裂产生人工裂缝诱导应力场模型,并且利用实际的水力压裂测井参数对储层原地应力场和压裂产生裂缝诱导应力场分布进行了模拟计算。模拟计算结果表明,压裂产生人工裂缝会对储层应力场分布造成很大影响;压裂后储层应力主要在裂缝周围得到积累,并且距离裂缝越远,应力值积累越少;压裂生成裂缝长度也会影响储层应力场分布,裂缝越长,裂缝诱导应力场减小越慢。  相似文献   

Multi-stage fractured horizontal wells play an important role in developing shale gas reservoirs by significantly improving productivity. By considering fracture networks, gas desorption, stress-sensitive fracture permeability, and pressure-dependent gas PVT properties, an analytical model is developed for shale gas wells. Fracture networks are handled based on transient linear flow, gas desorption is handled by defining a new total compressibility, stress-dependent hydraulic fracture permeability is handled by variable substitution, and pseudo-pressure and pseudo-time are used to handle pressure-dependent PVT properties. After obtaining the solution of the linearized model, a material balance method and successive substitution iteration procedure are proposed to convert the pseudo-time into real time and calculate the production contribution from gas desorption. The results show that induced fractures also have a great impact on the production of the well. Production contribution from free gas and adsorbed gas could be quantified using the proposed material balance principle and iterative method. The rank of parameters that influence the ultimate recovery is the following: half-length of hydraulic fracture, induced fracture length/hydraulic fracture spacing, hydraulic fracture spacing, conductivity of induced fractures, conductivity of hydraulic fracture, and induced fracture spacing.  相似文献   

龙马溪组页岩是现阶段国内勘探的主要层位之一。川南扬子地区下古生界的龙马溪组气层存在低电阻率特征,仅从测井响应上很难与水层区别。为此,在现有常规测井、钻井取心、生产动态等资料的基础上,结合大量铸体薄片、QEMSCAN和X全岩衍射等岩心分析实验,对该地区低阻气层的成因机制进行了深入研究,结果表明:川南扬子地区下古生界的龙马溪组低阻气层的主控因素有3个:黏土矿物的附加导电性、过成熟有机质完全石墨化和有机质纹层分布形式。实际应用结果表明:研究区低阻气层的成因为发育的有机质纹层和有机质部分石墨化,即页岩气储层表现为低阻往往都是多种因素相互叠加、相互影响造成的,在分析时需要根据不同地区、不同层段分析相应地质、测井和岩心资料,并且需要利用上下层段对比和邻井对比等方法判断储层低阻的主控因素。  相似文献   

龙马溪组页岩是现阶段国内勘探的主要层位之一。川南扬子地区下古生界的龙马溪组气层存在低电阻率特征,仅从测井响应上很难与水层区别。为此,在现有常规测井、钻井取心、生产动态等资料的基础上,结合大量铸体薄片、QEMSCAN和X全岩衍射等岩心分析实验,对该地区低阻气层的成因机制进行了深入研究,结果表明:川南扬子地区下古生界的龙马溪组低阻气层的主控因素有3个:黏土矿物的附加导电性、过成熟有机质完全石墨化和有机质纹层分布形式。实际应用结果表明:研究区低阻气层的成因为发育的有机质纹层和有机质部分石墨化,即页岩气储层表现为低阻往往都是多种因素相互叠加、相互影响造成的,在分析时需要根据不同地区、不同层段分析相应地质、测井和岩心资料,并且需要利用上下层段对比和邻井对比等方法判断储层低阻的主控因素。  相似文献   

Multi-fractured horizontal well (MFHW) is an effective technique to develop unconventional reservoirs. Complex fracture network around the well and hydraulic fractures is formed during the fracturing process. Fracture network and hydraulic fractures are the main seepage channel which is sensitivity to the effective stress. However, most of the existing models do not take the effect of stress sensitivity into account. In this study, a new analytical model was established for MFHW in tight oil reservoirs based on the trilinear flow model. Fractal porosity and permeability were employed to describe the heterogeneous distribution of the complex fracture network, and the stress sensitivity of fracture was considered in the model. The Pedrosa substitution and perturbation method were applied to eliminate the nonlinearity of the model. By using the Laplace transformation method, the analytical solutions in Laplace domain were obtained. Then, validations were performed to show that the model is valid. Finally, sensitivity analysis was discussed. The presented model provides a new approach to the estimation of fracturing effect and can be also utilized for recognizing formation properties of tight oil reservoirs.  相似文献   

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