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Salt diapirs contain a few percent of anhydrite that accumulated as residue to form anhydrite cap rocks during salt dissolutions. Reported 87Sr/86Sr ratios of these salt-hosted and cap rock anhydrites in the Gulf Coast, U.S.A., indicate their derivation from Middle Jurassic seawater. However, a much wider range of 87Sr/86Sr ratios, incorporating a highly radiogenic component in addition to the Middle Jurassic component, has been found in several Gulf Coast salt domes. This wide range of 87Sr/86Sr ratios of anhydrite within the salt stocks records Sr contributions from both marine water and formation water that has equilibrated with siliciclastics. During cap rock formation this anhydrite either recrystallized in the presence of, or was cemented by, a low-Sr fluid with a Late Cretaceous seawter-type Sr isotope ratio or simply lost Sr during recrystallization. Later, the cap rock was invaded by warm saline brines with high Sr isotope ratios from which barite and metal sulfides were precipitated. Subsequently, low-salinity water hydrated part of the anhydrite bringing to six the total number of fluids that interacted througout the history of salt dome and cap rock growth. The progenitor of these salt diapirs, the Louann Formation, is generally thought to have formed from marine water evaporated to halite and, rarely, higher evaporite facies. Salt domes in the East Texas, North Louisiana, and Mississippi Salt Basins have 87Sr/86Sr and δ34S values that corroborate a Mid-Jurassic age for the mother salt. However, salt domes in the Houston and Rio Grande Embayments of the Gulf Coast Basin have 87Sr/86Sr ration ranging to values higher than both Middle Jurassic seawater and all Rb-free marine Phanerozoic rocks. These anomalous 87Sr/86Sr ratios are probably derived from radiogenic Sr-bearing fluids that equilibrated with siliciclastic rocks and invaded the salt either prior to, or during, diapirism. Potential sources of the radiogenic 87Sr component include clay and/or feldspar (located either in older units beneath the Louann Formation or younger units flanking the salt diapirs) and K-salts within the Louann evaporites. Because partial Sr exchange in anhydrite had to take place in a fluid medium, admittance of radiogenic 87Sr-bearing fluids into the salt may have led to diapirism by lowering the shear strength of the crystalline salt. The slight number of anomalous 87Sr/86Sr values in the interior basins indicates that anomalous values are related to areally discrete structural or stratigraphic controls that affected only the Gulf Coast Basin.  相似文献   

The Primrose Prospect lies 48 km east of Sable Island on the Scotian Shelf below 80 km of water. The subsurface geology is characterized by the presence of Jurassic salt that has pierced the early Cretaceous sediments and uplifted late Cretaceous and early Tertiary beds to provide localized structural closure, shale compaction, and anomalously high heat gradients in the younger sediments overlying the salt mass.The reservoir rocks interbedded with the compacted shales contain wet gas, condensate, and 31° API oil. The organic matter in these shales, which consists essentially of amorphous material, has undergone thermal alteration and maturation at a very shallow depth, a condition not apparent in coeval beds elsewhere in the area. This localized alteration of the organic matter is considered to have occurred in response to the thermal and pressure effects of the underlying halokinetic structure and could have resulted in the genesis of the mature hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Contamination of coastal marine sediments with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is pervasive, with major sources including anthropogenic activity and natural seepage. Biodegradation serves as a major hydrocarbon sink with evaporation and dissolution responsible for the removal of low boiling range compounds and photo-oxidation acting on many multi-substituted aromatic compounds. In this work, first-order rate constants for aerobic biodegradation were quantified for naphthalene (N), benzothiophene (BT) and their alkylated congeners (1-4 carbon substituents (C1-C4)) in laboratory experiments with oil laden marine sediments from a natural seep. Rate constants were used as proxies for microbial preference, which follows the order: naphthalene > C1N > C2N > C1BT > C2BT > benzothiophene > C3BT > C3N > C4BT > C4N, with some overlap. The application of comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography further enabled separation and quantification of multiple structural isomers for C2N-C4N and C2BT-C4BT, with 7-12 isomers resolved for each C2N-C4N and 4-7 isomers resolved for each C2BT-C4BT. A strong isomeric biodegradation preference was noted within each of these compound classes, with rate constants varying as much as a factor of 2 for structural isomers of the same compound class. Each isomer was consumed to a low, but non-zero concentration, suggesting that their residual load in sediment may be proportional to the number of structural isomers originally present, in addition to the pattern and the number of alkyl substitutions. The simultaneous first-order biodegradation rates observed for 52 aromatic hydrocarbons resolved in this study, along with reference compounds such as n-alkanes, lends support to the concept of broad scale metabolic specificity during aerobic biodegradation of petroleum.  相似文献   

Much of North America’s tidal marsh habitat has been significantly altered by both natural and man-made processes. Thus, there is a need to understand the trophic ecology of organisms endemic to these ecosystems. We applied carbon (δ 13C) and nitrogen (δ 15N) stable isotope analysis, along with isotope mixing models, to egg yolk, liver, and muscle tissues of clapper rails (Rallus longirostris) and their likely prey items. This analysis enabled us to explore variation in trophic niche and diet composition in this important marsh bird in two northern Gulf of Mexico tidal marshes that are river and ocean-dominated. For the river-associated estuary, δ 13C and δ 15N of egg yolks, liver, and pectoral muscle tissue samples provided evidence that clapper rails maintained a similar diet during both the winter and the breeding season. A trophic link between C3 primary productivity and the clapper rail’s diet was also indicated as the δ 13C of clapper rail egg yolks related negatively with the aerial cover of C3 macrophytes. Clapper rails from the ocean-dominated estuary had a narrower trophic niche and appeared to be utilizing marine resources, particularly, based on modeling of liver stable isotope values. Variation in stable isotope values between egg yolk and liver/muscle in both systems suggests that endogenous resources are important for egg production in clapper rails. These results demonstrate that diet composition, prey source, and niche width of clapper rails can vary significantly across different estuaries and appear to be influenced by hydrological conditions.  相似文献   

Areas of the U.S. Gulf Coast, both onshore and offshore, are among the petroliferous regions of the United States. In offshore Louisiana and Texas, most oil and gas is associated with structurally controlled traps on the crest or flanks of domes created by the diapiric movement of salt. These structures can be detected and mapped by seismic techniques that directly indicate favorable prospective areas. The characteristics of seismically defined structures provide information in advance of drilling about the probable size of reservoirs contained within these structures. Simple statistical relationships can be determined between the size, shape, and other attributes of structures detected by seismic mapping and the presence and size of petroleum and natural gas reservoirs. Gulf Coast OCS lease tracts presently are evaluated by the U.S. government using a Monte Carlo simulation procedure adapted from reservoir analysis. Specification of the parameters of the Monte Carlo model are obtained subjectively in advance of drilling and thus are highly uncertain. Comparisons of predrill predictions with postdiscovery reservoir evaluations show very low correlations. In contrast, predrill predictions based on regressions between seismic structural properties and reservoir volumes show highly significant correlations. In addition, statistical analysis of seismic structure is much simpler than the Monte Carlo procedure, and can be applied rapidly and inexpensively. A statistical analysis of the “Pleistocene Trend” of offshore Louisiana and Texas, an area of about 3 million acres, yielded results that are sufficiently encouraging to suggest that similar evaluations be made of the remaining Gulf Coast OCS and of OCS regions off of other coasts of the United States.  相似文献   

渤海沿岸环境沉积调查:As、重金属、氮和磷污染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李任伟  李原 《沉积学报》2008,26(1):128-138
对天津,河北和辽宁地区沿渤海海岸沉积物进行了粒度,重金属、As、P和N的分析表明,在表层沉积物(<62.5μm粒级)中重金属和As的含量变化很大。在天津地区Hg、Cd、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn、Cr、Mn和As的平均含量(μg/g)分别为0.15、0.19、31.6、46.5、29、112、82、1008和16.2,辽宁地区它们分别为0.08、0.44、24.2、34.1、29、96、64.4、976和13.1,在河北地区它们分别为0.03、0.13、20.3、28.7、22.7、58、63、888和8.5。天津地区Hg、Cr和As的高值(μg/g)为0.26~0.35,83.4~94.9和23.3。河北省个别地区Hg、Cd和Zn含量(μg/g)高达3.12,2.01和602。上述结果反映渤海沿岸沉积物遭受了不同程度的重金属和As的污染。天津环渤海地区表层沉积物中总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)的含量(mg/g)分别为0.7~1.5和0.7~1.0,它们在辽宁地区分别为0.5~1.0和0.5~0.7,在河北地区一般为0.6~1.2和0.5~0.8。但是,在河北个别明显遭受Hg、Cd和Zn污染地区的沉积物中TN和TP含量(mg/g)分别高达6.6和1.5,需要研究它对底栖生物的危害。  相似文献   

库车盆地铜矿化与盐丘系统的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
库车盆地新近系发育一系列盐丘体,遥感解译和野外地貌调查共发现36个盐丘体,主要分布在南部的秋里塔格构造带和北部的克拉苏构造带,沿近东西向断裂呈带状分布.在盐丘体的发育过程中,盐丘体、围岩及围岩中发育的断裂与破碎带等构成一个盐丘体系统.调查显示铜矿化发育在盐丘体附近,位于盆地南、北两大构造带(背斜带)轴部偏两翼处,共有砂岩型、泥岩型、灰岩型3种类型,主要矿物为氯铜矿,矿化层位于上新统的康村组和中新统的吉迪克组.扫描电镜分析发现,盐丘体中盐岩样品含有自然铜、氯铜矿,表明盐丘体可以为地表铜矿化提供铜源,而卤水中的盐分来自盐丘体中盐、膏的溶解.盐丘系统不但为地表铜矿化提供铜源,而且其卤水对铜的富集、运移起到载体作用.存在于盐丘系统围岩并与后期盐丘体相伴生的断裂、节理、破碎带,为含铜卤水的迁移提供通道,盐丘体后期的构造挤压力,成为含铜卤水的运移动力.因此,盐丘系统发育过程对碎屑岩型铜矿形成起到关键性控制作用.  相似文献   

Sulfur and O isotope analyses of dissolved SO4 were used to constrain a hydrogeological model for the area overlying the Gorleben–Rambow Salt Structure, Northern Germany. Samples were collected from 80 wells screened at different depth-intervals. The study area consists of a set of two vertically stacked aquifer systems. Generally, the isotope data show a good spatial correlation, outlining well-defined groundwater zones containing SO4 of characteristic isotopic composition. Highly saline waters from deeper parts of the lower aquifer system are characterized by rather constant SO4 isotopic compositions, which are typical of Permian Zechstein evaporites (δ34S=9.6–11.9‰; δ18O=9.5–12.1‰). Above this is a transition zone containing ground waters of intermediate salinity and slightly higher isotopic values (average δ34S=16.6‰; δ18O=15.3‰). The confined groundwater horizon on the top of the lower aquifer system below the low permeable Hamburg Clays is low in total dissolved solids and is characterized by an extreme 34S enrichment (average δ34S=39.1‰; δ18O=18.4‰), suggesting that bacterially mediated SO4 reduction is a dominant geochemical process in this zone. Two areas of distinct isotopic composition can be identified in the shallow ground water horizons of the upper hydrogeological system. Sulfate in groundwaters adjacent to the river Elbe and Löcknitz has a typical meteoric isotopic signature (δ34S=5.2‰; δ18O=8.2‰), whereas the central part of the area is characterized by more elevated isotopic ratios (δ34S=12.7‰; δ18O=15.6‰). The two major SO4 pools in the area are represented by Permian seawater SO4 and a SO4 of meteoric origin that has been mixed with SO4 resulting from the oxidation of pyrite. It is suggested that the S-isotope compositions observed reflect the nature of the SO4 source that have been modified to various extent by bacterial SO4 reduction. Groundwaters with transitional salinity have resulted from mixing between brines and low-mineralized waters affected by bacterial SO4 reduction.  相似文献   

The hydrocarbon content of two thick Tertiary sequences from the offshore Gulf Coast (South Padre Island and Mustang Island) was studied using a headspace technique, thermal distillation, pyrolysis and solvent extraction. The threshold of oil generation was determined to occur in the range of 3050 m (10,000 ft; 120°C) in Miocene sediments.In the South Padre Island well, the distribution of the different classes of hydrocarbons along the sedimentary column suggests some updip migration processes are occurring.  相似文献   

The spatial scale of habitat selection has become a prominent concept in ecology, but has received less attention in coastal ecology. In coastal marshes, broad-scale marsh types are defined by vegetation composition over thousands of hectares, water-level management is applied over hundreds of hectares, and fine-scale habitat is depicted by tens of meters. Individually, these scales are known to affect wetland fauna, but studies have not examined all three spatial scales simultaneously. We investigated wetland bird habitat selection at the three scales and compared single- and multiscale models. From 2009 to 2011, we surveyed marsh birds (i.e., Rallidae, bitterns, grebes), shorebirds, and wading birds in fresh and intermediate (oligohaline) coastal marsh in Louisiana and Texas, USA. Within each year, six repeated surveys of wintering, resident, and migratory breeding birds were conducted at >100 points (n?=?304). The results revealed fine-scale factors, primarily water depth, were consistently better predictors than marsh type or management. However, 10 of 11 species had improved models with the three scales combined. Birds with a linear association with water depth were, correspondingly, most abundant with deeper fresh marsh and permanently impounded water. Conversely, intermediate marsh had a greater abundance of shallow water species, such as king rail Rallus elegans, least bittern Ixobrychus exilis, and sora Porzana carolina. These birds had quadratic relationships with water depth or no relationship. Overall, coastal birds were influenced by multiple scales corresponding with hydrological characteristics. The effects suggest the timing of drawdowns and interannual variability in spring water levels can greatly affect wetland bird abundance.  相似文献   

Diesel oil is one of the derivatives of crude oil which resistance to biodegradation due to its complex structure and low solubility in water. A novel concept of enhancement of diesel degradation using floating water droplet is proposed and being investigated to address some key challenges encountered in diesel oil spillages in the aqueous area and wetlands. This study aims to increase the floatability of a floating water droplet on oil. A droplet containing a mixed consortium of 60 different hydrocarbon degrading bacteria and sodium dodecyl sulfate as a surfactant was deposited on the diesel oil surface. Contact angle and contact radius were monitored to observe the effect of bacterial activities on the droplet. The behavior of this droplet on diesel oil was different to a previous study with paraffin oil. In particular, the floatability, bacterial growth and biofilm formation demonstrate significant deviation due to the diesel interactions with biological processes. Nevertheless, the results show this method increase microbial activities within the droplet. The result verifies the applicability of the floating water droplet as an environmentally friendly method for diesel oil spillages.  相似文献   

The solubility of a 44° API (0.806 sp. gr.) whole crude oil has been measured in methane with water present at temperatures of 50 to 250°C and pressures of 740 to 14,852 psi, as have the solubilities of two high molecular weight petroleum distillation fractions at temperatures of 50 to 250°C and pressures of 4482 to 25,266 psi. Both increases in pressure and temperature increase the solubility of crude oil and petroleum distillation fractions in methane, the effect of pressure being greater than that of temperature. Unexpectedly high solubility levels (0.5–1.5 grams of oil per liter of methane—at laboratory temperature and pressure) were measured at moderate conditions (50–200°C and 5076–14504 psi). Similar results were found for the petroleum distillation fractions, one of which was the highest molecular weight material of petroleum (material boiling above 266°C at 6 microns pressure). Unexpectedly mild conditions (100°C and 15,200 psi; 200°C and 7513 psi) resulted in cosolubility of crude oil and methane. Under these conditions, samples of the gas-rich phase gave solubility values of 4 to 5 g/l, or greater.Qualitative analyses of the crude-oil solute samples showed that at low pressure and temperature equilibration conditions, the solute condensate would be enriched in C5–C15 range hydrocarbons and in saturated hydrocarbons in the C15+ fraction. With increases in temperature and especially pressure, these tendencies were reversed, and the solute condensate became identical to the starting crude oil.The data of this study, compared to that of previous studies, shows that methane, with water present, has a much greater carrying capacity for crude oil than in dry systems. The presence of water also drastically lowers the temperature and pressure conditions required for cosolubility.The data of this and/or previous studies demonstrate that the addition of carbon dioxide, ethane, propane, or butane to methane also has a strong positive effect on crude oil solubility, as does the presence of fine grained rocks.The n-paraffin distributions (as well as the overall composition) of the solute condensates are controlled by the temperature and pressure of solution and exsolution, as well as by the composition of the original starting material. It appears quite possible that primary migration by gaseous solution could ‘strip’ a source rock of crude-oil like components leaving behind a bitumen totally unlike the migrated crude oil. The data of this study demonstrate previous criticisms of primary petroleum migration by gas solution are invalid; that primary migration by gaseous solution cannot occur because methane cannot dissolve sufficient volumes of crude oil or cannot dissolve the highest molecular weight components of petroleum (tars and asphaltenes).  相似文献   

包气带中原油的迁移和降解研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在石油的开采和集输过程中,常常有大量的原油抛洒和泄漏,这对土壤和植物地造成严重污染,本文通过大量野外和室内的原油渗透试验,含油地层的淋滤试验和石油的生物降解试验,来研究石油污染物在包气带中迁移,转化和降解规律,从而地下水石油污染的潜在性作出科学的评价。  相似文献   

A modeling study of seawater intrusion in Alabama Gulf Coast,USA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A numerical model of variable-density groundwater flow and miscible salt transport is developed to investigate the extent of seawater intrusion in the Gulf coast aquifers of Alabama, USA. The SEAWAT code is used to solve the density-dependent groundwater flow and solute transport governing equations. The numerical model is calibrated against the observed hydraulic heads measured in 1996 by adjusting the zonation and values of hydraulic conductivity and recharge rate. Using the calibrated model and assuming all the hydrogeologic conditions remain the same as those in 1996, a predictive 40-year simulation run indicates that further seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifers can occur in the study area. Moreover, the predicted intrusion may be more significant in the deeper aquifer than the shallower ones. As the population continues to grow and the demand for groundwater pumping intensifies beyond the 1996 level, it can be expected that the actual extent of seawater intrusion in the future would be more severe than the model prediction. Better strategies for groundwater development and management will be necessary to protect the freshwater aquifers from contamination by seawater intrusion.
Jin LinEmail:

Concentrations of atmospheric Hg species, elemental Hg (Hg°), reactive gaseous Hg (RGM), and fine particulate Hg (Hg-PM2.5) were measured at a coastal site near Weeks Bay, Alabama from April to August, 2005 and January to May, 2006. Mean concentrations of the species were 1.6 ± 0.3 ng m−3, 4.0 ± 7.5 pg m−3 and 2.7 ± 3.4 pg m−3, respectively. A strong diel pattern was observed for RGM (midday maximum concentrations were up to 92.7 pg m−3), but not for Hg° or Hg-PM2.5. Elevated RGM concentrations (>25 pg m−3) in April and May of 2005 correlated with elevated average daytime O3 concentrations (>55 ppbv) and high light intensity (>500 W m−2). These conditions generally corresponded with mixed continental-Gulf and exclusively continental air mass trajectories. Generally lower, but still elevated, RGM peaks observed in August, 2005 and January–March, 2006 correlated significantly (p < 0.05) with peaks in SO2 concentration and corresponded to periods of high light intensity and lower average daytime O3 concentrations. During these times air masses were dominated by trajectories that originated over the continent. Elevated RGM concentrations likely resulted from photochemical oxidation of Hg° by atmospheric oxidants. This process may have been enhanced in and by the near-shore environment relative to inland sites. The marine boundary layer itself was not found to be a significant source of RGM.  相似文献   

静海县浅层咸水资源丰富但赋存条件复杂,开发利用难度较大。本文依据抽水试验资料计算浅层咸水的水动力参数,应用模拟技术分析开采条件下浅层咸水资源量构成,为合理开发利用浅层咸水资源提供依据。  相似文献   

Distribution of the specific gravity of oil and the yield of fractions up to 300° is considered as a function of hypsometric position of the samples with respect to the pool outline. Relationship is determined between the difference in specific gravity of edge- and crest oils and the carbon dioxide ion content in edgewaters; it is explained by oxidation of oil by the waters. It is demonstrated by means of graphs for Ekhabi and Tungor oil fields that oxidation is more important than the force of gravity, in the distribution of the properties of oil throughout the deposit. The flushing effect of waters on the light petroleum fractions proves to be less significant that the oxidation effect. Calculation shows that the loss of oil by oxidation is small at depths below 600 m; losses by water flushing are even smaller, but rise rapidly at shallower depths. -- Author.  相似文献   

李燕 《物探与化探》2015,(3):537-544
针对盐下构造,建立合适的速度模型分析流程是实现逆时偏移高精度成像的前提,选择合理的逆时偏移参数是改善成像效果的关键问题。笔者将单一沿层速度建模方法作了相应改进和调整,采用三步法进行速度建模,提高了盐丘内的速度分析精度,盐丘翼部形态得到了较好的表达。利用三步法的建模结果作 RTM 偏移成像试验,消除了盐下出现的假构造,使盐下小幅度构造背斜细节得到准确成像,实现了对盐丘边界及盐丘侧翼的准确归位。模型试验证明,三步法建模方法适用于复杂盐丘构造的速度建模。同时,在建模精度提高的基础上,针对逆时偏移流程中的子波主频、偏移孔径以及偏移网格关键参数作了分析研究,通过西非地区的实际资料试验,对比成像结果的质量,优化参数,消除了由于参数选取不合理而造成的陡倾角成像不准、信噪比降低、数值频散、浪费计算资源等问题的影响,实现了复杂盐丘构造的高精度成像。  相似文献   

A reexamination of the sequences of planktonic foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton in the Plio-Pleistocene sediments beneath the Louisiana continental shelf has been undertaken in order to modernize correlation schemes that were established 10–20 y.a. As a consequence, it can be shown that (1) a new correlation of marine micropaleontological and continental glacial events is necessary; (2) the Gulf Coast faunal events can be reliably correlated with those in the type Italian Pleistocene section and in the deep-sea cores; (3) it is becoming increasingly evident that it is invalid to correlate the Plio-Pleistocene boundary, as defined by paleontology, with a climatically defined boundary.  相似文献   

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