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A. Bollhöfer A. Mangini A. Lenhard M. Wessels F. Giovanoli B. Schwarz 《Environmental Geology》1994,24(4):267-274
Two sediment cores (BO90/13b and BO90/17b) from Lake Constance were investigated by-spectrometry for210Pb,134Cs,137Cs,241Am,234Th, and other members of the238U decay chain. The sediments were dated using the constant-flux model for210Pb, and accumulation rates were determined. These range from 0.04 to 0.65g/cm
2/yr (BO90/13b) and 0.04 to 0.8g/cm
2/yr (BO90/17b), respectively. The mean accumulation rate amounts to 0.16g/cm
2/yr for both cores. The cores had already been dated by lamination counting and reconstruction of high-water events at the Limnological Institute at Constance, so that a very precise time scale was available. Both ages derived are in agreement within statistical error up to 1900, which means dating with the constant-flux model for210Pb was confirmed up to that age. The position of the maxima of bomb cesium and americium confirm the stratigraphic and210Pb datings. With241Am a further radioactive isotope is available, which can, due to the half-life of241Pu (t
1/2=14.4yr) be detected now by-spectrometry and can serve as an additional time indicator, the maximum being dated at 1963. By applying the various time scales, the depth profiles of stable lead and zinc of core BO90/13b were dated. Both heavy metals show a very significant maximum located beneath the layer of the maxima of bomb cesium and americium, showing that these maxima are older than those of the bomb isotopes. It is remarkable in this context that the maximum of zinc concentration occurs a little later than that of stable lead. Similar concentration profiles are observable in core BO90/17b and other, older sediment cores (CS6-CS10) on a transect across the lake. In contrast to a former assumption, the depth profile of stable lead in Lake Constance sediments does not reflect the anthropogenic gasoline lead emissions into the atmosphere for Germany, their maximum being dated at 1971. 相似文献
Much discussion has centered around which 210Pb dating method should be used, the constant initial concentration (CIC) model or the constant rate of supply (CRS) model.
In this study, the activity data from 22 lacustrine sediment cores from the Canadian prairies were used to compare the determination
of sediment accumulation using the two models. Other relative and absolute dating techniques have been used to calibrate the
methodology. For half of the core sites examined, the mass sedimentation rate was constant, and thus both the CIC and CRS
models were found to be valid. For the other half, variability was observed in the CRS mass accumulation rate trend. The validity
of the CIC model for these cores was dependent on the degree of variability of the mass sedimentation rate. Where the variability
is moderate to high, the CRS model may be more satisfactory. Caution should be exercised when using chronological data determined
with the CRS model, however, as the accuracy of chronology in the lower reaches of a profile is questionable.
Received: 11 May 1995 · Accepted: 16 August 1995 相似文献
黄海和渤海沉积物 210Pb活度的分布特征 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
利用α多道能谱仪测定了黄海和渤海海域 58个表层沉积物样品的 210Pb活度,探讨了黄海和渤海表层沉积物中 210Pb活度的空间分布特征.渤海中部、北黄海中部泥质沉积区和南黄海中部泥质沉积区是 210Pb活度的高值区.渤海湾内、莱州湾内及北黄海西南部沿岸海域则是 210Pb活度的低值区.黄海和渤海海区 210Pb的富集、分布特征受到研究海区水动力条件和沉积物粒级的制约.根据位于黄海和渤海泥质沉积区的 3个岩芯 210Pb活度的垂直分布资料,并结合 2个站位所取岩芯的 210Pb活度的垂直分布资料,探讨了 210Pb活度的垂直分布与沉积环境之间的关系.黄海和渤海 210Pb活度呈现高值的泥质沉积区,其 210Pb活度随岩芯深度衰减的垂直分布很有规律且沉积速率较低,由此可以反映泥质沉积区稳定的沉积环境. 相似文献
J. R. L. Allen J. E. Rae G. Longworth S. E. Hasler M. Ivanovich 《Estuaries and Coasts》1993,16(3):670-677
The210Pb dates from a salt-marsh sediment sequence at Tites Point, Severn Estuary, southwest England, were compared with the results of three other independent dating techniques. These methods are inspection of dated topographic maps for the presence of absence of the salt marsh, dating of artifacts in a well-defined horizon within the sequence, and counting annual bands. All four sets of dates showed good agreement to about 30 cm depth from the present marsh surface; thereafter, dates from the210Pb method are earlier than those from the other methods, which are themselves in agreement. It is concluded that a wide range of methods can be successfully used for dating salt-marsh sediments (e.g., radiometric techniques, topographic maps, archaeological evidence, annual banding). Where possible, it is important to confirm dates using at least two independent techniques. 相似文献
A method is described for bringing a sediment sample into solution and subsequently carrying out analysis for 210Pb, 226Ra and 137Cs. Silica is removed from the sample by cyclic HNO3HF treatments. 137Cs is separated from 210Ra in a carbonate fusion, extracted by absorption on ammonium molybdophosphate, precipitated directly with BiI3 in presence of citric acid, and β-counted. 210Pb and 226Ra are separated out by 70–75% HNO3 precipitation. Further purification and mutual separation of the two radionuclides is achieved by solvent extraction and anion-exchange techniques. 210Pb and 226Ra are determined by β- and α- counting of their chromate precipitates, respectively, after allowing suitable ingrowth periods for their daughters. The procedural steps effectively eliminate possible interference from other natural or fall-out radioactivities. 相似文献
An iterative least-squares optimization technique is utilized in conjunction with a one-dimensional representation of the
mass transport equation to generate theoretical210Pb concentration/depth profiles beneath the water-sediment interface that are best-fit approximations to directly measured210Pb concentration/depth profiles at various locations within the Great Lakes system. The outputs of such an optimization analysis
are the diffusion coefficientsD
(molecular) andD
(bioturbation) associated with the transport of210Pb radionuclides in lake bed sediments.
For all stations studied, the estimated values ofD
are consistently larger than the estimated values ofD
, emphasizing the importance of accounting for the effects of bioturbation in the modelling of contaminant transport through
lake bed sediments. 相似文献
The potential for using the thermoluminescence behaviour of sediments for dating them was first recognized by Soviet scientists G.V. Morozov and V.N. Shelkoplyas, and for over a decade their TL dates, obtained from a variety of sediments, have appeared in the Soviet literature. Since 1977 TL sediment dates have been published by six additional groups using a variety of methods.In this review we describe the principles of TL dating, the various methods used, and contrast TL dating of sediments with the now well-accepted TL dating of pottery. We conclude that while TL dating has the potential to solve many sedimentary problems, more fundamental research needs to be carried out before such dates should be accepted. A set of criteria for acceptable dates is proposed. 相似文献
《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(10):1965-1973
The shells of marine and fresh water mollusks can serve as effective archives in retrieving information on natural and anthropogenic environmental changes. The advantage of using bivalves is that they integrate water chemistry changes into their shells during their life span. Retrospective study of environmental changes and pollutants using bivalve shells requires precise determination of the time of incorporation into the abiotic environmental matrix (here after age) of the specimen. For the first time, a set of archived bivalve samples (for which date of the death/collection is known) has been analyzed to establish the ages of mollusk shells using the 210Pb–226Ra disequilibrium method. In addition, Sr and 90Sr were analysed. The ages obtained using the 210Pb/226Ra disequilibrium dating method agrees well with the calendar years calculated from the date of death/collection. The ages obtained can be utilized to reconstruct the 90Sr levels in the water column at sites where the mollusk shells were collected. 相似文献
海岸带地处陆地和海洋交界地区,是物质和能量交换的中心地带,沉积环境复杂。而对其沉积记录古环境信息的正确理解和解释在很大程度上依赖于年代框架的建立。210Pb和137Cs年代学的问世,解决了高速沉积环境中时间量程为百年或更短的沉积物的定年,近年来得到广泛的应用。在实际应用中,我们应该根据研究目的、范围等因素,选择合适的测年手段测年。此外,由于每种方法还存在不足,且可能同时会有几种方法适用,所以为了增加测年数据的准确性和可靠性,我们应尽量选择多种适当方法进行对比测年。 相似文献
A finite element model is used to generate theoretical excess210Pb concentration/depth profiles that are best-fit approximations to directly measured profiles at five locations in western Lake Ontario. The best-fit approximations are derived using a minimum error analysis technique. The results indicate that, while mixing is prevalent at all the study locations, its influence is severe at locations closer to the mouth of the Niagara River. The nonoccurrence of the implicit effects of sediment mixing in measured pollutant profiles at these locations is pointed out and it is postulated that the general assumptions of constant flux of excess210Pb and constant sedimentation rate in such models lead to unrealistic estimates of mixing. 相似文献
《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2001,65(16):2757-2770
Absolute chronology of marine sediment beyond the 14C age range provides a test for models of climate change and has many other applications. U-Th techniques have been used for such chronology by dating corals, but extending these techniques to marine sediment is complicated by the presence of significant initial 230Th—both in detrital material and scavenged from seawater. In this study, we investigate four methods of solving the initial 230Th problem for a particular type of marine sediment—the aragonite-rich sediments of carbonate platforms and slopes. Bulk sediment U-Th analyses can be corrected for initial Th to yield ages with ≈2 to 3 kyr precision for highstand periods when sediment aragonite contents are particularly high. Uncertainty on the corrections causes inadequate precision for sediment from other periods, however. Removal of scavenged Th before analysis would enable a dramatic increase in this precision but has not proved successful despite a range of chemical leach approaches. Using heavy liquids to separate the various carbonate minerals found in Bahamas sediment enables an isochron approach to correct for initial Th, but the presence of initial Th from two sources requires correction or removal of one source of initial Th before the other is deconvolved by the isochron. Quantitative removal of detrital material before isochron analysis proves a successful approach. Such isochron data demonstrate that, although sediment remains closed to U-Th on a centimetre scale, nuclides are moved from grain to grain by α-recoil. Such intergrain exchange is expected to be observed in all sediments containing mineral grains with different U concentrations. Measured 234U/238U allows the recoil movement to be corrected and results in isochron ages with precision sometimes as low as 3 kyr. The accuracy of this approach has been proved by dating samples within the 14C age range. Sediments spanning the penultimate deglaciation have also been dated. After a small correction for bioturbation, the age for this event is found to be 135.2 ± 3.5 ka. This date is ≈8 kyr before the peak in northern hemisphere insolation and suggests that deglaciation is initiated by a mechanism in the southern hemisphere or tropics. This isochron approach shows considerable promise for dating of sediments older than this event, which will provide further information about the timing and mechanisms of global climate change. 相似文献
Thermoluminescence dating of sediments in the Warsaw laboratory is based on blue-to-green emission. The ‘partial bleach + regeneration’ method is proposed for dating sediments which have not been completely bleached at the time of burial. Correct TL ages are reported for sediments covering organic deposits of the Eemian Interglacial and also for glacial sediments of Würm and Riss age. We obtained good results for dating till using the partial bleach + regeneration method. The TL zeroing in till is explained by the ‘rubbing’ or compression of grains beneath the glacier and by the freeze-thaw activity occurring during glacial transport and deglaciation. 相似文献
210Po and 210Pb measurements of soils delineated uranium anomalies at three out of four test sites in Ontario, Canada. Measurements were made of 210Po in solutions produced by both complete digestion and partial leaching of soil samples. Direct plating of 210Po onto metal plates was followed by measuring the alpha activity. Subsequent plating of 210Po in-grown from 210Pb in solution several months later confirmed the anomalies.The 210Po and 210Pb anomalies at three of the test sites coincided with 226Ra and 222Rn anomalies. Samples from the fourth uranium occurrence associated with a known 222Rn anomaly failed to show either a 226Ra anomaly on the one hand, or 210Po or 210Pb anomalies on the other. This suggests that the 210Po and 210Pb anomalies were probably produced by the decay of 226Ra contained within secondary dispersion haloes.Although anomalies due to the 210Po and 210Pb products of 222Rn have now been documented, prospecting methods based on their use as direct tracers of the migration paths of 222Rn require much further development. 相似文献
J. A. Cooper J. S. Stacey D. G. Stoeser R. J. Fleck 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1979,68(4):429-439
A zircon study has been made on eleven samples of igneous rocks from the Saudi Arabian Craton. Ages of sized and magnetic fractions of zircon concentrates show variable degrees of discordance which seem to result from a very young disturbance that produces linear arrays in the Concordia plot. Model age calculations based on a statistically and geologically reasonable lower intercept produce very consistent internal relationships. The Pan African Orogeny, considered to be responsible for loss of radiogenic argon and strontium from minerals of many rocks, does not appear to have affected the zircon data, even though uplift had exposed the rocks of the Arabian Shield at that time.Tonalite, granodiorite, and crosscutting leucoadamellite bodies in the southern part of the An Nimas Bathylith yield ages in the time range 820–760 Ma. A narrow time range of 660 to 665 million years was indicated for ages of widely separated and compositionally different intrusive bodies all to the east of the An Nimas Bathylith. This work suggests that the younger end of the age spectrum established from regional K-Ar and Rb-Sr measurements may be underestimated, and that magmatic activity could be more episodic than previously assumed. 相似文献
M. Frechen 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1999,87(4):675-684
Loess/palaeosol sequences from the Loess plateau in China were investigated by combined infrared optically stimulated luminescence
(IRSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) dating techniques in order to study the luminescence properties of the loessic sediments
and to provide a direct chronological link for correlation and position of the last interglacial soil in Central Asia and
the Loess plateau in China. Sensitivity changes were found for all samples through artificial bleaching of the samples. The
greatest sensitivity changes, of up to 50%, were found for very old loess samples designated to be older than the Matu-yama/Brunhes
magnetic boundary and hence older than 788,000±1,800 years. The upper dating limit, as investigated by the very old loess
samples, ranges from 250,000 to 300,000 years, if the TL additive dose method is applied. The chronological position of the
last interglacial soil S1 at the section near Lanzhou indicates luminescence age estimates ranging from 82,000 to 75,000 years
for the marine-isotope stage 5 to 4 transition. However, the loess from below S1 yielded luminescence age estimates between
153,200±14,200 and 110,100±20,100 years for TL and IRSL additive dose methods, respectively. Thus, a direct correlation between
the S1 and the first intercalated pedocomplex PC1 in Central Asia is most likely.
Received: 31 March 1998 / Accepted: 25 October 1998 相似文献
VAGN MEJDAHL SVEND FUNDER 《Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research》1994,23(4):525-535
Luminescence dating based on K-feldspars and using both TL and OSL methods have been performed on 94 sediment samples from East Greenland. The ages go back more than 380 ka, but are mainly from the last interglaciation and the subsequent period and include both shallow-marine/coastal-fluvial and ice proximal meltwater sediments. Independent age control indicates that the dates in the first group generally fall within ± 15% of the expected age, although a few samples show larger deviations. The ice proximal sediments, on the other hand, show a much larger spread and exaggerated ages, probably owing to incomplete bleaching. OSL may give better results than TL in these sediments. 相似文献
An integrated sulfur isotope model for Namibian shelf sediments 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In this study the sulfur cycle in the organic-rich mud belt underlying the highly productive upwelling waters of the Namibian shelf is quantified using a 1D reaction-transport model. The model calculates vertical concentration and reaction rate profiles in the top 500 cm of sediment which are compared to a comprehensive dataset which includes carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and iron compounds as well as sulfate reduction (SR) rates and stable sulfur isotopes (32S, 34S). The sulfur dynamics in the well-mixed surface sediments are strongly influenced by the activity of the large sulfur bacteria Thiomargaritanamibiensis which oxidize sulfide (H2S) to sulfate () using sea water nitrate () as the terminal electron acceptor. Microbial sulfide oxidation (SOx) is highly efficient, and the model predicts intense cycling between and H2S driven by coupled SR and SOx at rates exceeding 6.0 mol S m−2 y−1. More than 96% of the SR is supported by SOx, and only 2-3% of the pool diffuses directly into the sediment from the sea water. A fraction of the produced by Thiomargarita is drawn down deeper into the sediment where it is used to oxidize methane anaerobically, thus preventing high methane concentrations close to the sediment surface. Only a small fraction of total H2S production is trapped as sedimentary sulfide, mainly pyrite (FeS2) and organic sulfur (Sorg) (∼0.3 wt.%), with a sulfur burial efficiency which is amongst the lowest values reported for marine sediments (<1%). Yet, despite intense SR, FeS2 and Sorg show an isotope composition of ∼5 ‰ at 500 cm depth. These heavy values were simulated by assuming that a fraction of the solid phase sulfur exchanges isotopes with the dissolved sulfide pool. An enrichment in H2S of 34S towards the sediment-water interface suggests that Thiomargarita preferentially remove H232S from the pore water. A fractionation of 20-30‰ was estimated for SOx (εSOx) with the model, along with a maximum fractionation for SR (εSR-max) of 100‰. These values are far higher than previous laboratory-based estimates for these processes. Mass balance calculations indicate negligible disproportionation of autochthonous elemental sulfur; an explanation routinely cited in the literature to account for the large fractionations in SR. Instead, the model indicates that repeated multi-stepped sulfide oxidation and intracellular disproportionation by Thiomargarita could, in principle, allow the measured isotope data to be simulated using much lower fractionations for εSOx (5‰) and εSR (78‰). 相似文献
Glenn W. Berger 《Quaternary Science Reviews》1988,7(3-4)
A brief review is presented of my efforts to improve the accuracy of dating unheated sediments by TL and of the development of a new tephrochronometer. Specific applications to known-age deposits are outlined, as are studies of the depositional environment of subaqueous sediments. Removal of anomalous fading in loess by storage at 75°C for 8 days is demostrated.Throughout, for unheated sediments the preferential use of the partial bleach (R-gamma or R-beta) technique is emphasized, especially in situations where the growth curves are sublinear. Contrary to a widespread misconception, sublinearity does not invalidate the partial bleach method. Furthermore, examples are given of TL ‘sensitivity’ (or ‘efficiency’) changes occurring with the regeneration technique — changes that are variable and seemingly sample dependent. 相似文献
《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):1035-1042
Single-grain OSL dating is applied to sediments from different depositional settings on the Southern High Plains of western Texas and eastern New Mexico. Criteria of acceptance are used to screen equivalent doses from individual grains and resulting distributions are evaluated in terms of normality. Wide variation is found in proportion of acceptable grains and in the distributions. While some of the latter are normal, many show broadening that may be the result of mixing of different-aged grains and skewness that may result from variant depositional and post-depositional modes. Geological modeling will be required to understand better these distributions, although for most samples means produced ages that agree with independent evidence. The resolution possible with single grains is necessary for best estimates of equivalent dose for other samples. A few samples do not agree with independent evidence, even with a normal distribution of equivalent dose. Sand dunes seem the most difficult to date accurately, probably because of mixing. 相似文献