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基于Arc GIS的两步移动搜寻法可以解决设施(供给)与人口(需求)的空间分布差异性及两者可跨越区界的潜在相互作用。通过对大连市沙河口区常住居家低龄老年人与养老服务设施空间可达性进行实证研究,利用两步移动搜寻法获取各服务设施到人口聚居点的可达性数值并利用Map Info绘制成图,得出89个社区供需间潜在的空间可达性呈现优秀、良好、一般和较差4种结果,为大连沙河口区针对低龄老年人居家养老服务设施的发展规划提供辅助决策支持,也展现了两步移动搜寻法在公共服务空间可达性评价方面的作用。  相似文献   

基于高斯两步移动搜索法的沈阳市绿地可达性评价   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
基于高斯两步移动搜索法,进行沈阳市绿地可达性分析。在揭示研究区内绿地可达性空间格局的同时,探索这一新方法的实际应用价值。结果显示:① 沈阳市绿地可达性整体上具有北高南低、东高西低的空间分布特征,4 个高值区与3 个低值区可清晰识别;高值区域主要分布在核心城区的近外围,低值区域主要分布于核心城区与城市的西部及南部远郊。② 沈阳市绿地可达性空间格局十分不平衡,具有较强的空间极化特征,70%以上的街道绿地可达性低于全市平均水平,只有少数街道呈现较高的可达性,人口与绿地的空间不匹配是造成不平衡的主要因素。③ 根据可达性评价结果,提出了实施空间优化策略,促进绿地服务均等化的相关建议。该方法能够较好地揭示城市绿地系统与人口相互作用的规律,未来还应进一步与客观实际结合,使之更加具体化和实用化。  相似文献   

合理的配置公共服务设施对城市的现代化建设至关重要。空间可达性是度量公共服务设施配置是否合理的方法之一。在诸多的研究方法中,高斯两步移动搜索法由于直观且运算简便,因而得到广泛应用。但该方法也有不足之处,本文运用格网GIS方法,以上海市的绿地空间可达性为例,对两步移动搜索法进行模型方法的改进研究,并对高斯两步移动搜索法和格网化的高斯两步移动搜索法进行对比分析,结果表明:后者可降低空间可达性的误差,提高可达性精度,对上海市绿地空间可达性反映更加真实、客观。如果选择合理的数据将其格网化,该方法也可以用于其他公共服务设施的空间可达性研究。  相似文献   

针对县域医疗卫生服务设施的空间布局问题,应用改进两步移动搜索法对德清县医疗卫生服务的空间可达性进行评价。具体改进包括:引入核密度型距离衰减函数对两步移动搜索法进行扩展、考虑医疗设施资源的未充分利用、对不同规模等级医疗机构设置不同服务阈值。计算结果表明:浙江省德清县域医疗卫生服务空间可达性呈圈层式空间分布特征,高可达性区域主要集中于县城及邻接区域,边缘地区缺医明显;基于改进两步移动搜索法和传统两步移动搜索法的可达性计算结果具有不同的整体特征,但前者可达性计算结果及空间分布更符合实际。  相似文献   

为解决高密度城市公园绿地供需不平衡的问题,论文提出了一套改进的两步移动搜索模型,并以上海市黄浦区为例,对其现有公园绿地进行步行条件下的空间可达性分析.首先从网络爬取研究范围内居住小区POI信息,将其聚合在边长100 m的正六边形蜂窝网内,计算得到每个人口单元的人数及人口密度,并利用百度地图API路径规划接口爬取各供给点...  相似文献   

胡瑞山  董锁成  胡浩 《地理科学进展》2012,31(12):1600-1607
精确评价医疗设施可达性的空间分异样状况是合理配置医疗资源的前提。本文在回顾国内外关于医疗空间可达性研究的基础上, 采用两步移动搜索法, 以江苏省贫困县--东海县为案例, 以行政村和医院为分析单元, 基于迪卡斯特拉算法计算出各村到医院(卫生院)的最短通行时间, 进而分析各村医疗空间可达性分异情况。采用不用服务时间阈值范围进行空间敏感性分析, 综合研判缺医地区分布特点。与传统的医卫人员和人口比值的方法相比, 两步移动搜索法能有效显示县域范围内医疗可达性的空间分异情况。采用较大的时间阈值, 医疗空间可达性分异较为平滑, 采用较小服务阈值则空间分异显著, 缺医范围也较大。东海县医疗空间可达性整体呈单核结构, 并沿主要交通线延伸, 缺医地区多分布于边缘乡镇。提高边缘乡镇的行政村的甲级卫生院等级和乡村道路等级将会改善边缘乡镇的就医可达性。  相似文献   

公园绿地可达性是衡量城市宜居水平的重要指标.针对传统可达性分析多用统计数据开展评估而导致的供需尺度失衡问题,论文以深圳为例,采用公园绿地空间矢量数据和手机信令数据获取供需空间分布,采用高斯两步移动搜索法计算交通小区(TAZ)尺度公园绿地可达性,并结合可达性结果及供需、交通情况聚类,剖析可达性差异化模式及成因.主要结论如...  相似文献   

针对贫困山区医疗资源短缺、分布不均衡、服务能力差等问题,以重庆市石柱县为例,基于自然村尺度,采用改进的两步移动搜索法,从供需角度分析研究区医疗服务空间可达性特征。设置不同的时间阻抗进行敏感性分析,探究可达性变化规律。通过对石柱县医疗资源空间布局的均衡性评价,为山区未来医疗布局的合理规划与医疗标准的配备提供决策依据。结果表明:1石柱县整体医疗服务可达性差,低于重庆市平均水平。2县域医疗资源布局不均衡,空间差异明显。高值区主要集中在方斗山中低山区和黄水镇,低值区主要集中在南部中山区,两极分异明显。3医院的规模、级别,道路的等级、疏密对可达性有一定的影响:靠近县城的乡镇、路网密集的地方可达性一般较好。4随着出行阻抗的增大,医疗服务的可达性随之变好,边缘乡镇的可达性随之变差,可达性值变化幅度减缓,医疗服务空间可达性分异变小;医疗资源配备充足的乡镇,随着时间阻抗增加,对周边乡镇可达性的影响增强。  相似文献   

教育资源可达性的精准评估是衡量教育资源配置合理性的基础和前提,也是推进公共教育均等化的重要途径。针对前人在教育资源可达性研究中对设施综合服务能力研究不足和交通模式单一等问题,论文以东莞为例,结合多源数据、综合服务能力和多出行模式改进两步移动搜索法,测度东莞市小学空间可达性,并评价其公平性。研究发现:(1)东莞市小学可达性呈现西高东低的空间特征,高可达性的格网主要在中心城区4个街道及虎门镇、厚街镇等;低可达性的格网主要在水乡地区、大岭山和银瓶山等地形复杂地区。(2)从公平性视角看,东莞市域和91.18%的镇街小学空间分配处于绝对公平水平,茶山镇、东坑镇公平性最高,麻涌镇、松山湖高新区、虎门镇公平性最低。(3)学龄人口规模、人均GDP和教育经费支出是东莞市小学空间可达性的主要影响因素。研究可为实现东莞市教育资源的空间优化配置和构建更公平的教育发展新格局提供决策参考。  相似文献   

公共服务设施空间可达性及其度量方法   总被引:17,自引:10,他引:7  
空间可达性度量既可用于评价公共服务设施空间布局的合理性,也可用于比较规划方案的优劣.公共服务设施空间可达性度量需要针对不同设施特有的空间布局目标,选取与之相适应的可达性评价因子,并采用合适的度量方法展开,对此进行专题研究的文献并不多见.本文一方面在对公共服务设施按照时效性、接受性、数量、等级性进行分类的基础上,系统阐述如何针对不同设施进行空间布局目标设定和可达性评价因子选取;另一方面将主要的度量方法分为比例法、最近距离法、基于机会累积的方法、基于空间相互作用的方法,并对各类方法的应用领域及优缺点予以分析比较,同时以潜能模型、两步移动搜寻法为例探讨相关方法在公共服务设施空间可达性度量中的应用;最后在对上述研究总结评述的基础上,本文指出多等级设施空间可达性、从需求者的活动规律考虑空间可达性、针对各类设施的综合空间可达性以及相关度量方法与GIS的集成等主题值得投入更多关注.  相似文献   

Quantifying spatial accessibility in relation to the provision of rural health services has proven difficult. This article critically appraises the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method, a recent solution for measuring primary care service accessibility across rural areas of Victoria, Australia. The 2SFCA method is demonstrated to have two fundamental shortcomings – specifically the use of only one catchment size for all populations, and secondly the assumption that proximity is undifferentiated within a catchment (especially problematic when the catchment is large). Despite its advantages over simple population-to-provider ratios, the 2SFCA method needs to be used with caution.  相似文献   

The popular two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method has been widely used in the literature to measure spatial accessibility of residents for a service. The 2SFCA method accounts for the ratio between the supply capacity and demand amount of the service as well as the complex spatial interaction between them. This article introduces an inverted two-step floating catchment area (i2SFCA) method that is derived from an extension of the classic Huff model and used to capture the “crowdedness” (scarcity of resource or intensity of competition) for facilities. The method is illustrated and validated by a case study of evaluating hospital inpatient services in Florida. Several possible uses of the measure are also discussed.  相似文献   

The use of isotope techniques and methods in catchment hydrology in the last 50 years has generated two major types of progress: (1) Assessment of the temporal variations of the major stocks and flows of water in catchments, from which the estimation of wa-ter residence times is introduced in this paper. (2) Assessment of catchment hydrologic processes, in which the interactions be-tween different waters, hydrographical separation, and bio-geochemical process are described by using isotopes tracers. Future progress on isotope techniques and methods in hydrology is toward the understanding of the hydrological process in large river basins. Much potential also waits realization in terms of how isotope information may be used to calibrate and test distributed rainfall-runoff models and regarding aid in the quantification of sustainable water resources management.  相似文献   

基于DEM的单位汇水面积尺度转换(英文)   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Specific Catchment Area (SCA) is defined as the upstream catchment area of a unit contour. As one of the key terrain parameters, it is widely used in the modeling of hydrology, soil erosion and ecological environment. However, SCA value changes significantly at different DEM resolutions, which inevitably affect terrain analysis results. SCA can be described as the ratio of Catchment Area (CA) and DEM grid length. In this paper, the scale effect of CA is firstly investigated. With Jiuyuangou Gully, a watershed about 70 km2 in northern Shaanxi Province of China, as the test area, it is found that the impacts of DEM scale on CA are different in spatial distribution. CA value in upslope location becomes bigger with the decrease of the DEM resolution. When the location is close to downstream areas the impact of DEM scale on CA is gradually weakening. The scale effect of CA can be concluded as a mathematic trend of exponential decline. Then, a downscaling model of SCA is put forward by introducing the scale factor and the location factor. The scaling model can realize the conversion of SCA value from a coarse DEM resolution to a finer one at pixel level. Experiment results show that the downscaled SCA was well revised, and consistent with SCA at the target resolution with respect to the statistical indexes, histogram and spatial distribution. With the advantages of no empirical parameters, the scaling model could be considered as a simple and objective model for SCA scaling in a rugged drainage area.  相似文献   

The recent decade has witnessed a new wave of development in the place-based accessibility theory, revolving around the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method. The 2SFCA method, initially serving to evaluate the spatial inequity of health care services, has been further applied to other urban planning and facility access issues. Among these applications, different distance decay functions have been incorporated in the thread of model development, but their applicability and limitations have not been thoroughly examined. To this end, the paper has employed a place-based accessibility framework to compare the performance of twenty-four 2SFCA models in a comprehensive manner. Two important conclusions are drawn from this analysis: on a small analysis scale (e.g., community level), the catchment size is the most critical model component; on a large analysis scale (e.g., statewide), the distance decay function is of elevated importance. In sum, this comparative analysis provides the theoretical support necessary to the choice of the catchment size and the distance decay function in the 2SFCA method. Justification of model parameters through empirical evidence (e.g., field surveys about local travel activities) and model validation through sensitivity analysis are needed in future 2SFCA applications for various urban planning, service delivery, and spatial equity scenarios.  相似文献   

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