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The land fallow policy was adopted by central and local governments to encourage the abandonment of water-intensive crops, such as winter wheat, in groundwater over-exploited areas. At the same time, since the 1990 s, many households in the North China Plain(NCP) have chosen to replace the winter wheat and summer maize double-cropping system with the spring maize single-cropping system. Therefore, it is crucial to identify target land parcels for winter wheat abandonment and to design reasonable and proper standards for ecological compensation prior to the implementation of the land fallow policy in the NCP. In this study, multi-level logit models were used with household survey data in order to detect determinants across land parcel, household and village levels on household cropping system decisions; the opportunity costs for winter wheat abandonment were also calculated using cost–benefit analysis. The results show that:(1) land quality and irrigation condition at parcel level are two essential elements influencing household cropping system decisions. Nearly 70% of the total area of poor land and more than 90% of the total area of unirrigated land has suffered winter wheat abandonment. Target land parcels for the land fallow policy should be those that are irrigated and of high quality.(2) There were no significant differences between net profits from spring maize and summer maize under similar farming conditions, and the opportunity cost for winter wheat abandonment should be equal to the net profit of winter wheat.(3) The primary purpose of the land fallow policy is to induce groundwater recovery and restoration as a preliminary stage. A higher level of 350 yuan/mu is recommended as subsidy for ecological compensation at this stage. Later, the primary purpose of the policy should be a transition to a balance between exploitation and supplementation of water resources, and a lower level of 280 yuan/mu is recommended as a subsidy at this stage.  相似文献   

土地征收中生态补偿缺失对农民权利的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用资料分析,理论分析的方法,归纳总结了国内外土地征收补偿中都存在着生态补偿缺失的问题, 尤其是中国的征收补偿制度存在明显缺陷,如补偿理论支持不足、补偿范围小、补偿额度低、补偿不到位等。这种制 度缺陷不仅造成了大量的耕地流失,同时也造成了农业生态环境的破坏,直接影响了土地使用权人———农民的相 关利益,如土地被征收导致土地分割,形成不经济的土地规模,造成土地利用效率的损失,降低了相邻土地的生产 力,影响了农民的相邻权;土地又是农民世代生存、繁衍、发展之所在,是农民的基本生活保障和基本生活来源,农 民失去土地就意味着失去了生存和发展的基础,影响了生存权和发展权;土地的资源属性表明,土地征收必然涉及 到土地利用的变化和生态环境因素的改变,涉及到农民的环境权的保障。为此,必须完善土地征收制度,建立有效 的市场化运作手段,通过对农地生态价值的正确评估,公平、合理的补偿失地农民的损失,以实现社会公平、和谐。  相似文献   

文章采用资料分析,理论分析的方法,归纳总结了国内外土地征收补偿中都存在着生态补偿缺失的问题,尤其是中国的征收补偿制度存在明显缺陷,如补偿理论支持不足、补偿范围小、补偿额度低、补偿不到位等。这种制度缺陷不仅造成了大量的耕地流失,同时也造成了农业生态环境的破坏,直接影响了土地使用权人——农民的相关利益,如土地被征收导致土地分割,形成不经济的土地规模,造成土地利用效率的损失,降低了相邻土地的生产力,影响了农民的相邻权;土地又是农民世代生存、繁衍、发展之所在,是农民的基本生活保障和基本生活来源,农民失去土地就意味着失去了生存和发展的基础,影响了生存权和发展权;土地的资源属性表明,土地征收必然涉及到土地利用的变化和生态环境因素的改变,涉及到农民的环境权的保障。为此,必须完善土地征收制度,建立有效的市场化运作手段,通过对农地生态价值的正确评估,公平、合理的补偿失地农民的损失,以实现社会公平、和谐。  相似文献   

我国湿地生态补偿制度实施以来,已经取得了一定的预期效果。通过系统梳理与总结国内外湿地生态补偿研究进展、我国湿地生态补偿政策与实施情况等内容,选取跨流域生态补偿—新安江、水生态补偿—三江源、移民安置补偿—长江十年禁渔等典型案例进行深入研究,分析得出我国湿地生态补偿制度实施过程中仍然面临补偿对象不确定、补偿标准难测算、补偿资金单一、补偿监管滞后、补偿方式单一等问题。为进一步加快推进生态文明建设,提出完善湿地生态补偿的政策建议。  相似文献   

随着我国生态文明建设的进一步深入,推进和构建湿地生态补偿机制势在必行。文中从法律、法规等制度层面,对湿地生态补偿的对象、范围和标准进行分析,并得出以下结论:(1)湿地生态补偿对象包括湿地的所有权主体、用益物权所有人和管理权主体;(2)补偿范围包括土地和地上附属物损失、因权力受限而产生的损失和因湿地保护而造成的损失;(3)补偿标准的确定尚缺乏法律法规和价值核算体系,考虑财政的支付能力,还应探索现金补偿、实物补偿和优惠政策补偿等多种补偿形式。  相似文献   

我国湿地生态补偿存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在回顾国家和地方立法状况的基础上,分析了我国湿地生态补偿存在的问题,包括立法滞后、制度缺失,补偿标准低、补偿范围小,资金不足且来源单一,补偿方式单一等问题,提出了我国湿地生态补偿的对策建议。  相似文献   

生态服务付费(PES)的理论源于新古典福利经济学,隐含了对生态服务定价、市场将自动演变出生态服务买家和卖家的假设。由于缺少生态服务的现实市场,这种假设很难奏效,需要重新审视大多数生态服务付费项目有关福利经济学的基本理论假设,需要创新生态补偿的新方式。同时,坚持生态惠民、生态利民、生态为民,是绿水青山就是金山银山发展理念的核心内涵,是对以人为中心的环境保护与经济发展的生动诠释。特别是对于重要的生态脆弱区来讲,生态环境保护工程的实施更应关注域内原住民的发展。通过回顾PES的理论演变和总结国内外典型PES案例实践,分析了PES在理论假设与实践方面存在的脱节问题,并发现通过PES项目实施中创建的社会网络和就业为当地参与者增加了新的创收机会。在此基础上,通过引导当地住民参与生态保护与修复,探讨了生态保护、经济发展和民生改善的协调联动良性生态工人机制的形成。  相似文献   

基于区域关联的视角,构建了省域生态补偿框架。运用投入产出方法,在2010年中国区域间投入产出表的基础上,以2010年统计数据为例,对中国省域间产业的土地资源占用量进行了测算。研究结果表明:①农林牧渔业大多属于被占用型产业,农业的发展应得到补偿;②工业属于占用型产业,应付出一定的生态资源补偿费;③建筑业在消费、投资情境下,属于占用型产业;在出口情境下,省域差异较大;④交通运输及仓储业,在消费和投资情境下,大多为占用型产业;而在出口情境下,省域差异较大;⑤批发零售业大多为占用型产业,应该承担生态补偿的责任;⑥其他服务业在消费情景下,大多为占用型产业;而出口和投资情景下,则大多为被占用型产业。最后,从加强产业生态补偿的立法、完善产业生态补偿的税收手段等方面,提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

对生态补偿概念及两个研究层面的反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对生态补偿的基本语义进行解析,提出了一种以损失性境遇与补偿关系域为基本元素的分析模式.强调生态补偿的研究与实践必须物质与价值层面并举,且以前者为指归.生态补偿在自然科学方面的深层机理与准则还有待深入研究,才能指导生态补偿在经济、法律等其他层面的正确认识与实践.指出生态效益价值计量与生态补偿没有实质性的联系;"生态效益补偿"是一个容易引起误解的观念或概念.补偿标准基本的考量在成本、包括机会成本一面,不在效益一面;既实现生产者剩余又实现消费者剩余,是合理补偿的基本前提.  相似文献   

The land fallow policy was adopted by central and local governments to encourage the abandonment of water-intensive crops, such as winter wheat, in groundwater over-exploited areas. At the same time, since the 1990s, many households in the North China Plain (NCP) have chosen to replace the winter wheat and summer maize double-cropping system with the spring maize single-cropping system. Therefore, it is crucial to identify target land parcels for winter wheat abandonment and to design reasonable and proper standards for ecological compensation prior to the implementation of the land fallow policy in the NCP. In this study, multi-level logit models were used with household survey data in order to detect determinants across land parcel, household and village levels on household cropping system decisions; the opportunity costs for winter wheat abandonment were also calculated using cost–benefit analysis. The results show that: (1) land quality and irrigation condition at parcel level are two essential elements influencing household cropping system decisions. Nearly 70% of the total area of poor land and more than 90% of the total area of unirrigated land has suffered winter wheat abandonment. Target land parcels for the land fallow policy should be those that are irrigated and of high quality. (2) There were no significant differences between net profits from spring maize and summer maize under similar farming conditions, and the opportunity cost for winter wheat abandonment should be equal to the net profit of winter wheat. (3) The primary purpose of the land fallow policy is to induce groundwater recovery and restoration as a preliminary stage. A higher level of 350 yuan/mu is recommended as subsidy for ecological compensation at this stage. Later, the primary purpose of the policy should be a transition to a balance between exploitation and supplementation of water resources, and a lower level of 280 yuan/mu is recommended as a subsidy at this stage.  相似文献   

华北平原地下水动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The groundwater level of 39 observation wells including 35 unconfined wells and 4 confined wells from 2004 to 2006 in North China Plain (NCP) was monitored using automatic groundwater monitoring data loggers KADEC-MIZU II of Japan. The automatic groundwater sensors were installed for the corporation project between China and Japan. Combined with the monitoring results from 2004 to 2006 with the major factors affecting the dynamic patterns of groundwater, such as topography and landform, depth of groundwater level, exploitation or discharge extent, rivers and lakes, the dynamic regions of NCP groundwater were gotten. According to the dynamic features of groundwater in NCP, six dynamic patterns of groundwater level were identified, including discharge pattern in the piedmont plain, lateral recharge-runoff-discharge pattern in the piedmont plain, recharge-discharge pattern in the central channel zone, precipitation infiltration-evaporation pattern in the shallow groundwater region of the central plain, lateral recharge-evaporation pattern in the recharge-affected area along the Yellow River and infiltration-discharge-evaporation pattern in the littoral plain. Based on this, the groundwater fluctuation features of various dynamic patterns were interpreted and the influencing factors of different dynamic patterns were compared. Foundation: National Natural Sciences Foundation of China, No.40671034; No.40830636 Author: Wang Shiqin (1981–), Ph.D., specialized in hydrology and water resources, water cycle of watershed.  相似文献   

The groundwater level of 39 observation wells including 35 unconfined wells and 4 confined wells from 2004 to 2006 in North China Plain (NCP) was monitored using automatic groundwater monitoring data loggers KADEC-MIZU II of Japan. The automatic groundwater sensors were installed for the corporation project between China and Japan. Combined with the monitoring results from 2004 to 2006 with the major factors affecting the dynamic patterns of groundwater, such as topography and landform, depth of groundwater level, exploitation or discharge extent, rivers and lakes, the dynamic regions of NCP groundwater were gotten. According to the dynamic features of groundwater in NCP, six dynamic patterns of groundwater level were identified, including discharge pattern in the piedmont plain, lateral recharge– runoff–discharge pattern in the piedmont plain, recharge–discharge pattern in the central channel zone, precipitation infiltration–evaporation pattern in the shallow groundwater region of the central plain, lateral recharge–evaporation pattern in the recharge-affected area along the Yellow River and infiltration–discharge–evaporation pattern in the littoral plain. Based on this, the groundwater fluctuation features of various dynamic patterns were interpreted and the influencing factors of different dynamic patterns were compared.  相似文献   

Wu  Xifang  Qi  Yongqing  Shen  Yanjun  Yang  Wei  Zhang  Yucui  Kondoh  Akihiko 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(6):891-908
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The North China Plain is one of the most water-stressed areas in China. Irrigation of winter wheat mainly utilizes groundwater resources, which has resulted in...  相似文献   

华北平原浅层地下水水位动态变化   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
利用中日合作项目在华北平原设置的自动监测设备KADEC-MIZU Ⅱ型地下水水位自计仪,对2004-2006年39处浅层地下水水位监测的结果,结合区域影响地下水宏观动态类型的主要因素,如地形地貌、地下水埋深、地下水开采程度、地下水漏斗以及河流湖泊等,叠加各影响因素分区图得到地下水动态影响因素综合分区图,结合观测孔地下水水位体现的动态特征,将华北平原地下水观测点分为山前开采型、山前侧向补给-径流-开采型、中部河道带补给-开采型、中部地下水浅埋区降水入渗-蒸发型动态、黄河影响带侧向补给-蒸发型动态和滨海平原区入渗-蒸发型6大地下水动态类型。在此基础上阐明了大区域范围内不同类型地下水水位年内及多年动态变化的特点,比较了不同类型区地下水动态所受影响因素的不同。  相似文献   

从MODFLOW源程序的角度出发,根据地下水模型计算需要的输入输出数据格式和我国GIS类数据以MAPGIS为主的特点,建立了二者之间的集成关系,并将其应用于华北平原地下水资源评价中。根据华北平原特定的水文地质条件,建立了适合本区的三维非稳定流地下水模型,结合2003年12月的实际流场以及随时间变化的动态观测资料对模型的渗透系数、给水度和释水系数等参数进行了校正。同时进行了水均衡分析,结果表明华北平原地下水在2002年1月至2003年12月总补给量为493.74×108m3,总排泄量为565.30×108m3,均衡差为-71.56×108m3,为负均衡。集成了该地下水模型的信息系统,可以通过更新源汇项数据库资料而对地下水资源进行实时评价,为华北平原水资源可持续利用和管理提供依据。  相似文献   

Quantitative assessment of vulnerability is a core aspect of wetland vulnerability research. Taking Baiyangdian (BYD) wetlands in the North China Plain as a study area and using the ‘cause-result’ model, 23 representative indicators from natural, social, sci-tech and economic elements were selected to construct an indicator system. A weight matrix was obtained by using the entropy weight method to calculate the weight value for each indicator. Based on the membership function in the fuzzy evaluation model, the membership degrees were determined to form a fuzzy relation matrix. Finally, the ecological vulnerability was quantitatively assessed based on the comprehensive evaluation index calculated by using a composite operator to combine the entropy weight matrix with the fuzzy relation matrix. The results showed that the ecological vulnerability levels of the BYD wetlands were comprehensively evaluated as Grade II, Grade Ⅲ, Grade IV, and Grade Ⅲ in 2010, 2011-2013, 2014, and 2015-2017, respectively. The ecological vulnerability of the BYD wetlands increased from low fragility in 2010 to general fragility in 2011-2013, and to high fragility in 2014, reflecting the fact that the wetland ecological condition was degenerating from 2010 to 2014. The ecological vulnerability status then turned back into general fragility during 2015-2017, indicating that the ecological situation of the BYD wetlands was starting to improve. However, the ecological status of the BYD wetlands on the whole is relatively less optimistic. The major factors affecting the ecological vulnerability of the BYD wetlands were found to be industrial smoke and dust emission, wetland water area, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, rate of industrial solid wastes disposed, GDP per capita, etc. This illustrates that it is a systematic project to regulate wetland vulnerability and to protect regional ecological security, which may offer researchers and policy-makers specific clues for concrete interventions.  相似文献   

Min  Leilei  Qi  Yongqing  Shen  Yanjun  Wang  Ping  Wang  Shiqin  Liu  Meiying 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(6):877-890
Journal of Geographical Sciences - From a critical zone perspective, the present paper aims to present the magnitude of groundwater recharge under different agricultural land-use types, reveal the...  相似文献   

华北平原降水的长期趋势分析(英文)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The North China Plain (NCP) is the most important food grain producing area in China and has suffered from serious water shortages. To capture variation water availability, it is necessary to have an analysis of changing trends in precipitation. This study, based on daily precipitation data from 47 representative stations in NCP records passed the homogeneity test, analyzed the trend and amplitude of variation in monthly, seasonal and annual precipitation, annual maximum continuous no-rain days, annual rain days, rainfall intensity, and rainfall extremes from 1960 to 2007, using the MannKendall (M-K) test and Sen’s slope estimator. It was found that monthly precipitation in winter had a significant increasing trend in most parts, while monthly precipitation in July to September showed a decreasing trend in some parts of NCP. No significant changing trend was found for the annual, dry and wet season precipitation and rainfall extremes in the majority of NCP.A significant decreasing trend was detected for the maximum no-rain duration and annual rain days in the major part of NCP. It was concluded that the changing trend of precipitation in NCP had an apparent seasonal and regional pattern, i.e., precipitation showed an obvious increasing trend in winter, but a decreasing trend in the rainy season (July to September), and the changing trend was more apparent in the northern part than in the southern and middle parts. This implies that with global warming, seasonal variation of precipitation in NCP tends to decline with an increasing of precipitation in winter season, and a decreasing in rainy season, particularly in the sub-humid northern part.  相似文献   

Zhang  Yucui  Qi  Yongqing  Shen  Yanjun  Wang  Hongying  Pan  Xuepeng 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(6):909-921
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Based on the MODIS NDVI data and Landsat TM/ETM data of 2002 and 2012, this paper extracts the planting area of winter wheat—summer maize, single spring...  相似文献   

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