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史前人类向青藏高原东北缘的三次扩张与环境演变   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
晚更新世以来,史前人类有3次向青藏高原东北缘扩张的历程,均与环境演变有密切的关系,第一次进军高原发生在40-30ka BP暖湿的气候背景下,其后由于LGM严酷的自然环境,人们在高原的活动极大萎缩,出现文化断层;末次冰消期迅速好转的自然环境驱动了向高原的第二次进军,其后持续暖湿的自然环境,保证了人们能在高原生存与扩散;6~4ka BP东部毗邻地区的马家窑居民,在全新世暖期的气候背景下再次进入东北缘,促使原先生活在高原的居民告别了旧石器时代,进入新石器时代,社会性质发生巨大提升。  相似文献   

结合环境演变资料与考古发现,全新世大暖期暖湿的气候条件,促进了青藏高原东北缘古文化的发展。表现在:随着全新世大暖期暖湿环境的到来,人类活动强度大大增强;细石器文化活动模式发生显著改变,由晚更新世末期-全新世早期的短暂宿营式居住模式演变为相对固定的聚落模式;暖期中较好的水热条件,刺激了仰韶、马家窑文化在本区东部河谷地区的扩张,在暖期的6~4 ka BP形成了东部河谷地带马家窑文化,西部高原细石器文化并存的区系格局,两种文化体系在共存中交流,在交流中高原细石器文化掌握了农业种植、使用了陶器,全面推动了高原土著文化进入新石器。  相似文献   

系统梳理了近年来的考古发现与研究成果,总结出人类向青藏高原扩散直至定居的5个阶段性发展过程:古老型智人自中更新世晚期就开始了对高原的适应;现代智人于40~30 ka前已经开启了对高原腹地的探索;末次冰消期以来的气候转暖时段,细石器人群向高原大范围扩散,并在全新世早中期的活动更为频繁;粟作农业人群至少在5.2 ka前进入高原东部低海拔的河谷地带,在4.8 ka以后开始定居在高原东部3 000 m以上海拔的区域;3.5 ka以来麦作的传入和牧业经济的发展助力人群大规模定居高海拔区域。人类在向高原扩散和定居的过程中经历了漫长的生理与文化适应,但受限于当前考古发现与研究材料,史前狩猎采集、农业和牧业等人群在高原的时空分布、对高海拔环境的生理与行为适应﹑与低海拔人群和以藏族为主的现代高原人群之间的联系,以及高寒地区河谷农业和山地高原面游牧双重经济活动对高寒文明形成的支撑作用和高寒文明的普适性等问题仍需要深入研究,期待未来多学科交叉融合共同推动对这些问题的理解。  相似文献   

魏海成 《盐湖研究》2020,28(4):10-21
青藏高原因其高寒、缺氧的自然地理环境,被称为地球“第三极”,史前人类在青藏高原高海拔地区(海拔>3 000 m)生存适应过程及其驱动机制是当前学术界关注的热点科学问题。青藏高原东北部地区是史前人类迁移、扩散到高原腹地的重要通道,而青海湖盆地处于该通道的关键区域,是研究史前人类在高原生存适应过程的理想区域。畜牧业是维持青藏高原高海拔地区人类永久定居的最重要生产资料,对人类早期适应高原极端的自然环境具有十分重要的意义。然而,由于缺乏可靠的代用指标,对青藏高原畜牧业的起源和发展历史认识不足。粪生真菌孢子产量大、易保存,对畜牧活动具有直接指示作用,为研究高原畜牧活动历史提供了重要手段。该研究系统采集了青海湖盆地现代放牧家畜粪便和表土样品开展真菌孢子组合特征分析,评估确定对畜牧活动指示敏感的粪生真菌孢子种属类型。并对青海湖江西沟2号遗址(JXG2)地层剖面开展了真菌孢子记录研究。通过JXG2遗址剖面粪生真菌总浓度与炭屑浓度(>50 μm)、石器、动物骨骼和陶片数量等遗址遗存综合对比分析,提出青海湖盆地早期的畜牧活动出现于~6.0~5.5 ka,并在全新世后期逐渐加强,在齐家文化—卡约文化期,农牧经济逐渐取代狩猎—采集经济成为区域主导生业模式。该结论得到青藏高原东北部花粉记录、考古遗址和历史文献资料的支持。  相似文献   

青藏高原是全球高寒自然环境最为显著的地区,同时它又是人类最早进入高原的重要通道,也是高原史前人类活动较频繁的区域。本文分析了青藏高原史前人类活动的特点,即高原早期人类活动具有对极端环境适应的特殊性、其文化遗存保留的特殊性和高原人类活动与环境演变关系密切;将青藏高原史前人类活动分为两个阶段,第一阶段为旧石器与细石器阶段人类向青藏高原的扩张,其历程明显分为由高原东北缘向高原腹地进行的,由低海拔向高海拔,由东向西,由高原边缘向腹心的三级跳扩张过程。第二阶段为新石器-青铜时代人类在高原的活动,表现为农业活动在高原东部河谷地带的扩张,人类在高原定居聚落的诞生,调整种植结构、畜牧业的主导地位的确定等。  相似文献   

基于光释光测年的共和盆地风沙活动历史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
位于青藏高原东北缘的共和盆地处于亚洲冬、夏季风和西风环流作用交替控制的干旱—半干旱区,盆地中分布着大面积的沙漠,是重建过去气候的重要载体。就前人对共和盆地25个风成剖面的102个光释光(OSL)年代结果进行分析,总结出晚更新世以来共和盆地的风沙活动在各个时期都有发生,黄土堆积主要是更新世末期到早全新世,古土壤主要是晚全新世发育的,但其测年工作缺乏高密度光释光测年检验。通过对共和盆地西南部的羊曲剖面进行系统的高密度光释光年代学研究发现,羊曲剖面主要是末次冰消期沉积的,9.6~7.1 ka风沙活动迅速减弱,7.1~2 ka存在明显的沉积间断,说明基于单个剖面进行环境演变重建需谨慎。结合盆地内已发表OSL年代结果,末次冰消期以来,风沙活动在共和盆地一直存在,其最强烈时期是14~10 ka左右,黄土主要是末次冰消期14~10 ka沉积的,古土壤发育主要集中在3~2 ka和6~4 ka,此外在9~8 ka也有发育。  相似文献   

青藏高原是全球高寒自然环境最为典型的地区,同时它又是人类最早进入高原的重要通道,也是高原史前人类活动较频繁的区域。分析了青藏高原史前人类活动的特点,即高原早期人类活动具有对极端环境适应的特殊性、其文化遗存保留的特殊性和高原人类活动与环境演变关系的密切性,将青藏高原史前人类活动分为两个阶段,第一阶段为旧石器与细石器阶段人类向青藏高原的扩张,其历程明显分为由高原东北缘向高原腹地深入,表现为由低海拔向高海拔、由东向西和由高原边缘向腹心的三级跳扩张过程;第二阶段为新石器—青铜时代人类在高原的活动,表现为农业活动在高原东部河谷地带的扩张,人类在高原定居聚落的诞生,调整种植结构、畜牧业的主导地位的确定等。  相似文献   

神农架大九湖四万年以来的植被与气候变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对大九湖6 m长连续沉积岩芯剖面(DJH-1 孔) 7 个样品的AMS14C年龄测定和151 块孢粉样品的鉴定分析, 揭示了神农架区域4 万以年来植被和气候演变。末次冰期阶段大九湖附近发育森林草地或草地-草甸植被。MIS 3 晚期, ~42-39 cal ka BP之间, 气候相对干冷, 发育森林草地;~39-31 cal ka BP 之间, 气候较为湿润, 草甸扩张并伴随低海拔阔叶树种的发育。MIS 2 阶段, 草甸组分中蒿属显著增加, 高海拔可能分布有荒漠草地, 气候极端干冷;该时期植被带垂直下降达到1000 余m, 按垂直温度递减率推算, 冰盛期阶段该区域温度下降约7℃左右。从冰消期开始, 森林植被开始扩张, 北温带、暖温带和亚热带乔木组分依次增加。约在9.4-4 cal ka BP之间, 演变为亚热带常绿阔叶落叶林, 属全新世适宜期;从约4 cal ka BP以来, 北温带阔叶和针叶树开始增加, 气候趋于凉干。通过对比区域高分辨率的洞穴石笋及高纬冰芯氧同位素记录, 表明神农架区域植被环境变化对气候变化敏感, 并记录了H1, YD气候突变事件;进一步体现出该区域气候环境演变主要与北半球太阳辐射控制的东亚夏季风强度变化有关, 且与北半球高纬气候变化一致。  相似文献   

古湖岸堤是湖泊湖面变化的地貌学证据,通过古湖岸堤沉积年代学研究可重建地质时期湖泊演化历史。青藏高原内陆湖泊众多,保存了大量的第四纪时期古湖岸堤,是研究过去湖泊演化和气候变化信息的重要载体。对青藏高原班戈错盐湖北岸和东岸的低位连续古湖岸堤开展了地貌调查和光释光年代学研究。结果表明班戈错自末次冰消期(13. 5±1. 2 ka BP)以来,湖面整体呈波动下降过程,期间出现了4期湖面稳定阶段,分别在末次冰消期(13. 5±1. 2~11. 2±1. 0 ka BP)、全新世早中期(10. 1±0. 8~6. 5±0. 5 ka BP)、全新世后期(4. 2±0. 4~3. 1±0. 2 ka BP)以及全新世晚期(1. 7±0. 1~1. 2±0. 1 ka BP)。全新世晚期约1. 7 ka BP以后湖面迅速退缩,湖泊蒸发浓缩进入盐湖阶段。在末次冰消期班戈错高湖面形成主要与北半球太阳辐射强度增加引起气温升高,导致区域冰雪融水量增加相关,而在全新世湖面变化主要受印度季风强度变化控制。  相似文献   

位于青藏高原东北缘的共和盆地处于亚洲冬、夏季风和西风环流作用交替控制的干旱-半干旱区,盆地中分布着大面积的沙漠,是重建过去气候的重要载体。前人对共和盆地25个风成剖面的102个OSL年代结果进行分析,得出晚更新世以来共和盆地的风沙活动在各个时期都有发生,黄土堆积主要是更新世末期到早全新世,古土壤主要是晚全新世发育的, 但其测年工作缺乏高密度光释光测年检验。通过对共和盆地西南部的羊曲剖面进行系统的高密度光释光年代学研究发现,羊曲剖面主要是末次冰消期沉积的,9.6-7.1 ka风沙活动迅速减弱,7.1-2 ka存在明显的沉积间断,说明基于单个剖面进行环境演变重建需谨慎。结合盆地内已发表OSL年代结果,末次冰消期以来,风沙活动在共和盆地一直存在,其最强烈时期是14-10 ka左右,黄土主要是末次冰消期14-10 ka沉积的,古土壤发育主要集中在3-2 ka和6-4 ka,此外在9-8 ka也有发育。  相似文献   

Pollen and plant macrofossils were analysed at Sägistalsee (1935 m asl), a small lake near timber-line in the Swiss Northern Alps. Open forests with Pinus cembra and Abies alba covered the catchment during the early Holocene (9000–6300 cal. BP), suggesting subcontinental climate conditions. After the expansion of Picea abies between 6300 and 6000 cal. BP the subalpine forest became denser and the tree-line reached its maximum elevation at around 2260 m asl. Charcoal fragments in the macrofossil record indicate the beginning of Late-Neolithic human impact at ca. 4400 cal. BP, followed by a extensive deforestation and lowering of the forest-limit in the catchment of Sägistalsee at 3700 cal. BP (Bronze Age). Continuous human activity, combined with a more oceanic climate during the later Holocene, led to the local extinction of Pinus cembra and Abies alba and favoured the mass expansion of Picea and Alnus viridis in the subalpine area of the Northern Alps. The periods before 6300 and after 3700 cal. BP are characterised by high erosion activity in the lake's catchment, whereas during the phase of dense Picea-Pinus cembra-Abies forests (6300–3700 cal. BP) soils were stable and sediment-accumulation rates in the lake were low. Due to decreasing land-use at higher altitudes during the Roman occupation and the Migration period, forests spread beween ca. 2000 and 1500 cal. BP, before human impact increased again in the early Middle Ages. Recent reforestation due to land-use changes in the 20th century is recorded in the top sediments. Pollen-inferred July temperature and annual precipitation suggest a trend to cooler and more oceanic climate starting at about 5500 cal. BP.  相似文献   

共和盆地末次冰消期以来的植被和环境演变   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
程波  陈发虎  张家武 《地理学报》2010,65(11):1336-1344
在青藏高原共和盆地中的内陆湖泊--达连海获取40.92 m长的湖泊岩芯(DLH钻孔),选用植物残体作为测年材料,利用AMS14C测年技术建立可靠的地层年代序列,对岩芯进行孢粉分析,重建该地末次冰消期以来的古植被和古环境。末次冰消期以来达连海周围山地在14.8~12.9Cal ka BP和9.4~3.9 Cal ka BP时段曾发育森林,气候较湿润,达连海附近盆地发育的荒漠草原盖度增加或演化为草原;在15.8~14.8 Cal ka BP、12.9~9.4 Cal ka BP 和3.9~1.4 Cal ka BP 时段该地气候比较干旱,依据干旱的程度周围山地森林退化或消失,盆地内发育盖度较低的荒漠草原或草原化荒漠。1.4 Cal ka BP以来湿度有所增加,发育草原植被类型。依据植被的演替历史推断该地气候的变化历程是15.8~14.8 Cal ka BP 干旱,14.8~12.9 Cal ka BP 湿润,12.9~9.4 Cal ka BP干旱,9.4~3.9 Cal ka BP湿润,3.9~1.4 Cal ka BP干旱,1.4~0 Cal ka BP湿润。达连海的孢粉记录与附近青海湖的孢粉结果对比,发现两地植被发育基本一致。末次冰消期Bølling-Allerød 时期,山地森林发育;新仙女木事件发生时森林萎缩;全新世中期两地针叶林发育达到鼎盛,之后逐渐减少至消失。早全新世达连海森林扩张的时间滞后于青海湖,主要与两地森林树种的不同和植被演替的时间差异有关。该区森林发育的全盛时期在中全新世,这与石笋记录到的亚洲季风强盛时期在早全新世不相一致,可能与植被复杂的响应机制有关。  相似文献   

The coastal evolution of the El Abalario area (Huelva, southern Spain) during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene is reinterpreted after a refinement of the available geochronology by means of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. New data come from the analysis of soft sediment deformation, palaeosols, geomorphological mapping, and published seismic surveys on the onshore and offshore Gulf of Cadiz.The present structure of El Abalario dome resulted from the complex interaction of littoral-catchment processes and sea-level changes upon an emergent coastal plain, conditioned by the upwarping of the underlying Pliocene–Pleistocene prograding deltaic sequence. Upwarping is probably related to escape of over-pressurized fluids, accompanied by dewatering, prior to (?) and during OIS (Oxygen Isotopic Stage) 5. Continued upwarping produced the large NW–SE gravitational fault of Torre del Loro (TLF) in the southwestern flank of the dome, roughly parallel to the present coastline during OIS 5–OIS 4. The resulting escarpment favoured the accumulation of aeolian sand dunes (units U1, U2, and U3) from OIS 5 to early OIS 1. Unit U1 (OIS 5) ends upwards in a supersurface with a thick weathering profile that suggests moist and temperate climatic conditions. Unit U2 accumulated mainly during OIS 4 and OIS 3 with prevailing W/E winds. The supersurface between U2 and U3 records a part of OIS 2, with relative low sea level. Sedimentation of unit U3 took place during the Last Deglaciation (radiocarbon and OSL ages) with prevailing W/SW winds, under a temperate moist climate, that became more arid towards the top (Holocene). A major supersurface with an iron crust-like layer (SsFe) developed during the Holocene Climatic Optimum (OIS 1) under wetter and more temperate conditions than before, fossilizing the TLF. The supersurface is covered by younger aeolian dunes (U4, U5, U6, and U7) transported by W–SW winds since the Late Neolithic–Chalcolithic cultural period (5.0 ky cal BP).  相似文献   

[Correction added after online publication 3 August 2010 ‐ ‘prelate’ has been changed to ‘pre‐late’ throughout the text]. Using apatite fission track and (U‐Th‐Sm)/He thermochronology, we report the low‐temperature thermal history of the Mesozoic Micang Shan Foreland Basin system, central China. This system, comprising the Hannan Dome hinterland, the northern Sichuan Foreland Basin and the intermediate frontal thrust belt (FB), shares a common boundary with three major tectonic terrains – Mesozoic Qinling‐Dabie Orogen, Mesozoic Sichuan Foreland Basin and Cenozoic elevated Tibetan Plateau. Results show: (1) a relatively rapid pre‐late Cretaceous cooling episode in the Hannan Dome; (2) a mid‐Cenozoic cooling phase (ca. 50°C at ca. 30 ± 5 Ma) within the northern Sichuan Basin; and (3) possible late Cenozoic cooling (ca. 25°C at ca. 16 ± 4 Ma) within the Hannan Dome‐FB, a phase which has also been reported previously from adjacent regions. The pre‐late Cretaceous cooling episode in the Hannan Dome is attributed to coeval tectonism in nearby regions. Mid‐Cenozoic cooling in the northern Sichuan Basin can possibly be attributed to either one of or a combination of shortening of the basin, onset of the Asian monsoon and drainage adjustment of the Yangtze River system, all of which are related to growth of the Tibetan Plateau. Possible late Cenozoic cooling in the hinterland and nearby regions is also probably related to the northeastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau. However, previous studies suggest a northeastward propagation for onset of cooling from the eastern Tibetan Plateau to western Qinling in response to northeastward lower crust flow from the central Tibetan Plateau. The timing of apparent late Cenozoic cooling in the Hannan Dome hinterland, at an intermediate locality, is not consistent with this trend, and supports a previous model suggesting northeastern growth of the Tibetan Plateau through reactivation of WE trending strike‐slip faults.  相似文献   

The closed Tangra Yumco Basin underwent the strongest Quaternary lake-level changes so far recorded on the Tibetan Plateau. It was hitherto unknown what effect this had on local Holocene vegetation development. A 3.6-m sediment core from a recessional lake terrace at 4,700 m a.s.l., 160 m above the present lake level of Tangra Yumco, was studied to reconstruct Holocene flooding phases (sedimentology and ostracod analyses), vegetation dynamics and human influence (palynology, charcoal and coprophilous fungi analyses). Peat at the base of the profile proves lake level was below 4,700 m a.s.l. during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. A deep-lake phase started after 11 cal ka BP, but the ostracod record indicates the level was not higher than ~4,720 m a.s.l. (180 m above present) and decreased gradually after the early Holocene maximum. Additional sediment ages from the basin suggest recession of Tangra Yumco from the coring site after 2.6 cal ka BP, with a shallow local lake persisting at the site until ~1 cal ka BP. The final peat formation indicates drier conditions thereafter. Persistence of Artemisia steppe during the Holocene lake high-stand resembles palynological records from west Tibet that indicate early Holocene aridity, in spite of high lake levels that may have resulted from meltwater input. Yet pollen assemblages indicate humidity closer to that of present potential forest areas near Lhasa, with 500–600 mm annual precipitation. Thus, the early mid-Holocene humidity was sufficient to sustain at least juniper forest, but Artemisia dominance persisted as a consequence of a combination of environmental disturbances such as (1) strong early Holocene climate fluctuations, (2) inundation of habitats suitable for forest, (3) extensive water surfaces that served as barriers to terrestrial diaspore transport from refuge areas, (4) strong erosion that denuded the non-flooded upper slopes and (5) increasing human influence since the late glacial.  相似文献   

兹格塘错是位于藏北高原腹地的一个封闭型湖泊,流域内没有现代冰川和永久积雪存在,其湖泊的水量平衡主要是大气降水和蒸发之间的平衡,因此其湖泊的变化过程可直接反映区域的气候变化。为了探讨该区域全新世的气候与环境变化过程,在其湖泊中心水深30m处钻取了一支深727cm的沉积岩芯,对沉积岩芯进行了元素地球化学分析,利用主成分分析得出影响沉积物化学组成的三个主要因子,主要受控于流域侵蚀因子和径流因子,区域背景作用因子所占比重很小。结合Mg/Ca的变化,其结果反映了全新世期间湖泊水体退缩与扩张,水质的浓缩与淡化的过程,揭示了兹格塘错流域气候的干湿变化,呈现暖干/冷湿气候组合模式;元素地球化学所反映出的湖面波动与环境变化得到了其他资料较好的支持,同时又显示了区域的差异性。  相似文献   

青藏高原扎布耶盐湖晚全新世气候环境演化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
青藏高原晚全新世气候变化具有不稳定性.在高原中部扎布耶盐湖边缘取得158.5cm沉积物,通过年代、孢粉、介形虫、粘土矿物、地球化学等多种环境指标,给出了湖区3.8cal. ka BP以来的气候环境演化.孢粉中草本花粉占绝对优势,其中又以蒿属为主,植被类型为水分条件稍好些的半荒漠化草原.粘土矿物主要是伊利石和绿泥石,伊/蒙混层矿物少量,说明湖区风化作用主要是物理风化.(Ca Mg)/CO2-3摩尔比值为0.22~0.96,小于1,CO2-3与Na 结合形成大量钠碳酸盐矿物如单斜钠钙石、氯碳钠镁石、水碱等.硼砂的出现说明湖区沉积环境稳定,但3.8~1.99 cal. ka BP硼等元素和碳酸盐含量变化幅度较大,湖区气候寒冷干燥,但冷暖干湿波动频繁.3.4~3.34 cal. ka BP介形虫壳大多破碎,说明此阶段水动力条件强,水体不稳定.1.99 cal. ka BP至今,气候相对温暖潮湿,波动较少.太阳辐射和西南季风强度的变化是造成气候变化的主要原因,冰川冻土对寒冷气候的放大作用也是湖区气候变化的一个重要原因.  相似文献   

The temporal-spatial distribution features of prehistoric cultures since the Holocene in Zhejiang region were comparatively analyzed based on GIS spatial analysis. Results show that the prehistoric cultures expanded gradually in this region before 4000 cal. a BP. The notable expansions occurred twice, one in the Majiabang-Hemudu cultural period, the other in the Liangzhu cultural period. Meanwhile, the prehistoric cultures were disseminated from west to east coast along river valleys. After 4000 cal. a BP, as represented by the Maqiao Culture, the distributed area of each prehistoric culture contracted. This is obviously due to the termination of spreading trends to east coast, which was simultaneously accompanied by two different modes of production and economic transitions in the north and south Zhejiang region respectively. The distribution of prehistoric cultures was closely related with Holocene sea-level fluctuations, especially on the banks of Hangzhou Bay, where the distribution changes of prehistoric cultural sites were greatly affected by sea-level changes, with the closest relationships between them. After 7000 cal. a BP, the process of lowered sea-level and regression-epeirogenesis provided wider terrestrial living spaces for prehistoric inhabitants. Based on the comparative analyses of the changes of prehistoric cultures and the environmental evolution information recorded in the Qianmutian subalpine peat of Mt. Tianmu and muddy area on the inner shelf of the East China Sea, it is indicated that the changes of prehistoric cultures were synchronized with environmental changes in Zhejiang region. Before 4000 cal. a BP, the eastward expansion of prehistoric cultures in Zhejiang occurred under the background of the Holocene Optimum, and was the expansion and extension under the joint influences of agricultural civilization and maritime civilization. However, after 4000 cal. a BP, the geographical contraction of prehistoric cultures in Zhejiang occurred under the back ground of dry-cold climate trend and deterioration of coastal marine environment. It is evidenced from the above fact that the development, expansion and contraction of prehistoric cultures are positively correlated to environmental change. The change of the climatic environment is just the underlying reason for these changes and transitions of production modes and economic forms. Therefore, the climatic environment is the dominant factor of prehistoric culture vicissitudes in Zhejiang region, which has exerted great influence on distribution, dissemination, expansion and transmutation of the culture.  相似文献   

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