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Geomorphological processes are an integral part of ecosystem functioning and ecosystem functioning affects geomorphological processes. Increasingly widespread acknowledgement of this simple idea is manifest in a vigorous research community engaged with questions that address the two‐way interaction between biota and geomorphology, at a range of scales and in a variety of terrestrial and aquatic environments. Geomorphological disturbances are a core element of biogeomorphological interest, and although the disciplines of geomorphology and ecology have each developed languages and theories that help to explore, model and understand disturbance events, little attempt has been made to draw together these approaches. Following a brief review of these issues, we introduce thirteen papers that investigate the interactions and feedbacks between geomorphological disturbance regimes and ecosystem functions. These papers reveal the singularity of wildfire impacts, the importance of landsliding for carbon budgeting and of vegetation accumulation for landsliding, the zoogeomorphic role of iconic and ‘Cinderella’ animals in fluvial geomorphology, biophysical interactions in aeolian, fluvial and torrential environments and the utility of living ecosystems as archives of geomorphic events. Most of these papers were first presented in a conference session at the European Geoscience Union General Assembly in 2010 and several others are from recent volumes of Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There appears to be no single axis of causality between life and its landscape, but rather, each exerts a simultaneous influence on the other over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. These influences occur through feedbacks of differing strength and importance with co‐evolution representing the tightest coupling between biological and geomorphological systems. The ongoing failure to incorporate these dynamic bio‐physical interactions with human activity in landscape studies limits our ability to predict the response of landscapes to human disturbance and climate change. This limitation is a direct result of the poor communication between the ecological and geomorphological communities and consequent paucity of interdisciplinary research. Recognition of this failure led to the organization of the Meeting of Young Researchers in Earth Science (MYRES) III, titled ‘Dynamic Interactions of Life and its Landscape’. This paper synthesizes and expands upon key issues and findings from that meeting, to help chart a course for future collaboration among Earth surface scientists and ecologists: it represents the consensus view of a competitively selected group of 77 early‐career researchers. Two broad themes that serve to focus and motivate future research are identified: (1) co‐evolution of landforms and biological communities; and (2) humans as modifiers of the landscape (through direct and indirect actions). Also outlined are the state of the art in analytical, experimental and modelling techniques in ecological and geomorphological research, and novel new research avenues that combine these techniques are suggested. It is hoped that this paper will serve as an interdisciplinary reference for geomorphologists and ecologists looking to learn more about the other field. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important component of the global carbon cycle yet is rarely quantified adequately in terms of its spatial variability resulting from losses of SOC due to erosion by water. Furthermore, in drylands, little is known about the effect of widespread vegetation change on changes in SOC stores and the potential for water erosion to redistribute SOC around the landscape especially during high‐magnitude run‐off events (flash floods). This study assesses the change in SOC stores across a shrub‐encroachment gradient in the Chihuahuan Desert of the south‐west USA. A robust estimate of SOC storage in surface soils is presented, indicating that more SOC is stored beneath vegetation than in bare soil areas. In addition, the change in SOC storage over a shrub‐encroachment gradient is shown to be nonlinear and highly variable within each vegetation type. Over the gradient of vegetation change, the heterogeneity of SOC increases, and newer carbon from C3 plants becomes dominant. This increase in the heterogeneity of SOC is related to an increase in water erosion and SOC loss from inter‐shrub areas, which is self‐reinforcing. Shrub‐dominated drylands lose more than three times as much SOC as their grass counterparts. The implications of this study are twofold: (1) quantifying the effects of vegetation change on carbon loss via water erosion and the highly variable effects of land degradation on soil carbon stocks is critical. (2) If landscape‐scale understanding of carbon loss by water erosion in drylands is required, studies must characterize the heterogeneity of ecosystem structure and its effects on ecosystem function across ecotones subject to vegetation change. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modifications are made to the revised Morgan–Morgan–Finney erosion prediction model to enable the effects of vegetation cover to be expressed through measurable plant parameters. Given the potential role of vegetation in controlling water pollution by trapping clay particles in the landscape, changes are also made to the way the model deals with sediment deposition and to allow the model to incorporate particle‐size selectivity in the processes of erosion, transport and deposition. Vegetation effects are described in relation to percentage canopy cover, percentage ground cover, plant height, effective hydrological depth, density of plant stems and stem diameter. Deposition is modelled through a particle fall number, which takes account of particle settling velocity, flow velocity, flow depth and slope length. The detachment, transport and deposition of soil particles are simulated separately for clay, silt and sand. Average linear sensitivity analysis shows that the revised model behaves rationally. For bare soil conditions soil loss predictions are most sensitive to changes in rainfall and soil parameters, but with a vegetation cover plant parameters become more important than soil parameters. Tests with the model using field measurements under a range of slope, soil and crop covers from Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire, UK, give good predictions of mean annual soil loss. Regression analysis of predicted against observed values yields an intercept value close to zero and a line slope close to 1·0, with a coefficient of efficiency of 0·81 over a range of values from zero to 38·6 t ha?1. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While it is well recognized that vegetation can affect erosion, sediment yield and, over longer timescales, landform evolution, the nature of this interaction and how it should be modeled is not obvious and may depend on the study site. In order to develop quantitative insight into the magnitude and nature of the influence of vegetation on catchment erosion, we build a landscape evolution model to simulate erosion in badlands, then calibrate and evaluate it against sediment yield data for two catchments with contrasting vegetation cover. The model couples hillslope gravitational transport and stream alluvium transport. Results indicate that hillslope transport processes depend strongly on the vegetation cover, whereas stream transport processes do not seem to be affected by the presence of vegetation. The model performance in prediction is found to be higher for the denuded catchment than for the reforested one. Moreover, we find that vegetation acts on erosion mostly by reducing soil erodibility rather than by reducing surface runoff. Finally, the methodology we propose can be a useful tool to evaluate the efficiency of previous revegetation operations and to provide guidance for future restoration work. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The management of reclaimed slopes derived from industrial and civil activities (e.g. surface mining and road construction) requires the development of practical stability analysis approaches that integrate the processes and mechanisms that rule the dynamics of these ubiquitous emerging ecosystems. This work describes a new modelling approach focused on stability analysis of water‐limited reclaimed slopes, where interactive relationships between rill erosion and vegetation regulate ecosystem stability. Our framework reproduces two main groups of possible trends along the temporal evolution of reclaimed slopes: successful trends, characterized by widespread vegetation development and the effective control of rill erosion processes; and gullying trends, characterized by the progressive loss of vegetation and a sharp logistic increase in erosion rates. Furthermore, this analytical approach allows the determination of threshold values for the state variables (i.e. vegetation cover and rill erosion) that drive the system's stability, facilitating the identification of critical situations that require specific human intervention (e.g. revegetation or, in very problematic cases, revegetation combined with rill network destruction) to ensure the long‐term sustainability of the restored ecosystem. The application of our threshold analysis framework in Mediterranean‐dry reclaimed slopes derived from surface coal mining (the Teruel coalfield in central‐eastern Spain) showed a good field‐based performance. Therefore, we believe that this model is a valuable contribution for the management of water‐limited reclaimed systems, including those associated with rill erosion, as it provides a tool for the evaluation of restoration success and can play an important role in decision‐making during ecosystem restoration in severely disturbed landscapes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Predicted climate change and the associated sea level rise poses an increased threat of flooding due to wave overtopping events at sea and river dikes. To safeguard the land from flooding it is important to keep the soil erosion resistance at the dikes high. As plant roots can be very effective in reducing soil erosion rates by concentrated flow, the main goal of this study is to explore the variability in root system characteristics of five dike vegetation communities along the Scheldt River (Belgium) and to assess their effectiveness in controlling soil erosion rates during concentrated flow. This study is the first one to investigate systematically the erosion‐reducing potential of the root properties of representative dike vegetation communities in a temperate humid climate. Results show that the presence of Urtica dioica resulted in large differences in root length density (RLD) among dike vegetation communities. Observed RLD values in the topsoil ranged from 129 to 235 km m‐3 for dike vegetation communities without U. dioica, while smaller values ranging from 22 to 58 km m?3 were found for vegetation communities with U. dioica. The erosion‐reducing effect of the dike vegetation communities was estimated based on a global Hill curve model, linking the RLD to the soil detachment ratio (SDR; i.e. the ratio of the soil detachment rate for root‐permeated topsoils to the soil detachment rate for root‐free topsoils). Concentrated flow erosion rates are likely to be reduced to 13–16% of the erosion rates for root‐free topsoils if U. dioica is absent compared to 22–30% for vegetation communities with U. dioica. Hence, to maintain a high resistance of the soil against concentrated flow erosion it is important to avoid the overgrowth of grassland by U. dioica through an effective vegetation management. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We measured the effect of wet meadow vegetation on the bank strength and failure mechanics of a meandering montane meadow stream, the South Fork of the Kern River at Monache Meadow, in California's Sierra Nevada. Streambanks colonized by ‘wet’ graminoid meadow vegetation were on average five times stronger than those colonized by ‘dry’ xeric meadow and scrub vegetation. Our measurements show that strength is correlated with vegetation density indicators, including stem counts, standing biomass per unit area, and the ratio of root mass to soil mass. Rushes appear better than sedges at stabilizing coarse bar surfaces, while sedges are far more effective at stabilizing actively eroding cut banks. Wet meadow floodplain vegetation creates a composite cut bank configuration (a cohesive layer overlying cohesionless materials) that erodes via cantilever failure. Field measurements and a geotechnical model of cantilever stability show that by increasing bank strength, wet meadow vegetation increases the thickness, width, and cohesiveness of a bank cantilever, which, in turn, increases the amount of time required to undermine, detach, and remove bank failure blocks. At Monache Meadow, it takes approximately four years to produce and remove a 1 m wide wet meadow bank block. Wet meadow vegetation limits bank migration rates by increasing bank strength, altering bank failure modes, and reducing bank failure frequency. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The temporal evolution of vegetation activity on various land cover classes in the Spanish Pyrenees was analyzed. Two time series of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were used, corresponding to March (early spring) and August (the end of summer). The series were generated from Landsat TM and Landsat ETM+ images for the period 1984–2007. An increase in the NDVI in March was found for vegetated areas, and the opposite trend was found in both March and August for degraded areas (badlands and erosion risk areas). The rise in minimum temperature and the time variation of the cloud cover during the study period appears to be the most important factors explaining increased NDVI in the vegetated areas. In degraded areas, no climatic or topographic variable was associated with the negative NDVI trend, which may be related to erosion processes taking place in these regions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A. Cerd 《水文研究》1998,12(4):661-671
Soil erosion and runoff rates are assumed to be highly dependent on slope position. However, little knowledge exists about the hydrogeomorphological processes at the pedon scale that support this idea. In order to assess the hydrological and erosional behaviour of soils at different slope positions, simulated rainfall experiments (55 mm was applied during one hour) were carried out on a south-facing slope with underlying limestone in south-east Spain. In the mean terms, the erosion rates (9 g m2 hr−1) and the runoff coefficients (12%) were very low at the scale of measurement (0·25 m2). The slope position does not affect erosion rates when the measurements are carried out under extreme dry conditions during summer. The low runoff rates found in summer under thunderstorms of high intensity (5 year return period) and the runon into surfaces with higher infiltration rates resulted in no detectable direct surface runoff (Hortonian) at the slope scale. This implies that erosion as a consequence of surface overland flow will only take place during events of high magnitude (55 mm hr−1) and low frequency (>5 years). Vegetation is the most important factor determining the soil erosion and runoff rates within the slope. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil loss caused by wind erosion is a widespread phenomenon in the Sahelian zone of West Africa. According to Sahelian farmers, scattered vegetation standing in amongst the crop has the potential for a wind erosion control strategy. This study was conducted to study the effect of single vegetation elements on the pattern of average wind speed and sediment transport. This was done by two experiments that were carried out during the rainy seasons of 2002 and 2003 in north Burkina Faso, West Africa. Wind speeds were measured using three sonic anemometers, at a sampling frequency of 16 Hz. Sediment transport was determined by calculating the mass fluxes from 17 MWAC catchers. In this study, a shrub was defined as a vegetation element with branches until ground and a tree as a vegetation element with a distinctive trunk below a canopy. Behind shrubs wind speed near the soil surface was reduced up to approximately seven times the height of the shrub. The observed reduction in wind speed in the area where wind speed was reduced was 15 per cent on average. At the sides of the shrub, wind speed was increased, by on average 6 per cent. As the area of increase in wind speed is one‐third of the area of decrease in wind speed, the net effect of a shrub is a reduction in wind speed. A similar pattern was visible for the pattern of sediment transport around a shrub. Downwind of a shrub, sediment transport was diminished up to seven times the height of the shrub. Probably most of this material was trapped by the shrub. Trees showed a local increase of wind around the trunk, which is expected to relate to an increase in sediment transport around the trunk. Mass flux measurements of sediment transport were not made, but visual observations in the field substantiate this. Behind the canopy of a tree, a tree acts similarly to a shrub regarding its effects on average wind speed, but as a tree is generally a larger obstacle than a shrub the extent of this effect is larger than for shrubs. Thus, whereas shrubs are more effective than trees regarding their direct effect on soil loss by trapping sand particles near the soil surface, trees are more effective in affecting soil loss indirectly by reducing the wind speed downwind more effectively than shrubs. Therefore, to reduce soil loss in an area, the presence of both trees and shrubs is crucial. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One ‘2020 vision’ for fluvial geomorphology is that it sits alongside stream ecology and hydraulic engineering as a key element of an integrated, interdisciplinary river science. A challenge to this vision is that scientists from these three communities may approach problems from different perspectives with different questions and have different methodological outlooks. Refining interdisciplinary methodology is important in this context, but raises a number of issues for geomorphologists, ecologists and engineers alike. In particular, we believe that it is important that there is greater dialogue about the nature of mutually‐valued questions and the adoption of mutually‐acceptable methods. As a contribution to this dialogue we examine the benefits and challenges of using physical experimentation in flume laboratories to ask interdisciplinary questions. Working in this arena presents the same challenges that experimental geomorphologists and engineers are familiar with (scaling up results, technical difficulties, realism) and some new ones including recognizing the importance of biological processes, identifying hydraulically meaningful biological groups, accommodating the singular behaviour of individuals and species, understanding biological as well as physical stimuli, and the husbandry and welfare of live organisms. These issues are illustrated using two examples from flume experiments designed (1) to understand how the movement behaviours of aquatic insects through the near‐bed flow field of gravelly river beds may allow them to survive flood events, and (2) how an understanding of the way in which fish behaviours and swimming capability are affected by flow conditions around artificial structures can lead to the design of effective fish passages. In each case, an interdisciplinary approach has been of substantial mutual benefit and led to greater insights than discipline‐specific work would have produced. Looking forward to 2020, several key challenges for experimentalists working on the interface of fluvial geomorphology, stream ecology and hydraulic engineering are identified. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil erosion has been identified as a potential global carbon sink since eroded organic matter is replaced at source and eroded material is readily buried. However, this argument has relied on poor estimates of the total fate of in‐transit particulates and could erroneously imply soil erosion could be encouraged to generate carbon stores. These previous estimates have not considered that organic matter can also be released to the atmosphere as a range of greenhouse gases, not only carbon dioxide (CO2), but also the more powerful greenhouse gases methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). As soil carbon lost by erosion is only replaced by uptake of CO2, this could represent a considerable imbalance in greenhouse gas warming potential, even if it is not significant in terms of overall carbon flux. This work therefore considers the flux of particulate organic matter through UK rivers with respect to both carbon fluxes and greenhouse gas emissions. The results show that, although emissions to the atmosphere are dominated by CO2, there are also considerable fluxes of CH4 and N2O. The results suggest that soil erosion is a net source of greenhouse gases with median emission factors of 5.5, 4.4 and 0.3 tonnes CO2eq/yr for one tonne of fluvial carbon, gross carbon erosion and gross soil erosion, respectively. This study concludes that gross soil erosion would therefore only be a net sink of both carbon and greenhouse gases if all the following criteria are met: the gross soil erosion rate were very low (<91 tonnes/km2/yr); the eroded carbon were completely replaced by new soil organic matter; and if less than half of the gross erosion made it into the stream network. By establishing the emission factor for soil erosion, it becomes possible to properly account for the benefits of good soil management in minimizing losses of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere as a by‐product of soil erosion. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River ecological functioning can be conceptualized according to a four‐dimensional framework, based on the responses of aquatic and riparian communities to hydrogeomorphic constraints along the longitudinal, transverse, vertical and temporal dimensions of rivers. Contemporary riparian vegetation responds to river dynamics at ecological timescales, but riparian vegetation, in one form or another, has existed on Earth since at least the Middle Ordovician (c. 450 Ma) and has been a significant controlling factor on river geomorphology since the Late Silurian (c. 420 Ma). On such evolutionary timescales, plant adaptations to the fluvial environment and the subsequent effects of these adaptations on fluvial sediment and landform dynamics resulted in the emergence, from the Silurian to the Carboniferous, of a variety of contrasted fluvial biogeomorphic types where water flow, morphodynamics and vegetation interacted to different degrees. Here we identify several of these types and describe the consequences for biogeomorphic structure and stability (i.e. resistance and resilience), along the four river dimensions, of feedbacks between riparian plants and hydrogeomorphic processes on contrasting ecological and evolutionary timescales. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Proglacial slopes provide suitable conditions for observing the co-development of abiotic and biotic systems. The frequency and magnitude of geomorphic processes and plant composition govern this interplay, which is described in the model of biogeomorphic succession. In high mountain environments, this model has only been tested in a limited number of studies. The study aimed to quantify small-scale sediment transport via erosion plots along a plant cover gradient and to investigate the influence of sediment transport on plant communities. We aimed to generate quantitative data to test existing biogeomorphic models. Small-scale biogeomorphic interactions were investigated on 30 test plots of 2 × 3 m size on proglacial slopes of the Gepatschferner (Kaunertal) in the Austrian Alps during the snow-free summer months over three consecutive years. The experimental plots were established on slopes along a plant cover gradient. A detailed vegetation survey was carried out to capture biotic conditions, and specific sediment yield was measured at each plot. Species abundance and composition at each site reflected successional stages. Additional environmental parameters, such as terrain age, geomorphometry, grain size distribution, soil nutrients, and precipitation, were also included in the analyses. We observed two pronounced declines in geomorphic activity on plots with both above 30% and above 75% plant cover. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling showed distinct clusters of vegetation composition that mainly followed a successional gradient. Sites that were affected by high-magnitude geomorphic events showed different environmental conditions and species communities. Quantified process rates and observed species composition support the concept of biogeomorphic succession. The findings help to narrow down a biogeomorphic feedback window.  相似文献   

Rain and throughfall drops were sampled during rain events in a New Zealand beech forest and the frequency distributions of drop mass and kinetic energy calculated. The kinetic energy of throughfall under the canopy was always greater than that of rainfall in the open, notwithstanding interception losses. During a typical rain event in which 51 mm fell in 36 h, the total kinetic energy of throughfail was 1.5 times greater than that of rainfall, and the mean amount of sand splashed from sample cups was 3.1 times greater under the canopy than in the open. It appears that where mineral soil is exposed at the surface, by animal trampling or burrowing for example, rates of soil detachment by splash under a forest canopy will probably exceed those in the open.  相似文献   

Serious soil erosion on the Loess Plateau has be-come the focus of world attention.As early as the1950s China has started soil and water conservation work on the Loess Plateau in order to improve the lo-cal eco-environment and mitigate the threat of the coarse sediment in the middle Yellow River to the river channel at downstream.Facts proved that the best alternative is the integrated management of hill slopes and gullies in combination with biological and engineering measures.Biological m…  相似文献   

Seepage erosion was investigated in an amphitheatre with a semicircular valley head, steep slopes, and a flat bottom developed in granodiorite hills at Obara, Aichi prefecture, Japan. A high sediment yield occurred where the measuring sites were located at the base of the landslide debris in the base of the convex slopes, whereas sediment outflows were small where the measuring sites were located at the base of the strong convex slopes. This implies that the seepage erosion was an effective agent for removal of debris deposited at the base of the slope. Small landslides can be found at the lower slopes within the area of the observed amphitheatre. The slope stability analysis and subsurface water observation of the lower slope suggest that the small landslides in this amphitheatre are due to over-steepened slopes, and relatively insensitive to subsurface water status. Colluvium in the flat valley bottom thinly covers the bedrock surface. Therefore the topography of the amphitheatre was found to be formed by parallel retreat of slopes by the repetition of basal seepage erosion and subsequent small landslides.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation experiments of water erosion at the local scale (20 × 5 m) using a process‐based model [Plot Soil Erosion Model_2D (PSEM_2D)] were carried out to test the effects of various environmental factors (soil type, meteorological forcing and slope gradient) on the runoff and erosion response and to determine the dominant processes that control the sediment yield at various slope lengths. The selected environmental factors corresponded to conditions for which the model had been fully tested beforehand. The use of a Green and Ampt model for infiltration explained the dominant role played by rainfall intensity in the runoff response. Sediment yield at the outlet of the simulated area was correlated positively with rainfall intensity and slope gradient, but was less sensitive to soil type. The relationship between sediment yield (soil loss per unit area) and slope length was greatly influenced by all environmental factors, but there was a general tendency towards higher sediment yield when the slope was longer. Contribution of rainfall erosion to gross erosion was dominant for all surfaces with slope lengths ranging from 4 to 20 m. The highest sediment yields corresponded to cases where flow erosion was activated. An increase in slope gradient resulted in flow detachment starting upstream. Sediment exported at the outlet of the simulated area came predominantly from the zone located near the outlet. The microrelief helped in the development of a rill network that controlled both the ratio between rainfall and flow erosion and the relationship between sediment yield and slope length. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

After having estimated the patterns of flow to the ocean and found some seasonal and tidal differences, mainly with regard to the relative importance of dissolved and particulate fractions, mercury partitioning at the interface between a contaminated lagoon and the Atlantic Ocean was investigated during four tidal cycles in contrasting season and tidal regimes. Mercury was found to be located predominantely in the particulate fraction throughout the year, contributing to its retention within the system. Seasonal conditions, variations in marine and fluvial signals and processes affecting bed sediment resuspension influenced the character and concentration of suspended particulate matter in the water column. Variation in the nature, levels and partitioning of organic carbon in the particulate fraction affected levels of particulate mercury as well as mercury partitioning. These results highlight the dominant role of suspended particulate matter in the distribution of anthropogenic mercury and reinforce the importance of competitive behavior related to organic carbon in mercury scavenging.  相似文献   

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