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The transfer of sediment through a highly regulated large fluvial system (lower Ebro River) was analysed during two consecutive floods by means of sediment sampling. Suspended sediment and bedload transport were measured upstream and downstream of large reservoirs. The dams substantially altered flood timing, particularly the peaks, which were advanced downstream from the dams for flood control purposes. The suspended sediment yield upstream from the dams was 1 700 000 tonnes, which represented nearly 99 per cent of the total solid yield. The mean concentrations were close to 0·5 g l?1. The sediment yield downstream from the dams was an order of magnitude lower (173 000 tonnes), showing a mean concentration of 0·05 g l?1. The dams captured up to 95 per cent of the fine sediment carried in suspension in the river channel, preventing it from reaching the lowermost reaches of the river and the delta plain. Total bedload transport upstream from the dams was estimated to be about 25 000 tonnes, only 1·5 per cent of the total load. The median bedload rate was 100 gms?1. Below the dams, the river carried 178 000 tonnes, around 51 per cent of the total load, at a mean rate of 250 g ms?1. The results of sediment transport upstream and downstream from the large dams illustrate the magnitude of the sediment deficit in the lower Ebro River. The river mobilized a total of 350 000 tonnes in the downstream reaches, which were not replaced by sediment from upstream. Therefore, sediment was necessarily entrained from the riverbed and channel banks, causing a mean incision of 33 mm over the 27 km long study reach, altogether a significant step towards the long‐term degradation of the lower Ebro River. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A sediment mass balance constructed for a 16‐km reach of the Snake River downstream from Jackson Lake Dam (JLD) indicates that river regulation has reduced the magnitude of sediment mass balance deficit that would naturally exist in the absence of the dam. The sediment budget was constructed from calibrated bed load transport relations, which were used to model sediment flux into and through the study reach. Calibration of the transport relations was based on bed load transport data collected over a wide range of flows on the Snake River and its two major tributaries within the study area in 2006 and 2007. Comparison of actual flows with unregulated flows for the period since 1957 shows that operations of JLD have reduced annual peak flows and increased late summer flows. Painted tracer stones placed at five locations during the 2005 spring flood demonstrate that despite the reduction in flood magnitudes, common floods are capable of mobilizing the bed material. The sediment mass balance demonstrates that more sediment exits the study reach than is being supplied by tributaries. However, the volume of sediment exported using estimated unregulated hydrology indicates that the magnitude of the deficit would be greater in the absence of JLD. Calculations suggest that the Snake River was not in equilibrium before construction of JLD, but was naturally in sediment deficit. The conclusion that impoundment lessened a natural sediment deficit condition rather than causing sediment surplus could not have been predicted in the absence of sediment transport data, and highlights the value of transport data and calculation of sediment mass balance in informing dam operations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effect of the largest flood since dam regulation on geomorphic and large wood (LW) trends using LW distributions at three time periods on the 150 km long Garrison Reach of the Missouri River. In 2011, a flood exceeded 4390 m3/s for a two‐week period (705% above mean flow; 500 year flood). LW was measured using high resolution satellite imagery in summer 2010 and 2012. Ancillary data including forest character, vegetation cover, lateral bank retreat, and channel capacity. Lateral bank erosion removed approximately 7400 standing trees during the flood. Other mechanisms, that could account for the other two‐thirds of the measured in‐channel LW, include overland flow through floodplains and islands. LW transport was commonly near or over 100 km as indicated by longitudinal forest and bank loss and post‐flood LW distribution. LW concentrations shift at several locations along the river, both pre‐ and post‐flood, and correspond to geomorphic river regions created by the interaction of the Garrison Dam upstream and the Oahe Dam downstream. Areas near the upstream dam experienced proportionally higher rates of bank erosion and forest loss but in‐channel LW decreased, likely due to scouring. A large amount of LW moved during this flood, the chief anchoring mechanism was not bridges or narrow channel reaches but the channel complexity of the river delta created by the downstream reservoir. Areas near the downstream dam experienced bank accretion and large amounts of LW deposition. This study confirms the results of similar work in the Reach: despite a historic flood longitudinal LW and channel trends remain the same. Dam regulation has created a geomorphic and LW pattern that is largely uninterrupted by an unprecedented dam regulation era flood. River managers may require other tools than infrequent high intensity floods to restore geomorphic and LW patterns. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The artificial gravel augmentation of river channels is increasingly being used to mitigate the adverse effects of river regulation and sediment starvation. A systematic framework for designing and assessing such gravel augmentations is still lacking, notably on large rivers. Monitoring is required to quantify the movement of augmented gravel, measure bedform changes, assess potential habitat enhancement, and reduce the uncertainty in sediment management. Here we present the results of an experiment conducted in the Rhine River (French and German border). In 2010, 23 000 m3 of sediments (approximately the mean annual bedload transport capacity) were supplied in a by‐passed reach downstream of the Kembs dam to test the feasibility of enhancing sediment transport and bedform changes. A 620‐m‐long and 12‐m‐wide gravel deposit was created 8 km downstream from the dam. Monitoring included topo‐bathymetric surveys, radio‐frequency particle tracking using passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags, bed grain size measurement, and airborne imagery. Six surveys performed since 2009 have been described (before and after gravel augmentation, and after Q2 and Q15 floods). The key findings are that (i) the augmented gravel was partially dispersed by the first flood event of December 2010 (Q1); (ii) PIT tags were found up to 3200 m downstream of the gravel augmentation site after four years, but the effects of gravel augmentation could not be clearly distinguished from the effects of floods and internal remobilization on more than 3500 m downstream; (iii) linear and log‐linear relationships linking bedload transport, particle mobility, and grain size were established; and (iv) combined bathymetry and PIT tag surveys were useful for evaluating potential environmental risks and the first morpho‐ecological responses. This confirmed the complementary nature of such techniques in the monitoring of gravel augmentation in large rivers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The morphological evolution of the entrances and exits of abandoned river channels governs their hydrological connectivity. The study focusses on flow and sediment dynamics in the exit of a cutoff meander where the downstream entrance is still connected to the main channel, but the upstream entrance is closed. Two similar field and laboratory cases were investigated using innovative velocimetry techniques (acoustic Doppler profiling, image analysis). Laboratory experiments were conducted with a mobile‐bed physical model of the Morava River (Slovakia). Field measurements were performed in the exit of the Port‐Galland cutoff meander, Ain River (France). Both cases yielded consistent and complementary results from which a generic scheme for flow patterns and morphological evolution was derived. A simple analogy with flows in rectangular side cavities was used to explain the recirculating flow patterns which developed in the exit. A decelerating inflow deposits bedload in the downstream part of the cavity, while the upstream part is eroded by an accelerating outflow, leading to the retreat of the upstream bank. In the field, strong secondary currents were observed, especially in the inflow, which may enhance the scouring of the downstream corner of the cavity. Also, fine sediment deposits constituted a silt layer in a transitional zone, located between the mouth of the abandoned channel and the oxbow‐lake within the cutoff meander. Attempts at morphological prediction should consider not only the flow and sediment conditions in the cavity, but also the dynamics of the main channel. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

Indirect, passive approaches for monitoring coarse bedload transport could allow cheaper, safer, higher‐resolution, longer‐term data that revolutionises bedload understanding and informs river management. Here, insights provided by seismic impact plates in a downstream reach of a flashy gravel‐bed river (River Avon, Devon, UK) are explored in the context of plate performance. Monitoring of a centrally‐situated plate (IP1) during an extremely wet 12‐month period demonstrated that impacts were related to discharge as a measure of transport potential (R2 = 0.38) but that factors other than transport limitations are important. Analysis of discrete flow events revealed consistent rising‐limb and falling‐limb impact spikes biased toward the latter for larger events. Such patterns may result from disruption of the upstream armour layer (rising limb) and supply enhancements related to both upstream mass bank failures and/or flood routing of non‐local sediment sources (falling limb). Installation of additional impact plates indicated that plate IP1 was indeed dominantly related to instantaneous discharge, that a three‐plate lateral array somewhat better explained impact variability (R2 = 0.49), and that the bedload track shifts laterally with discharge. Aggregating event‐total IP1 impacts against volumetric discharge further increases explanation as intra‐event and stochastic bedload factors are subsumed but left 26% unexplained variance related to the unsampled bedload mass, inter‐event supply differences, and attributes of plate performance. Annualising the data created an impact‐based 'effective discharge’ for this extremely wet year that was closer to morphological bar‐full in magnitude than bankfull, but the preceding results imply this outcome is related as much to supply limitations as transport limitations. Overall, passive approaches offer a liberating prospect for bedload monitoring, capable of producing insights only achievable through high resolution, extended time periods. Such results could potentially inform threshold conditions and geomorphological effectiveness of flows for future river management strategies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relation between morphological change and patterns of variation in bedload transport rate in braided streams was observed by repeated, daily topographic surveys over a 25 day study period in a 60 m reach of the proglacial Sunwapta River, Alberta, Canada. There are two major periods of morphological change, each lasting several days and each involving the complete destruction and reconstruction of bar complexes. Bar complex destruction was caused by redirection of the flow and by downstream extension of the confluence scour zone upstream. Reconstruction involved accretion of unit bars on bar head, flank and tail and in one case was initiated by disection of a large, lobate unit bar. High rates of sediment movement, measured from net scour and fill of the cross-sections, coincided with these morphological changes. Sediment was supplied from both bed and bank erosion, and patterns and distances of transfer were highly variable. Rates of transport estimated by matching upstream erosional volumes with downstream deposition were much greater than those estimated from either a step-length approach or a sediment budget. Measurements of scour and fill and observations of morphological change indicate that step lengths (virtual transport distances) were typically 40–100m during a diurnal discharge cycle. Shorter step lengths occurred when transfer was confined to a single anabranch and longer steps involved channel changes at the scale of the entire reach. Sediment budgeting was used to describe the spatial patterns of sediment transport associated with the morphological changes and to estimate minimum daily reach-averaged transport rates. Mean bedload transport rates correlate with discharge, but with considerable scatter. The largest deviations from the mean relation can be tied to phases of channel incision, bank erosion, scour hole migration, bar deposition and channel filling apparently controlled by changes and fluctuations in sediment supply from upstream, independent of discharge. These are interpreted as field evidence of ‘autopulses’ or ‘macropulses’ in bedload transport, previously observed only in laboratory models of braided streams.  相似文献   

As with most Italian rivers, the Reno River has a long history of human modification, related also to morphological changes of the lower Po River since Roman times, but in the last decades, significant land use changes in the headwaters, dam construction, torrent control works and extensive bed material mining have caused important channel morphology and sediment budget changes. In this paper, two main types of channel adjustment, riverbed incision and channel narrowing, are analysed. Riverbed degradation is discussed by comparing four different longitudinal profiles surveyed in 1928, 1951, 1970 and 1998 in the 120 km long reach upstream of the outlet. The analysis of channel narrowing is carried out by comparing a number of cross‐sections surveyed in different years across the same downstream reach. Field sediment transport measurements of seven major floods that occurred between 2003 and 2006 are compared with the bedload transport rates predicted by the most renowned equations. The current low bedload yield is discussed in terms of sediment supply limited conditions due to land use changes, erosion‐control works and extensive and out of control bed material mining that have affected the Reno during the last decades. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report on bedload transport observations using piezoelectric bedload impact sensors (PBIS), an indirect method of estimating the volume of bedload transport of coarse sediment. The PBIS device registers vibrations produced by bedload (particle diameter >~20 mm) and records the signal as a sum of the number of impulses per time. Sediment transport at the Erlenbach stream has been continuously monitored with a PBIS array starting in 1986. The sensor array spans the width of an entire cross‐section and is mounted flush with the surface of a check dam immediately upstream of a sediment retention basin. We compare PBIS data with long‐term sedimentation records obtained from repeated surveys of material stored in the sediment retention basin, with artificial sediment input under controlled conditions in the field, and also with laboratory experiments. The rate of bedload transport is proportional to the number of impacts on the sensor per unit time. The reliability of the calibration relationship increases with the length of the observation period, e.g. for higher numbers of impacts and larger bedload volumes. Sediment volumes for individual flood events estimated with the PBIS method are in agreement with volumes estimated using an independent empirical method based on the effective runoff volume of water, the peak water discharge, and the critical discharge for the onset of sediment transport. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work deals with the impacts of dams on large gravel -bed rivers in terms of altering coarse transport regimes and the relationship with river morphodynamics. Using data collected by a tracer -based monitoring programme carried out in a 4 -km -long study sector of the Parma River (Italy), located downstream from a relatively recently established dam, we applied a virtual velocity approach to estimate the coarse bed material load at four river cross -sections. Monitoring and calculation results provided new insights into the impacts of the dam on streambed material mobility and the sediment regime over the 17 -month calculation period. A longitudinal gradient of effects was observed along the study sector. Sections located closer to the dam are characterized by more evident impacts due to deficits in coarse sediment input from upstream. Sediment mobility here is strongly altered, especially in the highly armoured main channel, and the overall bed material load is extremely low. A partial recovery of sediment dynamics was observed at the sections located further from the dam, where estimates indicate higher sediment yield. The observed longitudinal trend in the coarse sediment transport regime matches the morphology, as the river shifts downstream from a sinuous configuration with alternate bars to a wandering one. The novel insights into alteration of coarse sediment dynamics and the relationship with river morphodynamics are potentially applicable to many other fluvial contexts affected by similar impoundments. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized nowadays that there are at least two different phases of bedload sediment transport in gravel‐bed rivers. However, the transition between these phases is still poorly or subjectively defined, especially at bends in rivers, where cross‐stream sediment transport can strongly influence changes in the texture of the transported sediment. In this paper, we use piecewise models to identify objectively, at two points in the cross‐section of a river bend, the discharge at which the transition between bedload transport phases occurs. Piecewise models were applied to a new bedload data set collected during a wide range of discharges while analysing the associated changes in sediment texture. Results allowed the identification of two well‐differentiated phases of sediment transport (phase I and phase II), with a breakpoint located around bankfull discharge. Associated with each phase there was a change in bedload texture. In phase I there was non‐dominance in the transport of fine or coarse fractions at a particular sampling point; but in phase II bedload texture was strongly linked to the position of the sampling point across the channel. In this phase, fine particles tended to be transported to the inner bank, while coarse sizes were transferred throughout the middle parts of the channel. Moreover, bedload texture at the inner sampling point became bimodal while the transport of pebble‐sized particles was increasing in the central parts of the river channel. It is suggested that this general pattern may be related both to secondary currents, which transfer finer particles from the outer to the inner bank, and to the progressive dismantling of the riverbed surface layer. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bo Wang  Yi-Jun Xu 《水文研究》2020,34(13):2864-2877
Bed material transport at river bifurcations is crucial for channel stability and downstream geomorphic dynamics. However, measurements of bed material transport at bifurcations of large alluvial rivers are difficult to make, and standard estimates based on the assumption of proportional partitioning of flow and bedload transport at bifurcations may be erroneous. In this study, we employed a combined approach based on observed topographic change (erosion/deposition) and bed material transport predicted from a one-dimensional model to investigate bed material fluxes near the engineering-controlled Mississippi-Atchafalaya River diversion, which is of great importance to sediment distribution and delivery to Louisiana's coast. Yang's (1973) sediment transport equation was utilized to estimate daily bed material loads upstream, downstream, and through the diversion during 2004–2013. Bathymetric changes in these channels were assessed with single beam data collected in 2004 and 2013. Results show that over the study period, 24% of the Mississippi River flow was diverted into the Atchafalaya River, while the rest remained in the mainstem Mississippi. Upstream of the diversion, the bed material yield was predicted to be 201 million metric tons (MT), of which approximately 35 MT (i.e., 17%) passed through the bifurcation channel to the Atchafalaya River. The findings from this study reveal that in the mainstem Mississippi, the percentage of bed material diversion (83%) is larger than the percentage of flow diversion (76%); Conversely, the diversion channel receives a disproportionate amount of flow (24%) relative to bed material supply (17%). Consequently, severe bed scouring occurred in the controlled Outflow Channel to the Atchafalaya River, while riverbed aggradation progressed in the mainstem Mississippi downstream of the diversion structures, implying reduced flow capacity and potential risk of a high backwater during megafloods. The study demonstrates that Yang's sediment transport equation provides plausible results of bed material fluxes for a highly complicated large river diversion, and that integration of the sediment transport equation with observed morphological changes in riverbed is a valuable approach to investigate sediment dynamics at controlled river bifurcations.  相似文献   

In August 2005 severe flood events occurred in the Alps. A sediment routing model for steep torrent channel networks called SETRAC has been applied to six well‐documented case study streams with substantial sediment transport in Austria and Switzerland. For these streams information on the sediment budget along the main channel is available. Flood hydrographs were reconstructed based on precipitation data and stream gauges in neighbouring catchments. Different scenarios are modelled and discussed regarding sediment availability and the effect of armouring and macro‐roughness on sediment transport calculations. The simulation results show the importance of considering increased flow resistance for small relative flow depth when modelling bedload transport during high‐intensity flood events in torrents and mountain rivers. Without any correction of increased flow resistance using a reduced energy slope, the predicted bedload volumes are about a factor of 10 higher on average than the observed values. Simulation results were also used for a back‐calculation of macro‐roughness effects from bedload transport data, and compared with an independent estimate of flow resistance partitioning based on flow resistance data. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dam removal has been demonstrated to be one of the most frequent and effective fluvial restoration actions but at most dam removals, especially of small dams, there has been little geomorphological monitoring. The results of the geomorphological monitoring implemented in two dams in the rivers Urumea and Leitzaran (northern Spain) are presented. The one from the River Urumea, originally 3.5 m high and impounding 500 m of river course, was removed instantaneously whereas that in the River Leitzaran, 12.5 m high, and impounding 1500 m of river course, is in its second phase of a four‐stage removal process. Changes in channel morphology, sediment size and mobility and river bed morphologies were assessed. The monitoring included several different techniques: topographical measurements of the channel, terrestrial laser scanner measurements of river bed and bars, sediment grain size and transport; all of them repeated in four (May, August, November 2011 and May 2012) and five (July and September 2013, April and August 2014 and June 2015) fieldwork campaigns in the River Urumea and River Leitzaran, respectively. Geomorphic responses of both dam removals are presented, and compared. Morphological channel adjustments occurred mainly shortly after dam removals, but with differences among the one removed instantaneously, that was immediate, whereas that conducted by stages took longer. Degradational processes were observed upstream of both dams (up to 1.2 m and 4 m in the River Urumea and River Leitzaran, respectively), but also aggradational processes (pool filling), upstream of Inturia Dam (2.85 m at least). Less evident aggradational processes were observed downstream of the dams (up to 0.37 m and 0.50 m in the River Urumea and River Leitzaran, respectively). Flood events, especially a 100 year flood registered during the monitoring period of Mendaraz Dam removal, reactivated geomorphological processes as incision and bank erosion, whereas longitudinal profile recovery, grain‐size sorting and upstream erosion took longer. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Studies of the bedload transport regime of the Roaring River, Colorado, in 1984–88, following a dambreak flood in 1982, showed that bedload transport rates were an order of magnitude higher than under pre-flood conditions. A gorge eroded by the flood in glacial moraine acted as a major sediment supply source. Measurements in early June 1995 showed a continued potential for high sediment supply from the gorge and a bedload transport regime similar to that of 1984–88. A major snowmelt flood in mid-June flushed sediment supplies from the gorge and measurements in July showed a corresponding reduction in bedload transport. However, high sediment supply will continue until the gorge cliffs revegetate or erode to a stable slope. The measurements demonstrate both the control exercised by sediment supply on transport rates and the persistent long-term impact of major floods on mountain streams. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The composition, grain‐size, and flux of stream sediment evolve downstream in response to variations in basin‐scale sediment delivery, channel network structure, and diminution during transport. Here, we document downstream changes in lithology and grain size within two adjacent ~300 km2 catchments in the northern Rocky Mountains, USA, which drain differing mixtures of soft and resistant rock types, and where measured sediment yields differ two‐fold. We use a simple erosion–abrasion mass balance model to predict the downstream evolution of sediment flux and composition using a Monte Carlo approach constrained by measured sediment flux. Results show that the downstream evolution of the bed sediment composition is predictably related to changes in underlying geology, influencing the proportion of sediment carried as bedload or suspended load. In the Big Wood basin, particle abrasion reduces the proportion of fine‐grained sedimentary and volcanic rocks, depressing bedload in favor of suspended load. Reduced bedload transport leads to stronger bed armoring, and coarse granitic rocks are concentrated in the stream bed. By contrast, in the North Fork Big Lost basin, bedload yields are three times higher, the stream bed is less armored, and bed sediment becomes dominated by durable quartzitic sandstones. For both basins, the geology‐based mass balance model can reproduce within ~5% root‐mean‐square error the composition of the bed substrate using realistic erosion and abrasion parameters. As bed sediment evolves downstream, bedload fluxes increase and decrease as a function of the abrasion parameter and the frequency and size of tributary junctions, while suspended load increases steadily. Variable erosion and abrasion rates produce conditions of variable bed‐material transport rates that are sensitive to the distribution of lithologies and channel network structure, and, provided sufficient diversity in bedrock geology, measurements of bed sediment composition allow for an assessment of sediment source areas and yield using a simple modeling approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Mekong Basin in southeast Asia is facing rapid development, impacting its hydrology and sediment dynamics. Although the understanding of the sediment transport rates in the Mekong is gradually growing, the sediment dynamics in the lower Mekong floodplains (downstream from Kratie) are poorly understood. The aim of this study is to conduct an analysis to increase the understanding of the sediment dynamics at the Chaktomuk confluence of the Mekong River, and the Tonle Sap River in the Lower Mekong River in Cambodia. This study is based on the data from a detailed field survey over the three hydrological years (May 2008–April 2011) at the two sites (the Mekong mainstream and the Tonle Sap River) at the Chaktomuk confluence. We further compared the sediment fluxes at Chaktomuk to an upstream station (i.e. Mukdahan) with longer time series. Inflow sediment load towards the lake was lower than that of the outflow, with a ratio on average of 84%. Although annually only a small amount of sediment load from the Tonle Sap contributes to the delta (less than 15%), its share is substantial during the February–April period. The annual sediment load transport from the confluence to the delta in 2009 and 2010 accounted for 54 and 50 Mt, respectively. This was on average only 55% of the sediment fluxes measured at Mukdahan, a more upstream station. Furthermore when compared to sediment loads further downstream at the Cambodia–Vietnam border, we found that the suspended sediment flux continued to decline towards the South China Sea. Our findings thus indicate that the sediment load to the South China Sea is much lower than the previous estimate 150–160 Mt/yr. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate evaluation and prediction of bedload transport are crucial in studies of fluvial hydrodynamic characteristics and river morphology.This paper presents a one-dimensional numerical model based on the one-dimensional lateral distribution method(1 D-LDM) and six classic bedload transport formulae that can be used to simulate hydrodynamic characteristics and bedload transport discharge in cross sections.Two gravel-bed rivers,i.e.the Danube River located approximately 70 km downstream from Bratislava in Slovakia and the Tolten River in south of Chile are used as examples.In the 1 D-LDM,gravity,bed shear stress,turbulent diffusion,and secondary flow are included to allow for accurate predictions of flow velocity and consequently bed shear stress in the cross sections.Six classic formulae were applied to evaluate the non-dimensional bedload transport rate,and the bedload transport discharge through a river cross section is obtained by integrating the bedload transport rate over the width of the cross section.The results show that the root mean square error(RMSE) and mean absolute error(MAE) of velocity and water discharge were less than 8% of the observed magnitude,while the correlation coefficient between model predictions and observations was close to unity.The formulae proposed by Ashida and Michiue(1972),in which particle collision with the bed is taken into account,and by Camenen and Larson(2005),which allows for yielding a non-zero bedload transport rate even when the bed shear stress is smaller than the critical bed shear stress value,appeared to be more appropriate for predicting the observed bedload transport rate in the studied cross sections of two gravel-bed rivers.If non-uniform sediment mixtures were considered,the bedload transport discharge through a cross-section could change considerably by up to 22.5% of the observed magnitude.The relations proposed by Ashida and Michiue(1972) and Egiazaroff(1965) for parameterizing the hiding factor yielded more realistic model predictions in comparison with observations for the measured data set collected for the Tolten River,while the one proposed by Wilcock and Crowe(2003) performs the best for the data set measured for the Danube River.  相似文献   

It has been thought for some time that bedload sediment transport rates may differ markedly in ephemeral and perennial rivers and, supporting this thought, there has been observation of very high rates of bedload transport by flash floods in the ephemeral river Nahal Yatir. However, until now, there has been no quantitative model resolving the observation, nor a theory capable of explaining why bedload transport rates by unsteady flash floods can be reasonably well described by bedload transport capacity formulae initially derived for steady flows. Here a time scale analysis of bedload transport is presented as pertaining to Nahal Yatir, which demonstrates that bedload transport can adapt sufficiently rapidly to capacity determined exclusively by local flow regime, and accordingly the transport capacity formulations developed for steady flows can be applied even under unsteady flows such as flash floods. Complementing the time scale analysis, a series of computational exercises using a coupled shallow water hydrodynamic model are shown to adequately resolve the observation of the very high rates of bedload transport by flash floods in Nahal Yatir. While bedload transport rates in ephemeral and perennial rivers differ remarkably when evaluated against a pure flow parameter such as specific stream power, they are essentially reconciled if assessed with a physically sensible parameter incorporating not only the flow regime but also the sediment particle size. The present finding underpins the practice of fluvial geomorphologists relating measured bedload transport to local flow and sediment characteristics only, irrespective of whether the flow is unsteady or steady. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment dynamics during the period 1964–1985 are examined along the mainstem of Changjiang (Yangtze River). The period represents a basin condition prior to major changes in land management policy and dam building on the river's mainstem. The downstream sediment dynamics reflect basin geology and topography and channel morphology. Sediment exchange within the mainstem was calculated by the development of reach sediment balances that reveal complex temporal and spatial patterns. There is relatively little sediment exchange in the upper, bedrock‐controlled reaches, with systematic increases in the downstream alluvial reaches. Degrading, transfer, and aggrading reaches were identified. Relations between input and output in all reaches were significant but no relation was found between sediment exchange and input/output. Comparison between ‘short‐term’ (22 years) and ‘long‐term’ (52 years) records demonstrates the importance of the record length in studying the suspended sediment dynamics in a large fluvial system. The longer record yielded better correlation and different trends than the shorter record. Sediment transfer (output/input ratio) changes downstream: the dominance of the upstream contributing area in sustaining the appearance of net degradation through most of the river system highlights the importance of reach length on characterisation of suspended sediment dynamics in large fluvial systems. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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