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In May 2003, a breach in a large irrigation ditch within Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) initiated a debris flow that entered Lulu Creek and the Colorado River, where 36 000 m3 of sediment substantially altered channel forms and processes. We present a proof of concept to understand whether the 2003 disturbance is within the historical range of variability (HRV), and whether the recovery potential of the system is sufficient to adapt to the disturbance. Flow and sediment regimes, and channel morphology and stability were monitored on Lulu Creek and the Colorado River from 2004 to 2011. Dominant channel response following the debris flow within Lulu Creek included step development, bed armoring, and channel widening. Step height‐to‐length ratios (H/L) for three reaches on Lulu Creek are outside the HRV of reference channels, with one reach approaching reference conditions. Erosion of approximately 23% of the debris fan volume occurred as a result of the long duration 2011 peak flow. Sediment within the Lulu Creek fan will persist for ~30–190 years, assuming current maximum and mean removal rates. Planform changes on the Colorado River since the debris flow include an increase in single‐thread geometries, with braided reaches where bar deposition occurred. Bedload transport and grain‐size analysis of bedload indicate translational spreading of a sand wave front with a dispersive component in steeper reaches. Lulu Creek is returning to a condition of natural variability, but the Colorado River is outside the HRV expected for steep‐gradient, pool‐riffle channels. Applying HRV to a situation where management questions require a longer term perspective, and pre‐disturbance baseline data are limited, is a useful approach. The HRV analysis facilitates a better understanding of site variability and delineates the range of possibilities of channel form and process to achieve management goals. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We evaluate the validity of the beaver‐meadow complex hypothesis, used to explain the deposition of extensive fine sediment in broad, low‐gradient valleys. Previous work establishes that beaver damming forms wet meadows with multi‐thread channels and enhanced sediment storage, but the long‐term geomorphic effects of beaver are unclear. We focus on two low‐gradient broad valleys, Beaver Meadows and Moraine Park, in Rocky Mountain National Park (Colorado, USA). Both valleys experienced a dramatic decrease in beaver population in the past century and provide an ideal setting for determining whether contemporary geomorphic conditions and sedimentation are within the historical range of variability of valley bottom processes. We examine the geomorphic significance of beaver‐pond sediment by determining the rates and types of sedimentation since the middle Holocene and the role of beaver in driving floodplain evolution through increased channel complexity and fine sediment deposition. Sediment analyses from cores and cutbanks indicate that 33–50% of the alluvial sediment in Beaver Meadows is ponded and 28–40% was deposited in‐channel; in Moraine Park 32–41% is ponded sediment and 40–52% was deposited in‐channel. Radiocarbon ages spanning 4300 years indicate long‐term aggradation rates of ~0.05 cm yr‐1. The observed highly variable short‐term rates indicate temporal heterogeneity in aggradation, which in turn reflects spatial heterogeneity in processes at any point in time. Channel complexity increases directly downstream of beaver dams. The increased complexity forms a positive feedback for beaver‐induced sedimentation; the multi‐thread channel increases potential channel length for further damming, which increases the potential area occupied by beaver ponds and the volume of fine sediment trapped. Channel complexity decreased significantly as surveyed beaver population decreased. Beaver Meadows and Moraine Park represent settings where beaver substantially influence post‐glacial floodplain aggradation. These findings underscore the importance of understanding the historical range of variability of valley bottom processes, and implications for environmental restoration. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Intense precipitation or seismic events can generate clustered mass movement processes across a landscape. These rare events have significant impacts on the landscape, however, the rarity of such events leads to uncertainty in how they impact the entire geomorphic system over a range of timescales. Taiwan is steep, tectonically active, and prone to landslide and debris flows, especially when exposed to heavy rainfall events. Typhoon Morakot made landfall in Taiwan in August of 2009, causing widespread landslides in southern Taiwan. The south to north trend in valley relief in southern Taiwan leads to spatial variability in landslide susceptibility providing an opportunity to infer the long‐term impact of such landslide events on channel morphology. We use pre‐ and post‐typhoon imagery to quantify the propagating impact of this event on channel width as the debris is routed through the landscape. The results show the importance of cascading hazards from landslides on landscape evolution based on patterns of channel width (both pre‐ and post‐typhoon) and hillslope gradients in 20 basins along strike in southern Taiwan. Prior to Typhoon Morakot, the river channels in the central part of the study area were about 3–10 times wider than the channels in the south. Following the typhoon, aggradation and widening was also a maximum in these central to northern basins where hillslope gradients and channel steepness is high, accentuating the pre‐typhoon pattern. The results further show that the narrowest channels are located where channel steepness is the lowest, an observation inconsistent with a detachment‐limited model for river evolution. We infer this pattern is indicative of a strong role of sediment supply, and associated landslide events, on long‐term channel evolution. These findings have implications across a range of spatial and temporal scales including understanding the cascade of hazards in steep landscapes and geomorphic interpretation of channel morphology. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Estimating restorable wetland water storage at landscape scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Globally, hydrologic modifications such as ditching and subsurface drainage have significantly reduced wetland water storage capacity (i.e., volume of surface water a wetland can retain) and consequent wetland functions. While wetland area has been well documented across many landscapes and used to guide restoration efforts, few studies have directly quantified the associated wetland storage capacity. Here, we present a novel raster‐based approach to quantify both contemporary and potential (i.e., restorable) storage capacities of individual depressional basins across landscapes. We demonstrate the utility of this method by applying it to the Delmarva Peninsula, a region punctuated by both depressional wetlands and drainage ditches. Across the entire peninsula, we estimated that restoration (i.e., plugging ditches) could increase storage capacity by 80%. Focusing on an individual watershed, we found that over 59% of restorable storage capacity occurs within 20 m of the drainage network, and that 93% occurs within 1 m elevation of the drainage network. Our demonstration highlights widespread ditching in this landscape, spatial patterns of both contemporary and potential storage capacities, and clear opportunities for hydrologic restoration. In Delmarva and more broadly, our novel approach can inform targeted landscape‐scale conservation and restoration efforts to optimize hydrologically mediated wetland functions.  相似文献   

Streambank erosion is a primary source of suspended sediments in many waterways of the US Atlantic Piedmont. This problem is exacerbated where banks are comprised of fine sediment produced by the intensive land use practices of early European settlers. A stream in this region, Richland Creek incises into banks comprised of three stratigraphic layers associated with historic land use: pre‐European settlement, early European agriculture and development, and water‐powered milldam operation. This study aims to identify the bank processes along a reach of Richland Creek that is eroding towards its pre‐disturbance elevation. The volume of material that has eroded along this stream since the milldam breached was calculated by differencing a reconstructed surface of the pond bed and an aerial lidar digital terrain model (DTM). Immediately downstream from the study reach, the channel is floored by bedrock and immediately upstream the rate of channel erosion approximately doubled along the longitudinal profile of Richland Creek, which indicate that the study reach spans the transition from a channel dominated by vertical incision in the upstream direction to horizontal widening in the downstream direction. The combined hydrometeorological conditions and dominant processes causing reach‐scale cut bank erosion were investigated with analyses of stream stage, precipitation, and streambank volumetric and surfaces change that was measured during nine terrestrial lidar surveys in 2010–2012. The spatial variability of erosion during a simulated precipitation event was examined in a field‐based experiment. Erosion was greatest where mill pond sediment columns detached along vertical desiccation and horizontal seepage cracks. This sediment accumulated on the bank toe throughout the study and was a source of readily‐entrained fine sediment contrary to the upper reaches where depositional accommodation space is more limited. Findings suggest that hotspots of sediment excavation progress upstream, indicating that restoration efforts should focus upon stabilizing banks at these locations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Epigenetic gorges form when channels that have been laterally displaced during episodes of river blockage or aggradation incise down into bedrock spurs or side‐walls of the former valley rather than excavating unconsolidated fills and reinhabiting the buried paleovalley. Valley‐filling events that promote epigenetic gorges can be localized, such as a landslide dam or an alluvial/debris flow fan deposit at a tributary junction, or widespread, such as fluvial aggradation in response to climate change or fluctuating base‐level. The formation of epigenetic gorges depends upon the competition between the resistance to transport, strength and roughness of valley‐filling sediments and a river's ability to sculpt and incise bedrock. The former affects the location and lateral mobility of a channel incising into valley‐filling deposits; the latter determines rates of bedrock incision should the path of the incising channel intersect with bedrock that is not the paleovalley bottom. Epigenetic gorge incision, by definition, post‐dates the incision that originally cut the valley. Strath terraces and sculpted bedrock walls that form in relation to epigenetic gorges should not be used to directly infer river incision induced by tectonic activity or climate variability. Rather, they are indicative of the variability of short‐term bedrock river incision and autogenic dynamics of actively incising fluvial landscapes. The rate of bedrock incision associated with an epigenetic gorge can be very high (>1 cm/yr), typically orders of magnitude higher than both short‐ and long‐term landscape denudation rates. In the context of bedrock river incision and landscape evolution, epigenetic gorges force rivers to incise more bedrock, slowing long‐term incision and delaying the adjustment of rivers to regional tectonic and climatic forcing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Intensive agricultural land use in the 18th to early 20th centuries on the southeastern Piedmont resulted in substantial soil erosion and gully development. Today, many historically farmed areas have been abandoned and afforested, and such landscapes are an opportunity to study channel network recovery from disturbance by gullying. Channel initiation mapping, watershed area–slope relationships, and field monitoring of flow generation processes are used to identify channel network extent and place it in hydrologic, historical and landscape evolution context. In six study areas in the North Carolina Piedmont, 100 channel heads were mapped in fully‐forested watersheds, revealing a channel initiation relationship of 380 = AS1.27, where A is contributing area (m2) and S is local slope (m/m). Flow in these channels is generated by subsurface and overland flow. The measured relative slope exponent is lower than expected based on literature values of ~2 for forested watersheds with subsurface and overland flow, suggesting that the channel network extent may reflect a former hydrological regime. However, geomorphic evidence of recovery in channel heads within fully forested watersheds is greater than those with present day pasture. Present day channel heads lie within hollows or downslope of unchanneled valleys, which may be remnants of historical gullies, and area–slope relationships provide evidence of colluvial aggradation within the valleys. Channel network extent appears to be sensitive to land use change, with recovery beginning within decades of afforestation. Channel initiation mapping and area–slope relationships are shown to be useful tools for interpreting geomorphic effects of land use change. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Structure‐from‐Motion (SfM) photogrammetry is now used widely to study a range of earth surface processes and landforms, and is fast becoming a core tool in fluvial geomorphology. SfM photogrammetry allows extraction of topographic information and orthophotos from aerial imagery. However, one field where it is not yet widely used is that of river restoration. The characterisation of physical habitat conditions pre‐ and post‐restoration is critical for assessing project success, and SfM can be used easily and effectively for this purpose. In this paper we outline a workflow model for the application of SfM photogrammetry to collect topographic data, develop surface models and assess geomorphic change resulting from river restoration actions. We illustrate the application of the model to a river restoration project in the NW of England, to show how SfM techniques have been used to assess whether the project is achieving its geomorphic objectives. We outline the details of each stage of the workflow, which extend from preliminary decision‐making related to the establishment of a ground control network, through fish‐eye lens camera testing and calibration, to final image analysis for the creation of facies maps, the extraction of point clouds, and the development of digital elevation models (DEMs) and channel roughness maps. The workflow enabled us to confidently identify geomorphic changes occurring in the river channel over time, as well as assess spatial variation in erosion and aggradation. Critical to the assessment of change was the high number of ground control points and the application of a minimum level of detection threshold used to assess uncertainties in the topographic models. We suggest that these two things are especially important for river restoration applications. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic 26Al, 10Be, and 14C dating of fluvial fill terraces in steep canyons of the Colorado Front Range provides a temporal framework for analysing episodic aggradation and incision. Results from Boulder Canyon show that terrace heights above the modern channel (grade) can be divided into: (1) Bull Lake (≳100 ka; 20–15 m above grade); (2) Pinedale (32–10 ka; 15–4 m above grade); and (3) Holocene age (<4 m above grade). No pre‐Bull Lake deposits are preserved along Boulder Canyon, and only three small remnants >15 m above grade record Bull Lake deposition. Well‐preserved terraces of Pinedale age suggest that the range of terrace height above grade reflects short‐term fluctuations in the river profile during periods of rapidly changing stream load and power. Net river incision apparently occurred during transitions to interglacial periods. Soil development and stratigraphic position, along with limited cosmogenic and 14C dating, suggest that ∼130 ka terraces in Boulder Canyon correlate with the Louviers Alluvium, and that 32 to 10 ka fills in the canyon correlate with the Broadway Alluvium on the adjacent High Plains. Late Pleistocene incision rates (∼0·15 m ka−1) along Boulder Canyon exceed pre‐late Pleistocene incision rates, and are higher than middle to late Pleistocene incision rates (∼0·04 m ka−1) on the High Plains. This study provides an example of how modern geochronologic techniques allow us to understand better rivers that drain glaciated catchments. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Louisiana's chronic wetland deterioration has resulted in massive soil organic matter loss and subsequent carbon release through oxidation. To combat these losses, and reestablish ecosystem function, goods, and services, many restoration projects have been constructed or planned throughout coastal Louisiana. There are significant data gaps and conflicting results regarding wetland contributions to global warming, especially related to carbon sequestration in restored wetlands. An exceptionally large data set was used to derive carbon accumulation rates from key soil characteristics and processes. Assessments and comparisons of bulk density, organic matter, total carbon, vertical accretion (short- and longer-term), and carbon accumulation rates were made across time (chronosequence) and space (i.e., coastwide, watershed basins, and vegetation zones). Carbon accumulation rates in the Louisiana coastal zone were generally correlated to hydrogeomorphology, with higher rates occurring in zones of high river connectivity or in swamp or higher salinity tolerant marsh. On average, naturally occurring wetlands had higher carbon accumulation rates than restoration sites. Although some restoration measures were higher, and most showed increasing carbon accumulation rates over time. Results demonstrate that although wetland restoration provides many ecosystem benefits, the associated carbon sequestration may also provide useful measures for climate change management.  相似文献   

Past variations in climate and tectonics have led to spatially and temporally varying erosion rates across many landscapes. In this contribution I examine methods for detecting and quantifying the nature and timing of transience in eroding landscapes. At a single location, cosmogenic nuclides can detect the instantaneous removal of material or acceleration of erosion rates over millennial timescales using paired nuclides. Detection is possible only if one of the nuclides has a significantly shorter half‐life than the other. Currently, the only practical way of doing this is to use cosmogenic in situ carbon‐14 (14C) alongside a longer lived nuclide, such as beryllium‐10 (10Be). Hillslope information can complement or be used in lieu of cosmogenic information: in soil mantled landscapes, increased erosion rates can be detected for millennia after the increase by comparing relief and ridgetop curvature. This technique will work as long as the final erosion rate is greater than twice the initial rate. On a landscape scale, transience may be detected based upon disequilibria in channel profiles or ridgetops, but transience can be sensitive to the nature of transient forcing. Where forcing is periodic, landscapes display differing behavior if forcing is driven by changes in base level lowering rates versus changes in the efficiency of either channel or hillslope erosion (e.g. driven by climate change). Oscillations in base level lowering lead to basin averaged erosion rates that reflect a long term average erosion rate despite strong spatial heterogeneity in local erosion rates. This averaging is reflected in 10Be concentrations in stream sediments. Changes in hillslope sediment transport coefficients can lead to large fluctuations in basin averaged erosion rates, which again are reflected in 10Be concentrations. The variability of erosion rates in landscapes where both the sediment transport and channel erodibility coefficients vary is dominated by changes to the hillslope transport coefficient. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper uses numerical simulation of flood inundation based on a coupled one‐dimensional–two‐dimensional treatment to explore the impacts upon flood extent of both long‐term climate changes, predicted to the 2050s and 2080s, and short‐term river channel changes in response to sediment delivery, for a temperate upland gravel‐bed river. Results show that 16 months of measured in‐channel sedimentation in an upland gravel‐bed river cause about half of the increase in inundation extent that was simulated to arise from climate change. Consideration of the joint impacts of climate change and sedimentation emphasized the non‐linear nature of system response, and the possibly severe and synergistic effects that come from combined direct effects of climate change and sediment delivery. Such effects are likely to be exacerbated further as a result of the impacts of climate change upon coarse sediment delivery. In generic terms, these processes are commonly overlooked in flood risk mapping exercises and are likely to be important in any river system where there are high rates of sediment delivery and long‐term transfer of sediment to floodplain storage (i.e. alluviation involving active channel aggradation and migration). Similarly, attempts to reduce channel migration through river bank stabilization are likely to exacerbate this process as without bank erosion, channel capacity cannot be maintained. Finally, many flood risk mapping studies rely upon calibration based upon combining contemporary bed surveys with historical flood outlines, and this will lead to underestimation of the magnitude and frequency of floodplain inundation in an aggrading system for a flood of a given magnitude. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The management of reclaimed slopes derived from industrial and civil activities (e.g. surface mining and road construction) requires the development of practical stability analysis approaches that integrate the processes and mechanisms that rule the dynamics of these ubiquitous emerging ecosystems. This work describes a new modelling approach focused on stability analysis of water‐limited reclaimed slopes, where interactive relationships between rill erosion and vegetation regulate ecosystem stability. Our framework reproduces two main groups of possible trends along the temporal evolution of reclaimed slopes: successful trends, characterized by widespread vegetation development and the effective control of rill erosion processes; and gullying trends, characterized by the progressive loss of vegetation and a sharp logistic increase in erosion rates. Furthermore, this analytical approach allows the determination of threshold values for the state variables (i.e. vegetation cover and rill erosion) that drive the system's stability, facilitating the identification of critical situations that require specific human intervention (e.g. revegetation or, in very problematic cases, revegetation combined with rill network destruction) to ensure the long‐term sustainability of the restored ecosystem. The application of our threshold analysis framework in Mediterranean‐dry reclaimed slopes derived from surface coal mining (the Teruel coalfield in central‐eastern Spain) showed a good field‐based performance. Therefore, we believe that this model is a valuable contribution for the management of water‐limited reclaimed systems, including those associated with rill erosion, as it provides a tool for the evaluation of restoration success and can play an important role in decision‐making during ecosystem restoration in severely disturbed landscapes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sandstone peak‐forest landscape in Zhangjiajie UNESCO Global Geopark of Hunan Province, China, is characterized by >3000 vertical pillars and peak walls of up to 350 m height, representing a spectacular example of sandstone landform variety. Few studies have addressed the mechanisms and timescales of the longer‐term evolution of this landscape, and have focused on fluvial incision. We use in situ cosmogenic nuclides combined with GIS analysis to investigate the erosional processes contributing to the formation of pillars and peak‐forests, and discuss their relative roles in the formation and decay of the landscape. Model maximum‐limiting bedrock erosion rates are the highest along the narrow fluvial channels and valleys at the base of the sandstone pillars (~83–122 mm kyr?1), and lowest on the peak wall tops (~2.5 mm kyr?1). Erosion rates are highly variable and intermediate along vertical sandstone peak walls and pillars (~30 to 84 mm kyr?1). Catchment‐wide denudation rates from river sediment vary between ~26 and 96 mm kyr?1 and are generally consistent with vertical wall retreat rates. This highlights the importance of wall retreat for overall erosion in the sandstone peak‐forest. In combination with GIS‐derived erosional volumes, our results suggest that the peak‐forest formation in Zhangjiajie commenced in the Pliocene, and that the general evolution of the landscape followed our sequential refined model: (i) slow lowering rates following initial uplift; (ii) fast plateau dissection by headward knickpoint propagation along joints and faults followed by; (iii) increasing contribution of wall retreat in the well‐developed pillars and peak‐forests and a gradual decrease in overall denudation rates, leading to; (iv) the final consumption of pillars and peak‐forests. Our study provides an approach for quantifying the complex interplay between multiple geomorphic processes as required to assess the evolutionary pathways of other sandstone peak‐forest landscapes across the globe. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Patterned landscapes are often evidence of biotic control on geomorphic processes, emerging in response to coupled ecosystem processes acting at different spatial scales. Self‐reinforcing processes at local scales expand patches, while self‐inhibiting processes, operating at a distance, impose limits to expansion. In Big Cypress National Preserve (BICY) in southwest Florida, isolated forested wetland depressions (cypress domes) appear to be evenly distributed within a mosaic of short‐hydroperiod marshes and pine uplands. To test the hypothesis that the apparent patterning is regular, we characterized frequency distributions and spatial patterns of vegetation communities, surface and bedrock elevation, and soil properties (thickness and phosphorus content). Nearest neighbor distances indicate strongly significant wetland spatial overdispersion, and bedrock elevations exhibited periodic spatial autocorrelation; both observations are consistent with regular patterning. Bedrock elevations and soil P were clearly bimodal, suggesting strong positive feedbacks on wetland patch development. Soil‐surface elevations exhibited weaker bimodality, indicating smoothing of surface morphology by some combination of sediment transport, mineral reprecipitation, and organic matter production. Significant negative autocorrelation of bedrock elevations at scales similar to wetland spacing suggest the presence of distal negative feedbacks on patch expansion. These findings support the inference of regular patterning, and are consistent with the presence of local positive feedbacks among hydroperiod, vegetation productivity and bedrock dissolution. These processes are ultimately constrained by distal negative feedbacks, potentially induced by landscape scale limitations on the water volume required to enable this biogeomorphic mechanism. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hillslopes are thought to poorly record tectonic signals in threshold landscapes. Numerous previous studies of steep landscapes suggest that large changes in long‐term erosion rate lead to little change in mean hillslope angle, measured at coarse resolution. New LiDAR‐derived topography data enables a finer examination of threshold hillslopes. Here we quantify hillslope response to tectonic forcing in a threshold landscape. To do so, we use an extensive cosmogenic beryllium‐10 (10Be)‐based dataset of catchment‐averaged erosion rates combined with a 500 km2 LiDAR‐derived 1 m digital elevation model to exploit a gradient of tectonic forcing and topographic relief in the San Gabriel Mountains, California. We also calibrate a new method of quantifying rock exposure from LiDAR‐derived slope measurements using high‐resolution panoramic photographs. Two distinct trends in hillslope behavior emerge: below catchment‐mean slopes of 30°, modal slopes increase with mean slopes, slope distribution skewness decreases with increasing mean slope, and bedrock exposure is limited; above mean slopes of 30°, our rock exposure index increases strongly with mean slope, and the prevalence of angle‐of‐repose debris wedges keeps modal slopes near 37°, resulting in a positive relationship between slope distribution skewness and mean slope. We find that both mean slopes and rock exposure increase with erosion rate up to 1 mm/a, in contrast to previous work based on coarser topographic data. We also find that as erosion rates increase, the extent of the fluvial network decreases, while colluvial channels extend downstream, keeping the total drainage density similar across the range. Our results reveal important textural details lost in 10 or 30 m resolution digital elevation models of steep landscapes, and highlight the need for process‐based studies of threshold hillslopes and colluvial channels. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The surface of the 40 000 km2 Okavango alluvial fan is remarkably smooth, and almost everywhere lies within two to three metres of a perfectly smooth theoretical surface. Deviations from this perfect surface give rise to islands in the Okavango wetlands. This micro‐topography was mapped by assigning empirical elevations to remotely sensed vegetation community classes, based on the observation that vegetation is very sensitive to small, local differences in elevation. Even though empirical, the method produces fairly accurate results. The technique allows estimation of depths of inundation and therefore will be applicable even when high resolution radar altimetry becomes available. The micro‐topography has arisen as a result of clastic sedimentation in distributary channels, which produces local relief of less than two metres, and more importantly as a result of chemical precipitation in island soils, which produces similar local relief. The micro‐topography is, therefore, an expression of the non‐random sedimentation taking place on the fan. Volume calculations of islands extracted from the micro‐topography, combined with estimates of current sediment in?ux, suggest that the land surface of the wetland may only be a few tens of thousands of years old. Constant switching of water distribution, driven by local aggradation, has distributed sediment widely. Mass balance calculations suggest that over a period of c. 150 000 years all of the fan would at one time or other have been inundated, and thus subject to sedimentation. Coalescing of islands over time results in net aggradation of the fan surface. The amount of vertical aggradation on islands and in channels is restricted by the water depth. Restricted vertical relief, in turn, maximizes the distribution of water, limiting its average depth. Aggradation in the permanent swamps occurs predominantly by clastic sedimentation. Rates of aggradation here are very similar to those in the seasonal swamps, maintaining the overall gradient, possibly because of the operation of a feedback loop between the two. The limited amount of local aggradation arising from both clastic and chemical sedimentation, combined with constant changes in water distribution, has resulted in a near‐perfect conical surface over the fan. In addition to providing information on sedimentary processes, the micro‐topography has several useful hydrological applications. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present laboratory and field evidence that in mountainous catchment‐fan systems persistent alluvial fanhead aggradation and trenching may result from infrequent, large sediment inputs. We suggest that the river‐fan systems along the fault‐bounded range front of the western Southern Alps, New Zealand, are likely to be in a dynamic equilibrium on ≥103‐yr timescales, superimposed on which their fanheads undergo long‐term cumulative episodic aggradation. These fanheads are active only in rare events, do not take part in the usual behaviour of the catchment‐fan system and require much longer to exhibit dynamic equilibrium than the rest of the fan. These findings (1) increase our knowledge of the effects of extreme events on alluvial fan morphodynamics in humid climates, (2) question the general applicability of inferring past climatic or tectonic regimes from alluvial‐fan morphology and stratigraphy and (3) provide a conceptual basis for hazard zonation on alluvial fans. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Restoration of the upper Strawberry River included bank stabilization techniques because it was assumed that excessive bank erosion was degrading spawning habitat for Bonneville cutthroat trout (BCT). Using a long‐term aerial photograph record, the historical range of variability in bank erosion rates and channel geometry was determined, and this information was used to assess present‐day conditions and the rationale for restoration. Relative to historical variability, the channel planform was relatively stable and bank erosion rates were the lowest recorded in the post‐disturbance era. Although a historical loss of riparian vegetation coincided with a shift to a wider and more sinuous channel, lateral migration rates declined and the channel narrowed as riparian cover increased in the decades before restoration, indicating a process of natural recovery. Furthermore, it was found that the percentage of fine sediment in the streambed before restoration was insufficient to affect BCT spawning success. Together these results suggest that bank erosion and fine sediment did not affect the quality of spawning habitat or the abundance of BCT on the upper Strawberry River. The results highlight how a historical analysis can be used to identify the sources of habitat degradation and inform the selection of restoration goals and strategies. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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