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The paper presents a study by taking the soil seed banks and vegetation successions of the forests in Ziwuling Mountain as indicators to analyze the effects of the ages, and the litter layers and soil depths at growing locations in seven types of forest communities on their seed bank formations and soil quality. The results showed that the seed banks at different growing locations in the communities increased in the order of upper slope, middle slope, and lower slope; the seed storages of the seed banks in the different layers of the communities varied, much more higher in the litter layers than in 0–15 cm, and the seed storages of the seed banks in the seven types of forest communities ranked in the increasing order of Pinus tabulaeformis forest, Pinus shenkaneusis forest, Quercus liaotungensis forest, Populus davidiana forest, Betula platyphylla forest, scrub communities, and grassland communities; in the meantime, the seed storage of seed banks peaked in 30–50 years old P. shenkaneusis forest, 30–40 years old P. tabulaeformis forest, 15–30 years old Q. liaotungensis, and P. davidiana and B. platyphylla forests, and 10–15 years old scrub and grassland communities, and the ages of the communities varied with the seed storages of the seed banks in a significantly correlative manner following a fitted exponential equation. In addition, the soil seed banks of the seven types of communities consisted of rich and diverse species with the herbaceous and shrub species greatly outnumbering the arbor species; in general, the coniferous forests were composed of 31 kinds of plants, the deciduous and broadleaf forests consisted of 20–29 plant species, the shrubs contained 27 plant species, and the herbaceous plants numbered 20 plant species; The various species compositions contained only 4–6 arbor species with most being foreign species. In each of the compositions, Bothriochloa ischemum was the grassland plant with the highest occurrence frequency, Sophora viciifolia and Hippophae reamnoides were the shrub plants with the highest occurrence frequencies, and Q. liaotungensis was the arbor plant with the highest occurrence frequency, and they followed by P. shenkaneusis and P. tabulaeformis. These results showed that soil seed banks and forest successions are better indicators for soil quality from natural successions.  相似文献   

There are many problems for the reclaimed soil in opencast‐mining areas of the Loess Plateau of China such as poor soil structure and extreme poverty in soil nutrients and so on. For the sake of finding a better way to improve soil quality, the current study was to apply the weathered coal for repairing soil media and investigate the physicochemical properties of the reclaimed soil and the changes in enzyme activities after planting Robinia pseucdoacacia. The results showed that the application of the weathered coal significantly improved the quality of soil aggregates, increased the content of water stable aggregates, and the organic matter, humus, and the cation exchange capacity of topsoil were significantly improved, but it did not have a significant effect on soil pH. Planting R. pseucdoacacia significantly enhanced the activities of soil catalase, urease, and invertase, but the application of the weathered coal inhibited the activity of catalase. Although the application of appropriate weathered coal was able to significantly increase urease activity, the activities of catalase, urease, or invertase had a close link with the soil profile levels and time. This study suggests that applying weathered coals could improve the physicochemical properties and soil enzyme activities of the reclaimed soil in opencast‐mining areas of the Loess Plateau of China and the optimum applied amount of the weathered coal for reclaimed soil remediation is about 27 000 kg hm?2.  相似文献   

Soil CO2 efflux in forest and grassland over 5 years from 2005 to 2009 in a semiarid mountain area of the Loess plateau, China, was measured. The aim was to compare the soil respiration and its annual and inter‐annual responses to the changes in soil temperature and soil water content between the two vegetation types for observing soil quality evolution. The differences among the five study years were the annual precipitation (320.1, 370.5, 508.8, 341.6, and 567.4 mm in 2005–2009, respectively) and annual distribution. The results showed that the seasonal change of soil respiration in both vegetation types was similar and controlled by soil temperature and soil water content. The mean soil respiration across 5 years in the forest (3.78 ± 2.68 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1) was less than that in the grassland (4.04 ± 3.06 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1), and the difference was significant. The drought soil in summer depressed soil respiration substantially. The Q10 value across 5‐year measurements was 2.89 and 2.94 for forest and grassland. When soil water content was between wilting point (WP) and field capacity (FC), the Q10 in both types increased with increasing soil water content, and when soil water content dropped to below WP, soil respiration and the Q10 decreased substantially. Although an exponential model was well fitted to predict the annual mean soil respiration for each single year data, it overestimated and underestimated soil respiration, respectively, in drought conditions and after rain for short periods of time during the year. The two‐variable models including temperature and water content variables could be well used to predict soil respiration for both types in all weather conditions. The models proposed are useful for understanding and predicting potential changes in the eastern part of Loess plateau in response to climate change.  相似文献   

The tunnel systems in a semi‐arid catchment of the Loess Plateau of China were repeatedly surveyed prior to the rainy seasons of 1989, 1999 and 2001. The surveys aimed to: (1) measure tunnel development over the 12 year period 1989–2001; (2) explore how the physiographical conditions affect the spatio‐temporal variability of tunnel development; and (3) to identify the geomorphic processes associated with tunnel development. The ultimate goal was to quantify the geomorphic significance of tunnel systems in the catchment. Over the 12 year period, the number of tunnel inlets was more than doubled and most of the newly increased inlets were initiated in the few catastrophic storm events. However, tunnel enlargement can occur in storm or inter‐storm periods, mainly through earth falls and slumps in inlets, and water erosion and roof cave‐in collapses in tunnel paths. Tunnel development varied with material properties, land uses and topographic conditions. Net tunnel erosion may contribute at least 25–30% of the catchment sediment yield and was mainly produced by the initiation and enlargement of tunnel inlets rather than tunnel paths. To protect the areas against tunnel erosion, terracing of the upper slopes seems to be more effective than planting vegetation on the lower slopes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil containing calcic nodules is widely present on the northern Loess Plateau of China owing to soil genesis under local climate conditions. In most studies, little attention is payed to the effect of calcic nodules on soil evaporation and ecoenvironment, resulting in inaccurate evaporation estimation in this kind of soil and further improper field water management measures and irrigation effects. In this paper, soil column experiments were conducted in order to investigate evaporation process in soil containing calcic nodules and the effect of calcic nodules on soil evaporation was determined. The results indicated that evaporation reduction was positively related to calcic nodule content (CNC = mass of calcic nodules/total mass), and could be estimated by the experiential equation: Esoil = E0 (1 – 0.4 CNC) (Esoil = actual evaporation, E0 = theory evaporation in soil without calcic nodules). When CNC was below 0.2, the impact could be neglected. While, as CNC exceeded 0.2, the impact needed to be considered during soil evaporation estimation. As CNC reached 0.5, soil evaporation could be reduced by 7.5 mm, accounting for around 10% of the total soil water. Water balance calculation in soil columns showed that water absorbed by calcic nodules was partially available to evaporation. Water available to evaporation was positively related to CNC, and this water could not exceed 63% of the water absorbed by calcic nodules. Generally, evaporation behavior was dominated by calcic nodule quantity and its water absorption. These results provide new ideas for irrigation measures in arid areas of the globe.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the efficiency of Opuntia ficus‐indica for removing organochlorine pesticides from surface waters. Adsorption properties such as size, dose, and time of O. ficus‐indica for aldrin, dieldrin, and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) were studied through stirring and column methods. Because of their high affinity and swelling characteristics, dried O. ficus‐indica was studied in stirring while fresh unpeeled O. ficus‐indica was applied in both stirring and column experiments and proved to be well‐suited to column application. Before removing pesticides, the column was flashed with distilled water eliminate the turbidity and smell from fresh unpeeled cactus. The removal of pesticides increased with an increasing adsorbent dose and decreased with adsorbent particle sizes. The optimum adsorbent dose is 10 g for dried and 15 g for fresh unpeeled O. ficus‐indica. The experimental results show that O. ficus‐indica possesses strong adsorption ability for aldrin, dieldrin, and DDT, and the adsorption isotherm data obeyed the Freundlich model. The results of our small‐scale experiments suggest a strong potential to develop local small‐scale water treatment units that can be used at the level of individual households or local communities, using a widely available adsorbent.  相似文献   

Although it is known for many years, that transformation products (TPs) of pesticides are often more persistent, mobile, and sometimes more toxic than the parent compound, former catchment scale studies of substance release and flushing effects focused only on the parent compound. In this study, four river points were sampled in the Hula Valley, Israel, and samples were analyzed in the lab for chlorpyrifos (CP) and endosulfan residues (including transformation products; TPs). Sampling results of the first rainfall in autumn 2009 identified a strong release of most substances to the rivers. First flush effects of these substances were assessed regarding the risk for drinking water supply and ecology, like fresh water invertebrates and fish. Although, these substances were found in Jordan River water during the first significant rainfall the observed levels are below international drinking water guideline values with no adverse effects on human health in the region. However, the observed CP and chlorpyrifos oxon (CPO) levels are above the acute toxicity for fresh water invertebrates and fish. The study shows that the Hula Valley was an important source of pesticides and TPs at the Upper Jordan River basin and that substance flushing is extremely important for pesticides‐monitoring campaigns.  相似文献   

Irrigation of agricultural oases is the main water consumer in semi‐arid and arid regions of Northwestern China. The accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) on the oases is extremely important for evaluating water use efficiency so as to reasonably allocate water resources, particularly in semi‐arid and arid areas. In this study, we integrated the soil moisture information into surface energy balance system (SEBS) for improving irrigated crop water consumption estimation. The new approach fed with the moderate resolution imaging spectro‐radiometer images mapped spatiotemporal ET on the oasis in the middle reach of the Heihe river. The daily ET outputs of the new approach were compared with those of the original SEBS using the eddy correlation observations, and the results demonstrate that the modified SEBS remedied the shortcoming of general overestimating ET without regard to soil water stress. Meanwhile, the crop planting structure and leaf area index spatiotemporal distribution in the studied region were derived from the high‐resolution Chinese satellite HJ‐1/CCD images for helping analyse the pattern of the monthly ET (ETmonthly). The results show that the spatiotemporal variation of ETmonthly is closely related to artificial irrigation and crop growth. Further evaluation of current irrigation water use efficiency was conducted on both irrigation district scale and the whole middle reach of the Heihe river. The results reveal that the average fraction of consumed water on irrigation district scale is 57% in 2012. The current irrigation water system is irrational because only 52% of the total irrigated amount was used to fulfil plant ET requirement and the rest of the irrigation water recharged into groundwater in the oasis in 2012. However, in view of the whole middle reach of the Heihe river, the irrigation water use efficiency could reach to 66% in 2012. But pumping groundwater for reused irrigation wastes mostly energy instead of water. An improved irrigation water allocation system according to actual ET requirement is needed to increase irrigation efficiency per cubic meter water resource in an effort to save both water and energy. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non‐point source pollution is a key issue in integrated river basin management around the world and has resulted in water contamination, aquatic ecology deterioration and eutrophication. Xin'anjiang catchment is the key drinking water source area for Hangzhou City, China. A promising model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) was applied to assess the non‐point source pollution and its effect on drinking water. Sensitivity analysis of model parameters was carried out using the Sequential Uncertainty Domain Parameter Fitting 2 sensitivity technique. Water discharge, sediment, total nitrogen and total phosphorus load processes from 2000 to 2010 were simulated, and the spatial distributions of non‐point source pollutants were evaluated at the catchment and administrative country levels. The results show that the hydrological parameters of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool were dominantly sensitive for non‐point source pollution simulation, including CN2, RCHRG_DP, ALPHA_BF, SOL_AWC, ESCO and SOL_K and the characteristic parameters of sub‐basins (viz. HRU_SLP and SLSUBBSN). Also, water quality parameters (viz. CH_EROD, NPERCO, RSDCO and PPERCO, PHOSKD, etc.) have a significant effect on nutrients. The model performance was very satisfactory, especially for runoff, sediment and total phosphorus simulation. The non‐point source pollutant load increased from 2001 to 2010 in the whole catchment. Total nitrogen load increased from 3428 tons (0.59 ton km?2) to 7315 tons (1.25 ton km?2), and total phosphorus load increased from 299 tons (0.05 ton km?2) to 867 tons (0.15 ton km?2). The contribution of rice land was the largest, accounting for nearly 95%, followed by tea garden (3.56%), winter wheat (1.37%), forest (0.07%) and grassland (0.02%). Moreover, She County and Xiuning County contributed more than half of the non‐point source pollutants. This study was expected to provide a method and reference for non‐point source pollution quantification and to support water quality management implementation in China. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the northern Loess Plateau that has been severely affected by wind–water erosion, shifts from arable land to forest or grasslands have been promoted since 1998, using both native and introduced vegetation. However, there is little knowledge of the ecological consequences and effectiveness of the vegetation restoration in the region. Therefore, relationships between watershed‐scale soil physical properties and plant recovery processes were analyzed. The results show that soil physical properties such as bulk density, hydraulic conductivity, mean weight diameter, and the stability of >1 mm macro‐aggregates have been significantly ameliorated in the 0–20 cm soil layer under secondary natural grasslands. In contrast, re‐vegetation with introduced species such as Caragana korshinskii or Medicago sativa had adversely affected the soil physical properties, probably due to the deterioration of soil water conditions and lower organic matter inputs resulting from severe erosion. Reductions in bulk density and increases in saturated hydraulic conductivity could be used as indicators of soil structure amelioration since they are closely related to most other measured properties. Practical considerations for future re‐vegetation projects are suggested, particularly that native species with lower water consumption rates than the introduced species should be used to avoid further soil degradation.  相似文献   

The interaction effects of different applied ratios of a hydrophilic polymer (Superab A200) (0, 0.2, 0.6% w/w) under various soil salinity levels (initial salinity, 4 and 8 ms/cm) were evaluated on available water content (AWC), biomass, and water use efficiency for corn grown in loamy sand and sandy clay loam soils. The results showed that the highest AWC was measured at the lowest soil salinity. The application of 0.6% w/w of the polymer at the lowest salinity level increased the AWC by 2.2 and 1.2 times greater than those of control in the loamy sand and sandy clay loam soils, respectively. The analysis of variance of data showed that the effect of salinity was significant on biomass and water use efficiency of corn in the loamy sand and sandy clay loam soils. The highest amounts of these traits were measured in soils with the lowest salinity level. Application of polymer at the rate of 0.6% in the loamy sand soil and at the rate of 0.2% in the sandy clay loam soil resulted in the highest aerial and root biomass and water use efficiency for corn. At these polymer rates the amounts of water use efficiency for corn were 2.6 and 1.7 times greater than those of control in the loamy sand and sandy clay loam soils, respectively. Thus, the use of hydrophilic polymer in soils especially in the sandy soils increases soil water holding capacity, yield, and water use efficiency of plant. On the other hand, decreases the negative effect of soil salinity on plant and helps for irrigation projects to succeed in arid and semi‐arid areas.  相似文献   

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