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Much of the published literature relating to reach‐scale total ?ow resistance concentrates on alluvial rivers and little mention is made of the more extreme resistance found in bedrock‐in?uenced river systems. This paper presents the results of a detailed investigation of total ?ow resistance variation for ?ve channel types on the Sabie River, South Africa (cohesive mixed anastomosed, uncohesive mixed anastomosed, mixed pool–rapid, alluvial braided and alluvial single thread) over a range of discharges. Manning's ‘n’ and Darcy‐Weisbach f resistance coef?cients are calculated using Barnes' methodology (H. H. Barnes, US Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1849, 1967). These data are analysed at the scales of channel type and morphologic unit and the resultant resistance values are compared with the literature. Generally the low‐?ow friction values estimated for the bedrock‐in?uenced channel types are higher than any reported. Flow resistance quanti?cation of the alluvial channel type study sites on the Sabie River produced values slightly higher than earlier studies of similar morphologies. In situations where signi?cant areas of irregular bedrock are exposed (cohesive mixed anastomosed and mixed pool–rapid channel types) the high ?ow resistance coef?cients at low discharges probably re?ect energy dissipation due to hydraulic jumps and internal distortions; however, these values fall as discharge increases to values comparable to those recorded for step–pool rivers. It is suggested that the slightly elevated resistance coef?cients recorded in the alluvial channel types are the result of the vegetation roughness component, operating when the macro‐channel bar features are inundated. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study modelled flood losses (economic damages) along the Middle Mississippi River (MMR) (1) using current US government estimates of flow frequencies and (2) using frequencies based on the original, unaltered discharge measurements. The official flood frequencies were quantified in the Upper Mississippi River System Flow Frequency Study (UMRSFFS), but as a last step in that study, early discharges along the MMR were reduced by up to 54% to reflect a purported bias in early measurements. Subsequently, early discharge measurements were rigorously tested, and no such bias was found. Here, flood damages were quantified using a combination of one‐dimensional hydraulic modelling and flood‐loss modelling. For all recurrence intervals, damages were much less using the UMRSFFS flow frequencies compared with the frequencies based on the original discharge measurements, with differences ranging up to 79% (100‐year event) and $2.9bn (200‐year event). Annualized losses in the study area based on the UMRSFFS frequencies were just $41.6m versus $125.6m using the raw frequencies (an underestimation of 67%). These totals do not include flood losses elsewhere along the MMR, including in metropolitan St Louis. In summary, a seemingly small methodological adjustment – in this case, a single hidden adjustment, not documented anywhere within the UMRSFFS – can have dramatic societal impacts in terms of underestimation of flood probabilities and flood risk. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests dominate many tropical coastlines and are one of the most bio‐diverse and productive environments on Earth. However, little is known of the large‐scale dynamics of mangrove canopies and how they colonize intertidal areas. Here we focus on a fringe mangrove forest located in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam; a fast prograding shoreline where mangroves are encroaching tidal flats. The spatial and temporal evolution of the mangrove canopy is studied using a time series of Landsat images spanning two decades as well as Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data. Our results show that fast mangrove expansion is followed by an increase in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in the newly established canopy. We observe three different dynamics of the mangrove fringe: in the southwest part of the fringe, near a deltaic distributary where the fringe boundary is linear, the canopy expands uniformly on the tidal flats with a high colonization rate and high NDVI values. In the northeast part of the fringe, near another distributary, the canopy expands at a much lower rate with low NDVI values. In the fringe center, far from the river mouths, the fringe boundary is highly irregular and mangroves expansion in characterized by sparse vegetated patches displaying low NDVI values. We ascribe these different dynamics to wave action and southwest longshore transport triggered by energetic northeasterly monsoons during winter. We further link the large‐scale dynamics of the fringe to small‐scale physical disturbances (waves, erosion and deposition) that might prevent the establishment of mangrove seedlings. Based on these results, we include mangrove encroachment in an already published conceptual model of progradation of the Mekong River Delta. We conclude that high NDVI values and a constantly linear vegetation–water interface are indicative of stable mangrove canopies undergoing fast expansion, probably triggered by sediment availability at the shore. Our results can be applied more generally to mangrove forests growing in minerogenic and high tidal range environments with high sediment inputs. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The principal challenge in the parameterization of storm flow models for agricultural catchments with an artificial drainage network and fields with different degrees of tillage lies in the parsimonious definition of distributed model parameters in a way that reduces the number of calibration parameters to a justifiable minimum. This paper presents a comprehensive case study for the parameter estimation of a distributed storm flow model applied to an agricultural catchment (0.91 km2) in the Mediterranean region. Model parameterization was combined with procedures for multi‐criteria, multi‐storm calibration, where we automatically calibrated three parameters related to flow velocity and infiltration, and compared single and multi‐storm criteria that are based on discharge volume, peak flow, and the Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient. Multi‐storm calibration yielded a set of parameter values for the simulation batch with best multi‐storm overall performance, which are close to the median values in the pre‐calibration of individual storms. Our results suggest that flow velocities and proportionality of the channel infiltration rate do not vary significantly over the course of 11 years. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Scarcity of hydrological data, especially streamflow discharge and groundwater level series, restricts the understanding of channel transmission losses (TL) in drylands. Furthermore, the lack of information on spatial river dynamics encompasses high uncertainty on TL analysis in large rivers. The objective of this study was to combine the information from streamflow and groundwater level series with multi‐temporal satellite data to derive a hydrological concept of TL for a reach of the Middle Jaguaribe River (MJR) in semi‐arid north‐eastern Brazil. Based on this analysis, we proposed strategies for its modelling and simulation. TL take place in an alluvium, where river and groundwater can be considered to be hydraulically connected. Most losses certainly infiltrated only through streambed and levees and not through the flood plains, as could be shown by satellite image analysis. TL events whose input river flows were smaller than a threshold did not reach the outlet of the MJR. TL events whose input flows were higher than this threshold reached the outlet losing on average 30% of their input. During the dry seasons (DS) and at the beginning of rainy seasons (DS/BRS), no river flow is expected for pre‐events, and events have vertical infiltration into the alluvium. At the middle and the end of the rainy seasons (MRS/ERS), river flow sustained by base flow occurs before/after events, and lateral infiltration into the alluvium plays a major role. Thus, the MJR shifts from being a losing river at DS/BRS to become a losing/gaining (mostly losing) river at MRS/ERS. A model of this system has to include the coupling of river and groundwater flow processes linked by a leakage approach. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dendroclimatological data were used to reconstruct the discharge history of Chilko River, which drains a glacierized watershed in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia. We correlated ring‐width records from Engelmann spruce (ES) (Picea engelmanni) and mountain hemlock (MH) (Tsuga mertensiana) trees to historical hydroclimate data. Over the period of record, spruce and hemlock radial growth correlates significantly with temperature and snow depth, respectively. We found that a multi‐species approach provided a better model fit and reconstructive power. Using these relationships, we developed generalized linear models for mean June, July, and June‐July discharge. The proxy records provide insights into streamflow variability of a typical Coast Mountains river over the past 240 years and confirm the long‐term influence of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) on hydroclimatic regimes in the region. A relationship also exists between the reconstructed June‐July discharge record and the North Pacific (NP) Index, suggesting that winter atmospheric patterns over the North Pacific influence the hydrology of coastal British Columbia. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Finite element modelling of the saturated–unsaturated surface–subsurface flow mechanisms operative in a small salinized catchment in south‐western Australia was used to help define the flow system and explain the causes of waterlogging and salinization there. Data available at the site from a previous study were used to obtain a first approximation to the flow system. Altering the properties of some of the strata gave a closer calibration. It was found that the modelled saturated hydraulic conductivity of the B horizon in the duplex soil zone needed to be at least an order of magnitude lower than that measured in order to reproduce the perching conditions observed in the field. Also, the model indicated the influence of a doleritic dyke, whose presence was confirmed by field measurement. Our analysis showed that there were two main flow systems operating in the hillslope. The first, and most dominant, was the recharge occurring through the upslope gradational soil zone and percolating down to both the deeply weathered regolith and the basal aquifer. The second flow system is an unsaturated flow system operating in the high permeability A horizon in the downslope duplex soil zone. The first system is primarily responsible for the saline seepage zone in the valley bottom. The second contributes to the waterlogging and perching occurring upslope of the seepage zone. Vertical flow through the higher permeability B horizon in the gradational soil zone in the upper slopes is a major contributor of recharge. Recharge by flow through macropores occurs where, but only where, perched aquifers develop and allow the macropores to be activated. Areas with perched aquifers occurred in downslope locations and near a doleritic dyke located upslope. Thus, the area where macropore recharge occurred was not large. The recharge rate required to maintain the piezometric levels at present values is only about 30 mm/yr (about 5% of the annual rainfall). The piezometric levels under the upper part of the catchment varied greatly with only small changes in recharge rate. A 50% reduction in recharge rate had the effect of reducing the length of the seepage zone at the end of winter by 40%. Changes in recharge rate had little effect on the extent of the perched aquifer at the end of winter. Deep‐rooted perennial forages, shrubs or trees on the gradational soil zone in the upper part of the catchment and on the zones upslope of geological barriers to flow would be required to reduce the recharge and to allow for rehabilitation of the saline valley floor. Waterlogging associated with the perched water table in the bottom part of the catchment would be best addressed by tree plantations located just upslope of the salinized zone in the valley floor. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thalweg migration of an alluvial river plays a key role in channel evolution, which may influence the effect of existing river training works and biodiversity on floodplains, and cause losses in riparian land and property. The braided reach of the Lower Yellow River underwent continuous channel aggradation during the period from 1986 to 1999, and then remarkable channel degradation in 1999–2015 owing to the state of operation of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir in 1999. Here we quantify associated thalweg migration changes and identify the key influencing factor in the braided reach. Thalweg‐migration distances and intensities at section‐ and reach‐scales were calculated during the past 30 years from 1986 to 2015, in order to investigate the characteristics of thalweg migration in the reach. There was a 47% reduction in the reach‐scale thalweg‐migration distance and a 35% reduction in the corresponding migration intensity after the reservoir operation. It is also revealed that fluvial erosion intensity is a dominant factor in controlling the thalweg migration, based on the investigation into various influencing factors in the study reach. The thalweg‐migration intensity of the braided reach can be expressed as a power function of the previous four‐year average fluvial erosion intensity. The calculated thalweg‐migration intensities in 1986–2015 using the proposed relation generally agree with the observed data. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For many practical reasons, the empirical black‐box models have become an increasingly popular modelling tool for river flow forecasting, especially in mountainous areas where very few meteorological observatories exist. In this article, precipitation data are used as the only input to estimate river flow. Using five empirical black‐box models—the simple linear model, the linear perturbation model, the linearly varying gain factor model, the constrained nonlinear system model and the nonlinear perturbation model–antecedent precipitation index—modelling results are compared with actual results in three catchments within the Heihe River Basin. The linearly varying gain factor model and the nonlinear perturbation model yielded excellent predictions. For better simulation accuracy, a commonly used multilayer feed‐forward neural network model (NNM) was applied to incorporate the outputs of the individual models. Comparing the performance of these models, it was found that the best results were obtained from the NNM model. The results also suggest that more reliable and precise predictions of river flow can be obtained by using the NNM model while also incorporating the combined outputs of different empirical black‐box models. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Complex flow processes at river bifurcations and the influence of the layout of a bifurcation make it difficult to predict sediment distribution over the downstream branches in case bedload transport dominates. In one‐dimensional models we need a nodal point relationship that prescribes the distribution of sediment over the downstream branches. We have identified which factors need to be included in such a relationship for the division of bedload transport at bifurcations. Next, irrotational flow theory for idealized geometries has been used to derive a simple physics‐based nodal point relationship that accounts for the effects of helical flow in the situation that a channel takes off under an angle from a straight main channel. This first step towards a complete nodal point relationship is applicable to bedload transport situations if the flow is clearly curved and if there is no pronounced bed topography. The relationship has been tested against data from a unique set of laboratory measurements, numerical data and data from a scale model of the Rhine bifurcation at Pannerden in the Netherlands. We find that the derived model yields a reasonable prediction of the sediment division over the downstream branches, and yields better predictions than the Wang et al. model for the situation considered. Considering the relative complexity and limited accuracy of the nodal point relationship for the effect of helical flow alone, however, we conclude thatderiving a practical physics‐based 1‐D relationship including all relevant processes is not feasible. We therefore recommend 2‐D or 3‐D modelling for all cases in general where morphological evolution depends on the division of bedload transport at bifurcations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Power law correlation properties of sign and magnitude series have been studied based on the series of observation records of flow of the River Yangtze. The results obtained give improved insight into and understanding of the linear and non‐linear processes of the water cycle. With the newly developed Delayed Vector Variance method and the surrogate test, the documented linkage between the sign series and the linear process, and that between the magnitude series and non‐linear process can be verified. The spectra estimated by detrended fluctuation analysis method show different properties of intra‐annual and inter‐annual correlations in both sign and magnitude series. The linear process behaves as an 1/f noise at a time scale less than about 60 days, but shows features of anti‐persistence in terms of long‐term fluctuation. The magnitudes are clustered in three ways mainly caused by non‐linear processes, i.e. periodic clustering, strong short‐term clustering of 1/f noise at time scales less than 20 days, and long‐term clustering with weak persistence. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The measurement of river discharge is necessary for understanding many water‐related issues. Traditionally, river discharge is estimated by measuring water stage and converting the measurement to discharge by using a stage–discharge rating curve. Our proposed method for the first time couples the measurement of water‐surface width with river width–stage and stage–discharge rating curves by using very high‐resolution satellite data. We used it to estimate the discharge in the Yangtze (Changjiang) River as a case study. The discharges estimated at four stations from five QuickBird‐2 images matched the ground observation data very well, demonstrating that the proposed approach can be regarded as ancillary to traditional field measurement methods or other remote methods to estimate river discharge. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mud volcanism is commonly observed in Azerbaijan and the surrounding South Caspian Basin. This natural phenomenon is very similar to magmatic volcanoes but differs in one considerable aspect: Magmatic volcanoes are generally the result of ascending molten rock within the Earth's crust, whereas mud volcanoes are characterised by expelling mixtures of water, mud, and gas. The majority of mud volcanoes have been observed on ocean floors or in deep sedimentary basins, such as those found in Azerbaijan. Furthermore, their occurrences in Azerbaijan are generally closely associated with hydrocarbon reservoirs and are therefore of immense economic and geological interest. The broadside long‐offset transient electromagnetic method and the central‐loop transient electromagnetic method were applied to study the inner structure of such mud volcanoes and to determine the depth of a resistive geological formation that is predicted to contain the majority of the hydrocarbon reservoirs in the survey area. One‐dimensional joint inversion of central‐loop and long‐offset transient electromagnetic data was performed using the inversion schemes of Occam and Marquardt. By using the joint inversion models, a subsurface resistivity structure ranging from the surface to a depth of approximately 7 km was determined. Along a profile running perpendicular to the assumed strike direction, lateral resistivity variations could only be determined in the shallow depth range using the transient electromagnetic data. An attempt to resolve further two‐dimensional/three‐dimensional resistivity structures, representing possible mud migration paths at large depths using the long‐offset transient electromagnetic data, failed. Moreover, the joint inversion models led to ambiguous results regarding the depth and resistivity of the hydrocarbon target formation due to poor resolution at great depths (>5 km). Thus, 1D/2D modelling studies were subsequently performed to investigate the influence of the resistive terminating half‐space on the measured long‐offset transient electromagnetic data. The 1D joint inversion models were utilised as starting models for both the 1D and 2D modelling studies. The results tend to show that a resistive terminating half‐space, implying the presence of the target formation, is the favourable geological setting. Furthermore, the 2D modelling study aimed to fit all measured long‐offset transient electromagnetic Ex transients along the profile simultaneously. Consequently, 3125 2D forward calculations were necessary to determine the best‐fit resistivity model. The results are consistent with the 1D inversion, indicating that the data are best described by a resistive terminating half‐space, although the resistivity and depth cannot be determined clearly.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands are being utilized worldwide to effectively reduce excess nutrients in agricultural runoff and wastewater. Despite their frequency, a multi‐dimensional, physically based, spatially distributed modelling approach has rarely been applied for flow and solute transport in treatment wetlands. This article presents a two‐dimensional hydrodynamic and solute transport modelling of a large‐scaled, subtropical, free water surface constructed wetland of about 8 km2 in the Everglades of Florida, USA. In this study, MIKE 21 was adopted as the basic model framework. Field monitoring of the time series hydrological and chloride data, as well as spatially distributed data such as bathymetry and vegetation distribution, provided the necessary model input and testing data. Simulated water level profiles were in good agreement with the spatio‐temporal variations of measured ones. On average, the root‐mean‐square error of model calibration on annual water level fluctuations was 0·09 m. Manning's roughness coefficients for the dense emergent and submerged aquatic vegetation areas, which were estimated as a function of vegetation type, ranged from 0·67 to 1·0 and 0·12 to 0·15 s/m1/3, respectively. The solute transport model calibration for four monitoring sites agreed well with the measured annual variations in chloride concentration with an average percent model error of about 15%. The longitudinal dispersivity was estimated to be about 2 m and was more than an order of magnitude higher than the transverse one. This study is expected to play the role of a stepping stone for future modelling efforts on the development and application of more advanced flow and transport models applicable to a variety of constructed wetland systems, as well as to the Everglades stormwater treatment areas in operation or in preparation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on the hydrological and meteorological data recorded for the northern and southern headstreams of the Tarim River over the last 50 years, this paper analyses the variation characteristics of high‐flow and low‐flow indexes of annual runoff, air temperature and precipitation using a non‐parametric test. Additionally, this paper also studies the correlations between these three time series on multiple time scales for both northern and southern headstreams employing wavelet analysis. The results show the following: (i) the annual runoff and air temperature had significant increasing trends, whereas precipitation had a non‐significant increasing trend for the northern and southern headstreams. (ii) Abrupt changes appeared in precipitation in the north and south in 1990 and 1986, as well as in high‐flow and low‐flow indexes of annual runoff in 1993 and in air temperature in 1996. (iii) In the case of the northern headstreams, there was significant periodicity of 6 years in both high‐flow and low‐flow indexes and air temperature and of 3 and 8 years in precipitation. In the case of the southern headstreams, there was significant periodicity of 3 and 9 years in high‐flow and low‐flow indexes, 5 years in air temperature, and 5 and 8 years in precipitation. (iv) The high‐flow and low‐flow indexes in the headstreams of the Tarim River are closely related to the air temperature and precipitation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that the time series of hydrologic variables, such as rainfall and streamflow are significantly influenced by various large‐scale atmospheric circulation patterns. The influence of El Niño‐southern oscillation (ENSO) on hydrologic variables, through hydroclimatic teleconnection, is recognized throughout the world. Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) has been proved to be significantly influenced by ENSO. Recently, it was established that the relationship between ISMR and ENSO is modulated by the influence of atmospheric circulation patterns over the Indian Ocean region. The influences of Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) mode and equatorial Indian Ocean oscillation (EQUINOO) on ISMR have been established in recent research. Thus, for the Indian subcontinent, hydrologic time series are significantly influenced by ENSO along with EQUINOO. Though the influence of these large‐scale atmospheric circulations on large‐scale rainfall patterns was investigated, their influence on basin‐scale stream‐flow is yet to be investigated. In this paper, information of ENSO from the tropical Pacific Ocean and EQUINOO from the tropical Indian Ocean is used in terms of their corresponding indices for stream‐flow forecasting of the Mahanadi River in the state of Orissa, India. To model the complex non‐linear relationship between basin‐scale stream‐flow and such large‐scale atmospheric circulation information, artificial neural network (ANN) methodology has been opted for the present study. Efficient optimization of ANN architecture is obtained by using an evolutionary optimizer based on a genetic algorithm. This study proves that use of such large‐scale atmospheric circulation information potentially improves the performance of monthly basin‐scale stream‐flow prediction which, in turn, helps in better management of water resources. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ecohydrological processes are a key element to consider in functional river restorations. In the framework of a LIFE+ European restoration program, we have investigated the potential for airborne thermal‐infrared remote sensing to map surface water–groundwater exchanges and to identify their driving factors. We focused our attention on anastomosing channels on an artificial island of the Upper Rhine River (Rohrschollen), where a new channel was excavated from the floodplain to reconnect an older channel in its upstream part. These hydraulic engineering works led to an increased inflow from the Rhine Canal. Here, we propose an original data treatment chain to (a) georeference the thermal‐infrared images in geographic information system based on visible images, (b) detect and correct data errors, and (c) identify and locate thermal anomalies attributed to groundwater inputs and hyporheic upwellings. Our results, which have been compared to morpho‐sedimentary data, show that groundwater upwelling in the new channel is controlled by riffle–pool sequences and bars. This channel is characterized by large bedload transport and morphodynamic activity, forming riffles and bars. In the old channel, where riffle–pool sequences no longer exist, due to impacts of engineering works and insufficient morphodynamic effects of the restoration, thermal anomalies appeared to be less pronounced. Groundwater inputs seem to be controlled by former gravel bars outcropping on the banks, as well as by local thinning of the low‐permeability clogging layer on the channel bed.  相似文献   

Suspended‐sediment concentration data are a missing link in reconstructions of the River Waal in the early 1800s. These reconstructions serve as a basis for assessing the long‐term effects of major interventions carried out between 1850 AD and the early 20th century. We used a 2D physics‐based morphodynamic model accounting for the influence of floodplain vegetation to fill in this gap. Historical discharge hydrographs were derived from a correlation between flow discharge records at Cologne and water level measurements of the Rhine branches in the Netherlands, taking into account the discharge distribution between the branches. Historical floodplain sedimentation rates were estimated using old cartographic information and recent geomorphologic field work. The computed historical sedimentation rates are found to be within the range of measured data, which suggests that fine suspended sediment concentrations in the early 1800s were comparable to contemporary ones. The computations show also how vegetation enhances the formation of natural levees close to the main channel and at the same time decreases the sedimentation rates in farther areas of the floodplain. A sensitivity analysis shows suspended sediment composition to have a strong influence on the resulting quantities and patterns of floodplain deposition. The reconstruction has also provided validation of the modelling tools to reproduce the effects of vegetation on sediment dynamics, enabling their implementation to study other cases. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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