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陈善敏 《气象》1986,12(12):15-16
南极大气科学考察研究工作,是南极综合性多学科考察研究的重要组成部分。随着我国南极科学考察工作的逐步开展,1981年起先后派出了一批中青年的气象工作者,参加友好国家的南极考察队进行大气科学考察。1984年底国家气象局气象科学研究院的四名科技人员,参加了中国首次南极考察队,在南极乔治岛上建立了中国第一个南极长城气象站。目前WMO已将该站纳入世界天气监视网,并作为南极地区的基本气象站。该站1985年开始了南极气象要素的观测、资料数据的收集和大气样品的采集工作,为开展我国的南极大气科学研究工作打下了初步的基础。近两年来,我国的南极气象科研人员,利用自己在南极收集的宝贵气象资料以及国外的南极气象资料,进行较为细致的分析研究,取得了一批南极大气科学研究的初步成果。1986年9月23—25日,国家气象局气象科学研究院与中国南极研究学术委员会大气与空间科学组,在北京联合召开了第一次南极气象研究学术讨论会,较系统地反映了当前南极大气科学研究的状况。  相似文献   

建国以后,新中国的气象事业得到了迅速的发展。其中,天气学方面的工作,是发展较快的一个部分。在社会主义建设对天气预报服务工作的迫切要求与促进下,这方面的工作在广泛的基础上蓬勃开展。同时,通过多种途径的培训,很快形成了一支较大的科技与教学人员队伍,成为我国气象学科中近年来从业人员比较集中的一个分支。先后开展了我国近代天气学方面有关的理论与实际问题之研究工作,得到了一定的进展;在天气分析预报技术的改进与服务效益上,也  相似文献   

巢纪平  符淙斌 《气象》1980,6(9):1-3
最近召开的全国气候学术会议,交流了近几年来我国气候学研究若干领域的成果。它表明,无论在应用研究还是在理论研究方面都取得了很大的成绩。不仅对国民经济建设作出了一定的贡献,同时在某些方面已经接近或达到了世界先进水平,开始受到国际上的重视。本文就其中若干课题谈一些作者的浅见。  相似文献   

近20年来中国极地大气科学研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
南极、北极和青藏高原是地球上的 3大气候敏感地区 ,是多个国际计划研究全球变化的关键地区。中国的南极和北极实地考察研究 ,分别始于 2 0世纪 80和 90年代 ,起步较晚 ,但近 2 0余年来有较大的进展。极地大气科学考察与研究是极地科学研究的重要组成部分。讫今为止 ,中国已组织了 2 0次南极考察和 3次北极考察 ,建立了中国南极长城站、中山站和北极黄河站等 3个常年科学考察站 ;进行了常规地面气象、Brewer大气臭氧、近地面物理、高层大气物理、冰雪和大气化学等观测 ,获得了较为系统的极地大气科学第一手资料 ;开展了有关极地与全球变化的研究 ,取得了新的进展。南极地区大气温度、臭氧和海冰的气候变化在时间和空间上都是多样的。南极地区的增暖主要发生在南极半岛地区 ,在南极大陆主体并不明显 ,近 10余年来还有降温趋势。中国南极长城站和中山站的观测资料也证实了这一点。此外 ,还揭示了南极半岛西侧和罗斯海外围的海冰变化具有“翘翘板”特征 ,由此定义的南极涛动指数可用来讨论南极海冰状况和海冰关键区的活动 ;用实地考察资料研究了极地不同下垫面的近地面物理和海 -冰 -气相互作用特征 ,给出了边界层特征参数 ;讨论了极地天气气候和大气环境特征及其对东亚大气环流和中国天气气候的影响 ;利用  相似文献   

近年来大气遥感研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文着重介绍中国科学院大气物理研究所2003年以来在大气遥感研究方面的主要进展与成果,内容包括:(1)遥感技术与设备的发展;(2)大气气溶胶遥感;(3)云遥感;(4)大气微量气体遥感;(5)反演方法发展;(6)大气辐射传输算法研究。气溶胶的光学特性遥感研究是近年来热点之一,本文简要论述在气溶胶光学特性地基和卫星遥感反演算法、中国大气气溶胶光学特性时空分布特性、气溶胶辐射强迫遥感研究等方面所取得的成果。  相似文献   

谐波分析也叫调和分析或波谱分析,它是建立在任何复杂的波动或振动均是正弦或余弦的简谐波的重迭这个基础上进行的,实际上是一种分解分析。大气运动在空间上的多尺度性,在时间上的多频性为谐波分析在天气气候分析中的应用提供了物理依据。谐波分析在我国天气气候分析中常用的有下述两方面:一是在固定观测点上得到某气象要素(如温度、降水等)时间序列的周期分析,即时间场的谐波分析;一是在固定时刻得到某气象要素或特征量场  相似文献   

王馥棠 《气象》1986,12(5):46-47
农作物产量的形成不仅与作物本身的品种特性、农业技术水平、土肥条件、病虫害等自然和社会因素有关,还深受环境气象条件波动变化的影响,而且后者往往还起着重要的作用。 近几年来,作物产量气象预报研究及其应用,无论在广度上或深度上,均取得了显著的进展,不仅在预报原理、思路、模式方法上有了较系统和深入的探讨,且大部分研究成果能较快地转入业务应  相似文献   

1978年12月中国气象学会在河北省邯郸地区召开了年会,总结交流了1970年以来我国气象学术论文情况。年会结束后,中国农业科学院又在同一地区召开了全国农业气象科学技术规划会。会议介绍了国内外近年来农业气象的发展情况,找了我国的差距,在此基础上讨论和落实了我国1978—1985年农业气象科学技术发展规划。这两次会议对发展我国农业气象来说,都是很重要的。现就会上收集到的论文作扼要介绍。  相似文献   

1992年7月,世界气象组织(WMO)发表了《关于人工影响天气的声明》。同该组织过去发表的同类声明相比,此次声明表现了明显的乐观主义情绪,显然受到世界范围内人工影响天气进展的鼓舞。其中,中国和其它发展中国家在这一科学领域内的积极活动,尤其令人瞩目。近年来,由于经济发展的需要,各级政府的重视,联合国发起的国际减灾10年活动的促进,我国的人工影响天气工作取得了较大的进展。1993年,全国有3O个省、市、区、计划单列市开展人工影响天气工作,年投入经费超过7700万元。我国人工影响天气工作的规模,仅次于美国,居世界第二位…  相似文献   

本文重点介绍了近年来我国气象学者对暴雨中尺度系统研究的某些进展,涉及有关暴雨中尺度系统及其触发机制、动力学、热力学、数值模拟、微物理结构、卫星云图和雷达回波分析问题,并分析了暴雨中尺度系统的研究前景.  相似文献   

A review of recent advances in research on Asian monsoon in China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper reviews briefly advances in recent research on monsoon by Chinese scholars, including primarily: (1) the establishment of various monsoon indices. In particular, the standardized dynamic seasonal variability index of the monsoon can delimit the geographical distribution of global monsoon systems and determine quantitatively the date of abrupt change in circulation. (2) The provision of three driving forces for the generation of monsoon. (3) The revelation of the heating-pump action of the Tibetan Plateau, which strengthens southerlies in the southern and southeastern periphery of the Plateau and results in a strong rainfall center from the northern Bay of Bengal (BOB) to the Plateau itself. (4) Clarification of the initial onset of the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) in the BOB east of 90°E, Indochina Peninsula (ICP) and the South China Sea, of which the rapid northward progression of tropical convection in the Sumatra and the rapid westward movement of the South Asia High to the Indochina Peninsula are the earliest signs. (5) The provision of an integrated mechanism for the onset of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM), which emphasizes the integrated impact of sensible heat over Indian Peninsula, the warm advection of the Tibetan Plateau and the sensible heat and latent heat over the Indochina Peninsula on the one hand, and the seasonal phase-lock effect of the northward propagation of low frequency oscillation on the other. (6) The revelation of the "planetary-scale moisture transport large-value band" from the Southern Hemisphere through to the Asian monsoon region and into the North Pacific, which is converged by several large-scale moisture transport belts in the Asian-Australian monsoon regions and whose variation influences directly the temporal and spatial distribution of summer rainfall in China. (7) Presenting the features of the seasonal advance of the EASM, the propagation of intraseasonal oscillation, and their relationship with rainfall in Ch  相似文献   

大气边界层物理的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
大气边界层物理是大气物理的一个分支学科。随着大气污染方面的工作和大气物理学科发展的需要,建国三十年来,特别是近十几年来,大气边界层物理有了较大的发展,并且取得了可喜的进展。下面分三个方面进行扼要的归纳和总结。  相似文献   

A review of atmospheric electricity research in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of atmospheric electricity research has been increasingly recognized in recent decades. Research on atmospheric electricity has been actively conducted since the 1980 s in China. Lightning physics and its effects, as important branches of atmospheric electricity, have received more attention because of their significance both in scientific research and lightning protection applications. This paper reviews atmospheric electricity research based primarily on ground-based field experiments at different regions in China in the last decade. The results described in this review include physics and effects of lightning, rocket-triggered lightning and its physical processes of discharge, thunderstorm electricity on the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas, lightning activity associated with severe convective storms, the effect and response of lightning to climate change, numerical simulation of thunderstorm electrification and lightning discharge, lightning detection and location techniques, and transient luminous events above thunderstorms.  相似文献   

Recent progress in atmospheric observation research in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent progress in atmospheric observation techniques, observational systems and their application in China are reviewed. According to different observational platforms, the review is presented in three sections, i.e., satellite remote sensing (SRS), ground-based observation technologies and applications, and aircraft/balloon measurements. The section "satellite remote sensing" presents advances in SRS techniques, SRS of clouds and aerosols, and SRS of trace gases and temperature/moisture profiles. The section "groundbased observation technologies and applications" focuses on research such as lidar systems and applications, sun/sky radiometer and broadband radiation observations, weather radar and wind profilers, GPS measurements, and some new concept systems. The section "aircraft/balloon measurements" presents some newly developed aircraft- and balloon-based sounding techniques.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the main theoretical progress of mesoscale weather dynamics since 2003, including: (1) The dynamic mechanisms of balanced and unbalanced flow are applied to study the genesis and development problems of mesoscale circulation. The symmetric instability and transverse-wave instability are analyzed in line and vortex atmosphere convection, and further research has been done on nonlinear convective symmetric instability. The interaction between forced convection and unstable convection and the wave characteristics of mesoscale motion are also discussed. (2) Intermediate atmosphere dynamic boundary layer models are developed. The complicated nonlinear interaction is analyzed theoretically between the atmospheric boundary layer and the free atmosphere. The structure of the topography boundary layer, atmospheric frontogenesis, the structure and circulation of the low-level front and other boundary layer dynamic problems are discussed. (3) The formation and development of meso-β-scale rainstorms under the background of the East-Asia atmosphere circulation are diagnosed with the variation of MPV (moist potential vorticity) anomalies. And some physical vectors are modified and applied in the moist atmosphere.  相似文献   

Scientific publications as well as personal contacts at scientific meetings always give an impetus tothe advancement of science. Since the mid-seventies China has participatod in more and moreinternational conferences on atmospheric sciences. Especially in recent years china has actively takenpart in such interchanges. Beautiful as they are, the intricate Chinese characters, have given muchtrouble to our foreign colleagues in keeping abreast of the current developments in our atmospheric  相似文献   

We summarise major activities and advances in boundary-layer knowledge in the 25 years since 1970, with emphasis on the application of this knowledge to surface and boundary-layer parametrisation schemes in numerical models of the atmosphere. Progress in three areas is discussed: (i) the mesoscale modelling of selected phenomena; (ii) numerical weather prediction; and (iii) climate simulations. Future trends are identified, including the incorporation into models of advanced cloud schemes and interactive canopy schemes, and the nesting of high resolution boundary-layer schemes in global climate models.  相似文献   

冰冻圈变化的适应研究是冰冻圈科学领域的新兴研究方向,是当今自然科学与社会科学交叉融合跨学科集成研究的典型代表。起步于2007年的中国冰冻圈变化适应研究,经历了早期的探索,研究重点由评价脆弱性发展为量化冰冻圈变化的影响,形成以影响/风险—脆弱性—适应全链条的完善的研究体系,研究方法突破传统的指标体系赋权法的不足,初步实现了定量化,有机结合影响/风险、脆弱性、适应三方面的研究结果,使冰冻圈变化的适应措施由偏重宏观性、普适性开始转向更有针对性。未来中国冰冻圈变化的适应研究应拓展、完善和深化现有的理论体系,构建冰冻圈与社会经济耦合模型,科学量化冰冻圈全要素变化的影响,建立不同利益相关者与科学家共同参与的研究新模式,科学有效应对与适应冰冻圈变化及其影响。  相似文献   

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