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大同-阳原盆地南缘断裂带是北京西北~山西北部盆-岭区的一条最大的断层。晚第四纪断层崖高度和高度分布型式把断裂带分为西南和东北两个段落。该断裂带在山前带和山麓坡的构造地貌、微地文期演化历史方面存在着明显的分段变异。构造地貌过程的速度和断层习性差异,以及段落边界的重叠断层特征,是构造地貌变异的直接原因。  相似文献   

本文以川西安宁河河谷第四纪沉积记录和晚第四纪地表构造变形研究为基础,借助孢粉分析、构造过程等诸多定量信息,试图较深入地认识河谷阶地成因及其块体边界断裂的活动特征和强震活动特征,为进一步开展边界断裂动力学研究和强震预测提供详实和可靠的基础资料。  相似文献   

安宁河断裂带北段晚更新世以来的分段活动特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
唐荣昌  钱洪 《中国地震》1992,8(3):60-68
本文据断裂带的断层几何形态、组合型式、断错地貌及地震活动资料,讨论了安宁河断裂带北段(西昌-石棉田湾段)在晚更新世以来的活动性状。根据该段活动程度的差异,从南至北将其分为三个活动段,即西昌-冕宁段;冕宁-紫马垮段;紫马垮-田湾段。上述三个活动段除南段具备发生大震背景外,中段和北段分别具有发生强震和中强震的背景。根据断层泥中石英碎屑表面扪描电子显微(SEM)结构特征,讨论了安宁河断裂带北段的运动性质,指出西昌-紫马垮段具粘滑运动方式;紫马垮-麂子坪段具粘滑、蠕滑兼有的运动方式;麂子坪以北至田湾段具以蠕滑为主的运动方式。  相似文献   

甘孜—玉树断裂带的晚第四纪活动特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  

龙门山断裂带晚第四纪活动性分段的初步研究   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
NE向展布于松潘-甘孜造山带与扬子陆块之间的龙门山断裂带,是由后山断裂等4条主干断裂及其控制的冲断构造岩片组成的具前展式发育特点的推覆构造带。它形成于印支运动,此后多次活动,第四纪以来活动强烈,但不同地段活动程度具有明显的非均一性。根据地貌、地质构造、布格重力异常和地震活动等资料的综合分析研究认为:1)以位于虎牙—北川—安县一线的近SN向虎牙断裂和擂东断裂为界划分出断裂带西南段和东北段,其活动性迥然不同,西南段晚更新世以来活动强烈,中小地震频繁;东北段第四纪活动微弱,仅偶有小震分布。2)在青藏高原被挤压隆升和块体侧向滑移的作用下,川青地块向SEE滑动,使它东缘发育的岷山隆起与被其截切的龙门山断裂带西南段一起构成了川青地块东部的活动边界,而龙门山断裂带东北段则被遗弃  相似文献   

依据野外槽探实测的仙女山断裂带和和天阳坪断裂带的地质剖面,通过研究断层堆积与构造岩,新老构造岩变形,断层破裂有其几何特征,断层充填物采样年代鉴定等,获得了两断裂带晚更新世末期活动和古地震的最新证据。  相似文献   

山西中条山断裂带的晚第四纪分段模型   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
程绍平  杨桂枝 《地震地质》2002,24(3):289-302
山西南部的中条山断裂是鄂尔多斯断块周边活动断裂系东南部分的 1条断裂。有关断层活动性的最新研究结果表明 ,中条山断裂的活动性水平较低且重复间隔较长。在这个认识的基础上 ,根据构造不连续性、构造地貌学、探槽古地震学和断层运动学证据 ,进一步提出了晚第四纪中条山断裂的分段模型及其定量参数  相似文献   

日月山断裂位于东昆仑断裂和祁连-海原断裂等主边界断裂控制的柴达木-祁连活动块体内部,属于二级构造。该断裂构造地貌发育,研究其活动特征可获得青藏高原东北缘向外扩展的信息。文中以晚更新世以来清晰的地貌变形为重点,通过RTK测量方法获得沿断层走向的垂直位移量,基于断层生长连接理论,分析了日月山断裂的演化,并讨论其反映的动力学背景,主要获得了以下3点认识:1)根据晚更新世以来洪积扇和阶地等地貌内长约200km的3期断层陡坎的发育特征,将日月山断裂分为5段,最重要的分段位于第三重叠区(CD-3)。2)日月山断层3期位移量分布形态反映了断层由多条次级破裂生长连接而成,处于断层生长连接的第二阶段。以CD-3为界,NW侧的断层持续生长连接;东南侧的断层活动时间相对较短,活动强度相对较弱。3)断层位移量分布曲线极值指示了应变集中和应力积累的位置。以CD-3重叠区为界,NW侧应力和应变主要集中在中部及断层重叠区,东南侧应力长期积累的范围则相对分散。应力状态可能与区域构造应力挤压作用下块体内部的顺时针旋转有关。  相似文献   

嫩江断裂带是松辽盆地的西边界断裂,但受第四系强覆盖等研究条件的限制,前人对该断裂第四纪构造活动的研究较少。本文针对该断裂带北段开展了野外地质调查,并综合大地电磁测深和纵波速度结构等结果,初步研究了嫩江断裂带北段的第四纪活动特征。调查发现,该断裂北段主要发育地貌陡坎、基岩滑坡、地层揉皱变形、近垂直擦痕、基岩崩塌与线性断塞塘等特征。探槽古地震研究揭示断裂带北段在(80.9±4.6)—(62.9±2.3)ka BP曾发生1次古地震事件,运动方式为正断,垂直位移量约1.5m,震级约为MS 7.1—7.3,断裂在晚更新世曾发生过强烈活动。研究结果有助于认识了解该断裂和松辽盆地的第四纪构造变形过程,并为评价该断裂及邻区的地震活动潜势提供参考。  相似文献   

The Tan-Lu Fault Zone(TLFZ), a well-known lithosphere fault zone in eastern China, is a boundary tectonic belt of the secondary block within the North China plate, and its seismic risk has always been a focus problem. Previous studies were primarily conducted on the eastern graben faults of the Yishu segment where there are historical earthquake records, but the faults in western graben have seldom been involved. So, there has been no agreement about the activity of the western graben fault from the previous studies. This paper focuses on the activity of the two buried faults in the western graben along the southern segment of Yishu through combination of shallow seismic reflection profile and composite drilling section exploration. Shallow seismic reflection profile reveals that the Tangwu-Gegou Fault(F4)only affects the top surface of Suqian Formation, therefore, the fault may be an early Quaternary fault. The Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)has displaced the upper Pleistocene series in the shallow seismic reflection profile, suggesting that the fault may be a late Pleistocene active fault. Drilling was implemented in Caiji Town and Lingcheng Town along the Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)respectively, and the result shows that the latest activity time of Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)is between(91.2±4.4)ka and(97.0±4.8)ka, therefore, the fault belongs to late Pleistocene active fault. Combined with the latest research on the activity of other faults along TLFZ, both faults in eastern and western graben were active during the late Pleistocene in the southern segment of the Yishu fault zone, however, only the fault in eastern graben was active in the Holocene. This phenomenon is the tectonic response to the subduction of the Pacific and Philippine Sea Plate and collision between India and Asian Plate. The two late Quaternary active faults in the Yishu segment of TLFZ are deep faults and present different forms on the surface and in near surface according to studies of deep seismic reflection profile, seismic wave function and seismic relocation. Considering the tectonic structure of the southern segment of Yishu fault zone, the relationship between deep and shallow structures, and the impact of 1668 Tancheng earthquake(M=8(1/2)), the seismogenic ability of moderate-strong earthquake along the Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)can't be ignored.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带北段晚第四纪活动性讨论   总被引:43,自引:11,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
在野外考察的基础上 ,结合所采集的各条断裂之上的覆盖物或断层带物质的热释光 (TL)或电子自旋共振 (ESR)样品年龄 ,对龙门山断裂带北段的晚第四纪活动性进行了分析 ,认为 :后山断裂在第四纪早 -中期曾有过活动 ,晚更新世以来已不再活动 ;中央断裂早更新世或前第四纪是活动的 ;前山断裂在白龙江以北变成一些小的、零星分布的断裂 ,它们在第四纪早期以前有过活动。而已有研究表明龙门山断裂带中段和西南段晚第四纪以来仍在活动。造成龙门山断裂带不同段落新活动时代不同的主要原因 ,可能是区域应力场的变化所导致的活动地块边界的变化。龙门山断裂带的北段现在已不构成活动块体的边界 ,加之岷山隆起对龙门山断裂带东北段的屏障作用 ,使得龙门山断裂带北段活动减弱。而龙门山推覆构造带中南段和岷山隆起构造带共同成为块体持续挤压作用的东界。这为研究青藏高原的运动学及动力学等问题提供了重要信息  相似文献   

侯康明 《华南地震》1998,18(3):28-34
在室内航,卫片解释及野外1:5万大比例尺活断层地质填图等专项研究的基础上,论证了1927年古浪8级大震主发震断裂皇城-双塔断裂带的几何分段及运动学特征。依据断层的几何特征,活动时期,活动强度可将该断裂带分为3段,分别为皇城盆地段(西段)、上寺段(中段)和冬青顶段(东段)。其中东段是古浪地震的发震段,与西段和中段相比,它具有活动时代新、活动强度大等特点,属全新世活动段。1927年古浪地震的发生与其特  相似文献   

The northeastern margin of Tibetan plateau is an active block controlled by the eastern Kunlun fault zone, the Qilian Shan-Haiyuan fault zone, and the Altyn Tagh fault zone. It is the frontier and the sensitive area of neotectonic activity since the Cenozoic. There are widespread folds, thrust faults and stike-slip faults in the northeastern Tibetan plateau produced by the intensive tectonic deformation, indicating that this area is suffering the crustal shortening, left-lateral shear and vertical uplift. The Riyueshan Fault is one of the major faults in the dextral strike-slip faults systems, which lies between the two major large-scale left-lateral strike-slip faults, the Qilian-Haiyuan Fault and the eastern Kunlun Fault. In the process of growing and expanding of the entire Tibetan plateau, the dextral strike-slip faults play an important role in regulating the deformation and transformation between the secondary blocks. In the early Quaternary, because of the northeastward expansion of the northeastern Tibetan plateau, tectonic deformations such as NE-direction extrusion shortening, clockwise rotation, and SEE-direction extrusion occurred in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, which lead to the left-lateral slip movement of the NWW-trending major regional boundary faults. As the result, the NNW-trending faults which lie between these NWW direction faults are developed. The main geomorphic units developed within the research area are controlled by the Riyueshan Fault, formed due to the northeastward motion of the Tibet block. These geomorphic units could be classified as:Qinghai Lake Basin, Haiyan Basin, Datonghe Basin, Dezhou Basin, and the mountains developed between the basins such as the Datongshan and the Riyueshan. Paleo basins, alluvial fans, multiple levels of terraces are developed at mountain fronts. The climate variation caused the formation of the geomorphic units during the expansion period of the lakes within the northeastern Tibetan plateau. There are two levels of alluvial fans and three levels of fluvial terrace developed in the study area, the sediments of the alluvial fans and fluvial terraces formed by different sources are developed in the same period. The Riyueshan Fault connects with the NNW-trending left-lateral strike-slip north marginal Tuoleshan fault in the north, and obliquely connects with the Lajishan thrust fault in the south. The fault extends for about 180km from north to south, passing through Datonghe, Reshui coal mine, Chaka River, Tuole, Ketu and Xicha, and connecting with the Lajishan thrusts near the Kesuer Basin. The Riyueshan Fault consists of five discontinuous right-step en-echelon sub-fault segments, with a spacing of 2~3km, and pull-apart basins are formed in the stepovers. The Riyueshan Fault is a secondary fault located in the Qaidam-Qilian active block which is controlled by the major boundary faults, such as the East Kunlun Fault and the Qilian-Haiyuan Fault. Its activity characteristics provide information of the outward expansion of the northeastern margin of Tibet. Tectonic landforms are developed along the Riyueshan Fault. Focusing on the distinct geomorphic deformation since late Pleistocene, the paper obtains the vertical displacement along the fault strike by RTK measurement method. Based on the fault growth-linkage theory, the evolution of the Riyueshan Fault and the related kinetic background are discussed. The following three conclusions are obtained:1)According to the characteristics of development of the three-stage 200km-long steep fault scarp developed in the landforms of the late Pleistocene alluvial fans and terraces, the Riyueshan Fault is divided into five segments, with the most important segment located in the third stepover(CD-3); 2)The three-stage displacement distribution pattern of the Riyueshan Fault reveals that the fault was formed by the growths and connections of multiple secondary faults and is in the second stage of fault growth and connection. With CD-3 as the boundary, the faults on the NW side continue to grow and connect; the fault activity time on the SE side is shorter, and the activity intensity is weaker; 3)The extreme value of the fault displacement distribution curve indicates the location of strain concentration and stress accumulation. With the stepover CD-3 as the boundary, the stress and strain on NW side are mainly concentrated in the middle and fault stepovers. The long-term accumulation range of stress on the SE side is relatively dispersed. The stress state may be related to the counterclockwise rotation inside the block under the compression of regional tectonic stress.  相似文献   

老虎山断裂带的分段性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
本文分析了老虎山断裂的基本特征,在此基础上运用活断层的自然分段、几何学特征分段、运动学分段及破裂分段等分段原则,对老虎山断裂带进行了分段研究,其中着重研究了破裂分段问题。老虎山断裂带可以分成4段,从东到西依次为喜集水段、老虎山段、草峡段和黑马圈河段。对断裂分段的研究可以为地震的中长期预报提供重要依据。  相似文献   

断块运动与活断层分段   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
断层作为断块的边界,其活动特征和断块运动密切相关。通过分析断块运动类型与断层活动及其分段的关系,以及断块运动与构造障碍的关系,论述了断块运动研究在活断层分段中的作用  相似文献   

郯庐活断层的分段及其大震危险性分析   总被引:24,自引:13,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
李家灵  晁洪太 《地震地质》1994,16(2):121-126
郯庐活断层长360km,通过系统的填图可将其分为3个独立的活断层破裂段。对每段的几何形态、最新活动时代、大震复发间隔、现今活动状态以及分段障碍体等作了介绍,并对各段未来的大震危险性做了初步分析  相似文献   

Daliangshan fault zone (DFZ) constitutes an indispensable part of Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault system which is one of the main large continental strong earthquake faults in China.Puxiong Fault,the east branch of middle segment of DFZ,is the longest secondary fault.Its paleoseismic activity plays an important role in evaluating regional seismic activity level and building countermeasures of preventing and reducing the earthquake damage.The active fault mapping as well as the study of paleoseismological trench in recent years illustrates that Puxiong Fault is a slightly west-dipping high-angle left-lateral strike-slip fault with strong activity since late Pleistocene.Two trenches excavated across this fault reveal 2 and 3 paleoearthquakes that ruptured the fault at 8206 BC-1172 AD,1084-1549 AD,and 17434-7557 BC,1577-959 BC and 927-1360 AD,respectively.The OxCal model combining the results from both trenches and the another one in previous study across the fault with the historical earthquake record yields the elapsed time of~0.7ka of the latest paleoearthquake event,and the interval time is~2.3ka between the last two events.In the model,the penultimate event is considered to be recorded in all trenches.As all the three trenches are located at north part of the Puxiong Fault whose strike is apparently different from the south part,the~57km long north secondary segment is supposed to be the seismogenic structure of the paleoearthquake.According to the empirical scaling laws between magnitude and rupture length,the magnitude of the surface ruptured paleoearthquake is estimated to be more than M7 with the coseismic displacement~3.5m.However,the difference between the time of the paleoearthquake events on the middle and south segments of DFZ illustrates their independence as earthquake fracture units,and furthermore,the lower connectivity and the new generation of DFZ.  相似文献   

The relationship between the latest activity of active fault and seismic events is of the utmost importance. The Tan-lu fault zone in eastern China is a major fault zone, of which the active characteristics of the segments in Jiangsu, Shandong and Anhui has been the focus of research. This study takes the Dahongshan segment of the Tanlu Fault in Sihong County as the main research area. We carried out a detailed geological survey and excavated two trenches across the steep slope on the southwest side of the Dahongshan. Each trench shows fault clearly. Combining the comparative analysis of previous work, we identified and cataloged the late Quaternary deformation events and prehistoric earthquake relics, and analyzed the activity stages and behavior of this segment. Fault gonge observed in the trench profiles shows that multiple earthquake events occurred in the fault. The faulting dislocated the Neogene sandstone, black gravel layer and gray clay layer. Brown clay layer is not broken. According to the relations of dislocated stratums, corresponding 14C and OSL samples were collected and dated. The result indicates that the Dahongshan segment of the Tanlu Fault has experienced strong earthquakes since the late Quaternary. Thrust fault, normal fault and strike-slip fault are found in the trenches. The microscopic analysis of slices from fault shows that there are many stick-creep events taking place in the area during the late Quaternary. Comprehensive analysis shows that there have been many paleoearthquakes in this region since the late Quaternary, the recent active time is the late Pleistocene, and the most recent earthquake event occurred in(12~2.5ka BP). The neotectonic activity is relatively weak in the Anhui segment(south of the Huaihe River)of Tanlu fault zone. There are difficulties in the study of late Quaternary activity. For example, uneven distribution of the Quaternary, complex geological structure, larger man-made transformation of surface and so on. The progressive research may be able to promote the study on the activity of the Anhui segment of Tanlu fault zone.  相似文献   

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