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We derive experimental constraints on the interior structure and mineralogy of large icy satellites by reacting material of chondritic chemistry with water at a pressure of 1.5 GPa, temperatures between 300°C and 800°C and a range of oxygen fugacities. Our results document the existence of three chemical processes that probably occur in large icy satellites as a result of high pressure hydrothermal processing: (1) the formation of low-density hydrated silicates, (2) the alloying of iron and sulfur to form FeS-dominated cores, and (3) the instability of organic material relative to carbonates. We construct new internal models of the thermal and structural state of Ganymede, and infer that the magnetic field of this body arises from convection within a mostly iron sulfide core. Simple thermochemical calculations are conducted to further explore the likely effects of composition and oxygen fugacity on the high pressure chemistry undergone by organic material within icy satellites. Both experimental and calculated results show that primordial organics are likely to have been largely oxidized to carbonates through hydrothermal processing early in Ganymede’s history, potentially sterilizing Ganymede’s H2O layer.  相似文献   

A parameterized theory of convection is developed for 6 medium-size icy satellites (MIS) of Saturn. It is an extension of the research concerning the Mimas-Enceladus paradox. Two parameterizations of dimensionless temperature are used in the model and a new constrain for tidal heating is included. It is found that the basic results of the model are independent of particulars of the parameterizations. The new constrain considerably reduces the space of possible values of the material parameter of satellites but the two basic conclusions are unchanged, i.e.: (a) the thermal state of the considered MIS can be explained in the frame of the uniform model that includes radiogenic and tidal heating; (b) the theory indicates that endogenic activity of some MIS was (or is) a result of a specific ‘excited’, high temperature state of a given satellite. The theory could be also used for estimation of tidal heating.  相似文献   

We develop a parameterized theory of convection driven by radiogenic and tidal heating. The tidal heating depends on eccentricity e of a satellite’s orbit. Using parameterized theory we determine the intensity of convection as a function of e and satellite’s properties. The theory is used for 6 medium sized satellites of Saturn. We find that endogenic activity on Tethys and Dione is possible if e exceeds some critical values e cr . For Enceladus, e was probably close to the present value for billions of years. We cannot find constrains for e of Mimas and Iapetus. The theory successfully predicts the possibility of present endogenic activity in Dione and rules out such activity in Tethys. Both these facts were recently confirmed by Cassini mission.  相似文献   

山西断陷带垂直形变特征及其成因初探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张崇立 《中国地震》1993,9(4):327-333
本文综合研究了山西断陷带垂直形变的空间分布特征及其与本区深、浅部结构,构造和地壳价质物性特征的关系;结合浅部地震地溶部探测的研究结果,初步探讨了本区现代垂直形变的成因。研究结果表明:1.垂直形变测量揭示出山西断陷带的现代垂向构造活动具有明显的分段性。,即晋北地区以北东至北东东向构造活动为主;同时,也反映了浅部构造活动和地壳介质的特征特征对地壳形变的制约作用;2.山西断陷带内主要盆地的垂直形变与其深  相似文献   

Geophysical arguments against plate tectonics in a hotter Earth, based on buoyancy considerations, require an alternative means of cooling the planet from its original hot state to the present situation. Such an alternative could be extensive flood volcanism in a more stagnant-lid like setting. Starting from the notion that all heat output of the Earth is through its surface, we have constructed two parametric models to evaluate the cooling characteristics of these two mechanisms: plate tectonics and basalt extrusion/flood volcanism. Our model results show that for a steadily (exponentially) cooling Earth, plate tectonics is capable of removing all the required heat at a rate of operation comparable to or even lower than its current rate of operation, contrary to earlier speculations. The extrusion mechanism may have been an important cooling agent in the early Earth, but requires global eruption rates two orders of magnitude greater than those of known Phanerozoic flood basalt provinces. This may not be a problem, since geological observations indicate that flood volcanism was both stronger and more ubiquitous in the early Earth. Because of its smaller size, Mars is capable of cooling conductively through its lithosphere at significant rates, and as a result may have cooled without an additional cooling mechanism. Venus, on the other hand, has required the operation of an additional cooling agent for probably every cooling phase of its possibly episodic history, with rates of activity comparable to those of the Earth.  相似文献   


Under consideration are interfaces between two media of different densities and which arise from the interaction between the Mth and Nth harmonics of the motion where 1 ≤ N < M. By means of the method of multiple scales in both space and time a pair of nonlinear coupled partial differential equations is derived which model the progression of the interface. The equations contain a detuning parameter [sgrave] which allow imperfections in the resonance to be taken into account. Stokes-type sinusoidal solutions to the equations were sought. It was found that solutions exist for all values of the interaction ratio M/N. In some situations interfaces exist at both exact and near resonance; while in others they are destroyed by amplifications in the detuning. In yet others, a quantity of detuning is actually necessary for the profiles to exist. In all cases, even when the parameters are fixed, a very large class of interface profiles is possible. Finally, the stability of the profiles is studied. It is found that some are quite stable, even to perturbations with wavenumbers close to the main flow.  相似文献   

本文通过对天津滨海贝壳堤成因的研究,初步确定贝壳堤是全新世晚期形成的,它的形成和演化反映了近岸生源物质迁移、现代沉积过程,贝壳堤的演化模式划分为三个阶段。这对正确地揭示淤泥质平原海岸的形成机理、合理规划开发潮滩和贝壳堤资源有着重要意义。  相似文献   

华南巨型锑矿带的特征及其制约因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
华南巨型锑矿带位于中国南方扬子陆块与华夏陆块的接合过渡地段,锑矿床都产在沉积地层中,具有显著的层控性,常有整合的层状矿体出现,赋矿地层都显示异常高的锑丰度,充分显示了与沉积盆地演化密不可分的内在联系矿石的硫同位素受赋矿地层层位和沉积相的控制,碳同位素特征反映了深部因素与浅部过程的耦合,铅同位素则暗示研究区地层及其中锑矿化的亲缘关系和统一演化历史.锑是一个趋于在地壳浅部富集的中低温热液成矿元素,因此成熟度越高的地壳块段锑的丰度越高,锑矿产出概率也越大.华南巨型锑矿带的形成乃是扬子陆块南缘沉积盆地长期演化的结果,可能与这一岩石圈块段长期以来强烈的物质分异和再循环有关.  相似文献   

利用DE算法反演地壳速度模型和地震定位   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用差异演化(Differential Evolution)非线性全局优化算法,设计了一种反演地壳速度模型和进行地震定位的方法,并给出了反演结果的具体分析.利用有限差分算法计算速度模型的走时场,可以节省大量的计算量,加快计算过程.反演得到的地壳速度模型和地震的震源参数可以直接用于地震层析成像研究,还可以利用地震层析成像得到的三维速度结构对地震重新定位,从而得到较为精确的震源参数.地壳速度模型的反演方法也可以用于三维速度结构的反演.  相似文献   

地势是地面高低起伏的形势,是地球内营力和外营力共同作用的结果,是地壳内部结构、构造及其发展在地表的反映.空间重力异常与地形、地貌密切相关,反映地壳内部结构和构造的变化.均衡原理认为高山下面地壳厚,平原下面地壳薄,即地势的起伏同莫霍面的起伏呈镜像关系.中国海陆地质地球物理系列图编制了大地构造格架图和大地构造格架演化图等专题图件,对中国海陆各主要块体的时空演化进行研究,研究了中国海陆地势的"跷跷板"演化过程.本文根据中国海陆1:500万空间重力异常图和莫霍面深度图分析了海陆地貌特征,按照构造地貌的分类原则,将中国海域和陆域作为一个整体进行地貌分类,在中国大陆地势呈三个地貌阶梯的基础上,总结出中国海陆地貌总体特征为西高东低,呈五级阶梯分布.  相似文献   

The two principal contributions to the surface heat flow of the earth are the cooling of the earth and the heat production of radioactive isotopes. As the rate of heat production decreases with time the temperature of the interior of the earth also decreases. The rate of decrease is determined by the ability of solid-state mantle convection to transport the heat to the surface. The dominant effect is the exponential temperature dependence of the mantle viscosity. The non-dimensional mantle temperature can be parameterised in terms of the Rayleigh number for mantle convection. It is found that the mantle is currently cooling at a rate of 36°K/109 years and that three billion years ago the mean temperature was 150°K higher than it is today; 83% of the present surface heat flow is attributed to the decay of radioactive isotopes and 17% to the cooling of the earth. The corresponding mean concentration of uranium in the mantle is 32 ppb.  相似文献   

中、强震前应力场动态演变特征综合分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
使用由地震记录 P波初至波符号求取的小震综合机制解资料 ,分析研究了华北地区 4次中强地震前震源区及其附近小震应力场的动态变化。结合前人的有关研究成果 ,综合归纳了中、强地震前震源区及附近应力场的动态演变特征 ,并尝试给出了小震综合机制解参数预报地震的判据指标。  相似文献   

Closed depressions (CDs) are lower lying areas where the sediment eroded from the surrounding soil surfaces draining towards the CD is trapped in the system. CDs have been reported in several regions of the European loess belt and are attributed either to natural processes (e.g. dissolution of subsurface horizons) or to human intervention (e.g. quarrying). Previous studies focussed mainly on cropland areas where, however, only few and largely filled in CDs remain. The objectives of this study were to i) assess the spatial distribution of CDs under forest and cropland, ii) to determine and compare the morphology of CDs under forest and under cropland, and iii) to determine the origin and age of these CDs under forest. In a study area located partly in ancient forest (13 km2) and partly in cropland (29 km2), a systematic survey revealed the presence of 71 CDs under forest (5·3 CD.km?2) and 30 CDs under cropland (1 CD.km?2). Comparison of their morphology showed that CDs under forest were significantly deeper, with steeper sidewalls and a smaller surface area because of the erosion and deposition processes acting on the CDs under cropland. By comparing CDs that had been under cropland for different time intervals, the rate of this morphological evolution could be reconstructed. Analysis of the soil stratigraphy of two representative CDs in the ancient forest area confirmed their origin as quarries. Most probably, calcareous loess was excavated since this soil horizon, about two to five meters thick, was completely absent within the CDs. Dating of the infilling of one CD by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) shows that the CD filled in between the first century BC and the fourth century AD. This dating corresponds to the dating of sediment deposits in nearby, human‐induced gullies that were attributed to an agricultural land use phase between the 18th century BC and the third century AD.  相似文献   

S. M. Peacock 《Island Arc》1995,4(4):376-383
Abstract Coesite-bearing eclogites exposed in the Alpine, Qinling-Dabie (China), Caledonian, and Ural orogenic belts provide insight into the time-dependent thermal structure of continent collision belts. Coesite-bearing eclogites record peak metamorphic temperatures of 550-900°C at pressures ≥ 2.5 GPa reflecting anomalously cool conditions at depths of 90 km or more. The low temperatures recorded by coesite-bearing eclogites strongly suggest formation in a convergent plate margin where the downward advection of cool lithosphere depresses isotherms on a regional scale. Subduction zone pressure-temperature (P-T) paths calculated using a two-dimensional finite-difference model predict steady-state temperatures of 450-650°C at 100 km depth at the slab-mantle interface for convergence rates of 10 to 100 mm/yr. Coesite-bearing eclogites record peak temperatures ~100-250°C higher, possibly reflecting (i) formation during the early stages of convergence prior to the achievement of thermal steady state; (ii) attainment of peak metamorphic temperatures during decompression (exhumation); (iii) formation during slow, <10 mm/yr, convergence; or (iv) uncertainties in the modeling parameters. Retrograde P-T paths determined for coesite-bearing eclogites from the western Alps and China indicate cooling during decompression from depths of ~100 km. Cooling of eclogite terrains during exhumation requires loss of heat downward into lithosphere that continues to subduct beneath the eclogites, loss of heat upward into the cooler hanging wall of a large-scale normal fault/shear zone, or a combination of the two scenarios.  相似文献   

Temperature inversions at shallow to moderate depths have been observed commonly in boreholes drilled in geothermal areas. The inversions result from thermal disequilibria generated by steam and/or hydrothermal fluids invading shallow horizontal, or sub-horizontal fractures, or permeable horizons, from a deep vertical, or sub-vertical feeder-fracture.Subsurface distribution of temperatures in Momotombo geothermal area of Nicaragua, Central America, indicates that the anomaly is generated by steam and water, convecting in a narrow feeder-fracture-zone located at the western edge of the field. The north-trending zone of the feeder-fracture is bound on the west by the area of massive, impermeable andesitic rocks, and is capped by an impermeable, approximately 300 m. thick silica-cap, which seals if from the ground surface. The thermal fluids penetrate a system of horizontal, or sub-horizontal fractures, extending east of the feeder-fracture beneath the silica cap. The flow of thermal fluids eastward through the system of the horizontal, or sub-horizontal fractures is generating a plume-like geothermal anomaly, which is expressed by the temperature inversion zone pervasive in the boreholes to the east of the feeder-fracture.A time-dependant model for a semi-infinite half-space (z > 0) in contact with a hot, well stirred, isotropic fluid flowing through an aquifer overlain by a finite space of constant thickness is solved for the data collected from the Momotombo geothermal boreholes. Curve fitting between the simulated and observed temperature/depth profiles suggests that the thermo-tectonic events which caused the present-day Momotombo hydrothermal system occurred approximately 5,500 years ago, following development of vertical, or subvertical fractures along a N5°E trending faultline. Hot fluids emerging from these fractures move eastward through a system of horizontal, or sub-horizontal fractures, with a velocity of 11 to 20 m/yr.  相似文献   

Traditional models for the heat loss in oceanic and continental regions are combined into a regionalized model for the thermal evolution of the Earth. The need for regionalization is obvious when one considers that the mantle loses 3 to 4 times as much heat per unit area in oceanic regions than in continental areas. The present-day rate of heat loss together with a geochemical estimate of the concentration of heat-producing elements in the Earth fixes the response time of the thermally convecting mantle. The response time in turn can be used to select the most reasonable representation for mantle convection in terms of the sensitivity of viscosity on temperature and layering versus mantle-wide circulation. Present geochemical estimates of the bulk composition of the Earth are most easily reconciled with the observed heat flow if the mantle is layered and its rheology is slightly less temperature dependent than generally assumed. The layered system can produce sufficiently high temperatures to explain the high-magnesian komatiites of the Archean. One difficulty with the models is that they predict widespread melting at shallow depth in the early stages of Earth history but do not address how such melting affects and alters the heat transfer mechanisms.  相似文献   

Steinbach is a stony-iron meteorite with approximately equal amounts of silicate and metal that shows Widmanstätten structure. The silicate portion contains tridymite, orthobronzite, and clinobronzite that formed by inversion from high-temperature protobronzite. The assemblage orthobronzite-protobronzite-tridymite-metallic iron indicates an equilibrium temperature of 1200°C and an ?o2 of 10?12 under a total pressure of less than 2 kbar. Preservation of the high-temperature phase relations implies much more rapid cooling in the 1200-700°C range than the rates that have been deduced for the development of Widmanstätten structure in the 700-500°C range.  相似文献   

基于星载合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量技术(DInSAR)和4期ENVISAT/ASAR雷达数据,获得了不同时间基线的三个同震干涉形变场和两个震后干涉形变场,并对这五个在时段上互有重叠的形变场进行了综合分析.结果表明,玉树地震同震形变场为围绕发震断层NW展布的椭圆形干涉条纹,覆盖范围约89 km×59 km.断层运动性质为左旋走滑.两盘最大视线向相对形变量至少达45 cm,最大形变出现在结古镇附近.时间基线不同的同震形变场总体上基本一致,但两盘最大相对形变量和局部形变存在差异.震后时间较长的干涉对反映的最大形变量反而减小;在震后时间较短的干涉对上于结古镇西南侧观测到的局部形变,在震后时间较长的干涉对上却没有出现.分析认为在形变量最大的结古镇附近可能出现了震后快速弹性回弹,导致随震后时间延续,形变量反而减小的现象.玉树地震震后形变主要出现在断层附近、震后不久的时段内,形变量在8 cm以下,具有与同震方向一致和相反的两种震后形变方式.在结古镇西南观测到一个与同震形变相反的局部沉降,应为震后弹性回弹.在微观震中处的断层附近观测到与同震方向一致的震后形变,可能是震后余滑.通过对地震前后不同时间基线的多个干涉对的联合对比分析,可以在一定程度上区分同震形变与震后形变,更好地研究地震引起的变形过程,特别是地震断层附近短期震后形变场的演化过程,为进一步研究断层带的岩性特征、物理力学及运动特性提供约束.  相似文献   

In the Jungwon area, South Korea, two contrasting types of deep thermal groundwater (around 20–33 °C) occur together in granite. Compared to shallow groundwater and surface water, thermal groundwaters have significantly lower δ18O and δD values (> 1‰ lower in δ18O) and negligible tritium content (mostly < 2 TU), suggesting a relatively high age of these waters (at least pre-thermonuclear period) and relatively long subsurface circulation. However, the hydrochemical evolution yielded two distinct water types. CO2-rich water (PCO2 = 0.1 to 2 atm) is characterized by lower pH (5.7–6.4) and higher TDS content (up to 3300 mg/L), whereas alkaline water (PCO2 = 10− 4.1–10− 4.6 atm) has higher pH (9.1–9.5) and lower TDS (< 254 mg/L). Carbon isotope data indicate that the CO2-rich water is influenced by a local supply of deep CO2 (potentially, magmatic), which enhanced dissolution of silicate minerals in surrounding rocks and resulted in elevated concentrations of Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, K+, HCO3 and silica under lower pH conditions. In contrast, the evolution of the alkaline water was characterized by a lesser degree of water–rock (granite) interaction under the negligible inflow of CO2. The application of chemical thermometers indicates that the alkaline water represents partially equilibrated waters coming from a geothermal reservoir with a temperature of about 40 °C, while the immature characteristics of the CO2-rich water resulted from the input of CO2 in Na–HCO3 waters and subsequent rock leaching.  相似文献   

Twenty six samples from seven hand specimens, collected from the station 6 boulder at the Apollo 17 landing site, were studied magnetically. The boulder is a breccia consisting of three lithologic units distinguished by their clast population. The direction of magnetization of samples from unit B which is almost devoid of large clasts cluster fairly well after alternating field demagnetization. Samples from unit C which is characterized by abundant large clasts up to 1 m in size do not contain a uniform direction of magnetization but the distribution is not random. Based on these data we propose that the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) in these breccias is the vector sum of two magnetizations, a pre-impact magnetization and a partial thermoremanence acquired during breccia formation. The relative contribution of the two components is controlled by the thermal history of the ejecta, which in turn is determined by its clast population. Depending on the clast population, the NRM can be a total thermoremanence, a partial thermoremanence plus a pre-impact magnetization, or a pre-impact magnetization. This model of thermal overprinting might be applicable to all lunar breccias of medium and higher metamorphic grade.  相似文献   

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