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We analyze the flare events of October 28 and May 27, 2003 to examine the possible connection of solar flares with singularities in the differential characteristics of solar magnetic fields. The relation between flares and the behavior of F indicators (which describe structural singularities of the magnetic fields) introduced earlier is analyzed. It is shown that the generation of flares can be associated with self-intersections (or reconnection) of the F = 0 curves, where magnetic reconnection can occur. Consequently, the current sheets generated in such regions can be sources of energy release.  相似文献   

Powerful solar flares contain one or more impulsive events, plasma ejection, and the subsequent development of gigant post-eruptive loops. In the middle of the 1980s, Jakimiec proposed an analysis of the flare loops based on log T-1/2log EM diagrams constructed from the observed soft X-rays (the so-called Jakimiec model). We have used this method to construct and analyze these diagrams not for various arbitrary events, but instead for similar flares within a single center of activity; in other words, for homological flares (two-ribbon flares observed in November 2000, powerful prolonged events observed in October–November 2003, etc.). This eliminated the effect of differences in the magnetic configurations, enabling us to find a new relationship: the slope (tan α) of the logT-1/2log EM line during the flare decay depends on the maximum temperature T max at the source of the soft X-rays. The dependence of tan α on T max gradually evolves from a series of short flares to a series of powerful, prolonged, nonstationary processes. Our results support the idea that the development of post-eruptive loops depends on the energy of the impulsive events for the phenomenon as a whole. Explosive evaporation simultaneously increases both the temperature and the density of the plasma at the loop top. The subsequent evolution of the post-eruptive formations depends on the difference in the initial conditions and on the degree of opening of the magnetic configuration. The importance of our analysis for the duration of flares and differences between dimmings is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We have begun an investigation of the possible origins of considerable of powerful solar flares. This effect is manifest, first and foremost, in the existence of high-temperature plasma in flare loops over many hours. Analysis of the soft X-ray emission in two energy bands detected by the GOES satellites for about 20 powerful solar flares reveals long time intervals during the decay phase when the source temperature decreases, in general, exponentially. The characteristic time t i for a decrease in the temperature by a factor of ten is 3–10 hours for most powerful events. In addition, another interval of very slow decrease with a characteristic time t i of tens of hours can be identified in some cases. We found a gradual change in the dependence of the temperature on the square root of the emission measure for the source as a whole, which characterizes the transition from purely coronal processes to powerful flares with a prolonged inflow of plasma from the chromosphere. Modeling the energy balance in a loop can yield the requirements for the source of plasma heating in a long-lived arch system. A necessary condition for the development of prolonged flares seems to be a powerful coronal mass ejection, which initiates the formation of a source of plasma heating at coronal heights. Our analysis shows that a considerable fraction of the energy is often released in the region of the cusp, and that systems of giant coronal arches rising to heights of about 100 000 km above the limb are formed in most prolonged events (called dynamical flares in the terminology of Svestka).  相似文献   

SOHO/MDI magnetograms are used to analyze the time variations in the magnetic parameters of the active region (AR) NOAA 10486, which was part of a large activity complex that passed over the solar disk from October 26 to 31, 2003, during solar cycle 23. The results are compared with X-ray flares in the AR and the parameters of coronal mass ejections associated with the AR. The time variations in the distributions of themagnetic-field strengths associated with the total magnetic flux (Fa), the flux imbalance between the northern and southern polarities (Im), the complexity of the field, as a measure of the mutual overlapping of the opposite polarities (Co), and the tilt angle of the magnetic axis (An) are considered. The time variations in the free energy accumulated in current sheets of ARs were traced using a parameter introduced for this purpose (Sh). The following results were obtained. First, the parameters Fa, Im, Co, An, and Sh quantitatively describe the current state of the AR and can be used to trace and analyze the dynamical evolution of its magnetic field. Second, variations in the magnetic-field-strength distributions and the mean values of Fa, Im, Co, An, and Sh are associated with flares and coronal mass ejections, and the variations have considerable amplitudes. Third, the parameter Sh characterizing the degree to which the magnetic field is non-potential in regions adjacent to the main neutral line increases before eruptive events, and is thus particular interest for monitoring the states of ARs in real time. Fourth, the magnetic field of the AR manifests a sort of quasi-elasticity, so that the field structure is restored after active events, on average, within 1–3 h.  相似文献   

软土地基中扩底抗拔中长桩的极限承载力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郦建俊  黄茂松  王卫东  陈峥 《岩土力学》2009,30(9):2643-2650
扩底抗拔桩的研究和应用以短桩居多,并且大都以砂土或软岩为持力层,对于软土地基中扩底抗拔桩的承载力研究较少。基于扩大头局部剪切滑移面假设的极限平衡法,推导出扩底抗拔中长桩在分层地基中极限承载力的简化计算公式;结合有关工程实例的原位试桩结果,对扩大头影响高度进行了确定,同时还探讨了所提出方法在超长桩中的适用性。研究结果表明,提出的简化分析方法能合理地揭示上海软土地区扩底抗拔中长桩的破坏机制,并获得承载力变化的一般规律。  相似文献   

The giant Dahutang tungsten (W) deposit has a total reserve of more than 1.31 Mt WO3. Veinlet-disseminated scheelite and vein type wolframite mineralization are developed in this deposit, which are related to Late Mesozoic biotite granite. Four major types of alterations, which include albitization, potassic-alteration, and greisenization, and overprinted silicification developed in contact zone. The mass balance calculate of the four alteration types were used to further understanding of the mineralization process. The fresh porphyritic biotite granite has high Nb, Ta, and W, but low Ca and Sr while the Jiuling granodiorite has high Ca and Sr, but low Nb, Ta, and W concentrations. The altered porphyritic biotite granite indicated that the Nb, Ta, and W were leached out from the fresh porphyritic biotite granite, especially by sodic alteration. The low Ca and Sr contents of the altered Neoproterozoic Jiuling granodiorite indicate that Ca and Sr had been leached out from the fresh granodiorite by the fluid from Mesozoic porphyritic biotite granites. The metal W of the Dahutang deposit was mainly derived from the fluid exsolution from the melt and alteration of W-bearing granites. This study of alteration presents a new hydrothermal circulation model to understand tungsten mineralization in the Dahutang deposit.  相似文献   

守义 《冰川冻土》2003,25(Z1):116-118
通过对被动式太阳能房屋的模拟计算、分析, 针对青藏高原的气候特点, 提出了符合当地自然条件的被动式太阳能房屋设计模式. 与钢结构房屋有机结合, 通过进一步的试验验证, 可以指导青藏铁路太阳能房屋的设计.  相似文献   

采用粉末样品压片制样,土壤标准物质以及人工合成标样为标准,用X 射线荧光能谱仪对土壤试样中的Si、K、Ca 、Ti、Mn 、Fe 和Sr 7 种主、次量元素进行测定。讨论了基体效应及校正等问题。方法经土壤标样分析验证,其结果与标准值符合较好,方法的精密度( RSD,n = 5) < 3 % 。  相似文献   

X射线能地测定土壤中7种主次量元素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄近丹 《岩矿测试》1999,18(4):308-310
采用粉末样品压片制样,土壤标准物质以及人工合成标样为标准,用X射线荧光能谱仪对土壤试样中的Si、K、ca、Ti、Mn、Fe、Sr7种、次量元素进行测定。讨论了基体疚及校正等问题。方法经土壤标样分析验证,其结果与标准值符合较好,方法的精密度《3%  相似文献   

Mass absorption coefficients (A2) for a series of standard rocks, have been calculated in the wavelength region 0.492–3.03 a?. Plots of these data against the intensity of the Compton scattered peak [(I) Compton] give an excellent correlation for the wavelengths 0.429 a? to the Fe-absorption edge (1.74 a?); the data confirm the observations of Reynolds. Hence, routine measurement of one peak will give the mass absorption coefficient of a sample in an analytically important region (Sn/1bKα to Ni/1bKα). A2 has also been directly measured on three of the samples and systematic differences between calculated and measured are attributed to the measuring technique. At wavelengths longer than the Fe-absorption edge, (up to 3.03 a?) A2 can be estimated using a combination of (I) Compton and Fe/1bKα c.p.s. This technique enables meaningful matrix corrections to be carried out on the elements Co, Mn, Cr, V, Ti, Sc (K spectra) and Ba (L spectra). Cr and Ba results are presented for some standard rocks.  相似文献   

The correlation between the magnetic flux in an active solar region and associated powerful solar flares is studied. The behavior of the active regions AR 10486 and AR 10365 is considered. These regions produced a series of class X flares as they crossed the solar disk. The flares appeared when the magnetic flux exceeded 1022 Mx. The magnetic flux remained constant during all the flares except for one. During this flare, the flux decreased by about 10%; this impulsive decrease of the flux was also recorded in the absence of flares. No energy flux from the photosphere to the corona at the time of the flare was observed. The behavior of the photospheric field in AR 10486 and AR 10365 is consistent with a slow accumulation of energy in the corona and the explosive release of energy stored in the magnetic field of a current sheet above an active region during the flare.  相似文献   

太阳辐射能是海冰融化的最主要能源,基于在2008年8月21~27日北极加拿大海盆中部为期8天的冰站考察中海冰光学观测数据,研究了北冰洋中央密集冰区海冰吸收的太阳辐射能.通过现场直接观测,确定了海冰透射率、反照率、吸收率及其随冰厚的变化,得出海冰对太阳短波辐射的吸收率大约为到达冰面太阳辐射的16%,大部分被冰雪表面反射.为期3天的对太阳辐射的观测表明,虽然到达北冰洋中央密集冰区的太阳辐射能并不少,但由于云和雾覆盖的时间所占的比例很大,有将近57%被大气削弱,其余的又有77%左右被冰雪表面反射回太空,海冰吸收的热量只有10.2W/m2,相当于每天融化2.6mm的冰,1m厚海冰全部融化需要380天,不足以为海冰融化提供足够的热量.因此北冰洋中央密集冰区终年被海冰覆盖,即使在北冰洋海冰面积骤减的现状下,那里的海冰密集度仍然接近100%.然而,文章的结果指出:大气中云和雾大幅度减少、积雪层融化、海冰厚度减小、融池的比例增加等因素都会大幅度增加海冰吸收的热量,未来这些过程的发生有可能导致北冰洋密集冰区的海冰快速融化.  相似文献   

首先介绍了太阳能地下混凝土储热桩热量利用率不足的现状,通过在已有太阳能混凝土储热桩传热模型的基础上,对不同取热工况中影响储热桩温度场变化的各种因素进行了传热过程的模拟分析,得出了持续取热及间断取热2种不同运行工况及热流密度、导热系数和比热容、埋管间距对桩内温度场变化的影响,然后合理的选择最优参数,分析桩内温度场的变化,提高取热效率,使混凝土桩内热量充分利用。  相似文献   

使用粉末样品压片制样,用Minipal 4便携式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪测定化探样品尹的Na2O、MgO、Al2O3、SiO2、CaO、Fe2O3、K2O、As、Ba、Br、Ce、Co、Cr、Cu、Ga、La、Mn、Nb、Ni、P、Pb、Rb、Sr、Th、V、Y、Zn、Zr、Ti、Mo等30种组分。方法简便、快速,分析结果的精度和准确度能满足野外现场分析的要求。  相似文献   

直接使用粉末样品,用Minipal 4便携式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪测定多金属矿样品中的三氧化二铝、氧化镁、二氧化硅、氧化钾、氧化钙、三氧化二铁、硫、铜、锰、锌、铋、锑、铅、镓、银、砷、锡等17种组分,方法简便、快速,用多金属矿石国家一级标准物质验证,分析结果与标准值基本符合;精密度试验表明,各组分的相对标准偏差(RSD,n=12)均小于12%,能够满足矿山和野外现场快速测定的要求。  相似文献   

Regularities have been searched for in the dynamics of characteristics of flare solar radiation during the development of the active region NOAA 0069 in the interval of August 14–24, 2002. The SONG (Solar Neutrons and Gamma rays) instrument onboard the Russian CORONAS-F Solar Observatory recorded hard X-ray and gamma-ray radiation in nine of the 30 flares of class above C5 in this active region within the indicated time interval. It was obtained that, in accordance with the development of the active region, the X- and gamma-ray flux tended to increase at the flare maxima while the hard X-ray spectral index tended to decrease; flares with a harder radiation spectrum occurred in the sunspot umbra, i.e., in the region with the strongest magnetic fields.  相似文献   

采用小型偏振激发能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪,直接粉末制样法,分析了硅酸盐类岩石、土壤、沉积物样品.实验结果表明,主量元素的总分析精度优于2%RSD,主要受制样精度控制.不同含量的痕量元素的总分析精度一般优于5%RSD,含量低时可达约20%RSD.制样精度(方差)在分析总精度(方差)中所占的比例一般大于50%,且元素原子序数越小、含量越高(计数统计涨落小),所占的比例越大.实验还表明,对于大多数元素,在样品量大于1 g后,分析结果变化不显著;但Ba等重元素在样品量小于5 g时结果受样品量影响显著;实际分析中可以不必称量样品,但应保证所使用的样品量大于5 g.通过作为未知样品分析的标准参考物的分析结果和参校标准物质的回算结果的综合考察,并参照中国地质调查局多目标地球化学调查规范(1:25万),该方法在常规情况下可定量分析K、Ca、Ti、V、Cr、Mn、Fe、Ni、Cu、Zn、Ga、As、Rb、Sr、Y、Zr、Nb、Ba、Pb、Th等20个元素,过渡金属元素的测定限在10 mg/kg左右.由于制样方法简单,无需制样设备,该方法适合于车载野外现场快速分析.  相似文献   

采用小型偏振激发能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪,直接粉末制样法,分析了硅酸盐类岩石、土壤、沉积物样品。实验结果表明,主量元素的总分析精度优于2%RSD,主要受制样精度控制。不同含量的痕量元素的总分析精度一般优于5%RSD,含量低时可达约20%RSD。制样精度(方差)在分析总精度(方差)中所占的比例一般大于50%,且元素原子序数越小、含量越高(计数统计涨落小),所占的比例越大。实验还表明,对于大多数元素,在样品量大于1 g后,分析结果变化不显著;但Ba等重元素在样品量小于5 g时结果受样品量影响显著;实际分析中可以不必称量样品,但应保证所使用的样品量大于5 g。通过作为未知样品分析的标准参考物的分析结果和参校标准物质的回算结果的综合考察,并参照中国地质调查局多目标地球化学调查规范(1∶25万),该方法在常规情况下可定量分析K、Ca、Ti、V、Cr、Mn、Fe、N i、Cu、Zn、Ga、As、Rb、Sr、Y、Zr、Nb、Ba、Pb、Th等20个元素,过渡金属元素的测定限在10 mg/kg左右。由于制样方法简单,无需制样设备,该方法适合于车载野外现场快速分析。  相似文献   

The locations of sites of primary energy release of solar flares are studied. Magnetic singularities revealed earlier—self-intersections (reconnections) of F = 0 surfaces, where F is a differential factor determining the structural singularity in a potential magnetic field—are considered as possible sites of energy release. Six flare events demonstrating paired sources of non-thermal hard X-rays emission observed on March 17, 2002, July 17, 2002, April 6, 2004, November 4, 2004, November 6, 2004, and December 1, 2004 are analyzed for probable singularities. In each event analyzed, each source of non-thermal hard X-rays emission can be associated with an individual magnetic singularity; in other words, there is a magnetic-field line passing near the singularity and ending near (i.e. within about 10″) the source located on the photosphere (in the chromosphere). For the homologous flares observed on November 4 and 6, 2004, the same magnetic singularity is responsible for the source of non-thermal hard X-rays emission observed in the eastern sector of the flare region on November 4 and the source observed in the western part on November 6. A proposed interpretation associates these observations with a reversal of the electric field generated in the magnetic singularity on November 6, compared with the electric field generated on November 4, attributed to corresponding changes occurring in the photospheric magnetic field.  相似文献   

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