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3-D Viscoelastic FEM Modeling of Crustal Deformation in Northeast Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
-- As a first step toward establishing a standard earthquake cycle model in Japan, we simulate the crustal deformation during the past 100 years in northeast Japan, using a 3-D FEM based on the kinematic model. Then, we compare the computed results with the observed long-term leveling data and the recent GPS data. On the whole, although the effect of the subducting PAC is dominant, coseismic deformation of the interplate earthquakes can be clearly seen in the inland. Moreover, the postseismic deformation of the earthquakes due to the viscoelastic upper mantle seriously affects the inland movements, and continues for a few decades. Our modeling, including the effects of the interplate earthquakes and the three-dimensional viscoelastic inhomogeneity, reasonably explains the observed movement. Finally, we stress that the viscoelastic effect should be taken into consideration in the analyses, even if no earthquakes occur in the analyzed period.  相似文献   

Free-air gravity anomaly in plate subduction zones, characterized by island-arc high, trench low and outer-rise gentle high, reflects the cumulative effects of long-term crustal uplift and subsidence. In northeast Japan the island-arc high of observed free-air gravity anomaly takes its maximum about the eastern coastline. On the other hand, the current vertical crustal motion estimated from geological and geomorphological observations shows a gentle uplift in the land area and steep subsidence in the sea area with the neutral point near the eastern coastline. Such a discrepancy in spatial patterns between the free-air gravity anomaly and current vertical crustal motion can be ascribed to a change in the mode of crustal uplift and subsidence associated with the initiation of tectonic erosion at the North American-Pacific plate interface. We developed a realistic 3-D simulation model of steady plate subduction with tectonic erosion in northeast Japan on the basis of elastic/viscoelastic dislocation theory. Through numerical simulations with this model we found that simple steady plate subduction brings about the crustal uplift characterized by island-arc high with its maximum about the eastern coastline, while steady plate subduction with tectonic erosion, which is represented by the landward retreat of the plate interface, brings about gentle uplift in the land area and steep subsidence in the sea area with the neutral point near the eastern coastline. Therefore, if we suppose that tectonic erosion started 3–4 million years ago after the long duration of simple steady plate subduction, we can consistently explain both patterns of free-air gravity anomaly and current crustal uplift in northeast Japan.  相似文献   

The generation of interplate earthquakes can be regarded as a process of tectonic stress accumulation and release, driven by relative plate motion. We completed a physics-based simulation system for earthquake generation cycles at plate interfaces in the Japan region, where the Pacific plate is descending beneath the North American and Philippine Sea plates, and the Philippine Sea plate is descending beneath the North American and Eurasian plates. The system is composed of a quasi-static tectonic loading model and a dynamic rupture propagation model, developed on a realistic 3-D plate interface model. The driving force of the system is relative plate motion. In the quasi-static tectonic loading model, mechanical interaction at plate interfaces is rationally represented by the increase of tangential displacement discontinuity (fault slip) across them on the basis of dislocation theory for an elastic surface layer overlying Maxwell-type viscoelastic half-space. In the dynamic rupture propagation model, stress changes due to fault slip motion on non-planar plate interfaces are evaluated with the boundary integral equation method. The progress of seismic (dynamic) or aseismic (quasi-static) fault slip on plate interfaces is governed by a slip- and time-dependent fault constitutive law. As an example, we numerically simulated earthquake generation cycles at the source region of the 1968 Tokachi-oki earthquake on the North American-Pacific plate interface. From the numerical simulation, we can see that postseismic stress relaxation in the asthenosphere accelerates stress accumulation in the source region. When the stress state of the source region is close to a critical level, dynamic rupture is rapidly accelerated and develops over the whole source region. When the stress state is much lower than the critical level, the rupture is not accelerated. This means that the stress state realized by interseismic tectonic loading essentially controls the subsequent dynamic rupture process.  相似文献   

迅速发展并得到广泛应用的空间深地震测深技术通过采用三维数据采集的观测系统,利用三维层析技术,以求获得区域地壳三维分层结构和三维速度分布图像。它与传统的二维宽角反射-折射剖面技术相结合,可以有效地研究区域性地壳结构,特别是壳内深断裂和低速层的空间展布特征。Kanasewich等(1985)给出了利用空间深地震测深资料重建地壳三维界面的方法,我们在其方法的基础之上,进一步提出地壳三维界面和速度分布联合反演的方法。正问题的计算是在Chander(1977)关于三维平界面的快速两点追踪算法上的改进,在获得界面三维反演结果的基础之上,利用剩余走时残差,采用模型不分块反演技术(Tarantola,Nercession 1986)重建地壳三维速度图像。 1998年国家地震局地球物理勘探中心在长白山火山区实施了三维深地震测深观测,目的是研究天池火山的岩浆系统。利用本次实验所获得的780余个PmP波走时数据,采用上述的方法重建了研究区莫霍界面和地壳三维速度分布图像。研究结果表明,本区莫霍界面由北东方向向南逐渐加深,在天池火山口下达最深,并且被一些可能存在的地壳厚度陡变带(或深断裂)所切割。在东西方向莫霍面由西向东缓缓加深,其变化较南北方向缓和。特别值得注意的是,存在着一条近北东方向的莫霍面深度陡变带(或深断裂带)从天池火山口西部穿过,相应位置与马鞍山—三道白河地堑型断裂相一致,该断裂带可能对天山火山喷发时岩浆的运移起到重要作用。深度为15km和25km的P波速度图像表明,在天池火山口下分布着近南北走向明显的低P波速度分布,其南北方向延伸的范围约为80-90公里左右。比较这两个深度上的低P波速度体的分布特点,可以看出这个低P波速度体尺度随深度逐渐变小,但在25km深度处仍清晰可见,这表明该区岩浆自上地幔侵入地壳的“痕迹”,这也意味着,长白山天池火山的岩浆系统极有可能延伸到上地幔或更深一些。  相似文献   

Continuous GPS Array and Present-day Crustal Deformation of Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
—A GPS array with about 1,000 permanent stations is under operation in Japan. The GPS array revealed coseismic deformations associated with large earthquakes and ongoing secular deformation in the Japanese islands. Based on daily coordinate data of the GPS stations, strain rate distribution is estimated. Most regions with a large strain rate are related to plate boundaries and active volcanoes. In addition, the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone (NKTZ) is recognized as a region of large strain rate along the Japan Sea coast and in the northern Chubu and Kinki districts. This newly found tectonic zone may be related to a hypothetical boundary between the Eurasian (or Amurian) and the Okhotsk (or North America) plates. Precise observation of crustal deformation provides important boundary conditions on numerical modeling of earthquakes and other crustal activities. Appropriate computation methods of continuous deformation field are directly applicable to data assimilation for such numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The evidence of east-west compression in northeast Japan has been reported by many investigators on the basis of geodetic, geologic and geomorphic data, but its origin still remains far from understood. In the present study we have proposed a mechanical model of tectonic loading at convergent plate boundary zones, and demonstrated its validity through the numerical simulation of internal stress fields in northeast Japan with realistic 3-D geometry of plate interfaces. At convergent plate boundary zones, in general, a part of plate convergence is consumed by steady slip along plate interfaces, and the remaining part by inelastic deformation (seismic faulting, aseismic faulting, and active folding) of overriding plates. Such a plate boundary process to be called ``partial collision' can be quantitatively described by introducing a collision rate defined as c = 1 − steady slip rate at plate interfaces/plate convergence rate. By this definition, we can simply represent the mechanical process of partial collision, which includes total subduction (c = 0) and total collision (c = 1) as two extreme cases, in terms of steady slip rates at plate interfaces. On the basis of elastic dislocation theory, first, we numerically computed the internal stress fields in northeast Japan produced by the total subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the North American plate, however the computed stress pattern was opposite in sense to observations. Then, we computed the internal stress fields by taking c = 0.1 on average, and succeeded in reproducing the observed east-west compression in northeast Japan. This indicates that the concept of partial collision is essential to understand the mechanism of intraplate tectonic loading.  相似文献   

— The three-dimensional crustal velocity structure in the area of the northwestern Greek mainland was determined by P-wave travel time inversion, applying a two-step tomography procedure. The data set consists of the travel-time residuals of 584 well located earthquakes. In order to improve the initial (reference) velocity model, before the inversion of travel times, the minimum 1-D model was determined. Several tests were conducted to estimate model stability and hypocenter uncertainties. The velocity distribution in the shallow layers (4 and 7 km) is strongly affected by the crustal thickness variation and the complex tectonics. A first, well-defined velocity discontinuity appears at a depth of 3–6 km, along the Hellenides Mountain chain. A second low velocity anomaly is detected at a depth of 9–12 km and may be connected with the Alpidic orogenesis. Another interesting feature appears beneath the Amvrakikos Gulf (horstgraben structure), where relatively low velocities (<6.0 km-1) appear to a depth of 20 km. Finally, a well-pronounced velocity boundary is found at a depth of 16 km. In general, low velocities are predominant along the Dinarides-Hellenides Mountain chain, rather typical for the upper crust.Acknowledgement. The authors thank the referees for their useful comments. Moreover, we would like to thank the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of Greece, for the partial support of this study.  相似文献   

PS InSAR技术在地壳长期缓慢形变监测中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简单介绍了地壳形变测量方法,对所有方法进行了比较。重点阐述了PS In-SAR技术理论在地壳形变监测中的应用可能性及应用现状,讨论了PS InSAR在应用中的技术问题及解决方案,以发挥该技术在地震地质研究及地震预报工作中应有的作用。  相似文献   

综合基础地理信息数据、数字化地质图、沉积层的地脉动探测结果、人工地震测深和宽角折射等多种资料,在对数据进行分析和整理的基础上,利用建模工具软件GoCAD,建立了北京地区(东经115.5°-117.5°,北纬39°—41°)地壳及上地幔顶部P波速度结构和地质界面模型。在模型建立的过程中,分析得到了人工地震剖面数据的地学统计特性,并设计了一种适合离散光滑插值(DSI)约束点权重的光滑估计方差,对模型的插值结果进行了质量评估。分析了北京地区地壳上地幔速度结构的特征,又将速度结构模型与层析成像结果进行对比,模型比较好地反映了北京地区的地下结构。  相似文献   

In 2006, we started construction of an observation network of 12 stations in and around Shikoku and the Kii Peninsula to conduct research for forecasting Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes. The purpose of the network is to clarify the mechanism of past preseismic groundwater changes and crustal deformation related to Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes. Construction of the network of 12 stations was completed in January 2009. Work on two stations, Hongu-Mikoshi (HGM) and Ichiura (ICU), was finished earlier and they began observations in 2007. These two stations detected strain changes caused by the slow-slip events on the plate boundary in June 2008, although related changes in groundwater levels were not clearly recognized.  相似文献   

王栋  赵旭坤  刘望明 《华南地震》2021,41(3):122-131
北美板块边界属于地震高风险区域,为了更好地了解该区域地壳形变及应变的变化特征,本文利用北美板块边界PBO网络1997-2008年的GNSS高精度速度场信息,基于欧拉旋转矢量扣除背景场刚性运动后,顾及区域速度场的统计学原理,利用球面最小二乘配置算法拟合推估该区域地壳连续速度场,最后基于速度场与应变场的微分关系在球面上解算...  相似文献   

Numerical Simulation of Fault Zone Guided Waves: Accuracy and 3-D Effects   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
-- Fault zones are thought to consist of regions with reduced seismic velocity. When sources are located in or close to these low-velocity zones, guided seismic head and trapped waves are generated which may be indicative of the structure of fault zones at depth. Observations above several fault zones suggest that they are common features of near fault radiation, yet their interpretation may be highly ambiguous. Analytical methods have been developed to calculate synthetic seismograms for sources in fault zones as well as at the material discontinuities. These solutions can be used for accurate modeling of wave propagation in plane-parallel layered fault zone structures. However, at present it is not clear how modest deviations from such simplified geometries affect the generation efficiency and observations of trapped wave motion. As more complicated models cannot be solved by analytical means, numerical methods must be employed. In this paper we discuss 3-D finite-difference calculations of waves in modestly irregular fault zone structures. We investigate the accuracy of the numerical solutions for sources at material interfaces and discuss some dominant effects of 3-D structures. We also show that simple mathematical operations on 2-D solutions generated with line sources allow accurate modeling of 3-D wave propagation produced by point sources. The discussed simulations indicate that structural discontinuities of the fault zone (e.g., fault offsets) larger than the fault zone width affect significantly the trapping efficiency, while vertical properly gradients, fault zone narrowing with depth, small-scale structures, and moderate geometrical variations do not. The results also show that sources located with appropriate orientations outside and below a shallow fault zone layer can produce considerable guided wave energy in the overlying fault zone layer.  相似文献   

长白山天池火山区三维地壳结构层析成像   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用长白山天池火山区三维空间深地震测观测系统所采集的反射P波走时资料,采用层析成像技术,重建了该区地壳界面构造形态和速度分析图像。界面成像结果表明:研究区地壳界面总体上显示了由北西向东南加深的趋势;马鞍山—三道白河断裂和富尔河—红旗河断裂是本区两条主要的深部构造,尤其是马鞍山—三道白河断裂,北北东向穿越天池火山口,其两侧的地壳界面存在明显的错断,预示了该处地壳厚度陡变或深大断裂带的存在,速度成像结果显示在10km深度,明显的P波低速异常分布在天池周围;15km深度上它表现为一个近南北向的P波低速异常条带,其延展尺度南北向为80~90km,东西向30~40km;随着深度的增加,P波低速异常分布在天池西侧,其尺度有明显的缩小,分布范围更加集中,而且低速扰动幅度更大。这种P波速度异常的变化图像在一定程度上反映了天池火山口下方壳内岩浆系统的空间分状况。  相似文献   

杨博  占伟  梁洪宝  张风霜  杨国华 《地震》2019,39(2):88-96
实际监测与理论研究均表明, 2011年东日本大地震对中国东北地区地壳变形产生了显著的影响。 然而, 对震后影响的持续时间却存在着不同的看法, 有的学者依据所掌握的资料认为即使受影响最大的东北地区其持续时间截止于2013年上半年等。 针对这一问题, 本文对中国地壳运动观测网络2016年前的多期复测资料进行了处理与分析, 结果表明: 这种影响不仅存在, 而且仍是目前东北地区时段性地壳变形的主体成分, 仅是随着时间的推移呈现逐渐减弱的态势。 因此, 推测震后影响至少在今后数年内仍将存在。  相似文献   

—In the present study we compare results obtained from experimental estimates of local site amplification effects with those from numerical modelling using four different techniques. We benefit from an extremely precise knowledge of the near-surface structure and experimental estimates of the local amplification factors which are determined from seismic weak-motion data recorded by a dense array across a sedimentary basin at a European test-site in Northern Greece. The possibilities and limitations of the different modelling techniques (a 1-D technique, and three 2-D techniques) to model the effects of local amplification effects are tested. Amplifications calculated by the numerical techniques are only qualitatively compared with observed data from experimental studies in the time domain and directly in the frequency domain.¶As a result we conclude that, in the case of a complex subsurface geometry, 1-D modelling underestimates the amplification patterns in terms of absolute amplification level, and cannot correctly account for resonant frequencies, at least for modes higher than the fundamental mode. If a more realistic incident wave field than just a plane wave is taken into account, 2-D modelling reveals the fundamental frequency and shows adequate amplifications not only at the fundamental frequency but also at higher frequencies. The general trend of the amplifications at the lowest frequencies is well determined by the 2-D numerical modelling, and can therefore supply information for seismic risk analysis.  相似文献   

Using the GPS velocity data from 27 stations around the Eastern Kunlun fault as constraints,we first invert the slip velocities of the Eastern Kunlun fault,the north boundary fault of the Qaidam basin,the Mani-Yushu fault and the Margai Caka fault before the Kekexili MS8.1 earthquake with a 3-D elastic half-space dislocation model. The deformation field calculated from the slip movement of these faults can be considered the deformation background field of the earthquake. Based on the deformation background field with tectonic implications,we have obtained the strain field and earthquake moment accumulation field. The results show that there are two obvious high moment accumulation rate regions,one of which is the Dongdatan-Xidatan segment of the Eastern Kunlun fault where the M_S8.1 earthquake occurred in 2001.  相似文献   

张永  张永志  瞿伟 《地震工程学报》2015,37(4):996-1000
基于向错-位错组合模型模拟渭河盆地内主要断层的滑动与转动运动变形,通过数值计算获得断层滑动及转动变形引起的地表水平位移,并与盆地内实测GPS水平位移进行了对比。结果表明:采用向错-位错组合模型能够完整地描述断层实际的滑动与转动运动变形状态,组合模型模拟断层滑动与转动引起的地表水平位移与实测GPS水平位移,无论在量级或是运动趋势上均具有较好的一致性特征。  相似文献   

The Central Andean subduction system is one of the most active geological structures on Earth. Although there have been a few previous studies, the structure and dynamics of the system are still not well understood. In the present study, we determine a combined regional gravity model of the Andean convergent subduction region for constraining lithospheric models. After a thorough validation and cleaning of the terrestrial gravity and height databases, the method of Least Squares Collocation was applied to consistently combine terrestrial and satellite gravity data, putting much emphasis on the stochastic modelling of the individual data components. As a result, we computed the first high-resolution regional gravity model of the study region that includes GOCE satellite gravity information. The inclusion of GOCE is an essential distinction from the independent global gravity model EGM2008. Validation against EGM2008 reveals that our regional solution is very consistent in regions where terrestrial gravity data are available, but shows systematic differences in areas with terrestrial data gaps. Artefacts in the EGM2008 of up to 150 mGal could be identified. The new combined regional model benefits from the very homogeneous error characteristics and accuracy of GOCE gravity data in the long-to-medium wavelengths down to 80–100 km. Reliable density modelling became possible also in the region of Central Andes, which lacks terrestrial gravity data. Finally, density models were adapted to fit the new regional gravity field solution. The results clearly demonstrate the capabilities of GOCE to better constrain lithospheric models.  相似文献   

地壳变形的突变性与地震短期预报   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
地震短临预报是极其困难的科学问题之一 ,尽管国内外地震学者们开展了大量的工作 ,但取得的实质性进展不大。因此 ,深入研究地震孕育过程 ,探索地震短临预报新方法是一项富有挑战性而又艰巨的任务。突变是指系统在短时间内发生的巨幅变化。在许多重大地震前 ,都能观测到这一现象 ,因而 ,突变可能是地震的重要前兆。为研究地壳变形突变与地震的关系 ,本文从以下 4个方面进行了深入的工作 :1根据近一二十年来的大量实测资料分析重力、形变、地下流体等在中强地震前发生的突变性异常现象及其特征 ,着重研究它们在时空域内的差异性及其联系 ,为…  相似文献   

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