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A box model based on salinity distributions and freshwater inflow measurements was developed and used to estimate net non-tidal physical circulation and hydraulic residence times for Patuxent River estuary, Maryland, a tributary estuary of Chesapeake Bay. The box model relaxes the usual assumption that salinity is at steady-state, an important improvement over previous box model studies, yet it remains simple enough to have broad appeal. Average monthly 2-dimensional net non-tidal circulation and residence times for 1986–1995 are estimated and related to river flow and salt water inflow as estimated by the box model. An important result is that advective exchange at the estuary mouth was not correlated with Patuxent River flow, most likely due to effects of offshore salinity changes in Chesapeake Bay. The median residence time for freshwater entering at the head of the estuary was 68 d and decreased hyperbolically with increasing river flow to 30 d during high flow. Estimates of residence times for down-estuary points of origin showed that, from the head of the estuary to its mouth, control of flushing changed from primarily river flow to other factors regulating the intensity of gravitational circulation.  相似文献   

In response to legislative directives beginning in 1975, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) jointly established and currently maintain a data collection and analytical study program focused on determining the effects of and needs for freshwater inflows into the state's 10 bay and estuary systems. Study elements include hydrographic surveys, hydrodynamic modeling of circulation and salinity patterns, sediment analyses, nutrient analyses, fisheries analyses, freshwater inflow optimization modeling, and verification of needs. For determining the needs, statistical regression models are developed among freshwater inflows, salinities, and coastal fisheries. Results from the models and analyses are placed into the Texas Estuarine Mathematical Programming (TxEMP) model, along with information on salinity viability limits, nutrient budgets, fishery biomass ratios, and inflow bounds. The numerical relationships are solved within the constraints and limits, and optimized to meet state management objectives for maintenance of biological productivity and overall ecological health. Solution curves from the TxEMP model are verified by TWDB’s hydrodynamic simulation of estuarine circulation and salinity structure, which is evaluated against TPWD’s analysis of species abundance and distribution patterns in each bay and estuary system. An adequate system-wide match initially verifies the inflow solution. Long-term monitoring is recommended in order to verify that implementation of future water management strategies maintain ecological health of the estuaries and to provide an early warning of needs for adaptive management strategies.  相似文献   

We utilized an extensive data set (1977–2013) from a water quality monitoring program to investigate the recovery of a Danish estuary following large reductions in total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) loading. Monthly rates of net transport and biogeochemical transformation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorus (DIP) were computed in two basins of the estuary using a box model approach, and oxygen-based rates of net ecosystem production (NEP) were determined. Since 1990, nutrient loading was reduced by 58 % for nitrogen and 80 % for phosphorus, causing significant decreases in DIN (60 %) and DIP (85 %) concentrations. Reductions in nutrient loadings and concentrations reduced annual chlorophyll levels by 50 % in the inner estuary and improved Secchi depth by approximately 1 m during the same period, particularly in the summer period. In the outer, deeper region of the estuary trends in water quality was less evident. Improvements in the inner estuary were strongly coupled to declines in DIN. Thresholds of DIN and DIP concentrations limiting phytoplankton growth indicated that both regions of the estuary were nitrogen limited. NEP rates indicated the development of more net autotrophic conditions over time that were likely associated with higher benthic primary production stimulated by improved light conditions. Box model computations revealed a modest reduction in summer net production of DIP over time, despite the persistence of elevated fluxes for several years after external loads were reduced. Since the mid-1990s, nutrient loading and transformation were stable while nutrient concentrations continued to decline and water quality improved in the inner estuary. The oligotrophication trajectory involved an initial fast transformation and modest retention of nutrients followed by a gradual decline in the rate of improvement towards a new stable condition.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored the extent to which secondary production in a well-mixed estuary reflects local differences in biotic and physical characteristics of habitats, or larger-scale, estuary-wide characteristics governed by a freshwater-marine gradient. We addressed the following questions: To what extent do organic components of seston within habitats in an estuary reflect distributions of local autotrophs and to what extent do estuarine consumers such as sessile filter-feeders, respond to small-scale, local differences in habitat characteristics in a wellmixed estuary? We contrasted habitat quality and consumer growth at four sites within Padilla Bay estuary, Washington, representing the major autotrophic sources of organic carbon in Pacific Northwest estuaries (i.e., phytoplankton, eelgrass (Zostera marina), epibenthic and macro-algal species, and marsh macrophytes.) The natural abundances of stable carbon isotopes {ie898-1} were used to resolve origins of organic carbon in diets of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis), a representative suspension feeder. To assess consumer responses to habitat, quality, we combined measures of sestonic food quantity and quality and physical parameters with in situ determination of mussel growth. We used measures of food quality {ie898-2} and consumer response (growth of transplanted mussels) to integrate the effects of high variability in estuarine physical and biological characteristics on primary and secondary production. Using ANOVA, we detected significant differences in the concentrations of sestonic food, seston composition as indicated by {ie898-3}, and mussel {ie898-4} values and growth rates among the four representative habitats. That significant differences in {ie898-5} values of mussel tissue corresponded to the significant differences in {ie898-6} values of local autotrophs and seston among habitats suggests that mussels in Padilla Bay rely primarily on local sources of carbon for food. Mussel growth throughout, the estuary was significantly correlated with both sestonic {ie898-7} and salinity. We conclude that differences in local seston composition and mussel growth rates reflect in part the heterogeneous, distribution of benthic primary producer habitats in Padilla Bay, despite its well-mixed nature. In addition, local differences in salinity levels, as opposed to the bay-wide freshwater-marine, gradient, explained a significant proportion of the variance in mussel growth within the bay. Our results counter the prediction that seston quality and consumer production are comparable throughout well-mixed estuaries, and suggest that the paradigm of physically and chemically determined gradients in estuarine secondary production needs to be broadened to include local biotic factors as well.  相似文献   

A combination of mixing plots, one-dimensional salt balance modelling, nutrient loading budgets, and benthic flux measurements were used to assess nutrient cycling pathways in the enriched sub-tropical Brunswick estuary during different freshwater flows. A simple model accounting for freshwater residence times and nutrient availability was found to be a good predictor of phytoplankton biomass along the estuary, and suggested that biomass accumulation may become nutrient-limited during low flows and that recycling within the water column is important during blooms. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) cycling budgets were constructed for the estuary during different freshwater flows accounting for all major inputs (catchment, sewage, and urban) to the estuary. Internal cycling due to phytoplankton uptake (based on measured biomass) and sediment-water fluxes (based on measured rates in each estuarine reach) was considered. Four different nutrient cycling states were identified during the study. In high flow, freshwater residence times are less than 1 d, internal cycling processes are bypassed and virtually all dissolved, and most particulate, nutrients are delivered to the continental shelf. During the growth phase of a phytoplankton bloom enhanced recycling occurs as residence times increase sufficiently to allow biomass accumulation. Remineralization of phytoplankton detritus during this phase can supply up to 50% of phytoplankton DIN demands. In post-bloom conditions, DIN uptake by phytoplankton decreases in the autumn wet season when biomass doubling times begin to exceed residence times. OM supply to the sediments diminishes and the benthos becomes nutrient-limited, resulting in DIN uptake by the sediments. As flows decrease further in the dry season, there is tight recycling and phytoplankton blooms, and uptake by the sediments can account for the entire DIN loading to the estuary resulting in complete removal of DIN from the water column. The ocean is a potentially important source of DIN to the estuary at this time. The results of the DIN cycling budgets compared favorably with mixing plots of DIN at each time. The results suggest that a combination of different approaches may be useful in developing a more comprehensive understanding of nutrient cycling behavior and the effects of nutrient enrichment in estuaries.  相似文献   

Measurements show that in general salt is vertically well-mixed everywhere in the Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire except near the river entrances at the head of the estuary. Dyer and Taylor’s (1973) modified version of Ketchum’s segmented tidal prism model has been applied to the Great Bay Estuarine System in order to predict high and low water salinity distribution for a specified river flow. The theory has been modified here to account for the mixing which occurs at the junction of two branches of an estuary. The mixing parameter, which in this model is related to the tidal excursion of water in the estuary, has been determined for different segments in the estuary on the basis of a comparison between predictions and a comprehensive data set obtained for a low river flow period. Using a mixing parameter distribution based on the low river flow calibration procedure the salinity distribution has been predicted for high river flow. The resulting salinity distribution compares favorably with observations for most of the estuary. The corresponding flushing times for water parcels entering at the head of the estuary during periods of low and high river flow is 54.5 and 45.9 tidal cycles respectively.  相似文献   

Planktonic gross primary production (GPP), community respiration (CR), and nitrification (NIT) were measured monthly in the Scheldt estuary by the oxygen incubation method in 2003. No significant evolution of planktonic GPP was observed since the 1990s with high rates in the freshwater area (salinity 0; 97±65 mmol C m−2 d−1) decreasing seaward (22–37 mmol C m−2 d−1). A significant decrease of NIT was observed with regard to previous investigations although this process still represents up to 20% of total organic matter production in the inner estuary. Planktonic CR was highest in the inner estuary and seemed to be mainly controlled by external organic matter inputs. Planktonic net community production was negative most of the time in the estuary with values ranging from −300 to 165 mmol C m−2 d−1. Whole estuary net ecosystem production (NEP) was investigated on an annual scale using the results mentioned above and published benthic metabolic rates. A NEP of −39±8 mmol C m−2 d−1 was estimated, which confirms the strong heterotrophic status of this highly nutrified estuary. NEP rates were computed from June to December 2003 to compare with results derived from the Land-Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone budgeting procedure applied to dissolved inorganic phosphorus and carbon (DIP and DIC). DIP budgets failed to provide realistic estimates in the inner estuary where abiotic processes account for more than 50% of the nonconservative DIP flux. DIC budgets predicted a much lower NEP than in situ incubations (−109±31 versus −42±9 mmol C m−2 d−1) although, as each approach is associated with several critical assumptions, the source of this discrepancy remains unclear.  相似文献   

Freshwater fraction and tidal prism models are simple methods for estimating the turnover time of estuarine water. The freshwater fraction method prominently features flushing by freshwater inflow and has sometimes been criticized because it appears not to include flushing by seawater, but this is accounted for implicitly because the average estuary salinity used in the calculation reflects all the processes that bring seawater into the estuary, including gravitational circulation and tidal processes. The model relies on measurable salinity differences among water masses and so must be used for estuaries with substantial freshwater inflow. Tidal prism models are based on flushing by flood tide inflow and ignore seawater inflow due to gravitational circulation. These models should only be applied to estuaries with weak or nonexistent gravitational circulation, which are generally those with little freshwater inflow. Using a framework that is less ambioguous and more directly applicable to the estimation of turnover times than those used previously, this paper critically examines the application of tidal prism models in well-mixed estuaries with complete tidal exchange, partial ebb return, or incomplete flood mixing and in partially mixed estuaries. Problems with self-consistency in earlier versions of these models also apply to the budgeting procedure used by the LOICZ (Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone) program. Although freshwater fraction and tidal prism models are different approaches to estimating turnover times in systems with very different characteristics, consistent derivation shows that these models have much in common with each other and that they yield equivalent values that can be used to make comparisons across systems.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of larval behavior in regulating transport between well-mixed, low-inflow estuaries and coastal waters in seasonally arid climates is poorly known. We determined the flux of an assemblage of benthic crustacean larvae relative to physical conditions between a shallow estuary and coastal waters on the upwelling coast of northern California (38°18′N, 123°03′W) from 29 to 31 March 2006. We detected larval behaviors that regulate transport in adjacent coastal waters and other estuaries for only two taxa in the low-inflow estuary, but they were apparent for taxa outside the estuary. Vertical mixing in the shallow estuary may have overwhelmed larvae of some species, or salinity fluctuations may have been too slight to cue tidal vertical migrations. Nevertheless, all larval stages of species that complete development in nearshore coastal waters were present in the estuary, because they remained low in the water column reducing seaward advection or they were readily exchanged between the estuary and open coast by tidal flows. Weak tidal flows and gravitational circulation at the head of the estuary reduced seaward transport during development for species that completed development nearshore, whereas larval release during nocturnal ebb tides enhanced seaward transport for species that develop offshore. Thus, nonselective tidal processes dominated larval transport for most species back and forth between the low-inflow estuary and open coastal waters, whereas in adjacent open coastal waters, larval behavior in the presence of wind-induced shear was more important in regulating migrations between adult and larval habitats along this upwelling coast.  相似文献   

In this paper we assemble and analyze quantitative annual input-export budgets for total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) for Chesapeake Bay and three of its tributary estuaries (Potomac, Patuxent, and Choptank rivers). The budgets include estimates of TN and TP sources (point, diffuse, and atmospheric), internal losses (burial in sediments, fisheries yields, and denitrification), storages in the water column and sediments, internal cycling rates (zooplankton excretion and net sediment-water flux), and net downstream exchange. Annual terrestrial and atmospheric inputs (average of 1985 and 1986 data) of TN and TP ranged from 4.3 g TN m?2 yr?1 to 29.3 g TN m?2 yr?1 and 0.32 g TP m?2 yr?1 to 2.42 g TP m?2 yr?1, respectively. These rates of TN and TP input represent 6-fold to 8-fold and 13-fold to 24-fold increases in loads to these systems since the precolonial period. A recent 11-yr record for the Susquehanna River indicates that annual loads of TN and TP have varied by about 2-fold and 4-fold, respectively. TN inputs increased and TP inputs decreased during the 11-yr period. The relative importance of nutrient sources varied among these estuaries: point sources of nutrients delivered about half the annual TN and TP load to the Patuxent and nearly 60% of TP inputs to the Choptank; diffuse sources contributed 60–70% of the TN and TP inputs to the mainstream Chesapeake and Potomac River. The direct deposition of atmospheric wet-fall to the surface waters of these estuaries represented 12% or less of annual TN and TP loads except in the Choptank River (37% of TN and 20% of TP). We found direct, although damped, relationships between annual rates of nutrient input, water-column and sediment nutrient stocks, and nutrient losses via burial in sediments and denitrification. Our budgets indicate that the annual mass balance of TN and TP is maintained by a net landward exchange of TP and, with one exception (Choptank River), a net seaward transport of TN. The budgets for all systems revealed that inorganic nutrients entering these estuaries from terrestrial and atmospheric sources are rapidly converted to particulate and organic forms. Discrepancies between our budgets and others in the literature were resolved by the inclusion of sediments derived from shoreline erosion. The greatest potential for errors in our budgets can be attributed to the absence of or uncertainties in estimates of atmospheric dry-fall, contributions of nutrients via groundwater, and the sedimentation rates used to calculate nutrient burial rates.  相似文献   

External nutrient loadings, internal nutrient pools, and phytoplankton production were examined for three major subsystems of the Chesapeake Bay Estuary—the upper Mainstem, the Patuxent Estuary, and the 01 Potomac Estuary—during 1985–1989. The atomic nitrogen to phosphorus ratios (TN:TP) of total loads to the 01 Mainstem, Patuxent, and the Potomac were 51, 29 and 35, respectively. Most of these loads entered at the head of the estuaries from riverine sources and major wastewater treatment plants. Approximately 7–16% for the nitrogen load entered the head of each estuary as particulate matter in contrast to 48–69% for phosphorus. This difference is hypothesized to favor a greater loss of phosphorus than nitrogen through sedimentation and burial. This process could be important in driving estuarine nitrogen to phosphorus ratios above those of inputs. Water column TN: TP ratios in the tidal fresh, oligohaline, and mesohaline salinity zones of each estuary ranged from 56 to 82 in the Mainstem, 27 to 48 in the Patuxent, and 72 to 126 in the Potomac. A major storm event in the Potomac watershed was shown to greatly increase the particulate fraction of nitrogen and phosphorus and lower the TN:TP in the river-borne loads. The load during the month that contained this storm (November 1985) accounted for 11% of the nitrogen and 31% of the phosphorus that was delivered to the estuary by the Potomac River during the entire 60-month period examined here. Within the Mainstem estuary, salinity dilution plots revealed strong net sources of ammonium and phosphate in the oligohaline to upper mesohaline region, indicating that these areas were sites of considerable internal recycling of nutrients to surface waters. The sedimentation of particulate nutrient loads in the upper reaches of the estuary is probably a major source of these recycled nutrients. A net sink of nitrate was indicated during summer. A combination of inputs and these internal recycling processes caused dissolved inorganic N to P ratios to approach 16:1 in the mesohaline zone of the Mainstem during late summer; this ratio was much higher at other times and in the lower salinity zones. Phytoplankton biomass in the mesohaline Mainstem reached a peak in spring and was relatively constant throughout the other seasons. Productivity was highest in spring and summer, accounting for approximately 33% and 44%, respectively, of the total annual productivity in this region. In the Patuxent and Potomac, the TN:TP ratios of external loads documented here are 2–4 times higher than those observed over the previous two decades. These changes are attributed to point-source phosphorus controls and the likelihood that nitrogen-rich nonpoint source inputs, including contributions from the atmosphere, have increased. These higher N:P ratios relative to Redfield proportions (16:1) now suggest a greater overall potential for phosphorus-limitation rather than nitrogen-limitation of phytoplankton in the areas studied.  相似文献   

The hydrography and circulation of the Chubut River were investigated under exceptionally low river discharge. The frontal zone formed by the entrance of the tide in the estuary may be observed as far as 4.5 km from the mouth, showing that the salt intrusion due to tidal effects reaches further inland than during normal river discharge. Based on the classification of Hansen and Rattray (1966), the estuary corresponds to Type 1 with some vertical stratification observed on the seaward side of the frontal zone. A lateral salinity gradient was found, which was not the result of Coriolis force. The general morphology of the estuary and the consequent secondary circulation due to meanders and interchannel bars may explain the lateral variation. Wind effect is a major component of the circulation and mixing of this shallow estuary.  相似文献   

Large-scale human-built infrastructure is shown to alter the salinity and subtidal residual flow in a realistic numerical simulation of hydrodynamic circulation in a coastal plain estuary (Tampa Bay). Two model scenarios are considered. The first uses a modern bathymetry and boundary conditions from the years 2001–2003. The second is identical to the first except that the bathymetry is based on depth soundings from the pre-construction year 1879. Differences between the models' output can only result from changes in bay morphology, in particular built infrastructure such as bridges, causeways, and dredging of the shipping channel. Thirty-day means of model output are calculated to remove the dominant tidal signals and allow examination of the subtidal dynamics. Infrastructure is found to steepen the mean axial salinity gradient $ \partial \overline{s}/ dx $ by ~40% when there is low freshwater input but flatten $ \partial \overline{s}/ dx $ by ~25% under more typical conditions during moderate freshwater inflow to the estuary. Deepening of the shipping channel also increases the magnitude of the residual Eulerian circulation, allowing for larger up-estuary salt transport. Local bathymetry and morphology are important. Some regions within the estuary show little change in residual circulation due to infrastructure. In others, the residual circulation can vary by a factor of 4 or more. Major features of the circulation and changes due to infrastructure can be partially accounted for with linear theory.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton nutrient limitation experiments were performed from 1994 to 1996 at three stations in the Cape Fear River Estuary, a riverine system originating in the North Carolina piedmont. Nutrient addition bioassays were conducted by spiking triplicate cubitainers with various nutrient combinations and determining algal response by analyzing chlorophyll a production and 14C uptake daily for 3 d. Ambient chlorophyll a, nutrient concentration, and associated physical data were collected throughout the estuary as well. At a turbid, nutrient-rich oligohaline station, significant responses to nutrient additions were rare, with light the likely principal factor limiting phytoplankton production. During summer at a mesohaline station, phytoplankton community displayed significant nitrogen (N) limitation, while both phosphorus (P) and N were occasionally limiting in spring with some N+P co-limitation. Light was apparently limiting during fall and winter when the water was turid and nutrient-rich, as well as during other months of heavy rainfall and runoff. A polyhaline station in the lower estuary had clearer water and displayed significant responses to nutrient additions during all enrichment experiments. At this site N limitation occurred in summer and fall, and P limitation (with strong N+P co-limitation) occurred in winter and spring. The data suggest there are two patterns controlling phytoplankton productivity in the Cape Fear system: 1) a longitudinal pattern of decreasing light limitation and increasing nutrient sensitivity along the salinity gradient, and 2) a seasonal alternation of N limitation, light limitation, and P limitation in the middle-to-lower estuary. Statistical analyses indicated upper watershed precipitation events led to increased flow, turbidity, light attenuation, and nutrient loading, and decreased chlorophyll a and nutrient limitation potential in the estuary. Periods of low rainfall and river flow led to reduced estuarine turbidity, higher chlorophyll a, lower ambient nutrients, and more pronounced nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

Multi-year nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) budgets were developed for the Patuxent River estuary, a seasonally stratified and moderately eutrophic tributary of Chesapeake Bay. Major inputs (point, diffuse, septic, and direct atmospheric) were measured for 13 years during which, large reductions in P and then lesser reductions in N-loading occurred due to wastewater treatment plant improvements. Internal nutrient losses (denitrification and long-term burial of particulate N and P) were measured in tidal marshes and sub-tidal sediments throughout the estuary as were nutrient storage in the water column, sediments, and biota. Nutrient transport between the oligohaline and mesohaline zones and between the Patuxent and Chesapeake Bay was estimated using a salt and water balance model. Several major nutrient recycling terms were directly and indirectly evaluated and compared to new N and P inputs on seasonal and annual time-scales. Major findings included: (1) average terrestrial and atmospheric inputs of N and P were very close to the sum of internal losses plus export, suggesting that dominant processes are captured in these budgets; (2) both N and P export were a small fraction (13% and 28%, respectively) of inputs, about half of that expected for N based on water residence times, and almost all exported N and P were in organic forms; (3) the tidal marsh-oligohaline estuary, which by area comprised ~27% of the full estuarine system, removed about 46% and 74% of total annual upland N and P inputs, respectively; (4) recycled N and P were much larger sources of inorganic nutrients than new inputs during warm seasons and were similar in magnitude even during cold seasons; (5) there was clear evidence that major estuarine processes responded rapidly to inter-annual nutrient input variations; (6) historical nutrient input data and nutrient budget data from drought periods indicated that diffuse nutrient sources were dominant and that N loads need to be reduced by about 50% to restore water quality conditions to pre-eutrophic levels.  相似文献   

The relationships between phytoplankton productivity, nutrient distributions, and freshwater flow were examined in a seasonal study conducted in Escambia Bay, Florida, USA, located in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Five sites oriented along the salinity gradient were sampled 24 times over the 28-mo period from 1999 to 2001. Water column profiles of temperature and salinity were measured along with surface chlorophyll and surface inorganic nutrient concentrations. Primary productivity was measured at 2 sites on 11 dates, and estimated for the remaining dates and sites using an empirical regression model relating phytoplankton net production to the product of chlorophyll, euphotic zone depth, and daily solar insolation. Freshwater flow into the system varied markedly over the study period with record low flow during 2000, a flood event in March 2001, and subsequent resumption of normal flow. Flushing times ranged from 1 d during the flood to 20 d during the drought. Freshwater input strongly affected surface salinity distributions, nutrient flux, chlorophyll, and primary productivity. The flood caused high turbidity and rapid flushing, severely reducing phytoplankton production and biomass accumulation. Following the flood, phytoplankton biomass and productivity sharply increased. Analysis of nutrient distributions suggested Escambia Bay phytoplankton alternated between phosphorus limitation during normal flow and nitrogen limitation during low flow periods. This study found that Escambia Bay is a moderately productive estuary, with an average annual integrated phytoplankton production rate of 290 g C m−2 yr−1.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that nutrient cycling in a Gulf of Mexico subterranean estuary (STE) is fueled by oxygen and labile organic matter supplied by tidal pumping of seawater into the coastal aquifer. We estimate nutrient production rates using the standard estuarine model and a non-steady-state box model, separate nutrient fluxes associated with fresh and saline submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), and estimate offshore fluxes from radium isotope distributions. The results indicate a large variability in nutrient concentrations over tidal and seasonal time scales. At high tide, nutrient concentrations in shallow beach groundwater were low as a result of dilution caused by seawater recirculation. During ebb tide, the concentrations increased until they reached a maximum just before the next high tide. The dominant form of nitrogen was dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in freshwater, nitrate in brackish waters, and ammonium in saline waters. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) production was two-fold higher in the summer than in the winter, while nitrate and DON production were one order of magnitude higher. Oxic remineralization and denitrification most likely explain these patterns. Even though fresh SGD accounted for only ∼5% of total volumetric additions, it was an important pathway of nutrients as a result of biogeochemical inputs in the mixing zone. Fresh SGD transported ∼25% of DOC and ∼50% of total dissolved nitrogen inputs into the coastal ocean, with the remainder associated with a one-dimensional vertical seawater exchange process. While SGD volumetric inputs are similar seasonally, changes in the biogeochemical conditions of this coastal plain STE led to higher summertime SGD nutrient fluxes (40% higher for DOC and 60% higher for nitrogen in the summer compared to the winter). We suggest that coastal primary production and nutrient dynamics in the STE are linked.  相似文献   

A causeway which had restricted tidal flow in a portion of the Sheepscot River estuary was removed late in 1974. Flowmeter data from moored plankton nets fished over full tidal cycles, and salinity observations made in conjunction with the net sets, were used to evaluate the effects of causeway removal on circulation in the estuary. Tidal flows in the main channel increased by almost 50%. This increase was accompanied by substantial decreases in salinity stratification and in the strength of the gravitational circulation.  相似文献   

Construction of the Farakka barrage on the Ganga River in April 1975 to augment water supply to the Calcutta port has brought about a significant increase in freshwater discharge in its distributary, the Hoogly estuary. This has naturally resulted in major changes in the ecology of this estuary, causing modifications in the structure of its fishery resources, fishing pattern, and fish production. This paper presents observations on salinity, plankton, bottom biota, fishery resource, and fish production of different zones of the Hooghly estuary during the period 1982–1992. Comparison with similar studies made before and immediately after commissioning of the Farakka barrage (1975–1977) has revealed that the increased freshwater discharge has resulted in considerable decrease in salinity throughout the estuary. The freshwater zone now extends toward the mouth of the estuary. The true estuarine zone has moved seaward and the marine zone has been restricted to the area near the mouth of the estuary. This has effected major changes in plankton dynamics, sharp decline in the fishery of marine and neritic species in the upper estuary, caused a significant increase in catch ofTenualosa ilisha and an over twofold increase in the average annual fish landings from the estuary as a whole. New zonations have been proposed based on the presently, observed salinity values, which are the most significant factor in determining the fishery of any estuary. An interdisciplinary study of the ecology of the new zones is needed to establish their correct biological characteristics.  相似文献   

We describe the tidal circulation and salinity regime of a coastal plain estuary that connects to the ocean through a flood tide delta. The delta acts as a sill, and we examine the mechanisms through which the sill affects exchange of estuarine water with the ocean. Given enough buoyancy, the dynamics of tidal intrusion fronts across the sill and selective withdrawal (aspiration) in the deeper channel landward appear to control the exchange of seawater with estuarine water. Comparison of currents on the sill and stratification in the channel reveals aspiration depths smaller than channel depth during neap tide. During neap tide and strong vertical stratification, seawater plunges beneath the less dense estuarine water somewhere on the sill. Turbulence in the intruding bottom layer on the sill promotes entrainment of fluid from the surface layer, and the seawater along the sill bottom is diluted with estuarine water. During ebb flow, salt is effectively trapped landward of the sill in a stagnant zone between the aspiration depth and the bottom where it can be advected farther upstream by flood currents. During spring tide, the plunge point moves landward and off the sill, stratification is weakened in the deep channel, and aspiration during ebb extends to the bottom. This prevents the formation of stagnant water near the bottom, and the estuary is flooded with high salinity water far inland. The neapspring cycle of tidal intrusion fronts on flood coupled with aspiration during ebb interacts with the sill to play an important role in the transport and retention of salt within the estuary.  相似文献   

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