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碧口群火山岩岩石成因研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
新元古代(846~776Ma)碧口群火山岩喷发于大陆板内裂谷环境。该火山岩系以基性火山岩为主,酸性火山岩次之,中性火山岩少见。根据岩石地球化学数据,碧口群裂谷基性熔岩总体上属于低Ti/Y(<500)岩浆类型。元素和同位素数据表明,碧口群基性熔岩的化学变化不是由一个共同的母岩浆的结晶分异作用所产生。它们极有可能是源于地幔柱源(εNd(t)≈+3,87Sr/86Sr(t)≈0.704,La/Nb≈0.7)。地壳混染作用对于碧口群裂谷基性熔岩的形成有重要贡献。我们的研究揭示,碧口群火山岩存在空间上的岩石地球化学变化。东部红岩沟和辛田坝—黑木林地区的碧口群基性熔岩以拉斑玄武岩为主,产生于幔源石榴子石稳定区的高度部分熔融。相反,西部白杨—碧口地区的碧口群基性熔岩的母岩浆则是形成于幔源的尖晶石-石榴子石过渡带:碱性熔岩是产生于部分熔融程度较低的条件下,拉斑玄武质熔岩则是产生于部分熔融条件较高的条件下。它们经受了浅层位辉长岩质(cpx+plag±ol)分离作用,化学变异较大。  相似文献   

藏北的若拉岗日岩群,因处于拉竹龙-金沙江缝合带南缘,其成生背景及构造属性历来倍受关注。白头山、岗盖日、狮头山等地的若拉岗日岩群主要为一套变质中基性火山岩系,不同地段夹杂大理岩、变质砂板岩、硅质岩、超基性岩等小岩片或块体,分别具有洋岛型、洋脊型及岛弧型火山岩的基本特征,并构成白头山西以岛弧火山岩为主的弧火山岩片,岗盖日以洋脊型变玄武岩为主夹杂硅质岩、超基性岩小岩片而共同组成的蛇绿混杂岩片及白头山、狮头山以洋岛型火山岩为主夹杂碳酸盐岩块体的大洋海山岩片,从而指出该区若拉岗日岩群为一套不同构造属性的火山岩与大理岩、硅质岩、超基性岩等相伴的构造混杂岩,其中既有某大洋的产物,又有某洋岛及陆缘岛弧的产物。  相似文献   

Late Permian-Early Triassic (P2-T1) volcanic rocks distributed on the eastern side of ocean-ridge and oceanic-island basalts in the Nan-Uttaradit zone were analyzed from aspects of petrographic characteristics, rock assemblage, REE, trace elements, geotectonic setting, etc., indicating that those volcanic rocks possess the characteristic features of island-arc volcanic rocks. The volcanic rock assemblage is basalt-basaltic andesite-andesite. The volcanic rocks are sub-alkaline, dominated by calc-alkaline series, with tholeiite series coming next. The chemical composition of the volcanic rocks is characterized by low TiO2 and K2O and high Al2O3 and Na2O. Their REE patterns are of the flat, weak LREE-enrichment right-inclined type. The trace elements are characterized by the enrichment of large cation elements such as K, Rb and Ba, common enrichment of U and Th, and depletion of Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. The petrochemical plot falls within the field of volcanic rocks, in consistency with the plot of island-arc volcanic rocks in the Jinsha River zone of China. This island-arc volcanic zone, together with the ocean-ridge/oceanic island type volcanic rocks in the Nan-Uttaradit zone, constitutes the ocean-ridge volcanic rock-island-arc magmatic rock zones which are distributed in pairs, indicating that the oceanic crust of the Nan-Uttaradit zone once was of eastward subduction. This work is of great significance in exploring the evolution of paleo-Tethys in the Nan-Uttaradit zone.  相似文献   

The Kholodnikan Complex consists of two units: lower volcanic and upper volcanic-sedimentary. The distributions of major and trace elements suggest that the protoliths of the lower unit were volcanics of the komatiite-tholeiite series (komatiite-basalt association) and those of the upper unit were volcanics of the calc-alkaline series (andesite-dacite-rhyolite association). The model assumed for the genesis of these associations involves two stages: (1) decompression-induced partial melting of the material of an ascending mantle plume with the derivation of melts of the komatiite-basalt association and (2) derivation of volcanic rocks of the andesite-dacite-rhyolite association via the partial melting of various rocks in the basement of the Aldan Shield under the effect of the heat of the ascending mantle plume. The magmatic protoliths of the Kholodnikan Complex were formed in the Paleoproterozoic at 2.41 Ga.  相似文献   

浙江丽水地区磨石山群火山岩时代归属   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为查明浙江丽水地区中生代磨石山群火山岩的时代,在区域地质调查、火山机构划分的基础上,选择该群代表性火山岩进行锆石年龄测定。结果表明,大爽组底部流纹质晶屑熔结凝灰岩的 SHRIMP 锆石 U‐Pb 年龄为154.9±5.5 Ma 、LA‐ICP‐MS 锆石 U‐Pb 加权平均年龄为152.0±7.0 Ma ,属晚侏罗世基默里奇阶;高坞组流纹质晶屑熔结凝灰岩 SHRIMP 锆石 U‐Pb 年龄为131.6±2.7 Ma ,两个火山机构的西山头组流纹质晶屑凝灰岩 LA‐ICP‐MS 锆石 U‐Pb 加权平均年龄分别为128.6±1.7 Ma 和139.5±2.5 Ma 。认为浙南磨石山群火山岩时代:大爽组为晚侏罗世,高坞组、西山头组、茶湾组和九里坪组为早白垩世。  相似文献   

藏北改则地区鱼鳞山组火山岩同位素年代学   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:8  
李才  朱志勇等 《地质通报》2002,21(11):732-734
鱼鳞山组火山岩是青藏高原隆升过程中一次重要的碱性钾质火山活动的产物,自发现之日起时代一直定为上新世末至早更新世,对比范围跨羌塘南部到冈底斯地区。通过对鱼鳞山组火山岩同位素测年研究,鱼鳞山组白榴石响岩^40Ar-^39Ar积分年龄为27.8Ma、K-Ar法年龄为30-18Ma,确定鱼鳞山组时代为渐新世至中新世,其分布仅限于班公湖-怒江缝合带以北地区。  相似文献   

藏北蚕眉山地区火山岩和夷平面的时代   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
藏北蚕眉山地区发育2个时代的新生代火山岩①上新世的花岗斑岩和流纹斑岩,白云母K-Ar同位素年龄为(3.65±0.31)MaBP.;②中新世的粗面英安岩、粗安岩和玄武粗安岩等火山熔岩,全岩K-Ar同位素年龄为(12.81±0.4)MaBP、(12.85±0.56)MaBP和(14.51±0.23)MaBP。由中新世各火山熔岩体周边的下伏地表高程和非火山岩构成的局部区域最高山岭的顶部高程恢复出火山喷发时的古地表形态,完全可与现代夷平面形态特征相对比。结合火山熔岩下伏地面表层古风化壳的发育,认为蚕眉山地区火山熔岩的下伏地面为古夷平面,本区为古夷平面残留区。  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks of the Latir volcanic field evolved in an open system by crystal fractionation, magma mixing, and crustal assimilation. Early high-SiO2 rhyolites (28.5 Ma) fractionated from intermediate compositionmagmas that did not reach the surface. Most precaldera lavas have intermediate-compositions, from olivine basaltic-andesite (53% SiO2) to quartz latite (67% SiO2). The precaldera intermediate-composition lavas have anomalously high Ni and MgO contents and reversely zoned hornblende and augite phenocrysts, indicating mixing between primitive basalts and fractionated magmas. Isotopic data indicate that all of the intermediate-composition rocks studied contain large crustal components, although xenocrysts are found only in one unit. Inception of alkaline magmatism (alkalic dacite to high-SiO2 peralkaline rhyolite) correlates with, initiation of regional extension approximately 26 Ma ago. The Questa caldera formed 26.5 Ma ago upon eruption of the >500 km3 high-SiO2 peralkaline Amalia Tuff. Phenocryst compositions preserved in the cogenetic peralkaline granite suggest that the Amalia Tuff magma initially formed from a trace element-enriched, high-alkali metaluminous magma; isotopic data suggest that the parental magmas contain a large crustal component. Degassing of water- and halogen-rich alkali basalts may have provided sufficient volatile transport of alkalis and other elements into the overlying silicic magma chamber to drive the Amalia Tuff magma to peralkaline compositions. Trace element variations within the Amalia Tuff itself may be explained solely by 75% crystal fractionation of the observed phenocrysts. Crystal settling, however, is inconsistent with mineralogical variations in the tuff, and crystallization is thought to have occurred at a level below that tapped by the eruption. Spatially associated Miocene (15-11 Ma) lavas did not assimilate large amounts of crust or mix with primitive basaltic magmas. Both mixing and crustal assimilation processes appear to require development of relatively large magma chambers in the crust that are sustained by large basalt fluxes from the mantle. The lack of extensive crustal contamination and mixing in the Miocene lavas may be related to a decreased basalt flux or initiation of blockfaulting that prevented pooling of basaltic magma in the crust.  相似文献   

The oceanic island volcanic rocks in the Chiang Mai zone, northern Thailand, are usually covered by Lower Carboniferous and Upper Permian shallow-water carbonate rocks, with the Hawaii rocks and potash trachybasalt being the main rock types. The alkaline series is dominant with sub-alkaline series occurring in few cases. The geochemical characteristics are described as follows: the major chemical compositions are characterized by high TiO2, high P2O5 and medium K2O; the rare-earth elements are characterized by right-inclined strong LREE-enrichment patterns; the trace element patterns are of the upward-bulging K-Ti enrichment type; multi-component plots falling within the fields of oceanic island basalts and alkali basalts, belonging to the oceanic island-type volcanic rocks, which are similar to the equivalents in Deqin and Gengma (the Changning-Menglian zone) of Yunnan Province, China.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北部中生代火山岩特征及岩浆演化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
据火山岩岩石组合、地球化学特征、喷发旋回特征及岩浆来源,将大兴安岭北部中生代火山岩划分为三个岩浆演化旋回。晚侏罗世塔木兰沟—吉祥峰旋回火山岩为碱性系列亚碱性系列,岩浆来源于上地幔并有陆壳物质的混染;早白垩世的上库力旋回火山岩为高钾钙碱性系列,岩浆来源于地壳的部分熔融;早白垩世伊列克得旋回火山岩为碱性到亚碱性过渡系列,岩浆来自于地幔并受地壳的混染。综合研究表明,大兴安岭北部中生代火山岩形成于板内环境,早白垩世火山岩可能形成于大陆裂谷环境。  相似文献   

宁维坤  迟效国  刘建峰  赵芝  李才 《地质通报》2009,28(09):1355-1360
昆仑岩带新生代钾质火山活动是青藏高原北缘深部动力学过程的重要记录。有关岩浆源区的性质和岩浆产生的机制一直存在较大的认识分歧。阐述了昆仑岩带黑石北湖钾质火山岩的岩石学和地球化学特征,并与西昆仑康西瓦和泉水沟新生代火山岩进行了成因对比分析。研究表明,昆仑火山岩带玄武质岩石的K2O和Na2O含量变化较大,从钠质过渡到钾质,硅碱图显示玄武质初始岩浆向钾质安粗岩方向演化。黑石北湖火山岩的高场强元素和Sr、Nd同位素组成显示岩浆源区具有EMⅡ的性质。岩石LREE的强烈富集和HREE的强烈分馏指示岩浆来自富集型含石榴子石地幔源区。不相容元素K/Nb、Ba/La等比值具有岛弧火山岩与OIB型玄武岩的过渡特征,指示源区为曾遭受软流圈流(熔)体交代的古俯冲地幔楔。  相似文献   

青藏高原北部黑石北湖新生代钾质火山岩的成因   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
宁维坤  迟效国  刘建峰  赵芝  李才 《地质通报》2009,28(9):1355-1360
昆仑岩带新生代钾质火山活动是青藏高原北缘深部动力学过程的重要记录。有关岩浆源区的性质和岩浆产生的机制一直存在较大的认识分歧。阐述了昆仑岩带黑石北湖钾质火山岩的岩石学和地球化学特征,并与西昆仑康西瓦和泉水沟新生代火山岩进行了成因对比分析。研究表明,昆仑火山岩带玄武质岩石的K2O和Na2O含量变化较大,从钠质过渡到钾质,硅碱图显示玄武质初始岩浆向钾质安粗岩方向演化。黑石北湖火山岩的高场强元素和Sr、Nd同位素组成显示岩浆源区具有EMⅡ的性质。岩石LREE的强烈富集和HREE的强烈分馏指示岩浆来自富集型含石榴子石地幔源区。不相容元素K/Nb、Ba/La等比值具有岛弧火山岩与OIB型玄武岩的过渡特征,指示源区为曾遭受软流圈流(熔)体交代的古俯冲地幔楔。  相似文献   

The Sipu region of North Guangxi is located in the southwest of the "Jiangnan Ancient Land",where there are developed the oldest stratum in southern China,the Proterozoic Sipu Group,and there are also largely ex-posed mafic intrusive rocks,mafic volcanic rocks and copper-nickel sulfide deposits.Both mafic intrusive rocks and volcanic rocks are rich in MgO(6.52%-26.39%),but poor in K2O(0.05%-1.00%) and TiO2(0.33%-0.89%).They are also rich in trace elements such as Rb and Ba while poor in Ta,Nb and the like.Both of them have medium con-tents of rare-earth elements,30.26×10-6-126.71×10-6,in which LREEs are slightly rich with ΣLREE/ΣHREE of 1.35-2.46,δEu 0.79-1.33,displaying weak or no δEu anomaly,with the same geochemical features.The right-inclined distribution patterns and the features show that magma would be formed at the comagmatic un-diagenetic stage.All studies show that mafic intrusive rocks and volcanic rocks are the products of the same source region evolving in different stages and times.The copper-nickel sulfide deposits are characterized by liquation,crys-tallization and fractionation of mafic rocks,and have some interrelations with mafic intrusive rocks and volcanic rocks with respect to magmatic genesis.  相似文献   

青藏高原西部措勤县中新世布嘎寺组钾质火山岩成因   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14  
通常认为青藏高原新生代钾质、超钾质岩浆源于地幔,但最近的一些研究显示一些钾质火山岩也可以起源于下地壳.青藏高原西部措勤县中新世布嘎寺组火山岩是一套钾质到超钾质的岩石,根据化学组成可以将它们分成中酸性和中基性两组火山岩,它们都属于钾玄岩系列.其中中酸性组火山岩具有一些类似于埃达克质熔体的成分特征,它们可能是拉萨地块下地壳相对富钾的镁铁质物质部分熔融的产物;中基性组火山岩可能起源于一个含金云母的地幔源区,或者是来自该地幔的基性岩浆的分异产物.对中酸性组火山岩高精度的氩-氩同位素定年获得其坪年龄为15.5Ma,证实布嘎寺组火山岩喷发在晚中新世.结合布嘎寺组火山岩的年龄、化学组成和区域构造以及岩浆组合,我们初步认为布嘎寺组火山岩可能与15~20Ma左右构造伸展活动产生的南北向地堑系统有关.  相似文献   

翟庆国  李才  王军  陈文 《地质通报》2009,28(09):1221-1228
1∶25万玛依岗日幅区域地质调查期间,在藏北戈木错北部发现了一套新生代钾质火山岩。对保存较好的3处火山岩的样品进行40Ar/39Ar年代学研究,获得了30.6Ma±0.4Ma、30.0Ma±0.2Ma和29.8Ma±0.3Ma三个坪年龄,代表该地区火山岩的喷溢时代。戈木错北部火山岩的地球化学特征与钾质火山岩的类似,它与鱼鳞山、走构由茶错、多格错仁等地区的新生代火山岩共同构成了羌塘地区钾质—超钾质火山岩带,它们的形成与印度大陆同亚洲大陆的碰撞和青藏高原的隆升密不可分。  相似文献   

翟庆国  李才  王军  陈文 《地质通报》2009,28(9):1221-1228
1∶25万玛依岗日幅区域地质调查期间,在藏北戈木错北部发现了一套新生代钾质火山岩。对保存较好的3处火山岩的样品进行40Ar/39Ar年代学研究,获得了30.6Ma±0.4Ma、30.0Ma±0.2Ma和29.8Ma±0.3Ma三个坪年龄,代表该地区火山岩的喷溢时代。戈木错北部火山岩的地球化学特征与钾质火山岩的类似,它与鱼鳞山、走构由茶错、多格错仁等地区的新生代火山岩共同构成了羌塘地区钾质—超钾质火山岩带,它们的形成与印度大陆同亚洲大陆的碰撞和青藏高原的隆升密不可分。  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb geochronological and geochemical analyses are reported for a suite of the middle Silurian volcanic rocks from northern West Junggar (NW China), southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), with the aim to investigate the sources, petrogenesis, and tectonic implications. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb analysis from an andesite yielded a concordant weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 429 ± 3 Ma, indicating the presence of middle Silurian volcanic rocks in northern West Junggar. The andesite is tholeiite series and characterized by minor variations in compositions (SiO2 = 55.68–59.17 wt.%, Al2O3 = 14.56–17.7 wt.%, TiO2 = 0.55–1.23 wt.%, Na2O + K2O = 3.46–7.16 wt.%, and P2O5 = 0.15–0.37 wt.%), with wider MgO content (2.18–6.48 wt.%) and Mg# (57.4–77.9). All andesitic rocks are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs; e.g. Rb, Ba, K, and Th) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), but strongly depleted in some high field strength elements (HFSEs; e.g. Nb, Ta and Ti), with slight negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.8–1). These features suggest that the andesitic magmas were derived from 2–8% partial melting of a garnet lherzolite depleted mantle source with subducted sediments metasomatized by slab-derived fluids. Combining the current study with those data in existing literature, we conclude that the middle Silurian volcanic rocks formed in an intra-oceanic subduction setting during consumption of the Irtysh–Zaysan Ocean, and further confirm the eastern extension of the early Palaeozoic Boshchekul–Chingiz volcanic arc of East Kazakhstan in China.  相似文献   

青藏高原北部可可西里地区分布的中新世钾质火山岩(7.77~17.82Ma)主要为粗面安山岩、粗面岩和少量次火山相的流纹斑岩.主量、微量元素及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素地球化学研究表明,该套钾质火山岩强烈富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,明显亏损Nb-Ta-Ti元素,具有较高的87Sr/86Sr:0.707346~0.714915,较低的εNd值:-3.70~-6.97,和较高的放射性成因Pb同位素组成(207Pb/204Pb=15.65~15.76,208Pb/204Pb=38.98~39.35,206Pb/207Pb=18.67~18.78).上述特征指示岩浆源区可能是与古俯冲消减物质有关的EMⅡ型富集地幔.三大岩类的地球化学成分变异表明:该钾质火山岩系列是富集地幔(金云母-尖晶石二辉橄榄岩和金云母-石榴石二辉橄榄岩)低度部分熔融产生的母岩浆经过较强结晶分异形成的,其中流纹斑岩在岩浆后期可能经历了更为复杂的地壳混染和结晶分异过程.  相似文献   

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