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The dominance of shifts in the location of the Gulf Stream (GS) in the local heat balance was observed in an hourly 15-month record of unprecedented surface mooring measurements at a site in the western North Atlantic occupied from November 2005 to January 2007. Instrumentation on the buoy provided a high quality record of air-sea exchanges of momentum, heat, and freshwater flux; and oceanographic sensors recorded ocean variability in the upper 640 m. The mooring was at times in the GS and at other times north of the GS. Our intent was to isolate the local oceanic response to the atmosphere from the influence of the GS shifts. A one-dimensional heat budget analysis indicated that the advective contribution from the GS shifts dwarfed the heat contribution by atmospheric forcing and therefore played the dominant role for upper oceanic thermal variability during the whole time record. A GS case study (i.e., when the surface mooring was in the GS), isolated the upper oceanic response to the atmospheric forcing in the GS and supported the critical role of GS shifts in total oceanic heat content. Through both an Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis and by referencing temperatures to that observed at 200 m, the impact of GS shifts and atmospheric forcing were decomposed, allowing the local oceanic thermal response to be isolated. This local oceanic response was particularly prominent during the period of sustained heating during summer. A case study of summer conditions revealed a near surface flow consistent with Ekman dynamics within a shallow, warm ocean mixed layer.  相似文献   

Moored sediment traps were deployed from January 2004 through December 2007 at depths of 550 and 800 m in San Pedro Basin (SPB), CA (33°33.0′N, 118°26.5′W). Additionally, floating sediment traps were deployed at 100 and 200 m for periods of 12-24 h during spring 2005, fall 2007, and spring 2008. Average annual fluxes of mass, particulate organic carbon (POC), ??13Corg, particulate organic nitrogen (PON), ??15N-PON, biogenic silica (bSiO2), calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and detrital material (non-biogenic) were coupled with climate records and used to examine sedimentation patterns, vertical flux variability, and organic matter sources to this coastal region. Annual average flux values were determined by binning data by month and averaging the monthly averages. The average annual fluxes to 550 m were 516±42 mg/m2 d for mass (sdom of the monthly averages, n=117), 3.18±0.26 mmol C/m2 d for POC (n=111), 0.70±0.05 mmol/m2 d for CaCO3 (n=110), 1.31±0.21 mmol/m2 d for bSiO2 (n=115), and 0.35±0.03 mmol/m2 d for PON (n=111). Fluxes to 800 and to 550 m were similar, within 10%. Annual average values of ??13Corg at 550 m were −21.8±0.2‰ (n=108), and ??15N averages were 8.9±0.2‰ (n=95). The timing of both high and low flux particle collection was synchronous between the two traps. Given the frequency of trap cup rotation (4-11 days), this argues for particle settling rates ≥83 m/d for both high and low flux periods. The moored traps were deployed over one of the wettest (2004-2005, 74.6 cm rainfall) and driest (2006-2007, 6.6 cm) rain years on record. There was poor correlation (Pearson's correlation coefficient, 95% confidence interval) of detrital mass flux with: Corg/N ratio (r=0.10, p=0.16); ??15N (r=−0.19, p=0.02); and rainfall (r=0.5, p=0.43), suggesting that runoff does not immediately cause increases in particle fluxes 15 km offshore. ??13Corg values suggest that most POC falling to the basin floor is marine derived. Coherence between satellite-derived chlorophyll a records from the trap location (±9 km2 resolution) and SST data indicates that productivity and export occurs within a few days of upwelling and both of these parameters are reasonable predictors of POC export, with a time lag of a few days to 2 weeks (with no time lag—SeaWiFS chlorophyll a and POC flux, r=0.25, p=0.0014; chlorophyll a and bSiO2 flux, r=0.28, p=0.0002).  相似文献   

Nutrient (C, N and P) fluxes were monitored in a microtidal semi-arid mangrove system, which links a semi-enclosed shallow coastal lagoon with the Gulf of California. We assessed the role of the mangrove ecosystem as a nutrient sink/source and determined how mangrove litterfall rates, tidal regime and climate factors influence these fluxes. Despite high seasonal differences in DOC, POC, N-NO3 and TP levels, nutrient concentrations were only marginally influenced by either hydrological variables or the concentration of these fractions in the adjacent lagoon. The carbon budget appeared to be balanced throughout the study. Retention rates in the mangrove system were related to litterfall rates. Export of DIN was observed mainly in the wet season due to the low nitrogen assimilation efficiency of the system. Import of organic nitrogen was related to the high retention efficiency of particulate organic nitrogen. Phosphorus fractions were imported and retained in the mangrove supporting previous findings that mangroves are phosphorus sinks. Finally, through a simple meta-analysis we tested the quantitative importance of main variables (tidal flow, tidal elevation, tidal range, rainfall, mangrove catchment area, litterfall) controlling mangrove nutrient dynamics. Although results suggest that generalizations can be made about factors regulating nutrient export from mangroves, the lack of statistical significance highlights the relative importance of the local environment for the magnitude of nutrient exchange in mangroves. Future research should focus on finding mechanistic models to explain these general patterns, taking into account the main biogeochemical processes and their roles in coastal ecosystem ecology.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(4):521-532
A sediment trap experiment was carried out in the West Caroline Basin, located in the equatorial western Pacific between influences of the Asian monsoon and the open ocean. Annual mass flux at the shallow trap at Site 1 was 57.10 g m-2 yr-1. Generally, the higher flux of organic matter was associated with higher activities of biogenic opal-producing and carbonate-producing plankton communities. In addition, as the organic matter content increases, the organic carbon/carbonate carbon ratio shows a tendency to increase. Carbonate-producing plankton was predominant during periods 1 and 3 (May to July and November to the beginning of December), which could be due to limited silica supply to the euphotic zone. On the other hand, surface sea water was more nutrient-rich during periods 2 and 4 (August to October and the end of December to April) at Site 1. These high total mass fluxes could be stimulated by wind.The amount of biogenic components collected in the sediment traps and the accumulation in surface sediments at Site 1 could be compared with primary productivity values. Carbonate and biogenic opal fluxes were 99% and 90% less, respectively, in the surface sediments compared to those in the shallow sediment trap. This could be due to the reaction of sinking particles with undersaturated deep sea water just above the sea floor, rather than with the water column during sinking. About 20% of the organic matter was decomposed between the shallow and deep sediment traps and more than 98% between the deep sediment trap and final burial in the surface sediments. The relative amount of organic carbon preserved in surface sediments was about 0.10% of annual primary productivity.  相似文献   

Data from seven oceanographic cruises in the southern Gulf of California from 1997 to 2002 are used to describe the thermohaline variability and the geostrophic circulation. Baroclinic patterns exhibited spatial and temporal variability. A deepening of isotherms at the center of the section was evident in February 1999, suggesting anticyclonic flow. In May 1998 and November 1997, cyclonic flow was suggested by shoaling of isotherms at the center of the section. Other cruises showed alternating cores of flow into and out of the Gulf (August 1998, September 1997 and October 2002). Neither a seasonal nor a spatial pattern in geostrophic flows was apparent, suggesting that the exchange of waters between the cyclonic flow of Pescadero basin and the interior of the Gulf is complex. Relatively high salinities were recorded during most of the cruises indicating that Gulf of California Water (GCW) was present most of the year. Higher salinities were observed during winter and spring, although during summer, relatively high and low salinities were both observed as surface and subsurface cores. Temperature and salinity characteristics of California Current waters were observed only in August 1995 when they reached as far north as Cerralvo Island at ∼50 dbar. During El Niño conditions in November 1997, a mixed layer (∼70 dbar) and deepening of the thermocline (∼50 dbar) characterized anomalous conditions; during this cruise an asymmetric salinity pattern was observed with low salinities characteristic of Tropical Surface waters at the center and east of the section, while maximum salinities (34.9<S<35.0) and Gulf waters were located in an 80 km wide core next to the Baja California Sur shelf as far north as San Jose Island.  相似文献   

A. S. Kazmin 《Oceanology》2016,56(3):336-341
High-resolution satellite sea surface temperature (SST) measurements (PATHFINDER dataset) have been used to confirm an existence of persistent thermal frontal zones in the Black Sea. Fronts have been revealed in the winter season between the intensively cooling shallow northwestern area and warmer waters of central part, and in spring-summer season between the actively warming waters of the southeastern part and cooler central area. Interannual and quasi-decadal variability of the northwestern front have been documented, as well as a high negative correlation of its intensity with the winter-mean SST.  相似文献   

A 30-month time series of mean volume backscattering strength (MVBS) data obtained from moored acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) is used to analyze the evolution of vertically migrating scattering layers and their seasonal and annual variability in the Arabian and Oman Seas. Substantial diel vertical migration (DVM) is observed almost every day at all three mooring sites. Two daytime layers (Layers D1 and D2) and one nighttime layer (Layer E1) are typically present. The greatest biomass is observed near the surface during the night in Layer E1 and at depth between 250 and 450 m during the daytime in Layer D2. All layers are deepest during the spring inter-monsoon and shallowest during the summer/fall southwest monsoon (SWM). Seasonal modulation of the D2 biomass change is evident in our high-resolution data. The lowest biomass in D2 is measured in the early summer (May or June) followed by a rapid biomass increase during the SWM (June–November) until the biomass reaches a maximum at the end of the SWM season. Short-period oscillations in D2 biomass are often seen with periods ranging from days to one month. Occasionally, a lower nighttime layer E2 is formed between 180 and 270 m, mostly near the time of full moons. The upper daytime layer D1 is centered at 200 m and densely concentrated. It is only formed during the winter northeast monsoon (NEM) and the spring inter-monsoon. The influence of physical processes on layer distribution is also investigated. Interestingly, the two daytime layers are found to be formed at the two boundaries of the Persian Gulf outflow water (PGW) and follow the seasonal depth change of the PGW. The timing of the DVM and the formation, persistence, decay and reformation of the deep scattering layers seem to be governed by light, both solar and lunar. The scattering strength, the layer depth and the layer thickness are likewise closely related to the Moon phase at night. Cloud coverage, the isotherm and the isohaline also appear to affect the distribution and depth of the scattering layers. The continuous multiple-year acoustic data from ADCPs allow us, for the first time, to study the seasonal and annual variations of scattering layers in this region.  相似文献   

This study uses the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis(CFSR) to investigate the responses of the Southern Hemisphere(SH) extratropical climate to two types of El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation(ENSO)—the eastern Pacific(EP) type and the central Pacific(CP) type in different seasons. The responses are denoted by the anomalies of climate variables associated with one-standard-deviation increase in the Ni?o3 or Ni?o4 index. The results show that in austral spring the differences in the ENSO-related anomaly(ERA) patterns of atmospheric circulation between the EP ENSO period(1979–1998) and CP ENSO period(1999–2010) are mainly associated with the change in the ENSO-PSA2 relationship. Such differences affect the ERA fields of surface air temperature and mixed layer temperature, and finally result in significant differences in sea-ice concentration anomalies in the Atlantic sector. In austral summer, significant correlation exists between the variations of SAM and both of the variations of Ni?o3 and Ni?o4 in 1979–1998, while the correlation between SAM and Ni?o4 disappears in 1999–2010. For all seasons, the strength of the climate ERAs depend on if there are close relationship between ENSO and the major climate variation modes of the SH extratropics. For the climate variables, the ERA patterns of surface air temperature are generally controlled by surface wind anomalies and mirrored by the mixed layer temperature anomalies. The mixed layer depth anomalies are primarily modulated by surface heat flux anomalies and occasionally by anomalous wind. There are strikingly strong anomalies of surface heat flux in the autumn of 1979–1998 related to the Ni?o3 variation, the period when there is only significant correlation between ENSO and PSA2. There are no evidence that the SH extratropical climate variability induced by Ni?o3 variations are stronger in the EP-ENSO period, and that variability induced by Ni?o4 variations are stronger in the CP-ENSO period.  相似文献   

A. S. Kazmin 《Oceanology》2016,56(4):465-469
High-resolution satellite sea surface temperature measurements (PATHFINDER dataset) indicate that the fronts at the boundary of the East China Sea (Taiwan front, Kuroshio frontal zone, and South Korean coastal front) appear as a unified dominating frontal structure when climatological averaging is applied. This structure is about 1200 km in length, spreads over the continental shelf from Taiwan to the Tsushima Islands, and separates productive seawaters from the oligotrophic oceanic waters. The Kuroshio frontal zone, incorporated into this structure, reveals interannual variability with periods consistent with El Niño–Southern Oscillation (4–5 years).  相似文献   

In this study, the impact of oceanic processes on the sensitivity of transient climate change is investigated using two sets of coupled experiments with and without tidal forcing, which are termed Exp_Tide and Exp_Control,respectively. After introducing tidal forcing, the transient climate response(TCR) decreases from 2.32 K to 1.90 K,and the surface air temperature warming at high latitudes decreases by 29%. Large ocean heat uptake efficiency and heat storage can explain the low TCR in Exp_Tide. Approximately 21% more heat is stored in the ocean in Exp_Tide(1.10×10~(24) J) than in Exp_Control(0.91×10~(24) J). Most of the large ocean warming occurs in the upper 1 000 m between 60°S and 60°N, primarily in the Atlantic and Southern Oceans. This ocean warming is closely related to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC). The initial transport at mid-and high latitudes and the decline in the AMOC observed in Exp_Tide are both larger than those observed in Exp_Control. The spatial structures of AMOC are also different with and without tidal forcing in present experiments. The AMOC in Exp_Tide has a large northward extension. We also investigated the relationship between AMOC and TCR suggested by previous studies using the present experiments.  相似文献   

The mean seasonal variability of turbulent heat fluxes in the tropical Atlantic Ocean is examined using the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI) flux product.The most turbulent heat fluxes occur during winter seasons in the two hemispheres,whose centers are located at 10°~20°N and 5°~15°S respectively.In climatological ITCZ,the turbulent heat fluxes are the greatest from June to August,and in equatorial cold tongue the turbulent heat fluxes are the greatest from March to May.Seasonal variability of sensible heat flux is smaller than that of latent heat flux and mainly is dominated by the variations of air-sea temperature difference.In the region with larger climatological mean wind speed(air-sea humidity difference),the variations of air-sea humidity difference(wind speed) dominate the variability of latent heat flux.The characteristics of turbulent heat flux yielded from theory analysis and WHOI dataset is consistent in physics which turns out that WHOI's flux data are pretty reliable in the tropical Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

The vertical structure of the flow variability through the Strait of Gibraltar is studied based on the Gibraltar Experiment and the Word Ocean Circulation Experiment data sets. An analysis of the leading modes of velocity and density variability at the Strait of Gibraltar showed an adjustment of the water masses exchanged through the Strait. Mediterranean mass variations resulting from the water exchanged by barotropic tidal oscillations generate changes of the baroclinic component of the flow that damp these mass variations. This adjustment explains the previously observed fortnightly variation of the shear. Moreover, the adjustment is found to operate for the subinertial time scale flow variability forced by the atmospheric pressure. An analytical model aimed at reproducing variations of the velocity with time and in the vertical is derived. The model includes a depth-varying parameterisation of friction and takes into account density gradient fluctuations across the Strait. The model reproduces the main features of the flow, in particular the shear and the interface depth variations with the tide phase.  相似文献   

Zooplankton play a key role in the pelagic foodweb by controllingphytoplankton production and shaping pelagic ecosystems. Inaddition, because of their critical role as a food source forlarval and juvenile fish, the dynamics of zooplankton populationshave a significant influence on recruitment to fish stocks.In 1961, ICES convened the First Zooplankton Production Symposiumin Charlottenlund, Denmark. ICES also played a leading rolein the Second Zooplankton Production Symposium on "ZooplanktonProduction: measurement and role in global  相似文献   

基于NCEP CFSV2再分析风场驱动SWAN模型,对南海至北部湾为期1年的海浪逐时过程进行了数值模拟,利用Jason-2卫星和近岸浮标整年观测数据检验了模拟效果。在此基础上,评估了模型空间网格尺度对北部湾内波浪模拟的影响,分析了波浪的季节变化特征,辨析了局地风和南海传入浪对海湾波浪的驱动贡献。研究显示:(1)较Jason-2卫星观测值,有效波高模拟值的均方根误差和分散系数分别约为0.4 m和0.2;较北部湾湾顶近岸浮标逐时观测值,有效波高的均方根误差和分散系数分别约为0.2 m和0.4,平均波周期的均方根误差和分散系数分别约为0.6 s和0.2,平均波向的均方根误差约为30°;(2)空间网格分辨率为12'×12'的模型对北部湾20 m以深开敞海域波浪的模拟效果良好,模拟值较2'×2'模型的平均相对偏差在10%以下;(3)北部湾冬季盛行东北向波,夏季盛行偏南向浪,季风转换期盛行东南向浪,全年波浪在季风期强于季风转换期,冬季最强、冬夏转换期最弱;(4)局地风对北部湾波浪的驱动贡献自湾口向湾内增强,季风期强于季风转换期;南海传入浪的驱动贡献自湾口向湾内减弱,季风转换期强于季风期;海湾中部和北部的波浪以局地风为主控因素,海南岛南部和东部水域以传入浪的影响为主,海南岛西南水域受局地风和传入浪的共同控制。  相似文献   

The principal features of the marine ecosystems in the Barents and Norwegian Seas and some of their responses to climate variations are described. The physical oceanography is dominated by the influx of warm, high-salinity Atlantic Waters from the south and cold, low-salinity waters from the Arctic. Seasonal ice forms in the Barents Sea with maximum coverage typically in March–April. The total mean annual primary production rates are similar in the Barents and Norwegian Seas (80–90 g C m−2), although in the Barents, the production is higher in the Atlantic than in the ice covered Arctic Waters. The zooplankton is dominated by Calanus species, C. finmarchicus in the Atlantic Waters of the Norwegian and Barents Seas, and C. glacialis in the Arctic Waters of the Barents Sea. The fish species in the Norwegian Sea are mostly pelagics such as herring (Clupea harengus) and blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), while in the Barents Sea there are both pelagics (capelin (Mallotus villosus Müller), herring, and polar cod (Boreogadus saida Lepechin)) and demersals (cod (Gadus morhua L.) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)). The latter two species spawn in the Norwegian Sea along the slope edge (haddock) or along the coast (cod) and drift into the Barents Sea. Marine mammals and seabirds, although comprising only a relatively small percentage of the biomass and production in the region, play an important role as consumers of zooplankton and small fish. While top-down control by predators certainly is significant within the two regions, there is also ample evidence of bottom-up control. Climate variability influences the distribution of several fish species, such as cod, herring and blue whiting, with northward shifts during extended warm periods and southward movements during cool periods. Climate-driven increases in primary and secondary production also lead to increased fish production through higher abundance and improved growth rates.  相似文献   

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