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The Late Archaean Bronzewing lode-gold deposit is in the Yandal greenstone belt, Western Australia. It is located in a 500-m-wide, N–S trending, structural corridor consisting of an anastomosing set of brittle–ductile shear zones and is chiefly hosted by tholeiitic basalts, which are metamorphosed at mid- to upper-greenschist facies. Syn-peak metamorphic alteration surround all ore bodies, and alteration extends laterally for ≤80 m from individual mineralised structures. Individual alteration haloes partially overlap and form a >1.5-km-long and ≤300-m-wide domain. The alteration sequence, studied here at 140 m below the present undisturbed surface, comprises distal calcite–chlorite–albite–quartz, intermediate calcite–dolomite–chlorite–muscovite–albite–quartz and proximal ankerite–dolomite–muscovite–albite–quartz–pyrite zones. Mass transfer calculations indicate that chemical changes during alteration include enrichment of Ag, Au, Ba, Bi, CO2, K, Rb, S, Sb, Te and W, and depletion of Na, Sr and Y. The elements Al, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, P, Ti, V, Zn and Zr are immobile. The degree of chemical change increases with proximity to gold ore zones. In addition, abundant quartz veins indicate substantial silica mobility during the hydrothermal event, although there is no large relative silica loss or gain in the host rock. The broadest anomaly surrounding the Bronzewing gold deposit is defined by tellurium (>10 ppb) which, if it is a hydrothermal anomaly, extends beyond the 400 × 600 m study area. Anomalous values for CO2, K, Rb and Sb also define wider zones than does anomalous gold (>4 ppb), although even the lithogeochemical gold anomaly extends across strike for as much as 80 m away from ore and >600 m along the N–S strike of the shear zone corridor. Also carbonation and sericitisation indices outline large exploration targets at the Bronzewing deposit. Sericitisation indices define anomalies that extend for tens of metres beyond visible potassic alteration, whereas the anomalies defined by the carbonation indices do not extend beyond visible carbonation. None of the individual alteration indices or pathfinder elements are able to define consistent gradients towards ore. However, the respective dimensions of individual geochemical anomalies can be used as an extensive, although stepwise, vector towards ore. This sequence is, from species with broadest dispersion first, as follows: Te > CO2/Ca ≥ Sb, 3K/Al, Rb/Ti ≥ Au, W > Y/Ti (depletion) > Ag ≥ Bronzewing ore. Received: 25 October 1999 / Accepted: 11 May 2000  相似文献   

The 43 t (1.4 Moz) of gold in the Woodcutters goldfield 50 km north of Kalgoorlie has wide geological significance in terms of gold in Archaean granite, as well as its local commercial and exploration significance. Woodcutters is already one of the largest Archaean gold systems in granite, and is unusual in being so far laterally from the nearest greenstone belt. Gold in the Federal zone, one of the deposits making up the Woodcutters goldfield, is hosted in hornblende‐biotite granodiorite,6 km from the mapped contact with greenstone. In Federal open pit, the granodiorite is coarse‐grained in the northern half, and a fine‐grained granodiorite in the south, with both hosting gold. These two types of granodiorite are rather similar in both mineralogy and geochemistry. There is also a subordinate fine‐grained monzodiorite. The Federal gold mineralisation is in a northwest‐striking, northeast‐dipping (315° strike/60°E dip) shear zone in the Scotia granite. Variation in grainsize of the host rocks might have affected the style of deformation with more brittle fabrics in the coarse‐grained phase and more ductile fabrics prominent in the fine‐grained granodiorite. Hydrothermal alteration is extensively developed around the Federal deposit and is a useful vector towards gold mineralisation. Distal epidote alteration surrounds a proximal muscovite‐biotite alteration zone that contains quartz‐sulfide veins. The alteration shares some of the common alteration characteristics of Archaean greenstone‐hosted gold, but differs in that carbonate‐chlorite alteration is only weakly developed. This difference is readily explained in terms of host‐rock composition and lower concentrations of Fe, Mg and Ca in the granite compared with greenstone. Fluid‐inclusion studies demonstrate that the fluids associated with the hydrothermal alteration at Woodcutters shared the common characteristics of fluids in Archaean greenstone gold, namely low‐salinity and dominant H2O–CO2. Fluid inclusions with moderate salinity were found in one fresh sample away from mineralisation, and are inferred to represent possible magmatic fluid. There is no evidence of a granite‐derived fluid being responsible for gold mineralisation. The granodiorite host rock had cooled, crystallised and had at least started to undergo deformation prior to gold introduction. The distribution of gold mineralisation in the Woodcutters goldfield has the style, shape and orientation comparable with greenstone‐hosted gold deposits in the same region. The northwest trend, the quartz veining and simple pyrite mineralogy are all features common to other greenstone‐hosted gold deposits near Kalgoorlie such as Mt Pleasant. The alteration fluid appears to have penetrated the granite on the scale of many hundreds of metres, causing large‐scale alteration. Woodcutters gold mineralisation resulted from the same metamorphic fluid processes that led to formation of greenstone gold deposits. In this metamorphic model, granitic rocks are predicted to be less‐favourable gold hosts than mafic rocks for two reasons. Granitic rocks do not generally fracture during regional deformation in such a way as to create large‐scale dilation. Furthermore, with less iron and no carbon, granitic rocks have lower potential to precipitate gold from solution by wall‐rock reaction. The metamorphic model predicts that those granite types with higher Fe should host better gold deposits, all other factors being equal. Accordingly, tonalite‐trondhjemite and hornblende‐bearing granodiorite should provide better environments for major gold deposits compared with monzogranite, and granite sensu stricto, as borne out by Woodcutters, but mafic rocks should be better hosts than any of these felsic to intermediate rocks.  相似文献   

Over much of arid Western Australia a red and brown hardpan occurs on broad plains; it may lie either on the surface or buried beneath a shallow mantle of soil. It is proposed that, because of its lithological character and its considerable thickness and extent, it should be given the name of Wiluna Hardpan. The proposed type section is north of Wiluna, near Bulloo Downs homestead, where headward erosion of the Ashburton River is exposing sections 30 m deep. Although both ferruginous and calcareous cement may be present, Wiluna Hardpan is largely indurated with silica. It is younger than laterite, but broadly contemporaneous with calcrete and Robe Pisolite. Initially it was probably geographically restricted by a coincidence of suitable conditions of low relief and a climate resulting in episodic flooding and desiccation. Its present distribution is partly controlled by current erosional and depositional processes.  相似文献   

The Bardoc Tectonic Zone (BTZ) of the late Archaean Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, is physically linked along strike to the Boulder-Lefroy Shear Zone (BLSZ), one of the richest orogenic gold shear systems in the world. However, gold production in the BTZ has only been one order of magnitude smaller than that of the BLSZ (∼100 t Au vs >1,500 t Au). The reasons for this difference can be found in the relative timing, distribution and style(s) of deformation that controlled gold deposition in the two shear systems. Deformation within the BTZ was relatively simple and is associated with tight to iso-clinal folding and reverse to transpressive shear zones over a <12-km-wide area of high straining, where lithological contacts have been rotated towards the plane of maximum shortening. These structures control gold mineralisation and also correspond to the second major shortening phase of the province (D2). In contrast, shearing within the BLSZ is concentrated to narrow shear zones (<2 km wide) cutting through rocks at a range of orientations that underwent more complex dip- and strike-slip deformation, possibly developed throughout the different deformation phases recorded in the region (D1–D4). Independent of other physico-chemical factors, these differences provided for effective fluid localisation to host units with greater competency contrasts during a prolonged mineralisation process in the BLSZ as compared to the more simple structural history of the BTZ.  相似文献   

Abstract The stability of quartz-chloritoid-staurolite-almandine-cordierite and aluminium silicates is used to constrain both metamorphic conditions and pressure-temperature trajectories for two localities within the 2700 Ma Archaean Yilgarn Block in Western Australia. Available experimental data are used to calculate thermodynamic data for a self-consistent set of equilibria between these minerals. A lower amphibolite facies locality from the margin of a lower strain area contains assemblages including quartz-chloritoid-staurolite-garnet-biotite with altered cordierite replacing chloritoid, quartz-staurolite-andalusite, and quartz-cordierite-andalusite-biotite. This locality was heated to 530–560°C in the andalusite field, at 4.2 kbar. A sample from a mid- to upper-amphibolite facies, highly strained locality contains relict staurolite enclosed by andalusite, in turn replaced by cordierite and muscovite with biotite and sillimanite in the matrix. The assemblage was heated isobarically from conditions near the maximum experienced by the lower grade locality of 560°C at 4.2 kbar to temperatures in excess of the andalusite-sillimanite transition but within the quartz plus muscovite stability field (600–650°C). The higher grade locality is close to a granitoid dome and sections based on gravity profiles reveal that this locality is underlain by granitoid at shallow depths. The higher grade metamorphism apparently reflects superposition of the thermal aureole on regional metamorphic conditions similar to those in the lower grade areas.  相似文献   

The Bardoc Tectonic Zone is an ~80 km-long and up to 12 km wide, intensely sheared corridor of Late Archaean supracrustal rocks that is bounded by pre- to syn-tectonic granites in the Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton. This zone has produced over 100 t of gold from a range of deposits, the largest being Paddington (~40 t Au). This shear system is connected along strike to the Boulder – Lefroy Shear Zone, which hosts considerably larger deposits including the giant Golden Mile Camp (>1500 t produced Au). In contrast to the diverse characteristics of gold deposits associated with the Boulder – Lefroy Shear Zone, mineralogical and geochemical data from five representative localities in the Bardoc Tectonic Zone have relatively uniform features. These are: (i) quartz – carbonate veins in competent mafic units with wall-rock alteration characterised by carbonate + quartz + muscovite + chlorite ± biotite + sulf-arsenide + sulfide + oxide + gold assemblages; (ii) arsenopyrite as the dominant sulfur-bearing mineral; (iii) a unique three-stage paragenetic history, commencing with pyrrhotite, and progressing to arsenopyrite and then to pyrite-dominated alteration; (iv) a lack of minerals indicative of oxidising conditions, such as hematite and sulfates; (v) δ34 sulfur compositions of pre- to syn-gold iron sulfides ranging from 1 to 9 ‰; and (vi) a lack of tellurides. These features characterise a coherent group of moderately sized orogenic-gold deposits, and when compared with the larger gold deposits of the Boulder – Lefroy Shear Zone, potentially highlight the petrological and geochemical differences between high-tonnage and smaller deposits in the Eastern Goldfields Province.  相似文献   

A new structural evolution consisting of both extensional and contractional events has been defined for the St Ives Goldfield in the south-central Kalgoorlie Terrane of the eastern Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia. These events shaped the development of the fault architecture, which controlled the location of the regional anticlines, the magmatic centres, and the deposition of the Archaean greenstone successions. The fundamental grain of the St Ives Goldfield is north-northwest-trending. This trend is marked by faults which developed during D1 extension, which was oriented east-northeast–west-southwest. Across these faults we map major stratigraphic changes in the thickness and composition of units, especially of the previously undivided Black Flag Group volcaniclastic rocks. The centre of the St Ives Goldfield is dominated by the Kambalda Anticline. This north-northwest-trending regional fold was likely established early during the D1 extensional history, and was fully established during subsequent east-northeast-oriented D2 contraction. The regional anticline is an important architectural element because (1) magmatism and gold mineralising fluids were focussed into this domed region, and (2) deformation was partitioned across the limbs and crest of this structure. The D3 event involved regional uplift and extension, resulting in the formation of late basins (Merougil Conglomerate locally) and the emplacement of granitoids sourced from a metasomatised mantle wedge (Mafic-type porphyries). The most significant gold event in terms of endowment occurred during D4b sinistral strike-slip shearing and associated thrusting (e.g., Tramways and Republican thrusts). These thrusts were previously interpreted as the first contractional structures to deform the area (‘D1’), but are here reinterpreted as relatively late (D4b). In this D4b event, the north-northwest-trending faults underwent sinistral strike-slip shearing and were linked across the Kambalda Anticline by accommodation structures represented by generally east- to east-northeast-trending thrusts. Reactivation of D1 transfer structures may have influenced the location of these later accommodation structures. Late-stage mineralisation during D5 was the result of dextral strike-slip brittle shearing.  相似文献   

The eastern Yilgarn Craton (EYC) is one of the world's premier gold provinces subject to over a century of mineral exploration. Prolonged interest in the terrane has led to the assembly of multiple world-class data sets suitable for testing district scale targeting methodologies. District scale targeting is concerned with identifying a mineral camp ∼60 km × 60 km in size within a prospective region or province ∼1000 km × 1000 km in size. Exploration at the district scale necessitates the development of predictive exploration models, which can be applied to large regions. Recent advances in the study of the geodynamic evolution and 3D architecture of the EYC, together with an understanding of their interrelationship with the orogenic gold mineral system, has resulted in identification of critical mineralisation processes responsible for the region's rich gold endowment. Here we describe and map these critical processes, using them as a basis for district scale targeting. We relate gold mineralisation to three temporally constrained geodynamic periods, integrated with regional hydrothermal alteration. Unlike many targeting methodologies, this methodology does not incorporate the location of known gold deposits in the analysis, yet it predicted 75% of known gold mineralisation in 5% of the area. The methodology allows critical mineralisation processes to be identified and mapped through time and space. These critical processes are mostly generic and can be applied to other granite–greenstone orogenic gold regions, such as the Abitibi in Canada. An important outcome of this work for the EYC is the identification of a number of new target areas, not known currently for significant gold mineralisation, in what is otherwise thought to represent a mature terrane for gold exploration.  相似文献   

The Wiluna lode-gold deposits are located in the Archean Wiluna greenstone belt, in the northern sector of the Norseman-Wiluna belt in the Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia. They are hosted in subgreenschist facies meta-basalts, and controlled by the Wiluna strike-slip fault system and associated shear veins and breccias. The 13 individual lode-gold deposits have produced around 115 t Au from 1901 to 1946 and 1986 to today. Historically, they also produced 38.3 t As and 3.5 t Sb. Gold formed in two stages: stage 1 gold-pyrite-arsenopyrite is finely disseminated in the wallrock and breccia fragments, whereas stage 2 gold-stibnite is located in massive shear veins and breccia matrix, as fracture-fill and in banded-colloform textured veins. Stibnite-gold orebodies only occur in some of the deposits (e.g., Moonlight and northern part of the West Lode) and also display a restricted vertical extent, being preserved only in the uppermost 200 m of stibnite-bearing lodes.Petrographic, conventional, and infrared microthermometric and laser-Raman analysis on stibnite-bearing quartz veins and breccias reveal that the antimony- and gold-rich hydrothermal fluid was of mixed H2O-NaCl-CO2±CH4 type. Microthermometric measurements reveal maximum homogenization temperatures of 340 °C (average 290±25 °C), and a wide range of salinities between 0.2 and 23 eq. wt% NaCl. Aqueous-carbonic fluid inclusions contain variable XCO2+CH4 (0.03 to 0.82), with the carbonic phase containing a maximum XCH4 of 0.21.Combined petrographic and microthermometric evidence suggests that the fluid inclusion properties reflect fluid immiscibility of a low-salinity, medium XCO2+CH4, homogeneous parent fluid at about 290 °C and pressures between 700 and 1,700 bar. Fluid immiscibility was triggered by cyclic pressure release during fault-zone movement. The decompression (adiabatic cooling) of the hydrothermal fluids shifted the ore fluid to lower temperatures, significantly reduced the degree of stibnite undersaturation, and caused stibnite to precipitate. The deposition of stibnite reduced the ore-fluid H2S concentration, thereby destabilized gold bisulfide complexes in solution, and caused gold precipitation locally. This mechanism explains the intimate spatial association of stibnite and gold in quartz veins and breccias in the stibnite-gold orebodies at Wiluna.Editorial handling: B. Lehmann  相似文献   

SHRIMP U–Pb analyses are reported for a detrital zircon population from a sample of sillimanite-bearing quartzite from the Narryer sedimentary succession in the Narryer Terrane of the northwestern Yilgarn Craton. The detrital zircons define two distinctive age groups, an older group from 4000 Ga to 4280 Ma and a younger group from 3750 to 3250 Ma. The abundance of older group zircons of about 12% far exceeds the abundance of about 2% reported in the first discovery of ancient zircons in a quartzite from the Narryer metasediments, and is equivalent to the abundance of >3900 Ma zircons in metaconglomerate sample W74 from the Jack Hills, confirmed by new measurements reported in this paper. Most analyses of the Narryer and the Jack Hills detrital zircon populations are discordant. The Jack Hills zircon analyses are dominated by strong recent Pb loss whereas the Narryer zircon analyses have had a more complex history and have experienced at least one Pb loss event, possibly associated with the high-grade metamorphism at ca. 2700 Ma, and a further disturbance of the U–Pb systems during relatively recent times. Although the number of analyses is limited and many of the zircon analyses are discordant, the age distributions of the older (>3900 Ma) zircons from the Narryer and Jack Hills samples are different, suggesting a complex provenance for the ancient zircons. The distribution of ages in the younger population of Mt Narryer zircons is similar to that reported for zircons from the surrounding Meeberrie gneiss, supporting previous suggestions that zircons from the gneisses or their precursors were a major contributor to the detrital zircon suite. The younger zircon population from Jack Hills sample (W74), lacks the strong age peak from 3600 to 3750 Ma present in the Narryer zircon population, and conversely the strong zircon age group at ca. 3350–3500 Ma in the Jack Hills population is only weakly represented in the Narryer zircon population. The age distributions for the Narryer and the Jack Hills zircon populations are taken as benchmarks for comparing zircon populations from quartzite occurrences elsewhere in the Yilgarn Craton.  相似文献   

The NNW-trending tectonic grain of the eastern Yilgarn Craton (EYC) was established as a result of predominantly ENE–WSW directed extension (D1 and D3) and E(ENE)–W(WSW) (D2, D4) to NE–SW directed (D5) contraction. The result has been a succession of NNW-striking temporally discrete fabric elements, which can be difficult to interpret reliably at any single location. Despite this, many past workers interpreted the NNW-striking fabric as the result of only one regional contractional event, and used it as a marker for correlating structural events across the region. In order to unravel the complexity, this paper presents a new sixfold (D1–D6) deformation nomenclature based on >10,000 new mesoscale structural observations, including their kinematic analysis and cross-cutting relationships. These mesoscale data were referenced with regional 3D map patterns, stratigraphic-magmatic-metallogenic considerations, and deep seismic reflection images. This integrated geodynamic-architectural approach is applicable to solving structural-event histories in other polydeformed terrains. Gold mineralisation occurred during the first five events, but was particularly concentrated from D3 onwards. The D3 event marked the most profound change in the tectonic evolution of the EYC, with changes in greenstones, granites and tectonic mode (lithospheric extension and core complexes), with the first significant gold deposited within extensional shear zones that dissect the crust. Later contraction (D4) was imposed at a high angle to the previously established anisotropic architecture. The outcome was the creation of a new dynamic permeability framework, which resulted in gold mineralisation during NNW-striking sinistral strike-slip faulting and associated thrusting. A further stress switch (D5) further modified the architecture resulting in N- to NNE-striking dextral strike-slip faulting, and the final period of gold mineralisation, before late-stage extension (D6).  相似文献   

The MKD5 nickel deposit is hosted by the Mount Keith Ultramafic Complex (MKUC), a dunite body of komatiitic affinity located in the Agnew-Wiluna Greenstone Belt, Western Australia. The internal architecture of the MKUC comprises seven distinct internal units that range from extreme adcumulate dunite to relatively fractionated pyroxenitic and gabbroic horizons. The MKUC is divided into three packages of units. The main adcumulate domain (MAD), which is situated in the lower portion of the complex, contains the bulk of disseminated nickel sulfide and is dominated by coarse adcumulate olivine textures. Overlying the MAD is an upper fractionated zone, which is dominated by mesocumulate-to-orthocumulate peridotite with domains containing oikocrystic pyroxenite and gabbroic lenses. An aerially restricted unit comprising texturally and chemically distinct olivine cumulate rocks is known as the western mineralized zone (WMZ). The fractionation trend between the MAD and UPZ indicates a westerly facing for the MKUC, conformable with the bounding stratigraphy. In the MKUC, truncation of some of the uppermost internal stratigraphic units by the hangingwall contact indicates that the unit has undergone structural modification since its emplacement and suggests that a proportion of the upper section has been removed by faulting. Furthermore, vertical and lateral textural transitions within the internal stratigraphy suggest that the MKUC (excluding the WMZ) was emplaced from an essentially continuous magma flow, with the MAD representing the period of highest magma flux and the major constructional period of emplacement. Conversely, the WMZ is interpreted to represent a later pulse of ultramafic magma, emplaced stratigraphically above the main MKUC. Comparison of the MKUC with other komatiitic dunites from both within the Agnew-Wiluna Greenstone Belt and worldwide indicates that despite apparent geometrical differences between lens and sheet komatiitic dunites, a broad facies architecture can be defined. We suggest that the differences in geometry are related to differing degrees of flow localization within dunitic units and are a function of both differences in the thermal characteristics and the degree of litho-facies heterogeneity of the enclosing lithologies.  相似文献   

卡恰金矿床属于与火山热液有关的蚀变岩型金矿床,金矿体多呈规模不大的脉状、透镜状、分支脉状等形态分布于构造蚀变带中。文章通过对矿区进行系统的坑道和地表原生晕地球化学取样,分析研究了主要元素的组合、异常特征;对比坑道和地表元素地球化学主要指标变化特征,推测了元素向深部变化的趋势,为矿区深部及外围找矿工作提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Farming of southern bluefin tuna in South Australia currently contributes to more than 30% of the value of the aquaculture production in Australia. This study investigated the natural sedimentary setting of the area designated for this important industry in coastal waters off Port Lincoln, and explored the links between the natural distribution of sediments and potential environmental effects and risks to the industry. Sediments were mostly composed of poorly sorted silts and fine sands, predominantly skeletal remains of carbonate-secreting organisms. The contribution of plankton to the organic matter remaining in the sediments was calculated to be in excess of 80% using concentration-dependent stable-isotope mixing models. An erosional area was identified south of Rabbit Island where sediments contained up to 50% siliciclastic material, grainsize distributions were better sorted and coarser, and organic carbon and total nitrogen contents were very low. In contrast, deeper waters north of Cape Donington were identified as a depocentre for fine sediments, which contained organic matter levels twice those elsewhere in the region despite the extremely high carbonate contents (>80%). The heavier stable isotopic signature of nitrogen suggested that this organic matter comprised a greater fraction of weathered components, probably advected to the area by suspended and bedload transport. This local variability of sediment characteristics in the farming zone suggests that the benthic assimilative capacity of farmed sites will depend on their location. Wastes from pens located south of Rabbit Island in particular are likely to be quickly winnowed out by wave and tidal action. These pens are also less likely to be affected by resuspension of fine sediments that might be associated with unusually severe storms.  相似文献   

Granite-cored domes are associated with many of the larger gold deposits of the Archaean Eastern Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia. The Scotia-Kanowna Dome is eroded to sufficiently deep levels to provide insights into the role granite-cored domes play in controlling fluid flow and gold deposition. At the centre of the Scotia-Kanowna Dome is a granite batholith, which is surrounded by outward-dipping greenstone belts and associated shear zones. This upper-crustal dome sits above mid-crustal domes, providing a series of stacked geometries favourable to focussed fluid flow. A number of small- to medium-sized gold deposits occur on the limbs and the centre of the dome, and the world-class Kanowna Belle gold mine occurs on the nose of the dome. At least three separate gold mineralising events are defined, each of regional significance, which can be correlated with other well known gold deposits of the Eastern Yilgarn Craton.  相似文献   

Geochemical investigations have shown that the nickel sulphide mineralisation at Kambalda is detectable by sampling and analysing the minus 80-mesh fraction of near-surface soils. Over unmineralised mafic and ultramafic rocks the distribution of Ni in soils accurately reflects bedrock Ni distribution. In the environment of sulphide mineralisation Ni is preferentially concentrated in the coarse fractions of the soils, with a corresponding depletion in the minus 80-mesh fraction. Both Ni and Cu nevertheless display strong anomalies in minus 80-mesh fraction soils in the immediate vicinity of sub-outcropping mineralisation.  相似文献   

The Shibangou gold deposit in western Henan is associated with irregular quartz veinlets occurring in altered shear zones dissecting a dioritic intrusion. The altered shear zones are characterized by silicification, pyriti-zation, sericitization, chloritization and K-feldspar alteration. Zoning of altered rocks adjacent to the Au-bearing quartz veins is obviously exhibited. Fine-grained sulphides and quartz veinlets of different ages and small-scale fissures are widely distributed in the central part of the altered zones. Major mineralization types in this gold deposit are Au-bearing quartz vehlets and altered rocks in the shear zones. Samples were collected from drilling cores according to the alteration zoning and mineralization type and all samples were analyzed for major and trace elements. Mass balance, volume change (fv=97.3-71.9%) and major element variation sequences are studied in terms of major elements. The changes of mobile components (SiO2, K.2O, Fe2O3 and CaO) and immobile component (Al2O3  相似文献   

Orogenic disseminated and Carlin gold deposits share much similarity in alteration and mineralization.The disseminated orogenic Zhenyuan Au deposit along the Ailaoshan shear zone,southeastern Tibet,was selected to clarify their difference.The alteration and mineralization from the different lithologies,including meta-quartz sandstone,carbonaceous slate,meta-(ultra)mafic rock,quartz porphyry and lamprophyre were researched.According to the mineral assemblage and replacement relationship in all types of host rocks,two reactions show general control on gold deposition:(1)replacement of earlier magnetite by pyrite and carbonaceous material;(2)alteration of biotite and phlogopite phenocrysts in quartz porphyry and lamprophyre into dolomite/ankerite and sericite.Despite the lamprophyre is volumetrically minor and much less fractured than other host rocks,it contains a large portion of Au reserve,indicating that the chemically active lithology has played a more important role in gold precipitation compared to structure.LA-ICP-MS analysis shows that Au mainly occurs as invisible gold in fine-grained pyrite disseminated in the host rocks,with Au content reaching to 258.95 ppm.The diagenetic core of pyrite in meta-quartz sandstone enriched in Co,Ni,Mo,Ag and Hg is wrapped by hydrothermal pyrite enriched in Cu,As,Sb,Au,Tl,Pb and Bi.Different host rock lithology has much impact on the alteration and mineralization features.Carbonate and sericite in altered lamprophyre show they have higher Mg than those developed in other of host rocks denoting that the carbonate and sericite incorporated Mg from phlogopite phenocrysts in the primary lamprophyre during alteration.The ore fluid activated the diagenetic pyrite in meta-quartz sandstone leading the hydrothermal pyrite enriched in Cu,Mo,Ag,Sb,Te,Hg,Tl,Pb and Bi,but the hydrothermal pyrite in meta-(ultra)mafic rock is enriched in Co and Ni as the meta-(ultra)mafic rock host rock contain high content of Co and Ni.However,Au and As shear similar range in both types of host rocks indicating that these two elements most likely come from the deep source fluid rather than the host rocks.It was shown in the disseminated orogenic gold deposit that similar hydrothermal alteration with mineral assemblage of carbonate(mainly dolomite and ankerite),sericite,pyrite and arsenopyrite develops in all types of host rocks.This is different from the Nevada Carlin type,in which alteration is mainly dissolution and silicification of carbonate host rock.On the other hand,Au mainly occur as invisible gold in both disseminated orogenic and Carlin gold deposits.  相似文献   

The Cleo gold deposit, 55 km south of Laverton in the Eastern Goldfields Province of Western Australia, is characterised by banded iron‐formation (BIF)‐hosted ore zones in the gently dipping Sunrise Shear Zone and high‐grade vein‐hosted ore in the Western Lodes.There is evidence that gold mineralisation in the Western Lodes (which occurred at ca 2655 Ma) post‐dates the majority of displacement along the Sunrise Shear Zone, but it remains uncertain if the ore in both structures formed simultaneously or separately. Overall, the Pb, Nd, Sr, C, O and S isotopic compositions of ore‐related minerals from both the Western Lodes and ore zones in the Sunrise Shear Zone are similar. Early low‐salinity aqueous‐carbonic fluids and late high‐salinity fluids with similar characteristics are trapped in inclusions in quartz veins from both the Sunrise Shear Zone and the Western Lodes. The early CO2, CO2–H2O, and H2O‐dominant inclusions are interpreted as being related to ore formation, and to have formed from a single low‐salinity aqueous‐carbonic fluid as a result of intermittent fluid immiscibility. Homogenisation temperatures indicate that these inclusions were trapped at approximately 280°C and at approximately 4 km depth, in the deeper epizonal range. Differences between the ore zones are detected in the trace‐element composition of gold samples, with gold from the Sunrise Shear Zone enriched in Ni, Pb, Sn, Te and Zn, and depleted in As, Bi, Cd, Cu and Sb, relative to gold from the Western Lodes. Although there are differences in gold composition between the Sunrise Shear Zone and Western Lodes, and hence the metal content of ore fluids may have varied slightly between the different ore zones, no other systematic fluid or solute differences are detected between the ore zones. Given the fact that the ore fluids in each zone have very similar bulk properties, the considerable differences in gold grade, sulfide mineral abundance, and ore textures between the two ore zones most likely result from different gold‐deposition mechanisms. The association of ore zones in the Sunrise Shear Zone with pyrite‐replaced BIF suggests that wall‐rock sulfidation was the most significant mechanism of gold precipitation, through the destabilisation of gold‐bisulfide complexes. The Western Lodes, however, do not exhibit any host‐rock preference and multistage veins commonly contain coarse‐grained gold. Fluid‐inclusion characteristics and breccia textures in veins in the Western Lodes suggest that rapid pressure changes, brought about by intermittent release of overpressured fluids and concomitant phase separation, are likely to have caused the destabilisation of gold‐thiocomplexes, leading to formation of higher‐grade gold ore zones.  相似文献   

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