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We analyze the radioheliograph and SMM-C/P observations of 1986 November 3 mass ejection event. The metric radio emissions are the only detected activity associated with the mass ejection, but are adequate to study the evolution of the event. The start time of the ejection seems to precede a possible flare behind the limb indicated by the early type III bursts. We discuss the physical relation between various types of bursts and the CME. We interpret moving type IV bursts as a plasma emission process. It is also shown using white-light coronagraph data that the density in the source region of the moving type IV is sufficient to support second harmonic plasma emission at the observed frequency of 50 MHz.  相似文献   

Innes  D.E.  Inhester  B.  Srivastava  N.  Brekke  P.  Harrison  R.A.  Matthews  S.A.  Noëns  J.C.  Schmieder  B.  Thompson  B.J. 《Solar physics》1999,186(1-2):337-361
The structure and dynamics of the initial phases of a coronal mass ejection (CME) seen in soft X-ray, extreme ultraviolet and optical emission are described. The event occurred on the SW limb of the Sun in active region AR 8026 on 9 April 1997. Just prior to the CME there was a class C1.5 flare. Images taken with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) reveal the emergence of a candle-flame shaped extreme ultraviolet (EUV) cavity at the time of the flare. Yohkoh images, taken about 15 min later, show that this cavity is filled with hot X-ray emitting gas. It is most likely that this is the site of the flare. Almost simultaneous to the flare, an H surge or small filament eruption occurs about 50 arc sec northwards along the limb from the EUV cavity. At both the site of the core of the hot, EUV cavity and the filament ejection are X-ray jets. These jets seem to be connected by hot loops near their bases. Both jets disappear within a few minutes of one another.Clear evidence of the CME first appeared in the Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) and EIT images 40 min after the flare and onset of the filament ejection. It seems to come from a region between the two X-ray jets. This leads to the speculation that magnetic field reconnection near one footpoint of a loop system triggers reconnection near its other footpoint. The loop system is destabilized and ultimately gives rise to the CME. This possibility is supported by magnetic field and H images taken when the active region was at disk center which show that the active region had a double bipole structure with dark H filaments between the bipoles.  相似文献   

We report the observations of a coronal mass ejection (CME) using the Soft X-ray Telescope on board the Yohkoh Mission. The CME had the familiar three part structure (frontal loop, prominence core and a cavity). The erupting prominence was observed by the Nobeyama radioheliograph. We were able to determine the mass of the CME (2.6 × 1014 g) from X-ray observations which seems to be at the lower end of the range of CME masses reported before from white light observations. This is the first time the mass of a CME has been determined from X-ray observations. The height of onset of the CME was 0.3R. The CME moved much faster than the erupting prominence while its acceleration was smaller than that of the erupting prominence.J. Leonard Culhane  相似文献   

Developments in our knowledge of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) have shown that many of these transients occur in association with solar flares. On the occasions when there is a common occurrence of the eruption and the flare, it is most likely that the flare is of high intensity and/or long-duration (Burkepile, Hundhausen, and Webb, 1994; Munro et al., 1979; Webb and Hundhausen, 1987). A model for the relationship between the long-duration event and eruption has been developed (Carmichael, 1964; Sturrock, 1966; Hirayama, 1974; Kopp and Pneuman, 1976), but not so for the high-intensity flares and eruptions. This work investigates the magnetic topology changes that occur for a X1.2 GOES classification flare which has no associated CME. It is found that the flare is likely to result from the interaction between two pre-existing loops low in the corona, producing a confined flare. Slightly higher in the corona, a loop is observed which exhibits an outward motion as a result of the reconfiguration during reconnection. The objective of this work is to gain insight on the magnetic topology of the event which is critical in order to determine whether a high-intensity flare is likely to be related to a CME or not.  相似文献   

Subramanian  Prasad  Ananthakrishnan  S.  Janardhan  P.  Kundu  M.R.  White  S.M.  Garaimov  V.I. 《Solar physics》2003,218(1-2):247-259
We present the first observations of a solar flare with the GMRT. An M2.8 flare observed at 1060 MHz with the GMRT on 17 November 2001 was associated with a prominence eruption observed at 17 GHz by the Nobeyama radioheliograph and the initiation of a fast partial halo CME observed with the LASCO C2 coronagraph. Towards the start of the eruption, we find evidence for reconnection above the prominence. Subsequently, we find evidence for rapid growth of a vertical current sheet below the erupting arcade, which is accompanied by the flare and prominence eruption.  相似文献   

The speeds of coronal mass ejection events   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The outward speeds of mass ejection events observed with the white light coronagraph experiment on Skylab varied over a range extending from less than 100 km s–1 to greater than 1200 km s–1. For all events the average speed within the field of view of the experiment (1.75 to 6 solar radii) was 470 km s–1. Typically, flare associated events (Importance 1 or greater) traveled faster (775 km s–1) than events associated with eruptive prominences (330 km s–1); no flare associated event had a speed less than 360 km s–1, and only one eruptive prominence associated event had a speed greater than 600 km s–1. Speeds versus height profiles for a limited number of events indicate that the leading edges of the ejecta move outward with constant or increasing speeds.Metric wavelength type II and IV radio bursts are associated only with events moving faster than about 400 km s–1; all but two events moving faster than 500 km –1 produced either a type II or IV radio burst or both. This suggests that the characteristic speed with which MHD signals propagate in the lower (1.1 to 3 solar radii) corona, where metric wavelength bursts are generated, is about 400 to 500 km s–1. The fact that the fastest mass ejection events are almost always associated with flares and with metric wavelength type II and IV radio bursts explains why major shock wave disturbances in the solar wind at 1 AU are most often associated with these forms of solar activity rather than with eruptive prominences.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

This paper describes the space weather effects of a major CME which was accompanied by extremely violent events on the Sun. The signatures of the event in the interplanetary medium (IPM) sensed by Ooty Radio Telescope, the solar observations by LASCO coronagraph onboard SOHO, GOES X-ray measurements, satellite measurements of the interplanetary parameters, GPS based ionospheric measurements, the geomagnetic storm parameter Dst and ground based ionosonde data are used in the study to understand the space weather effects in the different regions of the solar-terrestrial environment. The effects of this event are compared and possible explanations attempted.  相似文献   

Deflection of coronal mass ejection in the interplanetary medium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wang  Yuming  Shen  Chenglong  Wang  S.  Ye  Pinzhong 《Solar physics》2004,222(2):329-343
A solar coronal mass ejection (CME) is a large-scale eruption of plasma and magnetic fields from the Sun. It is believed to be the main source of strong interplanetary disturbances that may cause intense geomagnetic storms. However, not all front-side halo CMEs can encounter the Earth and produce geomagnetic storms. The longitude distribution of the Earth-encountered front-side halo CMEs (EFHCMEs) has not only an east–west (E–W) asymmetry  (Wang et al., 2002), but also depends on the EFHCMEs' transit speeds from the Sun to 1 AU. The faster the EFHCMEs are, the more westward does their distribution shift, and as a whole, the distribution shifts to the west. Combining the observational results and a simple kinetic analysis, we believe that such E–W asymmetry appearing in the source longitude distribution is due to the deflection of CMEs' propagation in the interplanetary medium. Under the effect of the Parker spiral magnetic field, a fast CME will be blocked by the background solar wind ahead and deflected to the east, whereas a slow CME will be pushed by the following background solar wind and deflected to the west. The deflection angle may be estimated according to the CMEs' transit speed by using a kinetic model. It is shown that slow CMEs can be deflected more easily than fast ones. This is consistent with the observational results obtained by Zhang et al. (2003), that all four Earth-encountered limb CMEs originated from the east. On the other hand, since the most of the EFHCMEs are fast events, the range of the longitude distribution given by the theoretical model is E40°,W70°, which is well consistent with the observational results (E40°,W75°).  相似文献   

The coronal hole observed on May 31, 1973 is studied using extreme ultraviolet and radio observations. The EUV line is the Fe xv at = 284 Å and the radio frequencies are 169 and 408 MHz. An unsuccessful attempt to deduce an homogeneous model of the hole from these observations, shows that EUV and radio observations are inconsistent if interpreted in such a frame and if the EUV line intensity measurements in the hole are reliable.Inhomogeneities are therefore required to account for both observations. An inhomogeneous model consisting of hot (T2×106K) elements covering 10% of the hole surface surrounded by regions of colder gas (T8×105K) is able to explain both observations.  相似文献   

We report on the thermal and nonthermal radio emissions from a coronal mass ejection (CME) observed at meter-decameter wavelengths using the Clark Lake multifrequency radioheliograph. From white-light observations of the Solar Maximum Mission Coronagraph/Polarimeter instrument the CME was found to have a speed of 450 km s–1. Since there was no nonthermal radio emission in the beginning of the event and the one which occurred later was quite weak, we were able to observe the thermal structure of the CME in radio. Type III bursts and a nonthermal continuum started several minutes after the CME onset. We use the radio and optical observations to show that the CME was not driven by the flare. We investigate the thermal structure and geometry of the mass ejection in radio and compare it with the optical evidence. Finally we develop a schematic model of the event and point out that particle acceleration high in the corona is possible.  相似文献   

We have studied the characteristics of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) associated with Deca-Hectometric (DH) type II radio bursts (1–14 MHz) in the interplanetary medium during the year 1997–2005. The DH CMEs are divided into two parts: (i) DH CMEs (All) and (ii) DH CMEs (Limb). We found that 65% (177/273) of all events have the speed >900 km?s?1 and the remaining 35% (96/273) events have the speed below 900 km?s?1. The average speed of all and limb DH CMEs are 1230 and 1288 km?s?1, respectively, which is nearly three times the average speed of general population of CMEs (473 km?s?1). The average widths of all and limb DH CMEs are 105° and 106°, respectively, which is twice the average width (52°) of the general population of CMEs. We found a better correlation between the speed and width of limb DH CMEs (R=?0.61) than all DH CMEs (R=?0.53). Only 28% (177/637) of fast >900 km?s?1 general population of CMEs are reported with DH type II bursts counterpart. The above results gives that the relation between the CME properties is better for limb events.  相似文献   

The Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) and Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) onboard Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) provide us with unprecedented multi-wavelength observations helping us to understand different dynamic phenomena on the Sun and in the corona. In this paper we discuss the association between post-eruptive arcades (PEAs) detected by EIT and white-light coronal mass ejections (CMEs) detected by LASCO/C2 telescope.  相似文献   

With the use of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) compiled by Richardson and Cane from 1996 to 2007 and the associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), we investigate the solar cycle variation of real ICME-associated CME latitudes during solar cycle 23 using Song et al.’s method. The results show the following:
•  Although most of ICME-associated CMEs are distributed at low latitudes, there is a significant fraction of ICME-associated CMEs occurring at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Coronal ejection transients viewed with the white light coronagraph on Skylab are studied from the times of their very earliest manifestations for clues to their origin. Excess coronal mass with a configuration like that of the eventual transient is seen in twelve events prior to the transient's associated near-surface H eruption or flare. In seven of the events, data are adequate to observe the rates of outward mass motion of coronal material prior to their surface manifestations. The observations place severe constraints on different solar mass ejection mechanisms because they spread the process responsible for the ejection over a larger region of the corona and over a longer period of time than normally considered. The observations suggest the corona is an active participant in the ejection that begins with the acceleration of the outer portion of a preexisting structure and ends with the obvious surface manifestation.Skylab Solar Workshop Postdoctoral Appointee 1975–78. The Skylab Solar Workshops are sponsored by NASA and NSF and managed by the High Altitude Observatory.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The origin of the material which is ejected during a white light coronal transient has not been determined heretofore. Study of a disturbance on 26 and 27 August 1973, during which a slowly ascending prominence and a more rapid accompanying coronal transient were simultaneously observed, helps to resolve this question. Prominence images obtained in Hα 6563 Å and in He II 304 Å are nearly identical. The mass ejection transient observed in white light (3700–7000 Å) appeared to be a loop about 1 R higher than the top of the ascending prominence; it accelerated away from the prominence below it. These observations imply: (1) the bulk of the ejected material did not originate in the ascending prominence; (2) therefore, most of the material must have come from the low corona above the prominence, (and was at coronal temperatures during its outward passage); and (3) the total event - ascending prominence accompanied by coronal mass ejection - was far larger, more energetic, and longer lasting than would be inferred from the prominence observations alone. The transient of 26–27 August was slow and of atypical shape compared to other mass ejection transients, but we believe that these three conclusions apply to most, if not all, of the more than 60 loop-shaped coronal transients observed by the High Altitude Observatory's coronagraph during the nine-month flight of Skylab.  相似文献   

Two possible limiting scenarios are proposed for the production of a coronal mass ejection. In the first the magnetic field around a prominence evolves until it loses equilibrium and erupts, which drives reconnection below the prominence and an eruption of the overlying magnetic arcade. In the second a large-scale magnetic arcade evolves until it loses equilibrium and erupts, thereby causing a prominence to erupt. In general it is likely to be the non-equilibrium of the coupled system which creates the eruption. Furthermore, large quiescent prominences are expected to be centred within the magnetic bubble of a coronal mass ejection whereas when active-region prominences erupt they are likely to be located initially to one side of the bubble.A model is set up for the eruption of a magnetically coupled prominence and coronal mass ejection. This represents a development of the Anzer and Pneuman (1982) model by overcoming two limitations of it, namely that: it is not globally stable initially and so one wonders how it can be set up in a stable way before the eruption; it has reconnection driving the CME whereas recent observations suggest that the reverse may be happening. In our model we assume that magnetic reconnection below the prominence is driven by the eruption and the driver is magnetic non-equilibrium in the coupled prominence-mass ejection system. The prominence is modelled as a twisted flux tube and the mass ejection as an overlying void and magnetic bubble. Two different models of the prominence are considered. In one a globally stable equilibrium becomes unstable when a threshold magnetic flux below the prominence is exceeded and, in the other, equilibrium ceases to exist. In both cases, the prominence and mass-ejection accelerate upwards before reaching constant velocities in a manner that is consistent with observations. It is found that the greater the reconnection that is driven by the eruption, the higher is the final speed.  相似文献   

The most rapid and dramatic evolution in the solar corona occurs in events now known as Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). There have considerable importance for our understanding of the evolution of the mass and energy injected into the interplanetary medium. In this work, we have studied the relation of CMEs with geomagnetic activity for the period of 1988 to 1993. Not all CMEs are capable of producing geomagnetic disturbances. Our study indicates that the maximum chance of a geomagnetic disturbance occurs two to three days after a CME in association with B-type solar flares.  相似文献   

An investigation is made to determine the positional relation between the leading edge of the coronal mass ejection (CME) and the source region of associated solar type II radio bursts. A preliminary relation between the optical and radio activity was first established for each event using projected starting times and positional data. Height - time plots were then deduced for the radio activity using radiospectrograph observations in conjunction with a variety of coronal density models. These plots were then compared with height - time plots for the leading edge of the associated CME events, which has been observed with the SOLWIND experiment aboard the P78-1 satellite. In 31 well-observed events a total of 13 (42%) had type II bursts which could confidently be placed near the leading edge of the CME. In these events the density model which gave the best agreement between CME and type II positions was five times the Saito (1970) quiet Sun model. The existence of these closely related events was further confirmed by direct positional comparisons for the event of 1979, May 4. In a further nine events the type II burst was seen within the CME but was located well behind the leading edge, suggesting that they were created by a blast wave. The remaining nine events had height - time plots which could not be accurately compared. The observations are discussed in relation to models for the CME and type II activity. We suggest that the type II is generated when the shock wave is formed within the closed field structure near the leading edge of the CME or, in the case of a blast wave, interacts with closed fields in the body of the transient.  相似文献   

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