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合肥市大蜀山—紫蓬山地质公园是一个集多种地质遗迹资源并存的综合性地质公园。园内有代表合肥地区的侏罗纪层型剖面,也有喷发于古近纪的火山遗迹,同时还有大量其他地质构造遗迹。本文在对公园主要保护对象的分析评价基础上,结合目前该园区地质遗迹保护存在主要问题,给出了公园地质遗迹保护的措施,对该地质公园地质遗迹的合理保护起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

The role of national parks and protected areas in National Conservation Strategies (NCS), a key element in the 1980 World Conservation Strategy, is analyzed for the nine countries of Australia, Belize, Canada, Czechoslovakia, India, Senegal, the United Kingdom, Vietnam and Zambia. These NCS responses are described, evaluated and synthesized primarily for 12 national park and protected area functions identified through a review of the recent literature. National parks and protected areas are found to be involved in the nine NCS in uneven and less than optimal ways. Furthermore, little relationship can be found among the various proposed roles of national parks and protected areas and the socio-economic and other characteristics of the nine countries under study. As a basis for improving both NCS and the role of national parks and protected areas, a better NCS information system is recommended for the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) headquarters, Gland, Switzerland. IUCN Commissions also are urged to be more active in NCS work. More research also is recommended especially on the role of national parks and protected areas in regard to regional planning and development, indigenous and local people, and comprehensive land use management. Finally, special efforts should be made by IUCN, and other related international, national, provincial and regional agencies, to ensure their personnel are knowledgeable about NCS and the range of functions that national parks and protected areas can contribute to them, and so to sustainable development globally.  相似文献   

Mark Bonta 《Geoforum》2005,36(1):95-112
Neotropical cloud forests have been locked away in protected areas that conservationists seek to fashion into spaces exclusively for “Nature,” but they often cannot do so because of the pressure of migrant agriculture, among other factors. The author documents the case of a protected area in Honduras that, while it fails to evolve into an idealized “conservation space,” nevertheless undergoes transformations until it becomes accepted by local actors as a space that provides protection for marginalized groups under threat from a hydroelectric project that seeks to dislodge them. A Deleuzian theoretical approach loosely drawing from complexity theory is utilized to explain the process whereby diverse and conflicting land-use spatialities come to embrace an alien and imposed national park and in the process ally with each other against a perceived greater threat from the outside. The author shows the transformative potentials of protected areas as allies, rather than enemies, of spatial justice movements currently confronting the challenges of “regional economic integration” initiatives such as the Central American Free Trade Agreement.  相似文献   

At scenic sites across China, rural officials compelled to maximize revenue use local state authority over protected areas to foster “tourism dynamos”. Local states set up infrastructure and institutions around rural attractions that channel the circulation of tourists, churning out revenues that meet quotas and fund further expansion of attractions and towns. To make these dynamos turn, local authorities have displaced resident-led tourism operations they had previously helped set up. Residents are reincorporated in varying ways and often retain land use rights. Meanwhile, as revenues stream out of attractions, what little is invested in environmental protection goes to maintaining scenery. Local governments also accomplish spatial transformations, within each park intensifying surplus generation in areas zoned for tourism while reserving other areas from use, and beyond park boundaries linking attractions together on tourism circuits radiating from central towns. This state-driven transformations depend on how the reservation of land from commodity exchange within protected areas comes together with specific state capacities to enable tourism intensification. These processes, which I label “developmental conservation,” call attention to selective commodifications and the mediating role of the state in protected area governance in China and beyond.  相似文献   

Chen Yi-fong 《GeoJournal》2012,77(6):805-815
This paper explores the socio-cultural influence of the newly established ecotourism, which integrates cultural revitalization, ecological conservation and social development, in both Taroko National Park area and San-Chan aboriginal community. Many cases in different parts of the world indicate that the Indigenous peoples have developed patterns of resource use and management practices that reflect detailed knowledge of local geography and ecosystem, and contribute to the natural conservation through their living practices. The guidelines of Indigenous knowledge and culture lay the base for the development of ecotourism. A critical evaluation of the conceptualization of Indigenous knowledge is therefore, essential to the success of an alternative strategy to development for aboriginal communities. Participatory observation in the field of ecotourism activities and brief interviews are the major study methods, with several workshops conducted to supplement data collection for the two case studies. The Taroko area came into contact with tourists in a relative early era due to its famous natural features and national park. Its growing ecotourism is the result of cooperation among local residents, environmentalists, and academics, each with very different concepts of ecotourism operation. The national park and public sectors have also played significant role in shaping the content of ecotourism. In San-Chan community, due to the negative impacts generated by the unregulated mass tourism expansion, the local Indigenous people decide to close the public access to the attractive creek for 3?years, while at the same time promote ecotourism for poverty alleviation. These two cases embrace the ??Nature?? as an important element in their construction of new place identity and community development. However, their spatial location in- or outside the national park produces significant differences and sociopolitical implications on the operations of ecotourism.  相似文献   

本文在梳理前人研究成果的基础上,结合野外实地调查和样品分析数据,分析了四川成都龙泉山城市森林公园的主要环境问题。研究表明,龙泉山城市森林公园总体地质环境条件较好,其总体规划和地质环境相适宜,在建设过程中需要关注局部地区的地质灾害发育、浅层地下空间瓦斯赋存和地下水污染等环境地质问题。区内主要地质灾害发育类型为小型滑坡,其次为崩塌和不稳定斜坡,多发生于龙泉山复背斜核部及断裂带区域,建设旅游道路和游憩设施时,要加强防范。区内局部浅层地下空间瓦斯赋存,建议在园区内进行地下工程建设时,进行超前地质预报,在施工过程中要加强瓦斯浓度监测与通风,注意火源管控。区内浅层地下水类型主要为HCO_3-Ca·Mg和HCO_3-Ca型,局部地区浅层地下水因人类活动而受到污染,其中总硬度、氨氮、氯化物等超标,建议加强公园内重点规划建设区域的地下水用途管控和生态环境保护。  相似文献   

蔺广太 《吉林地质》2003,22(2):50-55
建设国家地质公园是时代发展、保护自然遗产的客观要求.四平山门-伊通一带分布着的十数座流纹岩柱状节理火山锥和玄武岩柱状节理火山锥,辅以燕国古城遗址、努尔哈赤起兵和慈禧祖籍地、解放战争"四战四平"战绩地等人文景观和其他自然景观,以及各类保护区和经济开发区的建设,使本区具备了地质公园的地质遗迹特殊的科学意义.稀有的自然属性,优雅的美学观赏价值,融合自然与人文景观并具有生态、历史和文化价值,为建立国家地质公园奠定了丰厚的物质基础.本文对四平山门-伊通火山地质公园从基础条件,基础研究、基础建设、申报工作等方面给予了详实论述.  相似文献   

国家地质公园的过快发展出现了公园边界划分随意、范围过大、地质遗迹保护区级别不明确等问题,表明了地质公园规划建设过程中缺乏相应的理论支持。本文探讨了国家地质公园规划中地质遗迹保护规划的相关问题,包括地质遗迹保护区边界的确定和地质遗迹保护区级别的界定。本文分别引入地质遗迹集中度和地质遗迹敏感度的概念,量化地质遗迹保护规划的依据,在不改变原地质公园的主题与内容的基础上,依据地质遗迹集中度明确地质遗迹分布范围,并依托地质遗迹敏感度评价结果划分巴彦淖尔国家地质公园地质遗迹保护区级别,最终提出相应的保护措施。  相似文献   

合理开发、利用并保护洞穴遗址是传承和发扬遗址文化的重要前提。文章以桂林甑皮岩洞穴遗址为例,通过对遗址的探测与监测,在认识遗址水文地质单元和地下水特征的基础上,识别其在保存与开发过程中存在的问题,从而提出保护遗址的可能措施,同时也为类似条件洞穴遗址的保护提供参考。研究结果表明甑皮岩遗址的三个保护区存在的问题各不相同:核心保护区主要面临化学侵蚀的风险;一级保护区现有的保护手段缺乏多样性;二级保护区存在监测力度不够的问题。据此提出以下措施:(1)核心保护区应深入研究地下水和还原环境对文化层侵蚀作用的机制;(2)一级保护区应加强对污水排放的管理,增多保护洞穴遗址的形式和手段;(3)二级保护区应加大对环境指标的监测力度,管控保护区范围内工程的建设。由此扩展到一般性洞穴遗址的保护措施有:建立能够显示环境动态的长期监测体系;采用3S技术建立监测网络并辅助规划决策;规范洞穴遗址的勘查与规划管理;多途径提高洞穴遗址保护的宣传力度和公众的参与乐趣。  相似文献   

申报建立林州国家地质公园的地质环境综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林州市2046km^2的面积内分布有太古代、元古代、古生代、中生代和新生代四个地质时代的地层,三大类30种岩性的岩石,丰富的古生物化石,以及极富观赏价值的地质地貌景观,这些具有科学意义的多种地质旅游资源,通过建立国家地质公园可以更好地得到保护,促进旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The economic development of the Rio Colca region and related infrastructure endangers the environment of the deepest canyon worldwide. The unique values of the Colca Valley and Canyon and its tributary Valley of the Volcanoes are summarised. They include a magnificent, deep section of the orogenic belt 100 km long, different geological formations, active faults, a variety of fold structures, young volcanoes, hot springs, geysers, several ecological zones and the largest condor habitat in the Andes. Based on the observed land use, development and regional planning, the threats and conflict areas are outlined. Studies performed by the Polish Scientific Expedition to Peru since 2003 add greatly to the knowledge of geology, landscape and pioneering biota development of the area and its importance to the world heritage of nature. They are aimed to give scientific background to the project of the Canyon Colca and Valley of the Volcanoes National Park. The article gives the proposed limits of the park and its buffer zones, categories of protection zones compatible with the SINANPE system of Peru and suggestions on tourist accessibility. The strict protection zone should cover the most inaccessible part of the area where human economic activity practically does not exist. Traditional farming and animal husbandry, wildlife, cultural tourism and some forms of adventure tourism will be allowed in the zone of special usage. The new park would strengthen the relatively poor system of the protected areas in the Arequipa Department, increase tourist attractiveness and determine constraints for sustained regional development. The expected actions of the park authority and local governments are specified.  相似文献   

Angel Paniagua 《GeoJournal》2018,83(5):993-1004
The aim of this study is to place the current geographical debate on nature in the context of protected natural areas severely affected by depopulation processes, in which the daily lives of the inhabitants have been altered by changes in the traditional balance between human and non-human populations. A significantly humanized area within the Sierra Norte de Guadalajara National Park in central Spain is considered as an example. The qualitative methodology followed is based on documentary analysis and interviews with key inhabitants in the area, revealing narratives with a productive or consumer view of the nature. The national park appears as a container of a cultural nature, initially created by the traditional inhabitants, which generates an artificial, excessive nature and accelerates regressive sociodemographic dynamics.  相似文献   

申报长白山新生代火山国家地质公园的可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
温艳玲 《吉林地质》2003,22(2):56-60
本文介绍了长白山自然保护区的概况,说明建立长白山新生代火山国家地质公园具备的基础,论述了建立公园的意义,并将长白山地质遗迹景观与国土资源部颁发的《国家地质公园评审标准》进行了对比分析,认为长白山新生代火山地质遗迹景观和生态系统符合国家地质公园的标准,申报是可行的。最后提出了尚需进一步工作的建议。  相似文献   

赵晓丽 《地质与勘探》2021,57(2):457-464
甘肃平凉崆峒山国家地质公园具有典型的丹霞地貌特征,不仅具有重要的地学研究价值,而且是重要地貌景观、地质科普、历史文化等旅游观光资源。文章利用SWOT分析方法对崆峒山国家地质公园的优劣势、面临的机会和威胁四个方面进行了态势分析,从而为旅游地质资源的开发与保护提供参考依据,并结合崆峒山旅游资源开发利用现状及存在的问题,提出了对崆峒山国家地质公园开发保护的建议。崆峒山国家地质公园具有地质资源特征明显、地理位置优越、旅游资源丰富的先天优势,也具有地质公园品牌认知度高、人文历史悠久等后天优势。对比其资源利用率低、地质科普与基础科普设施建设薄弱等劣势,结合时代发展的重要机遇,建议在做好地质公园建设的同时,把握全域旅游的时代命题,接轨5G先进技术与大数据应用平台,将崆峒山国家地质公园打造成既有自然景观旅游,又有科考、生态、文化的高层次旅游与科普教育基地。  相似文献   

Approaches to sustainable forestry in the Piatra Craiului National Park   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Declared in 1990, the Piatra Craiului is one of Romania's 15 national parks and biosphere reserves. It has exceptional scenic and biodiversity value but is under threat from unsustainable agricultural, forestry and tourism management. The paper examines these threats in a historical context, regarding both the growth of the town of Braşov and areas of dispersed rural settlement on the mountain edge, and argues that a sustainable future will require negotiation between the park authorities and all stakeholders, including the local communities and private woodland owners who have benefited or will benefit from restitution. The way forward is explored with forest management in a central role. First, the certification of woodlands, along with the establishment of forest user groups and community woodlands, should help to reconcile the conflicting interests in the woodlands and in wood processing in support of sustainability. Second, the overgrazing of the meadows which is degrading the pastures, restricting forest regeneration and conflicting with large carnivore conservation, could be moderated by the growth of ecotourism linked with bears and wolves which would generate a new source of income to compensate farmers for reducing their flocks – given the importance of the biodiversity resources and the socio-economic pressures – and the paper therefore considers how new approaches to forest management might provide a basis for conservation and sustainable development. It will be for the recently-established national park management system – developed with World Bank Global Environment Facility funding – to take these ideas forward in due course. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

美国国家公园地质旅游特色及借鉴意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
自1872 年美国建立第一个国家公园以来, 全世界国家公园数已达2600个, 对于资源环境、生态系统、地质景观的保护起着十分重要的作用, 特别是美国,在保护地质景观的同时, 开展地质旅游, 效果明显。与之比较, 我国的地质公园建设还存在着许多不足。本文主要说明了美国国家公园的主要地质旅游特色, 比较了两国在地质旅游认识、管理方面存在的差异, 并总结了一些值得我们借鉴学习的经验。   相似文献   

Political ecologists have considered the social and economic impacts that nature reserves, national parks and other forms of protected area can have on neighbouring communities, and how this can generate conflicts between them. This paper analyses such conflicts through the lens of territoriality, considering how the way protected area territories are created, delineated, and defined is linked to the social impacts experienced by local people. Conflicts between locals and conservation authorities over protected areas are about rival attempts to define the boundaries of protected areas, who the land should belong to, what it should be used for, and what its purpose is. Yet the ability of local people or conservation authorities to impose their meaning is unequal. It illustrates these processes with the example of a scientific reserve in the Dominican Republic, and a decades-long conflict to define what the reserve should mean, what it should look like, and who it should belong to.  相似文献   

祁连山生态保护与修复的现状问题与建议   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14  
祁连山生态保护与治理一直是国家、地方政府和当地居民高度关注的重点,如何确保该区域水源安全、生态稳定理所当然成为当前工作的重中之重。通过对目前祁连山生态环境现状及保护与修复状况的深入分析,指出了祁连山生态环境保护与修复中存在的问题和面临的挑战,从强化管理体制机制创新、建立综合生态监测系统、开展生态红线划定研究、加快完善生态补偿机制、加强生态修复技术应用示范等方面,为甘肃省推进祁连山生态保护与修复提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

 The Nebrodi Park, located in the north-eastern sector of Sicily, is of particular environmental and scientific interest. This is due to the morphological heterogeneity of the protected region that presents a wide variety of landscapes and ecosystems. In spite of the recent efforts of the Regional Government and Municipalities, environmental resources, especially groundwater, risk progressive depauperation and pollution. In this paper, the authors consider the hydrogeological karst unit of Monte Traura-Rocche del Crasto, the most productive in the Nebrodi belt (zone B of the regional park). This unit is underexploited and needs a careful hydrogeological study in order to supply coastal aquifers. Geochemical and geophysical prospecting has been carried out in this area. Analyses of water springs, sampled in different seasons, have suggested patterns of groundwater circulation. Apparent resistivity measurements have yielded complementary information about the recharge processes of deep aquifers. Goals of the project to which this research belongs are the rational exploitation and protection of reservoirs such as Monte Traura and the recovery of the degraded aquifers, proposing new strategies of regional management for the water resources in this comer of Sicily. Received: 27 November 1996 · Accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

Paul Robbins 《Geoforum》2006,37(2):185-199
Critical researchers of underdevelopment have established a well-known record celebrating the environmental knowledges of subsistence communities in contested wildlife conservation zones. Similar battles are being fought over science, uncertainty, and wild animals in the American west, however, with far less attention to local epistemologies. Often dismissed as “barstool biology”, the ecological knowledges of local hunters in the Northern Yellowstone ecosystem are rooted in environmental experience and situated politics. How does local hunter knowledge diverge or converge with that of state officials, environmentalists, ranchers, and other constituencies, and to what effect on wildlife management policy? This paper seeks to answer that question, reviewing recent research amongst local resource users, managers, and activists in Montana. By rendering empirical the question of local knowledge around America’s oldest national park, rather than trying to “read it off” political affiliation, education, or livelihood, a clearer picture of power, knowledge, and conservation emerges. The results suggest that emerging management policies have developed from the discursive alliance of landowners, outfitters, and environmentalists, shifting priorities towards enclosure and exclusion in wildlife at the expense of other silent constituencies.  相似文献   

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