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梅艳国  王随继 《地理学报》2016,71(9):1509-1519
不同时段河道的侧向侵蚀/加积面积变化的定量研究可以揭示河道的变化特征。以黄河临河段213 km长的河段为研究对象,利用1977年以来19个时段基于遥感影像绘制的河道平面形态图的面积变化来估算其4个亚河段(S1、S2、S3和S4)在不同时段的河岸侧向侵蚀/加积面积以及全河段的河道平均萎缩速率。研究结果表明,黄河临河段左右河岸在37年间都表现为侧向净加积,其4个亚河段左岸的侧向累计加积面积分别为33.16 km2、49.59 km2、29.52 km2和30.85 km2,其中1995-2000年的加积面积分别占到其总加积面积的85.5%、51.2%、47.2%和104.6%;右岸的侧向累计加积面积分别为30.83 km2、8.74 km2、26.44 km2和18.76 km2,而1995-2000年的加积面积分别占到其总加积面积的57.2%、111.9%、65.7%和61.6%。该河段河道面积1977-2001年具有减小趋势,2001年之后河道表现为侧向侵蚀、加积的交替变化,1977-2014年间河道平均萎缩速率为6.16 km2/yr。该河段河道平面形态值最明显的变化也发生在1990s,与1995年相比,2000年的河道长度增加了5.8%,河道面积减少了39.4%,河道平均宽度减小了42.8%,弯曲系数增加了6.6%。黄河临河段河道形态剧烈变化及河道严重萎缩都发生在1990s,这主要是黄河上游刘家峡和龙羊峡水库联合运行导致汛期水沙量大量减小所致,4个亚河段的河岸冲淤变化还受到局部河岸物质结构、护岸工程及水动力差异的影响。随着2000年后河流综合管理措施的调整,黄河临河段河道的上述变化趋势明显弱化,河流健康程度有所好转。  相似文献   

黄河下游河床萎缩典型地表现为平滩水位下河床断面面积的趋势性减小,本文根据黄河下游实测断面和水沙资料采用相关分析方法研究了游荡段河床萎缩的主要影响因素。1960~1997年游荡段河床平滩水位下断面面积经历了1960~1964年和1974~1985年的扩张时期及1965~1973年和1986~1997年的萎缩时期,这种变化是多种因素共同作用的结果。在来水来沙中,年径流量是主要因素,洪峰流量和年平均含沙量是较次要的因素;本文所讨论的其它4个因素中,花园口以上引水量影响最大,降雨量影响次之,兰州以上水库的调节作用对河床断面面积的变化也有较明显的影响;三门峡水库三种不同的使用方式对下游河床有不同的影响,采取"蓄清排浊"方式后对下游河床的影响较小。  相似文献   

提高黄河下游游荡段的输沙能力是河道治理的主要任务,而河道输沙效率(排沙比)受到来水来沙条件和河床边界条件的共同影响。本文基于1971—2016年花园口—高村河段(简称花高段)的实测水沙及地形资料,计算了花高段的平均河相系数及水沙条件(来沙系数和水流冲刷强度),从汛期和场次洪水2个时间尺度,定量分析了排沙比与水沙条件及前一年汛后主槽形态之间的响应关系。分析结果表明:① 汛期和场次洪水排沙比与来沙系数呈负相关,与水流冲刷强度呈正相关,临界的汛期不淤来沙系数为0.012 kg?s/m 6,场次洪水排沙比与来沙系数及水量比的决定系数为0.76;② 游荡段排沙比与河相系数呈负相关,当河相系数大于15 /m 0.5时,河段排沙比基本小于1;③ 以来沙系数与河相系数为自变量的汛期排沙比计算式的决定系数为0.82,计算精度较高,对于场次洪水排沙比而言,断面形态的影响权重大于来沙系数。这些排沙比计算公式能够反映游荡段的输沙特点,有助于定量掌握断面形态及水沙条件对河道输沙能力的影响。  相似文献   

王随继  李玲 《地理学报》2014,69(3):399-408
研究选取黄河银川平原全长196 km的河段,以1975 年、1990 年、2010 年和2011 年四个年份的卫星影像数据绘制的左右河岸线,与设立的平均间隔为1.3 km的153 个河道固定横断面的交点位置的变化,估算了1975-1990 年、1990-2010 年和2010-2011 年三个时期的河岸平均摆动速率。结果表明,该河段左岸以向右摆动为主,在上述时期左岸总的平均摆动速率分别为36.5 m/a、27.8 m/a 和61.5 m/a;右岸在1975-1990 年以向右摆动为主,此后则以向左摆动为主,其摆动速率分别为31.7 m/a、23.1 m/a 和50.8 m/a。在1975-2011 全部36 年间,左右河岸的年均摆动速率分别为22.3 m/a 和14.8 m/a。河岸摆动速率在A、B、C三个河段相差悬殊,在1975-2011 的36 年间,左岸向左和向右的平均摆动速率之比分别为1:7.6:4.6 和1:1.7:3.8;右岸向左和向右的平均摆动速率之比为1:1.8:1.2 和1:5.6:17.7。显然,无论左岸右岸,它们在A段的摆动速率最小,向左摆动速率最大的出现在B段,而向右摆动速率最大的则是C段。河岸摆动速率在时序上的增大现象主要受制于人类筑坝蓄水等引起汛期流量的逐渐减小,而空间变化主要受制于河岸物质组成的区域差异。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionA certain pattern of channel is the product of its self-adjustment under given boundary, discharge and sediment conditions[1]. A lot of experiments have been performed in flumes, usually with an initially-regulated straight channel being constructed in the flume, to determine the impact of these conditions on channel morphologies and patterns[2-6]. Schumm's experiments[3] demonstrated that when the bed-load channels transport only sand at constant discharge, channels develop from…  相似文献   

A certain pattern of channel is the product of its self-adjustment under given boundary, discharge and sediment conditions. Based upon the principle of process-response model, an experimental study with 18 runs is carried out in LESRC. This paper is focused on the variation of the energy dissipation versus the channel morphology during and after the bedmaking process of braided channel. The results show that there exists a good empirical relationship between the energy dissipation rate and channel morphology. According to this relationship and the theory of minimum rate of energy dissipation, the authors explain the metamorphosis of the model channel with the development of the braided river.  相似文献   

It is of necessity to investigate the adjustment of flood discharge capacity in the Lower Yellow River(LYR) because of its profound importance in sediment transport and flood control decision-making, and additionally its magnitude is influenced by the channel and upstream boundary conditions, which have significantly varied with the ongoing implementation of soil and water conservation measures in the Loess Plateau and the operation of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir. The braided reach between two hydrometric stations of Huayuankou and Gaocun in the LYR was selected as the study area. Different parameters in the study reach during the period 1986–2015 were calculated, covering bankfull discharge(the indicator of flood discharge capacity), the pre-flood geomorphic coefficient(the indicator of channel boundary condition), and the previous five-year average fluvial erosion intensity during flood seasons(the indicator of incoming flow and sediment regime). Functional linkages at scales of section and reach were then developed respectively to quantitatively demonstrate the integrated effects of channel and upstream boundary conditions on the flood discharge capacity.Results show that:(1) the reach-scale bankfull discharge in the pre-dam stage(1986–1999)decreased rapidly by 50%, accompanied with severe channel aggradation and main-channel shrinkage. It recovered gradually as the geometry of main channel became narrower and deeper in the post-dam stage, with the geomorphic coefficient continuously reducing to less than 15 m-1/2.(2) The response of bankfull discharge to the channel and upstream boundary conditions varied at scales of section and reach, and consequently the determination coefficients differed for the comprehensive equations, with a smallest value at the Jiahetan station and a highest value(0.91) at reach scale. Generally, the verified results calculated using the comprehensive equations agreed well with the corresponding measured values in 2014–2015.(3) The effect of channel boundary condition was more prominent than that of upstream boundary condition on the adjustment of bankfull discharge at the Jiahetan station and the braided reach, which was proved by a larger improvement in determination coefficients for the comprehensive equations and a better performance of geomorphic coefficient on the increase of bankfull discharge.  相似文献   

Sedimentation in the lower reaches of the Yellow River is a major problem requiring implementation of large-scale control measures in the upper and middle drainage basin. For maximum benefit, major sediment generation areas must be delimited. For this purpose, the upper and middle drainage basin of the Yellow River has been divided into four major sediment and water source areas. A series of databases of runoff and sediment yields from these source areas and for the corresponding quantities of sedimentation in the lower Yellow River channel have been established. On this basis, a set of multiple-regression equations has been established that define the relationships between sedimentation in the lower Yellow River and the yearly or event-based runoff and sediment yields from the four source areas or subsystems. Based on the regression equations obtained, the contribution of the four major source areas to the sedimentation in the lower Yellow River channel can be estimated. The results obtained indicate that, given other factors, for each ton of sediment reduced from the coarse-sediment producing area (CSA), the sediment deposited in the lower Yellow River would be reduced by 0.455 ton; for each ton of sediment reduced from the fine-sediment producing area (FSA), the sediment deposited in the lower Yellow River would be reduced by 0.154 ton only. Therefore, if limited erosion control measures are applied to the coarse-sediment producing area, the benefits for sedimentation reduction in the lower Yellow River will be much larger than if similar resources are applied to the fine-sediment producing area.  相似文献   

黄河内蒙古段土壤风蚀特征模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集黄河内蒙古段风沙土、灰漠土、棕钙土和灌淤土,在室内进行土壤理化性质测定和风洞模拟试验。对比分析了4种土壤的理化性质和不同风速及含水量条件下的风蚀特征,并量化了不同土壤的风蚀强度与土壤理化性质间关系。结果表明:(1)相对于棕钙土和灌淤土,风沙土和灰漠土易蚀性颗粒含量较大,团聚体、有机质和碳酸钙含量较低,但相同风速和含水量条件下平均风蚀强度风沙土>棕钙土>灰漠土>灌淤土。(2)不同土壤风蚀强度与风速均呈较好的幂函数关系(R2≥0.85,P<0.05),尤其是风沙土和棕钙土,幂函数关系明显优于指数函数。(3)除灰漠土,土壤风蚀强度与土壤含水量均呈较好指数函数关系(R2>0.90,P<0.05),风沙土和灰漠土的风蚀强度突降的含水量临界点在4.5%左右,灌淤土和棕钙土无明显临界点。(4)不同土壤输沙率均随距地表高度的增加而急剧减少。在距地表10 cm范围内,不同土壤输沙率占总输沙率比例风沙土(82.67%)>灰漠土(80.77%)>灌淤土(74.07%)>棕钙土(73.77%),当距地表大于30 cm后,集沙仪中基本收集不到风沙土和灰漠土风蚀颗粒。当轴心风速为16 m·s-1时,不同土壤风沙流结构均表现为单峰曲线。(5)不同土壤风蚀强度与风速、含水量、团聚体、易蚀性颗粒和黏粒含量均呈较强的非线性相关关系(R2=0.76,P<0.05)。易蚀性颗粒含量是影响风蚀强度最主要的土壤属性,其次是干团聚体和黏粒含量。  相似文献   

通过对青藏高原东北部黄河源开展广泛细致的野外考察,选择位于玛曲段黄河左岸第二级河流阶地(T2)之上,赋存典型风成黄土-古土壤序列的达尔琼东(DEQ-E)剖面进行系统采样。在室内对采集样品进行了磁化率、烧失量、吸湿水、粒度、土壤微形态、地球化学元素和光释光(OSL)测年等综合分析,结论表明:(1)黄河源玛曲段DEQ-E剖面地层序列由上至下依次为现代草甸土层(MS)-全新世中期古土壤层(S0)-全新世早期过渡性黄土层(Lt)-阶地漫滩相沉积层(T2-al);(2)黄河源玛曲段DEQ-E剖面风成黄土-古土壤序列风化成壤强度呈现出全新世中期古土壤层(S0)>全新世早期过渡性黄土层(Lt)>现代草甸土层(MS)的变化特征;(3)黄河源全新世的古气候演变可分为3个阶段:全新世早期(11000 a BP—9000 a BP),西风势力减弱,东亚夏季风逐步增强,气温趋于变暖,降水有所增加;全新世中期(9000 a BP—3100 a BP),东亚夏季风作用强盛,气候整体温暖湿润;全新世晚期(3100 a BP以来),东亚夏季风衰退,西风势力有所增强,导致气候转向干冷。该研究成果有助于理解青...  相似文献   

A statistic analysis predicting coastal change of the Yellow River abandoned delta lobe formed from 1964 to 1976 using Landsat TM imagery was conducted by calculating the coastal erosion/accumulation rates obtained from four different classic profiles and plotting the change curves of coastline with time. The studies showed that the regularity of the evolution of the coastline was very obvious after the delta lobe was abandoned. The coastal evolution can be divided into three different phases: erosion phase, transition phase and cyclical change phase. At present, the coast has evolved to the cyclical change phase. The natural coastline change cycle is 4 years between the dam and is 5 years to the west of the dam. In the cyclical change phase, the quasi-equilibrium line of the coast was located near the coastline of 1996, the current coast may recede 1.79 km to reach the natural equilibrium coastline. Therefore, some measures must be taken to protect the dam or the dam will be destroyed by the force of nature. The curves also revealed the magnitude of erosion/accumulation rates would decrease gradually with time. The results of the study offer guidance for coast protection, and proves that the evolution of silty coast actually was a cyclical change process too.  相似文献   

黄河内蒙河段河床冲淤演变特征及原因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用黄河内蒙段1962-2000年间4期大断面观测资料,计算了各期河床冲淤和河槽形态指标。发现从1962-2000年间前20年、中间9年及后9年,内蒙河段河槽500m2过水面积下河底高程发生了降低-升高-再升高的过程;河槽漫滩过水面积经历了升高-降低-再降低的过程,2000年只有1982年的大约一半;滩地经历了持续淤积过程,平均抬升0.25m;河槽宽深比值经历了变化不显著-增加-减小的过程。分析结果表明:气候变化、引水、水库拦沙和重点产沙支流来沙变化在河床冲淤和河床形态调整中作用较大;水库对径流的年内调节对1982年后河槽淤积贡献较大;来水来沙变化下河流多要素自动调整是造成河槽形态变化过程复杂的原因。  相似文献   

黄河废弃三角洲叶瓣海岸侵蚀与岸线演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A statistic analysis predicting coastal change of the Yellow River abandoned delta lobe formed from 1964 to 1976 using Landsat TM imagery was conducted by calculating the coastal erosion/accumulation rates obtained flom four different classic profiles and plotting the change curves of coastline with time. The studies showed that the regularity of the evolution of the coastline was very obvious after the delta lobe was abandoned. The coastal evolution can be divided into three different phases: erosion phase, transition phase and cyclical change phase. At present, the coast has evolved to the cyclical change phase. The natural coastline change cycle is 4 years between the dam and is 5 years to the west of the dam. In the cyclical change phase, the quasi-equilibrium line of the coast was located near the coastline of 1996, the current coast may recede 1.79 km to reach the natural equilibrium coastline. Therefore, some measures must be taken to protect the dam or the dam will be destroyed by the force of nature. The curves also revealed the magnitude of erosion/accumulation rates would decrease gradually with time. The results of the study offer guidance for coast protection, and proves that the evolution of silty coast actually was a cyclical change process too.  相似文献   

1IntroductionThe river deltas are generally those areas with a wealth of natural resources, and lots of ports, moreover they are important locations of human activity. Therefore, deltaic areas around the world, such as the Mississippi River delta, the Nile River delta, and the Yangtze River delta, have attracted the attentions of governments, scientists and common people. There are three big deltas in China, i.e., the Yangtze River, the Zhujiang River and the Yellow River deltas. The for…  相似文献   

黄河三角洲造陆过程中的陆域水沙临界条件研究   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:26  
许炯心 《地理研究》2002,21(2):163-170
黄河三角洲发育是河口区河流动力及陆域物质通量与海洋动力及海域物质通量相互作用的产物 ,三角洲造陆速率取决于上述两方面的对比关系。当上述两方面处于平衡时 ,三角洲造陆处于临界状态 ,即净造陆速率为零 ,与之相联系的入海泥沙量和径流量可视为黄河三角洲造陆过程的临界水沙条件。运用经验统计方法估算出 :当入海年沙量Qs为 2 78亿t/a、入海年水量Qw为 76 7亿m3时 ,或者当关系式 3 1934Qs+ 0 0 85 6Qw=17 94得到满足时 ,黄河三角洲造陆过程处于临界平衡状态。在黄河流域的环境管理中 ,应将上述两项临界值作为约束条件。黄河流域生态用水量的内涵应予以扩展 ,维持三角洲造陆平衡所必须的入海径流量 ,应作为黄河流域的生态用水量。  相似文献   

黄河宁蒙段河道淤积严重,阐明近源粗泥沙和远源细泥沙分选沉积规律对于河道淤积治理有重要意义。本研究基于120根河道钻孔泥沙样品,通过粒径分布和元素矿物组成,分析了河道>0.05 mm、>0.08 mm和>0.1 mm粗泥沙沿河分选沉积变化特征,并定量评估了近源粗泥沙和远源细泥沙沉积对于河道泥沙淤积的贡献。结果表明:黄河宁蒙段河道淤积的主要是来源于近源沙漠及其下伏砒砂岩区>0.08 mm的粗泥沙,而来源于上游黄土区<0.05 mm的细泥沙主要沉积在河道滩地,对河道淤积的贡献小于30%。因此,风水复合侵蚀引起的沿黄沙漠和下伏砒砂岩粗泥沙入黄是黄河宁蒙沙漠河段河道淤积的根源,也是该河段“悬河”的治理重点。  相似文献   

水量统一调度以来黄河内蒙古河段耗水量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河水量统一调度始于1999年3月,本次对1999-2011年黄河内蒙古河段引水和退水的年内、年际变化以及引排比关系进行了分析;利用遥感图片,核查了黄河干流石嘴山—头道拐河段的引退水口门;分别采用引退水法和水量平衡法计算了黄河内蒙古河段的引黄耗水量。结果表明:该研究时段内蒙古河套灌区退水量与引水量的比值平均为0.16,呈现逐年增大的趋势,引退水关系比较好,存在"大引大排"现象;引退水法年平均耗水量为75.44亿m3,年际变化相对比较平缓;水量平衡法年平均耗水量为56.72亿m3,年际变化非常明显;两种方法耗水量差别明显的原因之一是颁证引退水口门与实际引退水口门数量不相同。  相似文献   

1introductionThetopiconslope-gUllyerosionretahonshipinsmallCatclunentSofthendddiereaChesoftheYellowhiverhaslongbeenconcernedbyscienhstsinreleVantdepartmentSasthere~hresultwouldprovidescienuncbasisforop~erosioncontrolteChniqueanddeCisionmaking.AlthoughnumerousfieldStUdiesonedmentso~sinasmallCatchmentinthecoddlereachesoftheYellowmyerhavebeendriedcuLyetcurrentviewPOintSweredrawnduetodifferentresearchmethodsappliedTheproblemofsedimentsourcesonasmallcatClunentinthecoddlereachesoftheYellowhiv…  相似文献   

滞后性是河流系统自动调整的重要特征之一。根据河道演变的滞后响应机制,在考虑上游来水来沙和下游侵蚀基准面(潼关高程)共同影响的基础上,建立了能够模拟河道汛期和非汛期冲淤过程的滞后响应模型,并采用黄河小北干流1960-2015年的冲淤资料进行参数率定(1960-2001年)和模型验证(2002-2015年)。结果表明该模型能较好地模拟小北干流汛期和非汛期的冲淤过程。汛期和非汛期累计冲淤量的模拟效果优于单个冲淤量;累计冲淤量和单个冲淤量的模拟效果汛期要优于非汛期。三门峡水库修建后,1960-2015年间小北干流汛期和非汛期的冲淤过程表现出时段差异。根据建立的滞后响应模型,本文分析了来水来沙和潼关高程对小北干流汛期和非汛期各个特征时段冲淤的贡献率,汛期和非汛期的第一时段(1960-1970年,1960-1968年)主要受到潼关高程的影响,但是后续时段主要受到来水来沙的影响。  相似文献   

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