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华北地下水超采区冬小麦退耕的生态补偿问题探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
压减冬小麦种植面积是有效减少华北平原地下水用量最为有效的方法。近期,国家和地方政府均出台了土地休耕政策,拟在华北地下水超采区退耕冬小麦,实现“一季休耕、一季雨养”。然而,华北平原已经出现农户主动退耕冬小麦的现象。在此背景下,明确冬小麦退耕的瞄准目标、制订合理适度的补偿标准是土地休耕政策有效实施所面对的核心问题。本文利用农户问卷数据,构建多层次logit模型分析农户种植制度决策的影响因素,并计算冬小麦退耕的机会成本,旨在确定华北平原地下水超采区土地休耕政策的瞄准目标,并为农户补偿标准的制订提供建议。结果表明:① 地块层次的土地质量和灌溉条件是解释农户种植制度差异的关键因素,近70%的四等耕地和90%以上的旱地已退出冬小麦耕作,土地休耕政策应瞄准一、二、三等土地质量的水浇地;② 相似耕作条件的地块种植春、夏玉米的净收益大致相同,土地休耕的机会成本等于种植冬小麦的净收益;③ 仅考虑冬小麦对地下水资源的影响,土地休耕政策初期以地下水回升和地下水环境恢复为主要目标时,建议以350元/亩作为补偿标准参考值,后期目标转为维持地下水资源采补平衡时,可调整至280元/亩左右。  相似文献   

One of the aims of the recently initiated land fallow policy is to encourage winter wheat abandonment in order to recover the groundwater environment of the North China Plain (NCP); although this also threatens a national secure supply of this crop, as the NCP is the major wheat producing area in China. It is therefore necessary to consider regional wheat reallocation in order to meet the twin challenges of production and water conservation. An evaluation of spatiotemporal changes in wheat area and production across China in recent years may shed light on the regions that have the potential for reallocation; such trends are analyzed in this study using agricultural statistical data. Three over-arching principles are proposed that reallocation must be naturally suitable, economically feasible, and socially acceptable, and together with the result of the spatiotemporal analysis, two continuous areas are recommended as potentially suitable for wheat reallocation—alongside the Huai River and the cold region of northeastern China. We also present strategies to improve wheat yields as well as policies for farmers, aiming to encourage the reallocation of wheat to the regions highlighted in this study.  相似文献   

After operating for four years, the fallow project in the groundwater funnel area of the North China Plain has produced an initial water-saving effect. However, groundwater funnel remediation is a long-term process, and grain price changes over time may affect farmers’ willingness to participate in fallow. Based on the estimation by the Cobb-Douglas production function, the relationship between farmers’ satisfaction with fallow compensation and planting income is analyzed based on survey data collected from farming households in Hebei, a typical province located in the groundwater funnel area. Using this data, the impact of wheat price changes on farmers’ willingness to participate in fallow is simulated. The results indicate wheat price changes affect farmers' expected planting income and consequently their willingness to fallow; 88% of farmers would be unwilling to participate in fallow with a 0.1 yuan per 500 g increase in the wheat price, whereas 71.4% of farmers would be willing to participate in fallow with a 0.2 yuan per 500 g decrease in the price. Finally, some policy implications are proposed, such as the recommendation that the fallow compensation should be adjusted according to the wheat price multiplied by the average wheat yield of the three years before fallow in the North China Plain.  相似文献   

Land fragmentation is widely known to have an impact on farm performance. However, previous studies investigating this impact mainly focused on a single crop, and only limited data from China are available. This study considers multiple crops to identify the impact of land fragmentation (LF), as well as cropping system (CS), on farm productivity and the efficiency of grain producers in the North China Plain (NCP), using Cangxian County of Hebei Province as an example. Detailed household- and plot-level survey data are applied and four stochastic frontier and inefficiency models are developed. These models include different sets of key variables in either the production function or the inefficiency models, in order to investigate all possibilities of their influences on farm productivity and efficiency. The results show that LF plays a significant and detrimental role, affecting both productivity and efficiency. A positive effect is evident with respect to the CS variable, i.e., multiple cropping index (MCI), and the wheat-maize double CS, rather than the maize single CS, is usually associated with higher farm productivity and efficiency. In addition to LF and CS, four basic production input variables (labor, seed, pesticide and irrigation), also significantly affect farmers’ productivity, while the age of the household head and the ratio of the off-farm labor to total labor are significantly relevant to technical inefficiency. Policies geared toward the promotion of land transfer and the rational adjustment of cropping systems are recommended for boosting farm productivity and efficiency, and thus maintaining the food supply while mitigating the overexploitation of groundwater in the NCP.  相似文献   

徐羽  李秀彬  辛良杰 《地理学报》2021,76(3):753-763
通过土地流转实现规模化经营是农地利用变化的重要趋势,土地规模化流转市场的租金关乎规模经营主体的形成及其可持续发展,但目前对全国层面耕地规模化流转租金的研究还较为欠缺。基于土地流转信息发布平台的2万余宗规模化流转地块,论文揭示了中国耕地规模化流转租金的总体水平与区域差异,并采用分位数回归方法识别地块属性特征对耕地租金分化的影响及异质性。结果表明:全国耕地平均租金为11339.10元/hm2,租金介于≤ 7500元/hm2、7500~15000元/hm2、15000~22500元/hm2、> 22500元/hm2区间的地块数量比例分别为38.93%、37.97%、14.52%和8.59%;云贵高原区和黄淮海平原区租金较高,比全国平均值分别高出32%和23%,而北方干旱半干旱区租金较低,租金约为全国均值的一半。地块质量特征、地块规模化特征、地块区位特征、地块产权特征对耕地租金具有显著的影响;对低租金地块而言,灌溉条件、土地平整度、道路质量的边际效应更大,而邻近高速公路则对高租金地块具有更强的增值效应。为降低农业生产的土地成本,政府应努力降低土地规模化流转过程中的交易成本、减少农业补贴对农地租金的干预、加强农田基础设施建设与农地流转租金的常态化监测。  相似文献   

Land fallow is of great significance for undertaking land reclamation, safeguarding national food security, promoting environmental improvements and ensuring the sustainable use of land resources. This paper reviews the important achievements in three areas of research on the land fallow system. It reviews and compares the land fallow system in different countries and regions of the world; it examines the response of farmers to the land fallow system and ecological environment; and it looks at the economic effects of the land fallow system. Based on China's rotation system for cultivated land, some relevant policy implications are put forward. Based on the different degrees of land damage, the evaluation system and the subsidy accounting standard for fallow land are formulated, and the compulsory fallow and voluntary participation of the niche fallow are targeting. The land fallow system should improve both the regulatory and the restraint mechanisms, improve the environmental awareness and environmental protection skills of farmers, change the production behaviors of farmers, and encourage farmers to change to high coverage crops to protect the land. In view of the negative effects produced by implementation of the fallow system should take corresponding management and compensation measures.  相似文献   

作物生长与气候的互馈是当前气候变化研究的热点之一。陆面模型作为一项重要的研究工具,其模型框架、算法设计及参数化方案的不同会直接导致模拟结果的不确定性。为探究陆面模型DLM(dynamic land model)和CLM5(community land model)在作物生长及农田热通量模拟方面的差异及原因,评估2个模型在华北平原作物研究中的适用程度,论文开展了冬小麦—夏玉米轮作站点的模拟对比研究。结果显示,DLM的夏玉米叶面积指数和生态系统总初级生产力的模拟值更高,与观测值更为接近;CLM5模型则在冬小麦模拟中略优。DLM的潜热模拟值与观测值的相关性普遍更高,可能反映了DLM采用的彭曼公式、双叶策略比CLM5采用基于水势梯度质量守恒、大叶策略的潜热计算方法更具优势。对于产量,模型当前的估测能力并不理想。总的来说,在默认设定下,2个模型的模拟结果能基本反映研究区农田站点内夏玉米和冬小麦的生长规律,但与实测值存在一定偏差。模型在该区域的适用性可能需要通过添加农田管理措施、算法优化和参数本地化等方式进一步提高。  相似文献   

河北平原冬小麦播种面积收缩及由此节省的水资源量估算   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
王学  李秀彬  辛良杰 《地理学报》2013,68(5):694-707
以河北平原1998-2010 年11 地市的农业统计数据和22 个气象站点的逐日气温、降水量、水汽压、风速、日照时数和相对湿度等资料为基础,对该地区冬小麦播种面积的收缩情况及由此引发的耕作制度变化进行了分析;同时,结合作物系数法和逐旬有效降水量法,计算了不同耕作制度下的水分亏缺量,进而估算了该地区因耕作制度变化节省的水资源量。结果表明:① 该时段河北平原11 地市冬小麦的播种面积均呈收缩趋势,总面积下降了16.07%,约49.62×104 hm2。京津唐城市群表现最为明显,下降了47.23%;② 冬小麦的降水满足率仅为20%~30%,而春玉米和夏玉米均为50%以上;冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟制所需的灌溉水资源量为400~530 mm,而春玉米一年一熟制仅为160~210 mm;③ 该时段河北平原因冬小麦播种面积收缩而节省的灌溉水资源量约为15.96×108 m3/a,相当于南水北调中线一期工程为京津冀三省市供水量的27.85%。  相似文献   

Population pressure and land resource depletion in southeastern Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper measures farmland size per capita, fallow index and fragmentation index as indices of land resource depletion and population pressure in the heavily populated southeastern Awka-Nnewi of Nigeria. Population density in the area ranges from 574-2403 persons per square km, increasing annually at 3%. The soils are porous, sandy, with extensive gully erosion. Land is subdivided in each generation such that each male child receives a parcel of his father's land. There are other pressures on land parcels, notably for residential use. Soils have become depleted from intense cropping such that yams can no longer be grown and people subsist on cassava. Data were collected from 290 households in 36 towns and villages. The 3 variables were defined mathematically, and tabulated for each village. Then a correlation matrix was computed between the independent and dependent variables. All 3 variables, land per capita, fallow and land depletion, were significantly inversely correlated with population density (p.01), the fragmentation index to the greatest degree. All dependent variables were significantly and positively correlated. Scatter diagrams suggested that the worst hit areas were the central towns, and the least affected areas were the peripheral zones along the rivers and floodplains. Although federal regulations have been passed to make land redistribution easier, local custom makes it unlikely that people will resettle voluntarily to outlying areas because of traditions of land ownership. Similarly, government measures to encourage conservation and recovery of eroded land have not been successful, and food shortages are beginning to occur.  相似文献   

This study firstly analyzed the shrinkage of winter wheat and the changes of crop- ping systems in the Hebei Plain from 1998 to 2010 based on the agricultural statistic data of 11 cities and meteorological data, including daily temperature, precipitation, water vapor, wind speed and minimum relative humidity data from 22 meteorological stations, and then calcu- lated the water deficit and irrigation water resources required by different cropping systems, as well as the irrigation water resources conserved as a result of cropping system changes, using crop coefficient method and every ten-day effective precipitation estimation method. The results are as follows. 1) The sown areas of winter wheat in the 11 cities in the Hebei Plain all shrunk during the study period. The shrinkage rate was 16.07% and the total shrinkage area amounted to 49.62×10^4 ha. The shrinkage was most serious in the Bei- jing-Tianjin-Tangshan metropolitan agglomerate, with a shrinkage rate of 47.23%. 2) The precipitation fill rate of winter wheat was only 20%-30%, while those of spring maize and summer maize both exceeded 50%. The irrigation water resources demanded by the winter wheat-summer maize double cropping system ranged from 400 mm to 530 mm, while those demanded by the spring maize single cropping system ranged only from 160 mm to 210 ram. 3) The water resources conserved as a result of the winter wheat sown area shrinkage during the study period were about 15.96×10^8 m^3/a, accounting for 27.85% of those provided for Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei by the first phase of the Mid-Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.  相似文献   

李达  张绍文 《热带地理》2022,42(3):490-498
当前,橡胶收入不足于吸引农户继续种植橡胶,为保障国家橡胶战略安全,利用演化博弈模型分析了目标价格补贴政策的有效性边界,并对影响目标价格补贴政策的因素进行了敏感性分析。结果发现,依据2019年西双版纳18个样本村的947个截面数据及地区统计公报等测算得出,在橡胶价格为8元/kg时,应将目标补贴价格定位为12.8元/kg;橡胶树单产为影响目标价格补贴额度变量中敏感系数最大的因素;在当前其他因素不变的情况下,橡胶树单产提升10%可使目标补贴价格额度下降25%。建议采取积极稳健的财政补贴政策,利用浮动的目标价格补贴稳定橡胶产区的农户预期,同时辅以橡胶价格保险等配套政策激励农户提高橡胶树单产,在达到政策目标的同时降低财政成本。  相似文献   

近年来,耕地撂荒因与耕地流失及粮食安全紧密联系而备受关注。反映撂荒现状并揭示其影响因素,有利于政府制定科学的政策、规划和计划。现有的研究多将农户作为一个整体,较少考虑到不同类型农户撂荒的差异。以重庆市12 个典型村为例,在农户类型划分的基础上,分析不同类型农户撂荒的差异,运用多元线性回归模型定量分析不同类型农户撂荒的影响因素。研究表明:① 不同类型农户撂荒的差异主要体现在撂荒户数比重、户均撂荒面积、撂荒面积占承包地面积比重随耕作半径的变化情况、撂荒地现状及不同时间段撂荒面积;② 野生动物影响和人均耕地面积是影响不同类型农户撂荒的共同原因。此外,影响基本型农户的因素包括户主外出经历、耕作半径和房屋离集镇距离;影响自然资产型农户的因素包括农业劳动力比重、户主外出经历、地块平均面积和耕地收益;影响人力资产型农户的因素包括家庭人口、非农收入、耕地转出面积和耕作半径。  相似文献   

Global understanding of farmland abandonment: A review and prospects   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
Since the 1950s, noteworthy farmland abandonment has been occurring in many developed countries and some developing countries. This global land use phenomenon has fundamentally altered extensive rural landscapes. A review of global farmland abandonment under the headings of “land use change–driving mechanisms–impacts and consequences–policy responses” found the following: (1) Farmland abandonment has occurred primarily in developed countries in Europe and North America, but the extent of abandonment has varied significantly. (2) Changing socio-economic factors were the primary driving forces for the farmland abandonment. And land marginalization was the fundamental cause, which was due to the drastic increase of farming opportunity cost, while the direct factor for abandonment was the shrink of agricultural labor forces. (3) Whether to abandon, to what extent and its spatial distributions were finally dependent on integrated effect from the physical conditions, laborer attributes, farming and regional socio-economic conditions at the village, household and parcel scales. With the exception of Eastern Europe, farmland abandonment was more likely to occur in mountainous and hilly areas, due to their unfavorable farming conditions. (4) A study of farmland abandonment should focus on its ecological and environmental effects, while which is more positive or more negative are still in dispute. (5) Increasing agricultural subsidies will be conductive to slowing the rate of farmland abandonment, but this is not the only measure that needs to be implemented.Due to China’s rapid urbanization, there is a high probability that the rate of abandonment will increase in the near future. However, very little research has focused on this rapid land-use trend in China, and, as a result, there is an inadequate understanding of the dynamic mechanisms and consequences of this phenomenon. This paper concludes by suggesting some future directions for further research in China. These directions include monitoring regional and national abandonment dynamics, analyzing trends, assessing the risks and socio-economic effects of farmland abandonment, and informing policy making.  相似文献   

土地流转是实现农业适度规模经营的必经之路,理解土地流转的空间差异及影响因素具有重要意义。基于2003-2013年农业部农村固定观察点系统的169511个住户样本,本文揭示了中国土地流转的区域差异,并采用Heckman两阶段模型识别土地流转区域差异的影响因素,旨在为促进土地流转提供科学参考。结果发现:① 2003-2013年间,土地流转率从17.09%上升到24.1%,年均增幅近0.7个百分点;南方土地流转较为活跃,比如福建等地流转率超过30%,而北方土地流转率较低;② 转入土地支付租金平均为283.74元/亩,55.05%的转入户并未支付租金;相反,转出土地获得租金为243.23元/亩,52.63%的农户转出土地未获得租金;目前中国土地的“零租金”流转率超过50%;③ 土地质量、地理区位、交易费用、家庭及村庄特征等对土地流转的区域差异具有显著影响;土地质量和地理区位在平原地区的边际效应较大,但在丘陵和山区,交易成本已成为影响土地流转的重要因素。土地“零租金”流转的实质是土地资源错配的一种表现,丘陵和山区边际化及交易费用偏高降低了土地资源的潜在价值。政府应努力降低土地流转中面临的各类交易费用,建立健全土地流转的补偿机制,同时关注丘陵和山区的土地资产贬值和撂荒现象。  相似文献   

在农地流转市场日趋完善的背景下,农户间的耕地流转无疑会缓解因部分农户劳动力不足造成的耕地撂荒现象,但仅从农户尺度上分析难以揭示农业劳动力数量与耕地撂荒间的关系。运用重庆市武隆县17 个乡镇40个自然村的308 份农户调查数据,通过二分类Logistic 回归模型、简单相关和偏相关分析,从农户和村庄两个层次上探讨农业劳动力对耕地撂荒的影响程度及农地流转对两者关系的影响。结果显示:① 农户尺度上亩均农业劳动力对耕地是否撂荒的影响不显著,而在村庄尺度上显著。② 亩均务农劳动力与耕地撂荒规模的偏相关回归分析中,控制耕地流转和不控制流转条件下,农户尺度上两者的偏相关系数和简单相关系数分别为-0.138 和-0.027,前者在1%水平上显著,而后者不显著;村庄尺度上,控制流转和不控制流转的相关系数分别为-0.273 和-0.294,均在5%水平上显著。③ 在农地流转市场较为完善的地区,选择在村庄尺度上进行农业劳动力对耕地撂荒影响分析研究是比较合理的。  相似文献   

地籍实体的时间变化过程分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
王康弘  钟耳顺 《地理研究》2001,20(3):372-379
宗地、土地证书和权利人是地籍信息系统中最基本的两个实体,宗地是土地证书的客体,权利人是土地证书的主体。宗地实体的生命周期实际上就是宗地空间形状及空间拓扑关系不发生变化的时间范围,土地证书的生命周期就是指土地证书客体以及土地证书主体都不发生变化的时间范围。在探讨地籍实体变更规律基础上,本文设计和研究了利用地理信息系统技术和数据库技术记录和回溯地籍实体随时间变化的方法。为地籍信息系统解决历史地籍信息管理提供了理论和技术基础  相似文献   

耕地撂荒研究进展与展望   总被引:35,自引:5,他引:35  
李升发  李秀彬 《地理学报》2016,71(3):370-389
20世纪后半叶以来许多发达国家发生明显的耕地撂荒现象,并逐渐演变为全球性土地利用现象,深刻地改变了广大农村地区土地景观.本文以"土地利用变化--驱动机制--环境效应--政策响应"的框架系统梳理耕地撂荒主要研究进展.研究表明:① 全球耕地撂荒仍主要发生在欧美发达国家,但发展程度的区域差异很大;② 社会经济要素变化是耕地撂荒最主要驱动力,务农机会成本上升等原因引起的耕地边际化是撂荒发生的根本原因,而劳动力析出是造成耕地撂荒的直接原因;③ 耕地撂荒与否,撂荒程度以及撂荒地空间分布受村镇,农户,地块三个尺度的自然条件,劳动力特征,农业生产条件和区域社会经济条件等多方面因素的综合影响;④ 生态环境效应是当前撂荒效应研究的焦点,但该效应是以积极还是消极为主仍存争议;⑤ 增加农业补贴是当前减缓耕地撂荒的主要措施,但并非唯一和最合理的措施.未来,快速城镇化进程将促使中国耕地撂荒现象愈演愈烈,所以当前研究有待加强,本文认为应加强大范围耕地撂荒信息提取和监测,撂荒趋势预测和风险评估,社会经济效应评估及政策设计等方面研究.  相似文献   

乐晓辉  陈君娴  杨家文 《地理研究》2016,35(11):2091-2104
大运量的城市轨道交通系统在一定程度上决定了城市的布局结构和土地利用格局。从时空两个维度出发,基于地价和开发强度两个要素,探讨轨道交通影响下的深圳市空间结构动态演变过程。通过描述性分析和空间计量模型实证发现,轨道交通站点周边地价和开发强度在受到距市中心或组团中心距离影响而空间衰减的同时,呈现出明显的站点导向性。轨道交通对城市空间结构的影响在时间上是超前的,规划方案的公示和轨道系统的建成运营均塑造了土地价格梯度和容积率梯度。并且,由于城市建设和历史原因,深圳原特区内外在轨道交通的影响下,地价和开发强度呈现了差异化的增长趋势。研究结果对理解轨道交通对城市空间结构影响及政府财政效应评估等具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial and temporal variations of cropping systems is very important for agricultural policymaking and food security assessment, and can provide a basis for national policies regarding cropping systems adjustment and agricultural adaptation to climate change. With rapid development of society and the economy, China’s cropping structure has profoundly changed since the reform and opening up in 1978, but there has been no systematic investigation of the pattern, process and characteristics of these changes. In view of this, a crop area database for China was acquired and compiled at the county level for the period 1980-2011, and linear regression and spatial analysis were employed to investigate the cropping structure type and cropping proportion changes at the national level. This research had three main findings: (1) China’s cropping structure has undergone significant changes since 2002; the richness of cropping structure types has increased significantly and a diversified-type structure has gradually replaced the single types. The single-crop types—dominated by rice, wheat or maize—declined, affected by the combination of these three major food crops in mixed plantings and conversion of some of their planting area to other crops. (2) In the top 10 types, 82.7% of the county-level cropping structure was rice, wheat, maize and their combinations in 1980; however, this proportion decreased to 50.7% in 2011, indicating an adjustment period of China’s cropping structure. Spatial analysis showed that 63.8% of China’s counties adjusted their cropping structure, with the general change toward reducing the main food types and increasing fruits and vegetables during 1980-2011. (3) At the national level, the grain-planting pattern dominated by rice shifted to coexistence of rice, wheat and maize during this period. There were significant decreasing trends for 47% of rice, 61% of wheat and 29.6% of maize cropping counties. The pattern of maize cropping had the most significant change, with the maize proportion decreasing in the zone from northeastern to southwestern China during this period. Cities and their surroundings were hotspots for cropping structural adjustment. Urbanization has significantly changed cropping structure, with most of these regions showing rapid increases in the proportion of fruit and vegetables. Our research suggests that the policy of cropping structural adjustment needs to consider geographical characteristics and spatial planning of cropping systems. In this way, the future direction of cropping structural adjustment will be appropriate and scientifically based, such as where there is a need to maintain or increase rice and wheat cropping, increase soybean and decrease maize, and increase the supply of fruit and vegetables.  相似文献   

河北南部地区资源、环境、发展初析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴凯 《地理科学进展》2002,21(5):477-483
河北南部地区山前平原区农业气候条件适于夏玉米的生长 ,黑龙港地区适于棉花的生长。本区水资源匮乏 ,地下水超采严重。浅层地下水超采模数为 8.0 1× 1 0 4 m3/( km2 ·a) ,深层地下水为 2 .5 8× 1 0 4 m3/( km2·a)。全区水资源利用的综合边际效益以廊坊市最高 ( 2 6.68元 /t) ,保定市最低 ( 1 4.85元 /t) ,两者之比为 1 .80。区内地下水降落漏斗与地面沉降等环境地质灾害频繁 ,1 998年浅层地下水漏斗区面积为 0 .5 4× 1 0 4 km2 ,深层地下水为 1 .5 9× 1 0 4 km2。地下水、粮食和蔬菜受到农药残留、过量化肥的污染。本区 2 0 1 0水平年外流域调水将占可供水量的 2 3.9% ,但缺水率仍达 36.2 %。若全区通过发展工程节水 (提高综合节水率 3.2 % )、实施适水种植 (冬小麦播种面积下调 7% ) ,利用水分胁迫处理 (减少一次灌溉 )等节水措施 ,则比 1 999年节水 1 7.2 %。  相似文献   

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