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Acta Geotechnica - This work proposes a criterion for the detection of undrained instability under multiaxial stress conditions at elemental level. To do so, it develops the application of the...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to estimate and compare suction stress between sand and silt sampled from the coast of Korea. The water content and matric suction of sand (Joomunjin) and silt (Saemangeum) were first examined using an automated soil–water characteristic curve (SWCC) apparatus based on the axis translation technique. SWCCs were then estimated from the test results using the van Genuchten (1980) model. At equal matric suction, the corresponding water content of silt was higher than that of sand. Moreover, the saturated water content and air-entry value (AEV) of silt were larger than those of sand. Using the fitting SWCC parameters, suction stress characteristic curves (SSCCs) were estimated according to the method proposed by Lu and Likos (2006). The SSCC behavior for sand and silt was different and significantly depended on the material properties, particularly pore size and pore size distribution. For sand, the suction stress exhibited rapid variation with changes in matric suction, but for silt, the suction stress approached a constant value as the matric suction increased. In addition, when the matric suction was smaller than the AEV of soil, the suction stress was equal to the magnitude of the matric suction. In contrast, when the matric suction exceeded the AEV of soil, suction stress had a nonlinear shape with respect to the matric suction.  相似文献   

应力历史对饱和砂土力学性状影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷艺  栾茂田  许成顺  马太雷 《岩土力学》2009,30(5):1257-1263
三向应力历史条件的影响是准确预测地基变形的重要参考因素之一。针对相对密度为30 %的福建标准砂,利用土工静力-动力液压-三轴扭转多功能剪切仪,进行了复杂条件下应力路径变化的应力控制式单调排水剪切试验。通过控制试验过程的平均主应力保持不变,改变应力历史条件,着重探讨应力历史对饱和砂土剪切强度和应力-应变关系的影响。试验结果表明:当平均主应力一定时,在排水条件下应力历史的改变,对砂土的剪切强度几乎没有影响,但会影响应力-应变特性。弹性轨迹随着中主应力系数和主应力方向角历史的不同而发生变化。引入考虑应力历史同剪切过程之间条件变化的参数,结合试验数据,给出了三维空间中砂土受到应力历史作用后形成的弹性边界的关系表达式。  相似文献   

Since cross-anisotropic sand behaves differently when the loading direction or the stress state changes, the influences of the loading direction and the intermediate principal stress ratio (b = (σ 2 ? σ 3)/(σ 1 ? σ 3)) on the initiation of strain localization need study. According to the loading angle (angle between the major principal stress direction and the normal of bedding plane), a 3D non-coaxial non-associated elasto-plasticity hardening model was proposed by modifying Lode angle formulation of the Mohr–Coulomb yield function and the stress–dilatancy function. By using bifurcation analysis, the model was used to predict the initiation of strain localization under plane strain and true triaxial conditions. The predictions of the plane strain tests show that the major principal strain at the bifurcation points increases with the loading angle, while the stress ratio decreases with the loading angle. According to the loading angle and the intermediate principal stress ratio, the true triaxial tests were analyzed in three sectors. The stress–strain behavior and the volumetric strain in each sector can be well captured by the proposed model. Strain localization occurs in most b value conditions in all three sectors except for those which are close to triaxial compression condition (b = 0). The difference between the peak shear strength corresponding to the strain localization and the ultimate shear strength corresponding to plastic limit becomes obvious when the b value is near 0.4. The influence of bifurcation on the shear strength becomes weak when the loading direction changes from perpendicular to the bedding plane to parallel. The bifurcation analysis based on the proposed model gives out major principal strain and peak shear strength at the initiation of strain localization; the given results are consistent with experiments.  相似文献   

研究库水位反复升降对边坡稳定性的影响具有重要意义,结合水-岩相互作用课题,对不同干湿循环次数作用下的泥质砂岩进行单轴压缩试验和三轴压缩试验。试验结果表明:在干湿循环作用下,泥质砂岩的峰值强度的劣化程度黏聚力的劣化程度内摩擦角的劣化程度,随着干湿循环次数增加其力学参数劣化程度加剧,结合岩土塑性力学中广泛应用的Drucker-Prager准则(简称D-P准则),提出了考虑干湿循环作用的不同围压下泥质砂岩的D-P屈服准则,通过修正的D-P屈服函数计算的泥质砂岩不同围压下的理论峰值与试验值的对比,得到两者误差控制在10%以内,考虑干湿循环作用的泥质砂岩的D-P屈服准则在实际应用中是可行的,为工程中获得任意围压下岩石的破坏强度提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

冷艺  栾茂田  许成顺  马太雷 《岩土力学》2009,30(6):1620-1626
针对相对密度为30 %的福建标准砂,利用土工静力-动力液压-三轴扭转多功能剪切仪,在不同初始固结条件下控制试验过程的平均主应力保持不变,改变中主应力系数和主应力方向,进行了应力控制式单调排水剪切试验,着重探讨中主应力系数和主应力方向对砂土剪切强度的耦合影响。试验结果表明:在相同的试验条件下,中主应力系数对饱和标准砂的应力-应变关系具有影响,但对体变特性的影响并不明显。上述现象同初始固结应力比的大小无关。平均主应力一定,广义剪应力随中主应力系数增大而降低的趋势同时依赖于主应力方向的作用。中主应力系数对内摩擦角的放大效应同样受到主应力方向的影响。基于广义双剪应力准则,引入考虑主应力方向影响程度的权重系数,结合试验结果给出了考虑中主应力系数和主应力方向耦合影响的强度指标表达式。  相似文献   

Creep strength of oriented orthopyroxene single crystals was investigated via shear deformation experiments under lithospheric conditions [P (pressure) = 1.3 GPa and T (temperature) = 973–1,373 K]. For the A-orientation (shear direction [001] on (100) plane), the samples have transformed completely to clinoenstatite and much of the deformation occurred after transformation. In contrast, for the B-orientation (shear direction [001] on (010) plane), samples remained orthoenstatite and deformation occurred through dislocation motion in orthoenstatite. The strength of orthopyroxene with these orientations is smaller than for olivine aggregates under all experimental conditions. Flow of the B-orientation samples is described by a power-law, and the pre-exponential constant, the apparent activation energy, and the stress exponent are determined to be A = 10−9.5 s−1·MPa−4.2, Q = 114 kJ/mol and n = 4.2. However, for the A-orientation, the results cannot be fit by a single flow law and we obtained the following: A = 108.9 s−1·MPa−3.0, Q = 459 kJ/mol and n = 3.0 at high temperatures (≥1,173 K), and A = 10−27.4 s−1·MPa−14.3, Q = 296 kJ/mol and n = 14.3 at low temperatures (<1,173 K). The stress exponent for the low-temperature regime is high, suggesting that deformation involves some processes where the activation energy decreases with stress such as the Peierls mechanism. Our study shows that orthopyroxene with these orientations is significantly weaker than olivine under the lithospheric conditions suggesting that orthopyroxene may reduce the strength of the lithosphere, although the extent to which orthopyroxene weakens the lithosphere depends on its orientation and connectivity.  相似文献   

Experimental results have shown very different stress–dilatancy behavior for sand under loading and unloading conditions. Experimental results have also shown significant effects of inherent anisotropy. In this article, a micromechanics‐based method is presented, by which the stress–dilatancy relation is obtained through the consideration of slips at the interparticle contacts in all orientations. The method also accounts for the effect of inherent anisotropy in sand. Experimental results on Toyoura sand and Hostun sand are used for illustration of the proposed method. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

复杂应力路径下杭州原状软黏土破坏标准研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
温晓贵  张勋  周建  谢新宇 《岩土力学》2010,31(9):2793-2798
采用空心圆柱扭剪仪对主应力轴方向固定不变定向不排水剪切应力路径下杭州原状软黏土破坏标准进行试验研究,重点探讨了中主应力参数b、大主应力方向角?及孔压积累对剪切过程中黏土抗剪强度的影响,并提出原状软黏土剪切破坏的标准。试验结果表明,中主应力参数的变化没有对应力应变变化模式和试验应力路径产生影响,随着中主应力参数的增大,黏土抗剪强度的变化并没有呈现出一定的规律性;大主应力方向角对原状软黏土强度的影响反映出原生各向异性对黏土抗剪强度的控制作用;黏土样在剪切后期会产生显著的孔压积累,影响了黏土强度的发挥。考虑中主应力参数等影响因素,通过分析广义剪应力-应变曲线的变化情况,取广义剪应力qJ的峰值作为原状软黏土的剪切破坏标准。  相似文献   

郑安兴  罗先启 《岩土力学》2015,36(7):1892-1898
考虑岩石闭合裂纹壁面间存在的摩擦力对裂纹尖端应力场的影响,应用最大周向应力理论得到压剪复合裂纹的断裂角。在此基础上,依据岩石裂纹尖端双向受力时的破坏特征,结合最大周向应力准则与修正的格里菲斯(Griffith)强度理论,建立了考虑摩擦效应的闭合裂纹失稳扩展的岩石压剪断裂判据。研究结果表明:断裂角受裂纹和荷载方向的夹角、裂纹壁面之间的摩擦系数、侧压力系数的影响;当压剪裂纹的断裂角是某个定值时,纯II型裂纹的断裂韧度与纯I型裂纹的断裂韧度的比值只与岩石裂纹表面的摩擦系数取值有关,而与其他岩石力学参数无关。此研究成果可为压剪应力作用下裂隙岩体的失稳破坏提供参考。  相似文献   

Jilin Qi  Wei Ma 《Acta Geotechnica》2007,2(3):221-226
The strength of frozen soils has been one of the most extensively studied aspects in frozen soil mechanics. When carrying out deep excavations using freezing methods, high stress states are often encountered. Therefore, the strength of frozen soils under high confining pressures is of major concern. This paper first reviews the present failure criteria for frozen soils, especially with regard to the effect of confining pressure on the strength. It is suggested that the strength consists of two components, cohesion and friction, and can be expressed by the Mohr–Coulomb criterion and in the framework of the Drucker–Prager criterion. However, these two components are both dependent on the stress state. Duncan’s equation for the friction angle is extended to frozen soils. A frozen Lanzhou fine sand is taken as study subject. The frozen sand is compressed at a high strain rate under three different temperatures and under a wide range of confining pressure. Experimental results have confirmed the generally recognized principle that the strength increases with the confining pressure up to certain value. Thereafter, it decreases with continued increase in confining pressure. Experimental data from our own tests and literature are fitted to the new criterion, which shows its validity.  相似文献   

不同应力路径下砂土的神经网络弹塑性本构模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾静  冯夏庭  王靖涛  盛谦 《岩土力学》2004,25(6):896-900
基于多种应力路径下砂土的加载、卸载和再加载过程的三轴排水试验数据,研究了三种应力路径对屈服面的影响,其结果表明,不同应力路径对砂土的本构模型有着不可忽视的作用。在此基础上,建立了砂土的弹塑性神经网络模型,对相应路径下的本构关系进行了学习。实例分析表明,该模型能够很好地描述具体应力路径下的本构关系,神经网络建模方法具有方便、容错性强的特点,对岩土力学快速、高效数值方法的进一步发展具有重要的参考价值。同时,在这种弹塑性应力-应变关系中,笔者并没有使用塑性势函数,这在目前的弹塑性本构关系的建模中是一种新的尝试。  相似文献   

The current work presents two hypoplastic models to predict the hydraulic and mechanical behavior of the unsaturated soils. The hydraulic model is capable to reproduce the observed hysteretic behavior for the drying and wetting processes and incorporates the void ratio dependence. The mechanical model is written in terms of the Bishop effective stress and is limited only to isotropic states. It incorporates a normal consolidation line that depends on the degree of saturation. Both models were developed under the hypoplastic framework and therefore are capable to simulate the observed behavior without defining a yield surface. Simulations of some experiments performed with Pearl clay suggest that the models accurately predict its hydro-mechanical behavior.  相似文献   

杨慧  曹平  江学良  黎振兹 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):470-474
将闭合裂纹表面的有效剪应力引入裂尖应力强度因子的计算,获得了无限大板和有限宽板含中心闭合裂纹在不同裂纹长度、倾角以及摩擦系数下裂纹尖端的应力强度因子值。引入等径向剪应力线 这一概念,建立了闭合裂纹断裂的有效剪应力准则:(1)岩板内闭合裂纹将沿着等 线上双剪应力的和最小的方向扩展;(2)裂纹尖端的应力强度因子KⅡ达到材料的临界值KⅡC,裂纹将开始扩展。该准则成功预测了闭合裂纹的临界起裂角 ,与各种经典复合型断裂准则计算Ⅱ型裂纹起裂角比较,结果较为接近。将其应用于闭合裂纹的断裂判定是安全的。  相似文献   

Experimental data are presented in this paper to study the strain-softening behaviour of sand under plane-strain conditions. K 0 consolidated strain path tests were conducted using a new plane-strain apparatus. The stress–strain behaviour of medium dense sand under plane-strain conditions was characterized. The test results show that the occurrence of pre-failure strain softening under plane-strain conditions is affected by the void ratio, the strain increment ratio and the initial effective confining stress. This is consistent with previous findings established under axisymmetric conditions. However, a pre-failure strain-softening behaviour in plane-strain tests conducted under high-confining stresses may consist of three stages, namely, material softening, banding softening, and ultimate state. This observation is different from that in triaxial tests where banding softening does not normally occur.  相似文献   

Experimental results are presented in this paper to study the strain softening behaviour of a marine dredged sand under plane-strain conditions. K0 consolidated drained and undrained tests were conducted using a new plane-strain apparatus to characterize the strain softening behaviour of the sand under plane-strain conditions. For medium dense specimens, strain softening and shear bands were observed to occur under both drained and undrained conditions. For very loose specimens, no shear bands were observed and critical states were reached within the homogeneous deformation region in both drained and undrained tests. Strain softening was observed to occur at small strain for very loose specimens under undrained conditions. Two types of strain softening, the homogenous softening and banding softening, were identified and the conditions for strain softening were established. The results obtained from this study were compared with the studies by Han and Vardoulakis (Géotechnique 41(1):49–78, 1991), Finno et al. (J Geotech Eng ASCE 122(6):462–473, 1996, Géotechnique 47(1):149–165, 1997) and Mokni and Desrues (Mech Cohes-Frict Mat 4:419–441, 1998).  相似文献   

陈建功  徐晓核  张海权 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):310-314
基于库仑土压力理论的假设,主动土压力是由墙后填土在极限平衡状态下出现的滑动体产生,从墙后滑动体整体静力平衡方程出发,推导出坡面起伏且有不均匀超载、倾斜墙背、黏性填土等一般情况下的主动土压力泛函极值的等周模型。在该基础上,引入拉格朗日乘子,将主动土压力问题转化为确定含有两个函数自变量的泛函极值问题。依据泛函取极值时必须满足的欧拉方程,得到了线性的滑面函数和沿滑面线性分布的法向应力函数。结合边界条件和横截条件,主动土压力泛函极值问题进一步转化为单个未知量的一维方程问题。通过算例,土压力计算结果与库仑土压力理论解完全一致,但土压力作用点在墙体的相对位置却并非总是作用在墙高的1/3 处。通过算例进一步表明,坡面的起伏和坡面超载的不均匀性对主动土压力大小和作用点位置有显著的影响。  相似文献   

李滨  刘瑞琦  冯振  王文沛 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3127-3133
为了研究Q3砂黄土强度变形特性,以甘肃永靖黑方台Q3砂黄土为研究对象,利用西安理工大学研制的真三轴仪,进行了3个围压(50、100 kPa 和200 kPa)、3个b值(0、0.25和0.5)和3个含水率(5%、10%和15%)不同工况试样破坏情况的真三轴试验。试验结果发现:(1)真三轴条件下Q3砂黄土剪切破坏方式以侧胀破坏、单缝剪切破坏为主,其次少数土样发生锥形破坏、双缝剪切破坏和T型缝剪切破坏。(2)相同围压和含水率、不同中主应力比(b)的情况下,Q3砂黄土的主应力差随中主应力比增大而增大,应力-应变关系曲线为强硬化型,剪胀现象明显;中主应力比对广义剪应力和广义剪应变之间关系有一定影响,随b值增加,曲线依次增加;随b值的增加,强度降低,广义剪应力与平均球应力比(q/p)与主应变关系曲线逐渐变缓,且曲线依次降低。(3)随含水率增加,Q3砂黄土由固态向半固态转化过程中,不同中主应力比时黏聚力均出现明显降低,但内摩擦角则出现微小增加。  相似文献   

珊瑚砂是一种含钙极高的海洋生物成因材料,具有高棱角性、形状不规则、易破碎等特点。通过珊瑚砂的高压一维蠕变试验,研究颗粒破碎引起颗粒分布曲线和形状因子的演化规律。借助于高速动态图像的激光粒度粒形仪器,从统计学的角度分析试验前后颗粒形状随压力演化的关系,发现颗粒的形状因子,如长宽比、球形度和凹凸度等,随压力增加而逐渐增加。不同粒径的颗粒形状因子均向一个窄幅范围趋近,说明颗粒破碎具有无尺度性和自相似性的分形特性,分形维数随压力增加而逐渐增大,且趋近分形破碎极限。采用Hardin和Einav的方法计算相对破碎量,发现在两种计算方法下相对破碎量与压力呈幂函数关系,且幂指数相同。相对破碎量随时间增加的现象并不明显,说明在高压力下颗粒破碎主要为压缩破碎,且颗粒细化滑移填充孔隙引起的变形是造成蠕变的主要原因。  相似文献   

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