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This paper proposes an extension of methods used to predict the propagation of landslides having a long runout to smaller landslides with much shorter propagation distances. The method is based on: (1) a depth-integrated mathematical model including the coupling between the soil skeleton and the pore fluids, (2) suitable rheological models describing the relation between the stress and the rate of deformation tensors for fluidised soils and (3) a meshless numerical method, Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics, which separates the computational mesh (or set of computational nodes) from the mesh describing the terrain topography, which is of structured type – thus accelerating search operations. The proposed model is validated using two examples for which there are analytical solutions, and then it is applied to two short runout landslides which happened in Hong Kong in 1995, for which there is available information. 相似文献
为了模拟泥石流的运动规律,预测降雨诱发的泥石流到达距离和泛滥范围,减少和避免泥石流引起的灾害,给出了一个模拟泥石流运动的二维数值模型。由于GIS中的栅格网络数据可以直接作为有限差分的网格,二维数值模型可用有限差分来求解。模型应用于2003年7月20日发生在日本九州南部熊本县水俣市宝川区集村的泥石流。模拟再现了这个真实泥石流的传播和泛滥的过程,并与实际检测结果很吻合,验证了这个深度积分的二维数值模型的有效性和实用性。模型可用于预测泥石流的流动距离和泛滥范围,以及泛滥范围内的危险房屋和路段,也可以用于泥石流灾害的风险性分析。 相似文献
Debris flow is the flow of solid-fluid mixture and was treated as the flow of a continuum in routing in this study. A mathematical model was proposed to describe debris flow including deposition process and then solved numerically with suitable boundary conditions. Laboratory experiments were also conducted for comparison and calibration of the numerical results as well as for investigation of debris flow phenomena. The numerical model was also applied to simulate the debris flow caused by heavy rainfall in Tungman village of Hualien County located in the east of Taiwan on 23 June 1990. The simulated bed topographies in alluvial fan were in good agreement with those obtained from laboratory experiments and field observations. 相似文献
工布江达县位于藏东地区,雨季区内泥石流频发,对人民基本生活和区域经济建设与发展造成了严重影响。为研究藏东地区中—小型泥石流灾害对城镇居民聚集区的危害特征和潜在危险性,运用FLO-2D软件,以西藏自治区工布江达县县城周边居民分布较为集中的5条泥石流沟为研究对象,通过模拟泥石流泥深和流速等方面的冲淤特征,以县城典型泥石流沟模拟冲出结果为基础,确定泥石流强度并划定危险性分区,分析泥石流危险分区与居民聚集区之间的拓扑关系,评估县城周边泥石流危险性,为工布江达县城的城镇规划和防灾减灾提供技术参考。 相似文献
Numerical models can help to push forward the knowledge about complex dynamic physical systems. Modern approaches employ detailed mathematical models, taking into consideration inherent uncertainties on input parameters (phenomenological parameters or boundary and initial conditions, among others). Particle-laden flows are complex physical systems found in nature, generated due to the (possible small) spatial variation on the fluid density promoted by the carried particles. They are one of the main mechanisms responsible for the deposition of sediments on the seabed. A detailed understanding of particle-laden flows, often referred to as turbidity currents, helps geologists to understand the mechanisms that give rise to reservoirs, strategic in oil exploration. Uncertainty quantification (UQ) provides a rational framework to assist in this task, by combining sophisticated computational models with a probabilistic perspective in order to deepen the knowledge about the physics of the problem and to access the reliability of the results obtained with numerical simulations. This work presents a stochastic analysis of sediment deposition resulting from a turbidity current considering uncertainties on the initial sediment concentrations and particles settling velocities. The statistical moments of the deposition mapping, like other important features of the currents, are approximated by a Sparse Grid Stochastic Collocation method that employ a parallel flow solver for the solution of the deterministic problems associated to the grid points. The whole procedure is supported and steered by a scientific workflow management engine designed for high performance computer applications. 相似文献
We consider a system of nonlinear partial differential equations that arises in the modeling of two-phase flows in a porous medium. The phase velocities are modeled using a Brinkman regularization of the classical Darcy’s law. We propose a notion of weak solution for these equations and prove existence of these solutions. An efficient finite difference scheme is proposed and is shown to converge to the weak solutions of this system. The Darcy limit of the Brinkman regularization is studied numerically using the convergent finite difference scheme in two space dimensions as well as using both analytical and numerical tools in one space dimension. The results suggest that the Brinkman regularization may not approximate the accepted entropy solutions of the Darcy model and raise fundamental questions about the use of Brinkman type models in two-phase flows. 相似文献
The Campanian Apennines are characterized by the presence of monocline ridges, mainly formed by limestone. During the periods of volcanic activity of the Somma-Vesuvius and Phlegrean Fields, the ridges were mantled with pyroclastic materials in varying thickness. The pyroclastics have been involved in destructive landslides both in historical time and in the recent past (1997, 1998, 1999). The landslides occur following intense and prolonged rainfalls. In some cases, landslides extended up to 4 km into the surrounding lowlands and reached towns, causing severe destruction and over 200 deaths. Generally, the landslides begin as small debris slides that develop into large, shallow debris avalanches or debris flows involving pyroclastic horizons and colluvial soils (0.5–2 m thick) on steep and vegetated slopes, often at the heads of gullies. During motion, the landslide materials eroded vegetation and soils from the slope, so that the moving material volume tended to increase. Then, proceeding towards and beyond the base of the slopes, the phenomena evolved into hyperconcentrated streamflow due to dilution by incorporating water. The results of motion analyses are described. An empirical rheological relationship was used including two principal terms that depend on the total normal stress and on the flow velocity. On this basis, the model has simulated the velocity and duration of debris avalanches and the distribution of the deposits. The selected areas were those of Sarno/Quindici and Cervinara, where a large amount of data is available both on the material properties and geomorphological setting. It was found that the majority of the cases at the two sites can be simulated successfully with only one specific pair of rheologic parameters. This provides the possibility for first-order predictions to be made of the motion of future landslides. Such predictions will be a valuable tool for outlining potential hazard areas and designing remedial measures. 相似文献
A debris flow is a serious natural disaster which can occur anywhere whether in a valley or on a mountain slope, destroying everything it passes through. Debris flows can occur suddenly and cause residents in the path to suffer casualties and property loss. An early warning system is necessary to reduce the damage in order to protect human life and personal property. However, most debris flow detection systems, like wireless sensors, satellite images and radar, are not suitable for general public use. Vision surveillance systems are generally erected in Taiwan as public devices for security. Therefore, we propose a novel debris early warning system that uses a computer vision technique and build a simulation environment to prove the feasibility. 相似文献
Natural Hazards - In this paper, it is described the development and the assessment of a 1D numerical procedure for the simulation of debris flow phenomena. The procedure focuses on: (1) the... 相似文献
以联合国公布的易损性定义为基础,论述了影响区域易损性的代表性因子及其量化方法,探讨了各因子与易损性的相互关系,论证了区域泥石流易损性评价的建模过程及其数学表达.区域泥石流易损性反映泥石流作用下垫面的社会、经济和环境属性,与固定资产投资、国内生产总值和土地资源价值以及人口密度和人口质量(年龄大小、教育水平、富裕程度)有关.区域泥石流易损性定量表达为财产指标赋值和人口指标赋值平均值的平方根.以四川凉山州为研究实例,对此评价方法进行了应用. 相似文献
中国东部地区的地质灾害多以坡面泥石流的形式发生,预测预报坡面泥石流的发生对于开展防灾减灾具有重要意义。地形、地质和降雨三大条件是影响坡面泥石流发生的主要条件。通过选择同样地质条件和基本相同降雨条件的区域,研究影响坡面泥石流发生的地形条件,并得出可以用于坡面泥石流预报的坡面泥石流地形条件。结果表明:地形条件由坡面坡度因子、泥石流上部因子、泥石流侧面因子和临空面因子组成;较大的地形条件T对应较大的泥石流发生可能性;降雨条件由泥石流发生前的降雨量与1 h降雨量组成;得出了由地形条件T和降雨条件R组成的坡面泥石流预报条件P,P值越大,坡面泥石流发生的可能性越大。预报条件P可以预报坡面泥石流的发生。 相似文献
强震过后一定时期内,泥石流的活跃性增强,即数量增多、规模增大、频率增加。而随着松散物质储量的减少,泥石流的活跃性会随之衰减。为了具体考察物源条件对震后泥石流活动的影响,使用震后泥石流逐年平均输沙量作为刻画泥石流活跃性的指标,在云南蒋家沟和西藏古乡沟泥石流数据的基础上,定量地分析了震后泥石流活跃性的变化过程。分析表明存在降雨控制型和物源控制型两种泥石流流域。前者的泥石流在震后很长一段时间内都不衰减,其发生主要取决于降雨条件。后者最大规模的泥石流发生于地震过后的短时间内,尔后泥石流活动随时间显著减弱。泥石流规模和频率的关系与暴雨不一致。当物源控制型流域的无量纲化活跃性指标值降为0.12左右时,可以认为泥石流进入了稳定或者衰弱期,不会再有大规模的泥石流事件发生。数据拟合结果表明,整个泥石流活跃性的衰减过程可以用幂函数来描述。其衰减指数与剩余物质储量和总物质储量之比存在密切的关系。这为定量预测震后泥石流发展趋势提供了一个初步的模型。 相似文献
本构模型是描述泥石流流变特性的关键,也是决定其动力过程数值模拟准确性的核心问题之一。泥石流流体属多相混合物,现有的研究已证实其存在剪切增稠或剪切变稀的现象,传统基于Bingham及Cross线性本构关系的数值模型难以准确描述泥石流流变特性。文中探讨了Bingham模型在低剪应变率下的数值发散问题,在光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)方法框架上建立了整合Herschel-Bulkley-Papanastasiou(HBP)本构关系的稀性泥石流动力过程三维数值模型。相比传统基于浅水波假设的二维数值模型,所述方法从三维尺度建立SPH形式下的泥石流浆体纳维?斯托克斯方程并进行数值求解,可获取泥石流速度场时空分布及堆积形态,同时采用HBP本构关系描述泥石流流变特性,能在确保数值收敛的前提下反映泥石流流体在塑性屈服过渡段及大变形状态下应力?应变的非线性变化。为验证提出方法的合理性,结合小型模型槽实验观测进行了对比,结果表明数值模拟与实测结果基本吻合。 相似文献
A 10-fold classification for debris flow size is proposed based on total volume, peak discharge and area inundated by debris. Size classes can be used for regional overview studies where detailed site investigations are either unnecessary, too costly or where the highest hazard and risk creeks need to be identified for further study. They are also useful to compare the regional impact between affected areas and the effects of rainstorms, and they allow lay-people to obtain an understanding of debris flow magnitude and consequences. Finally, different size classes allow the estimation of travel times to points of interest based on empirically derived equations. It is proposed that agencies concerned with debris flows should establish a documentation of debris flow size according to this classification, which serves as a data base for hazard and risk planning. 相似文献
浙江省地形复杂,山地面积大,暴雨频繁,尤其近年来受台风影响,泥石流等山地灾害频发。本文通过浙江省泥石流的调查成果,综合分析区内泥石流发育特征。通过分析,浙江泥石流主要有如下独特的发育特征:沟床比降大,相对高差小,两侧山坡坡度大,流程短,流域面积小等;地质构造上:泥石流主要发育在全-强风化的火山碎屑岩区域,沿深大断裂成带状分布;泥石流三区特征:三区分界不明显,尤其流通区和堆积区难以区分等。本文初次系统分析总结了浙江省泥石流发育特征,对浙江省泥石流形成机理、泥石流防灾减灾等的进一步分析研究提供了科学的依据。 相似文献
Adjacent debris flows may interact in many ways: two or more concurrent debris flows may merge; one debris flow can run out over an existing debris flow fan. Such interactions may cause debris flow properties to change in the mixing process as well as more severe adverse effects than those caused by a single debris flow. This paper aims to investigate the interactions among channelized debris flows originated from adjacent catchments. Both concurrent and successive debris flows are considered. If several debris flows originate from different locations concurrently and merge, the volumetric sediment concentration (i.e., the ratio of the volume of solid material to the total volume of debris flow), C v, is a good index to capture the mixing process of these debris flows. The change in C v reflects where mixing occurs and the mixing degree. The debris flow properties (e.g., yield stress and dynamic viscosity) evolve in the mixing process and can be captured by the change in C v. The debris flow with a larger volume dominates the mixing process, and the properties of the mixed debris flow are more similar to those of the larger debris flow. The inundated areas and runout distances of successive debris flows are smaller than those of concurrent debris flows of the same total volume due to the smaller scales of the individual events and blockage by the earlier debris flows. However, the deposit depth in the interacting part of the debris flow fans of successive debris flows can be much larger than that of concurrent debris flows, leading to more destructive cascading hazards (e.g., the formation of debris barrier lakes). The sequence of successive debris flows not only significantly influences the runout characteristics of the debris flows but also substantially affects the cascading hazards. 相似文献
Various types of flow or mass movement involving water and sediments occur on steep slopes in mountainous areas. Among them, debris flows are peculiar events during which a large volume of a highly concentrated viscous water-debris mixture flows through a stream channel. Throughout the world these phenomena cause considerable damage but remain poorly understood although a basic knowledge is already available concerning their recognition and propagation. Firstly, a synthesis of the useful practical criteria of recognition is proposed. Debris flows must be seen as intermediate phenomena between hyperconcentrated flows (intense bed load transport) and landslides separated from them by sharp transitions of some characteristics (celerity, deposit nature and flow type). Two parameters, solid fraction and material type, thought to be appropriate for a sound and practical classification, are brought out, and the corresponding complete classification of flow and mass movements in mountain areas is presented. Two extreme debris flow types are thus distinguished: muddy debris flows and granular debris flows. A critical review of recent advances in debris flow dynamic is then proposed. It is pointed out that adequate work must be carried out in the field of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics. In particular, one fundamental rheological property of debris flow materials is the yield stress, which explains thick deposits on steep slopes and can be inferred from field measurements. Furthermore it can be used to estimate viscous dissipation within the bulk during flow. Relevant models predicting muddy debris flow dynamics are already available whereas further progress is needed concerning granular flows. 相似文献