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INTRoDUCTIONAdiagnosticmodel(WangandYuan,1997)hasbeenusedtocalculatethecurrentintheTaiwanStrait(TS)duringsummer.Astothesemidiagnosticmodel,SarkisyanandYu(1983)firstlysetupasemidiagnosticmodel,whichisalsocalledanadjustablem0del,andtheyusedittocalculatethecirculati0n0vertheAtlanticOcean.YuanandPan(l995)alsodevelopedathree-di-mensi0nalsemidiagnosticmodelandcalculatedthecirculationovertheEastChinaSea.Theprog-mpticm0dlfortheoceans,whichissimilartothesemidiagnosticmodel,wasstudiedearlierby… 相似文献
AstudyonbenthiccommunitystructureinwestoftheTaiwanStraitandneartheTaiwanShoals¥WuQiquan;JiangJinxiang;XuHuizhou;CaiErxiandLin... 相似文献
The analysis of 103 samples collected quantitatively from the southern Taiwan Strait (22°4'-24°3'N, 117°5'-119°9'E), China, in August 1997 indicates that the abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) ranges from 391 to 1 846 ×103 cell/dm3, with an average of 949 × 103 cell/dm3, and 96.2% of cells are in size of 2-22 μm in all HNF met in the samples. The HNF cells are 9.83-45.79 μg/dm3 after conversion from cell number to carbon content, with an average of 22.82 μg/dm3 . The HNF abundance is relatively low in comparison with other areas. The nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients of the water are lower than previous investigations, which may be caused by the El Nino. The biomass of HNF is higher in southern waters, where cell concentration is 3-5 folds higher than that in other waters, and nearly 2-fold as high as the average of the investigated areas. The HNF is mainly habitat in 0-30 m water layer. Both horizontal and vertical HNF distribution must be influenced by hy-drographical dynamic pro 相似文献
I~IOWDuceetal.(1980)calculatedthattheair-seaexchangeprocesscouldsupply80%--90%ofthediforedironinputtothephotcrzoneoftheSargassoAsfromairand16%--76%tothecentralNorthPacific.CuisessentialtotheTnarineorganisms,butexcessiveCuistoxictOtheOrganisms.CdandPh... 相似文献
INTRODUTION ln the ocean environrnent prediction nurnerital medels in the China seas, the TaiwanStrait was usually considered as oPen boundary either in the study of the East China Ai or thefouth China As, so it is difficult to get a satisfactory predicted result in this strait area.Recently many stud1es on the Taiwan Strait have been made, arid the predlction serviceproects of the drine prediction stage are increasing and have achieved high--favorable econodricbenefit. Nevertheless, t… 相似文献
Species composition and distribution of marine nematode community in the North Taiwan Strait 总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9
Cai Lizhe Hong Huasheng Zou Chaozhong Fang Shaohu L Xiaomei Zhang Yueping 《海洋学报(英文版)》2001,20(2):221-229
I~IOW~ne nelnatode is a ban gIOup of benthic OrgAnsrns. Abbot 5 000 spotes Of free-livingnelnatedes have ben dedbo so far, and it has ho estimated that abbot 20 (XX) are as yetunknoWn. Chinese bothologist has Paid attention to marine nelnatodes in China seas in yare. The spatial distribution and shoes commotion of marine nelnatedes in the HUanghe EstUary, Qinhuangdao waters, QingdaO Bay and Xiamen ~ have ho reported (Zhang etal., 1990, 1991, 1993; ac and Li, 1998). ~ new shoes in the… 相似文献
ThisstudywassupportedbytheStateEducationalCommittee(SEC)ofChina.INTRODUCTIONThedissolvedorganiccarbon(DOC),ordissolvedorganicmatter(DOM),isoneofthemostimPortantorganiccarbonreservoiroftheworld,whichmayaffectthecontentofCO2intheatmospherewithatime-scaleof1OOO~1OOOOyears(Hedges,1992).Theratesofproduction,degradationortransPortationofDOCareseveralmaindynamicalparametersofDOCintheeu-photiclayer.Inthispaper,wefocusonthediurnalvariationsofDOCinordertoestimatetheseparameters.METso… 相似文献
INTRODUCTIONTheattentiontothestudyofmetalsinthemarineaerosolparticulatesisincreasingduetotheirenvironmentalecologicaleffectsandcontributiontothebiogeochemicalcycle.Intheaspectofenvironmentalecologicaleffects,first,onthesideofclimate,aerosolswithmetalscanactascloudcondensationoricenuclei,absorbandscattersolarradiation,andaffecttheradiationbudgetontheearth.Therelativelyhighironcontent(5%)ofthedustcanabsorbtheshortwavelengthradiationefficiently.Second,onthesideofecologicaleffects,di~lvedAlse… 相似文献
INTRODUCTIONAsthefundamentalbasisofthewholebiogeOChemicalcyclingofcarbon,primaryproduction.TIsWOrkwassupportedbyfUndsfmtheStateEducation~ssboandFujianaudienceFOUndstion.processesswitchontheflowofmaterialsandenergyintheoceanicecosystem,supportlargeamountoffisheryproductiononwhichourhumanbeingsrelyonfacesupply.Althoughconsistingonly8%oftheglobaloceanarea,coastalregionssupply26%oftheglobaloceanicbiologicalproductsand2/3--3/4oftotalfisheryresources.Therefore,theinvestigationsonphytoplank… 相似文献
Transgressions and the sea-level changes of the western Taiwan Strait since the Late Pleistocene 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lan Dongzhao Zhang Weilin Chen Chenghui Xie Zaituan Yu Yongfen Cai Feng 《海洋学报(英文版)》1993,12(4):617-627
The sedimentary sequences since the Late Pleistocene can be divided into Layers E, D, C, B, A from old to young according to systematic analysis of grain-size, pollen and spore, diatom, foraminifera, radiocarbon dating and paleogeomagnetism of 16 sedimentary cores from the sea area of the western Taiwan Strait. The results proved the existences of the Langqi transgression (upper section of Layer D) formed in middle and late stages of early Wurm glacial period, Fuzhou transgression (Layer C) formed in Wurm sub-interglacial period and Changle transgression (Layer A) formed in postglacial period. It was also the first time to discover the Jinmen transgression (Layer E) formed in Riss -Wurm interglacial period. In this paper it is proposed that most part of the Taiwan Strait emerged as land in the early stage of early Wurm glacial period, and was still under sublittoral environment in late Wurm glacial period, as well as the existence of Dongshan Continental Bridge was in 8×103 a BP. 相似文献
ChemicalcharacteristicsandestimationontheverticalfluxofN,P,SiinupwellingareaofTaiwanStrait¥ChenShuituandRuanWuqi(FujianInstit... 相似文献
The cluster analysis of the water masses in western Taiwan Strait from hydrologic and chemical factors 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
TheclusteranalysisofthewatermassesinwesternTaiwanStraitfromhydrologicandchemicalfactors¥HuangZiqiangandJiWeidong(ReceivedAugu... 相似文献
I\rnooUcrIoxThe drpdric fish species cor-npositlon is an imPOrtant element 1n the study of fish ecologyand plays an important guiding role ln fishery preduction and roouLrces rnanagement. Lin(l988) and Zhang (1994 and l995) have studied the simi1drities of mpulation COtwsition ofame s1ngle species of different yea-rs including hairtail Trichuras haumee and yellDw cndertwinena cmi. But no rePOrt is available on the discridrination of the sidrildrities amongmuLlt1ple sPecies composition of… 相似文献
Based on the wind and hydrographic data obtained by R/V Xiangyanghong 14 duringJune of 1999, the currents in the Huanghai Sea and East China Sea are computed by the three dimen-sional non-linear diagnostic, semidiagnostic models and prognostic in the σ coordinate. The computed re-sults show that the density and velocity fields and so on have been adjusted when time is about 3 days,namely the solution of semidiagnostic calculation is obtained. In the northwest part of the computed re-gion, the Huanghai coastal current flows southeastward, and then it flows out the computed region southof Cheju Island. In the west side of the southern part of the computed region, there is other current,which is mainly inshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current, and it flows cyclonically and turns to thenortheast. In the region north of the above two currents, there is a cyclonic eddy southwest of Cheju Is-land, and it has characteristics of high density and low temperature. There is an offshore branch of Tai-wan Warm Current in the west side of the Kuroshio, and it makes a cyclonic meander, then flows north-eastward. The Kuroshio in the East China Sea is stronger, and flows northeastward. Its maximum hori-zontal velocity is 108.5 cm/s at the sea surface, which is located at the northern boundary, and it is106.1 cm/s at 30 m level, 102.2 cm/s at 75 m level and 85.1 cm/s at 200 m level, respectively, whichare all located at the southern boundary. Comparing the results of diagnostic calculation with those ofsemidiagnostic and prognostic calculations indicates that the horizontal velocity field agrees qualitatively,and there is a little difference between them in quantity. The comparison between the computed veloci-ties and the obeered velocities at the mooring station show that they agree each other. 相似文献
I~IOXWith regard tO the 5,tudy on the planktonic copeal distributions in the Kuroshio waters ofthe East China Sea and its adjacent areas, a great ~nt of reSearch work has been made by somescholars at home (He and Yang, 1990; Meng et al., 1990; He, 1990; Liu et al., 1991; He etal., 1992; He et al., 1994). HOwever, the most of them were made in a single season, and it isabet about in the research of the various aspects of species comPOSition, abundance distributionand ecological characte… 相似文献
Circulations east of Taiwan and in East China Sea and east of Ryukyu Islands during early summer 1985YuanYaochu;Cho-tengLiu;P... 相似文献
Wu Qiquan 《海洋学报(英文版)》1996,15(4):515-527
PolychaeteecologyinwestofTaiwanStraitandaroundTaiwanShoalWuQiquanAbstract:Thispaperdealswith.comprehensively,forthefirstthe,t... 相似文献
I~IOWThe area north of Taiwan is a mixing waters with complicate hydrographic features because itis influenced by the pushing and mixing of different water masses such as the Zhejiang -- Fujiancoastal water, the Taiwan Strait water, the Kuroshio surface water, the KurOShio sub-surfacewater and so on. The planktonic copepods in the area are also very complex and various. From research on species compoSition and ~nal variation, diversity and characteristics of copeal community in the area, … 相似文献
NumericalsimulationoftheupperoceancurrentsinSouthChinaSea¥LiRongfeng;HuangQizhouandWangWenzhi(InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,C... 相似文献
Several significant hydrographic characteristics and their formation mechanism in the South China Sea during the spring and summer of 1998 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
INTRODUCTIONTheSCSisthelargestmarginseainthewestoftheNorthPacificOcean .Theprevailingwindinwinterisnortheast,whileinsummeritissouthwest .Itisstilluncertainthathowthecirculationandtemperature -salinityfieldassociatewiththemonsoonforcingandaccompanywithseveralkindsofvariationsbeforeorafterthesummermonsoonburst .DuringSECMEXin 1 998,twointensiveobservationperiods (IOP)havebeencarriedoutntheSCS (Fig 1 ) :IOP1 ,from 1 0Aprilto 5May ;IOP2 ,from 1 2JunetoJuly 6 ,inordertounderstandthe… 相似文献