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— This paper presents an overview of the results obtained from a 3-D prestack depth migration of the ISO89-3D data set. The algorithm is implemented as a Kirchhoff-type migration, in which the migrated image is generated by weighted summation along diffraction surfaces through the shot record section. The diffraction surfaces are computed by a 3-D finite difference solution of the eikonal equation. A 3-D macro-velocity model derived mainly from wide-angle tomographic inversion served as input for the travel-time calculations. The results of the migration are presented as slices through a volume covering an area of 21 km × 21 km in the horizontal and 15 km in the vertical direction, centered around the KTB drill hole. In these slices the continuation of the Franconian Lineament or SE1 reflector, respectively, can be identified over most of the survey area as a northeast dipping reflector plane. Its signature appears partly curved and discontinuous and with different strength of reflection down to a maximum depth of 9 km. About 5 km to the south-southeast of the KTB drill hole the uppermost top reflection of the Erbendorf body (EB) can be recognized at approximately the same depth. The slices clearly show its complicated internal structure consisting of several apparently separated reflective parts. Moreover, the geometry and the shape of a few other subsurface structures are described.  相似文献   

复杂观测系统下的三维波动方程叠前深度偏移   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
波动方程三维叠前深度偏移是近年应复杂地质构造与地震岩性成像需求而发展的一项关键技术。此项技术与集群式并行机的结合,更是将其价格性能比较低至工业生产规模应用水平,然而,波动方程三维叠前深度偏移的实用化还需要诸如地震资料网络化、并行计算负载平衡等一系列配套技术。本文针对油田实际资料,试验了其应用波动方程三维叠前深度偏移的规则化技术,并结合地震炮集数据的特点,在自组装的集群式并行机上,解决了其节点间的负载平衡问题。本项工作有助于推近复杂观测系统下的地震数据实现三维波动方程叠前深度偏移。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the performance and robustness of the Bayesian (probabilistic) approach to seismic tomography enhanced by the numerical Monte Carlo sampling technique. The approach is compared with two other popular techniques, namely the damped least-squares (LSQR) method and the general optimization approach. The theoretical considerations are illustrated by an analysis of seismic data from the Rudna (Poland) copper mine. Contrary to the LSQR and optimization techniques the Bayesian approach allows for construction of not only the “best-fitting” model of the sought velocity distribution but also other estimators, for example the average model which is often expected to be a more robust estimator than the maximum likelihood solution. We demonstrate that using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling technique within the Bayesian approach opens up the possibility of analyzing tomography imaging uncertainties with minimal additional computational effort compared to the robust optimization approach. On the basis of the considered example it is concluded that the Monte Carlo based Bayesian approach offers new possibilities of robust and reliable tomography imaging.  相似文献   

2D Monte Carlo versus 2D Fuzzy Monte Carlo health risk assessment   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
Risk estimates can be calculated using crisp estimates of the exposure variables (i.e., contaminant concentration, contact rate, exposure frequency and duration, body weight, and averaging time). However, aggregate and cumulative exposure studies require a better understanding of exposure variables and uncertainty and variability associated with them. Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) studies use probability distributions for one or more variables of the risk equation in order to quantitatively characterize variability and uncertainty. Two-dimensional Monte Carlo Analysis (2D MCA) is one of the advanced modeling approaches that may be used to conduct PRA studies. In this analysis the variables of the risk equation along with the parameters of these variables (for example mean and standard deviation for a normal distribution) are described in terms of probability density functions (PDFs). A variable described in this way is called a second order random variable. Significant data or considerable insight to uncertainty associated with these variables is necessary to develop the appropriate PDFs for these random parameters. Typically, available data and accuracy and reliability of such data are not sufficient for conducting a reliable 2D MCA. Thus, other theories and computational methods that propagate uncertainty and variability in exposure and health risk assessment are needed. One such theory is possibility analysis based on fuzzy set theory, which allows the utilization of incomplete information (incomplete information includes vague and imprecise information that is not sufficient to generate probability distributions for the parameters of the random variables of the risk equation) together with expert judgment. In this paper, as an alternative to 2D MCA, we are proposing a 2D Fuzzy Monte Carlo Analysis (2D FMCA) to overcome this difficulty. In this approach, instead of describing the parameters of PDFs used in defining the variables of the risk equation as random variables, we describe them as fuzzy numbers. This approach introduces new concepts and risk characterization methods. In this paper we provide a comparison of these two approaches relative to their computational requirements, data requirements and availability. For a hypothetical case, we also provide a comperative interpretation of the results generated.  相似文献   

Prestack Migration/Imaging Using Synthetic Beam Sources and Plane Sources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The principle and procedures of beam-source and plane-source synthesis for wave-equation based imaging/migration are introduced and tested with Gabor-Daubechies and local-cosine beamlet prestack migration. Plane-source synthesis and imaging are treated as a special case of approximation to the beam-source synthesis and imaging. Beam sources with properly selected windows provide both space and direction localizations for illumination and are very flexible for target-oriented migration using wave-theory based methods. On the other hand, plane-source imaging can increase the computation efficiency of depth migration significantly, up to 5-10 times for the SEG-EAGE 2D salt model and Marmousi model, while maintains the image quality similar or comparable to that of point-source (common-shot) imaging/migration.  相似文献   

地震资料叠前去噪技术的现状与未来   总被引:26,自引:10,他引:26  
地震资料叠前去噪是勘探地震资料处理的关键问题之一,但这个问题长期以来一直没有得到很好的解决,是提高地震资料分辨率的一个主要障碍,其中,如何有效地消除产生与地层间的多次反射波又是地震资料叠前去噪的核心问题。为此,人们进行了长期不懈的努力,以更好地消除多次波。本文着重概述现今实生常中常用的几种比较有效的消除多次波方法,包括拉冬变换,F-K方法和聚束滤波方法;同时也概述了预测反积消除水层混响和用K-L变换方法消除随机噪音提高信噪比等方法;最后,还讨论了近年发展的地震资料叠前去噪新方法及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

近年来,小波变换作为一项理论在三维地震数据的处理中日益受到重视。本文利用小波变换的变焦特性及思想设计了一缩短地震波长、提高地震子滠主瓣与旁瓣幅度比的算法,并将此算法运用于胜利油田弧岛东斜坡B701井三维地震数据处理中。结果表明此算法对提高地层厚度分辨率是卓有成效的。  相似文献   

三维地震数据可视化原理及方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
可视化是实现三维地震数据真三维解释的有效方法,本文介绍了三维地震数据可视化的基本原理,论述了用光线投射算法实现可视化的主要步骤,详细推导了合成可视化图像的计算公式,分析了阻光度曲线的物理意义及对可视化图像的调节作用,并用两个实际三维地震数据进行了试验。结果表明该方法能够由原始三维地震数据直接对地质体进行成像,能将分散的、孤立的信息互相联系起来,揭示隐藏在数据中的地质现象和规律。  相似文献   

基于蒙特卡罗方法的梯级电站系统地震危险性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,在梯级开发的大坝场址地震安全性评价工作中,其工作步骤仍然与单个坝址的地震安全性评价工作步骤相同,并没有考虑不同坝址之间的关系.这种关系包括不同坝址地震危险性的相关性以及梯级开发的一系列大坝中任意一个大坝的破坏对整个梯级电站系统正常运行的影响.所以在梯级电站系统安全性评价中,考虑系统整体的地震危险性具有重要意义.本文以大渡河流域梯级开发的8座水电站为例,利用蒙特卡罗方法研究梯级电站系统整体的危险性.此研究可以为梯级电站系统的抗震设防和制定防灾对策提供依据.  相似文献   

有限差分法在三维粘弹性复杂介质正演模拟地震波的传播中对计算机内存和计算速度要求比较高,单个PC机或工作站只能计算较少网格内短时间的波场。本文介绍一种基于MPI的并行有限差分法,可在PCCluster上模拟较大规模三维粘弹性复杂介质中地震波传播时的波场;可预测地震波在此类条件下传播时的运动学和动力学性质。对于更好地理解波动传播现象,解释实际地震资料及反问题的解决等均具有重要的理论与实际意义。  相似文献   

— The study of surface deformation due to seismic activity is often made using dislocations with uniform slip and simple geometries. A better modeling of coseismic and postseismic surface displacements can be obtained by using dislocations with variable slip and nonregular shapes. This is consistent with the asperity model of fault surfaces, assuming a friction distribution on faults made of locked zones with much higher friction than surrounding zones. In this paper we consider the 1997–1998 Colfiorito seismic sequence. The coseismic surface displacements in the Colfiorito zone are used in order to infer the slip distribution on the fault surface at different stages of the sequence. The displacement field has been modeled varying the slip distribution on the fault, and comparing the deformation observed by SAR and GPS techniques with model results. The slip distribution is calculated by Monte Carlo simulations on a normal fault with the dip angle equal to 40°. A good approximation is obtained by using square asperity units of 1.5×1.5 km2. In the first stage, we employed a simplified model with uniform slip, in which each asperity unit is allowed to slip a constant amount or not to slip at all, and in the second stage, we evaluate the slip distribution in the dislocation area determined by the Monte Carlo inversion: in this case we allow unit cells to undergo different values of slip in order to refine the initial dislocation model. The results show that the 1997 seismic events of the sequence can be modeled by irregular dislocations, obtaining a good fit to the DInSAR and GPS observations. The model also confirms the results of previous studies by a different methodology, defining the distribution of asperities on the fault plane using the fault geometry, the geodetic data and the seismic moment of the 1997–1998 Colfiorito seismic sequence. Furthermore, the analysis of 1997 aftershocks in the seismogenic region shows a strong correlation between most events and the asperity distribution, which can be considered as an independent test of the validity of the model.  相似文献   

随着中国地震局"十五"网络项目的完成,云南省测震台网的日常地震监测工作都基于网络数据库系统,而现有的数据显示系统未与数据库系统有效结合。本文结合"十五"中国数字地震观测网络项目数据库系统,运用三维数据可视化、交互式图形界面技术开发了可实时显示三维地震监测数据信息的软件系统,改变了原有显示系统实时性、可操作性差和无法显示地震数据三维空间信息及时空变化关系的状况。  相似文献   

Extrapolating wavefields and imaging at each depth during three‐dimensional recursive wave‐equation migration is a time‐consuming endeavor. For efficiency, most commercial techniques extrapolate wavefields through thick slabs followed by wavefield interpolation within each thick slab. In this article, we develop this strategy by associating more efficient interpolators with a Fourier‐transform‐related wavefield extrapolation method. First, we formulate a three‐dimensional first‐order separation‐of‐variables screen propagator for large‐step wavefield extrapolation, which allows for wide‐angle propagations in highly contrasting media. This propagator significantly improves the performance of the split‐step Fourier method in dealing with significant lateral heterogeneities at the cost of only one more fast Fourier transform in each thick slab. We then extend the two‐dimensional Kirchhoff and Born–Kirchhoff local wavefield interpolators to three‐dimensional cases for each slab. The three‐dimensional Kirchhoff interpolator is based on the traditional Kirchhoff formula and applies to moderate lateral velocity variations, whereas the three‐dimensional Born–Kirchhoff interpolator is derived from the Lippmann–Schwinger integral equation under the Born approximation and is adapted to highly laterally varying media. Numerical examples on the three‐dimensional salt model of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists/European Association of Geoscientists demonstrate that three‐dimensional first‐order separation‐of‐variables screen propagator Born–Kirchhoff depth migration using thick‐slab wavefield extrapolation plus thin‐slab interpolation tolerates a considerable depth‐step size of up to 72 ms, eventually resulting in an efficiency improvement of nearly 80% without obvious loss of imaging accuracy. Although the proposed three‐dimensional interpolators are presented with one‐way Fourier extrapolation methods, they can be extended for applications to general migration methods.  相似文献   

—Within the fractal approach to studying the distribution of seismic event locations, different fractal dimension definitions and estimation algorithms are in use. Although one expects that for the same data set, values of different dimensions will be different, it is usually anticipated that the direction of fractal dimension changes among different data sets will be the same for every fractal dimension.¶Mutual relations between the three most popular fractal dimensions, namely the capacity, cluster and correlation dimensions, have been investigated in the present work. The studies were performed on the Monte Carlo generated data sets. The analysis has shown that dependence of the fractal dimensions on epicenter distribution, and relations among the fractal dimensions, are complex and variable. Neither values nor even inequalities among dimension estimates are preserved when different fractal dimensions are used. The correlation and the capacity dimensions seem to be good tools to trace collinear tendencies of eipicenters while the cluster dimension is more appropriate to studying uniform clustering of points.  相似文献   

Sites with a limited overburden over a stiff basement are of particular relevance for seismic site response. The characterization of such stratigraphies by means of surface wave methods poses some difficulties in interpretation. Indeed the presence of sharp seismic contrasts between the sediments and the shallow bedrock is likely to cause a relevance of higher modes in the surface wave apparent dispersion curve, which must be properly taken into account in order to provide reliable results. In this study a Monte Carlo algorithm based on a multimodal misfit function has been used for the inversion of experimental dispersion curves. Case histories related to the characterization of stations of the Italian accelerometric network are reported. Spectral ratios and amplification functions associated to each site are moreover evaluated to provide an independent benchmark test. The results show the robustness of the inversion method in such non-trivial conditions and the possibility of getting an estimate of uncertainty related to solution non-uniqueness.  相似文献   

天然气水合物的富集往往与断裂、底辟及泥火山等构造有关,这就要求地震成像要精确,而针对水合物的地震处理又要以保真保幅为前提,因此快速高效而又有较高成像质量的的保幅Kirchhoff弯曲射线叠前时间偏移技术被广泛应用于三维水合物资料处理中。与直射线Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移技术相比,弯曲射线Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移同样具有快速高效的特点,同时成像精度在一定程度上可媲美叠前深度偏移。在实际资料的应用中可发现,基于保幅Kirchhoff弯曲射线叠前时间偏移技术处理的地震剖面可精确地刻画气体通道,有利于天然气水合物富集区的识别。  相似文献   

Elastic reverse-time migration (RTM) can reflect the underground elastic information more comprehensively than single-component Pwave migration. One of the most important requirements of elastic RTM is to solve wave equations. The imaging accuracy and efficiency of RTM depends heavily on the algorithms used for solving wave equations. In this paper, we propose an efficient staggered-grid finite-difference (SFD) scheme based on a sampling approximation method with adaptive variable difference operator lengths to implement elastic prestack RTM. Numerical dispersion analysis and wavefield extrapolation results show that the sampling approximation SFD scheme has greater accuracy than the conventional Taylor-series expansion SFD scheme. We also test the elastic RTM algorithm on theoretical models and a field data set, respectively. Experiments presented demonstrate that elastic RTM using the proposed SFD scheme can generate better images than that using the Taylor-series expansion SFD scheme, particularly for PS images. FurH. thermore, the application of adaptive variable difference operator lengths can effectively improve the computational efficiency of elastic RTM.  相似文献   

-- I present a new algorithm for calculating seismic wave propagation through a three-dimensional heterogeneous medium using the framework of mode coupling theory originally developed to perform very low frequency (f < ~0.01т.05 Hz) seismic wavefield computation. It is a Greens function approach for multiple scattering within a defined volume and employs a truncated traveling wave basis set using the locked mode approximation. Interactions between incident and scattered wavefields are prescribed by mode coupling theory and account for the coupling among surface waves, body waves, and evanescent waves. The described algorithm is, in principle, applicable to global and regional wave propagation problems, but I focus on higher frequency (typically f S ~0.25 Hz) applications at regional and local distances where the locked mode approximation is best utilized and which involve wavefields strongly shaped by propagation through a highly heterogeneous crust. Synthetic examples are shown for P-SV-wave propagation through a semi-ellipsoidal basin and SH-wave propagation through a fault zone.  相似文献   

Conventional seismic data processing methods based on post‐stack time migration have been playing an important role in coal exploration for decades. However, post‐stack time migration processing often results in low‐quality images in complex geological environments. In order to obtain high‐quality images, we present a strategy that applies the Kirchhoff prestack time migration (PSTM) method to coal seismic data. In this paper, we describe the implementation of Kirchhoff PSTM to a 3D coal seam. Meanwhile we derive the workflow of 3D Kirchhoff PSTM processing based on coal seismic data. The processing sequence of 3D Kirchhoff PSTM includes two major steps: 1) the estimation of the 3D root‐mean‐square (RMS) velocity field; 2) Kirchhoff prestack time migration processing. During the construction of a 3D velocity model, dip moveout velocity is served as an initial migration velocity field. We combine 3D Kirchhoff PSTM with the continuous adjustment of a 3D RMS velocity field by the criteria of flattened common reflection point gathers. In comparison with post‐stack time migration, the application of 3D Kirchhoff PSTM to coal seismic data produces better images of the coal seam reflections.  相似文献   

剩余静校正的目的是消除地震道中由近地表因素造成的静态剩余时差的影响,通常以时差的四因子分解模型为基础建立剩余静校正方程组,并采用迭代求解方法获得剩余静校正量。但实际上,由于地层的倾斜,时差中还应包含横向和纵向倾角项,因此本文首先对剩余校正的理论模型进行了改进,提出了以扩展面元为计算单元的时差分解六因子模型。又由于地层的走向具有局部线性性,因此剩余动校正项,横向及纵向倾角项系数仅在一些给定的面元上计  相似文献   

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