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The investigation of eight Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) sections in Mexico, based on major and trace element, platinum group element (PGE), stable isotope, and multivariate statistical analysis, reveals a complex depositional history across the Chicxulub and K/T boundary events. At the biostratigraphically determined K/T boundary, a minor but significant Ir-dominated PGE anomaly (0.2-0.8 ng/g) is present in most sections. This Ir anomaly originated from an impact event and is always stratigraphically and geochemically decoupled from the underlying spherule-rich ejecta deposit related to the Chicxulub event. In all sections examined, one to three glass spherule ejecta layers and one or two chondrite-dominated PGE anomalies are separated by a bioturbated siliciclastic deposit and/or hemipelagic marl, which indicates the occurrence of at least two impact events separated by a considerable amount of time. In addition, bentonite layers and Pt and Pd-dominated PGE anomalies below and above the K/T boundary indicate volcanic activity. Above the K/T boundary, reduced bioproductivity is documented by a decrease in the biogenically bound fraction of nutrients and fluctuating ratios of immobile elements (e.g., Ti/Zr). Variations in detrital elements reflect changes in the depositional environment. Carbon and oxygen isotope and trace element distribution patterns indicate a gradually changing climate during the latest Maastrichtian, an abrupt change at the K/T boundary, and a slight recovery during the lowermost Paleocene.  相似文献   

A preliminary integrated study of a Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary section in Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil, provides evidence for an extraterrestrial bolide impact in the earliest Danian. A non-graded, nodular carbonate mudstone/wackestone bed is interpreted as a slump or a mud Flow deposit, induced by a tsunami event or by a gravity mass movement during a sea-level lowstand, the former possibly generated by the K/T boundary Yucatán impact. This bed overlies marlstones deposited in an upper bathyal environment and marks the top of the Cretaceous. Nearly all known latest Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera are recovered from the Cretaceous strata. Iridium shows a marked peak in a thin hemipelagic claystone layer, about 75 cm above the K/T boundary, deposited in a middle to deep neritic environment. The claystone overlies alternating beds of finegrained limestones and marlstones and a 50 cm-thick graded bioclastic packstone, which rests upon a marly limestone breccia of the lowermost Danian. Abundant reworked Cretaceous and rare lowermost Danian microfossils (e.g. E. edita, E. eobulloides, E. fringa, G. irregularis, P. eugubina, P. cf. pseudobulloides, W. claytonensis and W. hornerstownensis ) have been recovered from these strata. These lowermost Danian beds record the sudden appearance of abundant shock-metamorphosed quartz grains, with several sets of intersecting deformation lamellae and microtektite-like microspherules. This suggests that these deposits were formed by an additional tsunami caused by a second impact event in the earliest Danian, near or at the boundary between the Palaeocene P α and P 1a foraminiferal zones. Impact-derived material has not been found in the uppermost Cretaceous beds.  相似文献   

Limestone breccia deposits in southern Mexico, Guatemala and Belize have recently been interpreted as proximal to distal ballistic fallout deposits, generated by a bolide impact that struck Yucatan at K/T boundary time. We review the age, lithology and the depositional environment of five K/T boundary sections in the South Petén area of Guatemala (Caribe, Aserradero, Chisec, Actela, Chemal) in order to evaluate the nature and origin of K/T limestone breccia deposition. The sections are located 500?km south of the proposed impact site at Chicxulub and trend in an east–west direction from the Guatemala/Mexico border to southern Belize. In four of the five sections examined, a breccia unit up to 50?m thick overlies reef-bearing shallow-water limestones of late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) age. Rhythmically bedded limestones, marls and siltstones of early Danian age overlie the breccia and were deposited under middle-to outer-neritic conditions. The breccia consists of differently coloured layers of shallow-water limestones. Clast size generally decreases upsection to thin layers of predominantly rounded clasts, and these fine-grained rudstones grade into grainstones at the top. In at least one section (EI Caribe) diagenetically altered glass spherules are present in the uppermost layers of the grainstone. These glass spherules are of stratigraphic position and chemical composition similar to black and yellow glass from Beloc, Haiti and Mimbral, Mexico, which some workers have chemically linked to melt glass within the breccia of the Chicxulub cores. We suggest that breccia deposition in Guatemala may have been multi-event, over an extended time period, and related to the collision of the Yucatan and Chortis plates as well as related to a major impact or volcanic event at the end of the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Restudy of Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 536 and 540 in the southeast Gulf of Mexico gives evidence for a giant wave at Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary time. Five units are recognized: (1) Cenomanian limestone underlies a hiatus in which the five highest Cretaceous stages are missing, possibly because of catastrophic K-T erosion. (2) Pebbly mudstone, 45 m thick, represents a submarine landslide possibly of K-T age. (3) Current-bedded sandstone, more than 2.5 m thick, contains anomalous iridium, tektite glass, and shocked quartz; it is interpreted as ejecta from a nearby impact crater, reworked on the deep-sea floor by the resulting tsunami. (4) A 50-cm interval of calcareous mudstone containing small Cretaceous planktic foraminifera and the Ir peak is interpreted as the silt-size fraction of the Cretaceous material suspended by the impact-generated wave. (5) Calcareous mudstone with basal Tertiary forams and the uppermost tail of the Ir anomaly overlies the disturbed interval, dating the impact and wave event as K-T boundary age. Like Beloc in Haiti and Mimbral in Mexico, Sites 536 and 540 are consistent with a large K-T age impact at the nearby Chicxulub crater.  相似文献   

Near-K/T boundary clastic deposits from Texas, Mexico, Haiti, Guatemala and Brazil, often described as impact-generated tsunami deposits, are stratigraphically below well-defined K/T boundary horizons and appear not to be causally related to the K/T boundary event. Stratigraphic evidence indicates that their deposition began during the last 170–200 kyr of the Maastrichtian, coincident with a major eustatic sea-level lowstand that lowered sea level by as much as 70–100 m. Clastic deposition ended a few tens of thousands of years before the K/T boundary during a rapidly rising sea level. The presence of glass in clastic deposits in Haiti, northeastern Mexico and Yucatan suggests that the sea-level lowstand coincided with a time of major volcanism or pre-K/T boundary bolide impact.  相似文献   

Located to the north of the Stevns Klint Peninsula (Denmark), Kulstirenden shows the transition from Cretaceous chalks to Danian carbonates across the Cretaceous - Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary. The K/Pg boundary at Kulstirenden is represented by the Fiskeler Member (Fish Clay), a streaked marl interval with a smectite rich, red oxidised layer at its base marking the boundary. The Fiskeler Member is important as it includes the iridium concentration linked to the bolide impact which may have caused the end-Cretaceous mass extinction and is at its maximum thickness at Kulstirenden (c.45 cm). Calcareous dinoflagellate cysts (Calciodinelloideae) have been investigated from within the fine fraction (45-125 μm) at Kulstirenden in order to understand the ecological implications of these enigmatic microfossils. Several species were found within the Fiskeler Member, including Orthopithonella collarisWendler et al. (2001, Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 115, 69-77). This species is of particular interest as it demonstrates reduced paratabulation and may indicate a transgressive period immediately after the K/Pg boundary event. O. collaris has been described as a morphotype formed under post-K/Pg environmental conditions and is, therefore, described as a “disaster” taxon that marks the K/Pg boundary at Stevns Klint. The distribution of this taxon is more extensive than previously documented, disappearing as carbonate sedimentation returned in the Cerithium Limestone Member of the Danian. Several calcareous microfossil specimens that were found cannot be associated with the dinoflagellates and display Bolboforma-like features. While the origins of Bolboforma are enigmatic, the current finding expands their stratigraphic range and suggests an appearance of this group of organisms found at Stevns Klint may give an insight into the inception of this group into the earliest Danian.  相似文献   

We show crucial evidence for the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K–Pg) boundary event recorded within a rare succession deposited in an inner‐platform lagoon on top of a Mesozoic, tropical, intra‐oceanic (western Tethys) Adriatic carbonate platform, which is exposed at Likva cove on the island of Bra? (Croatia). The last terminal Maastrichtian fossils appear within a distinct 10–12 cm thick event bed that is characterised by soft‐sediment bioturbation and rare shocked‐quartz grains, and is interpreted as a distal tsunamite. Directly overlying this is a 2 cm thick reddish‐brown clayey mudstone containing planktonic foraminifera typical of the basal Danian, and with elevated platinum‐group elements in chondritic proportions indicating a clear link to the Chicxulub asteroid impact. These results strongly support the first discovery of a “potential” K–Pg boundary tsunamite on the neighbouring island of Hvar, and these two complementary sections represent probably the most complete record of the event among known distal shallow‐marine successions.  相似文献   

罗圈里撞击坑铂族元素异常及粗铂矿的发现及其意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对 1998年 7月发现的辽宁岫岩县苏子沟镇罗圈里直径 1.8km的撞击坑构造作了一系列地质、地球化学测试工作。从坑内出露的基岩 (下元古界辽河群里尔峪组变质砂岩 )与充填碎屑物质界面上取样 ,经XRD定性分析显示有自然铂、锇铱矿、自然铑、自然铱的存在。进一步对这一类样品作等离子质谱分析 (ICP MS) ,则发现有PGE异常。特别是Pt,Pd ,Ru甚至高于原始地幔的丰度值。进一步淘选坑里重砂样品则发现数颗粗铂矿物。已作电子探针分析表明PGE质量分数 :Pt为 85 .30 % 98.6 8% ,Pd为 0 .45 % 0 .87% ,Rh为 0 .5 6 % 0 .74% ,Os为 0 .6 6 % 1.31% ,Ir为 1.72 % 2 .43% ,Ru为 0 .16 % 0 .31% ,此外Ni为 0 .0 0 % 0 .5 0 % ,Fe为 4.98% 5 .42 %。笔者认为这种PGE元素异常和粗铂矿的发现是陨石及其撞击作用的重要依据之一。  相似文献   

A review of the scenarios for the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary event is presented and a coherent hypothesis for the origin of the event is formulated. Many scientists now accept that the event was caused by a meteorite impact at Chicxulub in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Our investigations show that the oceans were already stressed by the end of the Late Cretaceous as a result of the long-term drop in atmospheric CO2, the long-term drop in sea level and the frequent development of oceanic anoxia. Extinction of some marine species was already occurring several million years prior to the K/T boundary. The biota were therefore susceptible to change. The eruption of the Deccan Traps, which began at 66.2 Ma, coincides with the K/T boundary events. It erupted huge quantities of H2SO4, HCl, CO2, dust and soot into the atmosphere and led to a significant drop in sea level and marked changes in ocean temperature. The result was a major reduction in oceanic productivity and the creation of an almost dead ocean. The volcanism lasted almost 0.7 m.y.. Extinction of biological species was graded and appeared to correlate with the main eruptive events. Elements such as Ir were incorporated into the volcanic ash, possibly on soot particles. This horizon accumulated under anoxic conditions in local depressions and became the marker horizon for the K/T boundary. An oxidation front penetrated this horizon leading to the redistribution of elements. The eruption of the Deccan Traps is the largest volcanic event since the Permian-Triassic event at 245 Ma. It followed a period of 36 m.y. in which the earth’s magnetic field failed to reverse. Instabilities in the mantle are thought to be responsible for this eruption and therefore for the K/T event. We therefore believe that the K/T event can be explained in terms of the effects of the Deccan volcanism on an already stressed biosphere. The meteorite impact at Chicxulub took place after the onset of Deccan volcanism. It probably played a regional, rather than a global, role in the K/T extinctions.  相似文献   

对1998年7月发现的辽宁岫岩县苏子沟镇罗圈里直径1.8 km的撞击坑构造作了一系列地质、地球化学测试工作。从坑内出露的基岩(下元古界辽河群里尔峪组变质砂岩)与充填碎屑物质界面上取样,经XRD定性分析显示有自然铂、锇铱矿、自然铑、自然铱的存在。进一步对这一类样品作等离子质谱分析(ICP-MS),则发现有PGE异常。特别是Pt,Pd,Ru甚至高于原始地幔的丰度值。进一步淘选坑里重砂样品则发现数颗粗铂矿物。已作电子探针分析表明PGE质量分数Pt为85.30%~98.68%,Pd为0.45%~0.87%,Rh为0.56%~0.74%,Os为0.66%~1.31%,Ir为1.72%~2.43%,Ru为0.16%~0.31%,此外Ni为0.00%~0.50%,Fe为4.98%~5.42%。笔者认为这种PGE元素异常和粗铂矿的发现是陨石及其撞击作用的重要依据之一。  相似文献   

Iridium enhancements are associated with the fine particle emanations from present day basaltic and acidic volcanic eruptions but are not associated with impact craters, with one possible exception of Precambrian age. Microscopic dynamic deformation features are associated with structures originating from a meteorite impact, volcanic and internal explosion event(s), and high tectonic strain-rate(s). The Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) distributions of inidium and shocked minerals extend over a stratigraphic interval of a few hundred thousand years, in agreement with the known record of intense volcanism at K/T time but not in accord with the signature expected from a single meteorite impact. The recently studied K/T sections in Haiti add further information on the associations of shocked minerals and iridium enhancements.  相似文献   

Abstract The abundances of nearly 40 elements, Ir included, have been measured using radio-chemical and instrumental neutron activation analysis (RNAA and INAA) across a Devonian / Carboniferous (D / C) boundary section at Huangmao, Guangxi, China. The Ir anomaly has been found in the D / C boundary bed. Its peak value is 156 ppt, richer by a factor of 12 than that in the underlying strata. Besides, as with Ir, other siderophile and chalcophile elements such as Au, Ni, Co, As and Sb are also enriched. The cause for the abundance anomalies of Ir and other elemets is discussed. Neither volcanic eruption nor extraterrestrial impact can explain it satisfactorily. The real mechanism for the anomalies awaits further study.  相似文献   

K/T boundary geochemical anomalies have been used previously to support the impact event at the end of the Cretaceous. However, impact models and assessment of the extraterrestrial contribution to the boundary sediments should also consider the diagenetic alteration of the impact signatures. Mineralogical and geochemical studies centring on redox proxies reveal differences in trace-element concentrations at Agost and Caravaca (SE Spain), two of the most complete K/T boundary sections. These differences probably derive from variations in the diagenetic evolution of the ejecta layer. Several redox proxies, such as extensive pyrite formation, high authigenic uranium concentration and positive Eu anomalies, indicate very strong reducing conditions at Agost. Positive Eu anomalies are extremely unusual in sediments, and in this case are interpreted to indicate a highly reducing environment. In such conditions, certain trace elements such as Ir, may have been remobilized, thereby masking the original signature of the impact.  相似文献   

A Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary location within the Tethyan region (present Mediterranean area) has been discovered in the Hekimhan basin, Malatya, Turkey. The K/T transition in a 1.65-m-thick marine evaporitic facies (gypsum and celestite) consists of laminated carbonate rocks (limestone, dolomitic limestone, dolomite) and marl in the upper part, and laminated limestone and marl in the lower part. The K/T boundary is marked by a 6-mm-thick clay layer that is entirely greenish pink in color. The stratum is characterized by a decrease in calcite content, and by an increase in the proportion of smectites and K-feldspar. Palygorskite and rarely serpentine are associated with smectite. A minimum in CaO + MgO content exists at the K/T boundary. The amounts of some transition metals, miscellaneous, low- and high-field-strength, platinum-group, and rare-earth elements reveal a substantial anomaly at the K/T boundary that supports both terrestrial (volcanic) and extraterrestrial (bolide) hypotheses.  相似文献   

A continuous, shallow marine succession of the Um-Sohryngkew River section is distinct as it contains late Maastrichtian-early Danian planktonic foraminiferal zones and the K/Pg boundary, although K/Pg transition events remain inconclusive. Physils divide entire succession in to lower, middle and upper sub-divisions and represent anomalous values of redox-sensitive elements (δCe, La/Yb and Gd/Yb) in biozone CF3. Organic matter when analyzed show TOC and C spikes in biozone CF3. Illite thermometry also revealed sudden increase in the palaeo-temperature (>140 °C) for yellowish brown 1–2 mm thick organic rich clay layer in biozone CF3. Interestingly, conspicuous increase in the short chain n-alkanes and fatty acids is observed in the biozone CF3, although, long chain n-alkanes (C27–C33) derived from terrestrial plants show low abundance throughout the succession.High amount of combustion derived fluoranthene, pyrene, chrysene, benzo(a) anthracene PAH compounds found in the biozone CF3 are analogous to those reported from the K/T boundary sections of Stevns Klint, Gubbio, Woodside Creek and Arroyo el Mimbral. The pyrolitic signatures of these organic macro-molecules reflect global fire, caused distress to biota (during the deposition of biozone CF3 layer) which is coincidental with the well documented Ce anomaly layer, but, preceded by planktonic foraminiferal change in biozone P0 and PGE anomaly bearing layer in the biozone CF2. These organic macro-molecules reflect global fire, induced by the heat supplied by the late Cretaceous Abor and/or Deccan extrusions perhaps linked with the K/T transition events as later initiated prior to the K/Pg boundary, however, the main episode of Deccan volcanic activity occurred ∼300 ky earlier or at the K/Pg boundary itself. The deposition of 1–2 mm thick, yellowish brown, smooth (with conchoidal fracture) pyrite nodules and micro-spherules bearing organic rich clay layer marked with the decrease in the carbonate content (2.43%) that lies at the contact between the silty mudstone and grey calcareous shale located in the biozone CF3 of this succession coincides with the first appearance of Pseudoguembelina hariaensis representing age of 66.83–65.45 Ma is also related to the India’s collision with the Eurasia and Burma andextrusion of Abor volcanic.These events also endorse succeeding events such as anomalous concentration of platinum group of elements and concentration of spherules during biozone CF2, which are other end Cretaceous events before the advent of the K/Pg boundary.  相似文献   

本文对广泛发育于中国南方,连续的二叠-三叠系海相界线及其附近粘土层(蒙脱石—伊利石粘土岩)进行了稀土元素地豫化学的研究。查明了REE分布特征;REE沿粘土层垂向上的变化,比较了界线粘土与非界线粘土在REE分布上的差异。讨论了界线粘土的成因,根据稀土模式所作的综合分析,提出了由中酸性山火山岩和代表冲击溅射产物的上部地壳物质组合的混合新模式。  相似文献   

Calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy has been performed on five sedimentary sections through the marine Akveren Formation from the Bartin region of northern Turkey, on the southern Black Sea coast. This new biostratigraphy provides an age for the formation of the Early Campanian (nannofossil zone UC15aTP) to Early Selandian (nannofossil zone NP5), and highlights the presence of the Campanian/Maastrichtian, Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T), and Danian/Selandian boundaries in this intermediate palaeolatitude location. Micula murus was identified below the K/T boundary, but Micula prinsii and Nephrolithus frequens were not, which implies that the K/T boundary interval is not complete in the study area. These dates are in agreement with previous micropaleontological studies.  相似文献   

Study of floral succession from the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary interval in Russian Far East (Zeya-Bureya depression), Northeastern Russia (Koryak Upland), and Northern Alaska (Sagavanirktok River basin) is crucial for better understanding palaeoclimatic and palaeogeographic factors, which controlled events in vegetation evolution at that time. The succession of fossil floras in the Zeya-Bureya depression includes plant assemblages of the Santonian, Campanian, early Danian, Danian, and Danian-Selandian age. The early Danian Boguchan Flora keeps continuity in composition and dominating taxa with the Campanian Late Kundur Flora. The Koryak Flora of the Amaam Lagoon area (Northeastern Russia) is dated as late Maastrichtian based on correlation of plant-bearing beds with marine biostratigraphy, whereas the Early and Late Sagwon floras of Northern Alaska are dated back to the Danian-Selandian and early Paleocene based on palynological and macrofloristic data. The Early Sagwon Flora is most close to the late Maastrichtian Koryak Flora of the Amaam Lagoon area in composition and main dominants, while the Late Sagwon Flora is comparable with the Danian or Danian-(?) Selandian flora from the Upper Tsagayan Subformation of the Amur area. In a florogenic aspect, trans-Beringian plant migrations from northeastern Asia and southern palaeolatitudes of the Far East, which became possible due to Paleocene climate warming in Arctic, have played an important role in forming of the Paleocene floras of Northern Alaska. Floras of the Far East and high latitudes of Asia and North America show no evidence of catastrophic event at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. Their development was most probably controlled by climate changes, plant evolution and migration.  相似文献   

 通过对地质样品中铱的赋存状态研究及对残渣相中微粒的透射电镜分析,得出:在K-T界线样品中铱主要存在于残渣相中,不利于地球化学过程富集铱;铱在残渣相的富集与有机不溶物的存在没有必然联系;白垩-第三纪的生物绝灭事件中有火山活动参与;K-T界线事件的触发物为地外物质撞击。最后提出了K-T界线样品异常铱来源于地外物质撞击和火山喷发的混合模型。  相似文献   

孔屏  柴之芳 《地质科学》1993,28(1):87-92
通过对地质样品中铱的赋存状态研究及对残渣相中微粒的透射电镜分析,得出:在K-T界线样品中铱主要存在于残渣相中,不利于地球化学过程富集铱;铱在残渣相的富集与有机不溶物的存在没有必然联系;白垩-第三纪的生物绝灭事件中有火山活动参与;K-T界线事件的触发物为地外物质撞击。最后提出了K-T界线样品异常铱来源于地外物质撞击和火山喷发的混合模型。  相似文献   

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