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利用1961-2015年江西省83个国家级气象观测站逐时降水资料,采用经验正交函数(EOF)和Morlet小波变换等方法,分析江西省短历时强降水时空分布特征,探讨当地短历时强降水与暴雨的关系。结果表明:(1)江西省短历时强降水极值与发生频次分布不匀,呈东多西少分布;全省短历时强降水发生频次变化一致,其中浙赣铁路沿线地区是其频次异常敏感区。(2)近55 a江西短历时强降水频次增加趋势明显,与江西区域性增暖呈正响应关系,该时段短历时强降水频次存在21 a和14 a左右年代际周期变化。(3)江西短历时强降水主要出现在4-9月,6月最多;其日变化4-7月呈双峰型,8-9月呈单峰型,强降水频次在16-17时最多。(4)江西短历时强降水与暴雨空间分布的高频中心相同,其相似系数达0.98;54.6%的短时强降水当日出现暴雨,尤其是凌晨至上午发生的短时强降水当日,暴雨概率高达69.2%~76.9%。


中国大陆降水日变化研究进展   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:28  
文章概述了中国大陆降水日变化的最新研究成果,给出了中国大陆降水日变化的整体图像,指出目前数值模式模拟降水日变化的局限性,为及时了解和掌握降水日变化研究进展、开展相关科学研究和进行降水预报服务提供了有价值的科学依据和参考。现有研究表明:(1)中国大陆夏季降水日变化的区域特征明显。在夏季,东南和东北地区的降水日峰值主要集中在下午;西南地区多在午夜达到降水峰值;长江中上游地区的降水多出现在清晨;中东部地区清晨、午后双峰并存;青藏高原大部分地区是下午和午夜峰值并存。(2)降水日变化存在季节差异和季节内演变。冷季降水日峰值时刻的区域差异较暖季明显减小,在冷季南方大部分地区都表现为清晨峰值;中东部地区暖季降水日变化随季风雨带的南北进退表现出清晰的季节内演变,季风活跃(间断)期的日降水峰值多发生在清晨(下午)。(3)持续性降水和局地短时降水的云结构特性以及降水日峰值出现时间存在显著差异。持续性降水以层状云特性为主,地表降水和降水廓线的峰值大多位于午夜后至清晨;短时降水以对流降水为主,峰值时间则多出现在下午至午夜前。(4)降水日变化涉及不同尺度的山-谷风、海-陆风和大气环流的综合影响,涉及复杂的云雨形成和演变过程,对流层低层环流日变化对降水日变化的区域差异亦有重要影响。(5)目前数值模式对中国降水日变化的模拟能力有限,且模拟结果具有很强的模式依赖性,仅仅提高模式水平分辨率并不能总是达到改善模拟结果的目的,关键是要减少存在于降水相关的物理过程参数化方案中的不确定性问题。  相似文献   

中国大陆日降水峰值时间位相的区域特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用高密度的中国国家级地面气象站逐时降水数据,系统分析和比较了中国大陆地区暖季降水量、降水频次和降水强度的日变化峰值位相的整体特征、空间分布差异及典型区域平均的日变化演变特征。研究指出,中国大陆暖季降水日变化峰值时间主要表现为下午、清晨、夜间3类典型位相,且整体而言降水频次的清晨峰值更凸出,降水强度以下午峰值为主。综合考虑降水量和降水频次的日变化峰值位相,发现中国大陆地区降水日变化峰值位相在空间分布上存在7个典型区域:下午峰值区(东北至华北山区、东南内陆地区)、夜间峰值区(四川盆地西部至云贵高原东部、华北平原西部贴近山地的区域)和清晨峰值区(华北平原东部、秦巴山区至华中西南部)各两个,以及傍晚至夜间峰值位相的青藏高原区。各典型区域内部具有较一致的降水量和频次的日峰值时间位相,而区域边缘或交界处降水量和频次的峰值位相则相反,主要是降水量的下午主峰值时段与降水频次的清晨主峰值时段的错位。从降水量、降水频次和降水强度的日变化的演变特征来看,午后峰值区、夜间峰值区和青藏高原的傍晚至夜间峰值区的多数台站,都存在降水量位相滞后于降水强度而超前于降水频次的特征,这应是降水演变过程中时间演变不对称性和对流云系发展演变的具体表现。  相似文献   

於琍  徐影  张永香 《暴雨灾害》2018,36(1):67-72

采用全国气象部门收集的县(区)域行政单元灾情普查资料,结合全国气象站点降水观测资料,分析了1984—2008年中国暴雨及其引发的洪涝灾害的时空演变特点及灾害损失情况,揭示了气候变化及人类活动双重作用下中国暴雨洪涝灾害变化趋势和演变特点,以及暴雨洪涝灾害影响的时空差异性。结果表明:近25 a来中国暴雨日数总体上稍有增加,暴雨强度和暴雨天数的空间分布均表现为南方高于北方,东部高于西部的特点,20世纪90年代中后期为中国暴雨高发期。研究时段内,中国暴雨洪涝灾害造成的直接经济损失呈增加趋势,但直接经济损失占当年GDP的比例则呈下降趋势,平均每年经济损失约为573亿元人民币,损失较高的地区主要集中在中国南方地区,县域年平均损失超过2 000万元的县约占15%,其中有34个县超过亿元。受灾人口呈增加趋势,但因灾死亡人口呈下降趋势;暴雨洪涝灾害对农作物受灾面积和绝收面积的影响均呈微弱上升趋势,年平均作物受灾面积近9.00×106 hm2,作物绝收面积为1.27×106 hm2



利用1981-2016年京津冀地区174个国家站逐日降水资料,采用百分位方法和线性倾向估计方法对京津冀地区极端降水的时空分布特征及演变趋势进行了分析。结果表明:(1)对于京津冀地区极端降水空间分布,不同百分位降水阈值表现为一致的分布特征,年平均极端降水量、平均极端降水强度与百分位极端降水阈值分布大体一致,而年平均极端降水日数的分布则与其相反。(2)年平均极端降水量在103.6~259.1 mm之间,年平均极端降水日数在3.0~4.0 d之间,平均极端降水强度在大雨到暴雨之间,极端降水量对总降水量贡献达28%以上。(3)极端降水总站次和极端降水日数年变化趋势一致,7月、8月和10月是极端降水较活跃月份。(4)在36 a期间,年平均极端降水量、年平均极端降水日数、平均极端降水强度以及极端降水量对总降水量贡献的变化趋势分布情况基本一致,呈减少趋势的站点均相对较多,年平均极端降水量增减幅度较大,年平均极端降水日数变化在1 d·(10 a)-1以内,平均极端降水强度和极端降水量对总降水量贡献减少趋势相对明显。


黔西南短时强降水时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用黔西南州2006—2016年8县站全年逐小时降水量,对短时强降水特征及其与暴雨的关系进行分析,得出:(1)87%的短时强降水集中在20~40 mm/h,空间基本特征为"东多西少";94%的短时强降水出现在5—8月,3个级别的短时强降水都是在6月到达峰值;20~40 mm/h的短时强降水频次明显大于其它级别,60 mm/h的短时强降水只在夏季出现过;短时强降水主要出现在夜间,占总频次的70%,白天为低发时段,其中46%的短时强降水出现在前半夜,后半夜占25%,上午出现的频次最少,且3个级别的短时强降水都是在前半夜出现的频次最多。(2)黔西南州68%的暴雨天气中伴有短时强降水,二者的相关系数为0.94;所有短时强降水累计频次、暴雨日数与暴雨过程中出现的短时强降水的累积频次三者的空间分布基本特征均为"东多西少";暴雨量与当日最大小时降水量为显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料、地面自动站降水资料、FY-2E云顶亮温资料及NCEP 1°×1°逐6 h再分析资料,对2012年8月16日20时—18日08时副高边缘复杂地形暖区强降水过程的环流背景、环境条件、中尺度特征及其触发机制进行分析。结果表明:暖区强降水发生在四川盆地与青藏高原东坡的过渡带上,呈狭长带状,小时降水中心与MCS云团TBB梯度大值区对应较好。在南海台风西行及副高位置稳定的环流背景下,稳定的副高和近地层热低压阻止了西风带低值系统和地面冷空气影响龙门山地区,使大气高能高湿状态得以维持。同时冷、暖平流在龙门山上空交汇,使得大气层结不稳定性增强。龙门山对台风"启德"东北侧东南气流的强迫抬升最终触发暖区强降水。  相似文献   

Trends in monthly heavy precipitation, defined by a return period of one year, are assessed for statistical significance in observations and Global Climate Model (GCM) simulations over the contiguous United States using Monte Carlo non-parametric and parametric bootstrapping techniques. The results from the two Monte Carlo approaches are found to be similar to each other, and also to the traditional non-parametric Kendall’s τ test, implying the robustness of the approach. Two different observational data-sets are employed to test for trends in monthly heavy precipitation and are found to exhibit consistent results. Both data-sets demonstrate upward trends, one of which is found to be statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Upward trends similar to observations are observed in some climate model simulations of the twentieth century, but their statistical significance is marginal. For projections of the twenty-first century, a statistically significant upwards trend is observed in most of the climate models analyzed. The change in the simulated precipitation variance appears to be more important in the twenty-first century projections than changes in the mean precipitation. Stochastic fluctuations of the climate-system are found to be dominate monthly heavy precipitation as some GCM simulations show a downwards trend even in the twenty-first century projections when the greenhouse gas forcings are strong.  相似文献   

Changing characteristics of precipitation for the contiguous United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shuang-Ye Wu 《Climatic change》2015,132(4):677-692

This study compares the synoptic-dynamic relationship between two phases of the Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern and winter precipitation isotopes at 73 sites across the contiguous USA. We use the spatial pattern of isotope slope—the rate of changes in precipitation isotope ratios with distance—to identify features in the seasonal precipitation isotope fields related to climatic patterns, PNA positive and PNA negative. Our results show relationships between zones of high isotope slopes and the spatial position of the polar jet stream and juxtaposition of air masses associated with the PNA pattern. During a positive PNA winter, zones of high isotope slope in the eastern USA shift southward. This change is coincident with a southward displacement of the polar jet stream in this region, which leads to a greater frequency of polar air masses and 18O-depleted isotope values of precipitation in the region. In the western USA, zones of high slope shift eastward during the positive PNA winter, associated with more frequent penetration of tropical air masses that bring 18O-enriched precipitation to the region. Differences in δ18O/temperature relationships between the PNA-positive and -negative winters and contrasting δ18O/temperature behaviors in the eastern and western USA provide support for the role of variation in moisture source and transport as a control on the isotopic patterns. These findings highlight the importance of synoptic climate driven by PNA pattern in determining the spatial patterns of precipitation isotopes and provide constraints on paleo-water isotope interpretation and modern isotope hydrological processes.  相似文献   

一次强降水超级单体风暴过程分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
概述了2006年6月16日影响大连机场的一次由强降水超级单体导致的“黑昼”天气的天气背景,应用卫星云图分析了雷暴云团的演变过程;利用大连市气象局新一代天气雷达资料,分析了强降水超级单体的雷达回波特征。结果表明:“黑昼”现象出现的主要原因是高空受东北冷涡控制,东北冷涡底部干冷空气与暖湿东南气流汇合,在大连地区上空形成了强降水超级单体。新一代天气雷达图像上强度图的演变与强降水超级单体模式相吻合;剖面图上显示出强降水超级单体的明显结构;存在着中气旋和中等到强的垂直风切变;分析了此次过程中出现冰雹的相关因子。  相似文献   

武威  顾佳佳 《气象科学》2021,41(1):108-118
利用常规观测资料、ECMWF ERA-Interim 0.125°×0.125°分析资料、FY-2G 卫星云图和多普勒天气雷达资料等,对2017年8 月18-19 日漯河极端降水的中尺度特征及降水成因进行分析.结果表明:(1)本次过程在200 hPa 高空分流区、500 hPa 高空槽以及副热带高压、低层急流切变、地面...  相似文献   

Global precipitation data sets with high spatial and temporal resolution are needed for many applications, but they were unavailable before the recent creation of several such satellite products. Here, we evaluate four different satellite data sets of hourly or 3-hourly precipitation (namely CMORPH, PERSIANN, TRMM 3B42 and a microwave-only product referred to as MI) by comparing the spatial patterns in seasonal mean precipitation amount, daily precipitation frequency and intensity, and the diurnal and semidiurnal cycles among them and with surface synoptic weather reports. We found that these high-resolution products show spatial patterns in seasonal mean precipitation amount comparable to other monthly products for the low- and mid-latitudes, and the mean daily precipitation frequency and intensity maps are similar among these pure satellite-based precipitation data sets and consistent with the frequency derived using weather reports over land. The satellite data show that spatial variations in mean precipitation amount come largely from precipitation frequency rather than intensity, and that the use of satellite infrared (IR) observations to improve sampling does not change the mean frequency, intensity and the diurnal cycle significantly. Consistent with previous studies, the satellite data show that sub-daily variations in precipitation are dominated by the 24-h cycle, which has an afternoon–evening maximum and mean-to-peak amplitude of 30–100% of the daily mean in precipitation amount over most land areas during summer. Over most oceans, the 24-h harmonic has a peak from midnight to early morning with an amplitude of 10–30% during both winter and summer. These diurnal results are broadly consistent with those based on the weather reports, although the time of maximum in the satellite precipitation is a few hours later (especially for TRMM and PERSIANN) than that in the surface observations over most land and ocean, and it is closer to the phase of showery precipitation from the weather reports. The TRMM and PERSIANN precipitation shows a spatially coherent time of maximum around 0300–0600 local solar time (LST) for a weak (amplitude <20%) semi-diurnal (12-h) cycle over most mid- to high-latitudes, comparable to 0400–0600 LST in the surface data. The satellite data also confirm the notion that the diurnal cycle of precipitation amount comes mostly from its frequency rather than its intensity over most low and mid-latitudes, with the intensity has only about half of the strength of the diurnal cycle in the frequency and amount. The results suggest that these relatively new precipitation products can be useful for many applications.  相似文献   

青藏高原大地形和四川盆地西侧的陡峭地形过渡带,夏季暴雨频发,易带来泥石流等次生地质灾害。本文选定该地区2010年8月的一次暴雨过程,研究了伴随对流尺度降水的强对流的激发和传播。具体借助于垂直动量方程,并将扰动气压分离为动力和浮力分量,通过动力扰动气压梯度、浮力扰动气压梯度、以及浮力等几种强迫作用的不平衡,探索对流激发和传播的主导因子。经分析发现,在本次暴雨过程中,较之动力过程,热力作用对对流的激发和传播发挥着更为重要的作用,垂直运动及倾向指向未来雨区  相似文献   

Summary An attempt has been made to simulate the unprecedented heavy precipitation of 94.4 cm in a day over Santacruz, Mumbai during 0300 UTC 26 July to 0300 UTC 27 July 2005. Three experiments have been conducted using Advanced Regional Prediction System model developed by Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms of Oklahoma University, USA. In first experiment the model input at large domain size has been obtained using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data at 2.5° × 2.5° lat.–lon. resolution. In other two experiments model input at large as well as at small domain sizes, have been obtained from NCEP/NCAR FNL data of 1° × 1° lat.–lon. resolution. In all three experiments model’s horizontal resolution is 40 km and integration period is 30 hours from 0000 UTC 26 July 2005. Based on the temporal distribution of observed rainfall rates it is considered that the rainfall of 38.1 cm during 0900–1200 UTC on 26 July could be due to cloud burst phenomenon and 56.3 cm from 1200 UTC of 26 July to 0300 UTC of 27 July has been due to continuous regeneration of thunderstorm activity under influence of mesoscale cloud complex. It is found that model forecast of rainfall in first experiment was qualitatively as well as quantitatively very poor. Among other two, experiment with large domain size has predicted better rainfall values and location compared to the experiment with small domain size. The larger domain has produced rainfall of 41 cm as against observed rain rate of 56.3 cm. during 1200 UTC of 26 July to 0300 UTC of 27 July. Divergence, vorticity, vertical velocity and moisture parameters are examined in relation with the various stages of the event. The maximum values of convergence, vorticity and moisture fluxes precede the initial phase of mature stage, however vertical velocity follows the later phase of mature stage. Vorticity budget over the location of maximum rainfall, revealed the significant role of tilting term in maintenance and dissipation of the cloud complex responsible for the event. The model has simulated mixing ratios of ice, snow and hail up to height of 15 km which matches with the observations that clouds reaching up to 15 km were present at the time of event of heavy precipitation.  相似文献   

Based on daily precipitation data from 524 meteorological stations in China during the period 1960–2009, the climatology and the temporal changes (trends, interannual, and decadal variations) in the proportion of seasonal precipitation to the total annual precipitation were analyzed on both national and regional scales. Results indicated that (1) for the whole country, the climatology in the seasonal distribution of precipitation showed that the proportion accounted for 55 % in summer (June–August), for around 20 % in both spring (March–May) and autumn (September–November), and around 5 % in winter (December–February). But the spatial features were region-dependent. The primary precipitation regime, “summer–autumn–spring–winter”, was located in central and eastern regions which were north of the Huaihe River, in eastern Tibet, and in western Southwest China. The secondary regime, “summer–spring–autumn–winter”, appeared in the regions south of the Huaihe River, except Jiangnan where spring precipitation dominated, and the southeastern Hainan Island where autumn precipitation prevailed. (2) For the temporal changes on the national scale, first, where the trends were concerned, the proportion of winter precipitation showed a significantly increasing trend, while that of the other three seasons did not show any significant trends. Second, for the interannual variation, the variability in summer was the largest among the four seasons and that in winter was the smallest. Then, on the decadal scale, China experienced a sharp decrease only in the proportion of summer precipitation in 2000. (3) For the temporal changes on the regional scale, all the concerned 11 geographic regions of China underwent increasing trends in the proportion of winter precipitation. For spring, it decreased over the regions south of the Yellow River but increased elsewhere. The trend in the proportion of summer precipitation was generally opposite to that of spring. For autumn, it decreased over the other ten regions except Inner Mongolia with no trend. It is noted that the interannual variability of precipitation seasonality is large over North China, Huanghuai, and Jianghuai; its decadal variability is large over the other regions, especially over those regions south of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

The Yiluo River is the largest tributary of the middle and lower Yellow River below the Sanmenxia Dam. Hydro-climatic variables have changed in the Yiluo River during the last half century. In this study, the trends in the annual precipitation and streamflow were analyzed in the Yiluo River during 1960–2006. The results indicated that both the annual precipitation and streamflow decreased significantly (P?<?0.05) from 1960 to 2006. Pettitt’s test shows that there was a change point for annual streamflow series around the year 1986 (P?<?0.05), while there was no change point identified for the annual precipitation series from 1960 to 2006. Annual streamflow decreased more significantly than annual precipitation since 1986. The relationship between the annual precipitation and streamflow presented a non-stationary state since 1986. This non-stationary relationship was mainly influenced by human activities. The average annual amount of water diversion from the Yiluo River increased significantly since the mid-1980s, accounting for 31.3 % of the total streamflow decrease from 1986 to 2006. In addition, land use/cover change (LUCC) contributed to 27.1–29.8 % of the decrease in streamflow. Human activities, including water diversion and LUCC, together contributed to 58.4–61.1 % of the decrease in streamflow and led to the non-stationary relationship between the annual precipitation and streamflow from 1986 to 2006. This study detected the changes in the precipitation–streamflow relationship and investigated the possible causes in the Yiluo River, which will be helpful for the understanding of the changes in streamflow in the Yellow River Basin.  相似文献   

In this study, linkage between changing characteristics of precipitation extremes and cloud covers over Central India is explored during summer monsoon period using Satellite data (1998–2015). This is a first attempt to relate the changes in cloud cover to the changes in precipitation extremes. Non-rainy cirrus clouds are excluded from this study. Results show that heavy rainfall (≥ 60 mm/day) is associated with cold cloud tops (Tb≤220 K) while moderate rainfall (<60 mm/day and ≥20 mm) occurs mostly with middle clouds (Tb>220 K and ≤245 K). Low level clouds (Tb> 245 K) are responsible for light rainfall (<20 mm/day). Increases in top 20%, 10%, 5% and 1% heavy precipitation relate well with the increases in very deep convective, deep convective and convective cloud cover. Among these relations, increase in top 5% heavy precipitation relates best with increase in very deep convective cloud cover. Decrease in bottom 30% low precipitation relates with decrease in low level cloud cover. The results reported in this study fit into the framework of how weather extremes respond to climate change.  相似文献   

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