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Heuweltjies are large circular earth mounds created by termites and are important features of the landscape in the Succulent Karoo biome in South Africa. This study demonstrates that heuweltjies and livestock grazing act together to shape vegetation patterns in the region. Using a multifactorial approach, we investigated the combined effects of heuweltjie-induced habitat conditions, grazing pressure and physical disturbance by livestock and native animals as well as the interactions among two distinct plant functional groups, on the composition and cover of vascular plant vegetation. Heuweltjie soils had significantly higher pH-values, finer texture, and higher concentrations of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus than those of the surroundings. Neither perennial nor ephemeral cover was different on- and off-mounds. However, species richness, cover of highly palatable plants and livestock grazing pressure were significantly higher between mounds. Grazing pressure generally resulted in a loss of perennial species and a shift to more ephemeral species, probably through the competitive release of annuals and geophytes from perennial plants. We propose that the apparent contradiction between superior nutrient conditions and inferior plant food quality on heuweltjies is caused by a combination of otherwise unfavourable soil properties and historic overgrazing of heuweltjies resulting in local degradation of the vegetation.  相似文献   

The Richtersveld is situated in an arid environment and its inhabitants are confronted with various hazards. Based on data collected during 22 months of ethnographic fieldwork, the livelihood strategies of Richtersvelders are explored. Besides a thorough examination of the diversified economy, the internal institutional arrangements for pooling and redistributing resources within households are analysed in this paper. Encouraging household members to engage in different activities and to share their income—as well as skills to manage the household budget properly—are integral to diversification and reducing the vulnerability of households. This study has shown that even in a community marked by considerable dependence on wage labour, almost three-quarters of the households are directly involved in stock farming. Although pastoralism still plays an important role for households, it has shifted from being the core economic activity to being an insurance against unemployment and contributing to subsistence. Stock farming serves to build up resilience through the diversification of economic activities inside the household. In the South African context, the relevance of activities dependent on land has implications not only for rural development, but also for post-apartheid land and agrarian reform.  相似文献   

E. Nel  T. Hill   《Journal of Arid Environments》2008,72(12):2264-2274
Semi-arid areas are often considered to be environmentally and economically marginal, a situation which has been exacerbated by economic change, shifts in agricultural production and land use, and changing state policy. These themes are explored with reference to a semi-arid landscape, namely the Karoo, which covers some 40% of the geographic space of South Africa and is used primarily for extensive livestock farming. Despite long-term decline in agricultural output, the traditional mainstay of the region, and weakening small town economies, the Karoo's population and the economies of its largest service centres are growing. There are, real socio-economic needs and development backlogs, and the situation has been exacerbated by recent political marginalisation. In this study, the small towns of the region are focal points of investigation and provide a lens to investigate the changing demographic and economic dynamics of the Karoo. Most of the region's population lives in these centres which are service, collection, and distribution points for what traditionally has been an agriculture-based regional economy. This paper explores the concept of marginalisation with specific reference to historical, economic, and demographic change.  相似文献   

This study explored the impacts of sustained heavy grazing in six vegetation types across an altitudinal and rainfall gradient in the Kamiesberg mountain range in Namaqualand. The study was carried out across the fence separating the Leliefontein communal area and surrounding privately owned farms. The communal area has been stocked over decades at approximately twice the government recommended stocking rate, while adjacent privately owned farms have generally adhered to recommended rates. Plant community data were collected from 66, 0.1 ha modified Whittaker plots and analysed for diversity and compositional changes. Consideration of community-wide responses through NMDS ordination showed that heavy grazing did not result in the dominance of a few wide-spread, weedy species in communal areas. Species richness at the 0.1 ha scale was also not affected by different land use practices. However, there was a significant compositional shift away from large woody and succulent shrubs, and an associated increase in dwarf shrubs and herbaceous perennial plants on the communal areas. This shift was only evident on the sandy lowland habitats, while a reduction in perennial grass was recorded in the rocky upland habitats on the communal areas. Compositional shifts towards smaller and more ephemeral species in the communal area are indicative of a system more closely dependent on rainfall. This has implications for people's livelihoods in the region, particularly in light of predicted climate change.  相似文献   

The ability of small canids to consume a variety of resources in an opportunistic manner has been cited as a reason for their wide distribution across many habitats. Black-backed jackals Canis mesomelas have varied diets that reflect changes in food availability as a result of seasonal fluctuations in resources. Seasonal fluctuations can include variations in food type availability, as well as variations in the phenology of food resources (i.e. ungulate birth peaks). Additionally, the presence of apex predators can affect opportunistic predator diets through the provision of carrion. We investigated the diet of black-backed jackals on a reserve in the semi-arid Karoo, South Africa. Ungulates (>5 kg) were the dominant prey item across all seasons, reflecting either active predation or scavenging. Most seasonal comparisons in percent occurrence of prey groups revealed significant seasonal fluctuations in black-backed jackal diet. However, in terms of biomass consumed, the diet remained stable, dominated by small ungulates across all seasons with no clear seasonal change in ungulate composition. These results suggest that in this study black-backed jackals, although being opportunistic in terms of diet composition, had a seasonally stable food resource, most likely facilitated by the presence of cheetahs Acinonyx jubatus providing scavenging opportunities.  相似文献   

Springtime mass displays of wild flowers are especially prominent on old fields and other disturbed sites in Namaqualand, an arid region in the north–western part of South Africa. This springtime floral spectacle draws thousands of tourists annually. However, there is a potential conflict between biodiversity conservation and the mass flowering that is a valuable source of income to the region. To develop a management plan for the old field vegetation in the Namaqua National Park, the questions of whether to disturb or not, how often to disturb and what type of disturbance should be applied are of vital importance. The aim of this paper is to report on experimental work to determine the impact of disturbance on mass flowering displays and biodiversity. Results show that although species diversity increased with time since last cultivation, the mass effect of the flowering display diminished. The loss of the mass effect appears to be primarily caused by the increased abundance of a short–lived perennial species ( Leysera gnaphalodes ) that suppressed the flowering display of the prominent annual species. To maintain mass displays as a tourist attraction, regular disturbance by tilling therefore seems essential. Initially, a four–year rotational tilling programme is proposed to produce a mosaic of fields of different ages to ensure that there will always be some old fields producing a spectacular and uncluttered display. Frequency of disturbance should thereafter be determined by an adaptive management policy. If the management of the old field vegetation is seen in the context of conserving total landscape ecodiversity, this includes conserving cultural bio–landscapes and their intrinsic values. Viewed in this context, human–induced disturbance in the small area set aside for mass displays in the Namaqua National Park (less than 0.05% of the park) becomes justified.  相似文献   

The Permian Ecca Group of the Karoo Basin, South Africa preserves an extensive well-exposed siliciclastic basin floor, slope and shelf-edge delta succession. The Kookfontein Formation includes multiple sedimentary cycles that display clinoform geometries and are interpreted to represent the deposits of a slope to shelf succession. The succession exhibits progradational followed by aggradational stacking of deltaic cycles that is related to a change in shelf-edge trajectory, and lies within two depositional sequences. Sediment was transferred to the slope via overextension of deltas onto and over the shelf edge, resulting in failure and re-adjustment of local slope gradients. The depositional facies and architecture of the Kookfontein Formation record the change from a bypass- to accretion-dominated margin, which is interpreted to reflect a decrease in sediment transport efficiency as the slope gradient decreased, slope length increased and shelf-edge trajectory rose. During this time the delivery system changed from point-sourced basin-floor fans fed by slope channels to starved basin-floor with sand-rich slope clinoforms. This is an example of a progradational margin in which the younger slope system is interpreted to be of a different style to the older slope system that fed the underlying sand-rich basin floor fans.  相似文献   

The population status of an endemic cactus (Mammillaria gaumeri) was assessed in coastal Yucatán, México. Similar numbers of mature plants were found in open and full sun microhabitats. Plants in full sun had more ramets and were of larger diameter. There was a correlation between M. gaumeri abundance and the biomass of a disturbance indicator, Myrmecophila tibicinis (Orchidacea). Higher seedling survival in shade microhabitats and aggregated distribution of adults suggests that shrubs serve as nurse plants. Initial mortality rates of seedlings were many times higher in full sun microhabitats than in shade conditions. Herbivory had no effect on seedling survival.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to reassess the land degradation and desertification problem in South Africa. The country has a wide range of interrelated environmental and development challenges existing in a socio–political context recently subject to substantial change. The paper outlines the fundamental environmental constraints and opportunities that underlie degradation phenomena and illustrates the nature, extent and geographical distribution of the major forms of soil and vegetation degradation in the country. The principal causes of degradation are identified and some important land use and land tenure questions that need to be addressed in the near future are posited.  相似文献   

Annual above-ground net primary production (ANPP), evapotranspiration (ET) and water use efficiency (WUE) of rangeland have the potential to provide an objective basis for establishing pricing for ecosystem services. To provide estimates of ANPP, we surveyed the biomass, estimated ET and prepared a water use efficiency for dwarf shrublands and arid savanna in the Riemvasmaak Rural Area, Northern Cape, South Africa. The annual production fraction was surveyed in 33 MODIS 1 km2 pixels and the results regressed against the MODIS fPAR product. This regression model was used to predict the standing green biomass (kg DM ha−1) for 2009 (dry year). Using an approach which combines potential evapotranspiration (ET0) and the MODIS fPAR product, we estimated actual evapotranspiration (ETa). These two models (greening standing biomass and ETa) were used to calculate the annual WUE for 2009. WUE was 1.6 kg DM mm−1 ha−1 yr−1. This value may be used to provide an estimate of ANPP in the absence of direct measurements of biomass and to provide a comparison of the water use efficiency of this rangeland with other rangeland types.  相似文献   

Local Economic Development is (LED) an activity of increasing importance in the developing world as globalisation produces new roles for local governments. As compared to a growing number of urban initiatives for LED, rural LED initiatives are relatively undeveloped. In this paper, the focus is upon South Africa, where the post‐apartheid government has sought to encourage both urban and rural LED initiatives. Programmes of land reform and restitution in South Africa result in the resettlement or return to the land of communities formerly dispossessed under apartheid. A critical element of planning for successful resettlement is the implementation of LED programmes. Schmidtsdrift in Northern Cape is examined as an example of participatory LED in a developing rural context. Rural LED in South Africa is distinguished by its focus upon poverty alleviation in the context of addressing the legacies of apartheid.  相似文献   

通过对甘肃省金昌市(镍矿城市)建成区的土壤重金属调查研究,揭示了其重金属来源、污染现状及其环境风险。结果表明:当地主要矿产品Ni和Cu两种重金属的土壤污染最严重,与《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-1995)的III级标准比较,样品Ni和Cu的超标率分别为70%和57%,污染面积分别为26 km2和24 km2;土壤As和Cd污染主要集中在矿冶区和尾砂库附近,居民区土壤污染程度低;土壤Cr污染出现在尾砂库和采矿区附近,污染面积为3 km2。在城区土壤中,Co、Cu、Cd、Pb与Zn的污染来源及空间分布具有相似特征,而土壤As污染与Ni污染特征相近。Nemero综合指数评价结果表明,高风险区域主要分布在东部矿冶区、北部尾砂库和西南角采矿区,城市居民区的土壤重金属污染水平较低。  相似文献   

Quantifying the variability and allocation patterns of aboveground carbon stocks across plantation forests is central in deriving accurate and reliable knowledge and understanding of the extent to which these species contribute to the global carbon cycle and towards minimizing climate change effects. The principal objective of this study was to quantify the variability and allocation patterns of aboveground carbon stocks across Pinus and Eucalyptus plantation forests, tree-structural attributes (i.e. stems, barks, branches and leaves) and age groups, using models developed based on remotely sensed data. The results of this study demonstrate that aboveground carbon stocks significantly (α = 0.05) vary across different plantation forest species types, structural attributes and age. Pinus taeda and Eucalyptus grandis species contained aboveground carbon stocks above 110 t C ha−1, and Eucalyptus dunii had 20 t C ha−1. Across plantation forest tree structural attributes, stems contained the highest aboveground carbon stocks, when compared to barks, branches and leaves. Aboveground carbon stock estimates also varied significantly (α = 0.05) with stand age. Mature plantation forest species (i.e. between 7 and 20 years) contained the highest aboveground carbon stock estimates of approximately 120 t C ha−1, when compared to younger species (i.e. between 3 and 6 years), which had approximately 20 t C ha−1. The map of aboveground carbon stocks showed distinct spatial patterns across the entire study area. The findings of this study are important for understanding the contribution of different plantation forest species, structural attributes and age in the global carbon cycle and possible climate change moderation measures. Also, this study demonstrates that data on vital tree structural attributes, previously difficult to obtain, can now be easily derived from cheap and readily-available satellite data for inventorying carbon stocks variability.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the spatial impact of land reform and the redrawing of internal boundaries on South Africa's former bantustans. It argues that, in contrast to the democratic government's intention to use land reform and boundary demarcation to effectively change the spatial legacy of apartheid, these processes tend to cement the geography of the former bantustans. Though earlier research correctly projected that post-apartheid policies could result in the enlargement of the areas of the former bantustans, the ways in which this could happen were still unclear. This paper draws on experiences of land reform and boundary demarcation to demonstrate how and why the areas of the former bantustans have been enlarged over the 12 years of democracy in South Africa.  相似文献   

The reserves and homelands across South Africa share a common history of policy interventions resulting in sedentarization, villagization and formalization of communal land use. In Namaqualand, such interventions culminated in the 1980s with attempts by the state and local vested interests to privatize the commons in the three largest Namaqualand reserves, including Leliefontein. This proposed privatization, although ostensibly aimed at averting land degradation and modernizing agricultural production, was as much about the apartheid state's broader strategy of co-option, and served to further long standing processes of class formation in the coloured communal areas of Namaqualand. In the post-apartheid period land reform has expanded the communal land-base in Namaqualand by over 25%. In spite of this, the management of the new commons in Leliefontein has many of the characteristics of land management policies imposed during apartheid. As a result, the new commons have effectively been arrogated by the same category of people who would have benefited under past privatization initiatives.This paper examines how the interests of a local elite have gained exclusive access to the new commonage farms. This has come about despite the government's commonage policy which privileges access by poorer, disadvantaged communal farmers. This case study uncovers the dynamic complexity of community driven land reform especially in relation to the roles of rural elites and their relationship to government institutions.  相似文献   

Urban geographers increasingly incorporate the potential of so‐called informal livelihood activities to provide resources that can be creatively managed in the transformation of urban space, particularly to the benefit of less well off and marginalized residents. This paper reports a case study in Rustenburg, North West Province, South Africa, where city managers began to promote inclusive development in the early 1990s, just prior to the formal dismantling of the apartheid system. The findings reveal that Rustenburg's urban transformation process, over a decade later, continued to reproduce repressive practices that limit the informal livelihood activities of the urban majority. Apparently efforts of well‐meaning city managers to implement a sustainable and inclusive development process are often rendered futile at the point of actually defining the constituents of urban socioeconomic transformation.  相似文献   

The distribution of Sarcocornia pillansii (Moss) A.J. Scott was determined by water-table depth and electrical conductivity (EC) of the groundwater. Where the groundwater was accessible (<1.5 m) and had a low EC (<80 mS cm−1), S. pillansii extended its roots down to the water-table where a suitable water potential gradient was shown to exist between the soil and roots. In areas where the groundwater was too deep and/or hypersaline, the plants grew on hummocks. The unconfined aquifer below the floodplain is linked to the estuary and although diurnal tidal waves were dampened, water-table level fluctuations were recorded between tidal events. The complex geomorphology of the floodplain influences groundwater flow, in turn affecting the distribution of the salt marsh vegetation.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underpinning local host specificity in mistletoes remain elusive. We determined the degree of host specificity in the mistletoe Viscum rotundifolium at Pniel Estates, near Kimberley, South Africa. We found that V. rotundifolium parasitises only Ehretia rigida and Ziziphus mucronata at this site. Both commonly parasitised host species were not the most abundant trees, were not the tallest trees, and did not have the highest water or nutrient content of trees in the area, although these factors are good predictors for mistletoe parasitism. Mistletoe seeds deposited on branches of E. rigida and Z. mucronata have a greater chance of attachment and subsequent survival, compared with those seeds deposited on co-occurring Acacia and other potential host species. The mistletoes had higher water potential than their host trees and by doing so they can passively maintain the flow of nutrients. In addition, the mistletoes had a N:Ca ratio >1, indicating active uptake from host phloem. Thus, this mistletoe species uses both passive and active uptake, which may be a selective advantage in a nutrient-poor environment or on a nutrient-deficient host species.  相似文献   

This study attempts to quantify the amount of fine-grained (ca. < 150 μm) sediment stored on the floodplains and on the channel bed of the non-tidal sections of the main channels in the catchment of the River Ouse (3315 km2) and of one of its tributaries, the River Waarfe (818 km2), in Yorkshire, UK. Caesium-137 analyses of floodplain sediment cores were used to quantify the amount of Iloodplain deposition as a result of overbank flooding during the last ca. 40 years. A combination of bulk and sectioned cores were collected along transects perpendicular to the channel at 26 sites throughout the study basins. In general, rates of overbank sedimentation decrease with distance from the channel. The average values for individual transects range between 0.010 and 0.554 g cm−2 year−1. Floodplain storage along the main channels of the Ouse and Wharfe basins accounts for 60645 and 10325 t year−1, respectively, and represents a net loss from the system. The amount of fine-grained sediment stored on the channel bed was estimated by a survey undertaken in August 1996, during which the fine material deposited on the bed was resuspended and its mass estimated at 16 locations. The average values for the individual locations range between 0.017 and 0.924 g cm−2 and tend to increase downstream. The total channel bed storage at the time of sampling in 1996 was estimated to be 16076 and 1866 t for the Ouse and Wharfe basins, respectively. It is assumed that channel bed storage is seasonal and that no net loss to the system occurs at the annual timescale. Floodplain storage for the Ouse and Wharfe basins represents 39 and 49%, and channel bed storage equals 10 and 9%, respectively, of the annual suspended sediment load (1995–1996) delivered to the channel system. These results have important implications for the routing of fine-grained sediment and sediment-associated contaminants in drainage basins, and for the interpretation of downstream sediment yields in terms of upstream sediment mobilisation.  相似文献   

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